DAMJAN JAGODIČ ASTROLOŠKO BRANJE BIRTH CHART READING 31 August 1997 - 11:49 ☾ CHART READING ☽ Ascendant in Scorpio Scorpio Ascendant people have a lot of presence. There is something about them that tells the world that they are not to be pushed around. Their manner commands respect, and in some cases, fear. Scorpio rising people can be quiet or loud, but they always seem powerful and determined. Scorpio rising people value their privacy so much, it can border on paranoia. They have a strong need to control their environment and are experts at strategy. Rarely people who will blow their chances with impatience, they plan out their moves carefully and deliberately, relying on their awesome ability to feel out others and situations. Scorpio rising natives are drawn to down-to-earth, natural partners. Reliability in their partner is very important. They generally look for complete commitment and have little patience with flighty partners. The Ascendant (or rising sign) is often considered the mask one wears when meeting others. Perhaps it is most aptly thought of as the automatic responses to one’s environment. The Ascendant shows our natural defenses and how we cope with day-to-day issues. The energies of the sign and condition of the Ascendant are most overt and obvious to others. The Ascendant shows an individual’s first, natural reaction to new people and situations. The ruler of the Ascendant - Pluto These people have a tendency to rebel, to express themselves in a secretive manner, or to have secret goals. They have a distinct sense of justice and the ability to create and explore things in their hidden deep essence. Pluto is about power and control – it can indicate powerlessness or manipulation, power and control over others. Planet of transformation, death and rebirth Pluto is a purging energy. Those with a strong Plutonian influence might find it easy to reinvent themselves, over and over. They might also work in industries connected with waste, disposal or oil. ☾ CHART READING ☽ 10th house - Medium Coeli (MC) MC also known as Midheaven is an important piece of your cosmic personal brand. Beyond indicating how people see you in a one-on-one way, like your your rising sign does, it also provides clues about your natural gifts and how you can contribute to the wider world. To learn your own midheaven astrology sign, look at your natal chart to find a vertical line at the top with a little "MC" above it. This stands for medium coeli, Latin for "middle of the sky," and it marks the zodiac sign that was directly overhead (or midheaven) at the exact moment you were born. Midheaven in Leo People who have the Midheaven in Leo have a dignified and royal-like attitude that inspires great respect in others. They are mostly laid back and relaxed, but solely their presence speaks about the authority. Leo Midheaven individuals are typically self-oriented; one might easily say they are egocentric. They are positive and focused on their goals, although tend to be royal-like lazy at times. They sometimes believe everything should just come to them, because they are born to be someone important. However, they are persistent in their goals; they are brave, openhearted and very courageous. They are indeed very ambitious and competitive. Midheaven Leos care and care not about others’ opinions, at the same time. They are very proud of themselves and self-confident, so they do not get offended or hurt easily. 10th house in Leo People born with Leo in the 10th house are determined, passionate, and ambitious. They dream about a stable career that fills them with joy besides paying the bills. These natives have stellar leadership skills and are not afraid of taking the dominant role. They are firm, well-spoken, and diligent. But these individuals also have big egos and want others to respect and praise them. They are vigorous about building a reputation in the professional world and becoming influential. Karmically, Leo must realize that it must contribute to life itself. It cannot always be on the receiving end. The tenth house is where we contribute to life, and here is the leadership, here is the humility and the creative aspects of life itself, and through making a contribution, Leo can then, by reaction to the fourth house, help others raise their consciousness to find their direction in life. The Leo must be extremely careful not to dominate. Here again is the humility, the willingness not to dominate, to accept orders as well as to give orders. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Sun in Virgo (Discerning, modest, detail-oriented) Since Virgo is one of the Earth elements signs, it means its energy is closely related to material and practical manifestation. Mutable quality allows for adaptation and some flexibility, although Virgos are known to be extremely tidy, meticulous and obsessed with perfectionism. Physical body, health, appearance and strength matter a lot. Profession and organization are also of the highest importance. Virgos are guided by their principles and high standards. They are extremely focused on details and they would not let the job unfinished or, better to say, unperfected. Those with the Sun in Virgo are systematical and analytical. They enjoy comparing things and they are both criticizing and self-critical. They are highly rational and they rarely surrender to dreams and fantasies. On the outside, they are very reserved and cold. Virgos appear distant, because they are focused inwards and on details. They are in search for perfection in general. Virgos are not very open to the world; they keep their carefully nurtured façade intact for long. Sun in the 10th house People with the Sun in the tenth house like to work hard for their goals, success and feeling of accomplishment because power is in their blood. These people should deal with the fact that they’re ambitious, but not create a fake image of themselves and try to act as if they have a higher position than they actually do. Sun in 10th house natives are determined to succeed and most of them will, but not until their thirties or even a little bit later. They’re hard workers and strong characters who can overcome any obstacle, no matter how difficult. As success is so important in their chosen direction, they should have the ability to focus their will, consistently and powerfully applying it to amplify self-discipline and perseverance so that some degree of attainment is achieved. However, by rigidly pursuing this path they may simultaneously restrict your freedom and options in life, as certain ways may be considered to be unsuitable as they fail to fit into the idealised image that they are projecting. The danger may lie in the possibility that even if they do reach their aims, the apex fails to fulfil and they are confronted with the question of ‘what next?’. At some point they will reach your apex, which can become a limiting plateau and may have a dispiriting effect on their well-being and identity. The 10th house rules over recognition from the public, the incapacity to take orders and the need to be in control of things. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Moon (Emotions, instincts, roots, mother) Place in the horoscope where the Moon is tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The Moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother. Moon In Leo (funny, optimistic, proud, egoistic, high energy) If the Moon in Leo had to stand in one word it would be fun. With this placement in your birth chart, you are optimistic, motivated, and inspiring. Here, the Moon is under the influence of the Sun, the ruler of Leo. The energy of the Sun is absorbed by the Moon in Leo. This is often reflected in people who have this lunar sign. There are two principles in astrology, masculine and feminine (also referred to as active and passive, or positive and negative). The Moon has very strong feminine energy, while Leo is a masculine sign. This placement blends the two, these natives dominantly react from masculine energy. This placement indicates that you have a healthy self-esteem and you have a lot of self-confidence. With all the warmth and charisma of Leo, it is no surprise that people are drawn to you. The Moon in Leo suggests that you are an entertaining person to be around. The Moon in Leo man is attracted to expressive, flamboyant women. He seeks someone who looks on the bright side and who is cheerful. Moon in the 10th House The Moon influences these people to be intuitive and to unconsciously dream of their goals all the time. Their need for a good position in society can’t be seen in other natives. That’s why it comes naturally for them to achieve their goals and to make their family proud. The 10th House is about authority in all its forms, including the parental one. What their parents have told natives having Moon in the 10th House greatly impacts them, often making them succeed, no matter how many obstacles they may face. Men with the Moon in the tenth house often marry women with more drive and ambition for them than they have for themselves. Often, they will go into business as a team, with her providing the ideas and drive. It is usually best for men with this lunar position to wait until their careers are established before they marry. This way, they will meet their mates working in their own career field, and the working relationship will be the foundation of their emotional lives. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Mercury (thinking, communication, intellect, learning) Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also indicates into what depth we want to study things. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to analyse and reproduce. Mercury in Virgo They are down to earth and intelligent, utilizing the most effective ways to get things done or communicated to others. They study hard, pay attention to the most minute details. Mercury in Virgo possesses a wealth of knowledge but not experience when it comes to their existence. But you will not find a more reliable person when it comes to getting things done and done well. The Mercury in Virgo have high expectations of others and become very disappointed when they don’t live up to these expectations. They can come across as harsh and judgmental when this happens, which is off-putting to many. But those closest to them know they are only trying to help make people better and improve their situation. Mercury in Virgo has to learn more patience and humility if they are to communicate more effectively. If they feel they are doing more than their fair share, they should explain this and delegate authority better. But that’s the most difficult thing for them to do – give up control. Virgo takes the intellectual and mental properties of Mercury and transforms them into a need for perfection while Gemini channels them into forms of communication. Virgo applies Mercury's properties to things like work, home and an orderly lifestyle. Mercury in Virgo is sharp, true-seeker and the one who does not like to draw too much attention by talk. Interesting, having in mind that Mercury is planet of communication and verbal expression. Mercury in Virgo makes ones communication, intellectual and verbal skills oriented inwards. Mercury in the 10th House Mercury in the tenth house represents career, professionalism, status in life, reputation and dignity. It is also known as the house of karma. It is the outlook of a native's professional life because it is opposite to the fourth house. The tenth house also represents the relationship with the father, communication skills and rational analysis thinking. natal Mercury in tenth house makes its mark on your career. Of course, it should be analyzed together with its sign and its aspects. This placement is very beneficial when it comes to your professional life. You are smart and others quickly notice this―you cannot hide what’s in the tenth house! You advance in your career rapidly, and often ascend to a position of power. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Mercury here is in the house of Capricorn. This sign’s serious attitude gives your Mercury a serious flavor, too. You are neat, on time, and people around you appreciate this. Mercury here suggests that you have high ambitions and your thoughts support your goals. An emphasized tenth house suggests a person who craves great achievements. You don’t shy away from hard work, you are aware of it that you need to be all in to find success in your chosen field. However, if Mercury in tenth house receives challenging aspects, finding the right career is not easy. A person with a weak Mercury in the tenth house might change often their profession. However, to get really good at something you need Saturn―the ruler of time. It’s also possible that you have more than one job. Venus (sensuality, love, harmony, pleasure) Venus symbolises attractivity. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. The negative side is that it represents weakness and shallowness. Venus in 11th house It’s very likely for them to meet the love of their life at a group gathering, because they like people with the same interests as them. But for them to get involved romantically, they need to feel their partner is being honest. Only a strong friendship will have them wanting more, because this is the only way for them to truly fall in love. They don’t necessarily want someone to make them feel fulfilled, so any person who can reach their soul will have their heart after a few meetings as friends. It’s impossible for them to fall in love if the other person doesn’t share their interests or doesn’t come up with new subjects of conversation, doesn’t get along with their friends or doesn’t want to get involved in the same causes as them. This House is the ruler of Aquarius, so they will surely be great humanitarians who want to self-improve all the time. It’s not a lover they look for, but someone with whom they can have a great time and do fun things. The fact that they’re always focusing on the positive traits of a person and can’t see what’s bad can be a very good thing for them. The more variety they’ll have in their life, they happier they will feel and they’ll able to live the way they dream of. The Eleventh House is where you make your debut into society, and the reception you get out there. It's the traditional house of friends, but also extends out to colleagues and social circles. This is the house of Aquarius and Uranus/Saturn. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Mars (Activity, energy, courage, assertiveness) Mars symbolises the need to get what we want. This means our driving force which includes sex drive, initiative and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us about how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are. Mars in Scorpio Mars feels very at home in Scorpio, because in traditional Astrology, Mars was the ruler of Scorpio. It shares an affinity with this sign, giving them the potential to work very well together. Scorpio is about getting to the bottom of things so they can be completely transformed, while action planet Mars is great at stimulating and provoking change.Tenacity is common with motivated Mars in this Fixed sign, and there’s a greater ability to persevere and work through difficult challenges during this transit. In fact, it has been said that Mars in Scorpio doesn’t like doing things the easy way. Resistance is just another obstacle to test Mars’ power here. Scorpio zodiac sign is known for its intensity. Mars in Scorpio takes that trait to the extreme. In astrology, Mars is all about our energy, passion and the thing that drives us, And for Scorpios, it’s their strength of will. Whatever they desire becomes theirs, no doubt about it. Nothing can stop them. When it comes to their wants and needs, Scorpio spares no expense in obtaining them. Whether it’s financially, physically, mentally or emotionally, they will use all they have to win. And what’s most impressive about them is their ability to remain mysterious. You never know what’s going on inside of a Mars in Scorpio person, for they have the ultimate poker face. And while you’re trying to figure them out, they have already read you like a book. Mars in 1st House The fiery quality of Mars shows up heavily with Mars in the 1st house. You are unstoppable once you put your mind toward doing something. Action is the name of the game, and you’re ready to tackle any challenge head-on. Just be careful not to step on any toes. The effects of Mars in 1st house show that you know how to get things started once an idea pops into your mind. But you hate it when others drag their feet on it (or even seemingly drag their feet). For you the path is obvious, and you barrel ahead without any reservations. This is good as long as you’ve thought everything through. Unfortunately, that is not your strong suit. The Mars in first house astrology predicts that you try to stay active with numerous different projects. So you’re always working on something new or fresh. ☾ CHART READING ☽ This allows you to focus your efforts where you want them to be – in the middle of all the action. Because you are so direct and sure in your convictions, you tend to express yourself in an overly confident, sometimes brash manner. And anyone who tries to argue with you gets brushed aside for getting in your way. While Mars in the 1st house personality is fiercely independent, you can’t rely on your skill set alone. It’s easier to get into trouble by yourself. Learn to rely on the patience of others to keep you from going too far too fast. The First House is commonly referred to as the House of Self. The cusp of the First House is the home of the Ascendant, the sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the precise moment of one’s birth. By thinking of this in terms of sunrise and new beginnings, one begins to grasp the concepts of the First House. The new beginnings here are centered on the individual: the self and the attendant voyage of discovery that define a person. Who are you? What will you become? How do you realize your best self? The First House speaks to the realization of one’s ultimate potential. This process of becoming a unique individual is one of the greatest contributions we make to the world in which we live. Jupiter (Happiness, optimism, expansion) Jupiter symbolises growth, expansion, laws, faith and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith. However, if Jupiter is damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist. Jupiter in Aquarius Aquarius is a very idealistic sign. It has a knack for seeing what’s wrong with the world, then coming up with unique and innovative ways to improve things. While Jupiter is moving through Aquarius, we are all gifted with this Aquarian ability to think and do things differently, and create a more ideal future. Thanks to the expanding nature of Jupiter, it’s easier to step outside of ourselves during this time to consider the needs of others in our communities, countries, and the world at large. Jupiter in Aquarius makes us optimistic for the future. Regardless of how things look in the present moment, we know we have the ideas and solutions that will make for a better tomorrow. Instead of seeing limits we see opportunities. Instead of seeing differences we see similarities. With your Jupiter in Aquarius, you WILL do things your own way! You prize your freedom to do, think, and be however wish, and enjoy the fact that you tend to go against the grain. ☾ CHART READING ☽ You’re a creative person who stands out as an innovator with an intelligent mind and a persuasive way of communicating. You are not confined by the box that many others choose to live in -- in fact, you have a hard time even believing the box exists! If you are not content with the way things are, you have no problem dreaming up and pushing for changes that will bring greater happiness to yourself and others. The more like-minded people you are aligned with, the more easily you can put your ideas into motion and turn them into real-life experiences. Jupiter in the 3rd House Here, Jupiter was visiting the house of thinking and communication at the time of your birth. This placement suggests that you can find success in these life areas. Jupiter in the birth chart shows how you can attract good fortune. This planet is all about ease and abundance in astrology. What Jupiter touches, it expands it. With Jupiter in third house, this is the thinking process, intellect, reasoning ability. People who have this placement are smart, and they can put their knowledge to good use, what is perhaps even more important. They are open-minded, what is a great asset when it comes to gaining information about the world. Jupiter wants to understand how things work, it’s the natural ruling planet of the ninth house, the house of higher education and deep learning. You're very talkative and open-minded; your charm makes you very sociable, people always want to hear what you have to say. you love to learn and even more to teach, you have a special capability for turning a complex piece of knowledge and present it in a way that's interesting and easy to understand. people always see you as happy because you're capable of hiding your feelings of sadness. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Very hard-working and great at making decisions. sharp intelligence. talent for writing and a love for reading. Your mind is like a literal sponge but you need to tend to it properly; you might be the type of person who wants to learn one hundred subjects at once but then you don't understand much out of all of them because you did it so hastily, it's suggested that you focus on one thing to learn at a time. Very imaginative and with a need to get along with everyone. your siblings, if you have them, will play a very important part in your life. people might come a lot to you for advice. you get bored when you're not learning and exploring new things because you want to grow deeper every day. The 3rd House in Astrology represents short distance travel, like from state to state, or from one town to another like a truck driver. The third house also represents siblings and relationships with them, media, networking skills, writing, and speaking ability. This house also promotes courage. It's the house of one’s willpower and efforts, that is, where one’s efforts will be and how much effort will he put in his work. Saturn (Restriction, order, maturity, time) Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we should focus on and what we should continue to develop. Saturn in Aries People with this placement have the ability to be natural and successful leaders; they are often able to lead or act independently with confidence, have lots of willpower and can be very responsible. This placement can manifest as a very competitive person who always wants do do things the best/fastest. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Sometimes people may feel overwhelmed or even intimidated or overshadowed by them as they may struggle to work/act at the same pace as them and feel left behind. They can be quite dominant and usually like to take control and be the lead in certain situations, and because of this may not be able to give up their power or allow others to be in control at times. An issue that people with this placement may experience is having a lot of determination and energy aimed towards various areas/goals, which infact inhibits their ability to succeed at times; they would usually do better if they focused on one specific thing/goal at a time and dedicated their energy and willpower towards that. At times, they may do well to learn/practice self-restraint and not go head first into everything whenever they want; while it is good to be motivated and confident, sometimes it is best to sit back and plan rather than devote energy into something straight away. Despite aries being known for aggression, due to the influence on saturn in this placement people with it in their chart usually act quite rationally during conflicts and prefer to shut people down with a few impactful words than long winded arguments or more aggressive ways. Although this placement usually manifests as a very capable, confident and independent person; people with this placement can still struggle with feeling inadequate, although this placement usually comes as a lesson for the person to stop being unsure of themselves, stop fearing things and instead be confident enough to go after what they want independently. As saturn is in fall in aries [it is favoured in libra which is the opposite sign to aries] this placement is usually a way to teach those with it in their chart that they need to master self discipline in order to succeed. Saturn in the 6th House Those born with their natal Saturn in the 6th House throw tremendous reserves of diligent and disciplined energies into work and daily responsibilities. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Saturn finds a home in the 6th House; the harsh disciplinary that mentors our most confrontational and trialling challenges in the 6th House work station; storage of our social responsibilities, work, daily tasks, service and health. Saturn’s placement here relates to frustrations and challenges in the work environment, tremendous skill of organizations and a refined and pragmatic approach to life. Despite the brilliant talent and productive skill latent in these individuals, Saturn in the 6th House associates with deep fears and phobias in the workplace, and tumultuous anxieties that act to impair daily tasks. An innate sense of unworthiness or invalidation seems to shadow these individuals and blacken the magic of simple pleasures. Life may be characterized of themes of workplace accidents and compensation, underpayment, a lack of recognition and a deep, unrelenting fear of unemployment that propels them to remain in careers long beyond their used by date. Saturn here may have experienced chaotic themes around early childhood. The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. Implicit in maintaining good health is the ability to cope in the face of adversity, and this theme rings truest in the Sixth House. As human beings, we naturally have shortcomings. What will we do with them? How will we react in the face of a personal crisis? Crises, illnesses and reversals of fortune are all part of our Earthly trek. How we confront these situations and deal with the lessons they invariably teach us helps to define the person we become. Uranus (Originality, freedom, revolution) Uranus is the power of awakening, which often means that there will be some disruption and change. Events under the influence of Uranus are unexpected or unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new way and face the truth about this or that issue. Uranus in Aquarius This placement is all about deviation and individuality; this may likely be expressed in the society as a whole when differences are embraced and individuality accepted. This generation is also likely to bring about significant change as Aquarius is all about forward thinking and the greater ideas of the future, therefore they are even the more likely to rebel from the previous social standards that fundamentally do not aid the future such out-dated laws and social idealisms. Realistically speaking, this placement is in the birth-charts of the teenagers of today who are more and more evidently supportive of individuality and deviance from outdated social norms; it is only a matter of time until the world’s present and future is in their hands. ☾ CHART READING ☽ People with Uranus in Aquarius, were born under all of these influences of change and as they grow up they will carry this energy and knowledge inside of them and see the fruits of this radical energy manifested. The reason of having quite so much change and invention under this combination is that Uranus is the moder ruler of the sign of Aquarius. The two energies literally sing in harmony and entice each other on to new heights of revolution. Men born with Uranus in the sign of Aquarius are idealists, always in pursuit of some new, seemingly impossible goals. If something more interesting and inspiring appears, he might give the previous pursuit and begin following this new dream. Uranus in the 3rd House Uranus in the third house brings instability and variability that is reflected in thinking and communication of these people, and in their first school years. Uranium affects relationships with siblings and other relatives. Relationships with other people may be unstable. Uranus creates rebellion and stubbornness, especially in youth. These people are spontaneous thinkers who often have modern and progressive views. They have the tendency to unexpectedly go on unplanned trips and journeys. Uranus in the third house natives in true third house fashion Love the mind, they can take on a rather personal stance towards understanding others but a more impersonal one on understanding their own mental makeup. They are true creatures of impulse, seeking to dig and devour every aspect of the human response. They want to know the “why,” the “how. A very independent person when it comes to intellect, learning and understanding of things, knowledge and the like. Someone with a huge desire for independence, a great desire to be able to express opinion freely. You can think like a critical and rebellious person, even if you don't act like one. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Neptune (fantasy, illusion, spirituality) Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet. Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we can only understand and perceive it in our imagination. Neptune in Capricorn Neptune in Capricorn is reserved and refined, especially in areas related to control, power, fame and success. They dream of wealth and power, even if they don't quite know how to attain it. They can use their imagination to put just about any idea to practical use and turn it into money. Capricorn Neptune is serious and likes to think things over. They have the ability to concentrate on anything that happens, so they can solve any problems that occur. Detail work is something they usually excel at. On the other hand, they may tend towards melancholy, secrets and deceit. When they get this way, they want to shut themselves away from the world. Capricorn Neptune may be a bit conservative and traditional. They reflect on spiritual matters. They may be accused of not having enough compassion. Their only problem is getting reality to work as they think it should. They may envision a system that runs smoothly, is responsive to the needs of all those involved, and that promotes on merit. It can be frustrating for them to deal with the harsh reality instead. Natives with this placement, which is generational, are blessed with a particular ability to manifest their (especially work-related) dreams because of their innate sense of grasping what is actually possible. While Neptune is known widely of being the planet of illusion, that can be a fabulous thing when mixed with the aggressively pragmatic energy of Capricorn. At the end of the day, we all need some sort of hope and aspiration to keep us going, and the great thing about these individuals is that generally speaking their dreams are very achievable, they understand the importance of hoping and grasp what is their reality at its most basic at the same time. Neptune in 3rd House People with Neptune in 3rd house are usually an interesting company. They are very intelligent and possess a vivid imagination; this is usually evident in the way they express themselves and communicate with others. This placement of Neptune might be a sign of learning problems due to lack of concentration and inability of the person to focus. These people can be bad students, because they don’t have enough discipline required for learning and getting good grades. ☾ CHART READING ☽ This oftentimes backfires at them later in life when their bad grades prevent them from enrolling the university they desire. For people with Neptune in third house it is important to train their discipline, especially when it comes to learning. These people might be very absent-minded, and it is important for them to learn how to maintain their focus. Another trait of theirs might be their irresponsibility and lack of sense of time. They often don’t respect deadlines and often show up late at a meeting; these are traits which can be detrimental both in their private and their professional life; that is why they need to work on correcting them; otherwise no one will take them seriously. People with Neptune in third house are curious but they might be all over the place with their interests, missing out on the important details. These people are often very superficial because of their traits and move on to the next subject or person easily Pluto (transformation, regeneration, power) Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things, it is the Judgment Day. It can give rise to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of its spectrum it can manifest as "succumbing to the urge," or it can create an individual who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative things and bring on healing and transformation. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Pluto in Sagittarius Those born with Pluto in Sagittarius have a need for exploration. They feel that by gaining as many different experiences as possible, they have the power to recognize and use any opportunities that arise to their benefit. They have the self-confidence to challenge existing moral codes. They use their beliefs as an extension of themselves.Sagittarius Pluto is friendly as long as their freedom is not hampered. They are enthusiastic about reaching their goals in life. They may have difficulty with people who have different beliefs than their own. They may find themselves a new religion that offers them more freedom and spirituality. For the Pluto in Sagittarius generation, the truth about the universe is a private exclusive experience nobody can taint or take away. Even if this version of truth is invalidated by other people, there is no denying what has been experienced, sensed, felt, seen with their own eyes, and moved within and around the. The internal transformation that takes place will rattle their beliefs and complete worldview to the core. The universe they know has ended many times in a night. A shift in wider perspective, faith, and truth is a mark that significant inner metamorphosis has been undergone. Pluto in the 1st House Pluto here invokes an all consuming experience of being at the mercy of outside forces and at the mercy of one’s own thoughts and emotion. The threat is perceived to come from inside and outside, making it difficult to define the real ”enemy”. In reality, there is no enemy but the person’s sense of self is so fixed and rigid that the slightest sensation is experienced as a potential danger. The problem lies in the fixed sense of self and it’s inability to be flexible. The intensity of an experience is always decided by the person that is exposed to it and the density of one’s own self. The denser the self, the more susceptible it is to go through extremes. A person with this placement is usually guarded and careful, and potentially a bit antisocial. Pluto in the 1st will always take the position of the superior. Irritability comes easy because of heightened sensitivity and the feeling of being irretrievably psychologically and emotionally wounded by the world and themselves. The person would be prone to condemn and judge things for this reason, to cultivate long-lasting resentment and disapproval. The person could be likened to a wild animal in the sense that one lives in the atmosphere of primal survival, even though it might be hidden behind sophistication and class. ☾ CHART READING ☽ The ones who will often be misunderstood or never really approached by others because of how intimidating they appear to be. The individual might carry a lot of hidden aggression. They might have been quite judgmental in their younger years. They are late bloomers when it comes to developing their full identity, personality and character traits. They are often old-fashioned and not at all sexually vulgar. They can be quite gallant and respectful when discussing sex. They might challenge themselves often, do all-nighters, fast for a week, join a marathon. They try to practice self-control and self-restraint by doing these activities. They can learn from every event, person, and experience they go through on a daily basis. They learn in order to better know themselves and master their own identity. Lunar Nodes - North Node and South Node The Lunar Nodes aren’t planets, but rather astrology mathematical points, that are directly opposite each other in the chart. It is said, that your life purpose is encoded between them - in the line between North Node and South Node. The South Node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while your North Node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime. Both Lunar Nodes are almost always retrograde. North Node (Mean) in Virgo - South Node in Pisces North Node in Virgo brings the conflict between rational and irrational, between dream and reality, between self-adjustment and self-sacrifice. These people have to learn to be more concrete and to cope with everyday routine and reality. They need to move from vague imagination to activity and fulfilment of routine duties. They need to stop escaping into their dream world and go through transcendental experiences in everyday life instead. Beware of unreliability, escaping the world and isolating from the world. ☾ CHART READING ☽ North Node (Mean) in the 10th House - South Node in the 4th House North Node in the tenth house brings the conflict between personal life, public career and spiritual self-awareness. These people need to learn to get out of their fragile shells. They need to grow up, develop discipline, consistency and be more outspoken. They should get rid of emotional addictions and learn not to emphasize their own needs. Beware of emotional dependence and being in the position of a hurt child who is looking for the culprits of his failures. Beware of clinging to affection and protection instead of finding the courage to acknowledge the harsh reality. Lilith Black Moon - Fascination and Denial Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth. In mythology, Lilith refused to submit to Adam, rebelled against the connection between Adam and Eve, decided to escape from the world of people and made a connection with Satan. In astrology, Lilith symbolizes either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected with. Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given topics, can eventually engulf the person and take him "away" from the human world. Lilith (Mean) in Virgo Rebellion against order; provocative humor. Their sensuality is strongly suppressed by trying to appear calm; emotional conflicts often occur because it is tough for these people to feel relaxed. Lilith in Virgo Lilith in Virgo makes a person petty, vindictive and dependent on the powerful people of this world. Such a person manipulates others by playing on their sense of duty and responsibility, aiming to develop or feed a complex of guilt in them. The person is emotionally vulnerable to the impact of conflicts and therefore tries to act properly in every moment and every place, keeping from breaking rules and laws, a strategy which allows him to avoid confrontation and thus to hide the inner storm of emotions that assails him. He also tends to over-indulge in critical self-analysis. the individual who possesses this astral configuration has a strong need to regain confidence in everything he does in his life because of this lack of confidence can lead to a truly exasperated selfishness that can totally harm to himself but also to the people who surround. We must therefore develop their personality, individuality, and this is a first lesson linked to karma because in a previous life, perhaps their freedom was put to the test and has created a sense of insecurity in this life can become a powerful but the desire to seek continuously an economic and professional security using only the reason and not the feelings which, however, must give great space. We must not believe that the failures in this life are useless but you must understand that the failures can come back beneficial and even be more important than the successes. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Lilith in 10th House Refusing to fit into their society; inclination to protest against everything. Natives with Lilith in the 10H hold immense personal power, they were pushed into the spotlight and seen as the "Lilith" the eyes of public. Their darker side is either loved or hated. The public is quick to change their mind on these natives. They may have felt as if they were rejected by their father if there are more harsh aspects to Sun and Saturn or 10H ruler. It's as if their fathers never tried to understand them. Their father rejection of equality in terms of power result in their deep need to rebel. One or both parental figure may have suffered with addictions, abuse or personal issues and left them to grow by themselves. You strive for fame, power and status, but may not recognize the side effects of these things or you recognize them, but suppress or don’t admit them at the same time. The result can be problems, restrictions and in the long run bitterness and discords, which you consider as an interference factor in your life surely. Either you don’t accept that another one has power over you, or you are not consciously about others that use their power to your disadvantage at all. And thus you surely are in conflict with leading persons permanently, if you are aware of this, because you need very much freedom Chiron - Wounded Healer, inner teacher Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge between material and spiritual worlds. According to mythology, Chiron was a great healer, wise teacher and one of the immortal Centaurs. Unfortunately, he was "deadly" injured by a poisonous arrow by Heracles, his favourite disciple. He was suffering in great pain but he could not die. Finally, he gave up his immortality for the benefit of Prometheus who was also suffering, and Chiron was sent to the underworld. In the underworld Zeus had mercy for him and he raised him to the heaven. In astrology, Chiron symbolises our unhealable injuries and incurable trauma. However, if a person, instead of drowning in his own trauma, is able to accept the trauma and help others who are also suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then Chiron may be the key to wisdom, or even to some sort of "Initiation Gate". Chiron in Libra Chiron in Libra means that you feel like there is something missing from your life. Usually, this “something” is your soul mate. The Chiron in Libra wound might feel like a hole inside you. You may spend time trying to fill it with things from the outside world. You might also feel as though the world is just a bit off-balance at all times. With Chiron in Libra, you are hurt by loneliness, but you are also hurt by relationships. Whether you’re in a relationship or are alone, the wound is there. Chiron in Libra shows itself no matter how hard you try to hide it. There can be a lot of anxiety and guilt surrounding the Chiron in Libra wound. ☾ CHART READING ☽ These people typically feel inadequate socially as a child, regardless of whether this is apparent to others. You need to learn to ground yourself, this may help you long term. You may get caught up in a codependent relationship. You may feel threat every relationship you have goes wrong. By learning that you are whole on your own, can present itself as a great relief. You will create more balance by learning this lesson. Chiron in Libra may also learn that a partner can help them heal in some way. One of the lessons that should be learned with this combination is that conflict may lead to a greater sense of intimacy. Chiron in 12th House This shows your deepest wound residing in your psyche. Any placement in the 12th house is a very spiritual one, and those not on a spiritual path will feel 12th house energy in a ‘negative’ way because it is relentless in sending lessons our way until we learn them. This placement shows that you have difficulty opening yourself up to others, yet are extremely empathetic and desire to help those in need and often encourage others to share with you their problems so you can help. You may be fiercely private. You may have special psychic abilities. You may reject these abilities and deny them to much frustration. Chiron in the 12th will keep throwing difficulties your way in order to teach you lessons in acceptance and seeing the bigger picture. You may feel plagued, but the plague shall end when you simply accept. Accept yourself, accept others, explore your own spirituality and find a path that suits you and walk it. Compassion is the necessity behind this house, and that means for yourself as well as for others. MAIN ASPECTS Sun Conjunction Mercury Because the ego and the mind are aligned, people with Sun conjunct Mercury possess much mental energy. They are always in a position to think about what they want, and in many ways, this is an interruption of the will. Mercury brings definition to whatever it contacts, and when aligned with the Sun, the natives apply logic and definition to the will–and the will generally works better when it is allowed to “just be” rather than be analyzed. The result is much intelligence and communication ability, and a lot of pride invested in intellectual capacities. These people may not listen as well as they speak, however! They might be too busy thinking about what to say next. As far as studying or learning goes, they are better off reading the material than listening to a teacher. Sun Sextile Mars Harmonious aspects give these people the desire to set objectives and the ability to reach their goals. Asertivity, energy, competitiveness, impatience and readiness are all the typical manifestations of these aspects. his is an energetic, confident, and go-getter person who knows how to balance their ego with their drive. They can be confident about their ambitions and physical side. They know how to diffuse their own anger and might be able to help others overcome anger problems but usually with positivity and confidence rather than calmness or pure control. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Sun Square Pluto This aspect often creates stubborn and decisive people. However, they also tend to tell others what to do and they try to persuade them about the need to change their behavior. People with this aspect may encounter death or other profound changes in their surroundings more often than usual. They tend to influence others through effective manipulation at subconscious level. At first these people seem kind but in reality they are manipulating and controlling. However, they are often unaware of it. A Sun square Pluto can often turn into a love-hate relationship, pulling them close in then far away, they may be scared by the intensity of the relationship and how they feel from it. With Sun square Pluto in natal aspect, the individual has a self-image that is hidden, controlled, unseen. A part of the personality is cloaked. Much of this is because there is something vulnerable to “protect” and threats to their autonomy in earlier childhood have led to an overprotective quality to the personality. The individual’s life can contain parts that remain untold, but this could be due to their intense need for privacy or for the reason that Pluto energy surrounds anything that is emotionally invasive. Moon Sextile Venus This is an easy aspect showing cooperation between two planets which leads to opportunity. It has a positive blending effect on the planets. Sextiles are considered a "soft" or "easy" aspects that reflect the planets involved. They have a way of delivering you an opportunity. It's as if the phone is ringing or there is a knock at the door. Again, it is your choice to answer the opportunity. Opportunities can reveal themselves under the strangest of circumstances. This aspect is charming and pleasing in relationships and enjoys the opportunity to be social. Keep in mind that the Moon naturally rules the home and the family, while Venus naturally rules committed relationships, personal finances and earned income. This harmonious aspect gives people a balanced temperament, charming manners and usually also good looks. Social success is almost guaranteed. These people have creative abilities and they need to create a pleasant home environment. Even if you have an introverted personality and enjoy spending time by yourself, you’re someone who knows how to get along with others and make a personal connection when you need to. You naturally gravitate toward mediating conflicts with others and bringing people together, and are adept at being a soothing, comforting presence for loved ones. Moon Opposition Jupiter This aspect causes constantly increasing needs – for emotions, care and comfort. These people are introverts who seek intense religious life. They are very dependent on external conditions and they need to find their purpose of life. One difficulty for your self-esteem and ability to exploit potential is unease caused by diminished self-confidence. Energy can seep away through self-doubt and a tendency toward unproductive questioning which reduces achievement. Emotionally, you feel unable to evaluate your abilities or creative efforts; they are too close to you, determining your state of well-being. You protect vulnerable emotions and sensitivity and may eventually realize that most of your pain in life comes from relationships. This can include friction with parents (either during childhood or in later life), unsuccessful love affairs and romances, being taken advantage of by unscrupulous colleagues or friends, or disputes in your family home, such as with children. You may need to reduce restless feelings that disturb your inner state and relationships with other. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Moon Trine Saturn This harmonious aspect gives people emotional stability. In their home environment they often do things in a way they think is right. They are reliable, stable and helpful. However, sometimes they may be pedant. Individuals with Moon trine Saturn are able to rationalise and control their emotions. They are also very self disciplined and aren't the type to be loud in public places for example. They use logic over feelings when it comes to decisions. Your cool emotional reactions are an asset in a crisis and you can be counted on during times of stress. Your dependable nature earns you the respect of young people and the public in general. You are more inclined to be straight forward and although this is a positive aspect their can be a tendency to struggle with expressing emotions in a healthy manner. Mercury Sextile Mars This harmonious aspect strengthens thinking and gives these people the ability to act and think fast. They are analytical. Their thinking is fast and practical. Usually you can be expressive individuals. Depending on the signs, sometimes you may act better on instinct or good at executing thought out plans. Generally-- people may notice and admire you for your ability to ‘do’ things, act it out or work on certain areas whereas they might be more hesitant to do so. Keeping yourself active and doing things can help sharpen this aspect, but also remember that criticism aren’t meant to hurt you but is something to consider in order to gain tact, experience and become well-equipped in your strength instead. Very quick thoughts, which could be problematic sometimes cause you speak before you think. These people have sharp tongues, whether they have the soft aspects ( sextile trine ) or the intense aspect ( conj ) or the stressful ones ( square, opp or quincunx ). Mars is quick, action-oriented and driven and Mercury is communication and thinking style. People with Mercury-Mars aspects are hands on, interactive learners. They do not always learn well by passively listening. People with these aspects are quick thinkers, witty and smart, but they might not always have the focus to get good grades in school. Mercury Square Pluto This aspect affects thinking in such a way that these people are overly dominated by their opinions and instincts. This results in biased thinking. These people study sporadically, but when they do, they put all their energy into it and consequently they become very exhausted. When they search for truth they are convinced of their opinions and they do not consider practical aspects much. They often use all the information and intelligence they have into manipulating others. However, they are often unaware of it. Words can hurt. If someone says something too sharp to you consider that they were hurt themselves; meanwhile, be careful not to use your own words as weapons unless you really mean it. the effects are not temporary. the things that these individuals say may come off as peculiar or off-putting in a sense. Would rather stay silent than speak because they are very aware of how dangerous their words can affect others. These people tend to know secrets about others within their lives even if that person isn’t aware that they do know. Dark and intrusive thoughts occur. These people may be scared of their own mind because of the power they hold within. Can deeply trigger other peoples egos . Small talk isn’t a thing for these folks. They will always remember the way someone has treated them, made them feel a type of way, and what has been said to them. May try to probe others, but in a destructive way. They're also jealous when it comes to making decisions, and are scared of intimacy. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Venus Trine Jupiter Honesty and openness are big traits to how this person approaches relationships. Exploration, expansion, learning, and teaching are important factors in love. Indulgence, a sense of curiosity, and high spirits are abundant in their relationships. They are fascinated by friends and lovers who seem exotic. Venus trine Jupiter in the natal diagram is considered to be the most fortunate planetary positioning out of them all. If this aspect is left unaltered by others, then one can trust in its prosperity and serenity. You can trust that even if hard times are ahead or other aspects affect your destiny, this particular one will protect you from most of the negative damage that awaits. It will in fact also bless you with affection and balance throughout your life. these talents slip by unnoticed and that you are lacking motivation. It is important to understand that the Venus rules Love, beauty and relationships. The Moon is emotional, while Jupiter is happy-go-lucky and optimistic. Jupiter is lucky, adventurous and abundant. Jupiter is very benevolent, generous and philanthropic. Jupiter rules religion and higher education. This aspect benefits us in the most serious areas of our lives, namely money and Love. Venus naturally the 2nd house of self-worth and financial security, while Jupiter naturally rules the higher areas of thinking including our goals, aspirations, dreams and visions, not to mention the experiences we wish to bring about in our lives. This aspect is goal-reaching, it is far-reaching, it is optimistic and it is successful. Venus Opposition Saturn Represents a divide between somebody's desire to be more affectionate and loving, and restrictions from the outside world. This can occasionally show authority figures having influence over their relationships as well. Venus also represents self-esteem, so this can show somebody who wants to love themselves more and be more comfortable with themselves but doesn't know where to start. Also shows an extreme lack of self-worth. Usually, they gravitate towards relationships where one of them is either significantly older or significantly more mature than the other. Also, tend to prefer one partner having a strict power dynamic over the other. Fear of vulnerability. These people typically form a tough or colder exterior so people don't screw them over, but at the same time, this can interfere with their relationships. They might appear to others as too closed off, so that can make it harder for them to form bonds. The hard aspects can be so tough. It can really make you be so cruel to yourself for no reason, bringing yourself down by devaluing your own worth. Self-esteem issues to the core. Therefore it’s hard to let other people in and trust them. But if a bit more developed- it also makes you have high standards when in comes to relationships- platonic & romantic. It’s liking people that are authentic and not fake cause you can sense it in others, and appreciating quality over quantity at that. It’s preferring to be alone than to be with people who just don’t feel right. It’s taking time to really open up and not liking being too vulnerable, especially at the beginning. Guards up. It also can bring delays & hardships in love matters until you fully grow and heal and learn to really love yourself first. ☾ CHART READING ☽ Mars Square Uranus Although it's not a sign of constant fights, when the two have one, the Uranus person is likely to take action that may be sudden, unexpected, out of character. They may try to bring the Mars person out of their comfort zone, push them until they have had enough. This aspect can really make fights have very unpleasant or unexpected endings. It's very chaotic. It is hard to focus ambition and concentrate on one subject, is restless, impulsive, impatient, and likely to change jobs or drive a lot in life. Can be easily irritable and unpredictable in temper. May have a lot of internal conflict towards their libido and intimacy. The square from Mars to Uranus shows that you have a strong desire to be free to exploit yourself without hesitation or restraint. However, the fear of emotional or material losses reduces this drive to prudent levels. You must have self-control in order to conserve your personal resources, and you should have some guarantee of safety in any deliberate action that you take. You may feel anxiety and apprehension for accomplishing less than you could if security were not an important consideration. Before you begin any contemplated action, you must be assured that the effort will not have been wasted. An undercurrent of measured caution always accompanies your professional activities. Because of this, it will take longer to realize your goals. Once you achieve your objectives, however, they will be far more permanent because their foundation is solid. The square will be felt as an inner tension, you are torn between the Uranian search for freedom and a deep need to feel safe and secure. This is a clash between the familiar patterns of the known and the siren call of the potential of the unknown. This is likely to be felt as a fear of commitment and risk. While you will be attracted towards greater freedom, with the possibility of creating a context where you can be more fully yourself, the likelihood is that you will resist the impulse. As you analyze your options, you prefer to play safe, as you cannot obtain these cast-iron guarantees that you would like as to the future success of your choices. You are liable to feel some emotional unease, where you are afraid of allowing full emotional expression, or even properly acknowledging your emotional nature. It is a fear of 'letting go' that is the root of this difficulty, where emotional or material losses are to be avoided if at all possible. Uranus Sextile Pluto It is considered a generational aspect so people born in this time will experience a variety of surprising events that will force them to face the darkest parts of their psyche in order to transform and lead their generation into the new, better direction of a chosen field. Those people will show amazing creativity, resilience and ability to make bold decisions that will probably make them face some kind of mixed reactions - admiration but also rejection from those stuck up in the old patterns of thinking. With sextile this means it most likely go smoothly, people with this won’t make that big “revolutionists” that will force them to become outcasts but they will still make difference. This generation has an erratic desire for changes and to transform the society. They are the ones who will move people and change the world we live in. They could be good at understanding people’s true motives and what the government keeps hidden. hey tend to befriend people and enter their lives unexpectedly. Even if knowing someone for a short time they make an impact. This position is helpful towards one’s own transformations. Their inner self will grow quickly and the changes they face within themselves are almost always positive. ☾ CHART READING ☽ OTHER ASPECTS Ascendant Sextile Sun This aspect indicates a relationship between behaviour and true nature: there is Ascendant Sextile Mercury a certain harmony between behaviour and This aspect gives people vitality and curiosity. the true nature of the person. With Mercury sextile Ascendant, you have the opportunity to develop more Mercury-like Ascendant Conjuction Mars qualities in your outer personality. To the world, The positive thing about this aspect is that you can become more intelligent and witty in it gives people assertiveness, abundant social settings, or you may learn to show your energy and physical resilience. child-like curiosity, even as you age. You are always interested in learning, especially socially. You try to pick up on the cues of other Ascendant Square Uranus people and react in a way that’s appropriate. In The positive thing about this aspect is that this lifetime, you have the opportunity to it gives people skillful and original behavior. assimilate this information and learn to The negative side of this aspect is that it become more socially competent. gives people the desire to surprise and shock others at any cost. MC Conjunction Moon The Moon conjunct Midheaven aspect is also called Moon culminating. This means that the emotional conditioning you experienced asa child has a strong influence on your choice of career and on your public image. However, your mother might have been overly controlling and pushed you into a career field of her choice. Alternatively, she may have been totally absent, so you may “bounce around” with Moon conjunct Midheaven and aren’t sure where you fit in the public/career world. With Moon conjunct Midheaven, your early life has a strong influence on your career and adult life. The emotions that you experienced in childhood are front and center, even when you try to break away. MC Sextile Venus MC Opposition Jupiter The positive thing about this The positive thing about this aspect is that MC Trine Saturn aspect is that these people these people believe in their ability to The positive thing are popular at work. achieve success. about this aspect is This ability helps them grow. that these people are The negative side of this aspect is that persistent and they often overestimate their skills that are honest when they are frequently not as great as their ambitions. pursuing their goals. ☾ CHART READING ☽
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