So, what’s actually included in the Phil Kenyon Putting Academy There are 7 elements to the system and within each element there are tests, lessons and drills to take you on an individualised step by step journey to great putting. The 7 elements are 1. Aim Bias 2. Stroke Dynamics 3. Speed Dynamics 4. Green Reading 5. Targeting Strategy 6. Ball Roll Dynamics 7. Putter Fitting Within each element there are a large number of videos. This is to make sure that whatever your tendencies we have a video or drill to help. Once your take the tests and complete the start-up questionnaire your personalised video journey will be sent to your locker room. Many people have asked us what is included within each element and many of you have given feedback on what areas of support you need. See below for the level of detail that has gone into this programme. Element 1 – Aim Bias Introduction The importance of aim and the factors that influence it. Self-Assessment How to test if you have an aim bias Vernier Acuity and its effect on perception Aim Bias: Vision: Perceptual Bias and aim Aim Bias: Vision: Testing for perceptual Bias T Line Test Aim Bias: Vision: Testing lining up vs squaring off T Line Test Aim Bias: Vision: Where do you see Using the T line test to identify your ideal straight? head position Aim Bias: Vision: Poor Vernier Acuity Why perception may not match reality Aim Bias: Vision: Impact of Eye Dominance How eye dominance can impact alignment Aim Bias: Vision: Impact of Eye Dominance Refining your set up to manage perceptual bias Aim Bias: Vision: Eye Position at set up is Find your perfect set up Individual Aim Bias: Vision: Perceptual Bias versus Aim Poor perceptual bias doesn’t always mean poor Aim Bias Aim Bias: Vision: Attentional Cues where you focus your attention to help manage perceptual bias Aim Bias: Effects of Putter How the putter can affect your aim Aim Bias: Testing your putter aim How to calibrate your putter for best aim Aim Bias: The Stroke Aimer A golfer’s stroke pattern can affect how they aim Aim Bias: The Left Aim Stroke Aimer The Left Aim Bias/The Push Stroke Pattern Aim Bias: The Right Aim Stroke Aimer The Right Aim Bias/Pull Stroke Pattern Aim Bias: Identifying a Stroke Aiming Bias The T Line Test Aim Bias: Identifying a Stroke Aiming Bias The Start Line Test Aim Bias: Body Aim Bias Effects of your body alignment on putter aim Aim Bias: Body Alignment Routine 1 How your routine can help you establish good body alignment Aim Bias: Body Alignment Routine 2 Managing your routine to help establish good body alignment Aim Bias: Body Alignment on Slope The Effects of body alignment on slope Aim Bias: Body Alignments of the different The impact of the different segments on body segments alignment The impact of the different segments on body Line on the ball options- Placement, size and alignment colour Aim Bias: Using the line of the ball Factors to consider before using a line on the ball Aim Bias: How using the line can help Four keys factors where it can help the golfer Aim Bias: Where using the line can hurt you Five key factors where it can hurt the golfer Aim Bias: Calibrating your perception of the line Finding the correct process for you to ensure on the ball you line up the ball correctly Aim Bias: Matching your Putter to the Line of How to best match up your putter to the line the ball on the ball Aim Bias: When and where to use the line on The different scenarios of where to use the line the ball or not Aim Bias: Calibrating your putter aim to the line Test to determine the best way to align your on the ball putter to the line on your ball Aim Bias: Vision: Training your perception and 4 step process to improve your perception and aim aim Aim Bias: Stroke Aim: Stroke your way to better How to improve your stroke pattern in practise aim to help you aim more accurately Aim Bias: Body Aim: Improve your body Four key principles to work on your body alignment alignment to help improve your aim Aim Bias: Perceptual Bias and Poor Aim The options you have if you can't influence your perceptual bias and you still struggle with aim. Aim Bias: Pre-Shot Routine Building your pre shot routine to manage your aim bias Aim Bias: A Visual Pre-Shot Routine Building a pre shot routine to help a visual aim bias Aim Bias: A Body Pre-Shot Routine Building a pre shot routine to help a body aim bias Aim Bias: Stroke Aimer routine Building a pre shot routine to help a stroke aim bias Element 2 – Stroke Dynamics Stroke Dynamics: Introduction to Stroke What's important with regards to your putting Dynamics stroke. Stroke Dynamics: Assessing your stroke How to video yourself to determine club impact, path and face control Stroke Dynamics: Start Line Test How to set up a start line test and determine any start line bias. Stroke Dynamics: Face Angle The importance of face angle Stroke Dynamics: Stroke Path The importance of the path of the stroke Stroke Dynamics: Strike Importance of strike location at impact Stroke Dynamics: Bad Putting Concepts Common poor concepts related to the putting stroke Stroke Dynamics: Good Putting Concepts Coordinating the different degrees of freedom How the putter moves Stroke Dynamics: Forces and Torques How the putter moves Stroke Dynamics: Inclined Plane concept The putter will work on an inclined plane Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Arms at The orientation of the arms at set up Set Up Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Arms in The orientation of the arms during the stroke Motion Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Elbows at Flexion/Extension in the elbows at set up Set Up Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Elbows in Flexion/extension of the elbows during the Motion stroke Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Arm Flexion Flexion/Extension of the arms during the stroke Extension Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Arm Adduction and Abduction of the arms Motion Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Shoulders Protraction and Retraction of the shoulders at at Set Up set up Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Shoulders Protraction and Retraction of the shoulders in Motion during the stroke Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Elevation in Elevation of the shoulders at set up and during the Shoulders motion Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Ankle Foot placement at set up Rotation Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Grip Palm and finger-based grips Placement Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Torso at Set Orientations of the torso at set up Up Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: The Pelvis Orientations of the pelvis at set up and in motion Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: The Torso Torso rotation, side bend and forward bend during the stroke Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: The wrists Flexion/extension and ulna/radial deviation during the stroke Stroke Dynamics: Ball Position Your optimum ball positions Stroke Dynamics: Balance Static and dynamics balance in the putting stroke Stroke Dynamics: Putting Anatomy: Neutral Set Set up preferences stroke dynamics: Pull Bias: Torso Roundhouse Pull Bias created by the torso roundhouse stroke dynamics: Pull Bias torso roundhouse upper arm Pull Bias created by the upper arm roundhouse stroke dynamics: Pull Bias torso roundhouse lower arm Pull Bias created by the lower arm roundhouse Pull Bias created by the tilt then turn of the stroke dynamics: Pull Bias: Tilt and Turn Motion torso stroke dynamics: pull bias trail arm throw Pull Bias created by the trail arm extension Pull Bias through lead wrist flexion and ulna stroke dynamics: Pull Bias: Wrist Motion motion Pull Bias through lead wrist extension in the stroke dynamics: Pull Bias Wrist Motion downswing Pull Bias through trail arm pronation in stroke dynamics: Pull Bias: Forearm motion downswing Pull Bias through lead wrist extension and stroke dynamics: pull bias: wrist motion radial motion stroke dynamics: pull bias: Straight back and through concept Pull Bias created through poor concept stroke dynamics: pull bias: trail arm internal Pull Bias created through trail arm motion in rotation the backswing stroke dynamics: pull bias: open alignment at Pull Bias created by out to in motion caused set up through set up stroke dynamics: pull bias: Straight back Pull Bias created through lengthening the through concept radius stroke dynamics: push bias: torso motion Push Bias created by tilted torso motion in the downswing stroke dynamics: push bias: lead arm Push Bias created through lead arm internal rotation in the downswing stroke dynamics: push bias: lead arm Push Bias created through lead arm internal rotation in the backswing stroke dynamics: push bias: trail arm Push Bias created through trail arm supination stroke dynamics: push bias: elbow flexion Push bias through lead arm elbow flexion stroke dynamics: push bias through torso Push Bias through torso extension in the motion downswing Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Wrist motion Push Bias through lead wrist flexion and radial deviation in the backswing Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Wrist motion Push Bias through lead wrist flexion and ulna deviation in the downswing Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Lead Arm Push Bias created through the lead arm in the backswing Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Lag in Transition Push Bias created through lag in the transition Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Poor Concept Push Bias created through the concept of straight back and through Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Lead Shoulder Push Bias created through lead shoulder elevation at set up Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Handle Dragging Push Bias through handle dragging Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Excessive into out Push Bias through poor stroke shape. Common stroke shape cause from set up Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Excessive into out Push Bias through poor shape. A common stroke shape cause through motion of torso Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Excessive into out Push Bias created through poor stroke shape. stroke shape Common causes through motion of hands and arms Stroke Dynamics: Push Bias: Pull or Push Bias Trail side Pull vs Lead side Push: The Common Patterns Stroke Dynamics: Right Hand Yip Grip options for the right-handed yip Stroke Dynamics: Left Hand Yip Grip options for the left-handed yip Stroke Dynamics: Claw Grip Considerations of the claw grip with the trail arm position Two handed yip video Yip diagnosis video Element 3: Speed Dynamics Speed Dynamics: Introduction to Speed The Importance of Speed Dynamics and the factors Dynamics that influence it Speed Dynamics: Entry Speed and Understanding entry speed and its impact on the Distance Past distance past the hole Speed Dynamics: Touch Understanding Touch and Feel Understanding the effect slope has on distance and Speed Dynamics: Slope Effect speed Importance of controlling acceleration in the putting Speed Dynamics: Acceleration stroke Speed Dynamics: Deeper look at A deeper understanding of acceleration and Acceleration deceleration in the putting stroke Importance of Rhythm and Timing in the Putting Speed Dynamics: Rhythm and Timing Stroke Importance of swing length to establish good rhythm Speed Dynamics: Swing Length and acceleration Speed Dynamics: Puttranome Block Block practice drill using Puttranome to help develop Practice good rhythm and timing Speed Dynamics: Introduction to using How to use Puttranome to help you develop rhythm Puttranome and timing Speed Dynamics: Puttranome Variability Variability practice drill using Puttranome to help Practice develop good rhythm and timing Speed Dynamics: Training Rhythm and Timing with Puttranome Introduction to the puttranome Speed Dynamics: Swing Length Drill Training Swing Length Speed Dynamics: How speed is created through motion Speed generators in the putting stroke Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed Control: Downswing Effects of left wrist extension Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed control through concept How longer follow through concept can hurt you Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed Control: Handle Drag: Common Backswing pattern that leads Backswing to poor speed control Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed Control: Handle Drag: Common Downswing pattern that leads Downswing to poor speed control Speed Dynamics: Poor Concept Lead Arm Pull and how its effects speed control Speed Dynamics: High Club Face Rotation Effects of high club face rotation on speed control Speed Dynamics: Low Club Rotation Effects of low club face rotation Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed Control: Effects of the over-load pattern in the backswing: Backswing Wrist motion A common technical pattern that produces poor Speed Dynamics: Sequence of motion speed control Speed Dynamics: Grip pressure Effects of soft grip pressure on speed control Speed Dynamics: Grip pressure Effects of tight grip pressure on speed control Torso Hands and Arms and their effect on speed Speed Dynamics The Three Key Segments control Speed Dynamics: The Overloader Pattern The overloader pattern and where it can break down The under-loader pattern and where it can break Speed Dynamics: The Underloader Pattern down Speed Dynamics: Overly Aggressive Speed Typical issues that lead to overly aggressive speed Control control Speed Dynamics: Inconsistent Timing Factors that create inconsistent timing Speed Dynamics: Leaving Putts short Typical Issues that lead to leaving putts short Incremental distance control drill to build touch and Speed Dynamics: Ladder Drill feel Speed Dynamics: Matching Intention Speed Drill Inside 10ft Speed Drill Speed Dynamics: High Line vs Low Line Inside 8ft touch drill for speed control Speed Dynamics: Adjusting Slope/Distance Practice drill challenging speed control across Drill different distances and slope Speed Dynamics: Poor Speed Control: How Visualistion can help speed control: The slow Leaving them short visualiser Speed Dynamics: Adapting to quick greens How to approach and adapt to faster greens Speed Dynamics: Adapting to slower greens How to approach and adapt to slower greens Element 4: Green Reading Green reading: Introduction to Green Reading An introduction to green reading and its importance Green Reading: Importance of Green Why green reading is so important in terms of your reading performance Green Reading: Conscious vs Intuitive What drives your green reading processes Green reading: Putt Geometry: Two Understand the relationship between baseline, aim line Thirds and putt trajectory Green reading: Putt Geometry: The Understanding the Apex of the putt and its relationship Apex to the aim line Green Reading: Angle How angle effects break Green Reading: Distance How distance effects break Green Reading: Slope The effects of slope on break Green Reading: Time and Speed The effects of time and speed on break prediction Green Reading: Green Speed The effects of green speed on break prediction Green Reading: Speed Corridors Effects of speed on the read Green Reading: Speed and Line Corridors Big Slopes Effects of speed on big slopes Green Reading: Speed and Line Corridors Uphill Slopes Effects of speed on uphill slopes Green Reading: Speed and Line Corridors Downhill Slopes Effects of speed on downhill slopes Green Reading: Speed and Line Corridors Slow Greens How break amount changes on slower green speeds Green Reading: Speed and Line Corridors Quick Greens How break amount changes on quicker green speeds Green reading: Speed Line Corridors: Shallow Slopes The effects of speed and line on shallow slopes Green Reading: Vector Green Reading The principles of vector green reading Green Reading: Two-thirds Prediction Build the curve to predict the aim line Green Reading: Aimpoint Basic principles of aimpoint How to use the perfect putter to improve your green Green reading: Perfect Putter reading Green Reading: Clock drills Clock drill to help intuitive sense of break Green Reading: Finding Straight Finding straight as a process to help you predict break Green Reading: Targeting specific How targeting specific slopes for performance drills can slopes help your green reading Green Reading: Mapping Putts Mapping putts to help break prediction Green Reading: Quick Green Visuals Using your visuals to help adapt to green speed Green reading: Digital Level How to use a digital level to improve your green reading Element 5: Targeting Strategy Targeting Strategy: Introduction to Introduction to targeting and its importance Targeting Strategy Targeting Strategy: Over Aim Bias Understanding the over aim bias Targeting Strategy: Under Aim Bias Understanding the under-aim bias Targeting Strategy: False perception of the How your perception of the curve can affect curve your aim or stroke on breaking putts Targeting Strategy: Perceptual Bias and How a perceptual bias could affect you on a breaking putts breaking putt Targeting Strategy: Re-training your perception A drill to help you retrain the perception of the of the curve curve to help manage an over aim bias Targeting Strategy: Linear Strategy The Linear Targeting Strategy Targeting Strategy: Non-Linear Strategy The Non-Linear Targeting Strategy Targeting Strategy: Linear Spot Putting Using the spot as part of your linear targeting strategy Targeting Strategy: Non-Linear Spot Putting Using the spot as part of your non-linear targeting strategy Targeting Strategy: Combinations Linear Non- Using both linear and non-linear strategies to Linear manage aim and stroke bias Targeting Strategy: Using the Line on the ball Using the line as part of any linear or non-linear targeting strategy Targeting Strategy: Green Reading and The importance of the synergy between your Targeting Synergy targeting and green reading. Understanding the differences and how they can work together Targeting Strategy: Targeting Strategy Test How to find out the best strategy for you Element 6: Ball Roll Strategy Ball Roll Dynamics: Introduction to Ball Roll Introduction and importance of ball roll Dynamics dynamics Ball Roll Dynamics: Filming Ball Roll How to film and analyse your ball roll Ball Roll Dynamics: Putter Loft Test How to judge the loft of your putter Ball Roll Dynamics: True Roll The definition of true roll Ball Roll Dynamics: Launch Understanding the launch conditions Ball Roll Dynamics: Backspin Understanding backspin Ball Roll Dynamics: Forward Roll Understanding forward roll Ball Roll Dynamics: Skid Understanding the skid phase Ball Roll Dynamics: Side Spin Understanding side spin Ball Roll Dynamics: Gear Effect Gear effect in the putting stroke Ball Roll Dynamics: Dimple Error Understanding dimple error Ball Roll Dynamics: Breaking Putts The effects of ball roll on breaking putts Ball Roll Dynamics: Up and Downhill Launch Effects of launch types on slopes Ball Roll Dynamics: High Launch Stroke Patterns The stroke patterns that cause high ball launch Ball Roll Dynamics: Low Launch Stroke Patterns The stroke patterns that cause low ball launch Ball Roll Dynamics: Encouraging optimal launch Set up keys to encourage optimal launch Element 7: Putter Fitting Putter Fitting: Introduction to Putter Fitting The importance of having the correct putter Putter Fitting: The biggest myth in putter fitting Stroke arc and putter balance Putter Fitting: Face Balanced vs Toe Hang The difference between face balanced putters and toe hang putters Putter Fitting: Forces and Torques Forces and torques and how they interact with putter style Putter Fitting: Face Balanced Putters Face balanced styles and their potential effects Putter Fitting: Toe hang Mallets Toe hang mallets and their potential effects Putter Fitting: MOI Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of MOI Putter Fitting: Torque Balanced Putters Understanding torque balancing Putter Fitting: Length Selecting the right length Putter Fitting: Loft Understanding the effect of the loft of the putter Putter Fitting: Lie Angle The influence of lie angle Putter Fitting: Shaft Shaft considerations Putter Fitting: Hosel Hosel considerations Putter Fitting: Face Material Effect of face material Putter Fitting: Aim Effects of head shape Putter Fitting: Aim Lines or no lines? Putter Fitting: The Putter Fitting Test A test to help determine if you have the right putter for you Putter Fitting: Analysing ball launch Analysing the launch of the ball to help determine your optimum putter loft Drills Practice Drills: Introduction to Practice Introduction to the different elements of practice Drills: Managing In and About Plane Motion Nurf Dart Drill Drills: Managing In Plane Motion Tee Pegs Drill Drills: Managing Strike Elastic Band Drill Drills: Training your balance Pipe Insulation Drill Drills: Training your balance Alignment Stick Drill Drills: Hip alignment and rotation Alignment Stick Drill Drills: Green Reading Changing distance to calibrate break Drills: Baseline Slope Drill Using a baseline drill to help calibrate break and speed Drills: Green Reading and Speed Control Varying Entry Lines and Speeds Drills: Managing shaft plane Bottle Drill Drills: Green Reading Finding Straight to help predict the break Drills: Green Reading Using a Chalk Pen to help your green reading Drills: Elevated Putting String How best to use the elevated putting string Drills: String and Gate Drill Test your green reading and start line using a gate and string line Drills: Putting Mirror How to use a mirror to help set up and technique Drills: Phantom Holes How to use Phantom holes to help improve speed control and green reading Drills: Start Line Trainer How to use the Visio Start Line Trainer to work on your 3 skills Drills: Baseline Reads Using a level to create baseline reads Drills: Snowman Snowman Performance Drill Drills: The 3-8ft spiral Holing out performance drill Drills: The 3-8ft moving spiral One ball holing out drill Drills: The moving ladder from 3-10ft Holing out ladder drill from 3-10ft Drills: The Luke Donald 4-8ft A 4-8ft holing out drill used by Luke Donald Drills: Broadie median drill - 5ft Mark Broadie's 5ft median drill Drills: Broadie medial drill - 10ft 10ft median Drills: Broadie median drill - 15ft 15ft median Drills: The 10ft & 5ft birdie-par game Can you finish under par? Holing out drill with strokes gained Drills: Odds and evens from 3-10ft measurement Drills: The 20ft - 5ft drill (4,3,2,1) Completion drill from 20-5ft (4,3,2,1) Drills: The 20ft - 5ft (4,3,2,1) - random Random completion drill from 20-5ft (4,3,2,1) Drills: The 250ft Test Performance pace drill Completion drill testing your mid and short Drills: Mid-range birdie-par game range putting Drills: The 10, 15 & 20ft test Mid-range performance drill with constraints Drills: The pace proximity test Performance proximity pace drill Performance proximity pace drill with Drills: The pace proximity test with constraints constraints Performance proximity pace drill using a Drills: The Clock pace drill phantom hole Usually when we show this to golfers or coaches there are two reactions… Either: Amazing – I love how comprehensive this is and how much effort has gone into it Wow – that is a lot to learn If you are in the amazing camp you will definitely love this program. If you are in the wow camp, don’t worry. There is a substantial amount of content, but this is so that we can cover the individual needs of all of our members. Once you take the tests and fill out your start up questionnaire your own individual video journey will be sent to your locker room. Here’s how that might work… During your 12-week program you will have around 15-20 mins of videos to watch each week. All videos are specific to you, your stroke and your putting goals. No other program available offers anything like this. Sound good? You really will love how individualised this plan is to you. We really listened to feedback We have added videos after listening to feedback from you. We asked what you needed to see in this program, and we have delivered. The only thing that isn’t included and that a lot of people asked for was support for the inner game – the mental side of golf. So, we have added that too! We have partnered with tour psychologist Lee Crumbleholme to bring you a 3-part webinar series – How to master your inner game As you can see, we are determined to help you learn to putt like a tour pro and we have put together what I believe is the ultimate putting plan. And • We will continue to add to the program • There are members putting challenges • There is a community area • You can ask us questions • There’s the option of 1-1 coaching support for those who want to go even deeper • There are on course trackers and tools such as our on-course putts gained tracker • There are extra bonuses to covering nutrition for golfers and exercise for golfers So, we’ve done our bit… We’ve listened to what you need and put together a programme that will get results and that you will love – or you can have your money back, no questions asked. Sound fair enough? Ok let’s go Join the team now at
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