As we learn about the Comprehensive District Design (CDD), we, like you, question how it will affect our children and the Hale community. Families across the district are asking these same questions. In very literal ways, most of these families do not look like most Hale families. 24% of Hale students are kids of color compared to 66% across the district. 15% of Hale families receive educational benefits, while 63% of MPS families across the district do. Hale, and schools like ours, have benefited from systemic racial inequities in public education. As you know, Minneapolis Public School District (MPS) schools with the highest academic achievement (like Hale) also have more white students, fewer low income students, and more experienced teachers. This system is not working for students of color, who make up 80% of the students who leave MPS each year. We love Hale’s vibrant, engaged, and organized community. Many of us chose Hale school because of it. However, systemic racial inequities amplify our voices, and communities like ours have historically leveraged this power to resist change. We encourage families to learn as much as they can about the CDD as it is announced. Attend listening sessions. Read about it. Talk to each other. Ask hard questions. As we do this, it is our responsibility to understand how the proposals will affect not only our own families, but families beyond Hale whose voices are not always heard. As you learn more, we hope you speak out for equity, even if it may mean some change for Hale and your family. Email board members, speak out at listening sessions, engage in conversations on social media and Nextdoor, and talk to your friends and neighbors. Sincerely, Hale’s Welcoming Equity (WE) Committee January 15-February 19 MPS will host Public Listening and Info Sessions to receive feedback on models. January 24 Up to 3 models will be uploaded to the MPS Board website and publicly available January 28 MPS staff presents the models at the Board Meeting (no public comment) February 13 Hale PTA open meeting to discuss the CDD First ocial plan will go to the Board for a first reading in March Final Board vote in April Important CDD dates: Comprehensive District Design Listen. Learn. Get engaged