COVID-19 Re-Entry Plan 2020-2021 Safety is of the utmost importance at the Ignite Institute. We are committed to making sure our scholars and staff have a safe learning environment. All Ignite Institute scholars from all participating school districts will follow this plan. Introduction This plan provides guidance and information regarding the Ignite Institute’s response to COVID-19. These plans prioritize the safety and well-being of all staff and scholars in our school and are committed to accommodating the needs of all. Model Summary The Ignite Institute will be dividing our school days by colleges. The plan is an AABBC model. Scholar groups: ● Group A consists of Biomedical Sciences, Pre-Nursing, and Computer Science ● Group B consists of Engineering, Education, and Design ● Group C consists of seniors taking dual credit courses and/or participating in internships. Days of the week: ● Group A in-person scholars report to Ignite on Monday and Tuesday and will work virtually Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. ● Group B in-person scholars report to Ignite on Wednesday and Thursday and will work virtually Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. ● Group C in-person scholars report to Ignite on Friday for their senior academic seminar course and internship course. These scholars will work on dual credit and virtual courses Monday through Thursday and will report in person for their internship at the worksite if the scholar, guardian, and internship provider agree. If the internship is not available, in-person group C scholars will work on their internship course virtually Monday through Thursday and will report to Ignite during their internship time on Friday to work on their internship course and meet with the internship coordinator. “C” Day Structure The C day will be flexible in nature and will provide an opportunity for all scholars to access their teachers for assistance and guidance. This day will be focused mainly on communication and instruction for the scholars who chose virtual learning at Ignite. Teachers will use these days for: ● Mentoring scholars ● Scholar remediation ● Planning and recording lessons ● Developing and facilitating online lessons for all virtual scholars ● College team meetings ● Content team meetings ● Staff meetings ● Hold office hours for virtual scholars to talk to their teachers ● ARC Meetings ● 504 Meetings ● Professional Development Educational Model Options The Ignite Institute scholars and families will be able to choose from two models for the opening of the 2020-2021 school year. Scholars are asked to commit to one model for the entire first semester. 1. Full Virtual Instruction Scholars who choose to participate in the full virtual model will not attend in-person classes at the Ignite Institute. These scholars will: ● Remain enrolled in the same classes as though they were attending in-person ● Use the same Canvas courses as those participating in in-person courses, guided by their Ignite teachers ● Log in daily to view lessons and complete assignments o Attendance will be taken based on daily participation ● Check in with their mentor teacher no less than once weekly ● Have access to teacher assistance throughout the week ● Commit to learning virtually for the first semester of school 2. Hybrid Instruction Scholars who choose to participate in the hybrid in-person/virtual model will attend in-person classes at the Ignite Institute for part of the week and virtually during the rest of the week. Teachers are encouraged to use on campus days for hands-on activities and assisting with assignments. The schedule is as follows: ● Monday and Tuesday (Group A, 9th-11th Grade) o Biomedical Sciences, Pre-Nursing, and Computer Science scholars will report to the Ignite Institute at normal times. These scholars will complete their course work virtually using Canvas on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. o Scholars will attend 3 periods on Monday and 3 periods on Tuesday. ● Wednesday and Thursday (Group B, 9th-11th Grade) o Engineering, Education, and Design scholars will report to the Ignite Institute at normal times. These scholars will complete their course work virtually using Canvas on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. o Scholars will attend 3 periods on Wednesday and 3 periods on Thursday. ● Friday (Group C, Seniors) o Seniors will report to the Ignite Institute on Fridays to attend their Senior Academic Seminar course, to check in with our dual-credit coordinator, and to complete their internship work if they are not able to attend their internship in-person. Senior scholars will complete their dual credit courses according to the college guidelines (see links below) Monday-Thursday. Additionally, scholars attending internships will report to those internships as the businesses allow, and will work with the Ignite Internship Coordinator to determine their schedule. **Scholars with special circumstances may be asked to attend the Ignite Institute additional days of the week for remediation. Safety Guidelines All scholars and staff members that are in the Ignite school building participating in in-person classes will be required to follow the guidelines below. Student/Staff Guidelines As outlined by state and local health officials, the following guidelines will be implemented: ● Enforced Social Distancing (six (6) feet or more) o This element is essential to reduce the need for contact tracing if a positive case is identified in the classroom ● Universal masking o Students and staff are required to wear a cloth face covering, unless medically waived ● If staff/scholars remain stationary and can maintain social distancing (currently 6 feet or more), a mask can be lowered as long as no persons are walking around inside the classroom/setting ● Any time scholars or staff transition, they must wear a mask unless exempt due to medical waiver ● Masks should: o Fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face o Be secured with ties or ear loops o Include multiple layers of fabric o Allow for breathing without restriction o Be able to be laundered and machine dried without damage or change to shape o Cover both nose and mouth ● The Ignite Institute is committed to conducting daily temperature/health checks of scholars, and visitors before/upon entering school property ● Staff and scholars will be expected to provide their own cloth covering daily unless exempt due to medical waiver. ● Parents/Guardians will be asked to sign the scholar return to school document that requires commitment to the following safety precautions: o Keep child home if they are sick o Self-monitor the temperature daily and keep the child home if they have a temperature at or above 100.4. Temperature will be checked at the school facility as well. o Communicate to school staff if their child has symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days ● Per CDC recommendations, the Ignite Institute will isolate sick individuals from well scholars and staff until they can leave the school. o The Fitness Center is closed and will become the sickness isolation room ● A scholar or staff member sent home with COVID-19 symptoms who has a negative COVID-19 test, or when their symptoms have subsided, may return to school once they are fever-free (without fever-reducing medication) for 72 hours and have no other COVID-19-related symptoms. Social-Distancing/Reduction in Contact Space planning solutions will be used to reduce transmission of contagious diseases through social distancing. Current guidance for social distancing is six feet. The Ignite Institute will follow the guidance of all state and local public health officials on social distancing. Note: public safety codes, building codes, applicable laws and security requirements must not be compromised to achieve social distancing. The Ignite Institute has committed to the following: ● As much as possible, individuals will maintain social distancing at all times. Remote instruction will be considered for individuals unwilling or unable to comply with social distancing. ● Schools will schedule teacher rotation to scholars vs. scholar’s rotation to teachers to the maximum extent possible. ● Designate entry points for arrival and dismissal of scholars to reduce contact and maintain social distancing to the greatest extent possible. If arrival or dismissal requires the need to “hold” scholars, social distancing in large spaces following room capacity calculators can be utilized. o Mask use is required unless medical waiver exempt o Use measures to keep sub-groups of scholars together o All seating should be facing the same direction o If “holding” scholars become routine, seat assignment is required ● Assign school staff to designated entry points to take temperatures of arriving scholars ● Have a specific area for scholars identified at entry with temp > 100.4 to be isolated from the group while maintaining confidentiality and privacy ● All desk/seating will be arranged so scholar’s seats face the same direction ● Enforce cleaning protocols necessary between class changes ● Social distancing signage will be placed throughout facilities Mask Exemption Scholars who provide the school with a medical exemption from a licensed medical professional are not required to wear a mask. In order for the mask requirement to be waived, the parent/guardian must provide the school with a letter from the physician. It must include the following: ● Student Name ● Date of Birth ● Medical reason the scholar cannot wear a mask ● Signature, Printed Name, and Date of the Physician ● The statement must be on the physician’s office letterhead. General Information Curriculum The Ignite Institute will be implementing a synchronous model. Under this model, parents may choose whether their children attend school in-person or virtually at home. Instruction will be delivered synchronously to scholars who are at school and at home through recorded lessons, activities, assignments, and assessments using Canvas. This model allows for delivery of instruction on a continual basis with flexibility for those scholars at home to view recorded lessons if it isn’t possible to participate during the in-person lesson. Students will remain in the chosen model for a semester, unless extenuating circumstances present a need for this to change. Canvas All courses that are taught by Ignite Institute teachers will be offered through the Canvas platform. ● Recorded lessons taught by Ignite teachers will be uploaded to Canvas weekly ● All activities, assignments, and assessments will be assigned/administered through Canvas ● Scholars will submit all work through Canvas ● Teachers will mentor scholars regularly via virtual or in-person meetings Other Online Courses Online courses not taught by Ignite Institute teachers will continue to be offered through Edgenuity (i.e., Health, Physical Education, Visual/Performing Arts for non-design college scholars). Daily Participation Rates Daily scholar participation will be tracked during the 20-21 school year in lieu of daily scholar attendance. Scholars in the Hybrid or Full Virtual model will have to participate in class every day, including days they are learning virtually. Communication of Student Progress The Ignite Institute teachers will update grades in both Infinite Campus and Canvas at least once weekly. In addition, Ignite teachers will continue to communicate with parents/guardians regarding scholar progress. Special Populations Scholars with Individual Education Plans (IEPs), 504 plans, free and reduced lunch, gifted and talented, and English Language Learner (ELL) scholars will continue to receive services during all instructional models. Counseling The Ignite Institute makes the social and emotional health of our scholars a priority. Our counselors remain available for scholar needs and will continue to reach out to those who need their services. Additionally, teachers will continue to support scholars through mentoring. Resources for helping scholars cope with changes due to COVID-19 (Spanish) Truancy All scholars are expected to either attend school according to the model they commit to or participate in school each day from home. Truancy laws and regulations are still in place for the 20-21 school year. Non-Compliance Scholars who do not wear their mask (and have no documented exemption) may be switched to all virtual instruction in an effort to protect all scholars and staff. Scholars who consistently fail to complete work virtually may be asked to report to the Ignite Institute additional days of the week for remediation. This will be determined through the collaboration and agreement of the parent/guardian and the Ignite Institute. Dual Credit Courses The Ignite Institute and partnering universities will continue to provide dual credit opportunities. Each university has COVID-19 guidelines for on and off campus instruction. It is imperative that the scholars follow the guidelines for the colleges in which their dual credit is administered. ● Gateway Community and Technical College: ● Northern Kentucky University: ● Thomas More: Academic Internships Students will be placed as state and local health officials and businesses allow. Scholars will be given research projects and assignments when not allowed at the business. The internship coordinator will work with scholars to create an individual plan as the needs of scholars and businesses change. Temperature Checks Temperatures will be taken as scholars exit the bus (side entrance) as well as with car-riding scholars (front entrance). Scholars with temperatures that exceed 100.4 will be isolated and re-checked after 5 minutes. Bus-riding scholars and car-riding scholars will be isolated in the Fitness Center. Those with temperatures that exceed 100.4 will be re-checked after 5 minutes. Scholars who register above 100.4 after 5 minutes must be picked up by a parent/guardian. Those who register under 100.4 after 5 minutes will report to class. Isolated scholars will be required to keep their mask on until they are cleared with a temperature check or until they exit the building with a parent/guardian. Symptomatic Scholars Scholars reporting COVID-19 symptoms during the school day will report to the Fitness Center. They will be seen by the school nurse or medical assistant who will follow all state guidelines regarding assessment and procedures. Parents/Guardians picking up scholars who are sent home will come to the side entrance near the fitness center. First Aid/Medication Scholars with no symptoms will report to the front hallway outside the first aid office and will sit in a designated chair until a health clinician can assist them. Scholars seeking assistance from the clinic must be wearing a mask. Restrooms Restrooms will be sanitized frequently by Ignite Institute custodial staff. Movement in the Building Scholars attending in-person classes will follow directional arrows on the floor of common areas. When in doubt, scholars should stay on the right side of walkways. The flow of traffic will be enforced by the teachers and administration in the building. Scholars requesting to see office personnel (administrative assistants, counselors, and administration) must have approval from a teacher to do so. Teachers must call the office to ensure it is safe for the scholar to come to the front office before dismissing the scholar. Seating Assignments For the safety of scholars and staff, anyone attending in-person classes will sit in assigned seats at all times. This includes during lunch and morning arrival. Special Events All special events, including clubs, field trips, and tours are suspended until further notice. Arrival & Breakfast Scholars arriving before 7:45 a.m. will get temperature read at front doors. They will enter the building and go to their first period location. Scholars who need breakfast will get their food and sit at a cafeteria table in a spot marked with a 1. At 7:45 all scholars in the cafeteria will go immediately to their first period class and sit at their assigned seat in the classroom. The buses will be arriving later as a result of other requirements. As buses arrive, scholars will get temperatures taken and go immediately to their first period class. They will sit at their assigned seat. Scholars from the buses needing breakfast will go through the line and proceed directly to class. It is expected they are in class at the class start time. Initially, instruction will begin at 8:20 a.m. When the bus schedule is determined based on testing requirements, the start time will be moved up. In the time prior to the start of first period, scholars should be working within Canvas on their coursework. Morning Supervision ● All teachers will be ready to work starting at 7:45. ● One teacher will be needed as the primary supervisor in the each of the following spaces: o Collaboration space o Each cubicle area o Nursing/English/Math area o Science Lab area ● Teachers will supervise these entire areas, while the remaining teachers assist with scholar entrance ● Three teachers will be assigned morning duty an hour before school begins. They will oversee the cafeteria and entrance of the school. ● Three teachers will be assigned after school duty for assistance as well Classroom Locations ● Strict seating assignments will occur for every class all year. Areas will be sanitized between scholar/staff use. In an effort to reduce movements of scholars we are making changes in classroom assignments for the 2020/2021 school year. Mondays and Tuesdays Course Biomedical Sciences Pre-Nursing Computer Science Career Biomedical Lab Pre-Nursing Lab Computer Science Cubicle English Media Center Collaboration Area Computer Science Cubicle Math Engineering Bay Collaboration Area Art Room Science Science Lab Science Lab Science Lab Social Studies Media Center Collaboration Area Computer Science Cubicle Spanish Spanish Cubicle Spanish Cubicle Spanish Cubicle Wednesdays and Thursdays Course Design Education Engineering Career Design Classroom Collaboration Area Engineering Bay English Computer Science Cubicle Collaboration Area Media Center Math Computer Science Cubicle Collaboration Area Biomedical Sciences Lab Science Science Lab Science Lab Science Lab Social Studies Computer Science Cubicle Collaboration Area Media Center Spanish/Art Art Room Spanish Cubicle Spanish Cubicle Class Times Period a 8:15-9:55 Period b 9:55-12:10 Period c 12:10-11:50 Scholars will rotate class periods per day, per week. On week one, periods 1,2,3 will be on the first day, periods 4,5,6 will be on the second day. The next week, periods 4,5,6 will be on the first day, and periods 1,2,3 will be the second day. This is to accommodate scholars who are live streaming dual credit courses on Tuesday and Thursday. This structure also allows for cleaning in between classes less times per day than a 6 period per day schedule as well as longer class periods. Scholars will be seated socially distanced in assigned seats in their classes. Lunch The Ignite Institute will seat scholars using social distancing guidelines during lunch. Scholars will sit at a table in the cafeteria area, in a specifically numbered seat. Scholars in the first lunch will sit in a seat labeled 1. Scholars at the second lunch will sit at a seat labeled 2. Scholars in the third lunch will sit at a seat labeled 3. Scholars are required to wear masks until they have their lunch and are seated. Lunch 10:20 – 10:50 Biomedical Sciences/Engineering 11:00 – 11:30 Pre-Nursing/Design 11:40 – 12:10 Computer Science/Education Dismissal The Ignite Institute will have staggered dismissal times. Bus-riding scholars will dismiss at 1:54pm and will be required to wear masks while exiting. Car-riding scholars will be dismissed at 2:00. Emergency Drills The Ignite Institute will conduct emergency drills within colleges to limit the number of scholars exiting the building and practicing emergency drills. In-Person Class Cancellations The Ignite Institute is prepared for temporary, periodic shifts to Full Virtual instruction as the need arises according to state and local guidance in response to COVID-19. Should this need arise, parents will be notified as quickly as possible. During these times, all scholars will participate following the Full Virtual model. Once it is safe to resume in-person classes, we will notify parents, guardians, and scholars in a timely manner. Scholars will continue with the model they were attending prior to cancellation. Visitors All visitors must enter through the front entrance of the Ignite Institute and must wear a mask at all times. Visitors will not be permitted unless they have communicated with the school ahead of time. Transportation Transportation will be provided to Ignite from the home high school in the mornings and back to the home high school in the afternoon. Scholars are expected to follow all safety guidelines of their home school districts (such as wearing a mask at all times) while riding buses.
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