Activity √ Take a small box outside and fill it with as many things as you can in 15 minutes. Count them up and give yourself a point for every one. Make glue with flour buy adding a little bit of water and stirring. Find petals and leaves outside and glue them to your paper with your flour paste. Create your own scavenger hunt: Make a list of all the things you might find inside or outside and race to see who can find them all first! Make nature rubbings: get a crayon and some paper and find as many different textures as you can. Put your paper on top and rub the crayon over the paper. Collect seeds from fruits and vegetables when your grown up is making dinner- peppers are great options! Find a nice spot on the windowsill to dry them out in a bowl ready to be planted. Play hide and seek with your teddies: ask your grown up or sibling to hide them for you to find! Make perfume out of flower petals: pick some petals [check with your adult first!] then soak in water. Paint with water! Choose a nice spot on the driveway, pavement or a paved area in your garden. Use a paintbrush, grass or a stick dipped in water to draw pictures on the ground! Make bunting to decorate the house or the garden! Cut paper, old carrier bags or scrap fabric in to triangles. Staple, sew or pin them to string or ribbon and hang them up! Hold a mini Olympics! Run, skip, hula hoop, dance, jump! Go out in to the garden or stay indoors, but make sure you have a nice clear space. Maybe you could create an obstacle course for you and your adult to try. Help your grown up with the washing. If the sun is shining, why not take some in to the garden and wash it in a soapy bucket? Make a fairy out of things you find in the garden: flowers, seeds, leaves, twigs. Give her a name an find her somewhere safe to live outside. Make a mud pie. Ask for an old pot of container and find some mud! Just remember not to eat it. Make your own pet. You could make it out of anything you find: a sock, a pine cone, a rock or even a cereal box! Give it a name and don’t forget to feed and walk it around the house! Draw a dream! Create a family tree! Ask a grown up to help you if you’re not sure. How far back can people in your house remember? If you’d prefer, try and make a family tree for someone famous, or even a cartoon! Draw a self portrait. Could you draw yourself as an animal or a superhero? Make a poster to encourage others to recycle. Make it big and bold and colourful! Draw the seasons. What colours will you use for each one? Draw a picture of your favourite animal doing the things it loves. Balance stones. Find some flat pebbles outside and bring them indoors. See who can make the biggest tower. Write a book review for your favourite book. Talk about the characters and your favourite part but don’t give away the ending! Look after an animal in your home. don’t forget they are probably a little bored too! Make stars out of twigs. Find straight sticks and tie them in to a star shape with string. Draw around your hand and choose five people who are really special to you. Have a go at writing their names on each finger. Grow a plant. Use seeds from dinnertime or seeds from the cupboards. Make sure to keep watering them and keep them in the sunlight. How high can your plant grow? Draw something really big. Find a big piece of paper, a big cardboard box, or roll of long paper and make the biggest picture you can. Celebrate your favourite book by putting on a show. Help at home. Ask your grown up what they need help with and do your best to try. Make a musical shaker. Use a bottle, fill it with rice, pasta or small stones and make sure you close the lid properly! Investigate how different fillings make different noises. Pretend you’re on holiday. Write a a postcard to a friend to tell them all about it. Write a story with yourself as the main character. Where will you go? With who? Be as imaginative as possible. Make a list of things you would like to know about your favourite animal. Ask a grown up to show you a website where you can find it all out Design a flag for you, or a crest for your family. What colours will you include? What animals would represent your family? Plan a party. Invite all your cuddly toys, or maybe the adults in your house. Make sure there are lots of things to eat and drink- even if they are plastic! Make a bird feeder. Use lard or coconut oil mixed with seeds. Hang it up for the birds outside. Create a badge for some special people in your life. Who helps you at home or at school? What kind of people are they? Can you think of some special names for them, or some nice words to describe them. Design a new town. Where will the roads, houses and schools go? Don’t forget the fun things like zoos and libraries! Learn a song with actions. Ask your grown up to find you a suitable one on YouTube. Make funny faces in the mirror. Choose your funniest and see if you can make a grown up laugh. Draw something impossible. Maybe a dream, or a scene from your favourite magical book. Draw pictures to represent your favourite things, or things you have to do often. Use them to communicate for an hour. Can you ask to go to the toilet or for a snack using just pictures? Create a hedgehog hideaway. Use bricks or logs, just make sure they are stable. Design a puppet. Give it moving parts and a name. Can you make up a comedy routine? Use your body to make music. Can you click your tongue, pop your lips or use your hands as a drum? Invent something new! Draw it and write about how useful it would be. Can you make it? Try and convince someone that it would be super important. Make a bridge out of materials in your home. Paper, card and straws are all great options. A good tip, triangles are a strong shape! Look at the food packets in your cupboards. Do any of them have fruits or vegetables in them? Which ones do you think are the healthiest? Make a boat out of paper or card. Think about how to make it waterproof and float. Test it in the bath or sink. Can you make two and race them by blowing them across the water? Learn a lullaby and since it to a younger sibling when it’s bed time. Make a poster of all of your favourite things. What would a new friend want to know about you? Ask an adult to teach you the recovery position. Can you put them in it too? Draw yourself as world-saving superhero. What will your superpower be? Will you be a recycling superhero? Or someone who feeds other? How will you save the world? Spot moths! When it’s dark outside, take a torch and see what bugs are attracted to it. Make a blanket fort and cuddle up with your teddies or your adult. Get ready for bed by torchlight, pretend you’re camping in the dark- that way you’ll be ready if the light ever stops working! Make and fly a home made kite. You will need paper, string, tape and the wind! Retell a fairy tale that you know really well. Maybe you could change something about the story, or tell it from a different perspective. Make your teddy a passport and help them travel around the world. Teach them something about different countries [ask your adult to find you a good website to help] and give them a stamp for each one. Make a sundial. Find a straight stick or pencil and stick it to a plate with bluetak or playdough. Put it outside and watch the ways the shadows move throughout the day. Play the memory game: find a few objects and place them on the table. Make sure you remember what objects you have found. Get a grown up to cover them with a towel and take one away. When they take the towel off, see if you can guess what object is missing! Make a map of your house. Can you figure out which way is North/South/East/West is by where the sun sets? [Tip: the sun sets in the west!] Make yourself a fruit salad. Try and add something you wouldn’t normally try. Plant a kindness cup. Find a paper or plastic cup and decorate it. Fill it with soil and plant a seed. Water it, keep it in the sunlight and when it’s grown give it to a neighbour. Make a rain gauge: ask a grown up to cut the top off of a big empty bottle. Place some stones in the bottom and then, using a ruler and a marker pen, make marks up the side every 5mm. Put the bottle top, upside down, in to the bottle like a funnel. Place the bottle outside and check how much rain falls each night! Make a bug hotel. Using an old mug or plant pot, fill it with rolled up paper, sticks and hay and put it in the garden for the bugs to enjoy! Go stargazing. Can you spot the constellation that matches your star sign? Ask your grown up to download the NASA and tell you when there’s going to be a space walk. Go outside and wave to them! Do a creature survey. Choose a minibeast and go outside and count how many you see. Use pens to decorate an old t-shirt. Ask your grown up first! Find a story from a different culture. Learn it, and think of an interesting way to tell it to someone else. Learn to make a cup of tea. Ask your adult to supervise and promise to make them more! Play catch! If you can’t go outside, screw up a piece of paper and use it as a ball to avoid breaking anything! Make up a dance to your favourite song. Perform it to your adult or siblings. Have a fashion show. Make it as creative as you can! Wear spots with stripes, lots of colours, or put your pants on your head! Use glue, water and newspaper to Papier-mâché a balloon or a bowl. Paint a silly face on it when it’s dry. Make bowling pins out of empty bottles and create your own bowling alley. Be careful when you throw the ball, a hallway is best! Have a Scrabble or a Jenga tournament! Take silly pictures with an old camera or phone. Make sure you ask before you take someone’s photo though! Think about what you want to be when you grow up and pretend to be them for a day. Can you make a fireman’s hat or help an adult with some DIY? Search around the house for all the loose change you can find. Add it up and decide what to spend it on! Write a newspaper article about something that interests you or something happening in your family. Put together a newspaper with all your news! Think of a story you know really well and find a way to tell it in an exciting way. Could you make a puppet? Or a flip book? Or characters out of play dough? Make a fruit sculpture! Maybe make a smiley face out of grapes, or use cocktail sticks to make a strawberry sculpture. Replicate a famous painting using paint. Or, make it bigger and use objects around the house as the colour! Learn the alphabet in sign language. Can you spell your name? Find a nice pebble and paint it. Ask your grown up to varnish it or cover it with glue to keep it shiny. Later, hide it somewhere for others to find on your way to school. Make an indoor zip wire for your cuddly toys using string and a hanger with pegs. Tie your string across the room, one end higher than the other. Peg your cuddly to your hanger and hook them on the string. Watch them go! Find a board game you haven’t played in a while. Challenge someone in your family to a game. Put on old adult t-shirts, stuff them with pillows and pretend to be sumo wrestlers. Mind your heads! Make a phone out of cups [or empty tins] and string. Ask your grown up help with the cutting! Investigate how you can talk to people using them. Make up a song or poem about your favourite fruit or vegetable to try and encourage others to eat it too. Create something out of recycled items. Make up a board game. Write the rules, create the board and the pieces and invite someone to play! Make a target. Put cotton buds in straws and blow in to the other end to create your own safe darts! See if you can get a bullseye. Think of your favourite animal. Make a mask and find clothes that are the right colour. Pretend to be them. Blow up a balloon and play keepy-uppies or balloon karate, if it hits the ground you lose! Write a list of all your friends and one thing you like about them. What qualities do they have that you could try and have? Make a sandwich for your grown up. Complete a puzzle. Can you think of the best way to finish one?