Eberron - Player's Cheat Sheet Background Information: Our game focuses on the continent of Khorvaire, where a century of war between the five dominant nations has just given way to two years of delicate peace. Five Nations of Khorvaire: Aundair (AU) Known for agriculture, high education standards, and arcane magic. Ruled by Queen Aurala in Fairhaven. Breland (BR) Known for huge diverse cities (particularly Sharn) and rugged frontiers. Ruled by King Boranel in Wroat. Cyre (formerly) - Famous for artistic marvels, but was corrupted by a mysterious disaster at the end of the war. The land where it once stood is called the Mournland. Many who escaped live in New Cyre, ruled by Prince Oargev, in Breland. Karrnath (KA) Known for military tradition and practice of necromancy. Ruled by King Kaius III in Korth. Thrane (TH) Known for religious devotion to the Silver Flame and cultural isolation. Ruled by the child Keeper Jaela in Flamekeep. Other parts of Khorvaire: Darguun (DA) A goblin-dominated nation which broke from Cyre, known for slavery. Ruled by Warlord Haruuc in Rhukaan Draal. Demon Wastes (DW) A barren land inhabited by barbarians and ancient evils. Droaam (DR) A land of monsters governed by a hag coven called the Daughters of Sora Kell, in the Great Crag. Eldeen Reaches (ER) Formerly part of Aundair, known for vast forests, agriculture, and druidic magic. Ruled by High Druid Oalian in Greenheart. Lhaazar Principalities (LP) A confederation of many small seafaring states, infamous for piracy. Mournland (ML) The twisted remains of Cyre, full of monsters and horrors. Here, the feared Lord of Blades is building an army of fellow warforged. Mror Holds (MH) Populated mostly by dwarves, ruled by the Iron Council in Krona Peak. Q'barra (QB) Home to many lizardfolk, isolated and known for dense jungles. Ruled by King Sebastes in Newthrone. Shadow Marches (SM) A marshland divided into numerous tribes, known as the orc homeland. Talenta Plains (TP) Populated mainly by nomadic halflings, known for herds of dinosaurs. Valenar (VA) During the war, this region of Cyre was taken over by militaristic elves, led by War Leader Shaeras in Taer Valaestas. Zilargo (ZI) Homeland of the gnomes, known for intrigue, academia, and shipwrights. Ruled by the Triumvirate in Trolanport. Dragonmarked Houses: Dragonmarks are hereditary magical birthmarks, and the extended family which bears a particular mark comprises an influential organization called a House. House Dragonmark Race Trades Cannith Making human invention, manufacturing Deneith Sentinel human bodyguards, mercenaries Ghallanda Hospitality halfling food, lodging Jorasco Healing halfling healing, medicine Kundarak Warding dwarf banks, prisons, storage Lyrandar Storm half-elf air and water transportation Medani Detection half-elf investigation, security Orien Passage human land transportation, teleportation Phiarlian Shadow* elf entertainment, spies Sivis Scribing gnome communication, translation Tharashk Finding half-orc, human tracking, recovery Thuranni Shadow* elf assassins, entertainment Vadalis Handling human animal breeding, training Tarkanan Aberrant any killers, thieves (unofficial house) Races: In addition to those found in other D&D settings, Eberron is home to multiple unique races. Changelings are shapechangers who can alter their appearance at will, to resemble almost anyone. Kalashtar are a race descended from humans, who have a mental connection to extraplanar beings. Shifters are a lycanthrope-like race, who can shift between nearly-human and more beast-like forms. Warforged are artificial beings created from metal, wood, and stone, made to be soldiers during the war. Khoravar is the name used by the half-elves of Eberron to refer to themselves. Most khoravar are descended from khoravar parents, rather than from a human and an elf, so they consider themselves a separate race. Distant Lands: Aerenal is an island continent inhabited by elves, southeast of Khorvaire. Argonessen is a continent inhabited by dragons, far southeast of Khorvaire. Frostfell is a frozen continent inhabited by dwarves, north of Khorvaire. Sarlona is a continent inhabited mainly by humans, on the opposite side of the Frostfell from Khorvaire. Xen'Drik is a continent inhabited by giants, south of Khorvaire. Cosmos: The world of Eberron is orbited by 12 moons and the rings of Siberys . Beneath Eberron's surface are the endless dark tunnels of Khyber . Other planes are known to exist, and there are certain times and places where they hold magical sway over Eberron and its inhabitants. The gods of Eberron are distant and enigmatic; they have never directly proven their presence, leading some to say they don't even exist.