Designed by Chase Estep 1-2 players | 10-20 minutes Components: 18 cards (12 Bird Cards, 6 Bonus Scoring Cards) 12 d6 (4 Red, 4 Blue, 4 Green) 3 player pawns (1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 Green) Overview: It’s the early days of spring and birds are zipping about looking for berries and flowers. However, some birds only want a single type of berry, while others want a variety. Help them find what they’re looking for and score the most points along the way! In Bandada, 1-2 players will be drafting cards each round with a top action which lets them change some of the 12 dice. Each card also has a bottom section which will score the player points at the end of every round. The player with the most total points at the end of the 4th round is the winner. Setting Up The Game: To start the game, roll all 12 dice and then sort them into their matching colors. Shuffle the 12 bird cards and deal 3 cards face-up within reach of both players. The rest of the cards are placed face-down next to the array as the draw pile. The first player is the person that didn’t roll the dice. Playing the game: The first player will choose one of the three face-up cards. They will then follow the action on the top of the card to modify the dice. Once the action is complete, the player immediately scores points based on the bottom of the card. Then, that card is placed face up in front of them (in their tableau) to score at the end of each round. Note: In the first round, you will score your bird twice. Once when you draft it, then again during the scoring phase at the end of the round. Version 1.41 Altering the Dice: Bandada is all about dice manipulation so here are some basics of altering dice: ● If a “6” is increased by 1, it becomes a “1”. ● If a “1” is decreased by 1, it becomes a “6”. ● When counting consecutive numbers, 4,5,6,1 would be considered consecutive. ● If you’re told to Flip a die, you turn it over so the top is the bottom. Once the card is drafted and the actions are performed and the card is scored, play passes to the second player. They will draw the top card from the deck to replace the one taken by the first player and then they will draft one of the three cards just as the first player did. Ending a round: Once the second player completes their turn, both players will use the bottom section of all birds in front of them to calculate their round scores. When scoring, each individual die can be used to score multiple cards. Keep track of your score using any method you like. Preparing for the next round: 1. Place the remaining cards from the array into a discard pile 2. Keep your personal cards in front of you 3. Swap the first player to the second player 4. Reveal 3 new bird cards (if the draw pile is empty, shuffle the discard pile) 5. Start the next round At the end of 4 rounds, the player with the most points has helped the most birds and is declared the winner! If there is a tie, the player with the highest total value indicated in the lower left corner of the card is the winner. If there is still a tie, play another game of Bandada. Expanding The Game: Once you’re familiar with the game, add these additional rules to play the full game. Bonus Scoring Cards: There are six cards that have bonus end-of-game scoring conditions. To play with these cards, give one to each player at the start of the game during setup and keep them secret. Don’t look at the remaining cards either. Each card has two scoring conditions. At the end of the game, reveal your card and add the higher of the two points to your final score. Version 1.41 Personal Power Pawn: There are three pawns, one for each colored die. To play with these, randomly give one to each player at the start of the game during setup. They should be placed face up in front of each player. The pawn gives the players two abilities: 1. Change one die of pawn’s color +/-1 after drafting cards in a round following this order. a. Player 1 changes their die. b. Player 2 changes their die. c. Both players proceed to the scoring phase. 2. Swap one of the birds in their tableau for the bird on the top of the draw pile. This can only be done at the end of a round, before scoring. a. When a player chooses to swap a bird, they return their pawn to the box and are no longer able to use either of the abilities for the rest of the game. Optional Variants: Beginner Variant: For a quicker, simpler game, play with just the 12 bird cards and only score cards at the end of the 4th round. Solo Variant: To play solo, set up the game the same as in a 2-player game (including bonus card and player pawn if you wish) with the exception of placing 2 cards in the array instead of 3 cards. In addition, when you draft a card, you do not score it immediately. You only score at the end of each round. In addition, place the remaining card from the array into a pile for the AI player (it is NOT added to a discard pile or back to the draw deck at the end of the round). At the end of the 4th round, calculate the AI players score by totaling the values in the lower left corner of the 4 set aside cards. Then draw a bonus scoring card and give them the points listed in the bottom left corner of the card. If you score more points than the AI player, you win! If there is a tie, the player with the highest total value indicated in the lower left corner of the card is the winner. If there is still a tie, play another game of Bandada. Version 1.41
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