Mu l H u t Fr e &J Mo z i p s a z l a mmu s l a a r y er hHummusT pe e noS l laS t c oppe hug, i ck s Ser v dwi e thZa dwit ’ a hPi t t ar aBr 9 e a 9 d B att le&B r Wh e e r w eE ver ybo dyK nowsY ourG ame ! B urg ers S erv edwi thMa rina ra C hee seS tra ts 1 0 Pr etze lBrea d&Beer- Chee s eDi p AllBur ger sSer vedonH&FBr i ochew/ Choic eofS i de Gar nishe dwi t hGr eenOnion Gr il ledChic kenBr eastorBe yondBurge rPa ttyAvai labl e+3. 00 N oth ingP ers onn elK id 1 2 I lCl ass ic o 1 5 T he1 -U P 1 5 Whi teChi cke nChi liNa chos Ext raAmeri canChee se,Pi ckl es, Fr eshMus hrooms,Ga rli cAi oli , S ha v edOnion&Speci alS auce &Provol one P ete rPa rke r’ sPi ck les&P epp ers 8 S erv edwi thBut ter mil kRa nch T heB ris coJ r 1 5 T heK -P op 1 5 S wis sChe ese&Patt yMe l tSa uceon GoSa uce, Ca bbag eSl aw, But ter edToa st Kor eanBBQ,Avoc a do&Cucumbe rs C hic kenP arme sa nFr ie s/ Tot s 1 3 Fr iedChic ken,Mari nar aandMoz zChe ese K ingS har k 1 5 A TLi en 1 5 overT otsorFr ies Pinea ppl eJa lapenoJam,Cri spySpam, Pul ledPork, Cit rusAga veS l aw Cit rusAga veSlaw,Ci lant ro, &Pr ovol one CokeBBQSauce ,Ma yo L oad edB ake dPo tat oFr ie s/ Tot s 1 3 S and wic hes Queso,BaconandSc all ions ove rT otsorFr ies U ncl eBu ckF ri es /T ots 1 3 Al lSa ndwi che sSe rve donH&FBr eadw/ Choi ceofS ide Br ownMus ov erT ot hroom Gr sorFri es avya ndChe eseCur ds T heB elmo nt 1 4 J ole ne 1 3 Ri beyeS teak,Oni ons Na shv ill eHotChi cke n,Di llPi ckl es, &Prov olone Sl aw, &OldBayAi oli S id es Fri edChicke T h n, eI mmo Pic r kl t e a lB dCa a nhMi r rot ,Cuc umbe r , 1 2 Mar G ob ke i ’ sF tFi i s s h’ wi c hwi t h hCit rus 1 3 T ots 4 Ci lant ro, GoS a uce,SoyS auce&Jal ape no Ag aveSla w&Ca perAiol i F ri es 4 D oki Dok iFo rma ggi o 1 2 C hic kyC hic kyP armP arm 1 3 S weeti eP’ sw/Mal lowSa uce 4 Pe ppe roniPi zzaGr il ledChe ese Dr agonT alons ,Mozz are lla ,Parmesa n, &Ma r ina raonaHoagieRol l L it tleMac 5 T heP ony tai lPr inc e 1 2 S eas onalVe geta ble s(G F) 6 Ameri canChe ese,Moz zar ell a, AR eal lyB igD il l 1 3 Pr ovol one&Shre ddedCheddar Di llPi ckl edGr il ledChe ese H ouseSal ad 4 C owa bun gaD ude 1 2 B roc c- Loc ki nBe at 1 3 C aes arSala d 4 Pul ledPork,BBQSauce, Cha rre dBr oc c ol iRe ubenwithSwi ss, Pi nea ppl eJ a lapenoJa m, Chedda r, Sa urkraut&Spec ialS auce S ala d&S oup Mozzar ell a,&Provolone E tT ( * uB rut e? AddChi cke n3) 9 E ntr ees C han gas C hic kenC hil i B owl6 ,Cu p3 D rag ont alo ns 1 2 G ano n’sD omi ni on 1 3 House -Ma deChic kenT e nder sS erve d Tri for ceMeatMix,Ques o,Chedda r ,Sa lsa , T omat oSoup B owl6 ,Cu p3 w/SideandChoic eofS auce, Bl ackBea ns,Ger udoMol e&Br ownRice Tosse dinyourchoic eof Serve dw/ Choi ceofS i de L imi tBr eak s S auce+. 50 Z uko ’sR ede mpt ion 1 3 ( Des ser ts) D rag on’ sNe st 1 5 Buffal oChicken, Ma cNChe ese,Queso, House -MadeChi ckenT enderss erv edon Ranc h,Cit rusAgaveSl aw, Buffal oS a uc e S eas ona lTart 6 t opofaMade- From- Scra tchWaffle andaHotChe e toDus ti ng wi thChi le- MapleS yrup Ser vedw/ChoiceofSide T hic cBrowni e 6 B ana naPudd ing 7 G wen poo l’ sCh ang a 1 3 T eri ya kiS ti rFr y(G F) (V ) 1 2 Roas tedSwe e tPot a toes,Chedda r, B lue berr yLemonBu n d tCak e 6 S auteedSeasonalVe g etabl eswit h Bla ckBeans,Rice, CitrusAgaveSl aw, Ri ce&T eriyakiSa uce Queso&Hous eSals a L oad edWaff le 7 (*AddChic ke n3) ( **AddStea k4) Se rvedw/ ChoiceofSide A skAb outOurWee klyDe sse rtS pec ia ls! Y ogaF ir e(G F) (V ) 1 3 MildChickpe aCur r y,RedPeppe r, Tue s:T acoTue sda y S a ( . uc es 50pe rsa uce ) Re Re dOni que stY on, og Swe Li aFl etPot me&Ri amef at oe ce s, Cashews orEXTRAHEAT. , 50 We d:Tr iv iaSpe ci als K pop- K o rea nBBQSau ce F is h&C hip s 1 6 T hu:S ecre tPiz za S outhernStyl eAmeri ca nB B QSau ce Fr i:F ry- day s Be er- Batt eredCodSe rve d wit h Fri es H oneyMu st ard R anchDressi ng B leuCheeseDre ssi ng ***Consumi ngraworunder cooke dme at s,poultr y,seaf ood, G ochuja n g-Kor eanPe pperSa uce s he l lfis horegg sma yi ncre aseyourr iskoffoodborni ll ness. B uffal oS au ce Ki tche ncl ose sonehourbe for ethebui ldi ngc los es C hileMapleSy rup Wer ese rvetheri ghttoaddag rat uit yof18% forpar tie sof6ormor e. G oSa u ce- Go chuj angAi oli : B&BF av ori te s FollowusonS oci alMe di a Twit ter :Bat tle AndBr e w, Fa cebook:Bat tl eAndBre w Y umY u mS auc e I nstagr am:Ba t tle andBrew
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