GRUNDFOS WATER supply grundfos SP suBMErsIBLE PuMPs Renowned for efficiency and reliability The Grundfos SP range of submersible pumps is renowned for high efficiency and reliability. Made entirely of corrosion resist- ant stainless steel, the SP pumps are ideal for a wide variety of applications, such as raw water supply, pressure boosting, ir- rigation, and dewatering – in addition to a variety of industrial applications. state-of-the-art technology The Grundfos SP pumps represent state-of-the-art hydraulic design. Built to deliver optimum efficiency during periods of high demand, the SP pumps provide low long-term costs and high operating reliability regardless of the application. The Grundfos SP range offers high efficiency, high resistance to sand and other abrasives, motor burnout protection, and easy maintenance. A complete monitoring and control system is available for constant optimisation of the pumping system. unique features · Full RAngE The sp range comprises a large variety of models with diameters of 4”, 6”, 8”, 10” and 12”. Flow rates up to 475 m3/h and head up to 810 m. · HigH EFFiciEncy Advanced hydraulics provide very high pump ef- ficiency and reduced energy costs. · coRRosion REsisTAnT 100 % high-grade stainless steel (Din W.-nr. 1.4301/ Aisi 304) inside out provides maximum reliability. Extra high-grade steel is available for severe condi- tions (Din W.-nr. 1.4401/Aisi 316 or Din W.-nr. 1.4539/Aisi 904 l). · DRy-Running pRoTEcTion Resistance to wear caused by sand and other abrasives. Built-in motor burnout protection and dry-running protection. Being responsible is our foundation Thinking ahead makes it possible Innovation is the essence 96960836 0409 Advanced technology throughout... performance overview · state-of-the-art hydraulics provide high efficiency and low operating costs 100 % stainless steel inside and outside · sand resistant · Resistant to aggressive water · Motor burnout protection · Dry-running protection · Monitoring, protection and communication via protection unit Mp204, and remote control, R100 1 2 4 6 8 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 600 Q [m 3 /h] 10 20 40 60 100 200 400 H [m] SP 215 SP 160 SP 125 SP 77 SP 60 SP 46 SP 30 SP 17 SP 270-G SP 360-G SP 14 A SP 8A SP 5A SP 2A SP 1A SP 3A SP 95