International ATITAcademy Int’l. Amman, Jor dan and Bochum, Germany. WhatsApp: +962795037290. Email: Course Outline MATLAB : A Complete Integrated Course for Researcher [ Online ] Mentor Qais Yousef, Ph.D. in Systems Optimization and Applied Neuroscience, with 10+ years of experience in professional and academic fields. WhatsApp: +962795037290 Email: Website: te Skype ID: ATITAcademy Youtube Channel: Course Details ▪ Overview This course is for researchers and model developers to enrich them with comprehensive knowledge that allow s them to be able to work with models, de s ign , analyze them , and simulate them with MATLAB E ach student will be worked with individually to start producing a respected project ▪ Total Time Around 30 Hours – 9 Sessions, between 3 to 3:30 hours long each Workshop Sessions ▪ This comprehensi ve course will be covered over 9 sessions as detailed below: 1. Introduction to MATLAB 2. User Interfaces of MATLAB 3. Basic Calculation 4. Working & variables 5. Essential mathematic functions 6. Working with complex number 7. Vectors 8. Matrices 9. Working with user - made functions and scripts 10. Anonymous Function and a function - handle 11. Understanding Models and Mathematical equations 12. Modeling and Simulation (Monte Carlo Simulation) International ATITAcademy Int’l. Amman, Jor dan and Bochum, Germany. WhatsApp: +962795037290. Email: 13. Plotting mathematical models 14. Data and Features Visualization Techniques 15. Distribution Functions 16. Functions Generation 17. Tips and Tricks in System Modeling (e.g. in Communication, Networks, Renewable Energy... etc.) 18. Data Fitting 19. Image Processing Techniques : Introduction 20. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 21. Swarm Optimization Algorithms 22. Genetic Algorithm 23. Performance Evaluation and Results Metrics 24. Convert Mathematical Models into MATLAB Code. (Paper selected by student) 25. And Model T esting and E valuation T echniques. (Paper selected by student) ▪ A c omplete project will be assigned for students in each session, (aside from the class - shared projects ) to work on at home, and is required to submit it at the beginning of every session starting from the 2 nd session. The submitted assignments will be discussed in the next session with each student individually ▪ Questions and discussions are highly encouraged in each session Remarks ▪ Each student MUST have a computer with MATLAB R2019B x64 and a stable Internet Connection in every session