Channeling Material Of Silke F - Volume I [Plus additionales notes] SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | OCTOBER 21, 2021 A: There is something we need to talk about. We assume that you are now asking us a question. Q: It was a long time since I had channeled and for several months I hadn't heard a voice. It would be scary for so many people to hear voices. Some people would certainly put that in connection with schizophrenia or something like that. It is difficult to draw a line between a mentally healthy person and a schizophrenic person when you talk about spiritual channeling because you hear voices anyway. A: There are a lot of opinions on the internet about what is normal and what is not. By the way, the opinion about what could be psychologically healthy and what could be less healthy, was created by psychic energy. Something is always healthy when it is in equilibrium and something is always unhealthy when it is no longer in equilibrium or even on the wrong track. There are people who, so to speak, find themselves on the wrong side of the road in life at very high speed. Some people have no brakes within their psyche and they drive through reality at full speed. Such people radiate inner unrest and chaos arises everywhere they go. Their inner restlessness infects other people and this can lead to psychological restlessness. This phenomenon affects all people on the Internet because all people infect each other in this way. Q: I don't understand why some people try to hurt other people on internet. A: There is nothing to understand. There is no law of nature that dictates that it is a duty to understand anyone's bad behavior. It's a question of the perspective. Nobody wants to be the victim and therefore some people want to make it clear right away that they are the offender. Many people were victims of others as children or adolescents and are then still a victim as adults and because they feel themselves to be victims, they instinctively become the perpetrator without knowing that they have actually become an evil person. Often times, they don't even realize they've behaved badly or maliciously. It's like their subconscious is doing its duty. Many people who are considered demon possessed are in truth just people whose subconscious is out of control and the subconscious controls the normal consciousness against their own will and against the healthy will of the collective consciousness. Q: Many people blame demonic forces for the fact that such people live in our society. A: What are demonic powers? Please explain this term to us. Q: This is a very old term used by people who believe in God and who are convinced of the good, and these people believe that the bad and the evil is done by consciousness that is full of hate. And it is said that this hating consciousness takes over people's bodies in order to turn people on one another. Abuse, murder, torture, rape and other bad things are also associated with it. However, there are supposed to be different demons. At least that's what occultists and satanists tell us. A: We already said that consciousness can get out of hand if it is out of balance. Everything that is bad will get out of control and everything that is an alarming consequence for positivity, will be a nasty surprise. When consciousness is unsuitable for the incarnation and process of the physical value of love, then it can only have a merciless and shattering effect on the positive consciousness. Not all consciousness is available to the process of physical birth and incarnations. In general, the consciousness in the multiverse that is unsuitable for physical experience is retained and that is precisely the consciousness that humans perceive as a demonic force of consciousness. Consciousness is free like the wind and does not need anyone to give it a direction, but if the body with an unsuitable mental configuration, gives the consciousness a direction, then that can only be a problem, for both sides. And that will then be a merciless wrestling match between two consciousness polarities. The result of this can be so devastating that it could be defined by humans as a demonic force. It is in any case, free consciousness, which occupies its own intelligence and freedom. And that is regardless of its actions, whether they are bad or good. SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | OCTOBER 22, 2021 A: The clock is only ticking in the field of relativity. Q: Do you think that time only exists for low vibrations? A: Yes. But the mechanism of thinking is invalid for us. The mechanism of thinking supports the low vibration to develop understanding. Therefore, the mechanism of thinking is only used by low vibration life forms and intelligences. Q: Where does the separation between understanding and thinking ability begin for you? Philosophers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, for example, have said that the ability to think makes it possible to understand the world. Don't you see it that way? A: Knowledge has nothing to do with the ability to think. Q: If the ability to think cannot be the source of knowledge, then I wonder what the source of knowledge is supposed to be. After all, we all live in a world of facts. I do not think that intuition is enough to develop an understanding of something. A: If you all create your reality for each other, then you no longer need thinking at all to create knowledge, because you already know everything, but the timescale offers you the opportunity to analyze your decisions and assessments, because you all play stupid for the most part and pretend to have no idea. You're all not really stupid, but you pretend to be stupid and it's rather a kind of cluelessness that has been acted or simulated so that you can subconsciously experience an experience that surprises your ego and then you have a learning factor and spiritual learning curve. Q: So you are of the opinion that humans are of a kind of double figure who on the one hand exists in a lower vibration with a body and on the other hand exists in a higher dimension, so to speak, with less physical density and this other version knows about everything within the physical time structure, because it stands above the experience within the time structure, so to speak, like a producer thats making a film? A: Partly, sometimes. Q: Can you explain that in more detail? A: Yes. Q: Then please explain. A: Many people are guided and manipulated and are not based or created on their own experience. Q: Why? It is generally said that everyone creates their own reality. At least that's what they all have been saying since Jane Roberts' channelings (She channeled an entity called "Seth"). So, do you think the entity "Seth" was not telling the truth? I don't want this to sound like a court hearing, but the answer to this question, from your perspective, would interest me. A: First of all, this entity (Seth) didn't lie, but this entity has explained things so purely that they stand outside of what you call the matrix frame of reference and in this matrix frame of reference the manipulation of consciousness takes place, so this entity (Seth) didn't mention anything about this matrix frame of reference because he felt it was to distorted to be associated with the general truth or with an general understanding of the nature of reality. Human reality is very often based on manipulation. Manipulation is not always a bad thing because there is positiv manipulation, but you call that inspiration. Q: In the 70s the world was somehow very different and at that time channeling mediums like Jane Roberts were still interviewed by journalists, whereas today you fight everyone who has somehow come into contact with knowledge and truth. It almost looks like something is trying to sabotage or erase the truth. When I look at people today, I only see people who are like zombies with no thinking skills and they just imagine their own life under some kind of hypnosis that was externally created and programmed around the individual. What I say may sound rude or cold, but thats what you can observe when you study the behaviour of people. A: Your opinion of other people is unkind and cold because you do not want to understand their mistakes. Q: Do I need to understand other people's mistakes? A: It is your choice what you want to understand and what you don't want to understand. Q: I am sure that most people do not want to know at all about the nature of reality and about the truth and about the secrets of the universe, because then the matrix would collapse. A: The matrix only collapses on this planet when the psyche of people collapses on this planet. With the collapse of the psyche, the truth is now finding its way to your planet. Your matrix is the result of your psyche and your psyche can only function well if you imagine a world that works well, save, nice and harmoniously. But the real world exists beyond of what humans built up via the general psyche over the past 17,000 years to create what you are calling the matrix enslavement. Q: The matrix is 17,000 years old? A: In asking this question, you have to ask how old is the modern human psyche. Q: I think the best psychologist in the world can't answer that question. I don't think even psychology has ever dealt with the question of how old the modern human psyche is. How big is the difference between the modern human psyche and the prehistoric human psyche? A: Psychopathy is a characteristic of the modern human psyche. It is already the etherical transition to transhumanism. Q: When you think of psychopaths, you think of people who manipulate everyone and who are up to very bad things. Is that so or do you have a different opinion? A: Psychopathy is already the next level of human consciousness because it works very effectively and operates like a computer and that is the disadvantage of not being able to interact harmoniously with positive consciousness because it is destructive. However, that is why psychopaths are in the top positions on the planet, representing the major authority on your planet. Q: So, are the politicians on this planet very dangerous people? A: Most of them are. Q: Then why are they chosen by the people at all? A: Suppression of consciousness is the intent. Q: Can you explain that a little more precisely? A: The human choice function of free will does not affect the power structure of political greed. Q: If all of that is so, then these people cannot have a healthy psyche and thus they also do not live in the matrix of the normal citizens of this planet. There has to be at least a basis for an alignment that is harmoniously present for the higher understanding of the world. Politicians seem to have absolutely no connection to the higher understanding of the universe. Politicians are simply reminiscent of a robot that does its job well and doesn't even know what it's actually doing. How do you explain the delusion of politicians? A: First of all, many politicians go through a program that requires their own mind control and secondly, only those people who are very susceptible to manipulation and mind control are drawn into the program of politics. Q: Then there has to be someone who controls the politicians, but who acts in the background. A: That has been the case for a long time. Q: Who controls the politicians? A: These are people who have been trained for it. Q: Can ordinary people like me also do something like that? A: First, you are not normal and second, the people who manipulate politicians are also under mind control from other groups. It is not possible for you to come into such circles and it is also not very recommendable to come into contact with such circles at all. Q: Why do you think I am not normal? A: Normal is what is part of the herd and that's why you're not normal, because you're not part of the herd and that's a good thing. Q: But I never said that I wanted to deal with such circles, it was just a rhetorical question. A: We just answered your question and we didn't assume that you would want to join such circles. SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | OCTOBER 23, 2021 A: I understand that you want to get answers, but understand that answers don't come from positive thinking. The nature of a correct answer basically has nothing to do with the polarity of negative and positive. Q: Yesterday it sounded as if several beings were speaking to me while today the impression arises that only one entity is speaking to me. A: We do not want to create inconvenience to your state of consciousness while we are communicating with you. We are all one but we are not divided and different personalities play fragments, which can then interact differently with your arbitrary orientation, if your consciousness cycle requires or wishes it. We are a group of different individuals corresponding to you getting through different cycles of consciousness. Our channel is as clear as possible so as not to discolor the information. In order to generate additional rectification of discolored information, we ask you to ask questions if something is not understood. Arbitrary tendency to interpretation is not intended to turn the opposite of the idea of information around in order to falsify the idea of information and to put the interpretation above the truth of a thing when it is wrong. The arrogant tendency towards interpretation can stand in the way of the acceptance of truth if you colorize and falsify the nature of pure information too much. Q: You mean it is arrogant attitute if one interprets something so strongly that one does not recognize the acceptance of pure information? A: There are many intelligent people on your planet who have the arrogance of not wanting to accept the truth and therefore prefer to make their own interpretation of the truth, but by doing so they falsify the reality they perceive and therefore they do not understand reality and so it happens that they also do not succeed in life and therefore God or the devil is responsible for the mess for these people. The greatest enemy of the truth is not the lie, but one's own interpretation, which can falsify the truth. Q: If so, then interpretation is a very dangerous tool. So practically every channeling has the capacity to color the truth through wrong interpretation. A: The problem are not the interpretations per se, but the words are the problem, because a person does not have to use words to gain an insight, because you can just as well gain insight and understanding without words. Q: But if there are so many different people, then there must also be many different free wills, but how can there be only one answer of the truth, which can then be interpreted differently and wrongly through the different free wills of all possible people? A: The plural is a low vibration concept. You all exist as a unit that expresses itself differently in multiple probabilities. Q: I think this concept of unity is dictatorial because it sounds like you have to be part of the crowd in order to be part of the whole at all. A: Dictatorship is a third density concept and is inconsistent with fourth or fifth density and also inconsistent with higher levels of consciousness. Free interpretation allows you to see everything the way you want to see it, but that doesn't mean you see it for what it actually is. You have to accept things as they are in order to be able to recognize them before you can turn them into something else through interpretation. Q: What is the function of dictatorship on earth? A: Control of human consciousness. Q: It is very often said that people are going through a transient transition from the spiritual realm. However, I notice exactly the opposite because people all ignore exactly what is important and pay attention to all the nonsense. Can you say something about it? A: People were not born to understand things. Humans were born to physically inhabit a lower density, and with that they gave up the understanding of the truth and traded it for the lie. Q: None of that sounds very nice and I have the feeling that people will no longer develop any understanding for what is generally called truth. How do you see that? It is annoying when a person actually lives for the truth and for love, but then manifests exactly the opposite, because he has got caught in the lie and illusion of physical existence. The famous philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche described something similar in his writing about the tragedy of matter that human beings have to experience. A: The earthly evolutionary stage of consciousness is not identical with the evolutionary stage, which inorganically corresponds to human consciousness. Knowledge is more precious than gold. Q: I have the feeling that together with you I can find all questions about the universe. Are you the same who usually speak to me? It started with me as a child at the age of 13 that I heard voices that have given me insights and answers that a person cannot know and it was always true and right. That's why I started writing philosophy prose in the question and answer variant at the age of 13, but it wasn't until much later that I realized that it had to be something like channeling. So if this was channeling, then I already did channelings as a child at the age of 13. At the time, however, I thought it was prose in the question and answer variant. As a child, I didn't know the concept of channeling at all. Would you like to say something about it? A: You decided this path before you were physically born and that is why you have multiple enemy groups on this planet, because the people on this planet want to prevent these truths that are spoken in the channelings from reaching the mass consciousness of collective human consciousness because that would change the world and that should be avoided. That's why many secret organizations have targeted you. They targeted you as a kid already, because they knew what to expect. For this purpose of use you have been equipped with special genes and these genes don't normally occur on planet earth. Q: What kind of genes are they that I got and who did I get these genes from before I was born? Sorry if this question sounds very complicated or demanding, but it may not be possible to answer such a bizarre question. But if it is possible then please answer this question. A: DNA polymerase was used to catalyze and transcend carbon atoms multidimensionally, beyond the three- prime (downstream) and five-prime end (upstream), so in your case, the 5' upstream is more extended than the downstream of the 3' primer encoding, but the involved tautomers are not involved in the interdimensional downstream balancing of uracil within the genetic base, because only the genetic 5' upstream organizes the chemical bond to interdimensional quantum synthesis of organic life. It allows the body to change effectively and quickly. Usually such a configuration does not exist in nature. Q: It looks like genes are more high-tech than any quantum computer. Maybe that's why Elon Musk wants to create a connection between body and mind that can be digitally controlled. This planet is not what is generally claimed and everyone who speaks the truth about this planetary situation is the problem and the enemy of lower earth realm. I've decided to publish all of my channelings and I don't care what happens or whether the planet will hate me. I am aware anyway that top secret organizations try to kill anyone who knows the truth. But I don't have to shut up and I do what I want, because there is no one who has anything to tell me on this planet. Globally, people are being exchanged and replaced by clones and that is why people no longer have a conscious state because they are no longer conscious. Most people are just subatomic particles walking around because they are externally controlled. Do you think Elon Musk will achieve his goal? A: No, because he won't live long. He is also not intellectually capable of achieving such a goal at all. We suggest that you preoccupy yourself with other things and not with Elon Musk's goal because his goals are meaningless to humanity. SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | OCTOBER 27, 2021 If there should be a determination for intelligence, then the question arises whether it is not the determination of the way that intelligence should survive the impact with reality. Walking the path with the mind is more difficult than walking the path with the body. The body must obey the hierarchy and authority of the mind. The funny thing is that the mind does not occupy material substance at all, but it does possess material substance. It is because you can divide an atom as often as you want and at some point nothing substantial remains and that is what science on earth calls the spirit. The spirit is in truth the guardian of matter. And the guardian of the spirit is the goodwill to determination in relation to the perceived nature of the individual. The good will is not only an instrument for making the right decision, but also the essence of reason insight, which, like a magnet, has a magnetic quality and attracts the right thing in life. The law of attraction is the magnetic force of the mind. However, there is a difference between a person's physical will and a person's mental will. A simple example of physical will is the need to go to the bathroom or to eat something and a simple example of the spiritual will is the longing for love and harmony. There are also persons on this planet who have no spiritual will at all, and these persons do not have proper alignment with the law of attraction. Because they have no will of their own, they get a will from the others. The individuals behind it can come into conflict with the reality around them because they may not understand what is happening. This conflict can reach dramatic proportions. However, the spiritual drama is also the birth of the spiritual desire for solution. People torture themselves with the assumption that there could be a solution to the conflict between matter and spirit. On a higher level, both are one and the same. Humans like to create a fragmented dichotomy so that they can turn the individual parts against each other, although they do not understand that everything is also a part of the other. Does reality create perception or does perception create reality? That's a good question if you don't look at it from the very top, but from the very bottom, because when you look at it from the bottom it seems as if reality and perception are separate from one another, but when you look at it from the top, you notice that both are one and the same. The preference of one's own mind denies the existence of the collective and the collective can suffer if the dominant factor is its own consciousness over the rest. Such a situation arises when politics can take over the peoples power to form democratic opinions. However, the human spirit is always democratic because everything is part of the whole and in truth everything works with one another and never against one another. Global reality could not exist at all in a unified smaller part of consciousness had its own life or existence. Therefore, every drama on earth is an act of active and democratic will on a collective level. People will say that they never wanted war and misery. But everyone took an active part in working as a soldier and as a victim. So- called mind control has very little to do with it because the collective consciousness on earth is always ready to build a drama on the stage of life. This is because the spirit behind matter is not at all afraid of the consequences. But the genetic will to survive, enclosed in matter, is afraid because he doesn't know if he'll survive. So it would be very desirable if people had a little more self-empowerment. Suffering from defeat in life is not that bad when you have gained enough self-empowerment, Because there the defeat can be understood in its essence and if mistakes and misery are understood, then they can also be healed because they can be processed from a completely different perspective and thereby transformed on a spiritual level into something positive. A person might get angry and sad about being homeless, but they might also be happy that they are free now because they have lost everything and only when someone lost everything, he is free. There are, of course, different things that can be lost. It is best if you never lose two things - your mind and your health. But of course these two things will also be lost at some point. People can only process so and so much in life and at some point they have processed to much. At this point genius and madness may meet due to too much trauma. The state of genius in humans is really just the state that controls everything from a very high perspective that the normal human state could not control and therefore genius can only be created through trauma. But there are also people who show a fantastic amount of creativity and not all people of this type are the result of trauma. However, there is a difference between a high level of creativity and pure genius. The condition of genius finds a solution even when the high intellect of a person can no longer find a solution. Genius is just a kind of emergency button in people's consciousness. But when this particular state is used for very ordinary things in everyday life, then fantastic things can happen. That can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing. Therefore, such people also represent a degeneration of nature and are not particularly suitable for society, because human society prefers to influence and manipulate itself through underdeveloped people. Not every way of gaining knowledge finds a purpose of knowing in order to gain truth which goes beyond the purely rational of sense experience and enters the realm of absolute knowledge. If man's life is already on the path of error, then man cannot find the way to truth either, if he keeps his way of life and does not change it. But the realization of how he can find the way to absolute truth when he is already on the wrong path to error, must first trigger a new perceptual way of thinking, but thinking must stop being built up by the individual when the individual himself is already on the wrong path and therefore man must expand the healthy and strongest part of his mind and place it above the weak and unhealthy part of his mind. This means also that the ideological and dogmatic deeper part of the mind has to stop the derailment of the ego by the intellect in everyday life. The mind of man must cease to be involved; the satisfaction of the joy of the spirit can be sustained in the flesh of matter by overcoming everyday life, if that is the error of consciousness. But when the human mind has already infected the flesh of the material part of the human being with pathological premises, then the consciousness must completely heal itself through the return of source energy. The energy of the source does not mean the own source of the person, but the higher universal destiny of the person. Every person has received a determination from the universe and he can bend and deform and shape this determination himself as he wants. But it only becomes questionable and dramatic when this option is mistreated. But it only becomes malicious when it is instrumentalized by others to the negative, so it can harm the individual. This way of shaping reality of abuse would then be the inhumane law that would be sabotaged by the birth of a law to override human dignity, from an outside source that disrespectfully contradicts the person's birthright. Indeed, every person's birthright is the right for love, care and harmony. Of course, life cannot always be beautiful or easy, but it is different when someone gets their life willfully destroyed by a source that has nothing to do with the person who is the victim. A good example of such a case would be the destruction of a person by a group that has conspired against one person to harm her. Unfortunately, it has to be said that something like this has always existed. In the Middle Ages, for example, people with high and extraordinary knowledge were depicted as witches and hunted so that they could then be killed. Such atrocities will also occur in the future, but there will be technological atrocities, how no human on earth can imagine. In the next ten years, pills that every citizen must take, will be introduced on this planet. They are supposed to protect against global diseases, but in truth they contain nanotechnology. There are already attempts to realize this project in other ways. The goal is to mark every person so that they can be in a computer database. The next step is then the genetic decoding of every citizen on this planet. These goals will be achieved over the next 15 years. Many of these things will not be discussed publicly at all. All global discussion about all these problems will also be sabotaged. A new type of human being is to be bred. Genetic memory and genetic thinking will no longer exist on this planet. There is already a global exchange and people no longer think through genetic consciousness, but only react to digital impulses and that has nothing to do with the genetic consciousness with which they were born. All of this is the reason why man no longer has a feeling for the truth. All of this is also the reason why the whole of society is developing in a terrifyingly negative and vicious manner. In this way, human society is falling further and further apart, so the individual fragments of the human beings do no longer find a healthy and normal function within the acceptable range of multidimensional nature of reality. Humans lost their connection to the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit is the innocent source consciousness that has a true connection with the real original essence of the multidimensional universe. Man's new consciousness configuration has nothing to do with the consciousness that he had when he was born. The people of today already serve the machine and transhumanism. Technology is used against the human mind. But people are not told about this. That is why people trust the technologies. Realistically speaking, there is no longer any hope for the human species. Man is already technologically manipulated in such a way that he fights against truth and knowledge. SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | NOVEMBER 2, 2021 The particles that make up this world that you know on this planet are limited and can only function in this system, but there are also possibilities to use a different scale, which activates the particles in a completely different reference system, but on this planet and if they can be penetrated into this system, with between particles that transport one plane to another, then a temporal dimensional vortex can be built up. You urgently have to understand on this earth that your world is only based on the reference system which particles allow. There are also other worlds on this planet that are structured and built up by other particles, but these particles do not interact with the particles that are known to your consciousness on this planet and therefore there are invisible worlds in this world that you are familiar with. There are highly developed civilizations of entities that have developed technology and you can ride from one world to another because they figured out how to balance a particle frame of reference and so travel from one world to another. Some of these beings use technology that you define as UFOs, but these are not spaceships, they are earth portal vortex technology. But not all of these beings are part of the same system and yet they are all different. Some of these beings built your world over 300 million years ago. Some of these beings have already created planetary consciousness in prehistoric times and made sure that you could build a subatomic quantum world with your mind. This is because these beings understand very precisely what the worlds are that lie behind the world known to you. They also understand the regulated flow of atoms and other particles. They think that they have no purpose anymore for evolutionary biology and have made it therefore their multidimensional business to create other races. The world you know is regulated and monitored by many different civilizations and not all are of the same opinion and therefore there are also different opinions about your race. Some want to wipe you out, but others want you to continue to exist and evolve. There are also those who only accept your existence if they are allowed to use and abuse you. Of course there are also civilizations that are not at all interested in you and do not want to have anything to do with your planet. There are actually no planets and there is no outer universe, but in the lower density there is something like material existence and therefore evolution of matter happens in real time. We understand your limitation, but we want to remind you that you must use what you have been given and make the best of your situation. There will be no external spiritual solution and there will be no salvation for humanity. Humans have to find out what to do on their own. In truth there are no great teachers. Every intelligent teaching you know is only part of the game. Your planet earth is a playground and games are played here. We got in touch with you today, but have never spoken or communicated with you. We have dictated the ancient knowledge of the earth to a female person on this planet. It doesn't matter who the other person is or who we are because it just matters who you are. In this way no attempt has been made to support the own arrogance that was pushed under the bed of all of you. However, arrogance exists around you like a creepy ghost. This spirit of arrogance exists on its own and is not really part of your higher self. Arrogance is also not a fragment of the ego as Sigmund Freud thought. We know that many people on your planet think a lot about the world and try to understand whether this world is real or whether they are just imagining the world and whether the world is actually very different. But we want to tell you that there can be no world beyond your own perception and therefore, in simple terms, that means that the world only exists when you also exist. This does not mean that this world disappears when someone commits suicide. So committing suicide is not a solution because you will not leave the world behind, because death is just an illusion and you live on. We emphasize this extra as a message, because we are very aware that some people reading this text, are already thinking of suicide. There are exactly 3 people who will read this text and they have already thought of suicide in the last 3 weeks. If your life does not please you or makes you happy, then you must first change your own perception and only then can your view of the world change. Some readers of this message have no friends and no human contacts in their city at all. We wonder how that can be, because the planet is full of people. We believe that there is freedom, but you will not find freedom in this system of matter. You must all learn to understand that on this planet you are all telepathically connected to each other in real time and you are all a multidimensional family. We are glad that we can send you this joyful message to you because it is a very meaningful message. Sending telepathic messages is something like what you do with your internet when you send emails to people. Your internet is a kind of synthetic telepathy. You can send thoughts over very great distances from one continent to another in a few seconds. With this little example we want to explain to you how dangerous the Internet can be at the same time, because everyone manipulates each other on a very subconscious level and you are not always aware of that. Therefore it is important that you are nice to each other and that you start with loving and accepting yourself. We do not want to repeat everything that we have already explained in other books, but the other books have been received telepathically from another person on your planet. So far she is fine and she is having a soup with vegetables in this moment. There is nothing else to explain and hereby we terminate the contact. SILKE F | CHANNELING TRANSCRIPT | NOVEMBER 15, 2021 A: Today we are only with you for a little while. We bring you a holy message that you should pass on to the people. The figure you know on earth as Archangel Michael was put into the hibernation state and was transformed into a different person about 13,000 years ago. What some people saw was his holographical projection, because other forces made sure with technology, that some of you would see his original, but many of you also saw him in dreams. Selected individuals on your planet will take his position. The time for this will be dated between 2017 and 2029. A female and a male will re-form this figure over their two energy bodies and spiritually merge and form a unit that will create a double entity through which the Holy Spirit of the universe will slide to earth on historical scale. This selected young female has angel genes of level 33 density and is at the moment in her middle 20s. The daughter of the beings who organize the consciousness of the oceans on this earth and on other planets in this galaxy has also reached level 33 and is therefore referred to by us as Medusa of 33. Abell 2218 is in truth a war zone within space. You all have no idea what kind of technologies exist in the universe. This area in space is like a kind of technological minefield which has existed for approximately 11 billions of years so this prehistoric technology is older than your solar system. Q: What do you mean by saying that archangel Michael is supposed to be in a hibernate state? A: We mean that he is artificially kept in a coma and this is kept very cold so that his organic body remains as it is and is preserved over the millennia. Q: But why should the body remain in such a state only for a few millennia and no longer? A: Thousands of your years will bring him a new body and there will be several of his kind that will have the same body and you call this process cloning and therefore each clone of him only has to exist for a few thousand years until the next clone of archangel Michael can be made. Q: Are you sure that you are telling the truth and that the information is accurate? May Lucifer expect the same process? A: Yes. Soul essences can also be cloned and special souls are cloned and preserved in their essence in order to be preserved for future universe generations so that certain galaxies can be fertilized with a certain consciousness family. There are 16 different families of consciousness and Jesus Christ belongs to a large family of consciousness that has been preserved and there will be several of his kind that will still fertilize this universe with physical consciousness. His decision was to project wisdom onto others. His aim was to give wisdom to others but he himself sacrificed his own understanding of wisdom because he voluntarily made himself a victim even though he should have known better. His understanding of knowledge exceeded the frequency barrier of the fourth density and went into the fifth density. Q: Ok and what else do you have to say? A: The most advanced military technology on your planet is nothing compared to what technology is available to other species in space. Q: I mean the other stuff and I want to know why you keep talking about the Medusa of 33 in my channelings. A: The Medusa of 33 was born as a daughter of a god who was involved in shaping this universe before human consciousness was created. Q: How was human consciousness made? A: The memory of the predecessor species was modulated and transformed into a preference consciousness which organizes the organic vehicle. They made sure that the vehicle can survive on its own and they made sure that it is powered by the sun and therefore humans have genes that made them grow through sun. By sun we do not mean a little bit of sunlight but evolutionarily the function of the sun for the complete planet. Balls of light were genetically burned into humans as something what you all call ball lightning in the present day, but in the past something like this was generated on a micro basis and was practically invisible and it was able to write the codes of the DNA for the human flesh vehicle. Q: How long did it take until the human consciousness could be created? A: It took approximately 9,652 years to create human consciousness. It was designed within 23 time cycles and one consciousness upgrade took approximately 419 years per cycle if 6th density time would be translated into 4th density time. From the beginning there were beings who were concerned about this experiment with the human vehicle because they knew that humans would become a victim of the whole procedure and therefore they became protectors of this experiment and they are what is called archangels in the Bible but many of the Archangels no longer exist because they have been replaced by clones with a different agenda. The real world is not only more peaceful than you all think it is, it is completely peaceful. Super ancient species in this universe have the ability to destroy this universe at any time and to build a new one in another timeline and there are beings that are much more developed and you have no idea of what powers of intelligence are out there. You still believe that the demons of the underworld or the angels in heaven are in control but there are other forces out there. But in general everything is fine. In general everything is fine in this universe and you all can be happy because there is absolutly no reason to be sad because this one life in this one body that all have now is not the only body that you all will use to navigate through the time portals of existence within different dimensions and realities. We stop this transmission now. Channeling Message Update Of Silke F (May 06, 2021) Death is just a separation from the host portal. The body is a hard disk that stores consciousness. So a small part of consciousness remains in the body and is buried. A small part of the consciousness remains on this earth and will first have to deal with the ethereal new reality, while the rest of the consciousness is looking for a new body. Consciousness is always of a parasitic nature. The only question is whether it eats itself or feeds on another
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