He llo from the wintry northwoods of St. Germain. It is getting close to Christmas and the time of year for us to take a breath and spend time with our friends and family. We also take this time to say Happy Holidays to our friends and guests who helped make 2023 a memorable one at the resort. As we transition from fall to winter, we are still able to do a few outside chores as the snow cover is minimal at this point. Just a n inch is on the ground right now even though West Ba y froze over on the night of November 29. We ’ ve bee n cutting some firewood and doing some maintena nce that can only be done in the off seas on. One of the projects that we were able to do was add a new well to the resort and provide a year - round water supply to the Hammond cottage. It was a major project as the water line was buried 7 feet deep from the Lodge to the Hammond . This was to avoid the winter frost. Next winter we will be able to a dd it to our rental line up. As for this winter, Hobby and Laura are inhabiting the Hammond in anticipation of the construction of their new house this coming year. Tom and Buffy are doing well and getting ready for the holiday season. Outside lights are up and trees are being decorated th is week. Linnea and Ken are looking forward to having George come home for Christmas and joining Anna as she graduates from college this week. Lots going on before the new year. As we look back on 2023, we can ’ t help but think about the long winter and extremely late spri ng we had. It was a nother April with heavy snows and a late ice out in early May. The final count was 142 inches of snow last winter, a record , resulting in many cases of c abin fever Our summer was pleasant with minimal rain and many excellent beach days. The firepit at the lake was busy most nights with folks enjoying the sunsets and the clear nights. We had several evenings when the no rthern lights were out this summer and the guests loved it. The guests caught tremendous amounts of bluegills this summer but fewer crappies. A s usual , t he largemouth bass fishing was good and there w ere fewer, but bigger muskies Anna ’ s helpers in the lodge. Tasting party at the lake. captured this season. We ’ ll have several skilled ice anglers joi ning us in January and February , so check our Facebook page for pics and updates. Several folks have already contacted us about their stay for this coming season For th ose families that are planning on coming back in 2024, the dates change by 5 days this year. So, if you came up last year on June 24, this year you would come up on June 29 to get the same week. For reference, the calendar shift happens every few years It is the same calendar as 1996. For those that wish to rebook your same spot as last year, please contact us by Jan uary 4 so we can get you set up. After that date, those folks that wish to switch units or move to another time will know what is available. As for the coming year, we have some waterfront projects in the works and we will be doing some mo re tree planting on the property No major construction on cabins as Tom will be helping Hobby with his new house. As winter gets a firmer grip on the northwoods , we try to remind ourselves that spring is just a few months down the road. We ’ ll be plowing snow and maybe sh ovel off a few roofs, but that is nor mal for us. We are grateful for the year we had and look forward to hosting you and you r families once again. Hopefully the ice goes off in early April and we can start the season on schedule this coming year. We hope you can join us agai n this coming season. We wish you a ve ry Merr y Christmas and a Happy New Year. The Jackson s Gophers invaded in the fall.