San Francisco Police Department RepOrt Type: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 IIncident Number Occurrence From Date / Time Occurrence To Date / Time Reported Date / Time CAD Number 140354232 N140-354-232 04/29/2014 09:56 04/29/2014 09:56 141190935 c Type of incident ASSAULT, AGGRAVATED, W/ KNIFE 04012 I D Location of Occurrence: At Intersection with/Premise Type District E GOLDEN GATE AVE HYDE ST I STREET, (NOT SIDEWALK) TENDERLOIN N Confidential Arrest . Suspect Suspect Non-Suspect Domestic (Type of Weapon Used) Use of Reporting Unit T Report? 0 Made? WI Known? 0 Unknown? . Incident? • Violence? • Force? •3J2A Location Sent / On View: At Intersection with Reporting District 290 GOLDEN GATE AV HYDE ST TENDERLOIN Crime and Clearance Status Reported to Bureau Name Star Date/ Time Elder Gang Juvenile Prejudice 6 COJSIT Castillo, Alicia A 1999 04/29/201.4 10:00 Victim U Related? U Subject? • Based? o D I declare under penalty of perjury, this report of 6 pages is true and correct, based on my personal knowledge, or is based on information and belief F E following an investigation of the events and parties involved. F c PROP 115 CERTIFIED 5 Year/Post 1 L Reporting Officer Star Station Watch Date A BALLONADO, AARON C 2045 Tenderloin Station 0600-1600 04/29/14 15:28 C E R Reviewing Officer Star Station Watch Date A RYAN, SHAUGHN P 1756 Tenderloin Station 1500-0100 04/29/14 15:31 R T OIC Star Station Watch Date IRYAN, SHAUGHN P 1756 Tenderloin Station 1500-0100 04/29/14 15:32 0 Related Case Related Case Re-assigned to Assigned to 3*300 Assigned by N _ _ Copies to 3*300 Add! Copies DA/1, OR/1, VWAP/1 AB 2045 V Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email I1V 1 C Day Phone Type Home Address. City State Zip Code (000) 000-0000 Unknown T Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code I IVI DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. .W./.. 46 and B F 53 135 BLK BRO Unk. • Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person III Notification • Notification U YES • YES • School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/if Interpreter Needed Specify Language R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 1RN 1 V Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code (000) 000-0000 None I , Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code C T BOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. 40 Unk. . and W m 1\11 Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person 0 Notification IZI Notification • 2045 YES IZI YES • STRANGER/NONE School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language M54 TRANSIENT Incident# 140354232 Page 1 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Re Oft T e: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 2 RN 2 v Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code (417) 396-9731 Cell 112 SOUTH PARK MISOURRI SD 64801- I Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code C T DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. T 31 Link. • and ' M Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person III Notification VI Notification IZ 1603 YES IZI YES 0 STRANGER/NONE School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language SFGH . R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 1 R/W 1 NERNEY,. THOMAS Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code W (000) 000-0000 Unknown 4150 CLEMENT ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94121- I Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code T N DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E 10/23/61 62 Unk. • and W NI S Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject S Person • Notification • Notification • YES IR1 YES 0 School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language TREATED AT SFGH R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 2 R/W 2 BRANCH # 906, WILLIE willie.branch© Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code W (415) 858-5829 Cell I Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code T i SAN FRANCISCO CA - 450 GOLDEN GATE AVE N DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E• Unk. .D and B ro S Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject S Person • Notification • Notification U YES • YES Er STRANGER/NONE School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language .: . HOMELAND SECURITY R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 3 RAN 3 TORRES, ANGELICA Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code W (415) 609-0805 Cell 459 TURK ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102- I Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code ti- N DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E Unk. • and W F 55 150 S Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person • , Notification is Notification • YES El YES 0 School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language Incident# 140354232 Page 2 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140364232 R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email / 4 R/VV 4 MALDONADO, DAVID W Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code (415) 230-1064 Cell 101 HYDE ST SAN FRANCISCO CA 94102- I T Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code (510) 589-8172 Cell N DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E i.01/17/87 27 Unk. • and H M 58 175 BLK BRO S Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject S Person n Notification • Notification • YES N YES 0 STRANGER/NONE School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language STANDING ABOUT 1/4 BLOCK FROM THE INCIDENT NB ON HYDE ST. Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email B e1 SUTTON, HASIRA 0 1 Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code 0 K Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code E Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color DOB Date of Birth Age or age between Race Sex D Unknown 0 08/01/77 36 and B M 6'3 250 BLK BRO SFNO J/D# (if Juvi) ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number , AligialiMili ' Booking Charge(s) Booking Location N/W245(a)(1) PC,N1N245(a)(1) PC COUNTY JAIL #1 - 7TH STREET SHERIFF'S FACILITY Warrant// Court# Action# Dept# Enroute to Warrant Violation(s) Bail ($) Citation# Violation(s) Appear Date/time Location of Appearance • CA Form Booked Mirandized: Star Date Time CWB Check Star Copy Attached 1999 04/29/2014 11:50 DAVID 50 Book/Cite Approval Star Mass Arrest Code M X-Rays School (if Juvenile) Statement SGT. DICROCE 237 III 0 Other Information: Citation/Warrant/Booking Charge(s)/Missing Person-Subject Description; Scars, Marks, Tattoos CLOTHING: DARK COLORED COLLERD SHIRT, AND DARK PANTS. P Code/No Item Description Brand Model R E EVD 1 KNIFE 0 1Serial No. Gun Make Caliber Color 'Narcotics Lab No. Quantity Value P E Seized by (Star) From Where R 2045 GOLDEN GATE AVE. / HYDE T Additional Description/Identifying Numbers Y I ncident# 140354232 Page 3 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Re, drt T— e: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 P Code/No Item Description Brand Model R E EVD 2 CRIME SCENE LOG 0 2 Serial No. Gun Make Caliber Color Narcotics Lab No. Quantity Value P GRY 1 E From Where Seized by (Star) R 1603 GOLDEN GATE AVE/ HYDE T Additional Description/Identifying Numbers Y MAINTAINED BY# 1603 P Code/No Item Description Brand Model R E EVD 3 CD 0 3 Serial No. Gun Make Caliber Color Narcotics Lab No. Quantity Value P 3 E From Where Seized by (Star) R 2045 CO. J T Additional Description/Identifying Numbers Y PHOTOS OF THE SCENE, AND THE VICTIMS P Code/No Item Description Brand Model R E EVD 4 CLOTHING 0 4 Serial No. Gun Make Caliber Color Narcotics Lab No. Quantity Value P E From Where Seized by (Star) R ,. 103 T Additional Description/Identifying Numbers Shoes, sweater, tee shirt, and a pair of socks. Incident# 140354232 Page 4 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 NARRATIVE On the above date and time listed, I responded to Golden Gate Ave. and Hyde Street regarding a stabbing incident. Several SFPD, and Homeland Security Officers were on scene prior to my arrival. SFFD Engine # 3 and Medic 54 were already at the scene, providing medical aid to (RV1)-;i9,,'Ai'., and (RV2) (-B1) Sutton had already been detained in handcuffs. Several officers set up the crime scene..0fficer Cotter #'T03 maintained the (E2) crime scene log. Sgt. Castillo #199 was notified and responded to the scene and took over the investigation. I spoke with (RVV) Branch # 906, Homeland Security Officer. Branch told me that he was driving E/B on Golden Gate Avenue when he observed a fight at Golden Gate Ave. and Hyde Street. Branch stopped his vehicle, and observed Sutton holding a (El) knife. Branch stated that he pulled his firearm out and ordered Sutton to drop the knife and lay down on the ground. Branch stated, Sutton complied with his orders. Sutton was placed into handcuffs. Branch seized the knife on the ground. Branch later handed me the knife. Officer Linares # 1560 spoke with Martin. Martin stated that he was at the S/W corner of Golden Gate Ave. and Hyde Street with his wife (V1) —.-According to Martin, Sutton approached him and demanded his water bottle. Martin stated that he refused Sutton's demand for the bottle with a "smart ass answer." Martin stated that, at this time Sutton attempted to grab Morris' purse. Martin then began to wrestle with Sutton. Martin stated that he was over powered by Sutton ,was kicked and fell down to the ground, Martin stated that an unknown friend of his, was walking his dog at the time of the incident. Martin's friend, attempted to assist him, but lost control of the dog. The dog ran to the struggle, got excited and bit him on his left arm area. Once on the ground, Sutton stabbed him on the left hand area. Officer Linares # 1560 wrote a statement. Martin was treated by Medic 54 at the scene. Martin was not transported to SFGH. It should be noted that Morris had left the scene prior to police arrival. Martin did not provide his friends name. The unknown friend and the dog had left the scene prior to our arrival Officer Royer # 544 made contact with Johnson. Officer Royer observed blood from Johnson's lower back, so he provided medical aid. Johnson told Officer Royer that he observed the fight at Golden Gate Ave. and Hyde Street. Johnson then told (RW1) Nerney to stop the vehicle so he could help the man in the wheel chair (Martin.) Johnson stated he exited the vehicle and approached Sutton. Sutton began to swing the knife around. Johnson then felt a sharp pain to his back. Johnson received two stab wounds to the lower back area. Johnson stated to Medic 54 that he may have lost consciousness as a result of this incident. Medic 54 transported Johnson to SFGH to be medically treated for his injuries. Officer Royer wrote a statement. Officer Mora spoke with (RW1) Torres Torres stated that she was walking W/B on Golden Gate Ave. when she observed a struggle between Sutton and Martin. Torres stated that she observed Sutton hit Martin several times. According to Torres, she did not observe the knife until she heard "I got stuck." A pit bull ran to the incident from an unknown location and took hold of a purse, with its mouth. According to Torres, Sutton tried to grab the purse from the pit bull. Torres stated that she saw Sutton stab the pit bul. Torres grabbed hold of the pitbull and pulled it away from the fight. Torres stated she did not know what had happened to the purse after the incident. Torres did not observe any injuries on the pit bull .The owner of the pit bull along with the pit bull then left the scene. Officer Mora took photos and wrote a statement. Officer Juarez took photos at the scene. Officer Juarez later uploaded the photos. Officer Juarez wrote a statement. I spoke with (RVV) Nerney. Nerney told me that he was driving S/B on Hyde Street when he observed the fight between Martin and Sutton. Nerney told me that Johnson was a passenger in his vehicle. According to Nerney, he stopped and parked his vehicle around the corner. Nerney and Johnson exited the vehicle and ran to the incident. Nerney told me he observed Sutton kick Martin. Martin fell off of his wheel chair and fell to the ground as a result of the kick. Nerney then stated Johnson walked in between Sutton and Martin, to attempt to stop the fight. When Johnson walked in between them, he began to wrestle around with Sutton. Nerney stated he heard someone say, " I Incident# 140354232 Page 5 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Repbrt Type: Initial INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 got stuck" then observed Johnson lying on the ground. I issued Nerney a SFPD follow up form. Officer Cotter transported Sutton to Tenderloin Station. Officer Cotter responded to SFGH and took five photos of Johnson injuries. The photos are saved on a (E3) CD. Dr. Rodriguez treated Johnson and stated Johnson was stable. Office Cotter issued Johnson a SFPD follow up form, victim of violent crime form and a Marcy's card. At Tenderloin Station, Sgt. Dicroce observed that Sutton half an abrasion on the back of his head. Sgt. Dicroce had dispatch send an ambulance to Tenderloin Station. AMR #4 responded to the Tenderloin Station. Sutton refused to be medically treated. Officer Mora took photos of Sutton, and of his head. Sgt. Castillo Mirandized Sutton at 1150 hours and interviewed Sutton, see chronological. Officer Soliman# 4644 of the DOC was notified of the incident. Officer Cotter seized Sutton's (E4) clothing. With the approval of Sgt. Dicroce, Sutton was booked at CJ # 1 for the above listed charges. Sgt. Castillo retained the CD's, and crime scene log. I booked the knife and Sutton's clothes at Tenderloin Station as evidence Incident# 140354232 Page 6 of 6 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Supplemental INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 L140364232 IIncident Number Occurrence From Date / Time Occurrence To Date / Time Reported Date / Time CAD Number N 140-354-232 03/30/2015 14:19 03/30/2015 14:19 150891909 c Type of incident _ WARRANT ARREST, LOCAL SF WARRANT 63010 .1 D Location of Occurrence: At Intersection with/Premise Type District E 8TH ST. MISSION ST.! SIDEWALK SOUTHERN N Confidential Arrest Suspect Suspect Non-Suspect Domestic (Type of Weapon Used) Use of Reporting Unit T Report? • Made? 10 Known? • Unknown? • Incident? 0 Violence? U Force? • 3B13C Location Sent! On View: At Intersection with Reporting District 8TH ST. MISSION ST. SOUTHERN Crime and Clearance Status Reported to Bureau Name Star Date/ Time Elder Gang Juvenile Prejudice 6 Victim • Related? 0 Subject? • Based? • 0 D I declare under penalty of perjury, this report of 3 pages is true and correct, based on my personal knowledge, or is based on information and belief F E following an investigation of the events and parties involved. F c PROP 115 CERTIFIED Post Training 1 L Reporting Officer Star Station Watch Date A KUK, ERIC 2169 Southern Station 1100-2100 03/30/15 1 9 : 2 8 C E R Reviewing Officer Star Station Watch Date A CHAMBERS, ANGUS M 972 Southern Station 1100-2100 03!30!1519:39 R T OIC Star Station Watch Date ICONLEY, WILLIAM J 2192 Southern Station 1500-0100 03/30/15 19:45 o Re-assigned to Assigned by Related Case Related Case Assigned to 3*300 N -- __ Copies to 3*300 Addl Copies EK 2169 R Code Name (Last, First M ddle) Alias Email E 1R 1 SFPD #2169, SFFID #2420, none P Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code 0 Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code R CA 94158- (415) 575-6000 Work 1251 3RD ST. SAN FRANCISCO T DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E Unk. . and E Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person II Notification • Notification • YES Er YES RI School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language Incident# 140354232 Page 1 of 3 San Francisco Police Department Repbrt Type: Supplemental INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email B B1 SUTTON, HASIRA none 0 1 Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code 0 (000) 000-0000 None TRANSIENT (8TH ST. & MISSION UNKNOWN UNKNOWN - K Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code E DOB Date of Birth Age or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color D 6'5 250 BLK BRO Unknown 0 08/01/77 37 and B M SFNO J/D# (if Juvi) ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number OM Booking Charge(s) Booking Location COUNTY JAIL #1 - 7TH STREET SHERIFF'S FACILITY Warrant # Court# Action# Dept# Enroute to S760663 14011673 Warrant Violation(s) Bail 245(a)(1) PC ($) NO BAIL Citation# Violation(s) Appear Date/time Location of Appearance • CA Form Booked Mirandized: Star Date Time CVVB Check Star Copy Attached • MYLES 77 Book/Cite Approval Star Mass Arrest Code M X-Rays School (if Juvenile) Statement SGT. SMALLEY 1885 • • Other Information: Citation/Warrant/Booking Charge(s)/Missing Person-Subject Description; Scars, Marks, Tattoos LSW GREEN SHIRT, BLUE JEANS, SANDALS, BLACK SOCKS, LONG DREADLOCKS Incident# 140354232 Page 2 of 3 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Supplemental INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 NARRATIVE At approximately 1419 hours, FTO Gardiner #2420 and I were in full police uniform and marked patrol vehicle when we responded to the intersection of 8th St. and Mission St. to assist (3B71) Ofc. Toney #1990 and Ofc. Sutherland #2402 in detaining a suspect with a knife. When we arrived on scene, 3B71 had detained (B) Sutton. Sutton was sifting next to a silver object which resembled a knife. Upon further inspection, FTO Gardiner determined it was not a knife. A computer query revealed Sutton had an outstanding No Bail Warrant (VVXX:760663, CRT:14011673) for 245(a)(1) PC. I positively identified Sutton by using SF Mug Shots. With approval of Sgt. Smalley #1885, I arrested Sutton for his No Bail Warrant. FTO Gardiner and [ disposed of the steel object and a blanket in Sutton's possession as they were both soiled. I contacted Myles #77 of CWB who confirmed Sutton's No Bail Warrant. FTO Gardiner and I booked Sutton at CJ1 for his No Bail Warrant. Incident# 140354232 Page 3 of 3 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Supplemental INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 IIncident Number Occurrence From Date / Time Occurrence To Date / Time Reported Date / Time CAD Number 140354232 N 140-354-232 04/18/2017 14:07 04/18/2017 14:07 04/18/2017 14:07 171082187 c Type of incident _ WARRANT ARREST, LOCAL SF WARRANT 63010 1 D Location of Occurrence: At Intersection with/Premise Type District E GROVE ST LARKIN ST / SIDEWALK TENDERLOIN N Confidential Arrest Suspect Suspect Non-Suspect Domestic (Type of Weapon Used) Use of Reporting Unit T Report? II Made? RI Known? • Unknown? II Incident? ii Violence? ■ Force? • 9X14E Location Sent / On View: At Intersection with Reporting District GROVE ST LARKIN ST TENDERLOIN Crime and Clearance Status Reported to Bureau Name Star Date/ Time Elder Gang Juvenile Prejudice 6 Victim • Related? 0 Subject? • Based? • Have you reviewed the attached list of procedures required by Department General Order (DGO) 7 04? Yes CI D I declare under penalty of perjury, this report of 3 pages is true and correct, based on my personal knowledge, or is based on information and belief F E following an investigation of the events and parties involved. F c PROP 115 CERTIFIED Post Training 1 L Reporting Officer Star Station Watch Date A CASEY, DANIEL R 4139 Tenderloin Station 0600-1600 04/18/17 15:47 C E R Reviewing Officer Star Station Watch . Date A RYAN, SHAUGHN P 1756 Tenderloin Station 1500-0100 04/18/17 17:25 R T OIC Star Station Watch Date IRYAN, SHAUGHN P 1756 Tenderloin Station 1500-0100 04/18/17 17:25 o Re-assigned to Assigned by Related Case Related Case Assigned to 3"300 N -_ _ Copies to 3*300 Addl Copies DC 4139 R Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email E 1R 1 D. CASEY/ J. TYLER, #4139/ #1675 P Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code 0 Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code R (415) 345-7300 Work 301 EDDY ST SAN FRANCISCO CA - T DOB / Age DOB or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color ID Type Jurisd. ID No. E Unk. • and E Confidential Violent Crime 293 PC Star Follow-up Form Statement Relationship to Subject Person • Notification • Notification • YES • YES • School (if Juven le) Injury/Treatment Other Information/If Interpreter Needed Specify Language Interpreter Language Language Description(if Other) Language Line Service/Interpreter ID# Bilingual Ofc Star# Needed • Incident# 140354232 Page 1 of 3 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Supplemental VsCIDENT REPORT 140354232 Code Name (Last, First Middle) Alias Email - B B1 SUTTON, HASIRA NONE 0 1 Day Phone Type Home Address City State Zip Code 0 K Night Phone Type Work Address City State Zip Code E Age or age between Race Sex Height Weight Hair Color Eye Color DOB Date of Birth D Unknown 0 08/01/77 39 and B M 63 220 BLK BRO. SFNO J/D# (if Juvi) ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number ID Type/Jurisdiction/Number Booking Charge(s) Booking Location Warrant # Court# Action# Dept# Enroute to S5774965 14011673 22 LOCAL SF Warrant Violation(s) Bail 245(a)(1) PC ($) NO BAIL , Citation# Violation(s) Appear Date/time Location of Appearance Mirandized: Star Date Time CWB Check Star • CA Form Booked Copy Attached • VIC 64 Mass Arrest Code M X-Rays School (if Juvenile) Statement Book/Cite Approval Star SGT. MURPHY 1716 • 0 Other Information: Citation/Warrant/Booking Charge(s)/Missing Person-Subject Description; Scars, Marks, Tattoos Interpreter Language Language Description(if Other) Language Line Service/Interpreter ID# Bilingual Ofc Star# Needed • P Code/No Item Description Brand Model R B BWC 1 BWC AXON BODY2 o W Serial No. Gun Make Caliber Color Narcotics Lab No. Quantity Value PC E, 1Seized by (Star) From Where R TENDERLOIN STATION 4139 T Additional Description/Identifying Numbers Y #1675 Incident# 140354232 Page 2 of 3 San Francisco Police Department Report Type: Supplemental INCIDENT REPORT 140354232 NARRATIVE On 04/182017, at approximately 1407 hours, Officer Tyler #1675 and I were on duty in full police uniform and driving a unmarked police vehicle. On the corner of Grove & Larkin Streets, we observed (B1) Hasira Sutton on the northwest corner. We knew Sutton to have an active warrant for his arrest. We stopped the vehicle, exited, activated our (BWC/1) body worn cameras and placed Sutton under arrest for the warrant. Sutton was transported County Jail #1. Vic #64 of Central Warrants Bureau confirmed the warrant and with the approval of Sergeant Murphy #1716, Sutton was booked on the listed warrant at CJ#1. An Estop entry was made all BWC footage was labeled. Incident# 140354232 Page 3 of 3
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