RECOVER SMARTER MUSCLEGUN TRAIN HARDER by @musclepaineu Musclepaineurope FIND MORE INSPIRATION Read our blog on our website and learn more about how to recover with our MuscleGun Historien bag MUSCLEGUN Produktet der er udviklet og gennemtestet i samarbejde med fysioterapeuter landet over. Det hele startede med en lille sjov tanke. Selv havde jeg kæmpet i årevis med en skade i lysken. Grundet pandemien var det ikke længere muligt for mig, at vedligeholde mine besøg hos fysioterapeuten. Det fik mig til at tænke i nye baner. Alternativet skulle gøre det muligt for mig, at have massagen med mig alle steder. I søgen efter en løsning, opdagede jeg massagepistolen. Jeg fandt min første massagepistol hos min lokale sportsbutik, og blev virkelig overrasket over, hvor meget den kunne hjælpe mig. Dog var der visse tekniske ting, der ikke levede op til det behov jeg havde. Blandt andet arbejdede jeg meget på kontor, så jeg havde brug for, at den ikke larmede særlig meget. Den hjælp jeg fik ud af det færdige produktet, har jeg en ambition om at give videre nu. - I tæt samarbejde med fysioterapeuter og danske designere, blev tanken om den perfekte massagepistol til virkelighed. CEO N. Pedersen HVAD MEDFØLGER? 1 x massagepistol 6 x mundstykker Rejsetaske Oplader Manual HVOR KAN DEN ANVENDES? I nakken Skuldre og arme Baglår Baller Forlår Læg MASSAGEHOVEDER Det kugleformede Det patronformede "Massage is not just a luxury. Det svampeformede It's a way to a healthier, happier life" Det U-formede Det halvrunde metalformede Det flade metalformede TEKNISKE SPECIFIKATIONER 10 hastighedesindstillinger 20W støjsvag motor 4-5 timers batteritid LED/Touch display Slagdybde på 10mm Vejer 800 gram. massagepistolen skal være slukket når den oplades BRUGERVEJLEDNING Vælg det ønskede massagehoved, tryk den ind i hullet. Trækkes ud efter brug. Tænd ved at skubbe knappen i bunden af massagepistolen til siden Tænd derefter massagepistolen på tænd/sluk knappen på LED displayet Juster den ønskede hastighed ved hjælp af + og - Sluk massagepistolen igen ved at skubbe til tænd/sluk knappen i bunden The story behind MUSCLEGUN This product has been developed and thoroughly tested in collaboration with physiotherapists across the country. It all started with a little fun thought. I had struggled for years with a groin injury. Due to the pandemic, it was no longer possible for me to maintain my visits to the physiotherapist. It made me think in new directions. I wanted to be able to have my physiotherapist with me everywhere. In the search for a solution to my problem, I discovered the massage gun. I found my first massage gun in my local sports shop and was really surprised by how well it helped me with my injury. However, certain technical aspects didn’t live up to my expectations. At the time I spend most of my hours at the office, so the massage gun had to be quiet enough to not disturb my co-workers. Now I have made it my goal to help as many people as possible, just like the massage gun helped me. - This product became a reality in close collaboration with physiotherapists and Danish product designers. CEO N. Pedersen WHATS IS INCLUDED? 1 x Massage gun 6 x mouthpieces Travelbag Charger Manual WHERE CAN IT BE USED? The neck Arms and shoulders Hamstring Glutes Quads Calves MOUTHPIECES The Round One The Cartridge "Massage is not just a luxury. The Mushroom It's a way to a healthier, happier life" The U-shape The Semicircular (metallic) The Flat (metallic) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 10 speed settings 20W quiet engine 4-5 hours of battery LED/Touch display Movement length: 10mm Weight: 800 gram. The massage gun must be turned of while charging USER MANUAL Choose the desired mouthpiece and push it into the fitting hole. After use, pull it out again. Turn on the massage gun by sliding the on/off button under the massage gun's handle. Next, turn on the massage motion by pressing the on/off button on the LED display. Adjust the speed accordingly on the (+) and (-) button on the LED display. Turn off the massage gun by sliding the on/off button under the massage gun's handle. Follow @musclepaineu
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