Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ MONDAY MARCH 2, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER EDITOR Kevin Madden started out in local government and campaigns in Yonkers and was a rising star in the Republican Party until Mitt Romney’s two presidential loses caused the spokesman to gravitate to cable Happy Birthday came senior policy advisor and chief campaign in 2007, soon with the joint spokesman for Congressman John E. titles ’National Press Secretary’ and To Yonkers Native Sweeney. ’Senior Communications Strategist’. By the mid 2000s, Madden had During her 2008 campaign, Er- And Republican had several public relations positions ick Erickson claimed "one of the for Republicans in federal govern- biggest pushers of anti-Palin sto- Political ment, including as press secretary for ries...was Romney spokeshack Kevin House Republican leadership for Ma- Commentator jority Leader Tom DeLay and later Madden" John McCain won the Republican Kevin Madden Majority Leader John Boehner. In 2003, the Irish Voice described (GOP) nomination. As Romney was securing the nom- Madden’s growing stature in the ination in July 2012, Politico reported GOP as "further proof of the heavy that Madden, "would be expected to A Happy 48th birthday to Kevin influence New York Irish Americans be named White House spokesman." Madden, who is a is an American have in the Republican party" In 2004 he joined the George Following Romney’s 2012 loss, pundit or public relations professional W. Bush presidential campaign and Madden pointed to immigration in in newspapers and magazines and ap- as one of a handful of national particular as "a missed opportunity pears regularly on television news and spokespersons for Romney". talk shows, largely on cable news. He was a senior advisor to and Later he was appointed Deputy spokesman for Mitt Romney’s 2012 Director of Public Affairs for the U.S. presidential campaign. George W. Bush administration De- After graduating from college in partment of Justice. 1994, Madden went to work for the Yonkers City Council, working for Betting The Farm Councilman Carlo DiNota. He soon became the spokesman On Mitt Romney’s for family friend John Spencer’s suc- cessful 1996 Yonkers mayoral cam- Failed Campaigns paign. After helping Spencer win re- election, Madden moved to Washing- Kevin Madden began working ton, D.C. and, beginning in 2001, be- for Mitt Romney’s 2008 presidential Yonkers Free Press MONDAY MARCH 2, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER EDITOR 2 A Social Media Many Traditional His Galway-born father and Tyrone-born mother emigrated from Horror Story Media Ireland in the early 1960s. His father was an auto mechanic, Appearances his sister works in journalism, and his brother is a lawyer. Kevin Madden just did get "that Madden attended parochial Ro- social media thing" and could not get man Catholic schools. Mitt Romney on voter’s smart phones Since then Kevin Madden has He attended Morrisville State like successful do. appeared on dozens of episodes of College in 1992, and earned an un- A study released by University of many political discussion programs dergraduate degree in communication North Carolina journalism professor on American cable news programs. studies from the State University of Daniel Kreiss found that the hierar- His profile at a speaker agency New York at Cortland in 1994. chy and bureaucracy inside the Rom- states: "Madden is regularly called On November 22, 2003, Madden ney campaign was far higher than on upon to serve as a commentator married Jaclyn Norris, then legisla- President Obama’s political team. on the media and politics on net- tive director for Congressman Ric The findings came from extensive work news shows as well as CNN, Keller and former intern for Senator interviews with Romney and Obama Fox News Channel, MSNBC, CNBC, Rick Santorum. campaign staffers. Bloomberg and the BBC among oth- Norris continued employment in a “Whether it was a tweet, Face- ers. range of Congressional staff assign- book post, blog post, photo any- ments until 2007. thing you could imagine it had to The couple has three sons. be sent around to everyone for ap- And Kevin Madden’s next po- proval,” said Caitlin Checklett, the litical chapter will probably not be digital integration director for the written until after President Don- Romney campaign. ald Trump leaves office, because Mitt “Towards the end of the cam- Romney was the lone Republican vot- paign, that was 22 individuals who Kevin Madden’s TV appearances ing for impeachment. had to approve it. The digital team include Hardball with Chris Madden often cites his "pro-life" unfortunately did not have the oppor- Matthews, Larry King Live, Verdict identification as a big reason for his tunity to think of things on their own with Dan Abrams, The Situation affiliation as a Republican. and post them.” Room, Meet the Press, Morning Joe The Obama campaign could make and local television programs. decisions far faster and react with more autonomy. Madden’s Personal Life And Future Prospects Kevin Madden and the GOP may Kevin Madden was known for Kevin Madden often alludes to his have to do some soul searching and supervising the best tweets ever childhood in Yonkers and says he is a take a new direction with some written by 22 people. proud a Yankees fan and Irishman. better talking points.
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