Raymond Bonnardel Bonnardel 53 (B53) Romanian version Introduction: Test B. 53 is a collective non-verbal test for measuring general intelligence (factor "g") In its construction, the focus is on the ability to dynamic aspects of intelligence. This is because many professionsin practice are determined by the exercise of an intellectual dynamic that helps to solve everyday problems. The test is suitable for use in specialised high schools, universities and on industrial personnel with intermediate and higher education, with the aim of diagnosing intellectual potential. The tasks have been arranged according to their level of difficulty, ranging from easy to difficult. The time for the test was limited to 15 minutes (the test can also be taken without a time limit). In this way, B. 53 is an operational test that does not tire the subjects. Test description: Test B. 53 has the format of a booklet with 65 Items in the form of a series of figures. The first 5 items are used as examples through which the subjects are introduced, describing the principle of the problems. Each elementary task in the test consists of two groups of figures that are on the same level. The first 3 figures on the left represent the "problem set"; the next 6 figures on the right represent the "answer set". The topic is to examine the problem set, to recognize the rule underlying it and to find, from the 6 figures of the answer set, the figure with which the problem set can be logically continued. Question series Answer series Fig. 1 - Item from test B 53 (Solution is 2!) Psychometric results: The author of test B. 53 states that the results of the engineers in this test, with the performance of engineers in the Bonnardel 101 and 20-b tests, with coefficients of 0.60 and 0.70. significantly correlated respectively. The use of the B.53 test in Romania to predict academic success in the technical high school in Cluj-Napoca resulted in the following correlations with the B. 53 – (N=106): Correlations: D. 48............................................0,5477 D. 70............................................0,5450 B. 22............................................ 0,2704 B. 20............................................ 0,4088 B .101.......................................... 0,4955 Raven’s ...................................... 0,4967 Test B. 53, in its present form, is an intelligence test that assesses general intelligence with an emphasis on non-verbal items and is suitable for a rapid psychological examination that predicts something about a person's potential in general terms. The calibration of the B. 53 test was carried out on a school population (vocational students) and professionals of different categories were also included. For reference, we show in Table 2 the norms of the test introduced in 1968 for first and second year students of a vocational school. Also we also reproduce the norm for programmer-analysts. (The norms are taken from a population of French origin ). Table 1: Test Scores (France) The studies carried out by school psychologists and professionals on the Romanian population have allowed the development of some standards dealing with the selection of children and vocational training courses (Table 2) It should be noted that the values we have provided are deal specifically with the specified areas of activity. Their use as a reference basis for assessment for another field of activity (occupational group) is only possible with an indicative value. Table 2: Test Scores (Romania) Scoring: Take the Media Scores for your age group/occupational group from the table above and use the following formula.... [(Raw Score - Media Score)/sigma] x 15 + 100 = IQ Score Example: Liceul de informatica 18 ani (technical high school) [(47 – 38,42)/6,82] x 15 + 100 = 118,87 IQ ~ 119 IQ Test procedure: Take the answer sheet and write down your name. As soon as you start the test, write your answers on the answer sheet! Work as fast as you can! TEST BEGINS NEXT PAGE! TIME LIMIT 15 min.! [(40 - 22,89)/8 x 15 + 100 = 132,08 IQ ~ 132 IQ [(40 - 22,89)/8] x 15 + 100 = 132,08 IQ ~ 132 IQ Answer sheet: Name: __________________________ Item Answer Item Answer Item Answer 01. 2 31. 61. 02. 6 32. 62. 03. 2 33. 63. 04. 3 34. 64. 05. 5 35. 65. 06. 36. 07. 37. 08. 38. 09. 39. 10. 40. 11. 41. 12. 42. 13. 43. 14. 44. 15. 45. 16. 46. 17. 47. 18. 48. 19. 49. 20. 50. 21. 51. 22. 52. 23. 53. 24. 54. 25. 55. 26. 56. 27. 57. 28. 58. 29. 59. 30. 60. Practice Series Item 1 - 5 TEST BEGINS NEXT PAGE! TIME LIMIT 15 min.! Answers : Item Answer Item Answer Item Answer 01. 2 31. 1 61. 3 02. 6 32. 1 62. 2 03. 2 33. 6 63. 1 04. 3 34. 1 64. 4 05. 5 35. 4 65. 5 06. 3 36. 3 07. 4 37. 5 08. 2 38. 3 09. 5 39. 1 10. 3 40. 4 11. 3 41. 3 12. 2 42. 2 13. 2 43. 1 14. 4 44. 6 15. 3 45. 2 16. 5 46. 6 17. 4 47. 5 18. 1 48. 6 19. 3 49. 5 20. 6 50. 5 21. 3 51. 2 22. 4 52. 3 23. 5 53. 3 24. 4 54. 5 25. 5 55. 4 26. 5 56. 6 27. 3 57. 4 28. 6 58. 1 29. 5 59. 2 30. 4 60. 6