(1)44 (0)20 7824 7521 Caruth, Sophie 01672 521 237 0705 0096823 Castaneda Debbie Caprice 0797 476 7885 0207-834 3840 001 310 344 89 w (p) J:B Belle Vue Road S andsworth Common W17 7EG, 0208-672 8276 335 634 9863 Cecil, Dr. Mark 7 Alexander Square Gator, Alby and Victoria London 55 Me!bury Road SW32AY UK g~rvalho, Michel & Flat 1 London, Wl4 8AO 207 225 0031 207 225 0081( 11'~ Carello Sara Massimo arlene Email: [email protected] 0207-584 6919 rs 7Pcerton Cresent on on SW3. 0207- 602-9377 (h) 01603 721050 Email: 0585 336319 07456 262626 ~) , 784 488 8890 ( ustique) 0207-730 1679 (h} Carey, Willlam & Carina 57 Basuto Road Cecil Mark & Mini Cerina, Fabrizio London SW6 4BZ, Casagrande, Guido PO Box 49428 Credit des AJfes 0207-7311826 (h) 5 Via BorPvonuoo Nairobi Ke~a Via Nassa 5 00 501 50 /8 6901 Lugano · 8o8 J9 2 878451 (wT> MIian /fai 00 501 754(1) 001 s11 ;;gs oso~) 0 39 2 a 464so2 011447900 8886 (Pl Carlbom Camila 9 3053341 (c( Email: fc~creditdesa P..es.com 157 W 4Ih St 00 39 29 06 262 tJMllan NYNY10014 ii392878734J •~) Cecil Mark & Mini 00 39 02 659 580 (wf) 39 3352844 7(p 001 212 2422 8445 001 516 537 5487 The lawn H~ 00 39 026318 ~w~ 001 212 371 6 5 (h) 001 917 539 1033 Hatfield Park Halfield oo 41 91 923 7185 00419192314as r1Lugano wb Case Simon ~tftt 251395 00 41 22 731 8001 wr eneva Carmine 00 62 21392 9866 004122 731 8077()) +44 7900 8888 83 ~ 00 39 0823906750 00 62 811 803090 +39 335 4214 14 (p 00 39 3933323678 917 496 0606 +41 91 923 71 fl'J . (Giancarlo Cammarata. PA) Carrera, Barbara Case, George & Pauline 001 21g 476 6885 !~ 001 21 476 9867 f X) 34 ;f,lbotRd Lon on.W2 5J!3, 0207-229 1022 Cerutti Gian Carlo !!h2221fw/ 584-2001 h : ce=aurelia_!ondon.co.u Y~t~1 8 00 39 )42 459443 ti 8"1a~~ve Monferra!o 992 00 39142-459439 w - • •. ,! :J 00·34 52 855247 [ marb) Chatwal Vikram H:impsh!re Hotel.s & Re.son.s 00 34 52 855010 little t\ouse) 0207 373 3131 0468 275 OSO{p) 0207-7302851 0207-982 2085 w) t) 595 E!evenlh Av~. bet 44th & 451h t. Cicogna, Gianfranco New Yor~ NY 10036 70a Fulham Road Cipriani Guiseppl Clive,Lucy 1 212 47 9880 (W} 1 212 320 2900 London SW3, EmaU: f,;'°iHJ11"rsusteJ .net 212 499 0599 fw/ 917 353 3445 p 45 El · Crescenl ~Hny1 Central Park West #32F 00 3 · 0207-5 5 6 ~f 1 917 442 7425 (p} 0207-5 1 3880 h 00 f7 11 80419 6 (Q 02 1-7677 44-262 P: !hl 07 976 1224 (faxJ 0860 363891 · Cisneros, GuStavo and hvejboi:len co uk Pally 3-1 5 work Chenevix-Trench, John 81~27 54 3311191 (S, Africa-h} 001-908-234-2554 New Jersey 0 7 833 23 0000 (p) 950 5th Avenue 0207-235-1186 Uncle & Lucy .. New York. New York 10021 001 516 353 1926 (Pl 4Albert Pia~ 001212717-5880 (h) London wa SPD 0207-376-1193 Clcogna, Marina 0385 778862 00 39 6 67882341 RomeJ Goben, Lar[Y {iwJc) 00 33 53 90 3937 00 39 6 9026023 Rome Claverino, Amadeo Stmrl$f! Capita/ Partner$ 0207-425 7672 00 41 82 34584 ( t MJ oo ag 2 600 3666 ~> 101 W 12th Street Appl 35 0207-376 1193 ij 00 39 2 583 05 00 (w) NY NY 10011 USA 001 212 996 6266 Clcog"nani, Pietro 212 sa2lcoban Emal!: 301iJfl h hz.com Clcogna Gianluca &AleJancjra Claverino, Isabel ftim)685 Thi Av~ 15th Uoor 1020 5th Avenue 125£: 741h St 00 3902 7231 8479 ew York NY 100 7-4024 14th floor New York NY 10021 011 39 0272 3181\rJ 001 212 675 3385 (hi. New Y, Y 10028 (Hm)OO 39 335 82 541 001212 582 3015 {w 001 212628 766~hJ 001 84 0207-2 10{w) ('ll 001 212 245 486 001212249 8812r (w\ 212 497 4259 dlrecl cf!al {w) crmau: e .com 001 212 308 4811 w 21 001 917 24 p 8110 /hi 001 212 249 7514 w Cleese John Alice Fay seciary Cochrane, Ms Mandy 020 -229 6344fh) 2 P°/cfar GrovflF 0207-221 2472 w) Lon on W6 7 Clerach, Linska 0494 672492 ~w~) Cicogna, Geoconda The Studio 0207-603 680 (5ondon Queens Gate Gdns SW7 1c Clarevtlle Grove Clempson, Graham & London 0207-589 19Sj/581 451 (h) SW73AU, Emma 30 Sloane Court West Cohen Dali! London SW3, 76 Elm Park Mansions , ~~ Park Walk London SW10 Colle Jeffrey 0207-995 898t,f,w) New York NY 10021 001212308 855iw) Cooke, Clive 00·1 212172 1029 , 8?°lit}~f~16 le11 001 212 988 4410 hJ. ttil ;zffmh Avenue #63H 00 34 11 75 75 SQarn 0207 573 0055 (wt) 001 407 796 060 001 516 537 2203 h 001 516 324 8500 w} New York NY 10022 001 212 421 5085 {ht 881 ~1~ !~~ Ij~8 t:l 001 516 443 8500 p) 001 212 668 9668 w Cohen Peter NY NY10036W: \9 Water 400 South Point Drive ~~8h12126°68 9668 Cotterell, Harry 51 5 283 1839 Southhampton: B)'!ord Court . ~~Jftfach FL 33139 Collins Phil & Orlanne 41 22 994 40 14 fw} 07715 172 772 Byford Herefordshire HR4 7LD Email: oriannecoliins@ltltledrea 0981-22227 (h) 001 305 531 5370/h/ 001 305 772 3966 p 4122 994 4o 11(hl Email; [email protected] 41794149405{p Cordle, Ms Rachel 305 588 9931T 54A Radcliffe Square Courcel Martine De London_ SW15 68L 0033607559699 Conrad, Henrietta 0207-370 3943 (h) Coleman, Jo 0207-581 7034 {W) 4a Pambridge Mews London WTI. 881 ?U ?~7 !ll2,hi) \\l;i'/166 E. 63rd St. 0207-221 6310 (h) 07831 372264 (Pti) Cordle, Rupert & Cowdrav, Marina Ths Vfscounfess Cawd 0207.792 3933 fax Cowdray House New York 0207-712 9300 (w) Camilla Cowdray Park, Midhurst NY10021, 72435101 33 Albert Bridge rd Wes! Sussex London GU29OAY, SW114PX 01730 812461 0207-738 8997 01730 812122 ({) Coleridge, Nicholas & Constantine, Susannah 0836 323616 (Cpl . Email: uk Georgia Sten Ber Emal!' 11,1pert [email protected] [email protected]. 40 81YmerRd (Hm)34c Alb.ert Bridge Road (wJ 38 Prlnceda!e Road London SW11 4PY London. wn 4NL London Swt1 4EW 207 498 564 91w) ) 01144 207 221 4293(h 0207-376 3212/Wl 07831 584 05 3 fRp . Cowie, Colin Email: 0207 720 8882 h) 207 498 5689 (Asst Ahse) Email: 11 E 68Ih Street [email protected] New.York. NY 10021 020 7499 9'080 Nick (W! [email protected] m1Susannah,ready2.com{w) 001 212 396 9007 020 7499 0052 Nick (wt) 91181 5695 p 001 212 396 gq1,,1 020 7221 4293 (h) ~ 33 9054 35 2 ( Fra) Cordova Hohenlohe, Email: cawcowIe aotcom Fernando de 001 917 601 120 Stuart Bidasoa #6 'd 917~SS?~7870 Colin Portable 28002 Madn 120 1/2 Easl 651h St. Crabbe, Sophie ~estWral!ing 223 Cranmer Court ambnt:estirre Davies, David & Linda ~~e£R&d Grove, London 0223 29 341 0207-352 7 t~ Dabbagh, Amr A. 011 966 2669 7220~w) 85 Eaton Place London SW1 - 01144207-581 8920(h) 011 966 2669 6184~ 0207-730 1517 lh) on6a 20a 209 can Email: amrdabba~h· ao\.com 0207-730 2931 (f) 01144 778 533 3 6 Pl d'abo, Mrs Jennifer 13 Wilton Crasent Cudro, Afalstar London SW1X BRN Davis Michael 003314252 7234 t) 00 3315 389 4762 w) 0207 245 6447 jh) ' 4 0223 290328 {c Dahl, Sophie 01 212 925 8484[hJ 001 310 503 22331f) 001 212 9882386( ). 01 646 244 7739 p Email: [email protected] Cur7., R. Bo,r.kln D'Afessie, Carman Eagle rlfltal Man gument 001 212 245 9914 Darrin, Drake DW, Nick and Heather 49 Pa Avenue 1 West 81st S!reel p&, Development Compi'lny N ew York, NY 10022 New York PO Box34 f 1 2 2 293 4001 ~ 212 293 4045 XHm}106 Central ark South pt. 27A New York NY 10019 d'Ar-enberg 1 Prince Pf. erre 1ZSe.st72nd ~tio24 001 212 580 0555 001 212 644-6001 001 212 273 0643 P r)wl 2 Rumuruti Kenra 12 Faw 00 2545 002 00 2 Slree Flat #3 483 d~y 11 ml (fax 001 917 572 4659 {p) 003360918642?/l)j 020 -352 2553 {h) 212 752 8888 ~ ~~mJ~ Route e la Batiaz 0 ouxtens-Mezery Dartmouth WIiiiam Cutter Amanda Swilzerland 0207-225 0404(wf 16 Westboume Terrace de Andrade, Marcelo and Brooks, Chr/$tophQr 0207-3515428 f London W2 3UW 191 Chrystie Sireet Rua EucHdes Figueiredo 7,6 Apartment 5R oo 33 4864 so1t lhl 0207-7236728 Jardin So!anico, RJ Brazil New York, NY 00 33 248 64 80 6 (~ 0207-224 8446 (n . 22261-070 10002 001 212 734 9400J,'rjXia) Email: wi!llam@wdlratndartmouth. 001 212 717 7109 {W) 212 614 2870t} Di152 315 35 101 axIca (w} Email: mcado.c@at ~ba!.ne~ 917 -496 9772 a g-1m)Av, Pres1dente llsan, 1 4 ober1ura Centro RJ Brazil Email: Brooks- [email protected] Davies Jeff 347 865 1847 (cp) d'Ozes Jacques de a8~:W,?i~. 8496sfl } d'abo, Henri & Tatiaria crussol 00 33 66 221896 [ 00 33 42 888688 h wr 001213280 6686(p) Ema!I· me9atff~mac.com 818 9!354 3 3 obert Maron {ent magr} 88~~~1 005521 005521998g Jf:Pi t West Wratting Park 001917699 &w 88 33153599 33 1 1544 4713 pf ..... co __ ....... 55 21 2524 5682 (wf) De Soto , Fernando Ninez De Balboa 81 011 917 592 6424(dp) de Baecque, Patrick 33 6.11879260 tat1:s%~Ws~goo5 /Hrn}28 E. 63rd Sl New York Emarl: [email protected] NY 10021 Dic.kenson 1 Debbie 001 212 605 6824 !oh) 240 E. 75 St Dedieu, Jean & 001 212 570 0751 ) NY NY 10021 Paulette· 001 212 838 1400 w) ooi 212 734 3455 de Cabral, Milly Port de Lanne M.ilson Tarta.$ 001 516 267 3643 c) 150 E!lst 72nd Street 001212687 3500 fw) 4F0300 Peyrehorade New YorkiJ NY 10021 ranee 001 212 88 4912 001 516 725 7225 {Hm)001 917 533 5580 Jef p 00 33 g8 8916231 h) 00 33 1423303f9 Dickinson, Janice Derby Earl /Cntess Cass 001 310-441~0048 & Tea 001 310-441- 068 f . 001 212-245:8713 hns Royer Ir 1 Netherton Grove DelBono Luca London,. sw10 9TQ De Cadenet, Alen Oulnlessent1a}!y 0207-302 5959111 0207-5 84 5511 l15-19 Grea\ Titchfield Streel 0207-352 4468 f) Dietrich Marc Antoine 001 213 654 0384 8'jJ._don, United Kingdom w1w Email: [email protected] it,'m}Vinowsley amt Cath 02207 908 7270 (Wl 51 Ave Montigne OE 07'. 908 7495 {Wf) iji~~o~!de L34 4AF UK Paris 75008 mad: 0151ts96147 fhlMersey,ide 00 331 4256 9672 de Cfermont..Tonnerre ldHa!bono®.quintessenUal/y 0151 4821988 {f)MerseY.s1de Hermine Pn"nces.s ' ' 07000 0DERBY personabll ~lhmJ~~road Streat 07785 904 624 D- porta e 19 ~ue de Saures New York. NY 10004 0774130 526 CD.portable Dietrich, Paul & Laura Pans 75018 00 331 4050 90 11 (h 1291217632 837 7740 fw1 320 6405 {WfJ 0207 409 5600 0207 409 5710 w-direct) !wJ ?resident Meridian Emerging Markets, Ltd 00 33 6 07243091 p 01 64 5689 0151 482 1988 wf) 1141 Cuslis St. (n&w} 0771 886 0683 0796 629 0008 (p) Alexandria VA De Georgiou, Anouska Dell, Adam 651°1i3 660 9080 (hi 001 703 768 9780fw rm 28 Porten Road Email: ljdyoCci!wor!dnelatl.net(L) ~ 0011 917 414 2676 (p} 703 768 9779 {h&wf• Londo!J,, W14 OLQ 07775 ,38784/p) 00 212 219 3931 (W"} 001 703 927 7090 001 703 927 7090 lp llpl 0207 602 7213 mom's friend [I,R Dheluca Dl.na & Fouard C artuum Dimbelby Johnathan 1001 Fifth Avenue Di VIia, Charlotte 0207-221 4545 New York, NY 10028 917 539 0769 (p) 0207~792 1068 . . J •.s -·-·-.·-·'"-~ . Email: 0171-2431643{f} Haskalon Nr. Woodbrl~ Driver. Minnie i Suffolk]1P13 Q UK 01473 38 130~h~ Douglas, Diandra 001323656 8199(~ Email: minxed@ea link.net ! Diniz, Pedro 01473 735 180 w 123 East 69th Street i. PPOSpot1s E sdo!bey msn.com J New NY 10021 l: Rua AmaufiB255-1. Andar San Paulo, razU 01448 OQ(N,P , e de Badia 001 2 01 91 6411 8442 rf!@yaho~cfom Dubb; Anthony V. 6 East 79111 sl I' 01133 614 14 84 84 55 11 3077 5151 011 5511 9981 7005 Braz.ii France ob< 07778 305 335 \~\ 0207-221 6158 rce!I 8 NYC.NY 10021 212 734 6060 Email: [email protected] 0115511 388601-666 (Paula} i1 Bacon {p) I''i j 55 11 3079 9938 (wf) Dixon, Alexandra 17 Seaton Close 0842 765800 hNor'fo !~ 0207 307 888 r'ex- irect w) 0207 307 8888 Alex-main w) 0207 307 6880 A-wf) · 07960 71 88 69 {Answering svc) m§!~~ 9090 C home phone) Dubbens, Peter 0207 376 8755 (h) ~nden Gate. utney Heath Donne, Aiegra Dr Eli Wiesel londan SW15 3TJ UK 001 212 371 7029 Dubin Glen +44 20 8785 2518 gi> 0114.4794 768 993 (p) 416'Fu!ham Road London SW6 · l]ubfn & Swieca- 1010 Fifth Ave· Apt 110{h) 11 ii Email: , 0207-381156'6fhl. 0207-498 2355 w) NY NY 10028 9 Wesl 57th Street, 27th floor alexandrafdixon91073.free Drax, Jeremy 11 i1 1,Hm)Kisme rav,esa 7 Los Monteros . Marbella Malaga Spain Dori ~~[ulham Road 0207-352 2090 fhl 21 21 87 977 7 4936 f) t> New Yo~ New York 10019 ytenn@ cmny.com ;J 0207-978 2318 w} [" 808 887 7599 office in Hawaii 1917476 7742 NH urkey Hill Road 1l! +34 952 82 5331 S~ain h o NY 10560 11} I: +44 20 8788 3975 arenls Oreesmann, Bernard 212- 212 ~i Dorri! 917 ar i" DJerassl, Dale 0207-235 5957 5 Pier House 212-287-4977 direct 914-66§:4651 North Salem 001 650 747 0608 ES~Jgi113 ri 0207-351 0449 91.;4-66 8157{f) 001 415 699 0636(p) Doss! David & Christy 0207-274 6246 w} 0372-272911 {c Pruner Dubin, Louis & Tiffany Do Ibey, Alex & Suzie 315 Riverside Drive TM Athima- Group V r Short Hoo New York, NY 10024 ~~ai?2 327 0883(h) L ' ,· ,f:'~ N 0 t Louis.dub!n@lheathenagrou 212419 7493 Jenean f (.l'!r;n).29 E.64fu SI. 07930-382 959 Sophie 1e1 x NYt.1i~21 8lg!3:~ti83o/~ ~~r:~~arl x 0207 7024 4275 Equeny • Robert 001 212 459 2602llwf Ducrey-Glordano, Olney 001 212 327 0883 h) Francesco 001 212 506 0662 lw) 001 212 506 0673 tw) Sir Anllca Di San Vito 36 1 Dutliie, John & Charlotte 6t£f1 Dunbar Johnson I r~505432 (h\ 34 Queens Gale Terrace 00 39 1 8221015 {W Miranda & Steph London SW7, Dubin, Peter 27 A Leamington Rd Villas 0207-589 7993 (h) 0207 376 8755 London W1f 1HT Dueslna Paul 0207•2291894(h\ ,, Duchess of York L~lsure & t:1'/estyle Venfures irmount d House 0207-873 3696(w DzhabraiJou, Umar 00 7 095 233 7000(p) Ii Sunninghill Park lhl Ascot Berkshire St5 7TH 2 X 75201 0212 Dunne, Griffin 00 7 095 745 5228(w} Email: umar®umar.ru I! 01144776 151215{p) 01344 214 7 1691 cell 145 6th Avenue New Yt'.lrls_, NY 10013 00709 5920 '5U00 (p) ' Emal!: ox,C9.uk 214 720 0082 {wf} 001 212 .,43 8830 lw/ (ws 001 212 614 0921 h 001 212 603 4337 cynth~ Eccleslone, Bernie fo¾'D~ NYO • John 28 Chelsea Square London SW3 6LX UK 86110 Kale Dunne Philip & 44 207 584 66 68 !w) 44 207 589 03 11 Q Domin 1ce · {Hml6 Princes Ga e 7505 fol 3 Sterne Streat Knighlsbridge 307 1750 (w) London W12 Lontlon, SW7 IQJ UK 9955 m · 0208-7::i.3 4!i!85 {h) 3515 Arebe!la (h) -5568 Bahamas 917-7 -3377 John o· Sullivan Eckon, Paul port 917 743 3377 P. Johnnie Duona Anh 0378 77 8888 '"\ · 917 202 6260 Janine-assistant as 353 W.1'1lh, 10014 oo 27 82 990H1 of 1-10-03 01 212 627 0955/h) +44 1344 8731 87 lh/ 01 917 213 7515(p} +44 1344 8456 88 (h} Edsel, Lucinda +44 207 307 1753 direct +44 207 307 1751 (wf) - 53 The Chase 212 419 7493 Janean Durso Luigi London SW3, Ines de !a Fressange 0207-622 8738 {h} - Elingworth, Charlie & lHmJ15-19 Great Titchfield S!reel Edwards, Andrew & Tracy 9 Eaton Mews Soulh Amanda The Basement 80 Oxford Gardens , 8 ~ 0207 908 7270 0207 436 6980 w r, on, United Kingdom W1W 001 917 553 67 4 {p) Erba Noona W'0"39blohde. armanag 02 481 734 (h} 0039 02 550 D510(w London SW1W 9HP 0207-2354121 (h) ' b~8R~GsfJ9g 0208-743 5129 (h~ EsP.irito Santo, Manuel 0747 870754 ~car Elllot, Gail & Joe Coffey ana Ros 0208-994 378 (w 00 35113974740~w} 72 Reade ~reel #5 Elian, Johnathan New York Y 10007 00 35 936 44587 {p) 7 H!!! Road 001 212 571 6153 (hl 0207-730 7768(h) Greenwic~ CT ~830 Elizabeth 001 917 s12 2299[pJ 001 203 4 2 77 001 203 496 625 p 1\w/ 0033 660 596 267 01 212 57 6178 fax Email: eman~tarwood.com Estlin, Jean~Marc 1 203 249 8 eel! 7 Rue des Sainls-Peres Ellenbogen Eric Ellison, Mandy & Ralph 75006 Paris fi~W~'V8fflYtark 218 Mediterranean Road ~:\~~f~rr4[L 33480 88 1~1 ~~j§ g~J~W) I (i Elias, Brian 00 55 11 852 246 iome 001 305 798 3831 001 305 789 9242 w 881 ~Hg~ rnfg!h'/ 561 881 5749 \0 561-881~9093 ti} 561 863 4791 Voice Mail 00 331 4020 0763 881 ~g i~l ~i~gcr~d hJ Email: 001 305 5~ 010 home 00 55 11 9935 3391( atazi! p 561 881-5748 (h) ,Ellingworth, Mr & Mrs .~ j;1 fl Ellasch, Johan & Amanda 31 Chester S~are London SW1 9HT UK ~Hij_J~a ~¥l~r0r The gid House 0208-734 5129 h 0747 870754 {c Leics Elwes, Anabel 41A Umersion Street Loodo~SW10 0207~ 9 5955 Estrada Juffall, Chris- tlna Juffall, Walid 50 ide Park Gate +44 201 730 6459 ih} Lon on i +44 207 629 4399 ~ Email: aeratba~ao .com SW75OH 0207-823 8822 (h) wm)71 South Oley STreet Elllot, Ben Epstein1 Ed 07769 678776(p} IK 15A +44Il 67' 87 2059 Amanda (p} 9173 06039 Qufntes.sentlalfy 80 Broad Slreet 430 East 86th St. Email: christinaeslrada@hotmai!. SHmJP-0. Box 1049 0013t7672 7268 00 43 6 4381 472 i3. ohan (p) 5th Floor New Yor~ NY 10004 001 212 31 i1•0 <wJ ~87'2~~~4~~68828 ed ah 21431 Saudi Arabia 00 9662 6600005 Home and 001 917 320 405(wf fax-Saudi Arabia Email: [email protected] 07769 678 776 (p} , N ~- N t' ~ L90iner Han London SW10, Falletans, Olivier de g!fff~Shrewsbury 0207-8i3 3990t\ 0207-3 2 2707 w 18a Alexandra Ave London SW11 Evans ChriS 0207-663 3601 4f1 922 14009 Email: ruf1artfairfax@!horowgood. 0207-622 9550 0207-489 2017 h fhl 0441 077441 01922 7 1676 {W} Fakhre, Danny & Chris- 07801248146 {firt) 01743 709353 h) tine · 0468 857769{p Evehart Angie 001 310 560 5150(h) 97 Eaton Place London SW1, 97 Ealoh Place Fanjuf, Pepe 561 655 6303 561 655 1814 w 212 472 6696( ff! Email: [email protected] Fairweather Natasha MO$COW 00 795 2436722t) Fall, Meredith 00 795 2439762 I) 114 Rue du B8ch Fautkner, Terence & Faber David 0207-598 4300 Paris France Cornelia Fairweather, Ms 00 33142220741 0207-580 0381 0207-9371992 W) fhl Catherine Faber Sally & Brook 162 lancas!er rd Fallah, Mrs Johnson London W11 4 Bainey Gale Feeley! Fiona Charlton Down Eslate 0958 726887 Ennismore Gardens Charlton Oown,Tetbu~ 0207439500bl~5560 London SW7 19 Chesler Row Gloucestershlreh Gl8 TZ 0207-792 8247 h 0207·584 730'7 lhl London 01666 880 011\ ~ , 0207-792 82 0207-584 8238 w) SW1X9JF 07770 988 908 p 0207-371 5877 ~n1g !Wb'd~~(h hotmaitcom ~2~,-3s2 10331l'b Email: (NY~HE I [email protected] 0798 611 4004 (car) Fairweather,AmbaSsa• B'1m}Ashe ouse dor& Lady FallahRMs Christina verton Patriek & Matfa &Jon obe Ha~hire flat i 012 771 411 Faibairn, Charlotte 18 Weihe~ Gdns 41 Fitzjames Ave 07778 000 170 (p} & Hamish Fraser London S OJP 0774 130 526 109 Elsl§(,vRoad 0207-244 9602{h) London 11 4449fj 0207-223 1801 (h) 1 5877 IJ 5039 79 Fekkai Frederic F~khre, Armado & Jas- Fredririr; i!ekkal Beauty Center 15 East 57th Street mme NY, NY 10022 Fairfax, The Hon Rupert 19 The Boltons {btwn 5th & Madison) The Coach House ' tv ~- w Ferragamo, Leonardo & I it 01253 2901297(h) FiRg, Christopher & Beatnce 01492 860815{w) C arlotte Vlllale Rosa Uttle Hampden Farm Via Brancolano 2 Great Missanden Tavarnuzze 11a~ 50029 Flenne's, Martin Bucks HP16 9PS 0039552317 4 31t 44 Cathcart Road 0494 488254 {h) oo 39 55 33s op• w 0039553752 2{ London SW10 0208- 968 5957 {h) e 0 Assis an ~Paige llf3~6st~~•vc, Finch Charles Philllpe {h) Ferranti, Hugo 0207-373 2634(h) 0207-257 8720 Phillipe{P.) 01253 2901297{1i) 0207-937 9870 1887196 frencti cell 38 Evelyn Gardens 01492 860815(w) Email: finch~artis!sindepeodant, Sebastian-makes appls. London SW7S 07768 722 5 (p) 8989 !") 078531534 0207- 792 3163 8817 AJ_p) 0207--6 7 4727 {W) 001 212 343 0069 0836 369118 Fiennes, Ralph 079 795 95706 (P} 01276 696912 {w} 001 917 250 6629!~l Feldman, Andrew ~ 212 334 7333 1 00 2, 2 945 221• lt/ Ferr}' Brian ail: rat,hfiennescost@ralphfie hHmf-20 -995 739 {Tern asst) Finklestein, Howard I 00 212 7991229 Sftldfo Ono 20 - 743 8785 (h/ij 310-392-4893 Avonmore Place 07973 261659 (p) Londoi W14 8RY 0171 6 2 3330 Felix, Helena 01716030549 Firyal Princess i2 Middlew'ai Email: , Fiennes, Suzzana 1 East 66th SI Homstead G n s~urb [email protected] 9 Bank street 2nd floor NYNY ~ fr London NW1165 0208-455 0807 0207-734 6090 w) r,. between West 4th S!reel and ~1W0 2"12iii~~i$W'I r 0il 212 879 3900 mJ34 Chaf°I SI on on SW 0207-4394781 f} Flennes&,Martin 001 212 741 8658 h 0207- 235 2143 Broughton $tie 07 790 231 537 ( ·p) Banbury 01295 262624 Fell, David & Anne 85(~1; 5EB Fisher, Dan lhl 0207-372 1967 p 001 212 744 0341 721 5th #739 001 212 376 1225 o 0836 717333 Fifer, Chuck NY Email: -dirslhbfelsui'e.co,uk 0208- 968 57 {h) 0295 262624 (c) 001 212 744 5707 0012128321177 w t~ ooi 212 421 ,o67 001 212 421 4222 w 001 212 421 4067 c) 0253 29045·1 0207-373 2634(h} -- §ffllW?fT_W'T Flick Mook Forbes, Steve & Sabine 0012126641734 001 917 359 3280 P lH/ Park House Southdown 7-11 Onslow si London SW7 3 J Btirnl Mills Road Fraiser, Violet Bedminster, N.J. 07921 001917414 0922 0171-225 3147[w) Forman Johnathan Emal!: [email protected]! 0171-5811186 h) 212 242 5607(n) 001 212 930 8545 Ford, Katie 00 1212 664 1734 FordModf/lf'S {Hm)001 917 359 3280 Foman Bobby & 142 Greene st. #5 ~~ Francesco de la Garda, Jeane!1e New Yor~ NY 100 Mr 212 219 5ooiw/ Formby, Nicola 212-628-1561Ji 212 ?26 1555 h Cameli & 10 spa 212-888-6100 w 4353 Fulham Road Via Roma 81A 0207-235 997 ome en!. London SW10 9TX 16121 Genoa llalY. 07831 fa7575 (P} 0207-5811044 (Ii) Forbes Zandy S:~s rents Email: formb3~tuebfonde,demon.co 0207 3600 (N) 0207 352 0504 00 39 10 55081JW) 00 39 10 55083 ( w) 001 212 353 9755 2 direct (A) 001 212 829 4051 (WI rinyswo 001 91T846 7617 p 63 749 646 541 2000 l 212 343 3884 re!ler Island 212-219- 6190 Downtown Office F.orbes, Chris (Kip) Astrid 212 226 8224 t::Jre·s private Forte, Rocco & Aliai 10 Lowndes Place London SW1, Francey, Kathy 001 917 497 4510 001 212 734 0747 l~l ¥:"c"Cl orl>es ~gazlne fax . 212 226 8224 KATIE'S FAX 0207-235 8565 (h) Fraysse, Isabel 95 Old Dutch Road {h} Far Hills 6317490512 fh? 212 219 6119 w 14 rue des Fjlles NJ Calvaire Par1s 75003 3 Fox.Andrew 00 33 1 4277 9106 (h) ~\~ stu~~~o 00 61 3 822 0735(h) Ford, Tom & Richard 6 212 2431509 ~m)60 Fifth Avenue ewYork Bucliiey 88 ~llla°6 8~ 8333(wt oo 613 as9 Freud Mathew Gucei 00 613 69 8398 fax NY 011 44 207 898 3000 0207-291 6400 10012 Email: [email protected] 0410 637383 '!/\\'Ng ':1'2'if3(h) 719 379 3608 Fox, William & Lucinda 0207-351 2626 (wJ Forman John 110 Chesnut Grave London SW12, 001 212 930 8545 (W} 0208-675 5625 {h) N U1 -- Frost, Mr David & Lady Furstenburg Buravelll, 001 646 251 2211 Carina Garson Jeremy Nina 0207•771 3264 22 Carlyle s3uare via Delle Man!elfante 26 London SW 6EY 0207-351 3035 !h! Ro]•· lta1 4 Ganoza, Esteban Juan 0207-241 0317 h 00 9 0658331144 338 671195~gt Avenida El Rosario 450 00 39 San Isidro Lima 27 Peru Gaspar, Nacho Email: 00 39 0564 0 077(coun• 43 Camino de! Sor try) +5114426734 (h) +51 1 264 427'b1hf) La Moraleja Frostrup, Mariella Email:jganoza terra.com,pe Madrid 1Rain 28409 07970 727 272 0207-7922976 rmtrzarro 42lr (h&w) 00 34 1 500325 h)f 00 34 1 5645030 w) Fyson, Edwina Email: [email protected] 13 Ives street +~~\1~3~~]oo ~f{ . . 001 212 625 23 rnend NYJ in London SW3 001 2f 941 9341 when in NY 0207..S84 557'7fB) 00 345 661 30 3 (w) +51 4 2454 02/01 {w) Gaufi Harriett Fry, Cosmo & Amanda Pe,gi;Lod3e 29 Stnhoge Gdns 15 C rist hur~h ~d London t7 London SW14 A 0207-373 3'5(h0 Gaetani, GelaSlo Garcia, Ludmila 0208-878 0111(w Los Jeronicos t 4-22 0208-392 9171{ Via Gre~iana, 5 Calle 9, 0208-878 0111 Fulhurst Teresa 001 917705 7230 Roma 187 06 678 1781 28014 0034 0034 0034 p am h) w 0207-499 9080(w) & vma es Geary Tim Gaetani, Rufreldo Camino ea! 001917566 0551 Furstenberg, Heinrich & 001212 3714136 Marbel!a ~ain Email: mJf @t 0034527 4594(h) [email protected] 1m Milana TT1 Oonaueschingin ,I Gallman, Kukl 1: i Hofserber\Gennan~ 00 49 771 6508 h 00 49 771 86423 w f 80~45593 Gig rf Road Gardner, Adam 001 212 691 9660 Gelardinf Jack 28MallardS r' Nairobi London SW3 Ke'!,'f;a . 0207- 376 849ih) 00 %2520048 { h) 0 07- 409 2324 w ',. ,.t Furstenbu'l,Alex , Alexandra • Garland Michael 1 0101 212 734 sHs (hJ 001,212 396 4393{h) Ganero, Mario Jr. &Mt-~I! ll/JfJ> 55 1199701020 (p) German-Ribon Catriona fu 0779 965 1673 , i· .._ N ' O'I ;~ w Email; [email protected] Gibson, Caroline 212·572-5090 43 Camberwefl 212-572-8400 London SES 407-835-8760 Palm Beach Gertler, Erle Goldsmith, Isabel Prlvlsta 0207-703 59t1 /h\ 11 E. 26th Street 0207-937 604 w 1362 An~e!o Dr. Beverly ills. CA 90210 151htoor Giussani Luca 11 Tregunter' Road ~erss~l 917 797 10010 Glllfllan, Andrew 011 3056739811 011 305 4677737/fc). , London En~!and SW10 9LS 4471 3/3 7 67 Email: Box 65014 Email: !giussani@ onal.net 4471 373 1762 21265 iprlvlS!a.com Beamarie 818 783 7048 Home 310 271 7150 LA-\-!om~ Sandlan 201 O ~bufh Africa 52 5 540 7657 Mex1e9 C~ 00 27 11 78326 0 (p) Glanville Mary 52 5 540 7658/9 Mexico ity - 0207-730 3412 (w) Getty, Mark 58a Radnor Walk ~f:i\!11161 (hf) 0207-446 0560 (w} London SW3 0207-352 3436(h) 0836 285 485 London - Car 0207-495 B865(w) LA Fa:< 310 271 3273 O:i107-821-B581 (Ii) GIiiford, Lord & Lady sec 52 328 555 00 12 Ashcomba Street {0468} 90 8514 Mobile London SW6, 0207•314 2129 fh\ Glass, Charlie Getty, Pia and Chris 0207-2 5 1245 w 07 727 763"Jho 20 East 78th Street 07 979 857 1 (p) Golinkin, Sandy New York NY 10021 220 E 72nd Apt. 17G 001 212 717 6599/h\ Giffmour, Andrew & NY NY i¥9~1s949 001212297172 w Email: ~!a~~aol.com 001 91 9 6788 Emma 001 212 533 0656 (h) Glentworth, Edmund & Emfly 881 ~12 286 7666(w) Email: • d 0207-735 2832 ( San~Go!inkmfcon enas 917 4002 {p Gibbs, Emma Ginsberg Gary Garden Frat 001 212 852 7016(w} Goess, Pilar 61 lfield Road 001 917 679 744;p) 00 43 1 505 1775 Gomez, Thomas Londo~ sw10 9AU UK Email: gginsberg newscorp,com 00 43 1 713 39~5 220 E. 65!h Slreel 0207•3 1-3772fgJ . 00 33 1 4722 4 37 Penthouse 8 +44 7710 815 3 {p) 00 16 4 453 3098 001 212 826 2766 Email: emma:3'Ybbsuk~hotmall.com 0207• 2 304 work Gilli~rews- MaeAn Howard 35 Easl New York, 62r.,ctYStreet 10021 Goldberlj&, Ellen Sanfe Fo Ins fe- 505 946 3643 {W) -,_ -- Gomme, William & Emma 27 ladbroke ;Square Graff, Francois London W11 ~ft..'}Plg Dtractor Greece, MC & Pavlas· Gregg Geordie &Kath• 0201-221 ,oags {hl hft1 Madison Ave. hrh Prlm:a Pavlos 001 212 452 1542(hl . erlne 36 Kensinijton Park Grdns 10021 001 860 868 1737 . Email: cravlos~Vo~c~llal.com 0207-499 080r) Gordon, Jacobo CG lnvastrmmts 001 212 355 9292{w) 0207 584 8571/4 hHmlP 1 917 O 2 2 (pp) 0207-221 5758 hJ 0207- 351 141 kPe de Vergara, 128. nlre_tanta [HmJ6 &7 new bond Street on on . 01 12 692 6362~h'/ 001 212 861 6492 212 861 6963 MC w) OTT 47 695 830 cell 2800 Madrid W1$ 3SJ j4 917 453 540 4 914 111 988 m1 Grenfell, Natasha Granby, David Green, Deborah 19 Ch~ne Place 0207-235 8305 Royal os?-:,tal Road 51 Seymour Walk London S 3. Gore, Juliet 49 Smith Street London SW10 01476 870798,f"li 8814ll.P~a6ls\s (h} 0207-351 1413 {h) Londoi];SW3 0207-352 407 J} I 0207-3 21317 fhl 0207•5814178 w) 0629812014Jh 01476 87024 (ph) 01629 812014 Green, Jeremy 4 Avenue Fontainb!eu(h) Griffen, Ted 001 646 486 6573 I Fresnaye,8001 . Gottfleb, Steve CaQetown, South Afnca Grange, Jacques 001 212 713 0572 001 212 979 6410 lh1w ?s~8/ePans B~a~olais 27 83 323 7007{p) 07947 131910 Email: trem&@bugan.com Griscom, Nina asst. Kelly ranee 640 Park Avenue 00 33 1 47034455 (h) kHml1 1 Vic ona Junction (w) New Yor~ NY 10021 res wich Street 001 212 44 0442 Green Point. 8005 . g Goulandris Dimitri c¥:e Town South Africa 001 631 283 8505 .,, 0207-221 2532fhj 0207-425 3640 w Grant Jamie 2 21 434 8189 00 27 21 461 38 (f} ~tg Email: ninag~aol.com 00121287 3(h) 0468 615060 001 212 861 6571(h} 27 21 425 6383 Jeamne 212•744·1805 Home fax f Grabau, Lorenzo Greece Princess Olga Green, Judy Gross, Pamela & 0207-370 6454fh) 0207-867 2925 w 001 212 626 1237 555 Park Ave. New Yor~ NY 10021 Jimmy Finkelst 655 Park Avenue 001 212 86•1077 New York, NY 10021 00 39 6 320 1435 /Rome) t 21 737 42921"! 63 2831144 h Emait:cfs1fi9~ao .com {pamela) (Hm)5 Firs Neck Lane Iv co -- ?r~~r¥1m~~~r 11968 ~~§: 631 287 5597 h? 212 830 5025 w ~if :H c:fes 917 825 029 J amela p 212 689 1470 James w P ~µeyroitz, ICO as ' Solina & ~:1~·1mfrcof1oad & f$ulu$' btt!ftfr/~ds ~f1~'}fff~is1~1r1w SLJ Los 63 E New 212- 212-772- 323-650 - Homa Guttfreund Susan &John 212 517 3455 212 956 1283 john work 508 228 1776 ji~ gs~ ~g?g ~mefa w 01144207 730 1441( . 323-650- 212-265 Home Fax NY - Barbara Home 508 325 5480 Sec Diana 310 211 i,'§~9 001 33 Grossman Lloyd Guerini Maraldl 001 33 1 0487 Hahn, Dr & Mrs Alessandro ' 310 201 Burt's work PO Box 383 0207-736 7376 1 kRd. 212 265 Burt NY home Porto Rotondo Sardinia L 0 0 ~13 ~gJ g~l ~=~JPJouse & Rothehof 3180 Wolfsburg Genn Gubefmann, Marjorie 07 ~o East 62nd st " Guiness, Sabrina N~w York Hall, Pippa 001 561 964'8316 0804 25302 10021 Guerrand-Hermes 001 213 656 0470 {h) 212 758 0508 Vafesca ' 917 2822112 mathfas 1 West67th Halpern Jen #614 Guinness1 Mr Hugo 38 Ringmarthe Street SW6 New York 29 Brechin Place ~Hm_J_Ha!pern Associates Guccionl, Tony NY, 10023 001 212 941 8303( l 1 212 579 7572 5~81?1h?~~'7 (h) 50 KinAA, Road London s 3 sue 001 212 226 6751 ~ 1 917 400 1144 (p) Guissalnl, Luca 0207 351 2888, 0201-736 9940 0207~589 3614 w 0777 419 7871 p) I"\ &3udefin, Christian Guest, Cornelia 001305673 9811(h) eutshee Bank 81212 250 6468( 212 722 3747 h 01 88) gJl ~~i ~t?a!P) 011 305 467 7737 Hambro, Clementine 8maH~ ~h?'~&i~'fiP(¼[email protected] Gumberg, Ira 001'917 405 6490 0207--823 4115 g201~sa4 9668 [h~ 207-901 3333 w £'Hl.~il:.9im, Barbara 001 412 244 4007 BarbBn:J Gugganhefm 8328 Marmont Lane Hamilton, George 21 Eaton Mews South SW1 • N -~ \,0 tmJ139 uite 233South Beverly Drive Bever~Hills Hanson, Brook ~ 9 212 0 7-2355338 001 310 276 56 w 65 Eaton ~uare Lond'.'£ S 1 0207- 35 B179 /h\ Hapsburg, Marie 31 Femshaw Road Hay, Henry & Patricia 24 E84st 001 12 543 5513 001 310 278 6578 feggy wJ 0207 245 1245 w 4 ~~81?fs~1J9t (h) ~ 61 ~'ii3i~ l!~5b~)TI 28 001 303 925 1000 spen) g~a~!oo1 603 51 PP) 001 310 702 8055 ) 001 310 503 1930 Hanson, Lord & Lady Harvey Victoria ttage 07 798 555999 Hay:,;;orth Reggie Hammond, Dana Bra we/ grove Burford 117 East 72nd S!reet Harvie-Wat~ Isabelle 88) ~H ~HJ ~~2¥ <1' 8l~S3 s22134 00 561 588 7632 gg0/g~~o~~t; f!'\ Hanson, The Hon Rob- Hazelt-lveaghl Clare ert Elveden Farms L1mi ed Handler, Sharon The Garden House Haslam, Nick Thetford 530 Park Avenue Wes!onbirt 0207-730 080Btl ~orfolk Apt5H New York fgY 10021 · J1fifslYaai ~ifltf aoo 1 0207.-584 0 978 [email protected] 51fn)Q§';g5sJiu l P24,ra9 7~ 7 1!Jl 001 212 a'. 8 7y7B 001 758 9 29 h fw/ 01666 880 313 (fiij. I 31!(?k.t~i~i c::'~h 212 1445 fhf) ~~1aton Place lf,386 584200.im-umP.1 91 1445 Pl SW1 X8AL 8)fland 079331 38273 v1cton1 500 In July try John 0207. 235 3aa {48 Eaton Hatkoff Craig & Jane 0114479326227fQ~ (P ffii• . homw Vietor c~!tal Group 1 We~ 2nd St. 0207-8819847 01842 890 223 (w) w If'l 6 65 weekends 013• 880 334 76 320 9800J'll NY N 10023 020,•••7 090 ooi 212 B77 f042~h J;!anover Ernst & chantal urtlnglram rd . 3 8J~ ~1~1ii w g2or- 45 1 45 ~~afi!e~~lkoglaol.com 001 212 273 16 car Heal'n Barry & Susan M,itchroom London SWS - ~~~ ~f~ i~i3°f>fr11 Une 860 502722 10 Western Road 0207-7314422(h) 0207-3514380rfCaxJ Rornford ~5t(fx 001 619 320 98 Parents 917 434 1600 cell 01708 82 go, 908406 1<2•/~J 01 212 355 2514 0207 235 3892 hf 8Uff.211-11 f23425Jfl,,, me Hauteville, Marc de 00 33 142244385 {h) w 0 - ,,._ .._ Hefner Ill, Bob 001 405 843 4773 001 405 948 9B98 f 881 ~8~ ~ :§u r Sira,w 001 646 872 9583 0~1646613 6100 Heseltlne, Ms Annabel Husband: P,Her 8u(/i,r 4 Palace GardensvJe(i~cp Himmelstein, Howard zyzzx 212·620·0949 Hermes, Olga & Olaf London En~land 8 165 West 66th Street 0777 442 0 13{p) Heiden Lisa New York NY 10023 0207 727 9907 0207 727 9907 {h) Hirsch, Jeff ~it~t S~#118 001 212 iJ74 2527 (h) 01295 712774{c) Photo Cari, 136 W. 21s1 Street 001 305 436W,ar bet 6th/7th 212 741 2990 ~m)f?4 odf1b~ 141 I Ian Herrero, Juan & Helen Fransisco Morenol Heselllne, Rupert 917 842 5755 Scott f 201 493 7647 Scot! w P\ 0o 917 ij(h 917 319 550 sistl!'( Leslie (pJ Madrid 28001 00 34 1276 6157 {h) 881 ~1~ ~l~ i~~8fm 0776 6044218 (p) 0207-221 6201 (h) 071-351 5776 Hissom, Robert & Andrea Hersov, Robert & Kim Sa Herbert Cresent Heineken, Mr Fredia 15 Thurloe Sq Hicks India Knmrtsbrid~t London g_omaine de Grange London SW7 Oavld Fll11twood 02 - 584 0(h) F ap d'An!ibes - 0~07-584 0154/hl Hibiscus Hm 01428 656744 ranee 0 07-439 5184 w PO Box 225 Email: rdhiss~ol.com · 00 33 93 814101 ( h) 0374 810898 !§j Harbour Island 001 303-920 80 01144207590 52 Robert's w ~8t~w~~33 2180 001 242 333 2180fr 0207-589 8555 0017137390750t/ 001 713 956 5613 h Helen and Tim Shifter 001 242 333 2060 001 713 965 5613 784 PArkAve Haseltine, Mr & Mrs 0208-8780111 , 07836 360 460 (p) NYNY 10021 rgenford House T enford Nr Banbu-fs Oxon 0295 711 5 (h) Hill, Anthony Hoffman, Dustin Helvin, Marie 105 Oxford Gardens 001 212 207 8127(W) 0207-834 5321 (h} London W10 Heseltfne, Mr & Mrs 0208-960 1982 0207-283 8577 w) ihl 30 Chapel Street Clifton CasUe Hoffman, Hetty Herbert Jason Londonsw1 R~n N Yorks 0207. 373 429\(h ~ 0207-292 9600 0295 712 012 O 65 89326 {h) & Brocas Elhs e1 0797-4 084233 0295 712 013 Nr Basin~toke, Ha nls 0256 83 9 b"J 0207-373 42 (h) w ----- .... & Brocas El/isfi eld Nr Batnz1toke, Ha hts 02ss a 9l~ 0207-730 4068 07768 258 126 p /hi 305 466 0677 {h) 0207-229 7566 (h) 0207-589 35 Email: Email: hk@~plangroup.com adarTl,ca!edonpartners.COm ftm) roadmoore Farmhouse (2 omei h'North 6Wd!f~We19 Place Miami Bea{ FL 33179 Hunter, Carlyn & Laurie. Hoffman, Jessica ~8~ :~~ §§~1 {~tJ Near herboume and Clapton 185 Fiddlers Hill Road on 9 Mallard S\ d SWJ SOT London EnH an the hill, Bourton on the Water Ndv~~'f&a~si!fnd 21031 Gloucestefshfre 6l54 2Lg 0207 756 871 fvana Bashani 0207-376 7 52 h 0207-584 4168 ~~ Holland-Martin, Ben bass/sf.ant) 207 758 2876 f' 01451 820 403 na home 0207 758 2871 WQ Howegego Lucy (Johnnson) o• 10 a41 ao•jgl 001 307 733 71 · Huntsman, Jon & Mary Radnor Wa!k 0207-903 53 London SW3 0207-242 3136 Kaye 0207-351 3631 (h) Hovenian, Nina 1369 Milit't1 warah 84103 001 212 996 1687(h) Hsu, Peter ~8\t §8} 354 ~998 {w) 6 Holfo~d, Mr & Mrs James 001 212 734 6007{h} ' ~~:0~~1nap/g!~cf.il Pror:tucts Ld 45 Rutland Gate~h) Hovnanian, Shauot Hurd, Nick & Kim I l 71P Hovanlan Grr,up HartleY. Court 520 NaversJnk River Road Hunt, Laura Three Mile Cross g "Mi /~J 6 Red Bank, NJ 07701 tr« Ste 12 Da~Hammarsk o a_ Bfvd 1 E. 62nd, 001212 64 ~P{ ~20f1¥Si861~lW:f Fre-ehol~ J 07728 0781 804 8464 w~A nd.com/james@hofla 001 212 35 rtheacJ Lodga 908-462 200 Email:li\ on ead St. Andrew 908--452-278f ~Hm)352 U E~~~~nhurd.homechoice.co N, Shanesbuiil' 908-~30-851 Sal~ p!.12B Chepslow Place Oorast, SP7 9 B 908- 41-0076 (h} ahkn - Iha ~ 0207 439 9061 (w} dad Da!la~219 881 ~1i ~~~ i1~~0 i~ ~) 917•763-6444 MB 0208-995 30~11ff 07802 757 520 car 0207-792 53 I: 077860 66671 {olh~r) 212-996-1687 Nina 0993 841828 (rip 1',. 0207 201 9258 (wt) g~l Xti il~i?fi <~p r Howard J. Kaplan HurleX, Liz Simian llms I• Horne Adam & Tierney- 1717 N. Bayshore Drive 14 Eaton Terrace Suite 2000 Hunter Gordon, Kit & 3 Cromwell Plac~ London SlJV1 WBEZ Miami FL 33132 Georgina London SW7 2J (305) 539---5115 0207-589 6822(w) 31 Alexander Street London W2, · w N i'- l< - , Hurst, Anne 0207-727 8782 {h) 212 744 3485 212 475 2180 776 9000(p) 6315377668 917 561 6744 (p) dirv1fcs.com We Toledo 531 5370(h) Hutley, Lulu & Edward !;tursll!!,obert J ~fa Edna Slree{, London SW1J Ind, Charlie 00000 68298 fu~J Alan pilot Br des Fann, homcombe R , 1@cs,com Alan pile! d~rd~~. Sa~hs & Co • 6 U~ar Cheyne Row ~ear Surrej GS OLT Lon on W3 85 Broad Street f{r'eb~~2s1~,J: • 04 201 8if& 5 735 /twl 0207-351 4117 \h) 0207~753 5353 w) I I lw 2346~50 /l1"rif/§siJ [email protected] York, NY 10021 0207• 0483 0483 0207- 8 14sgar w 8 w ¥(h) ,J, lnzeriU0 1 Gerard J. 211 Madison Avenue (h} isamel Abdullah 96 62 671 2203 96 65 535 8000 p ti amptons Phone Apt 18A 'I New Yor~ NY 10016 Isham, Chris 001 212 91514 {i I Hutley, Mr & Mrs 001 917 306 08~5 001 212 496 5842{w) rE't,SSain, Ayla Winlershal! Email: jeny.inzen!lo kerzner.c Untf•rf NrBramfey vHm)Kerzner lntema anal New i1r West Broadway Guilford Surrl 1~tFifth Avenue Jackson, Michael I Nufe404 0483 892167 ) 5th Floor Samuel Gen~AttomeK6 2fra~i"he~6[11° 12 212 ?43 1671 Q New Yer~ NY 10019 001 212 92 2030 wildfire 240 Central ark Sou New Yor~ NY 10019 Ema,r: [email protected] Hulton, Lauren 2p 659 5180 ~-dirE!Ct) 2 2 659 5200 w-mam) . j212 97 1117 f.l - 212 374 0577 wf) 212 254-'6980 212 659 5202 Asls. Carohe, 614-0787 boyfriend Luca Einail: JustineJ [email protected] .· Hussey Simon 917 92 4947 (p) 27 HolY"(ood Rd London SW10 9 HT H1,mes Ivan Jacobson, Julian 0207-352 2310(h} ~ dlt:'s Irv frlem1,/. Ireland, George 0207-567 4726 w 0 35 387~34 1 89 0207-589 2237 (h) K1 Top AlbaWi Piccadily London W1 9RQ 0207-287 5114 {h) Hutley, Henry Inca 0207•822 2498 w} Jagger Mick 29 Lansdowne Crescent London W11 i1wGr:>ercy Park South 212 2456055 0208-8713100(0) 04as 32345 <hJ 17round comer of 20th & Park) Irvine, Eddie ew York, NY 0786 660 7693 (p) w w - ~- Jagger, Hatti Pe'8); Lote ('M, Road Jarecki, Nancy & An- 310 969 0898 (b-f) 15 C tist hur drew Jeffries, Tim Londo'!, En9i1and SWl47AB hft '1wf-ound rttnnfn~ films 74 Corna wall Gardens Emal!: ~ic.co"j:f 07f O 28 05/fJ 200 e t 57th st {w Andrew London SW 7 each oad 02 8-878 0111( ) 'Room 1 s East 68th Street an 90403 {h) Email: harri~aff§!r~holmail.co hH"Jl-8.8.C. New ~ 10019 New York, NY t\ 818 560 0606 # ss1~n1ntl~ o i e 0 ood Lane London E [~h arjareCK11aol.com 0207-937 4002 310 310 383 9640 ~~ 434 5969 h 1 310 344 3718 ar} W12 U.K. 0208'-392 9171{ht) ~D 31E661h om 11e1ns sog 235 2168 b-beeper} 31 383 596Jl pp) NYNY 10021 39 06 69200457, 00 39 06 310 567 7630 p jake 699211 21271714009 Nancy Johnson Richard & ¥J8 5l~ 1~42 a~te's paren!s in country . 1 011 34 669 467 504 212 717 3900 Andrew Nadine Barry_ emad lm net 32 Pe{{)' Stny~ 0014 ~f~~~~e.fohsf8{~~m ·Jan 2004 Jameel, Mohammed 00 966 2 628 3931 001 214 740 9191 Jarecki, Nick Fat~nwood 565 Fifth Avenue ggf~1tllg ~~ij~Jf~ 001 51 286 564 C Karella, Kalliope 3Rf floor 21 2 982 9939workfax n Email: [email protected] NewYoriNY10017 . & Michael Rena 01 212 9 4 147otwi 11b.31 East i2 01 212 593 0434 h) 10021 Emal/: 1areck~maif.com Johnson, Lucy ~6l"2';1"':1fs 0438 James, Susie 01 917 59 15 cell 001 212 303 5916 W 212Plcidl~ 2 Cheste~~n]~BB London 001 917 453 4503 P London 0207-229 'J64BJwf 9LO 0207-235 2088 0207•378 7070 w fh\ 0208·960 9987 h Jason (canada) Kastner, Ron Email: [email protected] 001 514 989 9797 001 514 979 6010{p) 0207•235-2337 Jones Ann & Mick 07930-561-888 001 212 799 7424{h} 001917-539-9601, 001 Janklow Linda 212-977-345 llrrco/11 Cenler Theatre Javier 150 West 65th Slreef 001 646 734 761B New Yo~ New York 10023 001 212 62-7600 Email: [email protected] Josephson, Barry & Katz Anton & Robin 001 212 873-0761 f Jackie Pian! wafryri"Jd CA 90038 3ffTs9 7497 (b•w} 200 E. 66th st. C2004 New York, NY 10021 , 212 754 0070 (h) 253 484 4258 IQ Email: [email protected] Email; nkatz®nyc.rr.com 917 400 3613"'/robin p) Kennedy Jr, Ted Kennedy, Senator Ed• 917 400 2613 anton P\ Keller Georgie Box 447 ~anannis Port ward 212 284 2502 anton w s-X1~ 88l gg~ ns 1400 (W) exi 2216 001 760 324 0046 Mass02 {h) 636 Chainbridge Road 07712 421842 McLean VA 2210 1 001 703:524-0733 Home (Hm}0171-589 6929 Katzenellenbogen, Mark Capetown, South Africa 001 27 21 4613601 w Kennedy, Bobby & Mary Kersner, Sol 0-01 2783 375 9908 p Kellett Fraysse, Caro- 326 $, 8,edforNdYRo1aOd549 line Mount Kisco, ,loanmarc FRayne 914-241-2313{h)) 8r-r~~2r·1it3,g'ooo9 ( 56 Christchurch St 914 422 4343 {W d 011 271465 7 Keeling, Sarah London SW3 4AR Email" [email protected],e u 809 363 3000/3 16 0410--657-887 0207-795 0323 Hm)Pac:e Environmental l1bga- 07958 401436 I Email: kelfetlfraysse@bl1nlerne! t~i~ic 78 North Broadway Khayat, Antoine, Jana & George Kegan, Rory White Plains NY 10603 17 Redcilffe Place Kelmenson, Leo-Arthur 914422 4437 (wf} t7 ~irry'E~sd3sN Street London SW10 0207-349 0414(h) and Gayl Boz~ll, J11t;ob$, Kenyonn & Eckh Blj 804 §14 Ji{~'~"JfJRol ~lf 0058 o~81-f31 s110 (h} 0956 312754 914 715 2004 Mp) ta t 0207- 790 3346 fh) 40 Wes! 23rd St 0207-790 3346 (h) NewYork NY 917 885 4411 mergency Con c: Kidd Jemm~ 10010-s2b1 21~ Ji~~fjfJ(w) Kerry Cuomo 001 64 a 229 2502 tpl 001 646 638 31 78{11 Keldan, Amanda Kennedy, Ethel Am1mda Keldan Jowelry 750 Third Avenue Hickol}'.Hi!I 61h floor Kennedy Cuomo, An- 1147 Chain~~ctge22R1oOa1dUSA King, Abby drew & Kerry Mclean Virruma ~l'i'9~1~.fil' (12i°17 212_ 922 5537 (PT 001 305 865 4875 (h} 10 Smeaton RoaQH London SW18 5J 1344 Kfrby Road 020 7642 9813(hl Mclean, VA 22101 07944 57 420ffi2(P,,. g@hotmai!.co 001 202 333 1880 (w Kennedy.Jo Email: abyru. es11.m {Hm)Bemn;iars Keidan, Jon 73 Bigelow st USA Middle Lypiatt 212 210 0066 BriQhton Mass 02135 Nr Bls!ey . ?LN 917 626 5860 oor 202 225 s111 (h} GlouceStQershirl~l6 ~f1Hf~~~ {W) w {J1 - . _:z;;;.:w;w Z)W'Fl Koch, David K1rwIn Taylor, Charlie & 001 212 832 1036 ihj Kudrow, Alistar Lambert, David Heen 1 001 212 682-5755 W) 011 331 538 94762(w) 212 864 1535 {h} 21 R8dciffe Square 011 3342527234{h) 917 748 3946 (p) London sw1 5618634140 8~8?:t~g :888 (~~ Kohl Astrid 5 Rue Bonaparte Lal Dalamal Paris 75006 7 York Gate Lambert, Edward Kirwin Taylor, Peter 88 ~l 14i1j ~T~§[h> lhJndon NW1 40G, ESL Partners 11 S East Pulnam Avenue Greeriwich 001 212 888 0020 ~Wf'~td'~~iiwdiahl.com Email: [email protected] {HmJAkron House Conneticut 06830 00 49 171 3326239 (p) 86A Allen Avenue 33t~83-ti~ ~~ii {h) Kolle Boby 020, s3s10,2 Nl;ri,I li:"4ia, Laoos, 001 212 886 5640 Calhfh) 001 212 727 13361 Cath(w) 0207 935 6178 2341493 0305 w hJ 001 310 255 2202 _ 001 ;3_10 731;16668(p} 2341493 6291 w Lambos Duff & John Email. Bl<[email protected] ~5411§~ ~~lij : 23414936311 w . 001 212 807 91851h) 001 212 761 8094 w) Kotze, Alex Von ~~1 2a6o?7~o5~~J)(w) direct line Email: [email protected] (Hm)001 860 54;2 1616(h) 44 7710 056624 (UK p) 27 Rosary Gardans LOndon SW7 0207-491 4366 (W) ~ee, Rupert & Charlotte Lalaunls, Demetra E~n~~~siwJon Palace Gardens Kravetz, Anna 47 East 641h Street NY: NY 10021 001 212 265 0600 (h) 0207-221 7853/"J 0012122882815 0207•408 1455 w 0860360643 Krooth Caryn Lambert, Christopher 001 213 557 1401 (h} Lange Dieter Klesch Johnathan 001 323 882 6328(h) 038~ 372672 001 21-3 276 4337 {W} 00 331 4723 0184 828fjH Email: dla 18~0 w> Email: [email protected] 0039554 0039554 001 3955 ' -~zz:a;. ceU 07 78S 996600 asst (h)0208-673 5090(renafa} Lawton Paul 212 734 6968(h) j!;im)1425 North View Drive (w) 07946 584700 iami Beach, FL 33140 Larsen Janet 0207-5771835 (w} 011 3os-s31.9911 01305,672.2494f, 1 Jhl 3~Ruthn~t'1 Lea, Piers 305,672.249 london S 16 Talbow,oad 001 305 491 0005 fr-'PJ, 0207-581 7073 Lazar, Christophe & London 11 001 305 450 3255 1qa s cell marie 0207-727 4677 {h) 305 491 i998 Roy,-Dnver l'oron~rie 0734-33260 !,'ii 0207-792 84 (w) 305 496 5141 V1'c aria {p)-House- 95590 res/es ~t~P:fja 5S78 Sonia(p} House- rsLaurie,sw1Jonathan CheSham Place ondon 00 33 1 3470 0656(h} 003361780384 ) ~iiPtffa7623 Jerry (p} 0207-235 6691 0207-709 4222 w I"\ Emal!: c 00331 0207-35 r@aol com h) . Leeds, Jeffrey 570 Park Ave BA 305 534 1188 Jeny fiome 305 673 9944 (wf) 0207-49 00322356403 w}pJ. NY NY 10021 ooi 212 835 2ooo~w/ Lavlada, Laura 0.B. de 001 212 754 5813 h 00121~8352020 Fax Uman 1 Doug 525 540 5803 i 52 55 5540 7444 Email: llaviada hobnail.com &Hmw2 55 541 3366(p) Le Bon, Simon & Jas- mine Leeds LeedsGroup.com 001 917 733 3165 001 212 809 3202 !:mail: [email protected] . 2 5 5540 7444(h) · 397 Upper Rich~nd Road London SW155T LefCourt, Jerry 00 52y 261 2717 0208-878-5858 (h/ 212 737 0400 Lindeman-Barnet1 Stoan j 881 2 717 9055 1 58 735 64941 p & Roger 001 305 935 7202 001 212 754 2144(w) 41 795045812 eurcfeel[ Le Fur, Jean-Yves Lester, Dominick 001 561 790 4516 50 East 781h St, Email: sfindem406~ao!.com 104 Rue de l'Universite 7eme i ewoork 12c f,Hml!'01 203 629 21 01 61 655 3011 George 1ean awtord Christopher & 00 33 4705 4601 00 33 4705 4602 001 331 0752 6726 NY 1 021 88~ ~l~ ~~! o/iig · f/ 001 516 726 6894 917 453 5097 'ftSloan 001 212 826 3 3 Fax . 1150 Monument Streel 001 646 206 2410 Roget s cell . 001 917 721 6861 P Patific Palisades Jt0-505-9940 portable 001 631 287 2233 lfcparef')) 001 212 605 0811 oger w 12 7900519 310 456 6633 CA office Le Marg, Willle 001 917 592 3179 55 E. 76th St Levine, Philip 011 874 762 463283 The Adela 310-505--89:40 Portable 310 230 33 home Office ~3dI.lthl 03 3507(w} S~s°~fjWsoQ;t~~, ~ff~s1 655 2926 (s!oane direct) 001 21 501 305 775 0 5 (p) Email: [email protected] w -..J - Lindemann, Adam & Eliz- Lindsley, Blake a eth Love, Courtney io2.4 Bonsall Drive Loeb, Alex 730 Park Avenu3i aft 10A altbu, CA 90265 9536 Healher Rd ~f2W1i1~5~~ h02 001 310 472 3820 001 310 699 5180 {p) 71 Horatio ~J1 ~r2 752 9043 Beve~ HillsSCalifornia 90210 310 6 6 194 t~Dana~ 917,7417531i 310 275 4205 Dana Nma~~~'~J~s act.com 001 212 627 9675 (h) 001 310 666 1 001 310 275 4205 5 tm Da~__,,,,., Dana ~ 881 ~1? ?g~ ~¥fl [~\ Linley David 0207•730 7300(w) Lonsdale Richard Email: rlh@r!h.com Lowell Ivana 265 Easl 66th St Lindemann, NYNY 10021 George(Sr.)&Frelda Licigos, Babls 001 212 988 4829 60 Bfossom Way 001 212 986 4850 (w) Lorenzoti, Eva Vivre ll b8~°!Beac~ FL 33480 61 83 0557 00 33 1 607 24200 001 212 888 2000 , 125 East 72 NYNY 10021 001 561 655 3011 001212739 6221fwf Loyd Mark t Lister, Paul 001 212 879 6420 h 917 385 8157 (p) 197 Kni~tsbrim 7th floor London W7 1 wf Lindsay, Alex & Jaclyn 0201-431.1340 0207-835-1098 h lr:I 0207-584 3333f 07771 547199 p Studio 5 Lorimer, John & Lollie I Necklnf.r Mills 162 Ab I s1,eet London E1 2AN 33 Chiddini Stone Street London S 6 3TQ · Lucas, Colin 0207-252 0569{h) Livanos, Arrlelle 001 212 265 2300 0207~736 1454 070 500 99678 P fhJ . 01865 270 243 07812169411 Emad: alindsa 0870 139 251 deepllght co uk · ' 001 212 980 6863 (h) 0207476 3055 )w Email: lotte!orimerhotmad.com rl!< · 0207~351 3557 h Mack, Carol & Earl Lindsey, Ludovic tfo Cascio Robert VVW/n,- 003fl64459 0 00 33142 724068 · The Mack Campany 370 West Passaic Street Rochelle Park, NJ 07662 12 r;jcGrwar Rd 462 7th Ave 2nd Fl. 2013465400 Lon on 11 201 368 0349 {f) 0207-221 5353 [h) ~flshi~2~6 1001s Louthan Guy J. ~Hm)860 UniteO Nations Plaza 212 (W9 4220 (D 323 876 0345jCA.) pt. 35B Emad: [email protected] 07788 748 31 . New York NY 1Q017 Email: [email protected] 212 387 7'003 i;,nvate 212-750-8007 fu"Fk 212 755 2518 Y ome ' w CX) ······------·-~-,--~-· ' Macmllan, Dave & Bella Maller, Michaef 5 StJntey Cl'$seent Londonwn 0207fiNJ,·607000? 28 Old Fulton St, f!1tH 1"'t':i . +44 207 219 2632 01429 766 713 rrun(WIi h) 0114420721945 5 wor fax 09762 6f2' 8 4 0 0 11201 Mallinckrodt, Mr Philip 0207-88 8 h) 343 7916(w) 8 Graham Terrace ~ '2;aifr@b!gefinai1er.com London SW1 Am reenWich Streel, Suite Manfredini Alessandro Magaziner, Ira C. New York, NY 10013 o201.30 4166 0207-516-371 () Jl 0201..s1s 1944hw> 117 Walton Slreel London SW3 2HF) England 617 774 0110 fWi 0207· 460 6600(W 617774 0220 0385 322730 Emaif: [email protected] Mailman Josh 001 212 262 4782 Manconi, John 48 Albermenalre street Mang~e Eddie Maguke, Jennifer 0207-4090466 140 w.16fh Sireet . (hJ 0207-352 4662 ('l,l 0207•409 2217 o ce fax Lu· Arca ilS Lll''1~•rd P•rk Monabat Ho 28 7 ~w Yor New York 1 023 Malek, Harry & Didi 0207• 352 3021 home fax offi P.O. Box 245 r) ' O 1 21;! 49P 2664(h) B Ennismore Mew.$ 00 41 22 3j 1 4680 Geneva !CB Buhrmansdrie l London SW71AN 00 27 183861212 .Emal/: 1enn1fer.maju1re@tumerc 001 9 7 539 960 (p) 212 941 2015 ' 0207-584 1576 0207-584 9161 w t\ 00 41 22 3 1 4675 Geneva office ~f7 s4 431 552 Wisteria Cottage 00 27 183814044 212 941 2015 direc1 line) I ~1~ 8j11399wf} 39~1 Elsa Hurley) ManJ.lers, Eddie I ~alen~a (Mandela) Mandelson, Peter 49 ladbroke rd ache 80 Archel Road p UK 00 08299Q8000(SA) b~39?fsflh1f[/ Mahler, Giovanni 00 41 91 227904 ( Lugano} 07958776807 Email: [email protected] ~~tfo"t r,1,4,\9li"l +4 7860419 93 P 0717-727 4260 [email protected] Email: pe- ler~mandelson.demon.co. w Mahoney, Sean Malina, Marjorie ~m The Righi Honorable Peter Manners Miss Lucy I' anij p . t 19 Kflrsle S1 I:' ~is ~1fomit Street #1004 00 33 1 46053266 (h) Member of arl1amen House of Commons Lond 11 4PR ' ool 212 90~ 2951 /"l 00121272 3777 w) London En~nd Sy,/1 AOM 07 9 77 b01 4 Remaldo 07831 0207 Jfi/, Malkin Shelly & Tony 107 Doublin Road .we. !z".t 1 120 391 °o~°rii· 8 {) 0831 527770Aftce Greenwic~ CT 06830 01144 201219 49 Peter's d!rect 001 203 6 9 5772 ~! 1 0 2d~ 2iJ91s8rr:)' - > r Manners, Terssa fBon~ryomaer Rd :i!fa~f,O 4228 Grainne Jones {as. on sw11 Apt 213 Massimo Parisi 0207•498 6755 No 4 Farm Lane Baltic Modef5 0956 477184 London SWG 10G 01139 335 360 89~m Marks, Stephen & Alisa 01635 299 933 0113902 58316 26 f 07785 317 999 p} Emai!::.fbmode!s~in.Jt 23 The Boftons 077.99 658 128 car 01137 646 438 stonia London sw10 9S0 UK 020 8392 6820 dirJct) ~arJzano, Jose Luis & eiandra +44 207 259 2266 E~"a~p1 2ss 2211 /I;/ 0208 392 6642 wf) Ast Tash Courar natasha.cour• 01l372 646 4387 Estonia (f). 01 370 866 9537 Lithuania (p) 001 202 337 1133 ( age@te!star.co. u iil1J5586 532 Jli' a25 os11 ft:frenchconnection. urther Lane Mattsson, Carolina 00 54 61 298411 00 54 1150 0571 64 63 1rul'"hNY 11934 4 amp!ons Marterler Astrid ¥~~,J1fP.i%1u~da +4J 5~8"r319"h!ons wl, fax 350 East 52nd NY NY 10022 Gothenber~ Sweden 011 46 311 1594 Jh) 011 4~ 7074 9299 ae) •44 201 ~9s 15a4 001212753 0003(hJ Mappln, John 001 212 753 1t11(w 011 4 737 854 49 ~} Father 30 Southacre 001 917 734 0404 (p) 011 47 760 100 {wJ om-Dr. Sy!• ryde park cross Marocco, Manilo & Pia via Mattsson ondonw2 ggJ0\191i5st5478(h) 57 0 London S Caoeqan s:i, 1 OH Martins Peter 8207-912 158°,lhl\ 20;:. 349 882 (W ~VJi;llet 212 870 5655 Mavroieon Caitlin 0207-225 0350 uwalf: §lBlmamo co Uk 07831 575541 ~<1,i;g,011s, Erfc 774 82(wj'' 9:.:J~-:f,, Laboratorle.s 07776253561 onas /IP 001 347 742 5116 2 St. Clair Ave. West# #1600 (w) 0207-259 6380 0207-349 9377 f~ 737 673 ia (p} Marzotto, Matteo Valentino ~avroleon, Basil & Ca- J1~ ;~'ij 8d'~!a M4V 1L5 0 39 02 62492 600 39 02 62492 571 {ij rma 416{J090506\pJ Email: Marsh Jerem,r. 001 212 223 0090 001 212 510 8902 w} tl Swafte.s Farm 8 Gira es Rd w14 0207•233 9767 London fJl:!§~1isffYrilgncorrespon aowew, Hyde Lane Mason, Christopher 10 1 Ecchins Well 330 East 59th SI Toronto Berks Canada, M4V 2¥9 416 323 0078 !!:Ii 0 01 . /ls2s1b1'' ~5f2\J~fsbJ~&i) 001 212 517 6632 (H) Mavroleon, Carlos 143 Beaufort St. 416 960 1769 ~% 17remy,[email protected] u u mam Village • • b~81?:I1s1 ~Jg - Mavroleon, Manoll 00 33 4 4238 6529(h) 32 Princess court oo 33 442913784(w) Email: Email: [email protected] Maxwell, Isabel 88 Brom~on Road {Hm)Montagnac sur Leda chrisline@chrislinesworld 1775 Green Street &~~~s\9-~jJES Hm 95 Riller Drive Fraytet dels Boscs Lot et Garone 47150 San Franciscoi,CA94123 , CA 54618 001650 864 2.J77assl 0724063. bfia~~]s 336 5179GuyandAnne 001 650 864 2277(d} Mavroleon, Mr Bluey 1 510 548 7035 ihl i15 732 6170 G(oba! track- Thone!!e oo 33 s s33 e309s m Email: [email protected] La Gordanne 00 33 5·533 63091 (Ii) 001415771 4650 !hi 1166 Perray 510 841 8556 (hO 001 415 298 0009 p) Switzerland 00 33442933242 (ij sg~~2~1'W~s<rJi 001 415 771 4678 h 001 510 381 8865 017881 622653/ol , 88 j5t :~ SJ if ~j a&i~ I:: 0207- 730 928i;J {f) see notes ematl 001 415 203 56'!'3 Isabelle scar 01491' 652780~) 07881 622 653 Mavroleon, Nicholas & 00 33 619787391 (zavier p) 01491 652781 . 001 415 420 0308 Alexander Barbara 001 213-476-6885 h 01133 680 45 9447 {rodger p) 01865-7262971 Pl) &611i~ 747 0608 Dale Djerassi 2nd email . 001 331 42 669025 w [email protected] Maxwell, Debbie Maxwell, Ian & Tara 0207736 3570fhj 18 Hyde Park Gate (h) 07967 681 607 p Maxwell & Laurens, Ms Flat;, Maxwelt 1 Kevin and A nne London Pandora Ho/vu SW75DH, Telemonde fnt:. 1j O';J/,';akeshott Ave. Maxwell, Dr & Mrs 0207-591 0416/h/ Mou!sford Manor . H1g ta 0207- 584 4883{h) Lon on Philip Emaif: Mou!sford, near Wallingford 26 Florence St imaxwell@te!emonde.com/ir Oxon N66NT. 0X1 9HU Hendon - (HmlTe!emonde Networks Lid {w) 01491-651247 (hl 0965 441882/pi London 40 Portman Square 0207-681 9127 h) NW4 London 01491-652263 (hf} 0207-482 J248 \ii) W1H 6LT, . Email: ij~ 0208- kmaxwe!l®le!emonde.com an 1~82 02d07 ax 248 Laurens practice 0208- 0207 467 5851 D1recl {w)) {Hm)230 P'ark Avenue 0207-681 0127 b~3'Jg 0207 935 0922 Direct (wf 0786 486 0207 778 6300 0865 w Suite 1000 NYC 10169 0207 487 4001 w) 07990 525855 <osm) 001 917 862 9g35 1p Maxwell Malina, Christine Maxwell, E. 0207 4~~ igg~ wf) 001 212 68349 99 {w 1 18 Les Jardfns du Monlaiguet P ont des lrois Sautets 11 lochmore House 873t:rss 493 ara (Pl 0207 467 5850 Dirac (w~) 07979 597899 Pan!d:/oraN F ranee, 13590 Meyreuil Cundy Street 001 646 435 5645 w London 001 646 435 5595 l NY SW1W9JX, 07887 525655 Ade dnver 0207 486 6300/4900 (w) 3201- 487 •001 -0 f07•4869300 wt •BJ f,I 651 7821/Jy p} MC & Allenor limecfose New Yor~ NY 10021 561655 0114 WPS 212 715 2810 work fax 078 792422 212-489· 339 8iytd"h1bingdon xorsire 2J2-632-6973 212 715 2801 Todd Work 01- OX144HU 0 I 212 288 1385 {h) RECT Maxwell, Marcella 01235 531231Jh) ~3 Penn Road g~];;:622 841 (ti) omron Ni; Mclaney, Gas Mendoza, Neil ~userve.com 0207-609 1377 {h} Po~ on 0107-730 2779 ih) 14a Nevem Mansions I I Mayhew, Mr John 0207-62 0831 861 Speet 0 831 400034 Email: [email protected] 0019172 37 1 Warwick Road London SWS, 927 685 6583 212 784 9608 JgJ I ~e%etIW Lartfngton ~Hm)99 Jana treet #7F t). ew York, NY 10014-7221 t es Teesdale 50571 McA!fiine Alistair & Rom,ly Mclane, Shannon CoseBe/111 0207-373 9593 0207-734 2303 w) t1 Lenno~ardens 001 212 988 4210 212 4141710 {f ondon S 1X ODF c/o The fcorters 8~07-584 1544 Grim Pa ace Hotel 07-3790258 WJ t 0207-836 5314 w ijan Marco "r'"" 01 39030J21 4 5 36541(11) Mcleod Jock & Pru Menzies, Kate I 00 39 41 5210040/Q 4 Lansdowne Cres 32b Queensp:ate Mews London SW 0207-723 9309(W) b~81~f4fJ61gmJ !i'Iw c1Mazandf, Yassi- Cheyne Walk ondon SWJ 5LP 0860 203310(car} · 0207•234 802 0201-584 9397 0201.581 0384/ 001 917 453 6633( } 0207-351 7333 ~'1/p McDonald, John f:, 001 212 001 212 751 03 fh' 751 0270 f) 001 212 966 2727 {w) Meister, Todd The Reiency Hotel Merison, Guy & Caroline 001 212 628 5661 "\.< 001 310 475 8987 0207~3511030 (h} 540 Par Avenue New Yor1g NY 10021 212 476 236w McFarland, Anthony Merlvale-Austen, Bruce Mazzotl, Mateo· 007 095 242 2723 007 095 960 2633 w fh\ 212-476 9236(w Email: · . ncterockfunds.c 35 Moore St. 00 39 335 1331 3333 W~l8 212 44 }?~3480 w} Chelsea London SW3 0207-581 4026 2124 w . 0207-867 3978 (w} McKenzie, Raymond 917 568 27 atrma Lazard Freres Co, 917716 9 g:1 . 65 East 76th Street 212 476 9245 aml Neiss 212 759 4100 Regency ,.,. N ., ...,iJ;::.--,.,~,...,::,,;.o-.-c,;,,;,-'"'~.:".,,;,;--"=<'->sJ~ - T Mermagon, Mr Jonathan 001 561 891 2399 P.o {9 :eatherb; Gardens Mills, Cheryl on 0207- 0:11 SW 0Jt 73 1938 0207-351 6755 w 001 202 244 14 1 l\' 001 917 783 4076 Juslin p) Metz Robin Milford Haven George and Clare Great Tr~pe!s Farm 01 202 258 5666w Email: cdmonline hotmail.com Millan~ r. Liphook, Hampshi Nomi's 001 212 644 8211 001 917 566 0466 8}!1i 11XM,~ h 01<28 1,bo1 !hi, - Mihot, Carie & Bell, Metcalf Justin 0207-591 8807[w} lHmJ12 Soudan Road on on SW11 4HH UK George 001 516 671 0338 0207-591 8800 h 020 7409 0451 !wf) Meyer, Tony 020 7499 9080 w) 6t3Broadway #SW a leeker 020 7720 4031 2n home) 020 7617 5867 2n~ home fax) Minot, Susan Metcalf Melanie & Julian New York NY 10012 50 West 9th Slreet #20 ;; Htgh Lodge 001 212 771 8616 (hf New York. NY 10011 ' Blenheim Park Woods~ 88~ i1? ~f~ 3~88<; MIiford Haven, Sarah 001 212 420 1072 I Oxon O O 1QA 07977-273-659 (p) ~~~ethwait, Fev & 31, Victoria Road London WB 0207-938 4794(h) 0831 099099 Mischer, Kevin ss1 Jrn ~~9 gt§~! I 00 33 93 410073 tletcalfe Julian & 38 Sosse;,, SI (Hm)001310456 heh) elanle t',:tander House h~~ii7~~bVtRH 020J'.-630 ossi!\J1 Miller Nicole & Kim l orttJ Terrace Email: Talpa 1e Modafferi, Daniela ondonsw3 ,J 0207-827 6300(w) fuHmhHigh Lodge ,~"lf~elt~Jtirrgfnomis 100 Hudson Street {h) #10E - Via S.Marta 11 Milan Ital~ Jil fen eimParJt ooP2i'3lMBJ!1 6 New York NY 10013 ~12 !J~ 3~88 frrl 00 39'2 8 451573 (h} Ii gombe Whilne£ xon OX88N 01993 898828 (h) 881 Email: nicfmil~aol.com 8800 ~ij39 81~ 3~l~~"5tJdij 575 293 ( ~Hm}525 th ve, 20th floor 00 41 82 43363 (S l ) Milani, Gianluca aw Yorlc Metcalfe, Justin & Joane ~°1 Sunset Rd Vfa Cenisio 47 i81t'~lOJJ~~ h 10018 001 212 391 4327 001 212 334 5064 h fW Moncada Cico FEAm Beach 8337 294298 J90Ja bie/ 39 2 7600 13 (w) 001 917 513 7400 p) 0410352999 001 561 804 6646(h) - Monckton, Rosa A$prey & Gerat/ Ltd. · Moore Deborah 0207-584 8764 fW)' Cox,'s Mill (homel ~JlJington, East ussex TN21 lit iccelston Sq 0207-839 9060 lw) Munro, Donald 970 Chestnut Slreet #10 London sw1 SF Ca 94109 020, 493 s1s~wl 0207-834 9067(h) OOj 415 567 5401 (hl 01 4~5 831 07 (h 0777 1664133\i'} Mortimer, Gigi & Averell ffM'* 01435 SOnl)el.co.uk 5 Pr1ya1e omm1cs 001 310 456 4 n Jeffrey ~~~ 0 A1se·t Management,, Inc. 2 East 67lh SI. 00 4156272615 w) 44 7 0207 33 por1ab!e New Yor~ NY 10021 Murdoch, Rupert +« 1435 As3rey Fax Moore, Jullfet &Chris 1 212 77 7590 (h) 0013"10203-1226 44 7774 s ~5 C:!) 136 Eas! 79~ Slreet #78 1 212 751 5252(aw} 001 212 852-7100 [< 44 1435 831075 Emerg U3f2\°ih~ 2i~21 E~~ime~ardenasset~m t8m)350 ark Ave. 29th oor !:: ewYor~N.Y. i0022 Murray Philipson Kate "" f 'k1fY Kryle, Mr Charlie Moore, Mr Geoffrey 22 Ea!on iWuare , 1 212 77 3113 {hf) 212 751 5252 {w) 0207-371 2571 07973 176369 (02 Albert Palace Manslonsma London S 1W 90E *ft ouhne Gdns Londond sw11 40H 0207-350 2067jh) 0207-235630511 88lJo~\1;~7J¥1 ,S(t}rance) Morton, Peter 001 31 O854 3366{w\ t Murray Philipson, Mr & I 0207- 321 017 (w) 001 213 273 4036 Mrs 0207~508 8964(w} 001 213 276 1182 w The Cottage Blasten . Morris St~hen Nr Market Harborough Lmcs Capita Adv/so , fne 0858 892333 (h) Montemayor; Cesar 001 212 769 9760 W,J Uo~WYOrk East 63rd St Morton, Robert Pnxlucer Letterman s 11 001 212 51 9600 10021 1 00 2,2 541 6364n 00 3.10 457 0594 h Murray Threipland ~ 011 33115491611 aris {h) 00 528 368 0068(w/ 00 528 338 9242 h ggJ 212 5 813 0347{w) 2 001 310 888 3200 (o) Tertious/Cla 01ab1 f33~\i 01722 42115~ 01593 73120 07765007007 Mruvka Alan Monti Riccardo 001 310 274 5227fw) 00 39 335 71 64427 Morris, Nick & Lucy 0013109901171 Ph Murray, Jean Pierre - 1 Airlie Gardens Email: amruv~1W\'h~(h)om (Hm)001310 001 213 550 0516 (h) London WB 00 33 1 4720 0233 0207-792 8734 (h) 00 33 94 97 0197 (SI Trop} Nadler Emanuel 001 212 758 5430 Nell Andrew ~Ion Oakham Leice stershire 55 Onslow Gdns 1588N London SW] 3QF 0780 86488 (h) g207-5811655 Niarchos, Constantine Nagel Adam 00f 212 873 8622 0207•242 9636 mail: [email protected] Nell, Andrew 0207•3 o 7648 0207•629 8400 w r~ 33 Grosvenor Square londor, SW1 0041 8234410 3 938{StM) Noef 1 Vanessa 12 East 86!h St #535 New York. NY 10028 I 235 E 491h St#118 212 gos og~; t ' [ Nagel WIiiiam 0207~242 9636 NY NY10017 001 212 888 9060 001 212 5S6 8555 {w) Nickerson, William & al001i~ 212 ~~~ g,, 5\13 I"\ 737 0115 w ! Nardi, Dolt M Jacope Jayne 131 b Portland Road !'ll Newman, Hetty London W1 Noha, Cecma 0335 683 1385 3 Pe!lyPJaca 0207-221 1ijo5 (h) 001 212 683 4649 Email:<Bnarmunoif L~do'b England 0039 23 26/h~ S 35 J 00 39 02 8360678 w 0207R351~44 V.,a Nishio, Yoshi Noonan, Tim H 400 SJt1cCadden Pl. 001 212 446 3661 LA C 90020 I Nastasse Ille & Alex Newman, Mr & Mrs oot213 9_34 0714 {h) j4 t~eJ 67th Street John 0207~291187J~ 0207 93 708 { Nuttall, Harry N~ NY 10021 Compfon Park 0207-6373429{w ool 212 472 2543 ~m~ton Chamberlayne ms W1J~1%f~natlonat Ltd .r,1 oo oo•oii210 4 1 23022a2 1 048~ ffb Ira 0207-370 01a9 &l 15 SJoane Court Wes! {h} London SW3 0207-930 3007 w Noel Alix p 07270 294 {'1) 0207-823 4308 1; Negrete, Jelltza 812 Park Ave 10021 001 203 661 09fi3(h~ 0207.590 s2•2r Email· r5sport 1 ol.co~ ~m)-i7 ueens s Gate _lace gg3 Park Avenue , Ng, Clive 001 203 661 05 5 W . ews{w) London G New Torte NY 652 Broadway SW758 OOJ 212-144-8771 51h Floor 00 917 783 7753 Naw York, NY 10012 Noel, Hon Thomas ~f}sa 004 32s (P) 212 5980203 0207-~35-9686(<;t 24 LennoxGa1ffd London SW1X 0207- 59-5599 ( ) 0207-5891841 {h). The Grange Farm .,, U1 - ,, . - -"~:.-.<¢,""· ,;t•---•~,;,,,,..,,,="'''"""'=:,,,.
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