Ban Conversion Therapy Kentucky Poll 810 Interviews in Kentucky, January 5-7, 2021 Q1. Who did you vote for in the November 2020 general election for President? 61% Donald Trump, the Republican 36% Joe Biden, the Democrat 3% I did not vote in this race Q3. How familiar are you with the term “conversion therapy”? 27% Very familiar 34% Somewhat familiar 20% Not too familiar 19% Not familiar at all Q4. “Conversion therapy” refers to attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. For example, that could mean attempting to change someone’s sexual orientation from lesbian, gay, or bisexual to straight. Do you support or oppose allowing children under 18 who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual to be sent to conversion therapy in an attempt to convert them to be heterosexual? 8% Strongly support 9% Somewhat support 10% Somewhat oppose 63% Strongly oppose 9% Not sure 17% Total support 74% Total oppose Q5. Opponents of the practice say: “Conversion therapy is as harmful as it is ineffective. It usually involves exposing the person to shame-based, psychological, emotional, or physical harm, and studies have shown that an estimated 42% of adolescents who undergo conversion therapy will attempt suicide. That’s why conversion therapy has been rejected by every mainstream medical and mental health organization.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 50% Strongly agree 18% Somewhat agree 10% Somewhat disagree 8% Strongly disagree 14% Not sure 68% Total agree 18% Total disagree Q6. Proponents of the practice say: “Parents should have the right to make medical and therapy decisions for their minor children. Conservative Christian parents should be able to make treatment decisions for their children based on their beliefs and values, just like everyone else, including treatment to change their child’s sexual orientation.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? 17% Strongly agree 15% Somewhat agree 12% Somewhat disagree 47% Strongly disagree 8% Not sure 32% Total agree 60% Total disagree Q7. Do you support or oppose a statewide law to prohibit mental health professionals in Kentucky from performing conversion therapy on children under 18? 47% Strongly support 10% Somewhat support 11% Somewhat oppose 21% Strongly oppose 11% Not sure 57% Total support 32% Total oppose Q8. When thinking about elections, if an elected official or candidate for office supported banning conversion therapy, would it make you more or less likely to vote for them, or would it not make a difference to you? 34% Much more likely to vote for them 18% Somewhat more likely to vote for them 30% No difference 7% Somewhat less likely to vote for them 12% Much less likely to vote for them Q9. Do you personally know anyone who is gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender? 94% Yes 4% No 2% Not sure Q10. Which of the following best matches your religious affiliation? 22% Protestant, Non-Evangelical 21% Evangelical 19% Non-religious 6% Observant Catholic 4% Non-observant Catholic 0% Jewish 0% Muslim 0% Mormon / Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 26% Other
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