COMPUTER NOTES FOR CLASS 7 Chapter 3 MORE ON EXCEL EXERCISE H 1. What are charts? Why do you use them? Ans: Charts are a visual representative of data in both columns and rows. Charts make the data easy to understand, attractive and presentable. They are also used to compare and analyze the data values at different points very easily. 2. Give some examples of charts. Write a short note on any one of the chart types. Ans: Some examples of chart types are Column, Line Pie, Bar, Area, XY / Scatter, Stock, Surface, Doughnut, Bubble and Radar. Column Chart: A column chart is a graph that shows vertical bars with the axis values for the bars displayed on the left side of the graph. It is a graphical object used to represent the data in your Excel spreadsheet. It is used to analyze data over a given period of time or when a comparison is to be made among items. 3. How is filtering of data different from sorting of data? Ans: Sorting changes the order of the entire list whereas Filtering shows the related data together in groups but does not change the original order of the list. 4. Write the steps to show simple filtering of data. Ans: The steps to show simple filtering of data are - i) Select the list. ii) Click on Data tab. iii) Click on Filter. iv) Click on the filter arrows created in front of the column headings to see filters. 5. What is conditional formatting? Ans: Conditional formatting feature applies formatting to only those cells in the worksheet which satisfy a particular condition. The formatting is not applied to be the cells which do not satisfy the condition. 6. Write the steps involved in the printing of an Excel worksheet. Ans: The steps to print a worksheet are - i) Click on File tab. ii) Click on the Print option. iii) Select the number of copies to be printed. iv) Click on the Print button. Chapter 4 CONDITIONAL STATEMENT AND LOOPING IN QBASIC EXERCISE F 1. Distinguish between DO WHILE LOOP and DO LOOP WHILE. Ans: A DO WHILE…LOOP is used when it is required that a condition be tested first and if the condition is true, only then the statements in the loop body should be executed. It is an entry controlled loop. Whereas, a DO….LOOP WHILE is used when the loop body is to be executed first before checking the condition and if the condition is true, then repeating the execution. It is an exit controlled loop. 2. Write the purpose of the counter in a FOR…NEXT loop. Ans: The counter variable is a numeric variable that is used to control the number of times the loop is executed. 3. List the different categories of QBasic looping statements. Ans: The different categories of looping statements are- i) FOR…NEXT ii) DO…LOOP (DO WHILE …..LOOP and DO…LOOP WHILE) iii) WHILE…WEND 4. What is the condition in a DO WHILE LOOP? Explain with the help of an example. Ans: A DO WHILE…LOOP repeats as long as the condition evaluates to be true. For example, for printing the mathematical table of 3, the multiples of 3 from 1 to 10 are to be considered. When the counter variable increases to 11, the loop is exited. 5. What is Nested loop? Give an example. Ans: When a loop is present inside another loop, it is called a nested loop. For example, FOR I = 1 TO 4 FOR J = 1 TO 3 PRINT I, J NEXT J NEXT I In this case FOR…NEXT loop for counter variable J is the nested loop. 6. When does an infinite loop occur in a DO WHILE…Loop? Ans: When the loop is being executed, one of the statements in the loop body should set the test condition to false to terminate the loop. If it remains true, it will repeatedly execute the statements and the loop is then called an Infinite Loop. 7. Write the use of the GOTO statement in an IF…THEN…ELSE statement? Ans: In an IF…..THEN…..ELSE statement the GOTO statement is used to tell the computer to jump to a particular section in the program to continue the program. EXERCISE G. Give the use of the following statements of QBasic. 1. FOR…NEXT: The FOR…NEXT loop is used when it is known how many times the loop has to be repeated. 2. DO…WHILE: The DO…WHILE is used when it is required that a condition be tested first and if the condition is true, only then the statements in the loop body should be executed. 3. DO WHILE ...LOOP: A DO WHILE ...LOOP is used when the loop body is to be executed first before checking the condition and if the condition is true, then repeating the execution. 4. IF…THEN…ELSE: IF…THEN…ELSE is used to check a condition and then decide the result. 5. GOTO: The GOTO command is used to tell the computer to jump to a particular section in the program to continue the program. Chapter 5 QBASIC: GRAPHICS AND SOUNDS EXERCISE B 1. What are pixels? Ans: A pixel is the smallest unit of a digital image or graphic that can be displayed and represented on a digital display device. It is the basic logical unit in digital graphics. Pixels are combined to form a complete image, video, text, or any visible thing on a computer display. 2. How does the number of pixels determine the resolution of the display? Ans: The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the resolution of the monitor. Higher the resolution better is the quality of the display. 3. Differentiate between SCREEN 0 and SCREEN 2 mode. Ans: The SCREEN 0 command is used to return to the default text mode and has 16 colors, while the SCREEN 2 command is used for high resolution graphics mode. 4. The COLOR command takes in two numbers. What do the two numbers signify? Ans: The COLOR command takes in two numbers, the first number is the code for background color and the second number is the code for the foreground color. 5. Write the syntax of the command used to draw a line on the screen. Ans: The syntax of the command used to draw a line on screen is LINE (X1, Y1)-(X2, Y2), C, [B, [F]] EXERCISE C. Write the syntax of the following commands 1. RECTANGLE Ans: LINE (X1,Y1) - (X2, Y2),C,[B, [F]] 2. CIRCLE Ans: CIRCLE (X,Y),R,C,SA,EA 3. SOUND Ans: SOUND F,D 4. PAINT Ans: PAINT (X,Y),C EXERCISE C. Write the command to do the following. 1. Draw a line starting from bottom-left corner of the screen to the center of the screen. Ans: LINE (30, 25)-(20, 12) 2. Draw a light cyan color-filled box in the center of the screen. Ans: LINE (30, 8)-(50,16),11,BF 3. Draw a circle with center at coordinates 200, 160 and radius as 20. Ans: CIRCLE (200,160), 20
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