Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Toronto is in the 'Dish With One Spoon Territory’. The Dish With One Spoon is a treaty between the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee that bound them to share the territory and protect the land. Subsequent Indigenous Nations and peoples, Europeans and all newcomers have been invited into this treaty in the spirit of peace, friendship and respect. The "Dish", or sometimes it is called the "Bowl", represents what is now southern Ontario, from the Great Lakes to Quebec and from Lake Simcoe into the United States. We all eat out of the Dish, all of us that share this territory, with only one spoon. That means we have to share the responsibility of ensuring the dish is never empty, which includes taking care of the land and the creatures we share it with. Importantly, there are no knives at the table, representing that we must keep the peace. 1. WELCOME REMARKS FROM VANESSA HENRY, PRESIDENT 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF THE LAND 3. REMARKS FROM ANTI HARASSMENT OFFICER- RUBEN PEREZ 4. APPROVAL OF THE CHAIR a. MOTION 2019-11-27 A01 BE IT RESOLVED THAT Maklane deWever be appointed as the chair. Moved: Vanessa Henry Seconded: Result: 5. REMARKS OF THE CHAIRPERSON 6. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA: MOTION 2019-11-27 A02 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Ryerson Students’ Union be accepted as presented. Moved: Vanessa Henry Seconded: Result: Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street 7. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES: MOTION 2019-11-27 A03 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the April 23 2019 Annual General Meeting be accepted as presented in Appendix B. Moved: Vanessa Henry Seconded: Result: 8. UPDATE ON YEARLY AUDIT NEW BUSINESS: 9. Motion 2019-11-27 B01: Collaboration for Ryerson's Academic Plan WHEREAS there is currently an academic plan being worked on by the Provost, Vice President Academic of Ryerson University WHEREAS the VP Education liases and lobbies University administration on academic issues and University policies as according to by-law 4.5 c)i WHEREAS the RSU is the voice for students WHEREAS working together with the University is an effective positive way will benefit the RSU with the negotiating process BE IT RESOLVED the VP Education and one (1) Board of Director set up ongoing meetings with the Provost, Vice President Academic (or his team) to be involved with the Academic Plan for 2020-2025 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED a bi-weekly digital update be provided on this topic BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the VP Education prioritize this project within their portfolio Moved: Chris Randall Seconded: Result: Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street 10. Motion 2019-11-27 C01: Amending VP Operations Responsibilities WHEREAS there is nothing in our by-laws dictating who is responsible for the AGM and SAGM preparation when the Internal Coordinator is absent or vacant WHEREAS the RSU broke by-laws as a result of this not being included in an Executive's portfolio WHEREAS the responsibility for member's meetings traditionally falls under the Operations portfolio BE IT RESOLVED by-law 4.5 b) be amended to include the following new point: xviii. When an Internal Coordinator is absent or the position is unfilled, the VP, Operations will be responsible for putting out a call for motions to the membership, forming the agenda, booking a space, providing the marketing team details for the event, according to the dates identified in the RSU policies BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the date for the following be decided by the VP Operations, and released to the Board by January 15th, 2020: ● AGM Event Date ● When Call for Motions will begin ● When Call for Motions will end ● When the Agenda will be Released ● When the AGM Event Date will be announced to the membership Moved: Chris Randall Seconded: Result: 11. Motion 2019-11-27 D01: Removal of VP Marketing Motion WHEREAS RSU Bylaw Article 4 currently includes the position of VP Marketing and; WHEREAS the RSU employs a full time Graphic Designer & Coordinator WHEREAS the responsibilities of VP Marketing could be managed by multiple students via a student internship program and; Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street WHEREAS the role of VP Marketing costs the RSU over $36,000 a year which can be saved by employing multiple student staffs under Career Boost BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the RSU eliminates the role of VP Marketing from the start of their term, effective May 1st 2020 of the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Moved: James Fotak Seconded: Result: 12. MOTION 2019-11-13: C-01: Oversight Committee Motion WHEREAS there is currently no sufficient mechanism to adjudicate complaints made against executives, the board of directors or the Executive Director, WHEREAS this creates an unsafe environment within the RSU for there is no procedure in place for executives or board of directors to file complaints, BE IT RESOLVED that the RSU Policy Resolution, the Oversight Review Committee Policy (found in Appendix D) be adopted into the RSU policy manual effective immediately, BE FURTHER IT RESOLVED resolved that the stipulated election in the Oversight Review Committee Policy take place immediately, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Oversight Review Committee be enacted into the RSU bylaws as a permanent standing committee Moved: James Fotak & The Equity and Social Justice Committee Seconded: Result: 13. Motion 2019-11-27 D01: Meal Plan Motion WHEREAS Residence students every year have attempted to raise issues with the administration of meal plans and with the cafeterias on campus WHEREAS the issue students have identified is not the cafeteria workers but instead the administration who makes decisions on how the cafeteria is operated Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street WHEREAS a student-run petition to improve the cafeteria hours, food and costs has reached over 100 signatures in just a few weeks with no official marketing efforts WHEREAS it is very difficult for residence students to affect any change with the meal plans since they are only in residence for 8 months WHEREAS students with long class or work days often find themselves not able to get breakfast in the morning or get dinner at the end of the day due to the cafeteria closing early or running out of food WHEREAS meal plans through RU Eats are mandatory for approximately two-thirds of residence students and cost up to $5,550. WHEREAS students with dietary restrictions (vegetarian/vegan, kosher etc.) have said they often have very limited selection in either cafeteria WHEREAS the Ryerson Students’ Union already takes a stance that food should be more affordable and accessible for students BE IT RESOLVED that the Ryerson Students’ Union will lobby RU Eats, Housing and Residence Life and University Business Services to address the following main issues: Limited Cafeteria Hours, High Meal Plan Prices and Lack of Accessible Food Options BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ryerson Students’ Union will work with Residence Council throughout this process to get feedback from Residence students BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a written progress report shall be given at the 2020 Annual General Meeting of the Ryerson Students’ Union BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ryerson Students’ Union determines and implements a way to ensure this issue is followed up on every year by the time of the 2020 Annual General Meeting, whether through a by-law or other means Moved: David Jardine Seconded: Result: Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street 14. Motion 2019-11-27 E01: Resolution to Escalate the Fight Against the OSAP Cuts and for Free Education WHEREAS the Ford government cut over 600 million dollars from funding for post-secondary education resulting in thousands of students losing access to higher education. WHEREAS these cuts disproportionately impact working-class students and limit our ability to pursue higher education, forcing us to choose between tuition, food, and rent. WHEREAS there is more than enough money to fund higher education when Doug Ford can give 2.3 billion dollars in tax cuts to his wealthy friends WHEREAS the RSU should be congratulated for participating in a one-day student strike on Nov 6 against the OSAP cuts and for free tuition. But this was not enough to force Doug Ford to cancel the OSAP cuts and grant free tuition WHEREAS it was shown through the strike movement at OCAD and Ryerson that the best way to get students involved in strike organizing is to empower them through General Assemblies THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the RSU executive continue and escalate the struggle against the OSAP cuts and for free education by committing to a three-day student strike in March 2020 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the RSU Executive commit to organizing two General Assemblies, one in January and another in February, in order to democratically organize this strike through strike votes and democratic discussions on the demands of the strike. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the RSU call for other student unions and the CFS to Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street generalize this movement and continue organizing escalating actions after the three-day strike until we defeat the OSAP cuts and win free education Moved: Hermes Azam Seconded: Result: 15. MOTION 2019-06-20 E06: Communications Committee WHEREAS currently, there is no Communications Committee in existence BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors shall establish a Communications Committee in accordance to what is listed in the Appendix C Moved: Victoria Seconded: Result: 16.MOTION 2019-06-20 E07: VP MARKETING BYLAW AMENDMENT WHEREAS the Vice President of Marketing holds no position with no voting power on any current committees; BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Vice President of Marketing be added onto the Student Action Committee, the Course Unions and Student Group committee, the Events and Entertainment committee, the Equity and Social Justice Committee, and the Sustainability committee as a voting member and will work alongside each committee throughout the course of carrying out their duties. Moved: Kwaku Seconded: Result: 17. MOTION 2019-08-29 D05: PAYMENT PROCESS POLICY UPDATE - POLICY CHANGE WHEREAS Financial Policy #1.10 IV.E states “If receipt is lost and seeking for reimbursement Executive Committee approval is required” WHEREAS Financial Policy #1.10 IV.H states “If the date of the invoice is beyond 30 days Execs needs to approve to process the payment” Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street WHEREAS the finance committee is composed of most signing officers and is expected to meet as required. WHEREAS the current policy has spelling errors. BE IT RESOLVED THAT Financial Policy #1.10 IV.E state “If receipts lost and seeking for reimbursement Finance Committee approval is required” BE IT RESOLVED THAT Financial Policy #1.10 IV.H state “If the date of the invoice is beyond 30 days the Finance Committee needs to approve to process the payment” Moved: Taha Abbasi-Hashemi Seconded: Chris Result: 18. ADJOURNMENT a. BE IT RESOLVED THAT the November 27th, 2019 Semi-Annual General Meeting be adjourned Moved: Vanessa Henry Seconded: Result: Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street APPENDIX B. MEETING MINUTES Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street 1. Welcome Remarks from Maklane deWever, President 2. Acknowledgement of the Land 3. Remarks from Anti Harassment Officer - Ruben Perez 4. Remarks from the incoming President, Vanessa Henry 5. Remarks from the Chairperson - Daniel Lis 6. Approval of the Agenda a. MOTON 2018-04- 03 C01 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Agenda for the 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Ryerson Students’ Union be accepted as presented. Moved: Maklane Dewever Seconded: Iyvan Result: Pass 7. Approval of the Minutes a. MOTION 2019-04-23 C02 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Minutes of the November 2018 Semi Annual General Meeting be accepted as presented in Appendix B. Moved:Maklane Dewever Seconded: Iyvan Result: Pass 8. Motions a. MOTION 2019-04-23 D01 - Student Groups Ratification i. RU Table Talk ii. Ryerson Vocalist Society ● Dawn motivates the two student group ratifications ● Taha asks about how budget cuts will affect the new student group ratifications ○ Dawn replies we will not know he implications just yet b. MOTION 2019-04-23 D02 – Bylaw Amendments WHEREAS the RSU Board of Directors have recommended that the By Law amendments be adopted; i. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Ryerson Graduate Student Association Moved: Amber Seconded: Angelic Result: Passed ● Amber motivates for item i. ○ Jonena further motivates for the graduate council ○ David asks if the constitution will be the same as the RSU or a new one will be made ○ Amber said its to early to decide that Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street Motion on item i. ii. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Standing Committee - Mental Health and Wellbeing Committee iii. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Elections Bylaws - Campaign Expenses Moved: Maklane Seconded: Iyvan Result: 2 and 3 omnibus pass ● Motion to omnibus items ii. and iii. Moved: Olsen Seconded David Result: Passed ● Motion to friendly amend iv. into the omnibus Moved: Jamie Seconded: Taha Result: Failed ● Motion to pass omnibus of item ii and iii Moved: Maklane Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed ● Motion to change chair to Olsen Crow Moved: Olsen Seconded: Crystal Result: Passed iv. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Eliminating The Role of VP Marketing Moved: Fahim Seconded: Jamie Result: tablet o agm ● Jamie motivates FOR removal of VP Marketing ● Fahim motivates FOR ● Max motivates AGAINST ○ Discusses that the service centres would benefit from a VP marketing positon. A lot of unused resources and wasted money from students not knowing about these services ● Vanessa motivates AGAINST ○ Discusses how having career boost positions and multiple smaller positions would break apart effective marketing Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street ● Motion to extend speakers list Moved: Fahim Seconded: Maklane Result: Passed ● David motivates AGAINST ○ Discusses that the job used to be done by a full time staff and that having a career boost position would be too much work for a part-time staff. More effective to find a middle ground and hire a VP marketing ● Jamie motivates FOR ○ Funding for the VP marketing could be used for other groups as the cuts from Doug Ford’s policies ● Crystal introduces motion to table the item ○ Motivates about why discussing this item is too early as the motion would eliminate the role in 2020-2021 not the upcoming year, therefore the discussion about this positions removal is too early ○ Table to AGM 2019 Moved: Crystal Seconded: Iyvan Result:Passed v. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Size of Board Moved: Maklane Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed ● Alessandro motivates FOR ○ Ryerson population is increasing, therefore limiting the size of the board is necessary ● Jamie motivates FOR ○ Motion is important for transparency ● David motivates FOR ○ This is still representative even with reduction of board ● Motion to correct math for calculation of max amount of board members per faculty Moved: Alessandro Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed vi. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Easier Impeachment Moved: Maklane Seconded: Jamie Result: Passed Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street ● Maklane motivates FOR ○ Discussing how impeaching was very hard this year and that with these new guidelines would make impeachments more reasonable ● Olsen motivates FOR vii. March BOD Meeting 2019 - Appendix A - Ban Slates Moved: Maklane Seconded: Madeline Result: Failed ● Jamie motivates FOR ○ ○ As running as both an individual party and as part of a slate, they believe that this motion would be a good addition ● Taha motivates AGAINST ● David amends that different faculty directors should still be able to run together ○ “Director or ex officio candidates shall not be permitted to campaign on slates that incorporate members that are ex officio directors, or executive candidates, nor shall they be permitted to endorse other candidates. Executive candidates shall not be permitted to endorse other faculty directors or ex officio director candidates.” Moved: David Seconded: John Result: Failed ● Alessandro motivates AGAINST the amendment ● Madeline motivates AGAINST the amendment ○ Logistics aside, the slate should have a shared vision for the faculty specific and not for faculty cross slates ● Jamie motivates AGAINST the amendment ● Amber motivates FOR the amendment ● Maklane proposes friendly amendment to fix typo Moved: Maklane Seconded: Alessandro Result: Passed Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street ● Alessandro article 6.52 include directors may run as members in slate in their own faculty, executives may run in their own executive slate Moved: Alessandro Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed BE IT RESOLVED THAT the By Law Amendments are adopted as proposed in Appendix A Moved: Maklane Dewever Seconded: Result : c. MOTION 2019-04-23-D03 - For a Student Strike Against Ford's Education Cuts WHEREAS the Ford government has announced a reduction in post-secondary student grants, thus dramatically increasing the cost of education for primarily low income students WHEREAS the Ford government has also announced the abolition of the six-month interest-free period on student loans, thus making it more difficult for students to pay off their debt WHEREAS the Ford government has created the “Student Choice Initiative,” which is a veiled attempt to undermine student unions and weaken his opposition on campus WHEREAS the Ford government’s policy will also lead to a reduction in university and college revenue, thus resulting in a reduction of services and layoffs of campus workers Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street WHEREAS a one-day walkout involving thousands of students was held on March 20 against these aforementioned policies, demonstrating that students are eager to fight back BE IT RESOLVED THAT the RSU call on the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario to organize a one-day student strike in September against Ford’s cuts to education BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the RSU also call on the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario to organize general assemblies, where each student receives one vote, in the lead up to a one-day strike BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the RSU also commit to organizing its own one-day strike in September, as well as one or multiple general assemblies in order to prepare Ryerson students Moved: Hermes Azam Seconded: Mitch Result: Passed ● Hermes motivates FOR the motion ○ These cuts to educations and other cuts due to “balancing the budget” would greatly impact students negatively ○ Saying that the “student choice” campaign is undermining and does not accurately represent the best interest of students ● Jamie motivates FOR the motion ○ This issue is not a narrow issue that affects only a few students but all, therefore this is an important motion that all students should be involved in ● Kevin asks how this motion will implicate international students ○ Olsen clarifies the legislations and how they will impact the budget cuts ● Maklane calls to question Moved: Maklane Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street 9. Executive Reports a. MOTION 2019-04-23 E01 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Reports of the Executive be accepted as presented in Appendix C. Moved: Maklane deWever Seconded: Iyvan Result: Passed 10. Other Business 11. Adjournment a. MOTION 2019-04-23 F03 BE IT RESOLVED THAT the April 2019 Annual General Meeting of the Ryerson Students’ Union be adjourned. Moved: Maklane deWever Seconded: Crystal Result: Passed Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street APPENDIX C. Communications Committee Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street APPENDIX C - Communications Committee . The Board of Directors shall establish a Communication Committee in accordance with the following terms of reference: a. Be composed of: i. The President; and ii. The Vice President of Marketing b. The committee shall also be appointed by the Board of Directors: i. One (1) elected commissioner ii. Three (3) Directors iii. The Executive Director or an appropriate staff resource who shall be ex-officio c. Be appointed at a meeting of the Board of Directors; d. Be chaired by the Vice President of Marketing and in their absence by the President; e. The committee should meet at least a minimum of once a month, however, committee members may call meetings when necessary. f. Seek the advice of the RSU’s legal counsel where applicable; g. Responsible for reviewing the RSU’s media protocol and ensuring that all the policies are up to date and reflect the current RSU’s day to day operations. h. Purpose of the committee: i. Advise on how RSU communicates in print, on our website, email communications, and on our social media channels, so that we can be transparent with the RSU’s initiatives and operations; ii. Propose, develop, and review recommendations for membership communications, and recruitment strategies; iii. With a quorum vote by the members of the communication committee, members are able to act as media relations; iv. Develops transparent strategies in order to hold the RSU accountable to the membership; APPENDIX D - Course Union Policy [1.1] The course union’s actions must not b Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street APPENDIX D. Oversight Committee Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street Oversight Review Committee Policy ADOPTED: AMENDED: Preamble This policy shall apply to the Oversight Review Committee (“The Committee”) that has jurisdiction over any complaint submitted against an elected member of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Executive Director provided that the complaint alleges a violation of the Bylaws and/or of the Policies, and reaches the Investigation Stage of a complaint being filed. Conduct The Committee shall, at all times, conduct itself in accordance with the principles of natural justice. The minutes of the Committee shall not disclose the identity of any complainant, nor shall they disclose the identity of any individual against whom a complaint has been submitted. While the Committee may enter camera whenever appropriate, all in camera sessions shall be minuted. Subsequent to approval by the Committee, all in camera minutes shall be kept in the possession of the Moderator. Complaints Any member of the Ryerson Students’ Union may submit a complaint against any elected member of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Executive Director. The complaint must specify the Bylaw, Code of Conduct and/or Policy from the Ryerson Students’ Union or from Ryerson University that the Board of Director/Executive Director has violated and describe in detail the substance of the violation. All complaints must be submitted to the Executive Director (unless the complaint is against the Executive Director, where the complaint will be filed with the President). The Complainant refers to the individual filing a complaint. Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street The Respondent refers to the individual(s) having a complaint filed against them. The Moderator refers to the Executive Director who will receive the initial complaint, and will follow the complaint process to ensure each phase is properly completed. If the complaint is against the Executive Director, it then goes to the President. If both the Executive Director and the President is involved, it immediately goes to the Chair of the Committee, and will immediately enter an investigation. Process Intake: Upon receiving a complaint, the committee will ensure the complaint meets the above criteria. A response will be provided within 2 business days; if the complaint meets the criteria; a meeting will be set up for the Intake Session. If the complaint does not meet the above criteria, the Moderator reviews the criteria for a complaint with the Complainant and informs them it can be modified and resubmitted. The Intake Session shall be scheduled within 7 business days of the initial complaint being filed. The Complainant shares concerns with the Executive Director, describes what happened and who is involved. Any supporting documents, names of witnesses, and a personal account will be provided to the Moderator, where applicable. The investigation process & possible remedies are discussed. The Complainant will identify what they wish to see come out of the process. If the Complainant is issuing a complaint about the Executive Director, they can approach the President. The initial complaint receiver will be referred to as the Moderator. The Complainant will be allowed to bring up-to 1 support person who cannot be apart of filing an official complaint. If the support person is involved in the issue, they can provide information for the evidence collection stage. Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street Written communication will be provided to the Respondent(s) within 48 hours of an Intake Session. Interim Measures: Upon receiving a complaint, the Moderator may require certain interim measures, including but not limited to a “no contact” order between the parties involved in a complaint. A written notice of the interim measures shall be sent to all parties involved, being enacted effective immediately. Alternative Resolution: The Complainant or Respondent may request Alternative Resolution options outside of the investigation process. The Complainant can choose to return to an investigation process at anytime. The request for the Alternative Resolution must be submitted by the Complainant within 48 hours of the Intake Session; or within 48 hours of the Respondent being notified of a complaint against them. The Moderator will take the lead on identifying possible resolutions. For an Alternative Resolution to be accepted, all parties must sign a written document indicating the agreed-upon actions/next-steps. Investigation: The Moderator will bring the formal complaint to the Committee within 48 hours from when an investigation has been requested. The Moderator and the Chair will lead the investigation, and will work with the Committee to provide the submitted documentation, accounts and reports from both the Complainant and the Respondent(s) in a fashion that does not identify any of the individuals involved ; including but not limited to, witnesses to prevent a biased decision. If the Committee requires, further materials may be collected from the Complainant or the Respondent(s), including but not limited to communications between parties, answers to questions from the Committee, or validating provided statements or accounts. The Committee must complete Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street investigation within 14 days from receiving the complaint. While members of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Executive Director shall be obligated to cooperate with Committee investigations, all other individuals may decline to participate. If any Board of Directors or the Executive Director does not comply with the obligation for participation, then pay may be withheld at the discretion of the Oversight Review Committee. The Moderator and the Committee Chair shall be the only two members of the Committee to know the identities of the Complainant and the Respondent until a resolution has been determined and voted on by the Committee. The Committee shall, at all times, conduct itself in accordance with the principles of natural justice. The minutes of the Committee shall not disclose the identity of any complainant, nor shall they disclose the identity of any individual against whom a complaint has been submitted. The Committee Chair is responsible for ensuring both the In-Camera Minutes and the Out-of-Camera Minutes keep the identities of all involved members confidential. While the Committee may enter camera whenever appropriate, all in camera sessions shall be minuted. Subsequent to approval by the Committee, all in camera minutes shall be kept in the possession of the Moderator. As well, the Committee Chair must ensure Minutes are recorded during Committee Meetings. Rights of Parties Both the complainant and the accused shall, at all times, have the right to be represented by an individual of their choosing. Report The Committee shall, at the conclusion of each investigation, produce a report to the Board of Directors. The report shall, without disclosing or otherwise revealing the identity (all language gender neutral) of the complainant or the identity of any individual who participated in the investigation, enumerate the violations of the Bylaws and/or Policies of which the accused is guilty. Alternatively, if the Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street investigation has exonerated the accused, the report shall simply state the Committee investigated allegations of misconduct against an unnamed member of the Board of Directors, Executive Director and/ or Executive Committee. Discipline Executive Committee: The Committee may, at the conclusion of an investigation, include in its report a recommendation that the Board of Directors take disciplinary action against one or more members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Director. Disciplinary action may take the form of: ● A paid suspension of no more than thirty (30) days; ● An unpaid suspension of no more than fifteen (15) days; ● The withholding of up to eight (8) weeks’ pay; ● Removal of office, subject to Bylaw 2.3d Board of Directors: The Committee may, at the conclusion of an investigation, include in its report a recommendation that the Board of Directors take disciplinary action against one or more members of the Board of Directors Disciplinary action may take the form of: ● Suspended from committee assignments of no more than thirty (30) days ● Terminated off all committee assignments ● No payment of honorarium ● Removal of office, subject to Bylaw 2.3d Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street Executive Director: The Committee may, at the conclusion of an investigation, include in its report a recommendation that the Board of Directors take disciplinary action against one or more members of the Executive Committee and the Executive Director progressive discipline. ·Verbal Warnings and Direction for the purposes of this clause, verbal warnings or directions shall not be interpreted as formal discipline ·Just Cause: The Executive Director will not be disciplined or discharged without just cause. The burden of proof of just cause lies with the Board of Directors and/or Executive Committee. ·Progressive Discipline: The Board of Directors accepts and gives effect to the principle of progressive discipline. ·Discipline Procedure: The Board of Directors, or Executive members on the Boards behalf, may issue a Letter of Expectation to the Executive Director to provide written clarification of workplace policies or practices or to clarify expectations that the Board of Directors has for the Executive Director regarding job performance concerns or workplace behavior issues which, if left uncorrected, could lead to discipline. A Letter of Expectation is not part of the formal discipline process and is not a requirement prior to issuing a Warning Letter, Suspension or Discharge. The Board must accept or reject the recommendation of the Committee without amendment. The Board may not compel the Committee or members thereof to provide more information than what is disclosed in the report, nor may the Committee or members thereof breach the confidentiality of the investigative process, even in camera. All disciplinary actions shall take effect upon ratification by the Board. A recommendation of impeachment by the Committee is not itself a motion to impeach. Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street APPENDIX A Terms of Reference for Standing Committees of the Board of Directors The Board of Directors shall establish an Oversight Review Committee Committee in accordance with the following terms of reference: a) the Oversight Review Committee shall consist of: I. 5 Board of Directors (including (1) one representative from the Ryerson Graduate Student Union) ii. One Executive Member iii. 1 Chairperson voted by the Oversight Review Committee Members from the Oversight Review Committee Members iv. The Executive Director b) The Oversight Review Committee (“the Committee”) shall have jurisdiction over any complaint submitted against an elected member of the Executive Committee, other Board of Directors, and the Executive Director, provided that the complaint alleges a violation of the by-laws, Code of Conduct and/or policies and enters the Investigation Phase. c) Investigate charges of misconduct or dereliction of duty of any Board of Director member and recommend disciplinary action to the Board. All written communication needs to be in gender-neutral language to protect the identities of both parties involved. d) Both the complainant and the Respondent shall, at all times, have the right to be represented by an individual of their choosing. Semi-Annual General Meeting Ryerson Students’ Union (RSU) – Local 24 Canadian Federation of Students November 27, 2019 - Tecumseh Auditorium - 55 Gould Street e) Any member of the Ryerson Students’ Union may submit a complaint against any elected member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Director. The complaint must specify the Bylaw, Code of Conduct and/or Policy that the Executive has violated and describe in detail the substance of the violation. All complaints must be submitted to the Moderator, where the process of Intake will begin. f) If complainant is against any sitting Board of Directors on the Oversight Review Committee, they must recuse themselves of their duties on the committee. A vote will take place internally within the Committee to determine a new member of the Committee to fill the vacancy. If the Chairperson is accused of a violation of the by-laws, Code of Conduct and/or policies, an internal vote on the Committee should take place to determine a new incoming member to fill the vacancy, as well as a separate internal vote to determine a new Chairperson.
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