Xteve Guide PRETEXT Receiving this document or reading this means that you have purchased IPTV with Plex from us. For that we thank you. The configuration and installation of all of this is pretty straightforward and does not require expert knowledge of IPTV, Plex, or coding. We will cover the basics first and point you to the right direction if you want to further customize your IPTV configurations. XTEVE This is the software we will be using to integrate your IPTV subscription with Plex. It is a software that allows you to simulate a DVR, like the HD Homerun, but uses the streams from IPTV connections. Note tho, that Plex only allows the use of 480 Channels on their Live TV & DVR functionality. LET’S BEGIN, SHALL WE? REQUIREMENTS 1. IPTV Subscription logins, primarily your username and passwords. 2. A PC web browser. Do not use mobile, it’s pretty hard to configure this on mobile. 3. Plex Pass. This is a mandatory requirement for you to be able to integrate IPTV to Plex. 4. A little bit of patience. USEFUL LINKS During the writing of this guide I used the following for my references. https://github.com/xteve-project/xTeVe-Documentation/blob/master/en/configuration.md https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/plex-iptv-guide/ NECESSARY ITEMS NEEDED The following items need to be modified and should be kept handy throughout this guide. I suggest doing this first and keeping it on a notepad on your computer during the configuration process. Insert the necessary information in the following items. M3U file/URL http://viewcast.xyz:2082/get.php?username=INSERTUSERNAMEHERE&password=INSERTIP TVPASSWORDHERE&type=m3u_plus&output=mpegts EPG or XMLTV file/URL http://viewcast.xyz:2082/xmltv.php?username=INSERTIPTVUSERNAMEHERE&password=INS ERTIPTVPASSWORDHERE URL LINK TO YOUR XTEVE APPLICATION This should be sent to you via email or discord if you requested for one. If you haven’t received your XTEVE link please request via ticket. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide STEPS FOR XTEVE CONFIGURATION 1. Enter the URL for your xteve application. (Usual format will be http://node-ip:port/web please check this properly) 2. Enter the number of IPTV connections you have purchased. Default is 2, if you bought additional connections, enter the correct number here. 3. Click on “Next” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 4. Choose “XEPG” 5. Click “Next” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 6. Paste your M3U file here. Make sure you have inserted your IPTV Username and Password on the correct fields. 7. Click “Next” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 8. Paste you EPG/XMLTV Url here. Make sure you have inserted your IPTV Username and Password on the correct fields. 9. Click “Next” V.1.0.0 Copyright Mingo.tv Written 8/13/20 Not for reproduction Xteve Guide 10. Click “Filters” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 11. Click “New” 12. Select “M3U: Group Title” 13. Click “Next” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide This is the main part of the configuration where it will make or break it for you. Configure this well and you won’t need to do much editing of the channel list that will be imported into your plex. 14. Enter your desired Filter Name, doesn’t need to anything specific it’s for your reference. 15. Click the drop down box and select the channel group. You’ll notice channels are grouped into specific, well, groups. Depending on your interest pick the one you would like included. 16. This part is about fine tuning your filter. 16.a. If you want to make your filters Case Sensitive. 16.b. This field will add only channels according to your specified terms. In the above example it will filter all channels and only include channels with the words “ESPN” on their name and remove everything else. 16.c. This field will remove everything according to your specified terms. If you put here “ESPN” then all channels with those words will be excluded or removed. 17. Click “Save” once you’re happy with your filter. Note: You may add more filters after this, you are not limited to one. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 18. Click “Mappings”. In this section, this is where you will further fine tune your filter by manually selecting which ones to activate and deactivate. You’ll notice beside the channel is a green bar. If it’s active, it will have a green bar, if deactivated it will have a red bar. Note: Be mindful of the 480 Channel limit imposed by Plex. 19. Click “Bulk Edit” to edit multiple items at the same time. 20. Click the check box if you want to edit that channel. 21. Click on one of the channels you selected which you want to edit, if bulk edit is on then it will edit everything checked. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 22. Tick this check box if you want to activate the channel or until to deactivate. 23. Click “Done”. Note: If you did bulk edit the effect will be on all checked items. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 24. Here you’ll see the effect of the bulk edit as previously described. You’ll also see that deactivated channels have a red bar. 25. Click on “Save” if you’re happy with the changes. 26. Copy ths XEPG URL, we will need this in Plex. Note: This is different from the EPG/XMLTV file/URL we have saved earlier. 27. Take note of the number of channels you will be importing vs the 480 Channel limit of Plex V.1.0.0 Copyright Mingo.tv Written 8/13/20 Not for reproduction Xteve Guide STEPS FOR PLEX INTEGRATION Now we go to the Plex side of things. Don’t worry this part is pretty easy and you’re home free! 28. Click the Settings Icon. 29. Scroll down to the bottom and click “Live TV & DVR” 30. Click “SET UP PLEX DVR” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 31. Click “Don’t see your HDHomeRun…” 32. Enter here your XTEVE app’s URL. Note: remove the “/web” at the end. 33. Click “Connect”. Note: There should not be any effect if this was configured right, if not there would be an error. 34. Click “Continue” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 35. Click “Scan Channels”. Note: Its usually prescanned on first run, just to be sure. 36. Click “Continue” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 37. Click “Have an XMLTV guide on…” (Sorry about no numbering here) V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 38. Enter here your XEPG you copied from XTEVE app (See step #26) 39. Click “Continue” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 40. Just check if you have the right channels and just click “Continue” V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 41. Setup complete! Just click “Close” or “View Guide” to start watching. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide THIS IS THE END OF THE GUIDE. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE AND CONTINUED SUPPORT! BONUS: HOW TO ALLOW OTHER USERS TO WATCH ON YOUR IPTV V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 1. Click Settings Icon. 2. Click “Users & Sharing” 3. Look for the user you want to allow to watch IPTV. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 4. Click the House Icon with a “+” on it. 5. Click “Confirm” to confirm you want to add user as home user. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20 Xteve Guide 6. Add Pin or just Skip if you dont want to. (It’s advisable to add Pin so no one can use your account without permission) 7. Now that user can play IPTV same as you. V.1.0.0 Written 8/13/20
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