JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS INT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON – NIGHT Underwater. A submarine approaches the gates of the Jurassic World Lagoon. It pauses. After a moment, the gates begin opening and the sub goes through. EXT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON – NIGHT We can see the underwater lights of the submarine as it goes through. INT. SUBMARINE – NIGHT Back underwater. The SUB PILOT is calm, but the TECH OPERATOR sitting beside him is nervous and sweating. SUB PILOT Relax. Anything in here'd be dead by now. The tech operator isn't reassured. SUB PILOT I’m serious. There’s no way that the Mosasaurus would still be alive down here. The SONAR didn’t show anything. As they proceed forward along the lagoon bottom, they come upon the skeleton of the Indominus rex illuminated in the submarine's lights. SUB PILOT There she is. The Indominus rex. The tech operator uses claw on the end of a mechanical arm to grab one of the skeleton's rib bones, and uses a large saw to 1 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS cut it loose. The claw detaches from the arm and a balloon inflates, carrying the claw, clutching the bone, to the surface with a beeping beacon. Lightning flashes above and we see a dark shadow. EXT. MAIN STREET – NIGHT A thunderstorm is raging. Jurassic World has seen better days. Everything is run down and overgrown with weeds and plants. In a small campsite on Main Street, JACK, a mercenary, works on the machinery controlling the lagoon doors. He's wearing a headset and has a handheld device of some sort. A Bell UH-1H-BF Iroquois helicopter sits behind him with the engine running, rotor blades spinning. Sitting up front are the helicopter pilot and the lead mercenary. Three more mercenaries are riding in back. SUB PILOT (through Jack's headset) Specimen collected. Sent to the surface. JACK Roger that. He turns to the waiting chopper. JACK Air One, cleared for takeoff. begin tracking. HELICOPTER PILOT (through Jack's headset) Copy that. 2 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS JACK Go, go! HELICOPTER PILOT (through Jack's headset) Tracking on. The helicopter lifts off and flies away. As he watches the aircraft leave, Jack is startled by something moving in the bushes off to his left. We hear a familiar hoot. EXT. LAGOON SURFACE – NIGHT The helicopter locates the balloon attached to the I. rex bone. HELICOPTER PILOT Land One, the asset is secure. We got what we came for. Comin' back for you. Close the doors. EXT. MAIN STREET – NIGHT Back in the campsite, Jack, alone, contacts the submarine. JACK Nautical One, I gotta close the gates. Get outta there. INT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON - NIGHT Underwater, the two men in the sub prepare to depart. SUB PILOT Understood. We're headin' out. 3 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS The submarine backs up... right into the waiting mouth of the MOSASAURUS! Up top, we see the underwater light disappear. EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT In the mercenaries' camp, Jack's handheld device is beeping belligerently at him, telling him the sub's signal has been lost. He is concerned. JACK Nautical One, I need to close the gates. Confirm position. The helicopter lands behind him. The helicopter pilot is also concerned and attempting to contact the sub. HELICOPTER PILOT Nautical One? Guys? The mercenaries' leader, however, is concerned about something else. LEAD MERCENARY What is that? Through the rain-streaked windshield, he and the pilot can see something huge moving through the trees towards the camp - and Jack, who continues obliviously attempting to contact the submarine. JACK Nautical One, I'm closing the gates. 4 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CUT TO: EXT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON - NIGHT The lagoon gates begin to shut. CUT TO: EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT Jack's device announces that they're 20% closed. JACK Seriously, guys, I'm kind of exposed out here. Nautical One. Behind him, the men in the helicopter are shouting. HELICOPTER MERC #1 Look behind you! JACK (not hearing them) Confirm your route! Nautical One! HELICOPTER MERC #2 Jack! JACK Confirm your position! Nautical One, where are you! He finally looks at the helicopter. The other mercenaries are frantically gesturing and pointing at the treeline behind where he's working. 5 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS HELICOPTER MERC #3 (making "come here" motions) Come on! HELICOPTER MERC #1 (pointing) Look behind you! HELICOPTER MERC #2 Behind you! Jack still doesn't understand. JACK I can't reach them! HELICOPTER MERC #3 Come on! He can't hear them over the storm and the roar of the helicopter blades. JACK What? A medium-sized theropod sprints out of the foliage, hooting frantically. A pair of large crests adorn its head -- it’s a DILOPHOSAURUS. JACK Holy shit! 6 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS Jack backs away as the Dilophosaurus retreats. In a flash of lightning, we see the hornlet-adorned head of a big theropod moving through the trees behind Jack. There is a distant BELLOW. He turns back, shaking now, but only sees darkness. He turns back to the waiting chopper. Suddenly, thunder rumbles. Jack stiffens and turns, screaming as he sees the Tyrannosaurus rex in another bright flash of lightning. She roars at him, and he runs. The helicopter lifts off in a panic. The T. rex smashing through the machinery operating the lagoon gates. CUT TO: EXT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON - NIGHT The gates keep closing, but slow down. CUT TO: EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT As he runs down the street, Jack throws down his handheld device and the T. rex steps on it. The gates are now 54% closed. JACK Don't go! The men in the helicopter watch Jack running underneath them in the chopper's spotlight. One of them holds a coiled-up rescue ladder. 7 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS INT. HELICOPTER CABIN - NIGHT HELICOPTER MERC #3 Throw him the ladder! The mercenary with the ladder complies, dropping it down. However, as the copter is in motion. EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT The frantically running Jack is forced to chase after his salvation with the hungry Tyrannosaurus hot on his heels. Each time he grabs for it, he misses. JACK Don't go! Aahhh! Oh no! An overturned pickup truck blocks his path. He runs around it. The T. rex simply flips it out of her way with her snout, and BELLOWS again. JACK Nooooo! EXT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON The helicopter is over the lagoon now, at the spot where the Mosasaurus broke through the guardrail and grabbed the Indominus rex. The ladder now hangs in the water. JACK No, wait! Don't go! Aahhh! 8 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS He desperately leaps through the broken section of the guardrail and grabs the ladder. The T. rex bites at him and misses. Jack is relieved as the chopper begins to lift up, laughing. JACK Aw, yeah! Suddenly the ladder jerks and he slips down several rungs. He looks down. The Tyrannosaurus has bitten the end of the ladder and is pulling, jerking her head from side to side in an effort to pull the helicopter from the sky. Jack is caught in the middle, hanging on for dear life. INT. HELICOPTER CABIN In the chopper, alarms are going off. The mercenaries' leader yells back to his men. LEAD MERCENARY We're gonna stall! Cut it now! The first mercenary - the one who'd thrown the ladder - pulls a knife. HELICOPTER PILOT Do it, John! HELICOPTER MERC #3 We're gonna die here! 9 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS The mercenary with the knife begins trying to cut the ladder - and Jack - free to save the chopper. The second mercenary grabs his wrist, attempting to stop him. They struggle with one another. Meanwhile, Jack continues screaming. LEAD MERCENARY I said cut it! JACK DON'T DO IT! HELP! THAT'S HORRIBLE! I DON'T WANNA DIE! The Tyrannosaurus is dragged along by the helicopter, but successfully pulls off the bottom rungs and stops just short of the lagoon’s edge. She SHAKES her head, dislodging the ladder, and lets out a final ROAR. JACK Yeah! HELICOPTER MERC #2 Yeah! HELICOPTER MERC #1 Come on! HELICOPTER MERC #2 DNA sample secured. Tell the boss we're comin' back home. EXT. JURASSIC WORLD LAGOON The helicopter zooms off across the water, leaving the island... but the camera pans down, and we see the immense 10 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS form of the Mosasaurus barely squeezing through the closing gate. Title Card: J U R A S S IC W O R L D: R E G E N E S I S We FADE IN to a news feed. PHILIPPA THOMAS (voiceover) Three years after the fall of Jurassic World, the debate over Isla Nublar rages on. PHILIPPA THOMAS (voiceover) The island's long dormant volcano, reclassified as active, has shown considerable unrest in recent months. Geologists have lately found that the volcano’s reserves of magma are being depleted, and that the slightest disturbance will cause it to collapse into a caldera. The ensuing geological events will leave Isla Nublar sterile. PHILIPPA THOMAS (voiceover) Since the disaster that shocked the world in 2015, the Masrani Corporation has paid out more than $800 million in damages to settle class action lawsuits brought by survivors. PHILIPPA THOMAS (voiceover) Activist groups have mobilized around the globe, in what has 11 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS become the flashpoint animal rights issue of our time. As the dinosaurs on Isla Sorna were relocated for Jurassic World, the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar are, as far as anyone is aware, the last dinosaurs left alive on Planet Earth. INT. U.S. CAPITOL - DAY IAN MALCOLM (Chuckling to himself) Here I am, talking about dinosaurs again. Feels like I never left. Senator, to answer your question, I, of course, think... that we should allow our... magnificent, glorious dinosaurs, to be taken out by the volcano. There is muttering in the audience. SENATOR SHERWOOD Silence, please. IAN MALCOLM As deeply sad as that would be. We altered the course of natural history. This is the correction. SENATOR SHERWOOD Are you suggesting the Almighty is taking matters in His own hands? IAN MALCOLM Senator, with all due respect, God's not ... part of the equation. No. What I mean is that, in the last century, we amassed a landmark technological power. And we've consistently 12 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS proven ourselves incapable of handling that power. 80 years ago, who could've predicted nuclear proliferation? But then, there it was. And now, we've got genetic power. So ... How long is it gonna take for that to spread around the globe and, what's gonna be done with it? It ain't gonna stop with the de- extinction of the dinosaurs. SENATOR SHERWOOD I'm not sure I know what you're talking about. IAN MALCOLM I'm talking about... man-made, cataclysmic, change. SENATOR SHERWOOD What kind of change? IAN MALCOLM Change is like death. You don't know what it looks like until you're standing at the gates. RICHARD LEVINE You don’t seem to understand that these are just animals. Big, aggressive animals, sure, but animals nonetheless. Animals are not typically the hyper-aggressive beings they are characterized have. They have the same emotions as we do, even if some of them are incapable of expressing or contemplating said emotions. IAN MALCOLM 13 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS With respect, Your Honor, I wouldn’t listen to someone with a world-wide reputation for being a pain in the ass. Senator Sherwood sighs and shakes his head. RICHARD LEVINE *Mocking* With respect, I wouldn’t listen to someone clearly biased towards the eradication of dinosaurs. Maybe try someone they haven’t tried to eat. IAN MALCOLM Now, Dr. Levine, I’m sure you haven’t forgotten about the San Diego Incident of 1997? In which a fully-grown male Tyrannosaurus rex rampaged through the city of San Diego, resulting the deaths of seven innocent people? RICHARD LEVINE No, no. I’m well aware of the San Diego Incident— IAN MALCOLM And the Jurassic World Incident, which, may I remind you, resulted in the deaths of 25 civilians and countless personnel? RICHARD LEVINE These are still animals. I maintain that they have the same rights as any other species on this planet. IAN MALCOLM 14 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS Then you’re badly deluded. RICHARD LEVINE The way I see it is this—since humans recklessly created these dinosaurs, it is our responsibility to take care of them. Our best option is to place them on an island separated from mainland. IAN MALCOLM (Raising his voice) That’s exactly what the first park was meant to do, and look at what happened! They tried to control nature. But they cut corners. They cut corners, and it all came crashing down around them. SENATOR SHERWOOD Order! IAN MALCOlM and RICHARD LEVINE continue arguing as we FADE IN: INT. DPG HEADQUARTERS, SAN FRANCISCO - DAY The scene changes to CLAIRE DEARING, holding a few coffees. The elevator door is open, but only slightly. She squeezes through, and the doors finally open correctly once she's out fully. ZIA As a matter of fact, I do have the dinosaurs' best interests in mind. I'm a paleo-veterinarian. 15 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS WOMAN ON THE PHONE Is that a real thing? ZIA *She nods, smiling* That's a real thing. WOMAN ON PHONE You've seen one? ZIA No, not yet. I’ve researched the available biological, physiological and pharmacological data, though, so—and I hate to boast—I technically know more about these animals than almost anyone else alive. ZIA *She beckons Claire over* Claire? CLAIRE Hello, hello, um... Congresswoman Delgado, I'm Claire, the lead organizer in here. CLAIRE Of course, but if I can just get a moment of your time? The woman on the phone agrees. Claire highfives Zia. FRANKLIN *To Zia* That was like 40 seconds. You're getting better. 16 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS ZIA You gotta stop letting your mom shop for you. FRANKLIN You don't need to insult me every time someone pisses you off. ZIA Dude. I'm a doctor. Not a telemarketer. What is your job again? You plug in cords, right? FRANKLIN It's actually more important than it sounds. Besides, I’ve watched enough Star Trek to know where you got that from. CLAIRE Can I ask you a question? WOMAN Go on. CLAIRE Do you have kids? WOMAN Two girls. CLAIRE Okay, so your kids, An entire generation has grown up in a world where dinosaurs are living and breathing. But soon you're gonna have to watch them go extinct. Or not. If people like you make a difference. 17 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS There is confused muttering from the other side of the phone. CLAIRE What do you mean, they could just look at photos of dinosaurs in pictures? These are animals! More muttering. CLAIRE What do Tasmanian tigers have to do with this? These are dinosaurs—I mean, animals! FRANKLIN *To Zia* You think she’s lost that one? ZIA *Ignoring Franklin, looking at TV* Claire, it’s on! SENATOR SHERWOOD ...take preventative action to protect the dinosaurs on Isla Nublar. After thorough deliberations, the committee has resolved not to recommend any legislative action regarding the de-extinct organisms on Isla Nublar. This is an act of God, and while of course, we feel great sympathy for these animals, government involvement would use up too many valuable resources. While we will rescue some species—the indigenous population of tufted deer, for instance — de-extinct dinosaurs are not covered by United States Government legislation. 18 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS Claire turns off the TV. CLAIRE They're all gonna die and no one cares. A voice speaks up. It's Franklin. FRANKLIN We do. CLAIRE Give me one second. Let's get back to work. Okay everyone. Come on. She walks over to her desk, and picks up her ringing phone. CLAIRE Hello? IRIS CAROLL May I speak with Ms. Dearing? CLAIRE Yes, this is CLAIRE. IRIS CAROLL Good morning. I'm calling from Mr. Norman Atherton's estate. Would you mind holding for a second? CLAIRE: *Amazed and surprised* Yes, of course. I'll hold. CUT TO: 19 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS EXT. ATHERTON MANOR - DAY The scene cuts to a car driving up to the manor. We soon get to see CLAIRE step out of her car. She walks up to the door, and it opens, revealing Iris. IRIS CAROLL Ms. Dearing, you're early. Would you like to step in? CLAIRE Thank you. IRIS CAROLL I will inform Mr. Mills that you've arrived. She walks away. Claire walks around, looking at the portaits of men, and she stops. She looks at John Hammond's, and she walked over to it, before hearing a voice. ELI MILLS John Alfred Hammond. The father of Jurassic Park. But of course, you know that. He walks down the stairway towards Claire. ELI MILLS Hello, Claire, I'm, I'm Eli. Mills. I work for Norman Atherton. We actually met once, 7-8 years ago, and you don't remember... 20 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CLAIRE *Smiling* Of course, I remember. Haven't you run his foundations since... ELI MILLS Since college. Yeah. You remember? CLAIRE Yes! Claire laughs. ELI MILLS Wow, cool. He wanted someone young, and, idealistic to expand his fortune. And I used to be both. They both laugh together. ELI MILLS Follow me. They both walk into another room, a main hall consisting of a natural history museum of sorts. There are dioramas on every wall, and there replica fossils of an ammonite, Edmontosaurus, Kosmoceratops, Peloroplites, Protoceratops, Smilodon, Teratophoneus, Tyrannosaurus, and Velociraptor. Dominating the hall is the massive skull of a ceratopsian -- Agujaceratops. ELI MILLS Let me give you a bit of history. This is where it all began. Before the islands, Sorna, Jurassic Park, all of it. Hammond 21 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS and Atherton built custom lab in a sub-basement. They extracted the first DNA from amber, right beneath our feet. CLAIRE What they did here was a miracle. I still believe that. ELI MILLS So do I, Claire. So do I, and I still believe it matters, what happens to those animals. There is something Mr. Atherton would very much like you to do, Claire. You can call it a favor for an old friend. We have, a piece of land. A sanctuary. Protected by natural barriers, fully self- sustaining. A new home where the dinosaurs will be secure... And free. CLAIRE You're gonna get them out? You're gonna save them? Suddenly, there is another voice. It's Norman Atherton, who's ill. NORMAN ATHERTON No, Ms. Dearing. I'm going to save us. We could both use a touch of redemption, couldn't we? He rolls over and grabs her hand. NORMAN ATHERTON Lovely to see you again. 22 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CLAIRE And you, Mr. Atherton. NORMAN ATHERTON This was all John Hammond's dream. To let these creatures live in peace. So, we have located an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean -- a sanctuary. No fences, no cages, no tourists. Just as Mother Nature intended. John said it best. Now, I’d quote him, but that would come across as rather pretentious -- wouldn’t you agree? Claire nods. NORMAN ATHERTON When we were young, we both shared this passion, John and I. What fools we were. Trying to run before we'd learned to walk. As all young men do, I suppose. But, we learned. Unfortunately in the end, it drove us apart. Life, teaches us some very hard lessons... Doesn't it, Claire? CLAIRE *Nodding* Yes. IRIS CAROLL Sir Norman. NORMAN ATHERTON Hmm? My bloody medicines. Would you excuse me, Claire? CLAIRE Of course, sir. 23 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS NORMAN ATHERTON Eli here will help you with the details. ELI MILLS We will save them. CLAIRE Thank you. ELI Iris? Claire turns around and sees movement at the top of the stairwell. CLAIRE Does he have children? I thought I saw... Was there a little girl? Eli shakes his head and looks off to the side. ELI He has a grandchild. His daughter died in a car accident. CLAIRE That's awful. ELI Yeah, I know, but they're very close. Really close. CLAIRE (Changing the subject) So, what do you need from me? 24 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS MILLS There was a tracking system in place at your park. Radio- frequency ID chips in each dinosaur. CLAIRE I remember. MILLS Right. So, if we could access that system, our ability to locate and capture those animals safely would increase tenfold. We need your handprint to access the system, but what I really need, Claire, is you. Moving endangered species isn't exactly legal, but ethically-speaking, it's the right thing to do. No one knows this park as well as you do and we need that expertise. CLAIRE How many can you save? ELI Sixteen species, for sure. I mean, more if we can, but time is against us. I’ve got a list here. Eli picks up a small device and presses a few buttons. A list appears on the monitor. ELI We’re definitely going to be able to rescue… ah, here we go. 25 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS He zooms into the list, and we see: Ankylosaurus, Baryonyx, Brachiosaurus, Carnotaurus, Dicraeosaurus, Dilophosaurus, Einiosaurus, Gallimimus, Lesothosaurus, Ouranosaurus, two species of Pachycephalosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, Parasaurolophus, Procompsognathus, Pteranodon, Sinoceratops, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus rex, and Yangchuanosaurus (though it’s marked: FORMERLY METRIACANTHOSAURUS). ELI There’s a few others, such as Beipiaosaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus -- keystone species on the island -- but we’re not sure how many we can obtain. ELI I'm afraid there is one animal in particular that poses a real challenge for us. Eli moves the screen display to show a dromaeosaurid theropod. Claire recognizes it. CLAIRE Blue. ELI I didn't know she had a name, but Blue is potentially the second-most intelligent life form on this planet and she's the last of her kind. She must be preserved. 26 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CLAIRE She can pick up your scent a mile off. You'll never capture her. ELI Well, we thought you might know someone who could help. Maybe you could convince him. INT. MISSION BBQ RESTAURANT, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA - DAY The restaurant is busy. Bruce Springsteen’s “Ramrod” blares through the speakers in the corner. Claire looks at her watch, and sees that the time is 12:30. He’s late. CLAIRE *Muttering to herself* Come on, where is he? And a man in khaki clothing tries to open the door. It’s too stiff at first, so he has to shove it open. OWEN Sorry … sorry I’m late! Owen walks up to Claire’s seat. OWEN Sorry about that. Traffic jam. CLAIRE It’s fine. 27 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS OWEN So, is there a plan? I mean, anything beyond ‘Save the dinosaurs from an island that's about to explode?’ CLAIRE Well, Norman Atherton’s estate is helping me organize an expedition to take the animals off the island. OWEN Atherton’s little flunkey called me, I know. Rescue op, save the dinosaurs from an island that’s about to explode. What could go wrong? So, who do you have? CLAIRE We have a technician and a paleoveterinarian. I mean, she’s never seen any dinosaurs before, but she’s gone through all the files. OWEN You, a technician, a rich guy’s estate and a paleoveterinarian who’s never seen dinosaurs? Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. CLAIRE And a technici -- Owen, we don't have a choice. OWEN Claire, of course you have a choice. 28 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CLAIRE Oh, so what should I do? Build my own cabin, play pool and drink beer all day while these dinosaurs go extinct? OWEN Yeah. I like pool. CLAIRE Blue is alive. OWEN Jesus, Claire. CLAIRE You raised her, Owen. You ... You spent years of your life working with her. You're just gonna let her die? OWEN *Shrugging* What else can I do? CLAIRE Come on. You're a better man than... you think you are. Owen doesn’t say anything. CLAIRE Forget it. I... There's a chartered flight leaving tomorrow morning. You're on the manifest. I just thought I should let you know. Claire gets out of her seat and walks off. 29 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CUT TO: EXT. PLANE - DAY ZIA Relax. You're more likely to die riding on a horse than in a plane. FRANKLIN No, I'm not, because I won't get on a horse. My chances are zero. ZIA Planes are the safest way to travel. FRANKLIN You call this a plane? My cousin has a drone bigger than this. INT. PLANE - DAY Claire climbs up the stairs into the plane and sits down. Franklin and Zia argue indistinctly for a moment, before someone clears their throat from the back of the plane. It’s Owen. CLAIRE Owen, you made it! OWEN I didn't think you were gonna ever show up. 30 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS CLAIRE Oh, um... This is Zia Rodriguez. Zia. OWEN Hey, how you doing? ZIA Yeah, real good. How are you? OWEN Good. CLAIRE Franklin Webb. Systems analyst. OWEN Nervous flyer? FRANKLIN Would you ride a thousand-pound horse that's been abused all its life? OWEN *Beat* That’s nothing. CUT TO: INT. ATHERTON ESTATE - DAY IRIS 31 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS Maisie? You're always hiding from me. This is not my job, looking for you. Maisie! *SIGHING* Maisie! Come out! MAISIE Boo! IRIS (Chuckling) You silly girl. Maisie laughs. IRIS You'll be the death of me. You know, one day, my heart might really stop. Then what would you do? Go and live in the forest with the lions? MAISIE There are no lions in the forest. IRIS Your grandfather's been asking for you. MAISIE Really? IRIS Mmm. So, you go see your grandfather, and then we go straight to the doctors’ for your insulin. CUT TO: INT. NORMAN ATHERTON’S ROOM – DAY 32 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS NORMAN ATHERTON is sitting on his bed when the door opens. It’s MAISIE. MAISIE Hi, Grandpa. NORMAN ATHERTON Ah, there you are. Come over and sit by me. I've missed you. MAISIE I was on safari all the way through the Cretaceous to the Jurassic in one day. NORMAN ATHERTON Oh, my. What'd you see? MAISIE Same things I see every day. There was a Dilophosaurus, a Velociraptor, we were attacked by a Concavenator ... there were casualties of course -- Iris, especially. She jumped out of her skin. NORMAN ATHERTON (Chuckling) You have your mother's wicked sense of humor. MAISIE Do I look like her? NORMAN ATHERTON Oh, yes. You could be her mirror image. 33 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS MAISIE Did my mother ever visit the park? NORMAN ATHERTON (Chuckles softly) Once, a long time ago. She would've saved them, too, you know. She would have saved them all. CUT TO: INT. PLANE - DAY The plane has been flying for a few hours, and Isla Nublar is starting to become visible. PILOT Niki sete, amigos. (Up ahead, friends). EXT. PLANE - DAY The camera PANS OUT the window, and we see the colossal form of a PTEROSAUR circling above the island, almost like some sort of giant vulture. OWEN What is it? ZIA Looks like a Quetzalcoatlus. FRANKLIN Dangerous? 34 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS ZIA I mean, they could swallow someone whole, so I guess so. FRANKLIN slumps back into his seat, visibly worried. CUT TO: EXT. LANDING PAD The plane touches down on the island’s landing pad. There are already a few vehicles on the island, and standing at the front was a stocky, bearded man in a flannel shirt. Claire opens the door, and the group walk out. The pilot stands in the door and mutters something to himself. PILOT Que Dios se apiade de ti. (May God have mercy on you). Nobody notices, and Claire walks up to the man, who greets her. THORNE CLAIRE, I presume? Jack Thorne. Welcome back. CLAIRE Quite an operation you've got going on here. THORNE Sir Atherton takes his humanitarian efforts very seriously. Where’s your, uh, raptor wrangler? 35 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS OWEN Ethologist. Well, not technically ethologist, but animal behaviorist. THORNE *Reluctantly* Ah, the famed Owen Grady. We meet at last. CLAIRE You two know each other? THORNE Not really. More of a mutual friends kinda thing. OWEN So, what are you doing here? THORNE I'm the expedition facilitator. The guy with the vehicles, basically. FRANKLIN Oh, God! It's hot. OWEN I hate to tell you this, but it's about to get quite a lot hotter. CUT TO: EXT. FOREST The vehicles make their way along a road. It’s the same one we saw in 1993, with the same vehicle gates. 36 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS EXPEDITION MEMBER Keep it moving! You're all clear! Go! Go! You've got the green light! This way! Let's go! Let's go! Keep it moving! Hold it! Hold up! CUT TO: EXT. MAIN STREET FRANKLIN *To Owen* Need some bug spray? OWEN shakes his head. FRANKLIN *To Thorne* Bug spray? THORNE shakes his head too. THORNE I’ve got my own. Thanks for the offer, though. FRANKLIN I see. *Pausing* The T. rex would be dead by now, right? I mean ... ZIA It's impossible to know the maximum lifespan of a clone in a completely different environment. Take a caveman that would've lived 20, 25 years on average. Feed him prime meals, give him health care, he's gonna live five times as long. 37 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS THORNE There’s a couple of problems with both assertions. Birds such as ravens can only remember information—such as the calls of various individuals—for up to three years. Considering that the T. rex has been cooped up since 2005, she might have forgotten how to hunt and starved to death by now. Old age and healthcare don’t even factor into it at this point. (beat) Besides, there’s something weird going on with the island’s carnivore populations. There’s been a spike in their numbers lately -- so many we’re finding it hard to track them all -- and we’re pretty sure that herbivore numbers are going down. Maybe the rex starved to death from a lack of prey -- the smaller guys got to ‘em first. FRANKLIN … so, she'd be dead by now? Right? THORNE AND ZIA, BOTH AT ONCE Probably. THORNE What you really need to be worried about are the Carnotaurus. FRANKLIN The WHAT? CLAIRE Yeah. We ... we could never put those on display. 38 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS FRANKLIN Why? Claire says nothing. FRANKLIN Claire, why not? There is a chittering sound coming from outside. FRANKLIN What was that? THORNE Sounds like a Procompsognathus. Small predator, hunts in packs. Venomous. FRANKLIN Well, that’s comforting. Franklin sighs and sits back down, just as a distant rumble starts in the background. He bolts upright again. FRANKLIN Is it the T. rex? ZIA I have to see this. Zia climbs out of the vehicle and starts running in the direction of the sound. 39 JURASSIC WORLD: REGENESIS THORNE Hey! Miss? Miss! We haven’t secured this area—there could be anything out there. A loud trumpeting call sounds from nearby. Slowly, the form of a medium-sized SAUROPOD emerges from the side of a building. It has a relatively short neck, a long tail, and a large sail on its back. THORNE Dicraeosaurus sattleri. She's beautiful. The DICRAEOSAURUS trumpets again, a mournful cry almost like the island’s BRACHIOSAURUS. ZIA Can we... THORNE Okay, let's go. ZIA Already? I mean— THORNE As amazing as these dinosaurs are, this island’s still about to explode. You can admire them as much as you want when they’re on the boat. EXT. FACILITY 40
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