DAY1. EVENTS Your Consulting Passport Your Complete Guide to Setting Up Your Freedom to Live and Work Anywhere. Day1.Events Synopsis This practical seminar-workshop is for those who want to turn their experience and expertise into a way to begin their journey of independence from a trapped life of work to fulfilling lifework that enables them to live and work anywhere. Prerequisites A certain amount of experience and expertise in your life. A desire to own your life and take charge of it in order to gain your independence and live life on your own terms. An openness to embrace digital tools and use your laptop and mobile devices to set up a way to create an effective lifework flow, for efficient yet simple effective personal organization, thereby having the balance of professional productivity and personal peace. A willingness to give yourself at least 6-12 months to unlearn old systems and learn new ones that are required for a different kind of life. A commitment to invest in yourself with this course and in the upcoming year to do whatever it takes to achieve your desired independent life—which is not affected by economic cycles, government policies, or societal upheavals. A renewed curiosity about life, the lives of others, and the cultures around you; thereby (re)discovering more about yourself and experiencing life more deeply and meaningfully. Day1.Events “The difficulty lies, not in the new ideas, but in escaping from the old ones.” J O H N M A Y N A R D K E Y N E S Day1.Events Objectives To realize the two most important zeitgeist books that created waves (over the past 25 years) in financial literacy and lifestyle freedom, and why it matters to you in setting the foundation for freedom; plus you will also discover more about the third wave that is beginning right now. To understand why an independent (infopreneur) consultant-trainer is the best sole-proprietor business to get started for this journey of working and living anywhere. To have an overview of the independent consulting business and work-through the setting up of it so that you will have a registered business to start your journey. To learn the fundamentals of consulting and ensure you have a framework and a workflow, and are able to get started on implementation. To focus on securing Singapore clients and get paid directly to your local Singapore bank, while being able to live and work abroad. “THOSE WHO HAVE STOPPED LEARNING FIND THEMSELVES EQUIPPED FOR A WORLD THAT NO LONGER EXISTS.” ERIC HOFFER Outcomes CLARIFY You will have a mindset foundation from knowing how the approach to work and finance from the two waves mentioned above have liberated many people who were willing to change. You will gain a clear and confident (renewed) professional identity. CRAFT AND CURATE You will craft and curate a menu of consulting products/services that are a natural extension of your expertise and experiences. You will review and answer the most vital questions to clarify and develop your own Consulting Framework and Workflow, and then become familiar with it. CLOSE AND CONSULT You will identify and pitch your ideal clients: people you have access to (or gain access to) who you can provide service to, and are willing to pay you. You will learn how to close your clients and go through your consulting process. You will learn to leverage LinkedIn, and learn to create content around yourself and your brand to produce credibility and testimonials. CONDENSE AND CREATE You will condense your accomplishments and experiences to identify your most valuable and in- demand areas of expertise to offer. You will reflect and decide upon your branding and messaging, and set-up your business within this seminar-workshop with basic business infrastructure that include proposals, invoice, and billing. Day1.Events HIGHLY EFFECTIVE It’s an integration of purpose, practicality and personalization Expect a lot of inner reflective answering of questions throughout the program seminar-workshop that will guide you to remember, refine or even (re)discover your distinctive value that you can package to offer and charge as a consultant. EXTRA SPECIAL One-on-One Professional Coaching for something like this would cost thousands of dollars, and be conducted an hour (or two) per week over a duration of several months but I am charging for an optimal- sized group and condensing the essential and applicable fundamentals into 3 full days —where you will have your own online setup within the program and ready to go by the end. You will have a private interactive group to implement and track your progress and success over the course of one year. Facilitation “If the game is designed for you to lose, don’t play that game. Play a different one.” S E T H G O D I N Program Details W H A T Y O U W I L L A C C O M P L I S H OVERVIEW MORNING (MODULE 1): HARNESS BREAKTHROUGH WINDS TO GAIN ADVANTAGE FOR OWNING AND OFFERING SOLUTIONS THAT COME FROM YOUR SAILBOAT OF EXPERIENCES AND EXPERTISE. Lessons from the first 2 breakthrough winds in financial literacy and freedom, and why it’s important to harness these winds to power your sails for you and your future. The 3rd one is starting and what you can and must do differently to leverage it. Your Identity as an Independent Contractor is the beginning of your journey towards personal empowerment because you get to define the game you want to play and how others relate to you professionally. Understand: The clearer and more committed we are, the more things flow into the right place in our lives. Seeing the value of your role as a (infopreneur) “consultant-mentor/trainer” and why your experience and expertise is extremely valuable if you know how to offer it and get paid directly for it, rather than just have it be used as an employee (i.e. renting it out to someone else). Understanding the role and rewards of being a consultant and how it’s the best sole-proprietor business for living and working anywhere for anyone who has experience and expertise. Knowing the consulting process and how to successfully execute a small circular (or closed-loop) workflow by yourself that directly pays you for your work—this is how you get started as a consultant. Day 1: Compass AFTERNOON (MODULE 2): DESIGN YOUR OWN SAILBOAT; DECIDE YOUR DIRECTION AND COMMIT TO YOUR DESIRED DESTINATION. Extracting and Distilling the value and values from your experience and expertise. Who do you have access to that is willing to pay you for improving their condition through the value and values that you have distilled. List these people or groups that you have accessed to, directly or indirectly. Define and Describe their limits and unhappy circumstances from not having the value and values of your experience and expertise. And Define and Describe how you can improve their condition. Defining the Game you want to play going forwards, and the kind of professional clients you want, and the kind you don’t want. (In other words, define how you would deliver your value and values and what conditions are necessary for you to deliver your best). Decide on a personal brand, and your brand message, and your solution framework, and how you will deliver the solution (which is derived from your value and values) to improve the condition of your ideal client. Dare to Dream what your ideal life destination would be like. (Define and Describe where you want to get to and Why). Day 1: Compass MORNING (MODULE 3): CONSTRUCTING YOUR SPECIAL SAILBOAT (PART 1) Registering a Sole-Proprietorship, applying for an APEC card, and setting up a Payment Gateway, and a Product Page at Gumroad. Creating a Menu of your consulting (or professional) services and showcasing it as both a product (with fixed deliverables) and as a service (with consulting sessions, and optional retainers). >Digital Tools: Gumroad, Notion, Stripe. Day 2: Construction AFTERNOON (MODULE 4): CONSTRUCTING YOUR SPECIAL SAILBOAT (PART 2) Creating Your Website Creating a Strategy and Schedule for posting content that highlights the gains from your solution (derived from your value and values) and also highlights the unhappy circumstances that exist without your solution. >Digital Tools: DigitalPress (Ghost platform) MORNING (MODULE 5): GETTING YOUR SAILBOAT INTO WATER AND CATCHING WIND Having Your Own Consultant’s Digital Toolkit for Your consulting process (talked about on the 1st Day). and Being Familiar with the Consulting Process using these tools. Walk-through of the entire process incorporating these tools. Have ready-to-use business documents in your processes like service contracts, retainer contracts, billing and invoices, and receipts, and everything else that you need to convey to clients and potential clients that you are a professional setup. (Customizable on Stripe, or you can use Canva, or AI to generate templates and then attach your logo). Using LinkedIn and your Website concurrently and effectively to get the right clients, while maintaining focus on reaching your existing channels of those you already know who would benefit from your solutions. Day 3: Commitment AFTERNOON (MODULE 6): GAINING MORE MOMENTUM AS YOUR SAIL FORTH Regularly create supporting enhancements to constantly and consistently build your authority for offering your solution, such as writing or commissioning mini-guidebooks, articles and essays, being featured in publications, crafting the right book to match your personality which enhances your brand/business, etc. Revisit Module 1 and be reminded of breakthrough winds that are already available as channels of wind tunnels for accelerating your momentum. Return to Module 2 regularly to remind yourself of your identity, your brand, your message, and from there perhaps derive your mission. Review your direction and make improvements wherever possible in your small circular (close- looped) workflow to optimize your engagement with clients and their experience with you. Eventually, systemizing and scaling. If your solution can be systemize and proven to produce desired results, you can brand the solution and license the use of it or train others to use it. Day 3: Commitment Your Investment This is a full-on training seminar so participants who come with an open-and-committed mindset to learn and take action will begin their journey to be free to live and work anywhere. 3 Full Days, US$795 You are required to bring along your laptop and a new personal journal for your journey. (This is pivotal for the workshop process, and also personalizes your commitment to yourself and your journey). I N V E S T I N Y O U R S E L F T O F I N I S H S E T T I N G U P Y O U R F R E E D O M T O L I V E A N D W O R K A N Y W H E R E . D U R A T I O N A N D C O S T W H A T T O B R I N G Day1.Events Bonus ADDITIONAL BENEFITS Resource Library: 10 books will be included for all participants for further use.. Group Workthrough: Participants will be added to newly formed private group “The Consulting Passport”. (first year membership waived). R E S O U R C E S Participants who are active will be featured on APEC Network in 2024 relaunch. R E F E R E N C E S Day1.Events Why The Need for a Program such as The Consulting Passport: We have been trained by schooling to work for organizations and within departments; but in order to live and work anywhere and have our own lifework freedom, it’s important to train to be able to successfully execute a small circular (or closed-loop) workflow by ourselves that directly pays us for our work. We have to unlearn compartmentalized specialization (that happens when we work in departments or within parts of an agency or organization) and for our own lifework freedom, we have to learn an effective interconnected circular workflow, thereby taking responsibility for a single cycle of (sole- proprietorship) success that can be leveraged, replicated and expanded with digital tools and right hires. Also, most professional seminars and courses train you to know a subject and are knowledge-focused (and often require you to find your own way in applying the knowledge transferred to you), yet knowing something does not mean applying or knowing how to apply, or even applying in a way that empowers you to start directly charging and earning from your own actions immediately. T H I N K D I F F E R E N T F O C U S D I F F E R E N T A C C O M P L I S H D I F F E R E N T Day1.Events @day1events W E B S I T E A D D R E S S E M A I L A D D R E S S T E L E G R A M Get in Touch FOR LIFE-CHANGING EVENTS AND TRAININGS Day1.Events