mbc ~nitcb ~ranb J[obgc of ~nticntjfrtc anb ~CCtptcbJilasons of ~nglanb erber of f)rocebure at the QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE to be held at the EARLS COURT EXHIBITION CENTRE LONDON on Wednesday 10June 1992 the year of THE 40th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ACCESSION OF HM THE QUEEN THE 25th ANNIVERSARY OF THE INSTALLATION OF HIS ROYALHIGHNESS THE DUKE OF KENT, KG, AS GRAND MASTER and THE 275th ANNIVERSARY OF THE FORMATION OF THE PREMIER GRAND LODGE at the Goose and Gridiron Ale-House in St Paul's Churchyard on 24 June 1717 Arena BROTHER GRAND LODGE SAD!ARAL,PGSec Grand Lodge of Turkey 1. From 1525, there will be musical entertainment. ]OHNMURDOCH,PGM Grand Lodge of Western Australia 0---- RICARDOROJAS,GSec Grand Lodge of Costa Rica GEORGEDEWAR,PM Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island Programme Grand Lodge of Utah BLAINSIMONS,PGM ]AMESHOGG, PGM Grand Lodge of British Columbia NORTH WALES PROVINCIAL CHOIR LESLlEHICKS, PM, (PSGD, UGLE) Grand Orient of Italy LLANFAIR(PRAISETOTHELORD) arr: Mansell Thomas ERIC PLACE,PM Grand Lodge of Greece ELl ]ENKINS'PRAYER Troyte's Chant No. 1 ]ESS GERN, PGM Grand Lodge of Colorado (UNDERMILKWOOD- Dylan Thomas) . Eusso RONDON,PGM Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic CARLOSWILSON,PGM Grand Lodge of Argentina CONDUCTOR W Bro Gwynn Jones PAGDC Ross FREDERICKSON,PGM Grand Lodge of Minnesota ACCOMPANISTW Bro Kenneth Ellis MONROEMORTON,PGM Grand Lodge of Oregon MASONIC GIRLS' SCHOOL CHOIR, RICKMANSWORTH ROMOLOHONEGGER,MASTER Grand Lodge 'Alpina' of Switzerland ROYCECURLIS,PGM Grand Lodge of Michigan RHYTHMOFLIFE Cy Coleman ROBERTL. DILLARD,JR., PGM Grand Lodge of Texas MR SANDEMAN Pat Ballard FRANCIS MCCORMICK,PM (PJGD, UGLE) Grand Orient of Brazil FLOWERDUETFROMLAKME Delibes BRUCEHUNT, PGM Grand Lodge of Missouri (Toni-]ane Pick en Josephine Raybould) A.]. LEWIS,PGM Grand Lodge of Louisiana ALEXANDER'S RAGTIMEBAND Irving Berlin MARVINFOWLER,PGM Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia DIRECTOROFMUSIC Andrew Pratten PHILlPWHITE,PGM Grand Lodge of New Hampshire ----0---- ARTHURRICHARDS,PGM Grand Lodge of Connecticut DERWENTCARTMELL,PM Grand Lodge of New Jersey 2. At 1545, Grand Lodge of Virginia OLlVERONION,PGM a. representatives of the United Grand Lodge of England near other MADSURSO, GCHANCELLOR Grand Lodge of Denmark Grand Lodges and b. members of Visiting Deputations other than Grand Masters Deputations will enter the Arena in procession and take their places on the dais. (Members of deputations from, but not Grand Masters of, other Grand Lodges) Representatives JosE N OGUEIRA,GSec Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal JOSEPMUNTERODRIGUEZ,GSec Grand Lodge of Spain (Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of England near other Grand CLAUDEMARTIN,GSec Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium Lodges) C.B. GROENEWALD, PGM Grand Lodge of South Africa BROTHER GRAND LODGE N.L. DUGGAL,GSec Grand Lodge of India GYORGYGATAI,GORATOR Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary SIGURDUREINARSSON,GCHANCELLOR Grand Lodge of Iceland CHARLESWAGEMANS, PGM Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium KLAUSW. MULLER,GSec United Grand Lodges of Germany DAWSONKWAUK,PGM Grand Lodge of China LEs MUISE, DEPGM United Grand Lodges of Germany (reconstituted in Taipei in 1954) WOOLFKANTOR,GSec Grand Lodge of the State of Israel ]URGENHOLTORF,PGM United Grand Lodges of Germany YRJOHAKKINEN,GSec Grand Lodge of Finland ELLYWEISS,PGM Grand Lodge of the State ofIsrael ]ORMAKOMONEN,DEPGM Grand Lodge of Finland A.F.]. SEARS,P]GW Grand Lodge of Bolivia CHRISTIANWEGER,GSec Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia HRH PRINCEALEXANDER OFYUGOSLAVIA, AGM HENRIBENAROYA, PGSEC, DEPGSec National Grand Lodge of France National Grand Lodge of France YVESTRESTOURNEL, DEPGM D'HoNNEUR,GSec CANASRUEFF,DEPGM Grand Lodge 'Cuscatlan' of El Salvador National Grand Lodge of France ]OHNCHOA,PGM Grand Lodge of the Philippines E. KEITHHOWELLS,P]GW, GSec Grand Lodge of Western Australia BROTHER GRAND LODGE Westminster Room 4. Grand Lodge will be opened in ample form by the Most Worshipful The SYVERHAGEN, DEPGM Grand Lodge of Norway Grand Master. DAVIDMARSHALL,PRovGM, Ruapehu Grand Lodge of New Zealand DONALDPLAISTED,PSGW, GSec United Grand Lodge of Victoria S. The MW The Grand Master will be saluted according to antient form. IANR MCCULL9.CH,PJGW, GSec Grand Lodge of New South Wales 6. Grand Lodge will be Called Off. ALFREDODloMEDE, GSec Grand Orient of Italy DEMETRIPAPAKYRIACOU, GSec Grand Lodge of Greece Arena HARALDRK. WEILAND,PGM Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia GABRIELF. MARTINEZ,GSec Grand Lodge of Argentina 7. At 1600 the following procession will enter the Arena. ROBERTE. DAVJEs, PGM, GSec Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario Grand Officers JOSEPH NILLEs, DEPGM Grand Lodge of Luxembourg TWO DEPUTY GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES GUY MARTINET,GTREAs Grand Lodge 'Alpina' of Switzerland AlBREY WlLLlAMHA~BCRY·BATEMAN ROBERTJERVTSKAY JORGE LUlZ VESCIALUNKEs, GSec Grand Orient of Brazil JOHN C. MARDEN,PGM; GSec Grand Lodge of New Hampshire THE GRAND TYLER ROBERTP. DUDLEY,GSec Grand Lodge of North Carolina LIEuTENANT,COMMANDERNORMANJOHN N UTTALL, RICHARDG. MOORE, DEPGM Grand Lodge of North Carolina Royal Navy, PAGSwDB EARL F. SUTTON,SGW Grand Lodge of New Jersey THOMASW. JACKSON,GSec Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania THE GRAND STEWARDS DIETER SCHEITZ,PGSec Grand Lodge of Austria THE Hox ANDREWFRA"lCISCLTVE DR. GORDO"l MARSHALL ROBERTC. SINGER,PGM, GSec Grand Lodge of the State of New York WIGRAM, MVO DR. PETER BECK DWIGHTH. McAuSTER, PGM, GSec Grand Lodge of South Carolina ROBERTANTHONYHENRY MORROW PETER ARTHURTYDEMAN DAVIDB. RICHARDSON,PGM, GSec ANDREW GEORGE GWENNAP MOORE ANTHONYMANSFIELDALLENBY Grand Lodge of Commonwealth of Massachusetts IAN DONALD CAMERON EDwARDKE"lNETH SMART,PJGD JAN THuLTN,GSec Grand Lodge of Sweden THE RT. HON THE EARL OF DAR:-':LEY ROBERTALBERT CRAFTER NICHOLASj. DE VROOM,GSec Grand East of the Netherlands PETER CHARLESSHORT ANTHONYTG. RICHARDSTD A TH.TEN HouTEN, DEPGM Grand East of the Netherlands DAVIDLOVELl. ClRTIS DR. JAMESCRATGNcNElLLY, MBE JENS E. LAssEN, GSec Grand Lodge of Denmark JEREMyPEMBERTON, PSGW THOMASJULTuSCAPLTN JORGENPOULSON,DEPGM Grand Lodge of Denmark ARTHURO. HAZEL, GSec Grand Lodge of Scotland WILLIAMBLACKWOOD,JGW Grand Lodge of Scotland THE ASSISTANT GRAND PURSUIVANTS RT HON LORD BURTON,SGW Grand Lodge of Scotland ERIC ROBERTSON,SubstGM Grand Lodge of Scotland HllLlER BER:-':ARDALEXANDERWISE B RTA:-': J AlvlESROBINSON DUNCANM. LOWE, DEPUTE GM Grand Lodge of Scotland DEREK GORDON HUGH MICHAELW. WALKER,GSec Grand Lodge of Ireland THE GRAND PURSUIVANT GEORGEC. ANDREWS,PGSW Grand Lodge of Ireland DANIELB. FINCHER, SGW COLTNB RIANHoVE Grand Lodge of Ireland R ERIC FENELON,AGM Grand Lodge of Ireland THE ASSISTANT GRAND STANDARD BEARERS DARWINH. TEMPLETON,DEPGM Grand Lodge of Ireland DAVIDIvoa WILLTAMS PETER JOHN TI!\DALE MALCOLMDAVIDRABIN RICHARDWILLTAMPEART 3. At 1555 MW Bro the Rt Hon Lord Cornwallis, OBE, DL, THE ASSISTANT GRAND SUPERINTENDENTS OF WORKS Past Pro Grand Master STAi\LEYKEITH KNOWLES DAVIDWrLLTAMLAZENBY and RW Bro the Hon E.L. Baillieu THE ASSISTANT GRAND SWORD BEARERS Past Deputy Grand Master TIMOTHY CHRISTIANMERRETT LIEUTENANT COl.ONEL P. FREDERICK will enter the Arena and take their places on the dais. STOCK, TD W1LLIAMGAHAN, MBE THE ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES THE PRESIDENT OF THE MASONIC TRUST DEREK MICHAEL RICHARDSON ANDREWALLA" REDDEN FOR GIRLS AND BOYS PETER ERIC HOLLAND STUARTJOHN LINES THE RT. HON. SIR IAN PERCIVAL,QC, PJGW MICI-lAELEDWARDHERBERT JONATHANMARK FINE THE PRESIDENT OF THE MASONIC FOUNDATION HUGH CROMPTONBUTTERWORTH GUY DAVIDALSAGERELGOOD FOR THE AGED AND THE SICK THE ASSISTANT GRAND SECRETARIES VISCOUNTCHELSEA, PSGW BRIAN PHILlP GOULD GRAHAMFREDERICK REDMAN, THE PRESIDENT OF THE GRAND CHARITY PAGREG SIR JOHN READER WELCH, BtPJGW THE ASSISTANT GRAND REGISTRARS THE GRAND SECRETARY BYRONRICHARD CARRON PETER ROBERT GRIFFITHS COMMANDERMICHAELBERl\ARD SHEPLEYHIGBAM, Royal Navy, PJGW THE ASSISTANT GRAND CHAPLAINS THE GRAND REGISTRAR THE REV. NIGEL CHARLESGRIFFIN THE REV. EDWIN THOMAS CHAPMAN J ULlANJ EFFS, QC THE GRAND TREASURER THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF GENERAL PURPOSES PETER LEONARDCOOKE THE RT. HON. LORD LANE OF HORSELL, PJGW TWO JUNIOR GRAND DEACONS THE GRAND CHAPLAIN RICHARDHENRY JAFFA JAMES FREDERICKWOOD THE RT. REV. DAvlD GEORGE GALLlFORD THE PRO PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER FOR MIDDLESEX TWO SENIOR GRAND DEACONS GORDON LIONEL BOURNE GEORGE LESLlE LONGBOTHAM N IGELB ER"IARDDICKINSONMARS!1ALL THE DEPUTY GRAND SUPERINTENDENT OF WORKS PROVINCIAL AND DISTRICT GRAND MASTERS MICHAEL GEORGE FOSTER TAYLOR JOHN BONOMY East Kent DONALDCHARLESPOWELL Monmouthshire THE DEPUTY GRAND SWORD BEARER JOHN MALcOLMRAYLOR Yorkshire, North and East Ridings WING COMMANDERJOHN HARTLEY ALANDAVIDCHUN, MBE Hampshire and Isle ofWight THE DEPUTY GRAND REGISTRAR CHIEF OLU HOLLOWAY Nigeria SRIVARANKUMARANAYAGAM Sri Lanka CHRISTOPHERDAvlD FITZJOHN OLDHAM BRIANGEORGE LAMBERT Herefordshire THE DEPUTY GRAND CHAPLAIN KEVINCHAWNER Staffordshire JOHN FRANKHINDLE Bedfordshire THE REV. EDwARDWALTERDENNIS THOMAS HOWARDBRIANSMlTH Northamptonshire and Huntingdonshire GRAND INSPECTORS KENNETHEDwARDi\-10XLEY West Lancashire ERIC WALTERSTUART STANLEYDUNCAN WATERS IANLAWRIEMACKESON-SANDBACH North Wales (Malta) (Montreal and Halifax) DR DENNISHENRYFox, MBE Bristol JAMESDUNSFORDHEMSLEY East Lancashire THE GRAND SUPERINTENDENT OF WORKS STANLEYHERBERTAMBROSEFRANCISHOPKINS Somerset DOLGLAS WILLlAMBURFORD THE CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT J MAXWILLIAMWIBORG THE REV. CANONHUGH REMINGTONBARKER DAVIDWALTERLLEWELLYN,CBE South America, Northern Division Cambridgeshire Sussex OF THE ROYAL MASONIC HOSPITAL SAMARITAN FUND DEREK ALFREDBUSWELL Leicestershire and Rutland A NTHONYM ICHAELJ EPSOI\ ANDREAsKIMONLANITIS Cyprus ARCHIBALDPRINCEEDWARDS Bengal THE PRESIDENT, SYDNEYMARTINCRAWSHAY JONES Derbyshire ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION JAMESVILLIERSLEGGE PHILLIPS Ghana HE:--1RYCLAUDE COTTRELL DAvIDJAMESWELSH Yorkshire, West Riding SIMONFRANCISNORMANWALEY West Kent THE MOST WORSHIPFUL PRO GRAND MASTER THOMASHAMILTONQUILTERHARVEY South Africa, Eastern Division THE RT. HON. LORD FARNHAM NORMANVICTORWATKINS Gloucestershire ERNESTPETERMOFFATDREWETT South Wales, Western Division THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL ASSISTANT GRAND MASTER THE HON. SOLOMONATHANASJUS JAMESPRATT, GCR THE RT. HON. THEEARL OFEGLINTONANDWINTON Sierra Leone and The Gambia THE RIGHT WORSHIPFUL DEPUTY GRAND MASTER jAYANTILALKESHAVJICHANDE East Africa JOHNHALE Cumberland and Westmorland lAINRoss BRYCE, TD, DL GUY YVESJERMAN Essex 11' THE GRAND SWORD BEARER JOHNHERBERTWYNDHAMWILDER, CBE Berkshire THE MOST HON. THEMARQuESSOFNORTHAMPTON,DL THE REv. CANONWALTERSTANLEYWALKER Cheshire " THE RT. REv. VERNONSAMPSONNICHOLLS Warwickshire THE MOST WORSHIPFUL THE GRAND MASTER GODFREYBLAGDONWESTCOTTKENT, TD Hertfordshire HIs ROYALHIGHNESSTHE DUKE OFKENT, KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC JOHNREGINALDING Wiltshire GEOFFREYMICHAELREDMAN-BRowN Oxfordshire THE GRAND STANDARD BEARERS THE REv. CANONROBERTTINSLEYWARBURTON, MBE, TD Nottinghamshire CLIFFORDBOWATER DAVIDRICHARDROBBINS ARTHURERNEsT GRAHAMEGILBERT Bombay and Northern India A DEPUTY GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES ARCHIBALDJOHNHUXTABLE Devonshire DOUGLASBRowN WHITTINGHAM Shropshire COLINJOHN FLEMINGDRAGE GORDONRICHARDRENNICKALLERTON South Africa, Western Division THE GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES RALPHDAVIDSELIGMAN Bahamas and Turks GEORGEROBERTGAVINPURSER HIS HONoUR DEEMSTERHENRYWILLIAMCALLOW Isle of Man EDwARDFREDERICKHANsoN Worcestershire 8. The representatives of the Time Immemorial Lodges will enter the PETERLAWFORDKNAGGS Trin'idad Arena and hand the Great Lights and the Wren Maul to the MW Grand H.R.H. PRINCEMICHAELOFKENT Middlesex Master. PHILIPJERVISKAy, VRD Suffolk GEOFFREYMAWERCOOPER Lincolnshire 9. An Opening Ode will be sung by all present COL. GEOFFREYSEYMOURHAMILTONDICKER, CRE, TD, DL Norfolk DR. WILLIAMEDWARDCOOPER Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean GEORGEFREDERICKNEwELL South America, Southern Division Immortal, Invisible, God only wise, To all life thou givest, to both great and small; THE HON. MONTAGUEROBERTVEREELIOT Cornwall In light inaccessible hid from our eyes, In all life thou livest, the true life of all; MENASEJAMESMAsslAs Gibralter and Lusitania Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of Days, We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree, LT.-COL. THERT. HON. LORD BURNHAM,DL Buckinghamshire Almighty, victorious, thy great name we praise. And wither and perish; but naught changeth thee. JOSEPHWILLIAMYEEEu Eastern Archipelago JAMESGORDONBARNES Newfoundland 4 DR. AUBREYSHERVINGTON JACOBS Jamaica and the Cayman Islands Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, Great Father of glory, pure Father oflight, :\or wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might; Thine angels adore thee, all veiling their sight; THE RT. HON. THEEARLOFSHANNON Surrey Thy justice like mountains high soaring above All laud we would render: 0 help us to see THE RT. HON. LORD SWANSEA,DL South Wales, Eastern Division Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love. 'Tis only the splendour of light hideth thee. TWO JUNIOR GRAND DEACONS So Male it be RAYMONDHOWARTH BRYANEDWARDTOYE TUNE: ST DENIO W. CHALMERS SMITH WELSH HYMN MELODY THE JUNIOR GRAND WARDEN ALASTAIRLucss GRAHAMSTEWART-RICHARDSON 10. During the singing of the Ode, the lesser lights will be lit. TWO SENIOR GRAND DEACONS 11. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will direct that the Grand DAVIDWILLIAMBARBER HIS HON. JUDGE Masters of Ireland, Scotland and other Grand Lodges Overseas throughout GERALDJAMESKAYCOLES, QC the world be received. THE SENIOR GRAND WARDEN THE RT. HON. LORDGRAY 12. Visiting Grand Masters will enter the Arena, be received bv the Most Worshipful The Grand Master, and be conducted to places on the Dais. Visiting Grand Masters BROTHER GRAND LODGE (or theirpersonal representatives) GIULIANODJBERNARDO Grand Orient ofItaly CHRISTOSMANEAS Grand Lodge of Greece BROTHER GRAND LODGE JAMESE. Mc NAIRN Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia (Grand Master, unless otherwise stated) ARTHURCRONIN, GSTD Grand Lodge of Nevada FERNANDOTEIXE~~A Regular Grand Lodge of Portugal RICHARDA. MIKLICH Grand Lodge of Colorado JOSEPH FERENCZ Symbolic Grand Lodge of Hungary PONCIANORONDON Grand Lodge of the Dominican Republic GEORGESRAWIRI,PRoGM Grand Lodge of Gabon WILLlAMR. MILLER, PGM Grand Lodge of the State of Washington LUIS SALATGUSrLS Grand Lodge of Spain ALEJONEYELOFF Grand Lodge of Argentina GUNNERFLYGENRING,PGM Grand Lodge of Alaska JAMESL. EATMAN Grand Lodge of Nebraska LOUIS DE BOUVERE Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium PEDRORETAMOSO Grand Lodge of Uruguay R.S. BAUSER Grand Lodge of South Africa NORMANE. BYRNE, QC Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario GAUTAMDIVAN Grand Lodge of India IVAND. RINCK Grand Lodge of Oregon RICHARDCRIPE Grand Lodge of Japan STfu'lLEYM. CAZNEAUX Grand Lodge of California YOUNG,CHWAN-LIN Grand Lodge of China ANDREZIRVES Grand Lodge of Luxembourg (reconstituted in Taipei in 1954) ANDREBINGGELl Grand Lodge of ,Alp in a' of Switzerland INDRIDIPALSSON National Grand Lodge of Iceland LEo ARDNOECHEL, PGM Grand Lodge of Michigan RAINERJ. SCHICKE United Grand Lodges of Germany JAMEST. MILLER Grand Lodge of Illinois joss GUlLLERMOOROZCOALVAREZ FRANKA. SMITH, PGM Grand Lodge of Arkansas Occidental Grand Lodge of Colombia, at Cali FRED EDWINALLEN,PGM Grand Lodge of Texas MORDECHAIBLAZER Grand Lodge of the State of Israel J AIRAssis RIBEIRO Grand Orient of Brazil GEORGESPETIT, GTREAS Grand Lodge of Bolivia ROBERTDOWNEY Grand Lodge of Missouri MATT! PELTONEN Grand Lodge of Finland GEORGEPETER PULKKINEN Grand Lodge of Maine JIRI SYLLABA Grand Lodge of Czechoslovakia MAXL. CARPENTER Grand Lodge ofIndiana JORGE A. GAVIRIA-LIEVANO Grand Lodge of Colombia, at Bogota WILLIAMANDERSON Grand Lodge of Tennessee ISAACSCHUSTER-SMITH,PGM Grand Lodge of Colombia, at Cartagena RoyB. DELANEY Grand Lodge of Louisiana MALCOLMKINROSS Grand Lodge of Queensland JEROLDJ. SAMET Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia RAMIROARTETA-GUZMAN H. RAYEVANS,DEPGM Grand Lodge of Ohio National Grand Lodge of Colombia at Barranquilla PAULELLIS, PGM Grand Lodge of Delaware ALBERTOLALO Grand Lodge of Panama WILLIAMG. HINTON Grand Lodge of Kentucky CLAUDECHARBONNIAUD, DEPGM National Grand Lodge of France JOSEPHW. THIBODEAU Grand Lodge of Rhode Island PEDRO LEONELMORENO Grand Lodge 'Cuscatlan' of El Salvador GEORGED. VANDYKE Grand Lodge of New Hampshire GORDONARMSTRONG,PGM Grand Lodge of Alberta Loins VANDEREYK Grand Lodge of Connecticut CURNOWKNUCKEY Grand Lodge of Western Australia RAYNORRIS Grand Lodge of North Carolina PEDRO FILLOY Grand Lodge of Costa Rica JACKR. FRAZIER,G.Sec Grand Lodge of Maryland OLA KNUTRUD Grand Lodge of Norway GEORGE S. MARTIN Grand Lodge of New Jersey ROBERTDAVIDORR Grand Lodge of New Zealand REX D. CHILTON Grand Lodge of Georgia MAJ.-GEN. FRANCISE. POKE, AD, RFD, ED, EDWARDH. FOWLER Grand Lodge ofPennysvania United Grand Lodge of Victoria HEINZ SCHEIDERBAUER Grand Lodge of Austria RONALDL.H. JOHNSON United Grand Lodge of ew South Wales SHELDONK. BLAl K Grand Lodge of the State of New York DONALDJOHN ALEXANDER Grand Lodge of South Australia WILLIAMD. LONGSHORE Grand Lodge of South Carolina CARLOSMORAVI Grand Lodge of Peru JOHNDEAN Grand Lodge of Virginia OSCART. LYON Grand Lodge of Arizona EDGARW. DARLING JAMESD. WADLEY Grand Lodge of Utah Grand Lodge of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts EDWARDB. HEARNE Grand Lodge of British Columbia GUSTAFPIEHL, PRoGM Grand Lodge of Sweden LORNEPHILLlPS Grand Lodge of Quebec ROBERTSCHULTlNK Grand East of the Netherlands ERIK F. QVIST National Grand Lodge of Denmark BROTHER GRAND LODGE 23. Grand Lodge will be Called Off. BRIG SIR GREGORMACGREGOROFMACGREGOR,El, GMM Grand Lodge of Scotland 24. The Grand Charity's business will be transacted (for details seethe Paper OFDONEGALL,LVO THE MOST HON THEMARQUESS Grand Lodge of Ireland of Business enclosed). a. Minutes, 11 March for confirmation. 13. The Most.Worshipful The Grand Master will welcome Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of England near other Grand Lodges. b. Council's Report. c. Resolution - £300,000 for general charitable purposes ("Minor 14. MW Bro Charles Wagemans, PGM of and representative of the United grants"). Grand Lodge of England near the Regular Grand Lodge of Belgium will reply. d. Resolution - £500,000 for Macmillan Paediatric Nursing Services. 15. The Visiting Deputations will be welcomed by the RW Deputy Grand Master. ---0--- 16. The following Grand Masters will reply: a. MW Bro Edgar W. Darling, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Dedication of Foundation Stone the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 25. The President of the Grand Charity will address His Royal Highness b. MW Bro Joseph Ferencz, Grand Master of the Symbolic Grand as Grand President of the Grand Charity and of the Masonic Trust for Girls Lodge of Hungary. and Boys. 17. The Choir will sing the Anthem. "I was glad" (Psalm 122) by Sir H~bert 26. The Presidents of the Grand Charity and the Masonic Trust for Girls Parry. and Boys will submit plans and specifications. 18. Grand Lodge will be Called On. 27. A prayer will be offered by the Grand Chaplain. 19. Grand Lodge's business will be transacted (for details, seethe Paper of 28. A hymn will be sung by all present. Business, enclosed). a. Minutes, 11 March and 29 April for confirmation. 4 b. Election of Auditors. Father in heaven who lovest all, Teach us to look, in all our ends, o help they children when they call; On thee for judge, and not our friends; c. Loyal Address That they may build from age to age That we, with thee, may walk uncowed An undefiled heritage. By fear or favour of the crowd. d. Board of General Purposes' Report. e. Motion Pursuant to Notice. 2 5 f. Notice of Motion Teach us to bear the yoke in youth, Teach us the strength that cannot seek, With steadfastness and careful truth; By deed or thought, to hurt the weak; That, in our time, thy grace may give That, under thee, we may possess 20. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will announce his intention to The truth whereby the nations live. Man's strength to comfort man's distress. make certain appointments to Grand Rank and to London and Overseas Grand Rank. 3 6 Teach us to rule ourselves alway, Teach us delight in simple things, 21. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will signify his pleasure that Controlled and cleanly night and day; And mirth that has no bitter springs; Provincial and District Grand Masters shall be entitled to confer Honours in That we may bring, if need arise, Forgiveness free of evil done, their Provinces and Districts in celebration of the occasion. No maimed or worthless sacrifice. And love to all men 'neath the sun. So MOle it be 22. The MW The Grand Master will announce the appointment of four RUDYARD KIPLlNG TUNE: WARE HAM Provincial Grand Masters. \'1/ KNAPP, [698-[768 29. During the singing of the hymn a procession will be formed: 38. The Most \'\!orshipful Pro Grand Master will address Grand Lodge. TWO DEPUTY GRAND DIRECTORS OF CEREMONIES A.W. HANBURy-BATEMAN R.J. KAY 39. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master will reply and address Grand Lodge. The President of the The President of the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Grand Charity 40. A prayer of thanksgiving will be offered by the Grand Chaplain. THERT HON SIRIANPERCIVAL,QC SIR JOHNWELCH,ET The Secretary of the Grand Charity The Grand Chaplain 41. The first and third verses of the National Anthem will be sung by all CDR M.B.S. HIGHAM,RN THERT REVD.G. GALLIFORD present. THE GRAND PRESIDENT God save our gracious Queen, Thy choicest gifts in store of the Grand Charity and the Masonic Trust for Girls and Boys Long live our noble Queen, On her be pleased to pour, HRH THEDUKEOFKENT,KG, GCMG, GCVO, ADC God save the Queen. Long may she reign. Send her victorious, May she defend our laws, THE GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES Happy and glorious, And ever give us cause G.R.G. PURSER Long to reign over us: To sing with heart and voice, God save the Queen. God save the Queen. and will move to the Stone. 42. A closing Ode will be sung by all present. 30. The Stone will be unveiled. 2 31. The Grand Chaplain will read 1 Kings 6, 7. o praise ye the Lord I o praise ye the Lord! Praise him in the height; Praise him upon earth, 32. The Grand President will dedicate the Stone. Rejoice in his word, In tuneful accord, Ye angels of light; Ye sons of new birth; Ye heavens adore him Praise him who hath brought you 33. The Secretary of the Grand Charity will read the inscription on the By whom ye were made, His grace from above, Stone. And worship before him, Praise him who hath taught you In brightness arrayed. To sing of his love. 34. The Choir will sing the Anthem "The Mighty Master's Pencil" (Bro John Fisher's composition for the opening of the new Freemasons' Hall, 3 4 London on 23 May 1776). o praise ye the Lord, o praise ye the Lord: All things that give sound; Thanksgiving and song 35. During the singing of the Anthem, the plans and specifications will be Each jubilant chord To him be outpoured laid on the Stone, the procession will reform and its members will return to Re-echo around; All ages along; their original places. Loud organs, his glory For love in creation, Forth tell in deep tone, For heaven restored, 36. The Grand Chaplain will give the Patriarchal Benediction. And, sweet harp, the story For grace of salvation, Of what he hath done. o praise ye the Lord I ----0---- So Male it be 37. The following Grand Masters will address Grand Lodge:- TUNE: LAUDATE DOMINUM BASED ON PSALM 150 SIR HUBERT PARRY (1848-1918) a. MW Bro the Most Hon the Marquess of Donegall, LVG, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ireland, 43. During the singing of the Ode, the lesser lights will be extinguished. b. Bro Sir Gregor MacGregor ofMacGregor, Bt, MW Grand Master Mason of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, and c. MW Bro Norman E. Byrne, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of 44. The Most Worshipful The Grand Master, accompanied by his Grand Canada in the Province of Ontario. Officers, will retire in Procession from the Arena. 45. The representatives of the Time Immemorial Lodges will retire from the Arena bearing the Three Great Lights and the Wren Maul. 46. Visiting Grand Masters will retire in procession from the Arena. 47. Representatives of the United Grand Lodge of England near other Grand Lodges and members of Visiting Deputations other than Grand Masters will retire in procession from the Arena. Westminster Room 48. Grand Lodge will be Called On. 49. Grand Lodge will be closed in ample form by the lvlost Worshipful The Grand Master.
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