My Logistics Język angielski dla logistyków Wydawca: Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania ul. Estkowskiego 6 61-755 Poznań tel. 061 850 49 22, faks 061 852 63 76 w w w SPIS TREŚCI Seria “Biblioteka Logistyka” Od a u to ró w ..................................................................................................7 Redaktor serii: Tomasz Janiak Unit 1. Logistics in general ...................................................................9 Unit 2. My work ...................................................................................14 ISBN 978-83-87344-34-4 Unit 3. Job interview ...........................................................................19 Unit 4. My c o m p a n y ............................................................................28 U n its. In th e o ffic e .............................................................................. 35 Copyright © by Instytut Logistyki i Magazynowania Unit 6 . Pricelists and business offers, part 1 ............................... 39 Poznań 2010 Unit 7. Pricelists and business offers, part 2 ............................... 45 Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone Unit 8 . Invoicing....................................................................................51 Unit 9. Financial s e ttle m e n ts .............................................................57 Unit 10. F orw arding............................................................................... 69 Fotografie: Unit 11. Transport of goods ................................................................ 75 Artur Olejniczak - okładka, str. 106, 110, 123, 140, 142 Unit 12. Transport of passengers .......................................................79 Tomasz Janiak - str. 12, 14, 29, 106, 117, 123, 139,140 Unit 13. Rail tra n s p o rta tio n ................................................................. 86 Adam Wojciechowski - str. 131, 132 " Unit 14. Road transportation ..............................................................93 Piotr Kaźmierski - str. 36 Unit 15. Sea tr a n s p o r ta tio n ................................................................. 99 Agencja STOCK.XCHNG - str. 12, 36, 77, 78, 82, 91, 97, 105, 106, 123, 139 Unit 16. Air tr a n s p o r ta tio n ................................................................ 107 GS1 - str. 12, 14, 19, 123, 138 Unit 17. Intermodal t r a n s p o r t ...........................................................112 PKP Cargo - str. 91 Unit 18. Handling of g o o d s ................................................................ 119 Marcin Hajdul - str. 106 Unit 19. Warehousing .........................................................................125 Unit 20. Warehousing e q u i p m e n t....................................................130 Unit 21. Loading and unloading ....................................................... 135 Konsultacja językowa: dr John Catlow Unit 22. Goods identification ............................................................142 Konsultacja metodyczna: dr Witosław Awedyk Unit 23. Supply c h a i n s ........................................................................ 147 t Unit 24. Logistics and th e I n t e r n e t .................................................. 156 Opracowanie redakcyjne: Tomasz Janiak Unit 25. Recycling in logistics ............................................................163 Annex 1. Numbers ............................................................................... 168 Annex 2. Logistics D o c u m e n ts ...........................................................178 Słowniczek polsko-angielski ............................................................182 Skład i łamanie: Piotr Kaźmierski Słowniczek angielsko-polski ............................................................196 Opracowanie graficzne okładki: Piotr Kaźmierski Druk i oprawa: Zakład Poligraficzny Moś & Łuczak, ul. Piwna 1, 60-375 Poznań OD A U T O R Ó W Książka jest zbiorem angielskich tekstów źródłow ych o tem atyce logisty cznej, uzupełnionych ćw iczeniam i leksykalnymi oraz zadaniami rozwijającymi sprawność pisania i sw obodnego w ypow iadania się na tem aty zw iązane z logistyką. Każdy z 25 rozdziałów tem atycznych [units) rozpoczyna się czytanką, do której został przygotowany glosariusz podstaw ow ych term inów w niej występujących. Kolejnym elem entem są ćw iczenia leksykalne, mające na celu utrwalanie słow nictw a użytego w czytankach, a także ćw iczenia na m ów ienie i redagowanie podstaw ow ych pism z zakresu logistyki. W niektórych rozdziałach ćw iczenia zostały uzupełnione zbiorem przy datnych zw rotów i wyrażeń, które mają na celu zautom atyzow anie tych kompetencji. Autorzy położyli nacisk na ćwiczenia aktywizujące uczniów do komunikacji, doskonalenie sprawności m ówienia, stosow ania zw rotów grzecznościow ych i potocznych, prow adzenia rozm ów towarzyskich i służbowych. Na końcu książki zam ieszczono dwa słow niczki logisty czne: angielsko-polski i polsko-angielski. Załączniki zawierają w z o ry wybranych dokum entów (w jęz. angielskim) stosow anych w logistyce. Autorzy starali się ująć w książce najbardziej podstaw ow ą term inologię logistyczną obejmującą takie zagadnienia jak: działalność firm logisty cznych, gałęzie transportu, spedycja, operacje m agazynow e, identyfikacja towarów. Podręcznik jest przeznaczony dla osób przygotowujących się do pracy w branży logistycznej, przede w szystkim uczniów kształcących się w zaw od zie technik logistyk oraz stud en tów logistyki - słuchaczy lektoratów języka angielskiego. Cel, jaki postaw ili sobie autorzy, to przygotow anie uczniów do prowadzenia rozm ów i korespondencji z anglojęzycznymi kontrahenta mi pracującymi w działach logistyki przedsiębiorstw handlowych i produk / cyjnych, firmach logistycznych i spedycyjnych. Przyswojenie materiału ujętego w książce pozw oli na uzupełnienie i podniesienie znajom ości języka angielskiego, a w szczególności doskonalenie posługiw ania się term inologią logistyczną. Dla lepszego zrozum ienia specyfiki słow nictw a logistycz nego, w książce w ykorzystano oryginalne teksty z prasy fachowej oraz, fragmenty m ateriałów informacyjnych firm logistycznych. Ze w zględu na w ykorzystanie w książce tek stów źródłowych - uproszczonych w bardzo ograniczonym zakresie - jest ona przeznaczona dla osób znających język angielski na poziom ie przynajmniej średnio zaawansowanym . fi 7 Autorzy wyrażają nadzieję, że w iedza i um iejętności nabyte dzięki zapozna UNIT 1. LOGISTICS IN GENERAL niu się z zaprezentow anym m ateriałem pozw olą na sw obodną komunikację w języku angielskim w pracy zawodowej w logistyce, zarów no w kraju jak i za granicą. [ ^Reading Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions. Aleksandra i Marek M atulewscy 1. What does logistics manage? Poznań, luty 2 0 1 0 r. 2. What are th e main objective of logistics? 3. What does logistics involve? 4. What is logistics m anagem ent? 5. What do logistics m anagem ent activities include? 6. Why is logistics m anagem ent an integrating function? 7. What are logistics activities integrated with? Definition o f Logistics Logistics is the planning, execution and control o f the movement and place ment o f people and/or goods. Logistics aims at supplying: ■ The right product • in the right quantity, • o f the right value, • to the right place, ■ at the right time, • to the right customer, • at the right price. Definition of Logistics Management Logistics m anagem ent is that part of supply chain m anagem ent th a t plans, imple ments, and controls th e efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information betw een th e point of origin and the point of consumption in order to m e et custom ers' requirements. Logistics m anagem ent activities typically include inbound and outbound trans portation m anagem ent, fleet managem ent, warehousing, materials handling, or der fulfillment, logistics network design, inventory m anagem ent, supply/demand planning, and m anagem ent of third-party logistics service providers. To varying ’ degrees, th e logistics function also includes sourcing and procurem ent, produc-/ tion planning and scheduling, packaging and assembly, and custom er service. It is > involved in all levels of planning and execution - strategic, operational and tacti cal. Logistics m anagem ent is an integrating function, which coordinates and op timizes all logistics activities, as well as integrating logistics activities with other 9 functions including marketing, sales manufacturing, finance, and information order fulfillment realizacja zamówienia technology (defined by th e Council od Supply Chain Management)1. logistics network sieć logistyczna inventory management zarządzanie stanami magazynowymi, Glossary zarządzanie zapasami supply/demand planning planowanie podaży/popytu logistics logistyka third-party osoba trzecia management zarządzanie logistics service providers dostawcy usług logistycznych flow of goods przepływ towarów to varying degrees w różnym stopniu flow of people przepływ ludzi function funkcja, zadanie point of origin miejsce pochodzenia sourcing wyszukiwanie źródeł zaopatrzenia point of consumption miejsce konsumpcji procurement zaopatrzenie, zaopatrywanie point of destination miejsce przeznaczenia production planning planowanie produkcji to supply dostarczać scheduling planowanie, sporządzanie planów right product właściwy produkt packaging pakowanie right quantity właściwa ilość assembly montaż right value właściwy stan customer service obsługa klienta right place właściwe miejsce at all levels na wszystkich poziomach right time właściwy czas planning planowanie right customer właściwy klient execution wykonanie right price właściwy koszt strategic strategiczny to include obejmować operational operacyjny supporting activities działania wspomagające tactical taktyczny to achieve osiągać integrating function zadanie integrujące, funkcja integracyjna 7 Rs 7 W (zasada 7W) to coordinate koordynować logistics management zarządzanie logistyczne to optimize optymalizować supply chain łańcuch dostaw logistics activity działanie logistyczne supply chain management zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw to integrate integrować to plan planować sales sprzedaż to implement wdrażać manufacturing produkcja to control kontrolować information technology informatyka efficient sprawny, sprawnie działający effective skuteczny, efektywny Vocabulary forward and reverse flow dwukierunkowy przepływ storage of goods przechowanie towarów Exercise 1. Translate into English. flow of services przepływ usług to meet the requirements 1 . przepływ towarów 6 . podaż sprostać wymaganiom activity działanie 2 . łańcuch dostaw 7. planowanie produkcji fleet management 3. miejsce pochodzenia 8 . wdrażać zarządzanie flotą 4. wymogi stawiane przez klientów 9 . magazynowanie tow arów 5. popyt 1 h ttp ://c sc m p .o rg /a b o u tc sc m p /d e fin itio n s/d e fin itio n s.a s p m Exercise 2. Supply th e missing prepositions. Write an e-mail stating the following. Logistics is th e m a n a g e m e n t__________th e flo w __________ goods and people, > delivery date - 5 days from the placing of an order __________ th e p o i n t __________ origin and th e p o in t___________consumption . price - £500 __________ o r d e r ___________ m eet the r e q u ire m e n ts ___________ consumers. • shipment - depends on the destination, usually about £400 Logistics involves th e i n t e g r a t i o n __________information, transportation, . 5% discounts on orders exceeding £500, and 10% on orders exceeding inventory, warehousing, material-handling, and packaging. £1500. Speaking j___________________________________________________________ Bank of useful phrases and expressions Exercise 1. Look at th e pictures and say w hat th e people are doing. Salutation and close Dear Sir or M adam - Yours sincerely Dear Mr. Smith - Yours sincerely/Kind regards/Best regards To whom it may concern - Yours sincerely/Kind regards/Best regards Dear Robert - Best regards/Best wishes Opening sen ten ce I am just writing to inform you ... I am just writing to confirm ... I am just writing to reply to ... Thank you very much for your e-mail. Replying to an enquiry I'm sending y o u ... Writing Please f i n d ... attached. Read the e-mail Thank you very much for your interest in our services. We hope th a t you are satisfied with ... Ending I look forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to hearing from you ASAP. Hope to hear from you soon I 13 UNIT 2 . M Y WORK Glossary Reading______________________________________ to work for sb pracować dla to work on sth pracować nad czymś Exercise 1. Read the text and answer th e questions. to work under sb podlegać komuś, pracować dla kogoś to run kierować czymś, być szefem czegoś 1. Who works for a logistics company? to be responsible for sth być odpowiedzialnym za 2. Who deals with delivering goods? a logistics company firma logistyczna, spółka logistyczna 3. Who has driving experience? experience in sth doświadczenie w czymś 4. Who works in a w arehouse? goods towary transportation manager kierownik ds. transportu, manedżer ds. I'm Robert Brown. I work for a logistics company. My transportu work involves transporting goods. To be exact, I run Transportation Department dział transportu th e Transportation D epartm ent. I am a tra n sp o rta to prepare przygotowywać tion manager. Fifteen people work under me. I am schedule harmonogram responsible for preparing transportation schedules to ship przewozić, dostarczać (towary) and shipping goods. Our D epartm ent is responsible delivery dostawa for providing transportation services. pick up tu: odbiór pickup and delivery tu: odbiór i dostawa truck samochód ciężarowy My nam e is John Smith. I work for Avis. I am a logistics on average średnio, przeciętnie specialist. I am responsible for managing th e logistics ft skrót foot (stopa) lu b /e e t (stopy) via rail and road carriers for incoming ingredients for (jednostka długości odpowiadająca 30 cm) th e production plants within the region. I am also responsible for th e purchasing per month na miesiąc and logistics of ready products and timely delivery of ingredients to plants. to pick odbierać, pobierać warehouse magazyn to deliver dostarczać consignee odbiorca Hi, I'm Ed. I'm a driver. I have four years' pickup and logistics specialist specjalista ds. logistyki delivery experience driving a 24 ft truck, i work for to manage kierować, zarządzać Prologis. On average, I drive about 8000 km per to transport transportować, przewozić month. I pick up goods from our w arehouse and transportation transport, przewóz deliver them to consignees. carrier przewoźnik rail carrier przewoźnik kolejowy road carrier przewoźnik drogowy Hi, I'm George Blackwell. I'm a w arehouse assistant. incoming przychodzący I am responsible for picking items for shipment ingredient składnik from the w arehouse. I work with a com puter a lot. production produkcja My job requires using bar code scanners and keep- to purchase kupować, nabywać ing inventory reports up-to-date. 1A 15 logistics logistyka Speaking ready products produkty gotowe, produkty finalne timely na czas Exercise 1. Discuss. warehouse assistant magazynier (odpowiedzialny za stany w magazynie) 1 . W hat is your jo b ? / W hat do you do? 6 . How long does it take you to get inventory stan magazynowy 2 . What are your responsibilities?/ to work? up-to-date aktualny What are you responsible for? 7. W hat tim e do you arrive at work? report raport 3. W hat time do you start your work? 8 . W hat sort of job do you find in shipment wysyłka (towarów) 4. W hat time do you leave for work? teresting? to require wymagać 5. How long do you work? 9. W hat job would you like to have? bar code scanner czytnik kodów kreskowych 1 0 . W hat is your dream job? Vocabulary Exercise 2. Ask your partner th e following questions. Exercise 1. Supply the missing words and expressions. Student A Student B 1. W hat is your name? 1. W hat's your name? 1. I'm a _________________ (specjalista ds. logistyki). 2. When w ere you born? 2. How old are you? 2. Steve i s ____________________(odpowiedzialny za) delivering goods. 3. W here do you come from? 3. W here are you from? 3. Our company has t h r e e _________________ (magazyny). 4. W here did you go to school? 4. W hat school did you gradu 4. This c o m p a n y __________________(świadczy) logistic services. 5. W hat is your phone number? ate from? 5. I deal w i t h _________________ (usługi transportowe). 6. W hat is your job? 5. W hat is your e-mail? 6 . Our drivers_________________ (dostarczają) goods to o u r __________________ 7. W hat is your address? 6 . W hat is your profession? (odbiorcy). 8. W hat is your hobby? 7. What is your hom e address? 7. Raben is one of th e biggest________________ (firm logistycznych) in Poland. 8 . What are you interested in? 8 . I'm a __________________(magazynier) and I'm responsible for picking items f o r __________________(wysyłka). Bank of useful phrases and expressions Exercise 2. Supply th e missing prepositions. Basic biographical information 1. I would like to w o rk ___ a logistics company. My nam e is Jan Kowalski. 2. I have a lot of ex p erien ce___ logistics. I'm Jan Kowalski. 3. Ten people w o r k ___ me. I'm 2 0 . 4. Steve is responsible___ delivering g o o d s ____ consignees. I'm fifteen years old. 5. ___ average, I work 40 hours per week. I was born on 12 November 1982 in Lublin. 6. I usually le av e___ w o rk ____ 7 o'clock. I was born in 1990 in Warsaw. 7. I arrive___ work half past seven. I w en t to secondary technical school in Kielce. 8. I sta rt work 8 o'clock. I com e from Radom. I am from Poland. ifi V f l l l Ł . Iłl I ¥¥VTI1I\ UNIT 3 . JOB INTERVIEW W hat is your address? My address i s ... My mobile i s ... \ Reading______________________________________________________________ Your job My first job was with Raben. Exercise 1. Read the interview between Jan Kowalski, a student, and his potential I worked as a w arehouse assistant. employer John Smith of ProLogis. Answer the questions. At present I work as a junior logistic specialist in Warsaw with Prologis. I work for Raben as a logistics assistant in th e D epartm ent of Logistics of 1 What is the attitude of John Smith to Jan Kowalski? Is he friendly/hostile? Fresh Products. 2. What is Jan Kowalski's educational background? I mostly deal with ... (kind of work). 3. What is his experience? I mostly deal with preparing shipments. 4. What are his weaknesses? I am responsible for ... 5. What are his strengths? I am responsible for international shipments. 6. Is he likely to get th e job? • How are you today? My job involves a lot of physical work. • I'm fine, thank you. And you? My job involves a lot of picking and sorting. • I'm very well, thank you. Did you have any trouble finding us? W hat I like ab o u t my job is th a t I m e e t a lot of people. • No, not at all. Your secretary gave me very clear directions. I've been with th e company for 5 years. • What do you think of the w eather lately? I've been with th e company since 2006. • Oh, it's been great. I've been in my present job for 5 years. • Tell me about yourself. • I am currently studying at the Poznań School of Education Logistics and will graduate with an MSC degree I w en t to secondary technical school in Kielce. in logistics in th e spring. After leaving school I studied logistics at th e Poznań School of Logistics. • What experience do you have in this field? I graduated from the Poznań University of Technology. • I served an apprenticeship with Raben last After leaving school I studied logistics a t th e Poznań University of Techno sum m er in th e D epartm ent of Logistics and logy. Forwarding. I did a course in transportation. • What do you know about our company? I did a degree in logistics. • ProLogis is th e world's largest owner, manager 1 did an apprenticeship in forwarding. and developer of distribution facilities in 118 countries in North America, Asia and Europe. _ 'e Hobbies The company leases industrial space to m anu I like swimming. facturers, retailers, transportation companies, third-party logistics providers I am interested in football. and o ther enterprises with large-scale distribution needs. I am fond of windsurfing. • What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year? I'm keen on basketball. • Istudiedalot.lattendedafew sem inarson logistics,distributionandforwarding. ia iq I have also com pleted training in materials handling this year. [ Glossary • Why do you w ant to work for this organization? • Because Prologis has a reputation for high quality logistic services, and I would direction wskazówka like to work for one company for a longer period of time. I think I can benefit to study uczyć się m ore working in an environment which offers prospects for development. to graduate from ukończyć (szkołę, studia) • W hat kind of salary do you need? degree stopień, tytuł • That's a tough question. Can you tell me th e range for this position? MSC - Master of Science magister nauk ścisłych • Are you a te am player? experience doświadczenie • I definitely prefer working as a part of a team as I do not have leadership skills. to serve an apprenticeship odbyć staż • How long would you expect to work for us if hired? forwarding spedycja • As long as we both feel I'm doing a good job. owner właściciel • What is your greatest strength? developer dew eloper • I think th a t it's my ability to work under pressure and my positive attitude to distribution facilities infrastruktura dystrybucyjna people. to lease wynajmować, wydzierżawiać, dzierżawić • Tell me about your dream job. industrial space powierzchnia przemysłowa • My dream job is a job w here I love the work, like th e people and can contrib manufacturer producent ute. retailer deta lista • Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends? transportation company firma transportowa, firma przewozowa • Yes, I do not have a family yet, so it will be no problem. logistic provider dostawca usług logistycznych • Would you be willing to relocate if required? enterprise przedsiębiorstwo • If necessary, yes. But I would prefer to stay in Poznań if possible, as my par large-scale na dużą skalę ents and m ost of my friends live here. distribution dystrybucja • What are your strengths and weaknesses? to improve poprawiać, polepszać • I think th a t my main weakness is lack of professional experience. As far as knowledge wiedza my strengths are concerned I'm an industrious person, willing to learn new to attend uczęszczać things. W hat is more, I can easily adapt to a new environm ent and new peo seminar seminarium, wykład ple. training (niepoliczalne) szkolenie • Why do you think you are th e best person for th e job? materials handling manipulacje na towarach • I believe th a t my enthusiasm, open mind and willingness to learn new things organization organizacja can com pensate for my lack of experience. Moreover, I have relevant educa to have a reputation for być znanym z czegoś tion and know th e field very well. high quality wysoka jakość • Do you have any questions for me? logistics services usługi logistyczne • Oh, yes. W hat staff training and developm ent opportunities are available? period okres • In general, our employees can attend an English course financed by th e com benefit, to benefit korzyść, odnieść korzyść pany. Moreover, once a year w e offer our staff a selection of training. environment środowisko • Thank you. prospects for development perspektywy rozwoju • Thank you very much for coming here. We will contact you shortly. salary pensja (wypłacana raz na miesiąc) wage wynagrodzenie wypłacane za przepracowane godziny lub dniówki remuneration wynagrodzenie 71 range zakres I Vocabulary________________________________________________________ position stanowisko tough question trudne pytanie Exercise 1. Word formation. team player osoba umiejąca pracować w zespole We offer our staff various types o f ________________ (train). leadership skills umiejętności przywódcze 2. I h a v e ________________ (lead) skills. to hire zatrudniać 3. Steve works very hard. He is v e ry __________________ (industry). strength mocna strona 4. He has a lot o f ________________ (expert) in logistics. weakness słaby punkt 5. Why do you w ant to work for t h i s _________________ (organize)? to work under pressure pracować pod presją 6. Pro Logis is th e world's larg est________________ (own) of distribution facili attitude to postawa wobec ties. to contribute przyczyniać się do 7. What is your g r e a te s t________________ (strong)? to work overtime pracować po godzinach 8. I w an t to improve m y ________________ (know). to relocate przeprowadzać się, przenosić 9. This job offers good prospects f o r __________________ (develop). to require wymagać 10. My m a in ____________ ___ (weak) is th a t I'm not very punctual. willing chętny to prefer woleć professional knowledge doświadczenie zawodowe Exercise 2. Supply the missing words. industrious pracowity 1 . W h a t_________________ (doświadczenie) do you have in this field? to adapt to sth dostosować się do czegoś 2. 1served a n _____________________ (staż) with Raben last summer. enthusiasm entuzjazm 3 . I would like to work for a company which offers_______________________ open mind tolerancja (perspektywy rozwoju). willingness to do sth chęć robienia czegoś 4. I do not h a v e ___________________ (umiejętności przywódcze). to compensate zrekompensować 5. People in Poland usually get monthly remuneration c a l le d _______________ lack of sth brak czegoś (pensja). relevant stosowny 6 . Our company deals w ith ________________ (dystrybucja). education wykształcenie 7. Robert has completed training i n ____________________________ (manipulacje field dziedzina materiałami). staff personel 8 . Jack doesn't like working________________ (pod presją). staff training szkolenia dla personelu 9. Not many people w ant to w o rk ________________ (po godzinach). development opportunities możliwości rozwoju 10. Susan is a v e r y ________________ (pracowity) person. available dostępny, osiągalny / in general ogólnie rzecz biorąc Exercise 3. Supply th e missing prepositions. to finance finansować 1. I am currently studying______ th e Poznań School of Logistics and will gradu offer oferować, proponować ate _________an MSc d e g r e e __________ logistics in th e spring. shortly wkrótce rozmowa o pracę, rozmowa kwalifikacyjna 2. Pro Logis is th e world's largest owner of distribution facilities________ 118, job interview c o u n tr ie s ________ North America, Asia and Europe. CV = Curriculum Vitae (BE)/ 3. The company leases industrial s p a c e _________transportation companies, resume (AE) życiorys third-party logistics providers and other en te rp ris e s _______ large-scale dis letter of application/cover letter/ list motywacyjny tribution needs. covering letter 23 4. Prologis has a re p u ta tio n ____________ high quality logistic services. E x e rcis e 2. Match the headings to the numbered parts of th e letter. 5. I think th a t my main weakness is lack________ professional experience. jf$ closing line, (b) your skills, (c) the address of the company you write to, (d) 6 . Our employees can attend an English course financed________ the company. the introductory part, (e) enclosures, (f) salutation, (g) your relevant qualifica tions and experience, (h) telephone number, (i) reasons for applying, (j) signature, (k) the date, (I) your address, (m) close. Speaking Letter of Application Exercise 1. Work with your partner. 1. ill. Roosevelta 5/4 61-8X5 Poznań Student A Student B Poland Imagine th at you work for a big logis Imagine th a t you are applying for 2. Tel. (+48) 600-789-987 tics company and you need to employ a job in a big logistics company. You 3. ProLogis Corporate Headquarters a new w arehouse assistant. Interview are interested in th e position of w are 4545 Airport Way a potential candidate, asking him as house assistant. You go for an inter Denver, Colorado 80239 many questions as possible. If you do view with your potential boss. Answer USA not have many ideas, look at the inter his/her questions. If you do not have 4. September 27, 2008 view above and at th e Speaking folder many ideas, look at th e interview in Unit 2. My job and work. above and at th e Speaking folder in 5. Dear Sir or Madam, Unit 2. My work. G, ( would like to apply for the position of logistic specialist advertised in this month's Issue of Logistics Business Magazine. Writing ____________________________________________________________ 7, As you will see from my CV (enclosed), I have one year's experience in logistics, t am Exercise 1. Read the job advertisem ent published in a logistics magazine. Imag employed as a junior logistics specialist by Raben. In my present job l have been ine th a t you have the necessary qualifications, skills and experience, and that responsible for communication between clients, suppliers and carriers. I have also you are interested in th e job advertised. Write a letter of application (look at the dealt with the purchasing and logistics of fresh products. I graduated in Logistics next page). Rem ember to write the following. and Warehousing from the Poznań School of Logistics in 2005, 8. lam used to working under pressure and as part of a team. I am an advanced 1. W here you read th e computer user and have extensive knowledge of recent developments in logistics Ribons & Cox and transportation. advertisement? Consultants in Logistics 2. W hat job you are applying for? Ribons&Cox has t-xteiun v c experience of lo g is tic s g a m e d over 9, i believe the job you offer will give me the opportunity to develop, because my m a n y years" v o r k i n g f o r a wide range o f c o m p a n ie s. W e a re u n iq u e 3. Your qualifications, experience and ly qu a lifie d to en > u re t h a t the logistics o p e r a t io n s u p p o r t s t h e o v e r all s tr a te g i c o b j r e t iv e s t.f your o r g a n is a tio n . T h e r a n g e o f services present position does not offer much prospect of promotion. skills. in clu de . * S t r a t e g y d e v e lo p m e n t 4. Why you are interested in th e job. * W a re h o u s e d e s ig n a n d i n v e n t o r y m a n a g e m e n t 10. i look forward to hearing from you and discussing this job opportunity further. • T r a n s p o r t s o lu tio n d e s ig n a n d m o de optim isation * I n fo r m a tio n te c h n o lo g y a p p lic a tio n • <.'untract d e \ e l o p m e w and co n tra c to r m anagem ent 11 Yours faithfully, • B e n ch m ark in g a n d p ro cess m ap p in g ♦ L o g is tic s p u r c h a s i n g a n d v e n d o r r a t i n g * I n te r n a ti o n a l s u p p ly c h a in management ■ P a c k a g in g S o lu tio n s 12. John Smith F o r fu r th e r in fo rm a tio n c o n ta c t: R ib o n s& C o x L o g istic s L td , T h e C o a c h H o use, G re e n S tre e t, P ly m o u th , N W fi 5 D 2 Tel: 0 1 3 5 8 358774- F ax: 0 1 3 5 8 358441 13. Enc: CV 25 Exercise 3. Write a CV matching the letter of application from Exercise 2. ' Bank of useful phrases a nd expressions CV (Curriculum Vitae) paragraph 1 [ would like to apply for th e position of logistics specialist advertised in this CURRICULUM VITAE month's issue of Logistics Business Magazine. t wish to apply for th e position of logistics specialist advertised in this month's Jan Jerzy Kowalski Address: ul. Kantaka 3/3, 61-816 Poznan Issue of Logistics Business Magazine. Phone: (061) 153-28-00 I would like to apply for th e job of logistics specialist advertised in last 0112-000-456 month's issue of Logistics Business Magazine. Date of birth: 19 November 1971 Paragraph 2 Nationality: Polish I am a graduate of th e Poznan School of Logistics, w here I majored in ... Marital status: married, one child I graduated in freight forwarding from th e Poznań University of Technology. Relevant Education: As you will s ee from my CV (enclosed), I have five years' experience in ... May. 1997 obtained the title of Master of Science at Poznań School of In my first job, I worked for tw o years as a w arehouse assistant. Logistics At present I am employed as a logistic technician by Raben. 1992-1997 studied at Poznań School of Logistics I have held this position for th re e years. 1986-1990 attended J. J. Paderewskiego secondary school in Poznań, I obtained practical training in forwarding. My duties have included picking up goods from our warehouses and deliver Professional Experience; ing th e m to our consignees. 1998-present works as a specialist in logistics for The Lorenz Bahlsen Snack- World Sp. z o.o. (limited liability company) In my job I have been responsible for inventory m anagem ent. 1996 served a student's apprenticeship at CENTRA S.A. in the logistics I attend ed technical secondary school in Kalisz, w here I passed th e Polish department school - leaving exam in 2005. I served a th re e m onth apprenticeship with Prologis. During my apprentice Languages: ship I obtained practical training in handling goods in a warehouse. Polish - native 1am used to working under pressure (to a deadline, with a computer, as part English -good of a team...). Russian-very good Spanish- passive I am familiar with bar code scanners/com puter software/W indows I have a driving licence. I have som e knowledge of forwarding. Relevant Qualifications: • advanced computer user (MS Office, Windows, Progress, Clipper, Corel Draw, Paragraph 3 Lotus Notes), I believe th e job you offer will give me th e opportunity to develop, because • advanced Internet user (learned how to collect data, use different e-mail sys my present position does not offer much prospect of promotion. tems, design Internet websites), My present job offers little prospect of promotion and th a t is why I am inter • obtained basic knowledge on local logistics networks, ested in working for your company. • studied accountancy, labour law, commercial law, • studied forwarding, You will find my CV and letters of recom m endation enclosed. • conducted negotiations in commerce, I hope th e job in your company will give me th e opportunity to develop. • driving licence. I should b e available to s ta rt beginning O ctober 15th. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 27 Additional warehousing services include: UNIT 4 . MY CO M PAN Y « wrapping and labelling (including non-standard sales units), . repacking, Reading ______________________________________________________ . preparing promotional units. Administering goods and preparing consignments: Exercise 1. Read the marketing text about services provided by Raben in Poland The whole process of storage and distribution is administered in fine detail. The and answer th e questions. professional stock m anagem ent system makes it possible to: • actively manage w arehouse stocks, 1. W hat is th e warehousing area of the 11 Raben Distribution Centres? • release products according to the rules of FIFO, BBD or any o ther rules 2. W hat are th e storage conditions in Raben w arehouses? agreed individually with a client, 3. W hat are Raben warehouses equipped with? • control by system e.g. expiry dates of products, production batch numbers, 4. W hat are th e services provided by Raben? serial numbers of pallets (history of operations available even after release 5. Which warehousing activities are autom ated? of goods from th e warehouse), 6. In w hat way are goods prepared for shipping? • interchange electronic data with clients (EDI links) enabling th e information 7. W hat is th e volume of goods delivered from Raben w arehouses? to be transferred in real time, 8. W hat type of distribution is provided by Raben? • commission goods on pallets and prepare consignments, Modern warehousing: • report in detail to clients. Eleven Raben Distribution Centres in Poland certain about 265 000 m 2 of w are Distribution: housing space with different storage conditions, including: We deliver goods in various volumes - from a single parcel to full truck loads from • separate zones for food and non-food products, our warehouses to a given address. Our standards in distribution include: • zones with controlled tem perature, • deliveries to network consignees, • separate rooms for dangerous goods (ADR). • exchange of Euro pallets at consignees, Raben's w arehouses in Poland are equipped with: • return of signed delivery docum ents, • multi-level storage racking system, • adjustm ent of tra n sp o rt conditions to individual needs. • com puterised administration of stored goods, We are effective in distribution: • modern internal transport, • in th e form of direct deliveries, • 24-hour security service and site monitoring procedures. • in a groupage system, with reloading at terminals. We additionally provide to clients a cross-docking service. We also have Warehousing service: experience in distribution from clients' w arehouses1. In our w arehouses we provide services involving unloading and accepting goods, controlling th e quality and quantity of goods at th e sam e time. This process is facilitated by th e automation of warehousing activities, such as : • scanning in th e process of accepting goods and checking releases of goods, • taking advantage of RF (radio frequency) technology, • identification of data from labels according to th e EAN 13 and EAN 128 standards. Goods for shipping can be prepared in various ways: hom ogeneous pallets, mixed pallets and parcels. 1 h ttp ://w w w .ra b e n -g ro u p .c o m - d a n e z w rześn ia 2 0 0 9 r. 28 29 Glossary gAlV standard - European Article Number Europejski Kod Towarowy gaods towary modern nowoczesny shipping wysyłka warehousing magazynowanie homogeneous pallets palety jednorodne to constitute stanowić palety mieszane mixed pallets warehousing space powierzchnia magazynowa paczka parcel various różnorodny, zróżnicowany dodatkowy extra storage conditions warunki przechowywania foliować to wrap separate oddzielny to label etykietować zone strefa non-standard sales units niestandardowe jednostki sprzedaży food products produkty spożywcze to repack przepakowywać non-food products produkty niespożywcze promotional unit zestaw promocyjny controlled temperature kontrolowana tem peratura consignment przesyłka dangerous goods (ADR) produkty niebezpieczne distribution dystrybucja to be equipped with być wyposażonym w szczegółowo, dokładnie in detail multi-level storage racking professional profesjonalny system system wysokiego składowania system zarządzania zapasami stock management system computerised administration skomputeryzowana administracja magazynowymi stored goods przechowywane tow ary zarządzać to manage modern internal transport nowoczesny transpo rt wewnętrzny warehouse stocks stany magazynowe 24-hour security service 24-godzinna/całodobowa ochrona wydawać p ro d u k ty /to w a ry to release products site monitoring procedures - procedury monitorowania obiektów FIFO - first in, first out pierwszy na wejściu, pierwszy na wyjściu warehousing services usługi magazynowe data ważności, data przydatności do BBD - Best Before Date to provide services świadczyć usługi spożycia unloading goods rozładunek tow arów kontrolować, monitorować to control accepting goods przyjmowanie towarów expiry date data ważności, data przydatności do to control quality of goods kontrolować jakość tow arów spożycia to control quantity of goods kontrolować ilość towarów production batch number numer partii produktu to facilitate ułatwiać serial number numer serii, num er seryjny automation of warehousing operation operacja activities automatyzacja czynności magazynowych available dostępny scanning skanowanie release of goods from warehouses wydanie towarów z magazynu checking releases of goods sprawdzanie wydań tow arów electronic data interchange (EDI) elektroniczna wymiana danych to take advantage of wykorzystywać information informacja RF (radio frequency) transfer transfer technology techniki radiowe RF in real time w czasie rzeczywistym identification identyfikacja to commission goods on pallets układać towary na paletach data dane to report to sb raportować do kogoś label etykieta deliver goods dostarczać towary 30 volume objętość Exercise 2. Translate th e words in brackets into English. full truck loads przesyłki całopojazdowe delivery dostawa ]. Extra warehousing services offered by Raben include:_________________ network consignee odbiorca sieciowy (foliowanie) a n d ________________ (etykietowanie),______________________ exchange wymiana (przepakowywanie), prep arin g_____________________________ (opakowania Euro pallet paleta typu EUR promocyjne). consignee odbiorca 2 , Goods can be prepared f o r _________________ (wysyłka) in various ways: ho return zwrot m ogeneous and m ixed _____________ (palety) as well a s ________________ signed delivery documents podpisane dokumenty dostawy (paczki). adjustment dostosowanie 3 , Our w arehouses are prepared t o __________________ (przechowywać) goods transport conditions warunki transportu in various s to r a g e __________________ (warunki). individual needs indywidualne potrzeby 4, We have at our disposal_________________________ (nowoczesny transport to be effective in sth być skutecznym w czymś wewnętrzny). direct delivery dostawa bezpośrednia groupage system sytem drobnicowy Exercise 3. W hat do th e abbreviations stand for? reloading przeładunek terminal terminal ADR • EAN • FIFO • BBD • EDI • LIFO • QR • JiT • FMCG cross-docking przeładunek kompletacyjny cross-docking to have experience in sth mieć doświadczenie w Speaking Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) dobra konsumpcyjne częstego zakupu Exercise 1. Imagine th a t you work for one of the following companies. Read the basic information on your company. Exchange information about your com pa nies. Vocabulary _____________ Student A_____________ _____________ Student B_____________ ProLogis is the world's largest owner, Kuehne+Nagel is a global leader in in Exercise 1. Supply th e missing words. manager and developer of distribution ternational forwarding. The company facilities, with 542.3 million square was founded in 1890. It has more than 1. _________________ is a building in which goods are stored. feet (50.4 million square meters) of 55,000 employees at 900 locations. 2. Raben deals with administering the goods and preparing________________ . industrial space in 132 markets across Kuehne+Nagel's Global Logistics Net 3. W e ________________ goods on pallets and p r e p a r e _________________ - North America, Asia and Europe. work comprises extensive offices 4. We c o n tro l________________ dates of products, pro d u ctio n ______________ ProLogis leases industrial space to and distribution facilities, staffed by numbers a n d ________________ numbers of pallets. manufacturers, retailers, tran sp o rta Kuehne+Nagel logistics experts who 5. We manage w a re h o u s e _______________ via a m o d e r n ____________________ tion companies, third-party logistics speak th e local language and under m anagem ent system. providers and other enterprises with stand the local culture. This enables 6 . We a l s o ___________________ products in accordance with th e following large-scale distribution needs. Head us to consistently deliver high-quality L rules: FIFO, BBD and rules agreed with a ___________________ . quartered in Denver, Colorado, Pro- services, worldwide. Our local offices Logis is a Fortune 500 company and a serve as connection points for cus- ' m em ber of th e S&P 500. to m er access to Kuehne+Nagel's 32 33 The company's w arehouses are strate global reach and expertise. Our Global UNIT 5 . IN THE OFFICE gically located in areas th a t can maxi Logistics Network covers more than: mize th e efficiency of distribution, lo • 10 0 countries Reading gistics and light manufacturing - near • 900 offices seaports, airports, major highways and • 5 5 ,0 0 0 logistics specialists Exercise 1. Read th e text and answer th e question: Which objects are used in o th e r strategic transportation infra Kuehne+Nagel delivers end-to-end the office by a secretary of a logistics manager? structure. supply chain solutions for many major But the ProLogis platform covers more industries, including high-tech, retail, than buildings alone. It includes ex fast-moving consumer goods, pharm a Sara works as a secretary of th e logistics manager in a big international company tensive land holdings - and global re ceutical/healthcare, industrial, chemi "Ffy with us". She is responsible for contacts with custom ers both regional and lationships with leading manufactur cal, aviation and automotive. international. Her responsibilities include: ers, retailers, logistics companies and Kuehne+Nagel cooperates with some 1 . Correspondence with clients (email and snail mail) other large-scale users of distribution of the largest and best-known com pa 2. Direct contacts (meetings with customers) space2. nies in th e world3. 3. Preparing materials for the PR D epartm ent on new projects Sara speaks two languages. She is fluent in English and Russian. Her German is Exercise 2. Discuss. very basic. This year Sara takes language classes every Monday evening. Sara 1. W hat type of logistics company would you like to work for? works from 8.30 to 17.00. She has a lunch break during which she goes to her 2. Do you know any logistics companies operating in Poland? favourite pub "Black Duck". 3. W hat are th e problems connected with transportation of dangerous good and substances? Sara is very well organized. She prepares mail using docum ents from differ 4 . Which type of substances do you consider m ost difficult to transport? Why? ent files. Working in th e office, sending and receiving correspondence, she uses a lot of office equipm ent such as a date stamp, a paper punch or a sta pler. Before meeting custom ers she calls them and writes on a m em o pad the time of th e meeting. Documents are prepared by all logistic d epartm ent workers: there are many copies on her desk. Some papers are bound and some are only clipped by paper clips. Once a m onth Sara prepares materi als concerning a new project to be included in PR D epartm ent brochure. She writes short reports with pens and pencils sitting long hours in the armchair. Promotion is very im portant for her. Speaking Exercise 1 . Look at the pictures. 1. What can you see? 2. What are those things used for? 3. W here can you find them? 1 From: h ttp ://w w w .p ro lo g is .c o m 4. W hat type of job do you associate them with? 5 From: h ttp ://w w w .k u e h n e -n a g e l.c o m Writing Exercise 1. You have received an order in which your customer. • wants to buy 10 forklifts, catalogue num ber 3445 • w ants a 1 0 % discount • wants to settle accounts on a docum ents against acceptance basis with paym ent by 30-day bill of exchange • wants th e forklifts delivered before 10 May • w ants them packed in crates • wants them delivered by sea and road Write a letter acknowledging the order. State th a t th e goods were dispatched yesterday {ship from Shanghai to Hamburg, in 19 days' time they will be reloaded onto trucks and will be delivered to your custom er in Zabrze within th e three following days by road). If necessary use phrases from other writing folders. Bank of useful phrases and expressions ]____________________ Acknowledging an order • Thank you for your order No. 3456 which we received today. We are now dealing with it and you may expect delivery within th e next three weeks. Your order, No. 3456, is now being processed and should be ready for Exercise 2. Match th e words and phrases from th e box to th e pictures above. despatch by next week. • We are pleased to say th a t we have already made up your order, No. date stamp • rubber stamp • paper punch • binder • memo pad • phone • 3456 for 50 forklifts, and are now making arrangements for shipment ball pen • pencil • photocopier • notebook • armchair • staple remover • to Gdańsk. drawing pins • eraser • paper bin • paper clips • file • stapler • Your order, No. 3456, has now been placed on board the POMERANIA sailing from Szczecin on 16 November 2002 and arriving in London on 12 December. The shipping docum ents have Exercise 3. Discuss. already been sent to your bank in London for collection. • We are pleased to advise you th a t th e bar code scanners you ordered 1. W hat does a secretary do in a logistics company? - No. 3456 - w ere out on flight BA 345 leaving Hamburg 11.00 a.m., 2. W hat type of office work does running a logistics company require? 10 October arriving Warsaw 1.45 p.m. Please find enclosed air waybill 3. W hat are th e advantages and disadvantages of office work? AC 34567/2 and copies of invoice WE123/2003. 4. Compare th e jobs of a secretary, a w arehouse assistant, a professional driver, and a president of a logistics company. 36 37 Advice of despatch UNIT 6 . PRICELISTS A N D BUSINESS OFFERS, ■ Your order, No. 3456, has now been placed on board th e POMERANIA PARTI sailing from Szczecin on 16 November 2002 and arriving at London on 12 December. The shipping docum ents have already been sen t to your bank in London for collection. r Reading • We are pleased to advise you th a t th e bar code scanners you ordered - No. 3456 - w ere o ut on flight BA 345 leaving Hamburg 11.00 a.m., Read the text and answer the questions. 10 O ctober arriving Warsaw 1.45 p.m. Please find enclosed air waybill 1. How much does an express parcel of 1 kg to London cost? AC 34567/2 and copies of invoice WE123/2003. 2. How much is the fuel surplus charge? 3 . How much is the expedition fee added to non-docum ented Delays in delivery dispatches? • I w as surprised and sorry to hear th a t your consignment {Order 4. What is th e price for th e volume package? No. 3456) had no t reached you. On enquiry I found th a t it had been 5. What is the extra charge for parcels over 20 kg? delayed by a local dispute on th e cargo vessel SS Hamburg on which it had been loaded. I am n o w trying to g e tth e goods transferred to th e SS Ham* Pricelist burg which should sail for Beijing before th e end of next week. However, 1 shall keep you informed. Delivery prices fro m Poland to Great Britain (2009) • I am writing to tell you th a t there will be a three-w eek delay in delivery. OXFORD LONDON OTHER CITIES This is due to a fire at our Skawina plant which destroyed m ost of th e priori (y express priority express machinery. Nevertheless, your order has been transferred to our Oława time of delivery 1 2-3 2 3-4 2-6 business clay factory and is being processed there. I apologize for th e delay which was 22 eur -0.5 kg 34 eur 40 eur 31 eur 40 eur due to circumstances beyond our control. 28 eur 53 eur -1.0 kg 40 eur 53 eur 41 eur ■ We regret to inform you t h a t th e re will be a hold up in getting your con 52 eur 37 eur 68 eur 68 eur -2.0 kg 53 eur signment to you. This is due to th e cut in supplies from Lebanon where 45 eur -5.0 kg 67 eur 85 eur 66 eur 85 eur civil w ar suddenly broke o u t last week. We have contacted a possible -10.0 kg 93 eur 62 eur 118 eur 91 eur 118 eur supplier in Tunisia and h e will let us know if he can help us. If you wish to per additional kg 8 eur 6 eur 10 eur 8 eur 10 eur cancel your order, you may, but I think you will find m ost manufacturers are experiencing th e sam e difficulties a t present. D e liv e r y p r i c e s f r o m W a r s a w P.O.Box o r f r o m lo c a l VORTEX o ffic e VAT 0% Pick up charge in Finland 15 euros per dispatch (up to 10 kg, 0.6 euros per additional kg). From other countries, please use your local courier or post delivery to Finland. 9% fuel surplus charge will be added to all transport costs, excluding expedition and remailing services. An expedition fee of 30 euros will be added to all non docum ental dispatches and parcels over 2 kg, 50 euros for multiple package dispatch. The delivery price for volume packages will be charged on the basis of their volume weight. 1 m 3 = 167 kg. Extra charge 20 eur, for parcels over 20 kg. 38 39 Exercise 2. Supply the missing words into the correct form. Glossary time of delivery czas dostawy Noun Verb express przesyłka ekspresowa 1 delivery priority przesyłka priorytetowa 2 cost delivery price cena dostawy pay 3 office biuro 4 transport pick up odbiór 5 charge charge opłata dispatch przesyłka, wysyłka 6 supply additional dodatkowy 7 discount courier kurier 8 pack post delivery dostawa pocztą 9 order fuel surplus charge dodatkowa opłata paliwowa 10 enclose to add dodawać transport costs koszty transportu excluding z wyłączeniem, wyłączając Exercise 3. Supply the missing words and phrases. expedition wysyłka mailing services usługi pocztowe fee opłata 1. Enclosed is a ___________________________________ (egzemplarz) of our la test_(kata parcel paczka together with o u r ________________(cennik). multiple package dispatch przesyłka złożona z kilku paczek 2. Enclosed a r e _____________ (próbki) of various patterns. volume o b ję to ś ć , rozmiar 3. O u r ___________ (fabryka) will have no problem i n ____________ (wyprodu weight waga kowaniem), the 6 , 0 0 0 ____________ (palet)_______________ (miesięcznie) you extra dodatkowy have asked for in your enquiry. 4. We can supply f r o m ___________ (z zapasu/magazynu) and will have no trouble in meeting y o u r ______________(datę dostawy). 5. I am pleased to say th a t we will be able t o _____________ (dostarczyć) Vocabulary __ ________ (towary) you have ordered. 6 . I regret to say th a t we no longer offer t h e ___________ (usługi) you refer to, Exercise 1. Provide definitions for the following words (use a dictionary if neces since we find th e re is no longer sufficient______________(popyt) for them. sary): 7. I ______________ (potwierdzam) th a t th e product you require is one of ours, but since we are only able to deal w i t h ______________(hurtownicy) not 1. charge 7. parcel ____________ (detaliści), may I refer you to ABC pic. 2. cost 8. delivery 8 . P le a se ,___________ (napisać) to us again if you have a n y _________________ 1 3. dispatch 9. package (pytania), o r _______________________________(zadzwonić) us at the a b o v e ____ i 4 . tra n sp o rt cost 1 0 . delivery price (numer telefonu). 5. fee 11. pricelist 9- W e________________ (sugerujemy) you visit our ag en t's______________(salon 6 . price 12 . quotation wystawowy) where you can s e e _______________________(szeroki wachlarz) An 41 of our products. Speakmi 10. We hope to hear from you soon, and c a n _______________ (zapewnić) you, th a t your___________ (zamówienie) will be dealt w ith _______________ (szybko/ Exercise 1. Discuss, natychmiastowo). phase 1 . Imagine th a t you are th e director of a zoo. You w ant to organize the tran sport of Exercise 4. Translate into English. two elephants from Africa to the zoo in Poznań. Discuss with your colleague what kind of logistics company you need, and w hat kind of questions you should ask. 1. Dziękujemy za Państwa list z 12 grudnia 2009r. prepare a list of questions together. 2. W załączeniu znajdą Państwo nasz najnowszy katalog i cennik. 3. Oferujemy szeroki wachlarz usług logistycznych. Phase 2. 4. Nasz fabryka produkuje 10 000 palet chipsów miesięcznie. You are th e director and your colleague is a representative of a logistics company. 5. Możemy zapewnić, że wózek widłowy Jungheinrich AplO jest najnowszym Ask him th e questions and discuss th e term s and conditions of th e contract for rozwiązaniem tego typu na rynku. transporting th e elephants. 6. Ten typ wózka widłowego został ostatnio ulepszony. 7. Z przykrością zawiadamiamy, że już nie produkujemy tego modelu wózka widłowego. W r i t i n g _________________________________________________________ 8. Proszę podać num er katalogowy produktu przy składaniu zamówienia. 9. Jesteśmy w stanie zainstalować sprzęt w ciągu trzech miesięcy od złożenia You have received an order in which your customer: zamówienia. 10. Niecierpliwie czekamy na Państwa odpowiedź. • wants to buy 15 forklifts, catalogue num ber 3445 • wants a 15% discount • wants to settle accounts on a docum ents against acceptance Exercise 5. Translate into Polish. basis with paym ent by 30-day bill of exchange 1. Thank you for your enquiry of 12 October 2009 in which you asked about our • wants th e forklifts delivered before th e 10th of May services. • wants them packed in crates 2. Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalogue and term s of discounts. • wants them delivered by sea and road 3. With reference to your telephone enquiry today, we can provide th e following logistic services, Write a letter refusing the order. 4. With reference to your enquiry of 27 S eptem ber 2009, we can offer you the following services at th e prices stated. Inform him, that: 5. We offer a wide range of forwarding services. 6 . We can supply all goods from stock and will have no problem in meeting your • you can deliver only 5 forklifts now, and the remaining 10 can be delivered on 30 May, because you are out of stock of this type delivery dates. ' 7 . I am pleased to inform you th a t we will be able to deliver the dispatch to the • because of th e tw o dispatches the custom er will have to pay transportation costs twice destination within th e next 5 days. • it is uneconomical for you to offer products at a discount of 15%. You can 8 . When ordering could you please quote the catalogue numbers? 9. The samples you asked for will be sent by separate post. offer up to 1 0 % discount if th e paym ent is made by bank transfer before the goods are dispatched 1 1 0 . 1 look forward to receiving your order soon. ■ ask the custom er to let you know about his decision 42 43 Bank of useful phnses and expressions UNIT 7. PRICELISTS A N D BUSINESS OFFERS, PART 2 REFUSING AN ORDER Out of stock • We are sorry to say th a t we are completely o u t of stock of this item and Reading_____________________________________________________ it will be a t least six weeks before we get our next delivery, but please contact us then. Exercise 1. Read th e text below and answ er the questions: • We are sorry to say th a t we no longer m anufacture this product. • Thank you for your ord er for ISO standard pallets. Unfortunately we 1. W hat is th e main field of business activity of R.B.B. Logistics? have run ou t of th e ty p e you asked for. As you have particularly reques 2. W hat types of logistic services are rendered by R.B.B. Logistics? te d only this standard, we will not offer a substitute, b u t h o p e to take 3. W hat does "reverse logistics" mean? delivery of a new consignm ent within th e next tw o months. We received 4. What type of distribution services are rendered by R.B.B. Logistics? your ord er for item no. 7654 today, but regret to inform you th a t w e are unable to fulfill th e order. Multi-business offer Customer with bad reputation As an overseer and organizer of implementation in France, Europe and th e world, • We would only be prepared to supply on a cash basis. R.B.B. Logistics engages in and coordinates all of th e business lines related to • We only supply on paym ent against pro-forma invoice transport and logistics for your satisfaction and th a t of your customers: supply • As our plant is closing for th e sum m er vacation w e would not be able chain management, Air and Sea Freight, full truck loads, logistics, distribution and to process your ord er for th e date you have given. Therefore, regret Reverse Logistics. fully we have to decline it. • I am sorry to say th a t we must turn down your order as w e have full o rd er books at p resent and cannot give a definite date fo r delivery Unfavourable terms Delivery could n o t possibly be promised within th e tim e requested in your letter. • Two m onths m ust b e allowed for delivery. • The usual tra d e discount is 5% in this country, which is 5% less than th e figure m entioned in your letter. • The discount you asked for is far m ore than w e offer any of our regular customers. • We only accept paym ent by letter of credit. Size of order • We only supply orders for ball-point pens by th e gross, b u t suggest you try a stationery wholesaler rath er than manufacturer. • The screws w e m anufacture are sold in size by th e dozen. .d*; Exercise 2. Read th e call for te n d e r and answ er th e questions: Destination: International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies 1. What type of service is required by the Austrian Red Cross? Timor-Leste Delegation 2. W hat are th e transp ort requirements? Rua Cristo Rei, 3. W here should th e vehicles be delivered? Bidau Santa Ana s/n 4. How many vehicles should be delivered? Dili, Timor-Leste 5. When should th e vehicles be delivered? 6. What are th e term s of payment? Delivery 7. How long should offers remain valid? DDU Dili Port, incoterms 2000 8. When should offers be submitted? Delivery period Business offers include calls for tenders. Tenders are offers to do something for Delivery schedule will b e finalised w hen placing th e purchase order. a certain price. Some companies and organizations which w ant to sign a long Nevertheless goods shall be delivered 2 months after receipt of purchase term contract or a contract for a large am ount of money invite tenders; th a t is order latest. to say they call for tenders. Companies who w ant to sign such a contract submit te n d ers in which they make an estimate for the job. Payment of rental charges Monthly rate according to offer. The 1st installment and down paym ent shall Austrian Red Cross be due in th e m onth of arrival of th e goods. Transport costs and th e 1st m onth Timor-Leste Office ly Installment shall be paid after goods are received. The first installment shall be paid on a pro rata basis unless goods arrive before th e 15th day of the Call for Tender month.. according to Procurement Notice EuropeAid/122979/C/SUP/ACT/ACP-Oł The offer must state clearly the following: published in Timor Post and on th e Internet on and Country of origin of th e goods w on 26.02.2008. i Place of manufacture and place of despatch Rental rate p e r m onth and possible down paym ent Within the framework of our relief operation in Timor-Leste w e would Charges for establishment of th e contract if applicable like to request your best firm offer in EURO, USD o r CH'F for th e following Additional charge for outpurchase/acquisition option a t th e end of contract commodities: period General specifications Loading and tra n sp o rt costs to final destination 45-month rental contract for th e supply of 2 four wheel drive (4x4) pick-up Insurance costs for transport up to final destination field vehicles for heavy-duty use, Total price DDU (Incoterms 2000) for 2 vehicles t Price q uoted shall include all taxes and duties Transport Detailed technical prod uct specifications (especially in case of specifications If to be transported by sea, th e goods shall b e shipped in containers to the differing from th e ones requested) final destination. Containers have to be properly stacked. Specify full packing details (weight and volume) Specify insurance package for th e rental service including Quantity and destination - global 3rd party or global 3rd p arty subsidiary insurance 2 vehicles including equipm ent - global insurance for repairs and replacem ent of vehicles after accident 46 47 r groupage parcel przesyłka zbiorowa - driver and passenger insurance (including death, p erm anent handicap, and groupage ładunek zbiorowy /o r medical treatm ent) parcel paczka, przesyłka domestic krajowy Validity international międzynarodowy Offers shall remain valid until 30.09.2008. current p roduct produkt nieprzeterminowany end-of-life product produkt przeterminowujący się lub przetermi Offers nowany Offers must be received b y 28.03.2008,12 am East Timor time latest, pref warehousing magazynowanie erably earlier, and shall be sent in a closed envelope clearly marked on the stock m an ag em e n t zarządzanie zapasami outside with "OFFER to Procurem ent Notice No. EuropeAid/122979/C/ value a d d ed services dodatkowe usługi SUP/ACT/ACP-01" to th e following address: part load ładunek częściowy Austrian Red Cross full load ładunek całopojazdowy Timor-Leste Office intercontinental międzykontynentalny c/o Ms. Miriam Liska multimodal tra n sp o rt transport multimodalny (transport za pomocą PO Box 268 Dili, Timor-Leste3- różnych środków transportu) | Glossary 1 Vocabulary___________________________________________________________ freight spedycja Exercise 1. Explain th e meaning of th e following words and phrases (use supply chain management zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw a dictionary if necessary). full truckloads ładunki całopojazdowe 9. stock m anagem ent distribution dystrybucja 10 . part loads 1 . supply chain logistics reverse logistics logistyka zwrotna 11 . full loads 2 . distribution overseer nadzorca 12 . intercontinental multimodal 3. reverse logistics organizer organizator transport 4. end-of-life product implementation wdrożenie 13. airfreight 5. groupage parcels to engage in sth być zaangażowanym w coś 14. sea freight 6. express parcels to coordinate koordynować 15. flow of goods 7. domestic parcels business line dziedzina biznesu 8. intercontinental parcels related to związany z satisfaction satysfakcja, zadowolenie customer klient Exercise 2. Translate th e words and phrases from Exercise 1 into Polish (use optimisation optymalizacja a dictionary if necessary). flow przepływ i 146174XMJ: w w w in/user upload/ PDF/ES/Ausschreibungen/0 8 0 2 2 6 _call%2520for% 2520tender_pickup.pdf+call+for+tender+for+transport ation+of+goods&cd=2&hl=pl&ct=clnk&c/ient=pub 4977668859770845 48 49 Speaking__________________________________________ UNIT 8 . INVOICING Exercise 1- Look at th e call for te n d er again to find th e necessary details. Work in pair. r ^ R e a d ln g ~]________________ _____________ Student A_____________ _____________ Student B____________ Student A represents th e Austrian Red Student B represents a company which Exercise 1. Here is a sample invoice. Mark th e above mentioned elem ents on it. Cross. wants to submit a tender. Student A calls th e Austrian Red Cross to find out Elements of a typical invoice: The task of stu d en t A is to answer the the term s and conditions of th e te n questions as precisely as possibly on der. Find o u t the following details. Jr The heading "invoice" th e basis of the information included 1 . type of vehicles in question 2. A unique reference num ber in th e call for tender. 2 . final destination 3. Date of the invoice 3. delivery period 4. Name and contact details of th e seller 4. paym ent of rental charges 5. Seller's tax registration details 5. particulars concerning th e offer 6. Name and contact details of the buyer [what the offer should state] 7. Date th a t th e product was sent or delivered 6 . deadline for submitting a ten d er 8. Purchase order num ber (or similar tracking numbers requested by the buyer 7. offer validity to be m entioned on the invoice) 8 . th e address where offers should 9. Description of th e product(s) be sent 10. Unit price of th e product (if relevant) 11. Total am ount charged (optionally with breakdown of taxes, if relevant) 12. Payment terms (including m ethod of payment, date of payment, and details about charges for late payment) cn 51 M askers Ltd. Lake Road 27, Weedon, Exercise 1. Discuss. N N 6 5QF, Ireland Maskers Ltd. Tel: 01327 544 894 Fax 01327 544 821 Bank: Rapidbank. SWIFT*code: RADPK STUDENTA STUDENT B You will receive a phone call from your You have received th e invoice but PRO forma invoice customer concerning th e invoice you there are a few mistakes in it. Call Proforma num ber........................................ : PF004874 D ate............................................................. : 12.06.2009 made out. Apologise for any problems, your supplier and inform him about Page................................................................................: 1 Invoice account.............................................................. : note down w hat th e problem is and th e situation and tell him w hat should Delivery address: Customer reference................................... : desw03541 promise to take action immediately be corrected. Sales o rd er...................................................................... : Baltic Sp. z o.o. Our re f............................................................................. : ul. Gdyńska 13, Ordered b y ...................... 60-865 Poznań Term o f paym ent............................................................: Delivery term s................ : Cost, insurance and freight Mode o f delivery........... Raben ABC t h e n e g o t i a t e d p r i c e w a s EUR 1 5 . 0 0 p e r l m 3. 12 Minerva Way T h e o r d e r w a s f o r 6 m a. S h o u l d b e EUR 9 0 . Agent taking care of this shipment: Cambridge Europol ABC Ltd. Tel. 061 854 56 69 Fax 061 854 56 70 84 Business Plaza jan.wieczorek@ Vancouver, B.C., V9W 2T2 t h e n e g o t i a t e d p r i c e w a s EUR 6 . 0 0 2 boxes Att'n: Susan Brown p e r 1 0 0 kg { m i n i m u m 2 0 0 kg) 1/2 360*100*150 c m / / 620 kg S h o u l d b e EUR 4 2 2/2 200*70* 140 cm//215 kg The exporter o f the products covered by this document* declares that, except where other wise clearly indicated, these products are EEA preferential origin. Dublin, 12.06.2009. INVOICE FOR: * (Customs authorization no. 1020-96). Storage of Item number Text Quantity Sales price Discount Net amount 1. Empty packaging^ including collection from the stand id redelh ery to dwu Dynamic Weighing Units1.00 15,000.00 0 15,000.00 th e stand after th e closing of exhibition Country o f origin :Ireland Tarrif number :8433.2002 dis Discharge 1.00 10,000.00 0 10,000.00 • for 5 m3/ EUR 75. DO Country o f origin : Ireland 2. Full packagings (rates based on th e formula: 1 m3 = 333 kg; Tarrif number :8433.2002 1 m = 400 kg), w arehouse outside fairground Value shown for custom use only a) cartage from stand to w arehouse or vice versa, | per 600 kg EUR 39.00 b) storage fee per each com menced w eek (up to 1 month) per 600 kg EUR 35.00 Sales balance Total discount Total TOTAL PAYABLE: EUR 144.00 25,000.00 0.00 25,000.00 It should be Invoice No. 754 for 700 kg 1 t h e n e g o t i a t e d p r i c e w a s EUR B ank account Date of Invoice: Month Day^ Bank: Rapidbank 5 . 0 0 p e r c o m m e n c e d w e e k (u p Account: 520-38-455-320421, Swift: RADPK, Iban: IS!H1515826(M2B530472B361 To be paid within 30 days of invbtee date t o 1 m o n t h ) p e r 1 0 0 kg S h o u l d b e EUR 3 0 S h o u l d b e EUR 1 5 6 Writing_____________________________________________ Raben ABC 12 Minerva Way Exercise 1. Look at th e price-list below and fill in th e invoice for Cambridge renting a crane up to 10 tons for 8 hours ABC Ltd. 84 Business Plaza renting a lorry for 5 hours Vancouver, B.C., V9W 2T2 • renting 7 containers of 20 ft for 28 days Att'n: Susan Brown • services of tw o skilled workers (total of 13 hours) apply a discount of 5% to the total am ount INVOICE FOR: • the tax is 12 percent • calculate the net am ount (without tax) name of net price gross quantity discount total net total • and the gross am ount (with tax) service per item price per price gross item after price rem em ber th a t th e prices given below are net prices. discount after discount Rental o f lifting equipment and labour 1 . Rental of stacking machine or crane of hoisting capacity up to 4 tons, min. 1 hr, for each commenced hour EUR 65.00 of hoisting capacity up to 10 tons, min. 2 hr, for each commenced hour EUR 75.00 of hoisting capacity up to 20 tons, min. 2 hr, for each com menced hour EUR 80.00 ; of hoisting capacity up to 30 tons, min. 2 hr, for each commenced hour EUR 110.00 of hoisting capacity up to 40 tons, min. 2 hr, for each com menced hour EUR 130.00 of hoisting capacity over 40 tons as agreed TOTAL PAYABLE: EUR.......................... 2. Rental of lorry or tractor, for each commenced hour EUR 45.00 Invoice No. 754 3. Rental of 20 Ft container, minimum 10 days, EUR 30.00 Date of Invoice: Month Day, 2000 per piece/day excl. transport 4. Rental of armoured rollers of hoisting capacity up to 12 tons, To be paid within 30 days of invoice date. for each commenced hour EUR 125.00 5. Rental of a palette truck plus operator, for each com menced hour EUR 30.00 Exercise 2. Write a letter to your customer. Inform him that: 6. Services of a skilled worker, for each commenced hour EUR 20.00 I. you enclose the invoice for 10 forklifts, catalogue number 3445, with a 12% 7. Rental of a railway canvass, minimum 4 days, per piece/day EUR 20.00 discount 8. Overtime surcharges (excluding items 3 and 7) 2 payment should be by 60-day bill of exchange 8.1. from 5:00 p.m. till 10:00 p.m. 25% 3. if th e payment is made in cash within 7 days the customer may deduct an 8.2. from 10:00 p.m. till 7:00 a.m. 50% additional 5% 8.3. on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays 100% 4. the goods will be delivered within the next three weeks 54 55 Bank of useful phrases and expressions UNIT 9 . FINANCIAL SETTLEMENTS PAYMENT Invoices Reading • Please find enclosed our invoice No. 3456/2003 for €30.56. • The goods you ordered have already been despatched to you, carriage Exercise 1. Read th e tex t and answer th e questions. forward • You should receive th e goods within th e next few days. • The enclosed invoice (no. 3456/2003) for €56.00 is for 2 chairs at €40,00 [. What are Incoterms? each less 33 per ce n t tra d e discount. 2. W hat are Incoterms used for? • Your order No. 3456/2003 is a t present being processed. 3. When was th e first version of Incoterms introduced? • We will send th e goods to you within th e next few weeks. 4. Which of the Incoterms refers to the road or rail transportation of goods to • Thank you fo r your order. W e are sure you will b e pleased with th e units the nam ed place at th e frontier? when you receive them . 5. Which of th e Incoterms means th at th e seller pays all transportation costs, • We look forw ard to receiving your cheque, from which you may deduct bears all risk connected with th e delivery and pays th e duty? 3 % cash discount if paym ent is made within seven days. 6 . Which of th e Incoterms means th a t passing of risk occurs th e m om ent the • We look forward to receiving your paym ent and will th en send th e chairs ship arrives at the nam ed port of destination and th e goods can be unloaded? on carriage forward. 7. What does FCA mean? What is th e difference betw een CIF and C1P? Pro-forma invoices 9. Which of th e Incoterms refer to sea transportation? • The enclosed pro-forma No, 3456 for €345.67 is for your order No. 7890, 10. Which of th e Incoterms refer to rail transportation? which is now packed and awaiting despatch. • Pro-forma invoice, No. 3456, is for your order, No. 7890, in confirmation Incoterms or international commercial te rm s are a series of international sales of our quotation. terms, published by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and widely used in • We are sending th e enclosed pro-forma No. 3456 for €3,160 gross, for international commercial transactions. They are used to divide transaction costs th e consignment of chairs you ordered on approval. and responsibilities betw een buyer and seller and reflect state-of-the-art trans ■ As soon as w e receive your cheque w e will send th e goods. portation practices. They closely correspond to th e U.N. Convention on Contracts • We would appreciate your returning th e balance of unsold items by th e for the International Sale of Goods. The first version was introduced in 1936 and end of May as agreed. the present one dates from 2 0 0 0 . • The total of € 13,789 includes cost, insurance and freight. f Statements o f account • I enclose your sta te m e n t as a t 31 July. Group E - D eparture • Please find enclosed your statem e n t of account as at 31 July this year. EXW Ex Works (nam ed place) • If th e balance of €123 is cleared within th e next seven days, you may The seller makes th e goods available at his premises. The buyer is d ed u ct a 3% cash discount. responsible for all charges. • May I remind you th a t your June sta te m e n t is still outstanding, and ask you to settle as soon as possible? Group D - Arrival Group F - Main carriage unpaid DAF Delivered At Frontier (named place) FCA Free Carrier (named place) Can be used when th e goods are transported by rail and road. The th e seller hands over the goods, cleared for export, into th e custody seller pays for transportation to th e named place of delivery at the of the first carrier (named by the buyer) at the named place. This frontier. The buyer arranges for customs clearance and pays for term is suitable for all modes of transport, including carriage by air, transportation from the frontier to his factory. The passing of risk rail, road, and containerised / multi-modal transport. occurs at th e frontier. FAS Free Alongside Ship (named loading port) DES Delivered Ex Ship (named port) the seller must place the goods alongside the ship at th e named W here goods are delivered ex ship, th e passing of risk does not port. The seller must clear the goods for export; this changed in the occur until th e ship has arrived at th e nam ed port of destination 2000 version of th e Incoterms. Suitable for maritime transport only. and th e goods made available for unloading to th e buyer. The seller FOB Free On Board (named loading port) pays the sam e freight and insurance costs as he would under a CIF the classic maritime tra d e term, Free On Board: seller must load the arrangem ent. Unlike CFR and CIF terms, th e seller has agreed to goods on board the ship nominated by th e buyer, cost and risk b e bear not just cost, but also risk and title up to th e arrival of the ves ing divided at ship's rail. The seller must clear th e goods for export. sel at th e named port. Costs for unloading the goods and any duties, Maritime transport only taxes, etc. are for th e buyer. A commonly used term in shipping bulk Group C - Main carriage paid commodities, such as coal, grain, dry chemicals and w here th e seller CFR Cost and Freight (named destination port) either owns or has chartered their own vessel. seller must pay the costs and freight to bring the goods to the port DEQ Delivered Ex Quay (named port) of destination. However, risk is transferred to the buyer once th e It m eans the sam e as DES, but th e passing of risk does not occur un goods have crossed th e ship's rail. Maritime transport only. til th e goods have been unloaded at the port of destination. CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight (named destination port) DDU Delivered Duty Unpaid (named destination place) exactly th e sam e as CFR except th a t th e seller must in addition pro Means th a t th e seller delivers th e goods to th e buyer at th e named cure and pay for insurance for th e buyer. Maritime tran sport only. place of destination in the contract of sale. The goods are not CPT Carriage Paid To (named place of destination) cleared for import or unloaded from any form of transport at the th e general/containerised/multimodal equivalent of CFR. The seller place of destination. The buyer is responsible for the costs and risks pays for carriage to th e named point of destination, but risk passes for of th e unloading, duty and any subsequent delivery beyond the when the goods are handed over to the first carrier. place of destination. However, if the buyer wishes th e seller to bear CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination) cost and risks associated with th e import clearance, duty, unloading and subsequent delivery beyond th e place of destination, then this the containerised transport/multim odal equivalent of CIF. Seller needs to be explicitly agreed upon in th e contract of sale. pays for carriage and insurance to the nam ed destination point, but risk passes when the goods are handed over to the first carrier. DDP Delivered Duty Paid (named destination place) Means that th e seller pays all transportation costs and bears all risk until the goods have been delivered, and pays the duty. Also used ! interchangeably with the term "Free Domicile". I 59 frontier granica Glossary to arrange for something organizować coś, zarządzać zrobienie czegoś Incoterms incoterms customs clearance odprawa celna international commercial terms międzynarodowe reguły handlu factory fabryka sales terms warunki sprzedaży passing of risk przeniesienie ryzyka publish publikować to occur występować, pojawiać się International Chamber DES - Delivered Ex Ship of Commerce (ICC) Międzynarodowa Izba Handlowa (named port) Dostarczone statek (...określony port) widely szeroko port of destination port docelowy, port przeznaczenia commercial transaction transakcja handlowa to make something available to sb udostępnić coś komuś to divide dzielić unloading rozładunek transaction costs koszty transakcji freight fracht, opłata frachtowa responsibilities obowiązki insurance ubezpieczenie to reflect odzwierciedlać cost koszt state-of-the-art najnowocześniejszy to agree to do sth zgodzić się coś zrobić transportation practices praktyki transportow e to bear costs ponosić koszty closely ściśle risk ryzyko to correspond to something pokrywać się z, zgadzać się z to bear risk ponosić ryzyko the U.N. (United Nations) Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych title prawo do czegoś (także prawo własności, convention konwencja prawo posiadania) sale of goods sprzedaż tow arów vessel statek version wersja duty cło to be introduced być/zostać wprowadzonym tax podatek to date from datować się na shipping wysyłka departure wyjazd, odjazd bulk commodities towary masowe EXW - Ex Works (named place) Od zakładu (...określone miejsce) coal węgiel seller sprzedający grain ziarno, zboże make something available udostępniać coś dry chemicals proszkowe środki chemiczne goods towary either... o r ... a l b o ... a l b o ... premises teren, obiekt to own być właścicielem buyer kupujący to charter wyczarterować to be responsible for być odpowiedzialnym za DEQ- Delivered Ex Quay Dostarczone na nabrzeże (...określony charges opłaty (named port) port) arrival przyjazd to unload rozładować DAF - Delivered At Frontier Dostarczone na granicę (...określone DDU - Delivered Duty Unpaid Dostarczone, cło nieopłacone (...określone / (named place) miejsce) (named destination place) miejsce przeznaczenia) to transport transportow ać contract of sale umowa sprzedaży to pay płacić to clear odprawić delivery dostawa import import fin 61 place of destination miejsce przeznaczenia to ioad załadować to be responsible for sth być odpowiedzialnym za on board the ship na pokładzie statku subsequent późniejszy t0 nominate wskazać beyond poza cost koszt however jednak, jednakże risk ryzyko to wish życzyć sobie, chcieć to divide dzielić associated with związany z rail nadburcie tim port clearance odprawa celna przewozowa/wwozowa main carriage paid zasadnicze koszty przewozu opłacone explicitly wyraźnie CFR- Cost and Freight (named to agree upon uzgodnić, wyrazić zgodę destination port) Koszt i fracht (...określony port DDP - Delivered Duty Paid przeznaczenia) (named destination place) Dostarczone, cło opłacone (...określone freight fracht, opłata frachtowa miejsce przeznaczenia) to bring przywieźć, przynieść, dostarczyć interchangeably wymiennie port of destination port przeznaczenia free domicile franco siedziba odbiorcy however jednak, jednakże main carriage unpaid zasadnicze koszty przewozu nieopłacone to transfer risk to sb przenosić ryzyko na kogoś FC A - Free Carrier (named place) Franco przewoźnik (...określone miejsce) to cross przekraczać seller sprzedający CIF-Cost, Insurance and to hand over something wręczać, przekazywać Freight (named destination port) Koszt, ubezpieczenie i fracht (...określony goods towary port przeznaczenia) cleared odprawiony exactly the same as dokładnie to sam o co ... export eksport, wywóz except that za wyjątkiem tego że ... into the custody of someone pod czyjąś pieczą in addition dodatkowo carrier przewoźnik to procure something for sb przygotować coś dla kogoś buyer kupujący CPT - Carriage Paid To (named Przewoźne opłacone do („.określonego suitable for stosowny, właściwy dla place of destination) portu przeznaczenia) mode of transport środek transportu equivalent of sth odpowiednik czegoś including między innymi point of destination punkt/miejsce przeznaczenia carriage przewóz CIP- Carriage and Insurance Paid Przewoźne i ubezpieczenie opłacone do containerised / multi-modal transport skonteneryzowany/ to (named place of destination) (... określonego portu przeznaczenia) transport intermodalny FAS - Free Alongside Ship Franco wzdłuż burty statku (...określony (named loading port) port) / Vocabulary to place sth umieścić coś alongside Exercise 1. Translate th e sentences into Polish. obok to clear odprawić 1, We will deliver th e goods DDU Gdańsk. maritime transport transport morski 2. The prices quoted are EXW. FOB - Free On Board (named 3; We usually offer 10% trade discount on DEQ prices. loading port) Franco statek (...określony port załadunku) 4. The prices quoted are DAF Chyżne. classic klasyczny 62 63 5. They deliver th e goods DES Hamburg. y. The price d e p e n d s __________many factors. 6 . We can offer you a 5% discount on DDP Katowice deliveries. [{], Some logistics companies unload th e g o o d s __________ th e tru c k __________ th e p o r t __________ destination. Exercise 2. Supply th e missing prepositions. Exercise 4. Translate into English. 1. The goods may be tra n s p o r te d ________ rail, road, sea or air. 2. The seller pays_________tra n sp o rtatio n _________ th e named place------------ 1'; Cena obejmuje dostaw ę 33 palet zgodnie z DDP CENTRA Poznań. delivery________ the frontier. >; Dostawa zgodnie z Incoterms 2000 - DPP Puławy. 3. The seller a r r a n g e s _________customs clearance and p a y s ------------- 3, Przedmiotem umowy jest dostawa 30 000 litrów oleju - DDU Płock. transportation_________. 4, Cena jednostkowa z kosztami instalacji i dostawy - DDU Szamotuły. 4. The buyer p a y s ________ tra n s p o r ta tio n ________ th e frontier________ the 5, Na warunkach formuły EXW odbiorca zobowiązuje się zwrócić palety do final destination. zakładu dostawcy. 5 . ________ th e c a s e _________ DEQ th e passing_________ risk occurs when the ń. Na warunkach formuły DDU dostawca ponosi koszty załadunku wyrobów goods are u n lo a d e d ________ th e p o r t _________ destination, i ich transportu. 6. In som e Incoterms the seller pays freight and insurance c o s t s _______ _ 7. Firma Benetton ponosi koszty magazynowania na warunkach Ex WORKS th e arrival______th e vessel____________ th e nam ed port. w magazynie dostawcy. 7. The p la c e _________destination is usually nam ed_________ th e contract. S. Cena za dostaw ę kontenera 40-stopowego zgodnie z DDU pod wskazany 8. DDP m eans th a t th e seller p a y s ________ all transportation costs and bears adres. all risk_________th e goods have been delivered and pays th e duty. 9. Ceny wyrobów firmy SaMASZ obejmują CPT. 9. Incoterms are p u b lis h e d _________the International C h a m b e r _________ 10. Cena wyrobów firmy FESTO obliczona jest na bazie DDP siedziba Commerce. zamawiającego. 10. Incoterms are widely u s e d i nternational commercial transactions. 11. Na warunkach formuły EXW odbiorca zobowiązuje się zwrócić kontenery do _ zakładu Press-Glas w terminie podanym w liście przewozowym. Exercise 3. Supply th e missing prepositions. 12* Ceny są zwykle podaw ane w FAQ., FOB lub CIF w określonym miejscu. 1. FCABerlin means th a t th e seller h an d s__________ theg oods, clear------------- e x p o r t ,__________ th e c u s to d y __________ the first c a r rie r___________the Exercise 5. Translate into Polish. named place (that is Berlin). 2. FCA re fe rs__________ all m o d e s __________ transport. L We are replacing the damaged goods and will send replacem ents carriage 3. FOB Gdańsk means th a t th e seller must load the g o o d s __________board the paid. ship n o m in a te d __________ th e buyer, and th e cost and risk are divided at 2. We will send th e replacem ent screws, but as you w ere responsible for the ship's rail. breakages, we will send them carriage forward. 4. Some incoterms specify w ho must p a y ___________ insurance. 3; All list prices are quoted f.o.b. Gdańsk and are subject to a 12% trade discount 5. Incoterms specify who is resp o n sib le___________ p a y m e n t __________the with paym ent by letter of credit. costs and freight. 4 The prices quoted are ex-works, but we can arrange freight and insurance if j 6 . CPT is th e multimodal equ ivalent______________________ CFR. required, and unless otherwise stated, paym ent is to be made by 90-day bill 7 . __________th e contract th e seller has the responsibility__________ provide of exchange, docum ents against acceptance. th e service included __________the price. 5. We usually offer a 17% trad e discount on f.o.b. prices, and would prefer pay 8 . Usually the person who owns th e c a r g o __________th e t i m e __________ m ent by irrevocable letter of credit. transportation is responsible__________ insurance. C.C 6 . The prices quoted are c.i.f. Shanghai, but are subject to a 13% tra d e discount Incoterms 2000: Transfer of risk from the seller to the buyer off net price, and we will allow a further 12 % tra d e discount off net prices for orders of m ore than 43,000 pallets. S p e a k i n g __________________________________________________ _______ Exercise 1. Look at the chart showing th e passing of risk from th e seller to th e buyer. Discuss th e problem of passing of risk in different international commer cial transportations. Entry - duties and ] j Landing charges at Landing charges a t Transport to d e s t i at the origin ’s p ort tru ck Entry - C u sto m s importer's p o rt importer's p ort importer's p ort th e exporter's p ort Export- duty Load to track o n to origin's p o r t Transport t o Transport to c le a r a n c e Insu ran ce paym ent n a tio n trucks from Taxes Unload from Unload © [ ], źródło: [], licencja: [CC-8 Y-SA 3.0 Deed] EXW No 1 No No No No No No No No No No No FCA Y es Yes Yes No No No No No No No No No iy' ~ FAS Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Bank of useful phrases an d expressions FOB Yes Yes Yes Yes Y es No No No No No No No CFR Yes Yes Yes Y es Y es Yes No No No No No No Showing a visitor aro u n d your to w n an d giving directions Yes Y es Yes * Yes No No No Yes No No This is th e Old Market Square CIF Yes Yes Y es Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No This is a medieval cathedral. CPT Yes Yes No No No Y es No No Let m e show you th e museum of m odern art. CIP Yes Yes Y es Yes Yes Nu No No No This kind of architecture is typical of our region. DAF Y es Yes Y es Yes Y es Y es No No It's really impressive/beautiful. DES Y es Y es Yes Y es Y es Y es No No No Y es No No How old is it? DEQ Y es Y es Yes Y es Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No No I think it's from th e 17th century but I'm not sure. DDU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No DDP Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Asking for/giving reco m m en d atio ns fo r sightseeing I've actually got th e whole day free tom orrow and was wondering if you had any recom m endations for things to do. Exercise 2. Discuss th e problem of passing of risk in different international com' I can take you th e re if you like. mercial transportations. I would like to buy som e souvenirs. I'd love to see that. It's really worth seeing. Sounds great. That would be nice. There's a beautiful Old Market here. 1 67 UNIT 1 0 . FORWARDING There's a great shopping s tre e t here. There's a g reat a r t gallery here. W here can I b u y ...? Reading You can v is it... Exercise 1. Read th e text and answer th e questions. Asking for/giving directions in a town or city How do I get there? 1. Who is a freight forwarder? It's just around th e corner. 2. W hat does a forwarder do? It's n e a r ... 3. W hat does an international freight forwarder arrange? It's on th e sam e stre e t as your hotel. 4. W hat type of docum ents are reviewed by freight forwarders? It's next t o ... 5. Which US institution licenses freight forwarders involved with international Just go along this street, th en turn right. ocean shipping? Keep going until you see .... 6 . Which US institution licenses freight forwarders involved with air freight? Take th e second s tre e t on th e left. W hat's th e best way to get there? W here is th e tow n hall exactly? You can walk from here. A freight forwarder (often just forwarder) is a third party logistics provider. As a third party provider a forw arder dispatches shipments via asset-based carriers, and books or otherwise arranges space for tho se shipments. Carrier types include w aterborne vessels, airplanes, trucks or railroads. Freight forwarders typically arrange cargo m ovem ent to an international destination. Also referred to as international freight forwarders, they have the expertise th a t allows them to prepare and process th e docum entation and perform related activities pertaining to international shipments. Some of th e typical information reviewed by a freight forw arder is the commercial invoice, shipper's export declaration, bill of lading and other docum ents required by the carrier or country of export, import, or transshipment. Much of this information is now processed in a paperless environment. In the U.S., a freight forwarder involved with international ocean shipping is licensed by the Federal Maritime Commission as an Ocean Transportation Intermediary. Similarly, freight forwarders th a t handle air freight will frequently be accredited with th e International Air Transport Association (IATA) as a cargo agent1. © [ ], źródło: [h ttp ://en .w lk ip e d ia.o rg /w ik i/F re ig h t_ fo rw a rd ln g ], licencja: [CC-BY-SA 3.0 Deed] ,0 be licensed być licencjonowanym, mieć licencję Glossary________________ federal Maritim e Commission Federalna Komisja Morska freight forwarder (forwarder) spedytor Ocean Transportation Intermediary pośrednik w transporcie morskim logistics provider dostawca usług logistycznych similarly podobnie, w podobny sposób to dispatch wysyłać t o handle zajmować się shipment przesyłka, to w ar w transporcie airfreight spedycja lotnicza asset-based zabezpieczony aktywami frequently często carrier przewoźnik to be accredited with somebody być akredytowanym przez kogoś to book rezerwować International Air Transport Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie to arrange zorganizować Association (IATA) Transportu Lotniczego waterborne przewożony drogą morską cargo agent agencja przewozowa vessel statek, jednostka pływająca airplane samolot truck samochód ciężarowy Vocabulary railroad linia kolejowa cargo cargo Exercise 1. Match the definitions to the words. movement ruch international destination miejsce przeznaczenia zagranicą international freight forwarder spedytor międzynarodowy 1. commercial invoice a. a document required by the U.S. Department expertise wiedza fachowa, umiejętności of Commerce for exports of certain controlled specjalistyczne items, and/or shipments to certain countries, to allow somebody to do sth pozwalać komuś na zrobienie czegoś and/or shipments anywhere that exceed cer to prepare przygotowywać tain dollar amounts. This document is used to to process przetwarzać monitor shipments of controlled goods2. documentation dokumenty, dokumentacja 2. shipper's export b. a carrier's invoice for freight charges applicable to perform activities wykonywać działania declaration to a shipment3. related związany 3. bill of lading c. a commercial document issued by a seller to pertaining odnoszący się do the buyer, indicating the products, quantities, typical of something typowy dla czegoś and agreed prices for products or services the information informacja seller has provided to the buyer. to review sprawdzać, przeglądać, kontrolować 4, consignment note d. an official shipping document that travels with invoice faktura a shipment, identifies its consignor, consignee, shipper's export declaration deklaracja eksportowa załadowcy origin and destination, describes the goods, bill of lading konosament, list przewozowy and shows their weight and freight. Prepared country of export kraj eksportujący by the shipping company for its internal record country of import kraj imporujący and control4. country of transshipment kraj przewozu i paperless bez dokum entów w formie papierowej 1 http ://fin a n cia l-d ic tio n a ry .th efre ed ic tio n a ry .c o m /S h ip p e r% 2 7 s+ E x p o rt+ D e clara tio n environment środowisko * http://w w w .busln e ssd ic tio n a ry .c o m /d e fin itio n /fre ig h t-b ilI.h tm I ocean shipping wysyłka morska * h ttp ://w w w .b u sin e ssd ic tio n a ry .c o m /d e fin ltio n /w a y b ill.h tm 70 71 5. commercial letter e. document prepared by a consignor and coun rewriting of credit tersigned by the carrier as proof of receipt of a consignment for delivery at the destination. Exercise 1. Write a letter in which you inform the seller that 6. bill of freight f. a type of a bill of lading also called a straight bill of lading. • you have asked th e bank to transfer th e am ount due (invoice no. 345/10) 7. bill of consignment g. a document, usually issued by a buyer's bank • you would be grateful for confirmation th a t the money has reached their which authorizes the recipient of the letter (the account. seller) to draw specific amounts of money. 8 . waybill h. a type of document that is used to acknowledge the receipt of a shipment of goods. A transpor Exercise 2. Write a letter acknowledging receipt of th e payment and thanking tation company or carrier issues this document your custom er for th e satisfactory transaction. to a shipper. In addition to acknowledging the receipt of goods, it indicates the particular ves Bank of useful phrases and expressions sel on which the goods have been placed, their intended destination, and the terms for trans Advice of payment porting the shipment to its final destination5. We have pleasure in enclosing our cheque/bank draft for € paym ent of your invoice n o . ... dated... 1. I have instructed my bank, today, to transfer €432 000 to your account in 2. payment of your invoice no. 56789. 3. Thank you for your prom pt delivery. Please find enclosed our cheque for 4. €3,545 drawn on Fortis Bank, Poznan. Could you please acknowledge th e receipt? We would like to inform you th a t we have arranged for a money transfer through our bank, ING Bank Śląski. The transfer is for € 3 ,2 1 0 in paym ent of Speaking invoice No. 3456. Could you confirm th e transfer has been made as soon as the correspondent bank advises you? Exercise 1. Discuss. We have pleasure in enclosing our bank draft for €22,903.25 as payment on pro-forma invoice No. 3456. Please advice us when th e goods will be STUDENTA STUDENT B shipped and are likely to reach Gniezno. You are a forw arder w ho provides ser You are a representative of a large Our bank informs us th a t they have received th e shipping docum ents, and vices for companies taking part in th e company who is going to have a stand will be transferring th e am o unt due to your account. Poznań International Fair. A custom er at th e Poznań International Fair. You i • Thank you for your cheque/bank transfer for €... in paym ent of our is calling you. Answer his/her ques need a company which can pick up 1 invoice no.... dated... tions. th e em pty boxes and pallets and store • Our bank advises us today th a t your transfer of €234,000.00 was cre them for th e period of fair. dited to our account. Thank you for paying so promptly, and we hope to i h e a r from you soon. • Thank you for sending your draft for invoice No. 3456 so promptly. We hope you like the consignment and look forward to your next order. 5 http ://w w w .w ise g ee k .co m /w h at-is-a -b ill-o f-la d in g .h tm 72 73 • We received advice from our bank this morning th a t your transfer for UNIT 1 1 . TRANSPO RT OF G O O D S invoice No. 3456 has been credited to our account. We would like to thank you and look forward to future fruitful cooperation. ^ R e a d i n g _____________________________________________________ ■ Our bank advises us today th a t your transfer of €234,000.00 was cred ited to our account. Thank you for paying so promptly. We hope th at Exercise 1. Read th e text and answer the following questions: you will be satisfied with th e purchased products and are enclosing our 1. Which m odes of transportation are used to transport goods? sum m er catalogue, which we are sure will interest you. 2. W hat are th e th re e basic types of shipments? 3. W hat is door-to-door shipment? 4. W hat is a merchant navy? Give examples of restrictions on ground transport. 6. Give examples of restrictions on air transport. 7. Have you ever bought anything on the Internet? If so, how w ere the goods delivered to you? Shipping is the physical process of transporting goods and cargo. Virtually every product ever made, bought, or sold has been affected by shipping. Despite the many variables in shipped products and locations, there are only three basic types of shipments: land, air and sea. Land or "ground" shipping can be either by train or by truck. Trucking is easily the most popular form of shipping. Even in air and sea shipments, ground tran sp o rta tion is still required to take th e product from its origin to th e airport or seaport and then to its destination. Ground transportation is typically more affordable than air shipments, but more expensive than shipping by sea. Trucks are also much faster than ships and rail but slower than planes. Many trucks will take freight directly from the shipper to its destination in what is known as a door-to-door shipment. Vans and trucks of all sizes make deliveries to sea ports and airports where freight is moved in bulk also. Much shipping is done aboard actual ships. An individual nation's fleet and the people th a t crew it a re referred to its merchant navy or merchant marine. Merchant shipping is essential to th e world economy, carrying the bulk of international trade. The ships are also extremely expensive constructions themselves, being som e of the largest m an-made vehicles ever. The term originates with th e shipping trade/ of wind power ships, and has come to refer to the delivery of cargo and parcels of any size above th e common mail of letters and postcards. Ground shipping can be cheaper and less restrictive as to size, quantity, weight, and type of freight than air transport. Air transport is usually reserved 74 75 for products which m ust be sen t within a shorter tim e frame. Some carriers M a n y ________________ (samochody ciężarowe) t a k e ____________________ offer ground shipping th a t operates on an exact timeline as air does. This (ładunek) from th e _____________________ (przewoźnik) to its a recent developm ent, becoming mainstream am ong major carriers since th e late final ___________________ (miejsce przeznaczenia), which is called 1 9 9 0 s .1 _______________________(przewóz "drzwi-drzwi"). 4 ___________________(samochody ciężarowe) a n d ______________________ Glossary (va ny) m a k e ___________________ (d osta wy) t o ____________________________ (porty morskie) a n d _________________________ (porty lotnicze). virtually prawie, praktycznie affect wpływać na Exercise Z. Translate into Polish. variable zmienne land shipping 1. Goods may be tran spo rted in bulk. tran sp o rt lądowy ground ląd, lądowy 2. Ground shipping is cheaper than air transport. trucking transport transport ciężarowy 3 . Much shipping is done aboard ships. affordable przystępny (kosztowo) 4 . Trucks are faster than ships but slower than planes. door-to-door dostawy " od drzwi do drzwi" 5. Shipping is th e physical process of transporting goods and cargo. in bulk luzem, bez opakowania fleet flota Exercise 3. Supply th e missing prepositions. onboard ships na pokładzie statków crew załoga 1. Land shipping can be e ith e r ________ truck o r _________ train. to crew stanowić załogę 2. We m ust deliver this parcel________________________ th e place_origin_ merchant navy żegluga handlowa its destination. essential zasadniczy, podstawowy 3. Our trucks make deliveries________ all sea p o r t s _________ Poland and originate with pochodzić od G erm any________ 48 hours. wind power ship żaglowiec 4. We offer d o o r ________ door shipment services. restriction ograniczenie 5. Shipping ca rg o ________ sea is essen tial__________ th e world economy. restrictive ograniczający, restrykcyjny 6. Sea tran sp o rt is usually re s e rv e d ________ non-perishable goods. tim e frame przedział czasu timeline termin (tu: dostawy) r— ----------------------------- — ------ - -i Speaking________________________________ ______________________ mainstream główny nurt, dominujący rodzaj Vocabulary ] Exercise 1. Look at the pictures. W hat type of goods/cargo can you see? What mode of tran sp o rt would be best to deliver those goods? Why? Exercise 1. Supply the missing words. ! • ____________________ (przewozy samochodami ciężarowymi) is th e most popular m ethod o f ____________________ (przewóz towarów). 2. Products are transported from t h e ________________________________ (miejsce pochodzenia) to t h e i r _________________________ (miejsce przezna czenia) . 1 © [] , źródło: [http://en.w ik lp e d ia.o rg /w ik i/S h lp p in g ], licencja: [CC-BY-SA3.0 Deed] 77 UNIT 1 2 . TR AN SPO RT OF PASSENGERS Reading )_______________________________________________________ Exercise 1. Read th e text and answer th e questions: Exercise 2. Look at th e following destinations and decide w hat m ode of trans port would be best to deliver those goods. Why? 1, W hat m odes of transportation are typical of villages and small towns? 2. What m odes of public transportation are used in big and medium-sized 1. Toys from China to Poland cities? 2. Cars from Germany to France 3. W hat is th e difference betw een public and private transportation? 3. A birthday postcard from Italy to th e USA 4, W hat m odes of transportation are used by passengers travelling abroad? 4. A container from South Korea to Ireland 5. Rice from Vietnam to Bulgaria 6. Olive oil from Italy to Sweden Passenger transport, or travel, is divided into public and private transport, 7. Olives from Greece to Luxembourg public transport means scheduled services on fixed routes, while private trans 8. Coffee from Brazil to Finland port involves vehicles th a t provide ad hoc services as travellers desire. The 9. Tea from China to Great Britain latter offers better flexibility, but has lower capacity, and a higher environmental 10. Cuscus from Tunisia to Denmark impact, Travel may occur as part of daily commuting, for business or for leisure. Short-haul tran sp o rt is dominated by th e automobile and mass transit. The latter Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Sweden, Finland consists of buses in rural areas and small cities, supplem ented with com m uter Greece, Luxembourg, Denmark, Ireland, Great Britain, Bulgaria rail, tram s and rapid transit in larger cities. Long-haul tran sp o rt involves use of the automobile, trains, coaches and aircraft, th e last of which have becom e pre dom inantly used for th e longest, including intercontinental, travel. International travel may be restricted for som e individuals due to legislation and visa require ments1. Glossary passenger pasażer passenger transport transport pasażerski public transport tran sp o rt publiczny private transport tran sp o rt prywatny scheduled services usługi rejsowe, usługi figurujące w rozkładzie Exercise 3. Can you think of typical products which are transported from one fixed routes stałe trasy country to an o th er or from continent to continent? W hat are they? How do you vehicle pojazd think they are transported? © [ ], źródło: [h ttp ://en .w ik ip e d ia.o rg /w lk i/T ra n sp o rt], licencja: [CC-BY-SA 3,0 Deed] 78 79 ad hoc ad hoc, doraźnie legislation ustawodawstwo desire pragnienie visa wiza latter drugi, ostatni (wymieniony) requirem ent wymóg, wymaganie former pierwszy (wymieniony) offer oferować flexibility elastyczność capacity ładowność, pojemność ^ Vocabulary________________________________________________________ environmental środowiskowy impact wpływ Exercise 1. Supply th e missing prepositions. environmental impact wpływ na środowisko daily [ . ______ general, transp ort may be divided______ the tr a n s p o r t______ goods codzienny commuting and passengers. dojeżdżanie do pracy commuter 2. Coaches usually tra v e l______ fixed routes. osoba dojeżdżająca do pracy 3. People travel a b r o a d ______ business or leisure. commuter rail kolej związana z dojazdem do pracy; kolej 4. Planes are u s e d ______ long international and intercontinental routes and w porannych godzinach szczytu short domestic flights. leisure wolny czas; rekreacja, wypoczynek short-haul transport tran sport na krótki dystans long-haul transport Exercise 2. Supply the missing words (some words from th e list may be used tran sport na długi dystans to dominate dominować more than once). automobile samochód transit tranzyt buses • traffic jams • economy class passengers • cheap flight connec mass transit tions • underground • coach • train « plane • business class tickets • car tranzyt zbiorowy, tranzyt masowy to consist of składać się z bus autobus rural wiejski 1. ______________is th e fastest method of travelling from one part of the city city miasto to another. to supplement something by/ 2. I don't like Polish______________as they are always crowded at peak times. with something uzupełniać coś czymś 3. Many people who have t o ______________complain th a t they w aste a lot of tram tramwaj tim e in ______________ . rapid szybki 4. If you w ant to travel from one city to another you may go b y ______________ involve or b y ______________. wymagać, pociągać za sobą train pociąg 5. More and more people are using______________to travel around Europe as coach plane tickets are good value for money. autobus dalekobieżny aircraft 6. Rich businessmen usually travel b y ______________and buy expensive samolot predominantly ____________ . Those who do not have so much money J w przeważającej mierze, w przeważającej części, przeważnie travel a s ____________________________ . intercontinental 7. My husband is afraid of flying and so he travels everywhere by______________ międzykontynentalny restricted ograniczony or b y ______________when he goes on holiday. individual osoba, jednostka due to z powodu, ze względu na 80 81
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