Surmang Gala 2020 “Hoh!” “Marvelous,” Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. First calligraphy. 非凡”,仲巴仁波切的第一幅书法作品 2 Dear Friends, This year we are fortunate to offer two prints by the late Buddhist master, Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche. I was among the fortunate ones who studied under him from when I met him in 1970 until his passing in 1987 and beyond. He was the Supreme Abbot of the 14 Surmang Monasteries, today located in Yushu Prefecture, the location of the Surmang Foundation Clinic. His passing was my inspiration for the creation of this clinic. Rinpoche went to India in 1959. After a two years, he moved to England and studied at Oxford University. From England he moved to the US, where became the most prolific —the world’s most published author of Buddhism. He passed away in 1987 at the age of 49. Rinpoche believed that to change a society it was necessary to change the culture. One of the principal means for doing this was through poetry, music, dance, calligraphy and painting. Although he taught in English, these two calligraphies are examples of his earliest, inspired and uplifted work. The cover piece says “hoh!” a proclamation of joy and triumph, that the truth can be true. It means, “marvelous!” The second piece is a fanciful depiction of ducks, used as cover art for one of his early books. Your robust support of our clinic is proof of the power of his continuing compassion in this world. Supporting our clinic brings the promise of further wakefulness. Lee Weingrad Director, Surmang Foundation Found ang a m tio Sur n 3 0 years 3 亲爱的朋友们: 今年,我们有幸得到了两幅已故佛教大师仲巴仁波切作品的限量印刷版作为拍品。 从 1970 年我遇到仲巴仁波切直到 1987 年他圆寂,我是跟随他学习的幸运儿之一。 他是玉树州苏莽 14 座寺院的最高住持,这些寺院的位置也是苏莽基金会诊所所在地。仲 巴仁波切的圆寂激励我创建了这家诊所。 1961 年,仲巴仁波切前往印度,两年后移居英国,在牛津大学学习。后来他从英国 搬到了美国,在那里成了世界上出版佛教著作最多的作家。他于 1987 年圆寂,享年 49 岁。 仁波切认为要改变一个社会,就必须改变文化。其中一个主要的方式是通过诗歌, 音乐,舞蹈,书法和绘画。 虽然他用英语授课,但这两幅书法作品都是他最早创作、灵感迸发、奋发向上的典范。 封面上写着“hoh”,一种欢乐和胜利的宣言 --- 真理为真。它的意思是“非凡!” 第二幅作品是对鸭子的幻想描绘,用作他早期一本书的艺术封面。 您对我们诊所的鼎力支持正是仁波切在这个世界上生生不息的慈善力量的延续,为 我们的诊所越办越好带来了希望。 王理 苏莽基金会会长 Found ang a m tio Sur n 3 0 years 4 Birds of Inspiration and Confusion Chogyam Trunpa 灵感与迷茫之鸟 5 Li Xiaoke 李小可 Li Xiaoke Mr. Li Xiaoke executed this calligraphy in November, 2020, especially for the Surmang Foundation Gala. One of China’s brightest stars, Li Xiaoke has as vast background in the study of art as are his plaudits and professional accomplishments. In his life he has traveled all over Tibet and has represented his vast artistic experience paying homage to the culture and inspiration of Buddhism in Tibet. This calligraphy recalls the basis of Tibetan Buddhism, the “lam rim,” meaning the path and the fruition. The sense of journey and the attendant discipline of the practice of meditation reveals the fruition, that which comes from nowhere, stays nowhere and departs to nowhere. It is the birthright of all beings, reflected in this inspired calligraphy. 李小可 这幅书法作品是李小可老师 2020 年 11 月,特为苏莽基金会的慈善拍卖会所书写。 李小可是中国最耀眼的明星之一,他在艺术研究方面的背景,与他的才华和专业成就一 样博大。在他的一生中,他走遍了西藏,并运用了他丰富的艺术阅历,向西藏佛教的文 化和灵感致敬。 这幅书法追溯了藏传佛教的基础,“lam rim”,意思是道路和结果。禅修的旅程和随 之而来的戒律揭示了结果,这些结果无来处,无居所,无归属,它是众生与生俱来的权利, 在这幅颇具感悟的书法作品中得以体现。 6 Antique Bow 1 老式弓一号 This year we are featuring two very old bows. They were used originally to as objects of war. But they are also living reminders of our possibility of overcoming and ending war. These objects can be seen on Tibetan Buddhist shrines and on Japanese Buddhist shrines as a way of indicating not war, but symbolize the means for ending war, transforming aggression in wakeful compassion. 7 Antique Bow 2 老式弓二号 今年我们有两把非常古老的弓。它们最初被用于战争,但它们也在活生生地提醒着 我们,我们有可能战胜和结束战争。 这些物品可以在藏传佛教圣地和日本佛教圣地上看到,但他们并不是战争的象征, 而是结束战争的方式,在觉醒的同情心中化干戈为玉帛。 8 Carved Tiger 老虎木雕 The basic teachings of warriorship according to Trungpa Rinpoche is to show how we can conduct our lives as warriors with fearlessness and rejoicing, without destroying one another, cultivating who and what we are as human beings. The Four Dignities are Tiger, Lion, Garuda and Dragon. Their appearance in the world are to bring peace, wealth and harmony and appear on prayer flags, tiger signifying the perky quality of enlightened warriorship, whose energy can defeat hesitation and cowardice of all kinds. 根据创巴仁波切的说法,勇士崇拜的基本教义是展示我们如何像勇士一样无畏而快 乐地生活,在不毁灭彼此的情况下,认清自我,回归本真。 四尊是老虎、狮子、大鹏金翅鸟和龙。他们的现世是为了带来和平、财富和和谐, 它们的图像还出现在经幡上。老虎象征着精力充沛的勇士精神,其能量可以战胜各种犹 豫和懦弱。 9 Traditional Painting, Guanyin Pusa 传统国画观音菩萨 Gao Yilin. painted this masterpiece of Guanyin Pusa. Master Gao is the premier painter under the late fenshui master Shiah Jingshan for 15 years. This painting is not only an homage to Guanyin and Guanyin’s compassion, but it is so in real life as a donation to the Surmang Clinic a place that relieve suffering treats patients without charge for over 30 years. Mr. JS Shiah was a principal patron of Surmang Foundation. 高逸林女士创作了这幅观音菩萨的杰作。高女士是绘画大师,师从已故佛教绘画大 师夏荆山先生学习佛教绘画 15 年。这幅画不仅是向观音菩萨和观音菩萨的慈悲致敬,而 且在现实生活中,它作为赠品捐赠给苏莽诊所——一个 30 多年来为病人提供免费治疗, 旨在减轻痛苦的地方。 10 Guanyin Pusa 观音菩萨 Guanyin Pusa is a basic quality of awake in Buddhism, a quality that arises as compassion: seeing, working with others with the same care as your mother took with you when you were a helpless baby. This means not seeing yourself as superior to others, putting the suffering of others above our own well-being, and finally exchanging other’s suffering for our own well being. 观音菩萨是佛教中觉醒的一种基本品质,一种作为慈悲而产生的品质:看待别人, 与别人一起共事,要怀有像当你还是一个无助的婴儿时你母亲对你一样的关爱。这意味 着不要把自己看得比别人优越,不要把别人的痛苦凌驾于我们自己的幸福之上,最后要 用我们的幸福来换取别人的痛苦。 11 Antique Guanyin Pusa 观音菩萨 This smaller Guanyin Pusa is from the early Republican era in China 这座较小的观音像是中国民国时代初期的作品。 12 Guanyin Pusa 观音菩萨 This Guanyin Pusa is a head, a bust, and is contemporary. 这座观音是一个半身像,是当代的艺术作品。 13 Antique white vase Porcelain is one of China’s monumental contribution to the world. Jingdezhen porcelain was the special gift of Ming Emperor Yong le. And like silk cultivation and weaving, reached the heights of perfection on foreign soil as well. Imported. This vase is over 100 years old. 瓷器是中国对世界的巨大贡献之一。景德镇瓷器是明朝永乐皇帝的特殊礼物,它就像丝绸的 种植和编织一样,在异国他乡也达到了完美的高度。此瓷瓶是外国艺术家的作品。 14 S. China Minority Embroidery 中国民族刺绣 There is something otherworldly about this embroidery. It’s difficult to imagine how it is used. It is a collar for a dancer among South China’s minorities. 这件刺绣有些不同寻常。你很难想象到它的用途。它是华南少数民族舞者佩戴的项圈。 15 Chinese Pinpong shir autographed by Liu Guoliang 中国乒乓球队战袍 - 刘国梁先生签名 This is the shirt of the head coach of the Chinese National Table Tennis team, autographed by its owner , Liu Guoliang. Mr Li was a renown champion in the Olympic Games, the World Table Tennis Championships and the World Cup. table tennis player. He is now team’s head coach. 这是中国国家乒乓球队主教练刘国梁先生亲笔签名的战袍。刘国梁先生在他的运动 员生涯中,赢得了奥运会、世界乒乓球锦标赛和世界杯的“大满贯”。 他现任中国国家 乒乓球队的主教练。 16 Very Old Tibetan Carpet 古老的藏式地毯 This carpet comes from Eastern Tibet. It is elegant and over 100 years old. 这块地毯来自西藏东部。它优雅精致,有 100 多年的历史。 17 Daoist red shrine painting 红色供奉绘画 Mr. Yuan Xiaolou, also known as Kong Zhichao, is the 75th generation grandson of Confucius. Mr. Yuan is Director of China Millennium Monument World Art Center; Art Innovation Lab; Director of the China Association for International Exchange; Executive Director & Vice Chairman of Ningxia Rock Painting Association. In the 1st paragrapha, leave a space and make The painting: “Zhong Kui” Zhong Kui, a is a Daoist deity related to pacifying and exorcising negativity. His image as a statue or painting is often placed in a house or as part of a Daoist shrine. 袁小楼先生,又名孔志超,是孔子的第 75 代孙子。中华世纪坛世界艺术中心艺术创 新实验室主任;中国国际交流协会理事;宁夏岩画协会执行主任兼常务副主席。新画种水、 油融合创始人。 这幅画:“钟馗”钟馗,是一种与安抚和驱邪有关的道教神。他作为雕像或绘画的 形象通常被放置在房子里或作为道教供奉的一部分。 18 Elegan Japanese Hand-loomed silk 精美的日本丝绸 For millennia exporting silkworms was a crime in China. Eventually the worms found their way abroad and silk weaving became part of the culture of many countries —including most importantly, Thailand and Japan. This roll signifies the accomplishment of silk weaving in Japan. 11.7m long. 几千年来,在中国,出口蚕茧是一种犯罪。最终,这种小虫子找到了迈出国门的道路, 于是丝绸编织成为许多国家文化的一部分 --- 特别是在泰国和日本。这卷长 11.7 米的丝 绸展示了是日本丝绸织造的至高成就。 19 Poster “老酒馆“海报 - 刘江导演和陈宝国老师签名 This poster is made especially for Surmang Gala, signged by Director Liu Jiang and Actor Chen Baoguo for the famous TV show “Lao Jiu Guan”, which won many prizes in China. 著名的电视连续剧《老酒馆》在国内斩获多项大奖。为支持慈善,节目组专门特制 了这张海报,海报上有刘江导演和陈宝国老师的亲笔签名。。 20 Black Lacquer Tray 21 Eed Lacquer Tray 22 Porcelain Tahoe Ski Holiday 美国塔霍湖滑雪胜地度假 This is a very elegant, large ski lodge in S. Tahoe California. It can hold 18 people. It has a small indoor heated pool. 4 nights Jan 24 - Feb 2. Or: with advance notice during the summer months. 18 1 24 2 2 。 24 Wen Xiao Chun - 4 Seasons Traditional Chinese landscape painting by Mr. Wen Xiaochun, a very famous Chinese artist who has been supporting Surmang Foundation for many years. 中国传统水墨山水系列,由著名画家白雪狼(温晓春)先生为苏莽基金会专题创作。 感谢白雪狼先生常年支持苏莽基金会的工作。 25 Community Health Worker training On behalf of the 12,000+ people you’ve helped this year, and the mothers and children whose lives you've saved, Thank you. Lee Weingrad 26
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