How to withdraw from PolyMeme V1 How to troubleshoot quickswap LP And how to convert tokens to V2 for new farm Note: your funds are safe, and any MEME deposited into MEME pool 0 is too. All that is lost is rewards that were pending to harvest. Withdrawing From Pools How to withdraw from Old masterchef. Earned interest cannot be withdrawn. 1. Go to MasterChef: ract Or if (for example on mobile) the polygon scan UI doesn’t work for you, try this generated UI for the v1 farm to withdraw with 2. Click on “Connect to Web3” and connect wallet 3. Go to box 3 emergencyWIthdraaw 4. In _pid (uint256) filed enter the ID of the pool to withdraw. Pool PID values 0 - MEME | 1 - MEME-WMATIC LP 2 - USDC | 3 - qQUICK 4 - WETH | 5 - wBTC 6 - USDT | 7 - DAI 8 - WMATIC | 5. Click Write and approve TX. 6. You will need to repeat these steps for each pool in which you have funds 7. Send a tx of the emergency withdraw to us and we will send you some extra V2 MEME to stake, in order to help cover your lost earned interest. HOW TO UNPAIR LP FROM QUICKSWAP BAD Good *289 MEME is too high (max tx cause anti whale is 69) Make sure that you unpair to wmatic, not to matic. Qs will also often fail when withdrawing to And withdraw to about 69 or less MEME at a time unwrapped matic for some reason. *Press the text that saws RECEIVE WETH to receive in weather instead of non wrapped! How to convert MEME v1 to V2 We are getting a ui up to make this easier but until then this is how you convert MEME v1 to v2. Step 1 Go to the v1 token contract PolyMeme (MEME) Token Tracker | PolygonScan Connect your wallet first And approve spending for the new masterchef contract address 0xFd713726a28f45cEBCD2c9088BD2084De836e86F For a large number such as 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Step 2 Go to the READ Contract section of the v1 token page PolyMeme (MEME) Token Tracker | PolygonScan And enter your wallet address in the following function Note down the outputted balance amount. This is the number you will need to put into the conversion contract. In this images case the number is 876988066666666666637 which is equivalent to 876.988066666666666637 MEME but most notably there is no decimal. The decimal is added for display purposes 18 places from the right, but no tokens on the network ever actually have a decimal on the backend of their code. Step 3 Open up the contract address for the NEW V2 master chef 0xFd713726a28f45cEBCD2c9088BD2084De836e86F Contract Address 0xFd713726a28f45cEBCD2c9088BD2084De836e86F | PolygonScan Connect your wallet Then scroll down to the bottom where the upgradeToken function is Now you paste in the number you saved earlier (your token balance of v1 with no decimals) ex. 876988066666666666637 Note. 1000000000000000000 is one coin Step 4 Add the token address of the new coin to your metamask PolyMemeV2 Address: 0xf2fd98bda7065fba2733e91045240820bacc7e20 PolyMemeV2 (MEME) Token Tracker | PolygonScan Congrats you now have MEME V2! Stay tuned for the new VFAT Link, Website, and an easier front end for converting MEME v1 to v2. NOTE: DEADLINE FOR CONVERSION IS FRIDAY THE 25TH OF JUNE! If by then you still have MEME v1 that is unconverted, tell the devs and they will personally swap your MEMEv1 for V2 for a grace period if anyone missed out.
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