Table of Pattern Headings Category Pattern Heading Animals Fishes Cattle Art Art, Chinese Art, Italian Art, Japanese Art, Korean Chemicals Copper Insulin Colonies Great Britain—Colonies Diseases Cancer Tuberculosis Educational institutions Individual Harvard University Types Universities and colleges Industries Construction industry Retail trade Languages and groups of languages English language French language Romance languages Legal topics Labor laws and legislation Legislative bodies United States. Congress Literary authors (Groups) Authors, English Literary works entered under author Shakespeare, William, 1564–1616. Hamlet Literary works entered under title Beowulf Literatures (including individual genres) English literature Materials Concrete Metals Military services United States—Armed Forces United States. Air Force United States. Army United States. Marine Corps United States. Navy Musical compositions Operas Musical instruments Piano Clarinet Violin Organs and regions of the body Heart Foot Plants and crops Corn Religious bodies Religious and monastic orders Jesuits Religions Buddhism Christian denominations Catholic Church Sacred works Bible Vehicles, Land Automobiles Wars World War, 1939–1945 United States—History—Civil War, 1861–1865 xiv LCSH consult the online file of name authority records. For CATEGORIES OF HEADINGS INCLUDED IN THE LIST more information, consult the Manual. LCSH is primarily a listing of topical subject headings. Free-floating Phrase Headings Ever since the first edition, names of persons and names of corporate bodies (jurisdictions, companies, etc.) have been These headings are not established by subject omitted from the list unless needed as patterns or examples, or catalogers but are composed and applied as needed without the unless a subdivision must be printed. In addition, the list in the creation of an authority record. These headings are: past omitted some of the topical headings established and assigned as subject headings to bibliographic records by the [Name of city] Metropolitan Area ([Geographic qualifier]) Library of Congress. Although certain categories of headings [Name of city] Region ([Geographic qualifier]) were established and applied to works cataloged, they were [Name of city] Suburban Area ([Geographic qualifier]) omitted from the printed list in order to save space. [Name of river] Region ([Geographic qualifier]) In 1976 the decision was made to print the following [Name of geographic feature] Region ([Geographic qualifier]) types of formerly omitted headings: names of sacred books; names of families, dynasties, and royal houses; gods; legendary Establishing and Printing Certain Music Headings and fictitious characters; works of art; biological names; and chemicals. Headings in these categories appear in the list if they Although a large number of existing music headings were established after 1976. In 1976 the Library also began to have been printed in LCSH when specific cross-references are print several other categories of formerly omitted headings: not needed, LC does not print headings with qualifiers geographic regions and features; city sections; archaeological specifying instruments or vocal parts when the main heading has sites; extinct cities; structures; buildings; roads; parks and a general scope note, with or without a general see also reference. reserves; plazas; streets; and other proper names not usually capable of authorship. The list also contains an artificial Machine-generated validation records structure called a “multiple,” of which Subject headings— Aeronautics, [Education, Latin America, Law, etc.] and Civil In 2007 the Policy and Standards Division began to rights—Religious aspects—Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] are create and distribute subject authority records that were examples. These multiple subdivisions are intended to indicate machine-generated from subject headings residing in that analogous subdivisions may be used as needed without a bibliographic records in the Library’s files. These strings specific authority record. That is, under the heading Civil typically include a topical subject heading followed by a rights—Religious aspects the name of any religion may be geographic, topical, or form subdivision. Validation records are assigned as a further subdivision. distributed to subscribers of the MARC 21 subject authority records via Internet FTP on a weekly basis along with the CATEGORIES OF HEADINGS OMITTED FROM THE LIST subject authority headings that appear in these volumes. Through January 2016 more than 78,000 validation records have been Four categories of headings are omitted from the list: created. headings that appear in the Name Authority File, free-floating phrase headings, certain music headings, and machine-generated For more specific instructions, consult the Manual. validation records. FILING ARRANGEMENT Headings Residing in the Name Authority File Filing rules that provide for efficient arrangement of Personal names, corporate bodies, names of bibliographic entries by computer have been followed. These jurisdictions, names of meetings, conferences, and other rules (Library of Congress Filing Rules, 1980) are also used in organized events, such as competitions and sports events, and other Library of Congress computer-generated bibliographic uniform titles are omitted from the subject headings list unless products. used as a pattern or example, or unless a subdivision or special The basic principle is to file a heading strictly as instruction must be printed. expressed in its written form, word by word. A word is defined In 2013 the decision was made to discontinue as consisting of one or more letters or numerals set off by spaces establishing several types of headings in LCSH, including names or marks of significant punctuation, such as the hyphen. of individual fictitious characters, legendary characters, and Therefore, abbreviations, acronyms, and initials without interior mythological figures; names of individual deities; and punctuation (e.g., Dr., ALGOL, IBM) are filed as words. Initials individually named animals. The headings are now established separated by punctuation are filed as separate words at the in the name authority file, and existing subject headings are beginning of their alphabetic group. gradually being cancelled in favor of the name authority records. To find the established forms of headings that do not appear in xv Great Britain—History—Edward, the Confessor, 1042–1066 C-coefficient, USE Clebsch-Gordan coefficients Great Britain—History—William I, 1066–1087 C.F. & I. clause, USE C.I.F. clause Great Britain—History—Norman period, 1066–1154 C.O.D. shipments Great Britain—History—1066–1687 Ca Gaba Indians, USE Kagaba Indians Cazcan Indians Inverted headings file ahead of headings with CCPM test, USE Constant-choice perceptual maze test parenthetical qualification: Crystals CTD (Injuries), USE Overuse injuries Children Children, Maori Modified letters with diacritics are filed with their Children (International law) unmodified equivalents. Children (Roman law) Möbius function In any subject heading, subordinate elements that Mobs follow a dash are grouped in the following order: Moeller family (a) period subdivisions, arranged chronologically Molds (Fungi) (b) form and topical subdivisions, arranged alphabetically Möller family, USE Moeller family (c) geographic subdivisions, arranged alphabetically Mollusks These sequences are maintained at every level of subject Numbers that are expressed in digits, both Arabic and subdivision. Roman, precede alphabetic characters and are arranged in increasing numeric value. United States—Foreign relations—20th century United States—Foreign relations—1945–1989 4–H clubs United States—Foreign relations—Executive agreements 14 Ranch (Wyo.) United States—Foreign relations—Treaties 35mm cameras United States—Foreign relations—Iran 1939 A.D. USE Nineteen thirty-nine, A.D. United States—Foreign relations—Latin America 6502 (Microprocessor) A–5 rocket The filing rules require that certain entries, usually A.C. automobile personal and corporate entries with titles, follow an A priori unsubdivided heading and precede that heading with Aamand family subdivisions. This will result in filing sequences as follows: Four-day week Nineteen thirty-nine, A.D. Bible P–40 (Fighter plane) Bible. English p-adic numbers Bible—Abridgments P–STAT (Computer system) Bible—Versions Paavola family Bible. Matthew Pac-Man (Game) Pacific Coast (Peru) Shakespeare,William, 1564–1616 PADIS (Information retrieval system) Shakespeare,William, 1564–1616. Hamlet PC–1500 (Computer) Shakespeare, William, 1564–1616—Acting Peace see Shakespeare. . . . In a chronological file, dates are arranged according to United States proper chronology. The word “To” is treated as if it were 0 United States. Declaration of Independence—Signers (zero). In a chronological progression the shortest period is filed United States—Antiquities first. Period subdivisions are arranged chronologically even United States—Territories and possessions when the dates do not appear first. If two spans begin with the United States. Air Force same date, the shorter time period files first: It is necessary to consult the unsubdivided heading preceding the Great Britain—History—To 55 B.C. author/title combination because it may contain information Great Britain—History—To 449 essential to understanding how the heading operates, such as Great Britain—History—To 1066 whether it may be divided by place. Great Britain—History—To 1485 Great Britain—History—Anglo-Saxon period, 449–1066 xvi *Naborr (Horse) (Not Subd Geog) 1st Hill Park (Seattle, Wash.) 3-dimensional ... UF Nabor (Horse) USE First Hill Park (Seattle, Wash.) USE subject headings beginning with the words BT Horses 1st law of thermodynamics Three-dimensional *Raseyn (Horse) (Not Subd Geog) USE First law of thermodynamics 3-folds (Algebraic geometry) BT Horses 1st Lieutenant Louis Allen Post Office (Chester, N.Y.) USE Threefolds (Algebraic geometry) 0 (Group of artists) UF Allen Post Office (Chester, N.Y.) 3-hexylthiophene USE Zero (Group of artists) First Lieutenant Louis Allen Post Office USE Poly(3-hexylthiophene) 0⁰ latitude (Chester, N.Y.) 3 Higher Street (Dartmouth, England) USE Equator Louis Allen Post Office (Chester, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—England 0⁰ meridian BT Post office buildings—New York (State) 3-i︠a︡ Artilleriĭskai︠a︡ linii︠a︡ (Saint Petersburg, Russia) USE Prime Meridian 1st Street (Harare, Zimbabwe) USE Furshtatskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, 0-1 Bird Dog (Reconnaissance aircraft) USE First Street (Harare, Zimbabwe) Russia) USE Bird Dog (Reconnaissance aircraft) 2 Ennerdale Drive (Barnet, London, England) 3-i︠a︡ Artilleriĭskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, Russia) 0th law of thermodynamics BT Dwellings—England USE Furshtatskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, USE Zeroth law of thermodynamics 2 Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.) Russia) 1,000 Year Monument (Novgorod, Russia) UF Two Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 3-manifolds (Topology) USE Tysi︠a︡cheletie Rossii (Novgorod, Russia) BT Office buildings—New York (State) USE Three-manifolds (Topology) 1,4-beta-D-glucan cellobiohydrolase 2A2 (Military aircraft) 3-sheet posters USE Cellulose 1,4-beta-cellobiosidase USE Salmson 2A2 (Military aircraft) USE Three-sheet posters 1 1/2 Strutter (Military aircraft) 2nd Avenue (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) 3 Sisters Islands (Washington, D.C.) USE Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter (Military aircraft) USE Second Avenue (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) USE Three Sisters Islands (Washington, D.C.) 1-2 Montague Place (London, England) 2nd Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 3-trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine BT Office buildings—England USE Second Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine 1-[3-(trifluoro-methyl)-phenyl]piperazine 2nd Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) 3 Vallées (France) USE Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine USE Second Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) USE Trois Vallées (France) 1-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]piperazine 2nd law of thermodynamics 3 Valleys (France) USE Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine USE Second law of thermodynamics USE Trois Vallées (France) 1-5 Bond Street (New York, N.Y.) 2P/Encke (Comet) 3C 405 (Astronomy) USE Robbins and Appleton Building (New York, USE Encke comet USE Cygnus A N.Y.) 2U 2030+40 (Astronomy) 3D/Biela (Comet) 1 Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.) USE Cygnus X-3 USE Biela comet USE One Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.) 3-(1-piperazino)benzotrifluoride 3D display systems 1 Bellevue Center Building (Bellevue, Wash.) USE Trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine USE Three-dimensional display systems USE One Bellevue Center (Bellevue, Wash.) 3.1 Tongnip Sŏnŏn Kinyŏmtʻap (Seoul, Korea) 3D films 1-benzylpiperazine UF Monument for Declaration of Independence, USE 3-D films USE Benzylpiperazine 1st March, 1919 (Seoul, Korea) 3D game-based animated films 1 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) Samil Tongnip Sŏnŏn Kinyŏmtʻap (Seoul, USE Machinima films USE International Mercantile Marine Company Korea) 3D game-based films Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Monuments—Korea (South) USE Machinima films 1, Bush Villas (Portsmouth, England) 3.2 CL automobile 3D ICs (Three-dimensional integrated circuits) USE Bush Villa (Portsmouth, England) USE Acura 3.2 CL automobile USE Three-dimensional integrated circuits 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza (New York, N.Y.) 3 Baudets (Paris, France) 3D imaging UF Chase Manhattan Bank Tower and Plaza (New USE Théâtre des 3 baudets (Paris, France) USE Three-dimensional imaging York, N.Y.) 3 Circle Ranch (Mont.) 3D mammography One Chase Manhattan Plaza (New York, N.Y.) USE Three Circle Ranch (Mont.) USE Tomosynthesis BT Bank buildings—New York (State) 3-D chess 3D modeling 1-ethyl-4-hydroxybenzene USE Three-dimensional chess USE Three-dimensional modeling USE 4-ethylphenol 3-D display systems 3D personality test 1 Higher Street (Dartmouth, England) USE Three-dimensional display systems USE Three-dimensional personality test BT Dwellings—England 3-D films 3D printing 1-hydroxy-4-ethylbenzene [TR854] USE Three-dimensional printing USE 4-ethylphenol UF 3D films 3D-SST (Astrophysics) 1-i︠a︡ Furshtatskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, Moving-pictures, Three-dimensional [Former USE Vortex theory (Astrophysics) Russia) heading] 3D television USE Furshtatskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, Stereoscopic motion pictures USE 3-D television Russia) Three-dimensional motion pictures 3D test of visualization skills 1 M & T Plaza (Buffalo, N.Y.) BT Motion pictures USE Three-dimensional test of visualization skills USE M & T Bank Building (Buffalo, N.Y.) Three-dimensional display systems 3D video (Three-dimensional imaging) 1-oxa-4-azacyclohexane 3-D imaging USE 3-D video (Three-dimensional imaging) USE Morpholine USE Three-dimensional imaging 3DP (Three-dimensional printing) 1 Pendleton Place House (New York, N.Y.) 3-D mammography USE Three-dimensional printing UF Pendleton House (New York, N.Y.) USE Tomosynthesis 3GPP Long-Term Evolution (Telecommunications) T.M. Rianhard House (New York, N.Y.) 3-D modeling USE Long-Term Evolution (Telecommunications) William S. Pendleton House (New York, N.Y.) USE Three-dimensional modeling 3rd Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 3-D painting USE Third Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 1 Poultry (London, England) USE Relief (Art) 3rd law of thermodynamics UF No. 1 Poultry (London, England) 3-D personality test USE Third law of thermodynamics Number 1 Poultry (London, England) USE Three-dimensional personality test 3rd millennium Number One Poultry (London, England) 3-D printing USE Third millennium One Poultry (London, England) USE Three-dimensional printing 3rd Street (Cincinnati, Ohio) BT Commercial buildings—England 3-D television (May Subd Geog) USE Third Street (Cincinnati, Ohio) 1 Scott Avenue (Fort Leavenworth, Kan.) [TK6658] 3rd Street (Fairbanks, Alaska) UF House on the Bluff (Fort Leavenworth, Kan.) UF 3D television USE Third Street (Fairbanks, Alaska) No. 1 Scott Avenue (Fort Leavenworth, Kan.) Stereoscopic television [Former heading] 3rd Street (Washington, D.C.) Number 1 Scott Avenue (Fort Leavenworth, Television, Three-dimensional USE Third Street (Washington, D.C.) Kan.) Three-dimensional television 3rd Street (Yreka, Calif.) BT Generals—Dwellings—Kansas BT Television USE Third Street (Yreka, Calif.) Official residences—Kansas Three-dimensional display systems 3RIP (Information retrieval system) 1-sheet posters 3-D test of visualization skills [Z699.4.T14] USE One-sheet posters USE Three-dimensional test of visualization skills BT Information storage and retrieval systems 1 Times Square (New York, N.Y.) 3-D video (Three-dimensional imaging) 4-aminopropiophenone (May Subd Geog) USE One Times Square (New York, N.Y.) (May Subd Geog) UF Aminopropiophenone, Para- 1 Wall Street (New York, N.Y. : 1931- ) [TK6680.8.A15] P-aminopropiophenone USE One Wall Street (New York, N.Y. : 1931- ) UF 3D video (Three-dimensional imaging) PAPP (Chemical) 1P/ Halley (Comet) Three-dimensional video (Three-dimensional Para-aminopropiophenone USE Halley's comet imaging) BT Propiophenones 1st Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) BT Digital video Radiation-protective agents USE First Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) Three-dimensional imaging 4 As (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) 1st Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) 3 de Febrero Park (Buenos Aires, Argentina) UF Four Aces (Fictitious characters) USE First Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) USE Parque 3 de Febrero (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Quatre As (Fictitious characters) 1st century, A.D. Quatro Ases (Fictitious characters) USE First century, A.D. #-1 USE First century, A.D. 4-benzylpiperazine 5D/Brorsen (Comet) 8th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Benzylpiperazine USE Brorsen comet USE Eighth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 4 Counties Ring (England) 5F.1 (Fighter plane) 8th century USE Four Counties Ring (England) USE Dolphin (Fighter plane) USE Eighth century 4 Cowley Street (London, England) 5th Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 8th house (Astrology) UF Four Cowley Street (London, England) USE Fifth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) USE Eighth house (Astrology) No. 4 Cowley Street (London, England) 5th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 8th Street (Georgetown, Washington, D.C.) No. Four Cowley Street (London, England) USE Fifth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE R Street (Washington, D.C.) North Eastern Railway London Office (London, 5th Avenue Northeast (Seattle, Wash.) 9-10 Stock Orchard Street (London, England) England) USE Fifth Avenue Northeast (Seattle, Wash.) UF 9 Stock Orchard Street (London, England) Number 4 Cowley Street (London, England) 5th Avenue Northwest (Seattle, Wash.) Straw House (London, England) BT Office buildings—England USE Fifth Avenue Northwest (Seattle, Wash.) BT Dwellings—England 4-dimensional manifolds (Topology) 5th century, A.D. Office buildings—England USE Four-manifolds (Topology) USE Fifth century, A.D. 9/11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 4-ethylphenol 5th Republic, French USE September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 UF 1-ethyl-4-hydroxybenzene USE France—Politics and government—1958- 9 d'Octubre Bridge (Valencia, Spain) 1-hydroxy-4-ethylbenzene 6 (Group of composers) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic 4-hydroxyphenylethane USE Groupe des six (Group of composers) subdivision. p-Ethylphenol 6 AM Island (Micronesia) UF 9 October Bridge (Valencia, Spain) BT Phenols USE Ruo (Micronesia) Nou d'Octubre Bridge (Valencia, Spain) 4-H clubs (May Subd Geog) 6 Charlotte Square (Edinburgh, Scotland) BT Bridges—Spain [S533.F66] USE Bute House (Edinburgh, Scotland) 9 October Bridge (Valencia, Spain) UF 4H clubs 6 Chekhov Street (Moscow, Russia) USE 9 d'Octubre Bridge (Valencia, Spain) Four-H clubs USE Ulit︠s︡a Chekhova, 6 (Moscow, Russia) 9 Quarter Circle Ranch (Mont.) BT Agricultural education—Societies, etc. 6-Phosphofructokinase USE Nine Quarter Circle Ranch (Mont.) Boys—Societies and clubs USE Phosphofructokinase 1 9 Stock Orchard Street (London, England) Girls—Societies and clubs 6 pittori di Torino (Group of artists) USE 9-10 Stock Orchard Street (London, England) NT International farm youth exchange project USE Sei pittori di Torino (Group of artists) 9P/Tempel 1 (Comet) — Public relations (May Subd Geog) 6-sheet posters USE Tempel 1 comet 4-hydroxyphenylethane USE Six-sheet posters 9th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE 4-ethylphenol 6 Soi Kasemsan II (Bangkok, Thailand) USE Ninth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 4-i︠a︡ ot Nevy reki linii︠a︡ (Saint Petersburg, Russia) UF House on the Klong (Bangkok, Thailand) 9th Avenue Elevated (New York, N.Y.) USE Furshtatskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a (Saint Petersburg, BT Dwellings—Thailand USE Ninth Avenue El (New York, N.Y.) Russia) 6P/d'Arrest (Comet) 9th century 4-manifolds (Topology) USE D'Arrest comet USE Ninth century USE Four-manifolds (Topology) 6th Avenue (Denver, Colo.) 9th Street (Cincinnati, Ohio) 4 parashiyot USE Sixth Avenue (Denver, Colo.) USE Ninth Street (Cincinnati, Ohio) USE Arbaʻ parashiyot 6th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 10,000 Smokes, Valley of (Alaska) 4 Petroverigovskiĭ Alley (Moscow, Russia) USE Sixth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Ten Thousand Smokes, Valley of (Alaska) USE Petroverigovskiĭ pereulok, 4 (Moscow, Russia) 6th Crossing of the Sweetwater (Wyo.) 10-14 De Erven (Broek in Waterland, Netherlands) 4 Saint Mark's Place (New York, N.Y.) USE Sixth Crossing of the Sweetwater (Wyo.) USE Beroemde Huis (Broek in Waterland, USE Hamilton-Holly House (New York, N.Y.) 6th Street (Austin, Tex.) Netherlands) 4 St. Mark's Place (New York, N.Y.) USE Sixth Street (Austin, Tex.) 10 Downing Street (London, England) USE Hamilton-Holly House (New York, N.Y.) 6th Street (Georgetown, Washington, D.C.) USE Number 10 Downing Street (London, England) 4-wheel drive vehicles USE Dent Place (Washington, D.C.) 10-minute plays USE Four-wheel drive vehicles 7/7 Terrorist Attacks, London, England, 2005 USE Ten-minute plays 4 x 4 scheduling (Education) USE London Terrorist Bombings, London, England, 10 Motorway (Amsterdam, Netherlands) USE Block scheduling (Education) 2005 USE Rijksweg A10 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 4H clubs 7 Adar 10 Pound Island (Mass.) USE 4-H clubs USE Seventh of Adar USE Tenpound Island (Mass.) 4MAT curriculum 7 World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.) 10 Rillington Place (London, England) USE 4MAT system UF Building 7 (New York, N.Y.) UF 10 Ruston Close (London, England) 4MAT system Seven World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.) Ten Rillington Place (London, England) [LB1029.A13] WTC 7 (New York, N. Y.) BT Dwellings—England UF 4MAT curriculum WTC Building 7 (New York, N.Y.) 10 Ruston Close (London, England) 4MAT system model WTC7 (New York, N.Y.) USE 10 Rillington Place (London, England) Four MAT system BT Office buildings—New York (State) 10s (Nineteenth century decade) BT Instructional systems 7F.1 (Fighter plane) USE Eighteen tens 4MAT system model USE Snipe (Fighter plane) 10th-Anniversary Stadium (Warsaw, Poland) USE 4MAT system 7IL Ranch (Calif.) USE Dziesięciolecia Stadion (Warsaw, Poland) 4P/Faye (Comet) BT Ranches—California 10th century USE Faye comet 7th Avenue (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) USE Tenth century 4Runner sport utility vehicle USE Seventh Avenue (Brooklyn, New York, N.Y.) 10th Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Toyota 4Runner sport utility vehicle 7th Avenue (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) USE Tenth Street (New York, N.Y.) 4th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Seventh Avenue (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) 10th Street Market (Oakland, Calif.) USE Fourth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 7th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Swan's Marketplace (Oakland, Calif.) 4th Street (Fargo, N.D.) USE Seventh Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 11,000 Virgins (Legendary saints) USE Fourth Street (Fargo, N.D.) 7th Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) USE Eleven Thousand Virgins (Legendary saints) 4U 1957+40 (Astronomy) USE Seventh Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) 11 Armi︠a︡nskiĭ Alley (Moscow, Russia) USE Cygnus A 7th century USE Armi︠a︡nskiĭ pereulok, 11 (Moscow, Russia) 4WD vehicles USE Seventh century 11 listopada (Polish holiday) USE Four-wheel drive vehicles 7TP (Tank) (Not Subd Geog) USE Independence Day (Poland) 4x4 scheduling (Education) BT Tanks (Military science) 11-plus (Educational test) USE Block scheduling (Education) 8.8 cm FlaK gun USE Eleven-plus (Educational test) 4x4s (Vehicles) USE 88 mm FlaK gun 11 Silver Street (Bradford-on-Avon, England) USE Four-wheel drive vehicles 8-Ball (Game) (May Subd Geog) BT Commercial buildings—England 5 (Group of composers) [GV900.A16] Dwellings—England USE Moguchai︠a︡ kuchka (Group of composers) UF Eight Ball (Game) 11, Vico del balcone pensile (Pompeii) 5-azacytidine BT Pool (Game) USE House of the Christian Inscription (Pompeii) USE Azacitidine 8 Long Street (Devizes, England) 11+ (Educational test) 5 Higher Street (Dartmouth, England) UF No. 8 Long Street (Devizes, England) USE Eleven-plus (Educational test) BT Dwellings—England Number 8 Long Street (Devizes, England) 11th century 5-HT (Neurotransmitter) Powell's House (Devizes, England) USE Eleventh century USE Serotonin Samuel Powell's House (Devizes, England) 12 Chekhov Street (Moscow, Russia) 5-HT uptake inhibitors BT Dwellings—England USE Ulit︠s︡a Chekhova, 12 (Moscow, Russia) USE Serotonin uptake inhibitors 8-Mawr Mawddach (Wales) 12th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 5-HTP (Biochemical) USE Mawddach Big 8 (Wales) USE Twelfth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Hydroxytryptophan 8P/Tuttle (Comet) 12th century 5-Hydroxytryptamine uptake inhibitors USE Tuttle comet USE Twelfth century USE Serotonin uptake inhibitors 8th Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 13 (Group of artists) 5 principles (Ideology) USE Eighth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) USE Trinadt︠s︡atʹ (Group of artists) USE Pancasila #-2 13 Brunswick Square (Hove, England) Church Bombing, Birmingham, Ala., 1963 21 Kirov Street (Moscow, Russia) USE Regency Town House (Hove, England) Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing, USE Ulit︠s︡a Kirova, 21 (Moscow, Russia) 13 del carrer dels Lledó (Barcelona, Spain) Birmingham, Ala., 1963 21 Tier Street House (New York, N.Y.) USE Casa de Joan Boscà (Barcelona, Spain) BT Bombings—Alabama UF Twenty-one Tier Street House (New York, 13 Tombs (China) 17 Bolʹshai︠a︡ Pirogovskai︠a︡ Street (Moscow, Russia) N.Y.) USE Ming Tombs (China) USE Bolʹshai︠a︡ Pirogovskai︠a︡ ulit︠s︡a, 17 BT Dwellings—New York (State) 13P/Olbers (Comet) (Moscow, Russia) 21 trisomy USE Olbers comet 17-Mile Drive (Calif.) USE Down syndrome 13th century UF Seventeen-Mile Drive (Calif.) 21 West Street Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Thirteenth century BT Scenic byways—California UF Twenty-one West Street Building (New York, 14,000-foot mountains Toll roads—California N.Y.) USE Fourteeners (Mountains) 17 Mile House (Colo.) BT Office buildings—New York (State) 14-18 Rector Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Stagecoach stations—Colorado 21P/Giacobini-Zinner (Comet) USE 94 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) 17 Mile House Farm Park (Colo.) USE Giacobini-Zinner comet 14-Mile City (Mont.) BT Historic sites—Colorado 21st century USE Alder Gulch (Madison County, Mont.) Parks—Colorado USE Twenty-first century 14 Oriente Avenue (Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico) 17P/Holmes (Comet) 22 East 40th Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Avenida 14 Oriente (Puebla de Zaragoza, USE Holmes comet USE 275 Madison Avenue (New York, N.Y.) Mexico) 17th Avenue Northwest (Seattle, Wash.) 22 Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) 14 Ranch (Wyo.) USE Seventeenth Avenue Northwest (Seattle, USE 25 Park Place (New York, N.Y.) BT Ranches—Wyoming Wash.) 22 West Highland Drive (Seattle, Wash.) 14 Wall Street (New York, N.Y.) 17th century USE Ballard/Howe House (Seattle, Wash.) UF Bankers Trust Company Building (New York, USE Seventeenth century 22 William Street (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) 17th of May (Norwegian holiday) USE 20 Exchange Place (New York, N.Y.) Fourteen Wall Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Grunnlovsdag (Norwegian holiday) 22nd century BT Bank buildings—New York (State) 17th Street (Washington, D.C.) USE Twenty-second century 14ers (Mountains) USE Seventeenth Street (Washington, D.C.) 22nd Street (Saint Petersburg, Fla.) USE Fourteeners (Mountains) 18-Brumaire, France, 1799 USE Twenty-second Street (Saint Petersburg, Fla.) 14P/Wolf (Comet) USE France—History—Coup d'état, 1799 23 Park Place (New York, N.Y.) USE Wolf comet 18 de Julio Avenue (Montevideo, Uruguay) UF 20 Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) 14th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Avenida 18 de Julio (Montevideo, Uruguay) Twenty Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Fourteenth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 18 Dublin Street (Edinburgh, Scotland) Twenty-three Park Place (New York, N.Y.) 14th Avenue Northeast (University District, Seattle, USE Maclaurin House (Edinburgh, Scotland) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) Wash.) 18 fructidor, France, 1797 23 Stycznia Avenue (Grudziądz, Poland) USE University Way (Seattle, Wash.) USE France—History—Coup d'état, 1797 USE Aleja 23 Stycznia (Grudziądz, Poland) 14th century 18 Miła Street (Warsaw, Poland) 23rd Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Fourteenth century USE Miła 18 (Warsaw, Poland) USE Twenty-third Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 14th Street (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) 18 North Street (Exeter, England) 23rd century USE Fourteenth Street (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—England USE Twenty-third century 14th Street (Washington, D.C.) 18 Ranch (Tex.) 23rd Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Fourteenth Street (Washington, D.C.) BT Ranches—Texas USE Twenty-third Street (New York, N.Y.) 14th Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) 18th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 24 de Maio Island (Brazil) USE Civic Repertory Theatre (New York, N.Y.) USE Eighteenth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Vinte e Quatro de Maio Island (Brazil) 14th Street Wigwam (Manhattan, New York, N.Y.) 18th century 24 N.C. (Paris, France) USE Tammany Hall (Manhattan, New York, N.Y. : USE Eighteenth century USE 24 rue Nungesser-et-Coli (Paris, France) Fourteenth Street) 19P/Borrelly (Comet) 24 rue Nungesser-et-Coli (Paris, France) 15 Saint James's Square (London, England) USE Borrelly comet UF 24 N.C. (Paris, France) USE Lichfield House (London, England) 19th century Apartment Block 24 N.C. (Paris, France) 15 sierpnia (Polish holiday) USE Nineteenth century Immeuble 24 N.C. (Paris, France) USE Święto Wojska Polskiego 19th Police Precinct Station House (New York, N.Y.) Vingt-quatre, rue Nungesser-et-Coli (Paris, 15 Tenth Street (New York, N.Y.) UF 25th Police Precinct Station House (New York, France) USE Tenth Street Studio Building (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) BT Apartment houses—France 15th Avenue Northeast (Seattle, Wash.) Nineteenth Police Precinct Station House (New 24-sheet posters USE Fifteenth Avenue Northeast (Seattle, Wash.) York, N.Y.) USE Twenty-four-sheet posters 15th Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) Twenty-fifth Police Precinct Station House 25 de julio (Puerto Rican holiday) USE Fifteenth Avenue West (Seattle, Wash.) (New York, N.Y.) USE Constitution Day (P.R.) 15th century BT Police stations—New York (State) 25 de Março Street (São Paulo, Brazil) USE Fifteenth century 19th Street (Portland, Or.) USE Rua 25 de Março (São Paulo, Brazil) 15th of August (Polish holiday) USE Nineteenth Street (Portland, Or.) 25 Park Place (New York, N.Y.) USE Święto Wojska Polskiego 20 Exchange Place (New York, N.Y.) UF 22 Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) 15XX Class (Steam locomotives) UF 22 William Street (New York, N.Y.) Twenty-five Park Place (New York, N.Y.) USE GWR 1500 Class (Steam locomotives) 65 Beaver Street (New York, N.Y.) Twenty-two Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) 16, Lake (Ind.) City Bank Farmers Trust Company Building BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) USE Sixteen, Lake (Ind.) (New York, N.Y.) 25th century 16 1/2 Street (Washington, D.C.) First National City Trust Company Building USE Twenty-fifth century USE Mount Pleasant Street (Washington, D.C.) (New York, N.Y.) 25th Police Precinct Station House (New York, N.Y.) 16 Fleet Street (London, England) Sixty-five Beaver Street (New York, N.Y.) USE 19th Police Precinct Station House (New York, UF Sixteen Fleet Street (London, England) Twenty Exchange Place (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—England Twenty-two William Street (New York, N.Y.) 25th Street (Ogden, Utah) 16 Jutges (Group of composers) BT Bank buildings—New York (State) USE Twenty-fifth Street (Ogden, Utah) USE Setze Jutges (Group of composers) 20 Mile House (Parker, Colo.) 26 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 16P/Brooks 2 (Comet) UF Twenty Mile House (Parker, Colo.) USE Standard Oil Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Brooks 2 comet BT Stagecoach stations—Colorado 26 de Agosto Street (Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do 16SR (Motion picture camera) 20 Murray Street (New York, N.Y.) Sul, Brazil) USE Arriflex 16SR motion picture camera USE 23 Park Place (New York, N.Y.) USE Rua 26 de Agosto (Campo Grande, Mato 16th Avenue Southwest (Seattle, Wash.) 20 Settembre Street (Genoa, Italy) Grosso do Sul, Brazil) USE Sixteenth Avenue Southwest (Seattle, Wash.) USE Via Venti Settembre (Genoa, Italy) 26 rue du Départ (Paris, France) 16th Avenue Southwest Bridge (Seattle, Wash.) 20s (Nineteenth century decade) UF Vingt-six, rue du Départ (Paris, France) USE Sixteenth Avenue Southwest Bridge (Seattle, USE Eighteen twenties BT Apartment houses—France Wash.) 20s (Twentieth century decade) 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup (Comet) 16th century USE Nineteen twenties USE Grigg-Skjellerup comet USE Sixteenth century 20th Avenue Northwest (Seattle, Wash.) 26th century 16th Street (Denver, Colo.) USE Twentieth Avenue Northwest (Seattle, Wash.) USE Twenty-sixth century USE Sixteenth Street (Denver, Colo.) 20th century 27 Queen Street (Edinburgh, Scotland) 16th Street (Washington, D.C.) USE Twentieth century UF Twenty Seven Queen Street (Edinburgh, USE Sixteenth Street (Washington, D.C.) 20th Century Limited (Express train) Scotland) 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing, Birmingham, Ala., UF Twentieth Century Limited (Express train) BT Dwellings—Scotland 1963 BT Express trains—United States 27P/Crommelin (Comet) UF Baptist Church Bombing, Birmingham, Ala., 21-23 Belgrave Square (London, England) USE Crommelin comet 1963 BT Ambassadors—Dwellings—England 28th Police Precinct Station House (New York, N.Y.) Birmingham Church Bombing, Birmingham, Embassy buildings—England USE Hope Community Hall (New York, N.Y.) Ala., 1963 Official residences—England #-3 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann (Comet) Manhattan Company Building (New York, N.Y.) 63 Nassau Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Schwassmann-Wachmann 1 comet BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) UF 63 Nassau Street Building (New York, N.Y.) 30-60 day oscillation 40s (Nineteenth century decade) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) USE Madden-Julian oscillation USE Eighteen forties 63 Nassau Street Building (New York, N.Y.) 30-60 day wave 40s (Twentieth century decade) USE 63 Nassau Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Madden-Julian oscillation USE Nineteen forties 63rd Street Tunnel (New York, N.Y.) 30-hour week 40th Street (Seattle, Wash.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Thirty-hour week USE Fortieth Street (Seattle, Wash.) subdivision. 30 Saint Mary Axe (London, England) 41st Street (New York, N.Y.) UF Sixty-Third Street Tunnel (New York, N.Y.) UF 30 St. Mary Axe (London, England) USE Forty-first Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Tunnels—New York (State) Gherkin (London, England : Building) 42 (Game) 64XX Class (Steam locomotives) Swiss Re Tower (London, England) USE Forty-two (Game) USE 6400 Class (Steam locomotives) BT Office buildings—England 42 Arnol (Arnol, Scotland) 65 Beaver Street (New York, N.Y.) 30 St. Mary Axe (London, England) USE Arnol Blackhouse (Arnol, Scotland) USE 20 Exchange Place (New York, N.Y.) USE 30 Saint Mary Axe (London, England) 42nd Street (New York, N.Y.) 65th Street (Seattle, Wash.) 30s (Nineteenth century decade) USE Forty-second Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Sixty-Fifth Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Eighteen thirties 43 Light Street (Baltimore, Md. : Imaginary place) 65x family microprocessors 30s (Twentieth century decade) (Not Subd Geog) USE 65x series microprocessors USE Nineteen thirties UF Forty three Light Street (Baltimore, Md. : 65x series microprocessors (Not Subd Geog) 30th Street (Washington, D.C.) Imaginary place) [QA76.8.S] USE Thirtieth Street (Washington, D.C.) BT Imaginary places UF 65x family microprocessors 30th Street Station (Philadelphia, Pa.) 44 English Embankment (Saint Petersburg, Russia) 6500 series microprocessors USE William H. Gray, III, 30th Street Station USE Osobni︠a︡k Rumi︠a︡nt︠s︡eva (Saint BT Microprocessors (Philadelphia, Pa.) Petersburg, Russia) NT 6502 (Microprocessor) 31P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 (Comet) 44th Street (New York, N.Y.) 65816 (Microprocessor) USE Schwassmann-Wachmann 2 comet USE Forty-fourth Street (New York, N.Y.) 66 Portland Place (London, England) 31st Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 45BN329 Site (Wash.) UF RIBA Architecture Centre (London, England) USE Thirty-first Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Richland Yacht Basin Site (Wash.) RIBA Building (London, England) 31st century 45th Street (New York, N.Y.) Royal Institute of British Architects Building USE Thirty-first century USE Forty-fifth Street (New York, N.Y.) (London, England) 32 Edgehill Street (Princeton, N.J.) 45th Street (Seattle, Wash.) Sixty-six Portland Place (London, England) USE Barracks, The (Princeton, N.J.) USE Forty-fifth Street (Seattle, Wash.) BT Convention facilities—England 32nd Street (Washington, D.C.) 46 High Street (Exeter, England) Exhibition buildings—England USE Thirty-Second Street (Washington, D.C.) BT Commercial buildings—England Office buildings—England 32P/Comas Solá (Comet) Dwellings—England 66th Police Precinct Station House and Headquarters USE Comas Solá comet 46th Street (New York, N.Y.) (New York, N.Y.) 34 Cygni USE Forty-sixth Street (New York, N.Y.) USE 120th Police Precinct Station House (New USE P Cygni 46th Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) York, N.Y.) 34th Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) USE Richard Rodgers Theatre (New York, N.Y) 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Comet) USE Thirty-fourth Avenue (Seattle, Wash.) 47th Avenue Southwest (Seattle, Wash.) USE Churyumov-Gerasimenko comet 34th Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Forty-seventh Avenue Southwest (Seattle, 68HC11 (Microprocessor) USE Thirty-fourth Street (Seattle, Wash.) Wash.) USE Motorola 68HC11 (Microprocessor) 35-34 Bell Boulevard (New York, N.Y.) 47th Street (Seattle, Wash.) 69 Leonard Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE Forty-seventh Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE 251 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) 35 hour week 48 Pall Mall (London, England) 69P/Taylor (Comet) USE Thirty-five hour week BT Office buildings—England USE Taylor comet 35 mm cameras 48ers (American immigrants) 70-76 Eden Street Site (Kingston upon Thames, USE 35mm cameras USE Forty-Eighters (American immigrants) London, England) 35mm cameras (May Subd Geog) 50s (Nineteenth century decade) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. [TR262] USE Eighteen fifties UF 35 mm cameras 50s (Twentieth century decade) BT England—Antiquities Thirty-five millimeter cameras USE Nineteen fifties 70 Pine Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Cameras 50th Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE AIG Building (New York, N.Y.) Miniature cameras USE Fiftieth Street (Seattle, Wash.) 70s (Twentieth century decade) NT Autofocus cameras 51 West Tenth Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Nineteen seventies 35th Avenue Southwest (Seattle, Wash.) USE Tenth Street Studio Building (New York, N.Y.) 70th Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Thirty-fifth Avenue Southwest (Seattle, Wash.) 52nd Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Seventieth Street (Seattle, Wash.) 35th Street (Washington, D.C.) USE Fifty-second Street (New York, N.Y.) 71-73 North Moore Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Thirty-Fifth Street (Washington, D.C.) 53P/van Biesbroeck (Comet) USE 385 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) 36 St. Andrew Square (Edinburgh, Scotland) USE Van Biesbroeck comet 72nd Street Interchange (Interstate 5) USE Dundas House (Edinburgh, Scotland) 54th Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Seventy-second Street Interchange (Interstate 36th Street (Saint Louis Park, Minn.) USE Fifty-fourth Street (New York, N.Y.) 5) USE Thirty-Sixth Street (Saint Louis Park, Minn.) 54th Street Theatre (New York, N.Y.) 73 Easting, Battle of, Iraq, 1991 037 automobile USE George Abbott Theatre (New York, N.Y.) UF Seventy-three Easting, Battle of, Iraq, 1991 USE Lancia 037 automobile 56-58 Pine Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Persian Gulf War, 1991—Campaigns—Iraq 38 (Locomotive) UF Fifty six-Fifty eight Pine Street (New York, 73 Merrion Square (Dublin, Ireland) USE C38 (Locomotive) N.Y.) BT Dwellings—Ireland 38 London Street (Santiago, Chile) Wallace Building (New York, N.Y.) 75th Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Londres 38 (Santiago, Chile) BT Office buildings—New York (State) USE Seventy-fifth Street (Seattle, Wash.) 38BU833 Site (S.C.) 57 East Jackson Building (Chicago, Ill.) 78th Street Interchange (Interstate 5) USE Skull Creek Site (S.C.) USE Cable Building (Chicago, Ill.) USE Seventy-eighth Street Interchange (Interstate 38th Street Interchange (Interstate 5) 57th Street (New York, N.Y.) 5) USE Thirty-eighth Street Interchange (Interstate 5) USE Fifty-seventh Street (New York, N.Y.) 79 Corson Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 39-40 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) 59th Street Bridge (New York, N.Y.) USE 417 Westervelt Avenue (New York, N.Y.) USE 39 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) USE Queensboro Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 79 UMa 39 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) 60 Special automobile USE Mizar UF 39-40 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) USE Sixty Special automobile 80-mile Beach (W.A.) 40 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) 60s (Twentieth century decade) USE Eighty Mile Beach (W.A.) Forty Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) USE Nineteen sixties 80s (Nineteenth century decade) Thirty Nine Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) 60th Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Eighteen eighties Thirty Nine-Forty Dawson Street (Dublin, USE Sixtieth Street (Seattle, Wash.) 80s (Twentieth century decade) Ireland) 61st Avenue Northeast (Kenmore, Wash.) USE Nineteen eighties BT Dwellings—Ireland USE Sixty-first Avenue Northeast (Kenmore, Wash.) 80x86 series microprocessors 40 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) 62 Montagu Street (Charleston, S.C.) USE Intel 80x86 series microprocessors USE 39 Dawson Street (Dublin, Ireland) UF Jonathan Steinmeyer House (Charleston, S.C.) 82-92 Beaver Street (New York, N.Y.) "40 let TSSR" Collective Farm (Turkmenistan) Keating Lewis Simons House (Charleston, UF Beaver Building (New York, N.Y.) USE "TSSR-in︠g︡ 40 ĭyllygy" kolkhoz (Turkmenistan) S.C.) Eighty two-Ninety two Beaver Street (New 40 Mile Desert (Nev.) Simons House (Charleston, S.C.) York, N.Y.) USE Fortymile Desert (Nev.) Steinmeyer House (Charleston, S.C.) New York Cocoa Exchange Building (New 40 Wall Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—South Carolina York, N.Y.) UF Forty Wall Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) #-4 82nd Airborne Division 50th Anniversary Recognition 105-in Sakŏn Trial, Seoul, Korea, 1912 131 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) Day, 1992 (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) UF 131 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) UF Eighty-second Airborne Division 50th BT Trials (Political crimes and offenses)—Korea BT Dwellings—New York (State) Anniversary Recognition Day, 1992 105mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7 134 West Broadway (New York, N.Y.) BT Special days USE M7 (Howitzer) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 82nd Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.) 109/b (Computer) (Not Subd Geog) 135th Street Gate House (New York, N.Y.) USE Whyte Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.) BT Electronic digital computers USE Croton Aqueduct Gate House (New York, N.Y.) 83 Prospect Avenue (Princeton, N.J.) 111 Reade Street (New York, N.Y.) 135th Street Gatehouse (New York, N.Y.) USE Bobst Hall (Princeton, N.J.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) USE Croton Aqueduct Gate House (New York, N.Y.) 83 Sullivan Street (New York, N.Y.) 114th Street (Edmonton, Alta.) 138-146 West 14th Street (New York, N.Y.) UF Eighty-three Sullivan Street (New York, N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE 144 West 14th Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) subdivision. 140 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 84th Street Interchange (Interstate 5) UF One-hundred fourteenth Street (Edmonton, UF Marine Midland Bank Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Eighty-fourth Street Interchange (Interstate 5) Alta.) BT Bank buildings—New York (State) 85 Sullivan Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Streets—Alberta Office buildings—New York (State) UF Eighty-five Sullivan Street (New York, N.Y.) 116 East 55th Street (New York, N.Y.) 140 West 57th Street Studio Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE William and Helen Martin Murphy Ziegler, Jr., UF Beaufort (New York, N.Y.) 85th Street (Seattle, Wash.) House (New York, N.Y.) BT Apartment houses—New York (State) USE Eighty-fifth Street (Seattle, Wash.) 117 Lidiard Gardens (Portsmouth, England) 141-147 East 39th Street (New York, N.Y.) 86 Olden Street (Princeton, N.J.) USE Highland House (Portsmouth, England) USE Allerton 39th Street House (New York, N.Y.) UF Eighty-six Olden Street (Princeton, N.J.) 118th Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.) 141 R (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) BT College buildings—New Jersey This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Steam locomotives subdivision. 87th Precinct (Imaginary place) (Not Subd Geog) 144 West 14th Street (New York, N.Y.) UF Eighty-seventh Precinct (Imaginary place) UF Alberta Avenue (Edmonton, Alta.) UF 138-146 West 14th Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Imaginary places One-hundred eighteenth Avenue (Edmonton, BT College buildings—New York (State) 88 mm FlaK gun (May Subd Geog) Alta.) Commercial buildings—New York (State) UF 8.8 cm FlaK gun BT Streets—Alberta 145 East 39th Street (New York, N.Y.) Eighty-eight millimeter gun 119 (Locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) USE Allerton 39th Street House (New York, N.Y.) BT Ordnance BT Locomotives 145 Eighth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 88 Ollimpʻik Kosok Toro (Korea) 119 95th Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) UF Pʻalpʻal Ollimpʻik Kosok Toro (Korea) USE Bennet-Farrell-Feldman House (New York, Dwellings—New York (State) Pʻalsippʻal Ollimpʻik Kosok Toro (Korea) N.Y.) 146th Field Artillery Armory (Seattle, Wash.) BT Express highways—Korea (South) 119th Street Gatehouse (New York, N.Y.) USE Armory (Seattle, Wash. : Harrison Street) 90 P.B. (Bomber) USE Croton Aqueduct West 119th Street Gatehouse 147 Eighth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) USE Caproni Ca 90 (Bomber) (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 90 West Street (New York, N.Y.) 120th Police Precinct Station House (New York, N.Y.) Dwellings—New York (State) USE West Street Building (New York, N.Y.) UF 66th Police Precinct Station House and 148th Avenue Southeast (Bellevue, Wash.) 90s (Nineteenth century decade) Headquarters (New York, N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Eighteen nineties One Hundred Twentieth Police Precinct Station subdivision. 90s (Twentieth century decade) House (New York, N.Y.) BT Streets—Washington (State) USE Nineteen nineties Sixty-sixth Police Precinct Station House and 150th Avenue Southeast (Bellevue, Wash.) 91 Prospect Avenue (Princeton, N.J.) Headquarters (New York, N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Police stations—New York (State) subdivision. UF Ninety-one Prospect Avenue (Princeton, N.J.) Stevenson Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 121 automobile BT Streets—Washington (State) BT College buildings—New Jersey USE Mazda 121 automobile 152 (Jet plane) 94-98 Lafayette Street (New York, N.Y.) 121 Heberton Avenue House (New York, N.Y.) USE Baade 152 (Transport plane) USE Avildsen Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 153 Duane Street (New York, N.Y.) 94-100 Lafayette Street Building (New York, N.Y.) 122 Chambers Street/52 Warren Street (New York, USE 130 West Broadway (New York, N.Y.) USE Avildsen Building (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) 159 Charles Street (New York, N.Y.) 94 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Swift, Seaman & Co. Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) UF 14-18 Rector Street (New York, N.Y.) 124-126 avenue Daumesnil (Paris, France) 167-169 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) Fourteen-Eighteen Rector Street (New York, BT Apartment houses—France USE 253-255 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) 124 automobile 174 Duane Street (New York, N.Y.) Ninety-four Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Fiat 124 automobile BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 124 East 55th Street (New York, N.Y.) 174 Meserole Street (New York, N.Y.) 96, Fort (S.C.) USE Mary Hale Cunningham House (New York, USE F.J. Berlenbach House (New York, N.Y.) USE Fort Ninety-six (S.C.) N.Y.) 175 Belden Street House (New York, N.Y.) 96 Brooklyn Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 125th Street (New York, N.Y.) UF Belden Street House (New York, N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE John and Elizabeth Truslow House (New York, subdivision. N.Y.) 175 guitar UF King Boulevard (New York, N.Y.) USE Gibson ES-175 guitar 96 Rikko (Military aircraft) Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (New York, 179th Street Interchange (Interstate 5) USE Mitsubishi G3M (Military aircraft) N.Y.) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic 97 Bowery (New York, N.Y.) subdivision. Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard (New BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) York, N.Y.) UF One-hundred seventy-ninth Street Interchange 97 Sen (Fighter plane) One Hundred Twenty-fifth Street (New York, (Interstate 5) USE Nakajima Ki-27 (Fighter plane) N.Y.) BT Express highway interchanges—Washington 97 Sen (Fighter planes) BT Streets—New York (State) (State) USE Nakajima Ki-27 (Fighter plane) 127 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) Interstate 5 98 automobile USE 127 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) 188 Duane Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Oldsmobile Ninety-Eight automobile 127 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 100 cranes (Painting) UF 127 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) 190 automobile USE Pai ho tʻu (Painting) BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE Mercedes 190 automobile 100 Lafayette Street (New York, N.Y.) 129 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) 190 Duane Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Avildsen Building (New York, N.Y.) USE 129 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 100th Day of School 129 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) 190SL automobile USE Hundredth Day of School UF 129 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Mercedes 190SL automobile 100th Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 195 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) USE One-hundredth Street (New York, N.Y.) 130 Bush Street (San Francisco, Calif.) UF American Telephone & Telegraph Company 101 Ranch (Okla.) UF One hundred thirty Bush Street (San Building (New York, N.Y. : Broadway) USE 101 Ranch Historic District (Okla.) Francisco, Calif.) [Former heading] American Telephone and Telegraph Company 101 Ranch Historic District (Okla.) BT Office buildings—California Building (New York, N.Y. : Broadway) UF 101 Ranch (Okla.) 130 West 30th Street Building (New York, N.Y.) AT&T Building (New York, N.Y. : Broadway) One Hundred and One Ranch Historic District BT Office buildings—New York (State) BT Office buildings—New York (State) (Okla.) 130 West 57th Street Studio Building (New York, N.Y.) 199C High Virgo (Ballistic missile) One Hundred One Ranch Historic District BT Apartment houses—New York (State) USE High Virgo (Ballistic missile) (Okla.) 130 West Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 200C (Turboprop transport) BT Historic districts—Oklahoma UF 153 Duane Street (New York, N.Y.) USE Beechcraft Super King Air (Turboprop Ranches—Oklahoma BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) transport) 103 The Circle (New York, N.Y.) 131 MacDougal Street (New York, N.Y.) 200SX automobile USE Gillett-Tyler House (New York, N.Y.) USE 131 MacDougal Street House (New York, N.Y.) USE Nissan 200SX automobile #-5 201-205 West 75th Street (New York, N.Y.) Multi-source feedback (Rating of employees) 490 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) USE New-York Cab Company Stable (New York, Three hundred sixty degree feedback (Rating USE 488 Greenwich Street House (New York, N.Y.) N.Y.) of employees) 500 Fifth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 202 South Paca Street Site (Baltimore, Md.) Upward feedback (Rating of employees) BT Office buildings—New York (State) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Employees—Rating of 502 Canal Street House (New York, N.Y.) subdivision. RT Peer review USE 480 Greenwich Street/502 Canal Street House BT Maryland—Antiquities 364 Van Duzer Street House (New York, N.Y.) (New York, N.Y.) 221B Baker Street (London, England : Imaginary place) UF Three sixty-four Van Duzer Street House (New 504 Canal Street House (New York, N.Y.) (Not Subd Geog) York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) UF Two twenty-one B Baker Street (London, BT Dwellings—New York (State) 506 Canal Street House (New York, N.Y.) England : Imaginary place) 385 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) UF John G. Rohr House (New York, N.Y.) BT Imaginary places UF 71-73 North Moore Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 225 West 57th Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 508 accessibility requirements for Web sites USE B.F. Goodrich Building (New York, N.Y.) 386 (Microprocessor) USE Accessible Web sites for people with 228 East Capitol Street (Washington, D.C.) USE Intel 80386 (Microprocessor) disabilities—United States BT Dwellings—Washington (D.C.) 386 SX (Microprocessor) 508 Canal Street House (New York, N.Y.) 240 Central Park South Apartments (New York, N.Y.) USE Intel 80386SX (Microprocessor) BT Dwellings—New York (State) BT Apartment houses—New York (State) 386SX (Microprocessor) 509(a)(3) supporting organizations 240SX automobile USE Intel 80386SX (Microprocessor) USE Supporting organizations (Charities) USE Nissan 240SX automobile 390 Fifth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 511 Grand Street (New York, N.Y.) 243 Ida (Asteroid) UF Gorham Building (New York, N.Y.) UF Five hundred eleven Grand Street (New York, USE Ida (Asteroid) Russek's Furs (New York, N.Y. : Building) N.Y.) 250 Mo tʻo chʻe (Motorcycle) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE 250 Mo tuo che (Motorcycle) 400 automobile 513 Grand Street (New York, N.Y.) 250 Mo tuo che (Motorcycle) (Not Subd Geog) USE Dodge 400 automobile UF Five hundred thirteen Grand Street (New York, UF 250 Mo tʻo chʻe (Motorcycle) [Former heading] 401(a) plans (May Subd Geog) N.Y.) BT Motorcycles BT Pensions BT Dwellings—New York (State) 251 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) 401(k) plans (May Subd Geog) 527 groups (May Subd Geog) UF 69 Leonard Street (New York, N.Y.) [HD7105.4-HD7105.45] Here are entered works on independent, tax- BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) UF 401(k) plans—United States exempt organizations, named after a section of the 251 Menlove Avenue (Woolton, England) U.S. tax code, that raise money and engage in BT Deferred compensation political activity such as airing ads to influence the USE Mendips (Woolton, England) RT Individual retirement accounts election or appointment of candidates for public 253-255 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) office, and that operate without regulation by the UF 167-169 Church Street (New York, N.Y.) UF 401(k) plans—Law and legislation—United Federal Election Commission and are not subject to contribution limits. BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) States 274 Canal Street (New York, N.Y.) — — United States UF 527 groups—United States BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) USE 401(k) plans—Law and legislation 527 organizations 275 Madison Avenue (New York, N.Y.) — Taxation (May Subd Geog) BT Pressure groups—United States UF 22 East 40th Street (New York, N.Y.) UF 401(k) plans—Taxation—United States — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Twenty-two East 40th Street (New York, N.Y.) — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) UF 527 groups—Law and legislation—United Two hundred seventy-five Madison Avenue UF 401(k) plans—Taxation—Law and States (New York, N.Y.) legislation—United States BT Election law—United States BT Office buildings—New York (State) — — — United States — — United States 281 East Broadway House (New York, N.Y.) USE 401(k) plans—Taxation—Law and USE 527 groups—Law and legislation UF Isaac T. Ludlam House (New York, N.Y.) legislation — United States BT Dwellings—New York (State) — — United States USE 527 groups 296 State Street House (New York, N.Y.) USE 401(k) plans—Taxation 527 organizations BT Dwellings—New York (State) — United States USE 527 groups 300, Palace of the (Treviso, Italy) USE 401(k) plans 600 automobile USE Palazzo dei Trecento (Treviso, Italy) 401, The (Ont.) USE Dodge 600 automobile 300M automobile USE Macdonald-Cartier Freeway (Ont.) 600 Fifth Avenue Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Chrysler 300M automobile 403(b) plans (May Subd Geog) USE Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company 300SL automobile UF 403(b) plans—United States Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Mercedes 300SL automobile BT Deferred compensation 600 Lexington Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 300ZX automobile Individual retirement accounts UF Six hundred Lexington Avenue (New York, USE Nissan 300ZX automobile — United States N.Y.) [Former heading] 311 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) USE 403(b) plans BT Office buildings—New York (State) BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 407 ETR (Ont.) 600th Anniversary of Christianity in Lithuania, 1387- 314 East 53rd Street House (New York, N.Y.) USE Highway 407 (Ont.) 1987 BT Dwellings—New York (State) 411 (Telephone directory assistance) USE Six Hundredth Anniversary of Christianity in 323 automobile USE Telephone directory assistance Lithuania, 1387-1987 USE Mazda 323 automobile 411 Westervelt Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 618 (Locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) 324 State Street House (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) UF Engine #618 (Locomotive) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 413 Westervelt Avenue (New York, N.Y.) UP 618 (Locomotive) 325-333 Broadway Building (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) BT Locomotives BT Commercial buildings—New York (State) 415 Westervelt Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 620/i (Computer) 331 East Third Street (Galesburg, Ill.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE Varian Data 620/i (Computer) USE Carl Sandburg Birthplace (Galesburg, Ill.) 417 Westervelt Avenue (New York, N.Y.) 626 automobile 345 Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.) UF 79 Corson Avenue (New York, N.Y.) USE Mazda 626 automobile BT Office buildings—New York (State) BT Dwellings—New York (State) 666 in the Bible 347 avenue Louise (Brussels, Belgium) 419 fraud USE Six hundred and sixty-six (The number) in the UF 347 Louizalaan (Brussels, Belgium) USE Advance fee fraud Bible BT Apartment houses—Belgium 424 (Locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) 717-721 Virginia Street (Seattle, Wash.) 347 Louizalaan (Brussels, Belgium) BT Locomotives USE A.V. Love Dry Goods and Loft Building USE 347 avenue Louise (Brussels, Belgium) 457 deferred compensation plans (Seattle, Wash.) 350Z automobile USE 457 plans 730 Riverside Drive (New York, N.Y.) USE Nissan 350Z automobile 457 plans (May Subd Geog) USE Beaumont Apartments (New York, N.Y.) 354 West 11th Street (New York, N.Y.) UF 457 deferred compensation plans 740 Park Avenue (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) BT Deferred compensation BT Apartment houses—New York (State) 360-degree assessment (Rating of employees) Individual retirement accounts 800 A.D. USE 360-degree feedback (Rating of employees) 480 Greenwich Street/502 Canal Street House (New USE Eight hundred, A.D. 360-degree feedback (Rating of employees) York, N.Y.) 800 telephone numbers (May Subd Geog) UF 502 Canal Street House (New York, N.Y.) USE Toll-free telephone calls Here are entered works on the procedure whereby John Y. Smith House (New York, N.Y.) 802.11 (Standard) the performance of an employee is evaluated by BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE IEEE 802.11 (Standard) combining impressions of a wide range of people who 802.16 (Standard) have first-hand knowledge of the employee's 486 Greenwich Street House (New York, N.Y.) performance, such as managers, subordinates, BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE IEEE 802.16 (Standard) coworkers, customers, etc. 487 (Microprocessor) 850 automobile UF 360-degree assessment (Rating of employees) USE Intel 80487 (Microprocessor) USE Fiat 850 automobile Feedback, 360-degree (Rating of employees) 488 Greenwich Street House (New York, N.Y.) Multi-rater feedback (Rating of employees) UF 490 Greenwich Street (New York, N.Y.) BT Dwellings—New York (State) #-6 852 nong chang (Heilongjiang Sheng, China) 1633 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 1911 pistol USE Ba wu er nong chang (Heilongjiang Sheng, USE Paramount Plaza (New York, N.Y.) USE Colt 1911 pistol China) 1778 A.D. 1913 A.D. 852 nung chʻang (Heilongjiang Sheng, China) USE Seventeen seventy-eight, A.D. USE Nineteen thirteen, A.D. USE Ba wu er nong chang (Heilongjiang Sheng, 1780 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 1913 Massacre, Calumet, Mich., 1913 China) USE B.F. Goodrich Building (New York, N.Y.) USE Italian Hall Disaster, Calumet, Mich., 1913 880 automobile 1798 A.D. 1914 A.D. USE Dodge Custom 880 automobile USE Seventeen ninety-eight, A.D. USE Nineteen fourteen, A.D. 900 numbers (Telephone) 1800 A.D. 1915 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Pay-per-call telephone services USE Eighteen hundred, A.D. BT College buildings—New Jersey 900 services (Telephone) 1803 House (Emmaus, Pa.) Dormitories—New Jersey USE Pay-per-call telephone services UF Eighteen Hundred and Three House (Emmaus, 1915 Ridge Route (Calif.) 900 telephone numbers Pa.) USE Ridge Route (Calif.) USE Pay-per-call telephone services Eighteen Hundred Three House (Emmaus, 1915 Scenic Ridge Route (Calif.) 900 telephone services Pa.) USE Ridge Route (Calif.) USE Pay-per-call telephone services Eighteen-O-Three House (Emmaus, Pa.) 1916 Rising, Ireland, 1916 908 automobile BT Dwellings—Pennsylvania USE Ireland—History—Easter Rising, 1916 USE Porsche 908 automobile 1809 A.D. 1917 A.D. 911 (Emergency telephone number) USE Eighteen nine, A.D. USE Nineteen seventeen, A.D. USE Telephone—Emergency reporting systems 1810s 1919 A.D. 911 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 USE Eighteen tens USE Nineteen nineteen, A.D. USE September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 1815 A.D. 1920 A.D. 921 Earthquake, Taiwan, 1999 USE Eighteen fifteen, A.D. USE Nineteen twenty, A.D. USE Chi-chi Earthquake, Taiwan, 1999 1820 settlers (South Africa) 1920s 932 BCE bus (Not Subd Geog) USE British settlers of 1820 (South Africa) USE Nineteen twenties BT AEC buses 1820 Settlers National Monument (Grahamstown, South 1922 A.D. 951 Gaspra (Asteroid) Africa) USE Nineteen twenty-two, A.D. USE Gaspra (Asteroid) UF Eighteen Twenty Settlers National Monument 1922 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 972 Fifth Avenue (New York, N.Y.) (Grahamstown, South Africa) BT College buildings—New Jersey UF Payne Whitney House (New York, N.Y.) BT National monuments—South Africa Dormitories—New Jersey BT Public buildings—New York (State) Public buildings—South Africa 1926 A.D. NT Venetian Room (972 Fifth Avenue, New York, 1820s USE Nineteen twenty-six, A.D. N.Y.) USE Eighteen twenties 1927 A.D. 976 numbers (Telephone) 1826 A.D. USE Nineteen twenty-seven, A.D. USE Pay-per-call telephone services USE Eighteen twenty-six, A.D. 1927-Clapp Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 976 telephone numbers 1830s UF 1927 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Pay-per-call telephone services USE Eighteen thirties Clapp Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 1000 A.D. 1831 A.D. BT College buildings—New Jersey USE One thousand, A.D. USE Eighteen thirty-one, A.D. Dormitories—New Jersey 1000 automobile 1840s 1927 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Pontiac 1000 automobile USE Eighteen forties USE 1927-Clapp Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 1000 Class (Steam locomotives) 1844 A.D. 1930s USE County Class (Steam locomotives) USE Eighteen forty-four, A.D. USE Nineteen thirties 1005, Operation, 1942-1944 1849 A.D. 1932 A.D. USE Operation 1005, 1942-1944 USE Eighteen forty-nine, A.D. USE Nineteen thirty-two, A.D. 1066 Country Walk (England) 1850s 1932 VI (Comet) BT Trails—England USE Eighteen fifties USE Geddes comet 1066 Harold's Way (England) 1851 A.D. 1933 A.D. BT Trails—England USE Eighteen fifty-one, A.D. USE Nineteen thirty-three, A.D. 1080 (Pesticide) 1853 Medal (South Africa) 1935 A.D. USE Sodium fluoroacetate USE South Africa Medal (1834-1853) USE Nineteen thirty-five, A.D. 1080⁰ Snowboarding (Game) 1859 A.D. 1936 A.D. USE 1080 Degree Snowboarding (Game) USE Eighteen fifty-nine, A.D. USE Nineteen thirty-six, A.D. 1080 Degree Snowboarding (Game) 1879 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 1937 A.D. [GV1469.35.A16] USE Seventy-Nine Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Nineteen thirty-seven, A.D. UF 1080⁰ Snowboarding (Game) 1880s 1937 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) One Thousand Eighty Degree Snowboarding USE Eighteen eighties BT College buildings—New Jersey (Game) 1885 A.D. Dormitories—New Jersey Ten Eighty Snowboarding (Game) USE Eighteen eighty-five, A.D. 1938 A.D. BT Video games 1890s USE Nineteen thirty-eight, A.D. 1126 East Fifty-ninth Street (Chicago, Ill.) USE Eighteen nineties 1938 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Social Science Research Building (Chicago, 1898 A.D. BT College buildings—New Jersey Ill.) USE Eighteen ninety-eight, A.D. Dormitories—New Jersey 1200 A.D. 1899 A.D. 1939 A.D. USE Twelve hundred, A.D. USE Eighteen ninety-nine, A.D. USE Nineteen thirty-nine, A.D. 1225 (Steam locomotive) 1900 A.D. 1939 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Pere Marquette 1225 (Steam locomotive) USE Nineteen hundred, A.D. BT College buildings—New Jersey 1361 K4 (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) 1900s (Century) Dormitories—New Jersey UF Altoona, Spirit of (Steam locomotive) USE Twentieth century 1940 A.D. K-4 PRR 1361 (Steam locomotive) 1900s (Decade) USE Nineteen forty, A.D. K4 Locomotive #1361 (Steam locomotive) USE Nineteen hundreds (Decade) 1940 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) Pennsylvania K-4-s #1361 (Steam locomotive) 1901 A.D. BT College buildings—New Jersey PRR Class K4 #1361 (Steam locomotive) USE Nineteen-o-one, A.D. Dormitories—New Jersey PRR K4 1361 (Steam locomotive) 1901 Dormitory (Princeton, N.J.) 1940 Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) Spirit of Altoona (Steam locomotive) USE 1901 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : BT Steam locomotives 1901 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) 1940) 1366 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) UF 1901 Dormitory (Princeton, N.J.) 1940 Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) UF Class 1366 (Steam locomotives) Nineteen and One Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : GWR 1366 Class (Steam locomotives) BT College buildings—New Jersey 1940) BT Steam locomotives Dormitories—New Jersey 1940s 1475 Broadway (New York, N.Y.) 1903 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Nineteen forties USE One Times Square (New York, N.Y.) BT College buildings—New Jersey 1941 A.D. 1500 Class (Steam locomotives) Dormitories—New Jersey USE Nineteen forty-one, A.D. USE B12 (Steam locomotives) 1905 A.D. 1942 A.D. GWR 1500 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen-o-five, A.D. USE Nineteen forty-two, A.D. 1526 (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) 1908 A.D. 1942 Hall (Princeton, N.J.) BT Steam locomotives USE Nineteen-o-eight, A.D. UF Class of 1942 Dormitory (Princeton, N.J.) 1600 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) 1908 Auto Race from New York to Paris BT College buildings—New Jersey UF Class 1600 (Steam locomotives) USE New York to Paris Race, 1908 Dormitories—New Jersey GWR Class 1600 (Steam locomotives) 1910s 1943 A.D. BT Steam locomotives USE Nineteen tens USE Nineteen forty-three, A.D. #-7 1944 A.D. 1982 A.D. 2876 Richmond Terrace House (New York, N.Y.) USE Nineteen forty-four, A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-two, A.D. UF Stephen D. Barnes House (New York, N.Y.) 1945 A.D. 1983 A.D. BT Dwellings—New York (State) USE Nineteen forty-five, A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-three, A.D. 3473 sofa (Eames furniture) 1946 A.D. 1984 A.D. UF Aluminum base sofa, Eames USE Nineteen forty-six, A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-four, A.D. Cast aluminum base sofa, Eames 1947 A.D. 1985 A.D. Soft pad sofa, Eames USE Nineteen forty-seven, A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-five, A.D. BT Eames furniture 1948 A.D. 1986 A.D. Sofas USE Nineteen forty-eight, A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-six, A.D. 3700 Class (Steam locomotives) 1949 A.D. 1986 I Wilson (Comet) USE City Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen forty-nine, A.D. USE Wilson comet 4000 Class (Steam locomotives) 1950 Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) 1987 A.D. USE Big Boys (Steam locomotives) USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : USE Nineteen eighty-seven, A.D. 4073 Class (Steam locomotives) 1950- ) 1988 A.D. USE Castle Class (Steam locomotives) 1950 Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) USE Nineteen eighty-eight, A.D. 5400 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : 1989 A.D. UF Class 5400 (Steam locomotives) 1950- ) USE Nineteen eighty-nine, A.D. GWR 5400 Class (Steam locomotives) 1950s 1990 A.D. BT Steam locomotives USE Nineteen fifties USE Nineteen ninety, A.D. 5700 (Steam locomotive) 1951 A.D. 1990s USE 5700 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen fifty-one, A.D. USE Nineteen nineties 5700 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) 1952 A.D. 1991 A.D. UF 5700 (Steam locomotive) [Former heading] USE Nineteen fifty-two, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-one, A.D. Class 5700 (Steam locomotives) 1953 A.D. 1992 A.D. GWR Class 5700 (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen fifty-three, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-two, A.D. BT Steam locomotives 1954 A.D. 1992 KD (Asteroid) 6000 automobile USE Nineteen fifty-four, A.D. USE 9969 Braille (Asteroid) USE Pontiac 6000 automobile 1955 A.D. 1993 A.D. 6000 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen fifty-five, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-three, A.D. USE King Class (Steam locomotives) 1955 MG1 (Asteroid) 1994 A.D. 6000 King Class (Steam locomotives) USE Gaspra (Asteroid) USE Nineteen ninety-four, A.D. USE King Class (Steam locomotives) 1956 A.D. 1995 A.D. 6120 guitar USE Nineteen fifty-six, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-five, A.D. USE Gretsch 6120 guitar 1957 A.D. 1996 A.D. 6203 (Locomotive) USE Nineteen fifty-seven, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-six, A.D. USE Princess Margaret Rose (Steam locomotive) 1958 A.D. 1997 A.D. 6400 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Nineteen fifty-eight, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-seven, A.D. UF 64XX Class (Steam locomotives) 1959 A.D. 1998 A.D. Class 6400 (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen fifty-nine, A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-eight, A.D. Class 64XX (Steam locomotives) 1960 A.D. 1998 KY26 (Asteroid) GWR 6400 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen sixty, A.D. This heading is not valid for use as a geographic GWR 64XX Class (Steam locomotives) 1960s subdivision. BT Steam locomotives USE Nineteen sixties UF KY26 (Asteroid : 1998) 6500 series microprocessors 1961 A.D. BT Asteroids USE 65x series microprocessors USE Nineteen sixty-one, A.D. 1999 A.D. 6502 (Computer) 1962 A.D. USE Nineteen ninety-nine, A.D. USE 6502 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen sixty-two, A.D. 2000 A.D. 6502 (Microprocessor) (Not Subd Geog) 1963 A.D. USE Two thousand, A.D. [QA76.8.S] USE Nineteen sixty-three, A.D. 2000 A.D., celebrations UF 6502 (Computer) [Former heading] 1963 III Alcock (Comet) USE Millennium celebrations (Year 2000) BT 65x series microprocessors USE Alcock comet 2000 A.D. date conversion (Computer systems) — Programming (May Subd Geog) 1964 A.D. USE Year 2000 date conversion (Computer 6666 Ranch (Tex.) USE Nineteen sixty-four, A.D. systems) BT Ranches—Texas 1965 A.D. 2000GT automobile 6800 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen sixty-five, A.D. USE Toyota 2000GT automobile USE Motorola 6800 (Microprocessor) 1966 A.D. 2000s (Decade) 6800 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen sixty-six, A.D. USE Two thousands (Decade) USE Grange Class (Steam locomotives) 1966 V (Comet) 2001 A.D. 6800 series microprocessors USE Kilston comet USE Two thousand one, A.D. USE Motorola 6800 series microprocessors 1967 A.D. 2003 A.D. 6802 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen sixty-seven, A.D. USE Two thousand three, A.D. USE Motorola 6802 (Microprocessor) 1968 A.D. 2003 UB313 (Dwarf planet) 7400 Class (Steam locomotives) (Not Subd Geog) USE Nineteen sixty-eight, A.D. USE Eris (Dwarf planet) UF Class 7400 (Steam locomotives) 1969 A.D. 2004 A.D. Class 74XX (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen sixty-nine, A.D. USE Two thousand four, A.D. GWR 7400 Class (Steam locomotives) 1970 A.D. 2005 A.D. GWR 74XX Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen seventy, A.D. USE Two thousand five, A.D. BT Steam locomotives 1970s 2006 A.D. 8048 (Microcontroller) USE Nineteen seventies USE Two thousand six, A.D. USE Intel 8048 (Microcontroller) 1971 A.D. 2007 A.D. 8051 (Microcontroller) USE Nineteen seventy-one, A.D. USE Two thousand seven, A.D. USE Intel 8051 (Microcontroller) 1972 A.D. 2007 Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) 8080 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-two, A.D. USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : USE Intel 8080 (Microprocessor) 1973 A.D. 1950- ) 8085A (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-three, A.D. 2007 Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash.) USE Intel 8085A (Microprocessor) 1974 A.D. USE Tacoma Narrows Bridge (Tacoma, Wash. : 8086 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-four, A.D. 1950- ) USE Intel 8086 (Microprocessor) 1975 A.D. 2008 A.D. 8087 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-five, A.D. USE Two thousand eight, A.D. USE Intel 8087 (Microprocessor) 1977 A.D. 2009 A.D. 8088 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-seven, A.D. USE Two thousand nine, A.D. USE Intel 8088 (Microprocessor) 1977 Survey of the American Professoriate 2012 A.D. 8089 (Microprocessor) USE Survey of the American Professoriate, 1977 USE Two thousand twelve, A.D. USE Intel 8089 (Microprocessor) 1978 A.D. 2020 A.D. 8096 (Microprocessor) USE Nineteen seventy-eight, A.D. USE Two thousand twenty, A.D. USE Intel 8096 (Microprocessor) 1980 A.D. 2030 A.D. 8572 (Steam locomotive) USE Nineteen eighty, A.D. USE Two thousand thirty, A.D. USE 61572 (Steam locomotive) 1980s 2040 Union Street (San Francisco, Calif.) 9000 Class (Steam locomotives) USE Nineteen eighties BT Dwellings—California USE Union Pacific 9000 Class (Steam locomotives) 1981 A.D. USE Nineteen eighty-one, A.D. #-8 9340 Bridge Collapse, Minneapolis, Minn., 2007 USE Minneapolis Bridge Collapse, Minneapolis, Minn., 2007 9969 Braille (Asteroid) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. UF 1992 KD (Asteroid) Braille (Asteroid) BT Asteroids 61572 (Steam locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) UF 8572 (Steam locomotive) BT B12 (Steam locomotives) 65816 (Microprocessor) (Not Subd Geog) [QA76.8.S] BT 65x series microprocessors 68000 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68000 (Microprocessor) 68000 series microprocessors USE Motorola 68000 series microprocessors 68010 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68010 (Microprocessor) 68020 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68020 (Microprocessor) 68030 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68030 (Microprocessor) 68851 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68851 (Microprocessor) 68881 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68881 (Microprocessor) 68882 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 68882 (Microprocessor) 80251 (Microcontroller) USE Intel 80251 (Microcontroller) 80286 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80286 (Microprocessor) 80287 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80287 (Microprocessor) 80386 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80386 (Microprocessor) 80386 SX (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80386SX (Microprocessor) 80386DX (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80386DX (Microprocessor) 80386SX (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80386SX (Microprocessor) 80387 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80387 (Microprocessor) 80486 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80486 (Microprocessor) 80487 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80487 (Microprocessor) 80960 (Microprocessor) USE Intel 80960 (Microprocessor) 88000 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 88000 (Microprocessor) 88100 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 88100 (Microprocessor) 88110 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 88110 (Microprocessor) 88200 (Microprocessor) USE Motorola 88200 (Microprocessor) #-9 A (Locomotive) (Not Subd Geog) A-Bunga (African people) A-level examinations (AS) BT Locomotives USE Bongo (African people) USE Advanced supplementary examinations A + A Building, Yale (New Haven, Conn.) A.C. automobile (Not Subd Geog) A-levels (Examination) USE Yale Art and Architecture Building (New Haven, BT Automobiles USE A-level examinations Conn.) A-C carrier control systems A-li Mountains (Taiwan) A-1 (Attack plane) USE Carrier control systems USE Ali Mountains (Taiwan) USE Skyraider (Attack plane) A.C. Houen Fund's Certificate for Outstanding A-li Shan (Taiwan) A.1 (Fighter plane) Architecture USE Ali Mountains (Taiwan) USE Ansaldo A.1 (Fighter plane) USE A.C. Houens fonds diplom for god arkitektur A Library Management System A-3 (Bomber) A.C. Houens fonds diplom for god arkitektur USE ALMS (Library management system) USE Skywarrior (Bomber) UF A.C. Houen Fund's Certificate for Outstanding A-lot-amaha River (Ga.) A-4 (Jet attack plane) Architecture USE Altamaha River (Ga.) USE Skyhawk (Jet attack plane) Anton Christian Houens fonds diplom for god A-lu Ho (China and Nepal) A-4 rocket arkitektur USE Arun River (China and Nepal) USE V-2 rocket BT Architecture—Awards—Norway A-lun Ho (China and Nepal) A-5 (Bomber) A cappella . . . USE Arun River (China and Nepal) USE Vigilante (Bomber) USE headings for vocal compositions containing the A-lung Ho (China and Nepal) A-5 rocket (Not Subd Geog) word "unaccompanied" as a medium of USE Arun River (China and Nepal) BT Rockets (Ordnance) performance, e.g. Choruses, A. Maceo Smith Federal Building (Dallas, Tex.) V-1 bomb Unaccompanied; Requiems, UF Smith Federal Building (Dallas, Tex.) V-2 rocket Unaccompanied; Vocal quartets, BT Public buildings—Texas A-6 (Jet attack plane) Unaccompanied A Man (Buddhist deity) USE Intruder (Jet attack plane) A-cars USE Man Nương (Buddhist deity) A-6 Intruder (Jet attack plane) USE General Motors A-cars A-mdo (China) USE Intruder (Jet attack plane) A-chʻang (Asian people) USE Amdo (China : Region) A-7 (Jet attack plane) USE Achang (Asian people) A mdo (Tibetan people) USE Corsair II (Jet attack plane) A-chʻang language USE Amdo (Tibetan people) A 7 Expressway (Germany) USE Achang language A mdo dialect USE Autobahn A 7 (Germany) A.D. German Warehouse (Richland Center, Wis.) USE Amdo dialect A 9 Expressway (Germany) UF German Warehouse (Richland Center, Wis.) "A" Mill Explosion, Minneapolis, Minn., 1878 USE Autobahn A 9 (Germany) BT Warehouses—Wisconsin USE Washburn "A" Mill Explosion, Minneapolis, A-10 (Jet attack plane) (Not Subd Geog) A Er Jin Shan Nature Reserve (China) Minn., 1878 [UG1242.A28] USE Arjin Mountains Nature Reserve (China) "A" Mountain (Ariz.) UF A-10 (Jet fighter plane) [Former heading] A-er-zhai Caves (China) USE Sentinel Peak (Pima County, Ariz.) Thunderbolt II (Jet attack plane) USE Arjai Caves (China) A Mountain (Maricopa County, Ariz.) Warthog (Jet attack plane) A-erh-tʼai Shan-mo USE Tempe Butte (Ariz.) BT Attack planes USE Altai Mountains A Nden language Fairchild aircraft A-F ratio (Combustion) USE Abun language Jet planes, Military USE Air-fuel ratio A-nu (Chinese people) A-10 (Jet fighter plane) A-fan-tʻi (Legendary character) USE Nu (Chinese people) USE A-10 (Jet attack plane) USE Nasreddin Hoca (Legendary character) "A" Peak (Ariz.) A-12 (Jet attack plane) (Not Subd Geog) A-frame houses (May Subd Geog) USE Sentinel Peak (Pima County, Ariz.) BT Attack planes BT Architecture, Domestic A-phyi Chos-kyi-sgrol-ma (Buddhist deity) Jet planes, Military A-H syndrome (Not Subd Geog) A-12 Blackbird (Jet reconnaissance plane) USE Akabane disease [BQ4890.A42-BQ4890.A424] (Not Subd Geog) A-J Mine (Alaska) BT Buddhist gods UF Blackbird, A-12 (Jet reconnaissance plane) USE Alaska-Juneau Mine (Alaska) A. Poffenberger Log House (Md.) BT Jet planes, Military A. J. Raffles (Fictitious character) USE Mary Locher Cabin (Md.) Lockheed aircraft USE Raffles (Fictitious character) A Prato family (Not Subd Geog) Reconnaissance aircraft A.J.S. motorcycle A Prato Palace (Trento, Italy) A-20 (Bomber) (Not Subd Geog) USE AJS motorcycle USE Palazzo a Prato (Trento, Italy) UF Boston (Bomber) A-jaeng A priori DB-7 (Bomber) USE Ajaeng UF Apriori Douglas A-20 (Bomber) A.K. Stewart Science Hall (Knoxville, Tenn.) BT Knowledge, Theory of Douglas DB-7 (Bomber) UF Stewart Science Hall (Knoxville, Tenn.) Logic Douglas Havoc (Bomber) BT College buildings—Tennessee Reasoning Havoc (Bomber) A-ka-lat (Wash.) A Programming Language (Computer program BT Bombers USE James Island (Clallam County, Wash.) language) Douglas airplanes A-khu Ston-pa (Legendary character) USE APL (Computer program language) A 20 Expressway (Germany) USE Uncle Tompa (Legendary character) A Programming Language-2 (Computer program USE Autobahn A 20 (Germany) A Kinum (Papua New Guinean people) language) A-24 (Dive bomber) USE Kaulong (Papua New Guinean people) USE APL2 (Computer program language) USE Dauntless (Dive bomber) A Kinum language A-rem (Southeast Asian people) A 26, Autoroute (France) USE Kaulong language USE Arem (Southeast Asian people) USE Autoroute A 26 (France) A Kinun (Papua New Guinean people) A Sâu River (Vietnam) A-26 Invader (Bomber) (May Subd Geog) USE Kaulong (Papua New Guinean people) USE A Shau River (Vietnam) UF B-26 Invader (Bomber) A Kinun language A Shau River (Vietnam) Douglas A-26 Invader (Bomber) USE Kaulong language UF A Sâu River (Vietnam) Invader (Bomber) A la carte legal services BT Rivers—Vietnam BT Bombers USE Unbundled legal services A Shau River Valley (Vietnam) Douglas airplanes A-la-pu-so Shan (China) USE A Shau Valley (Vietnam) A-29 (Bomber) USE Cho-tzu Mountains (China) A Shau Valley (Vietnam) USE Hudson (Bomber) A-la Shan (China) UF A Shau River Valley (Vietnam) A-31 (Dive bomber) USE Helan Mountains (China) BT Valleys—Vietnam USE Vengeance (Dive bomber) A-la Shan Desert (China) A stars (Not Subd Geog) A-36 Apache (Fighter plane) USE Tengger Desert (China) [QB843.A12] USE Mustang (Fighter plane) A-la-shan Shan (China) UF Hydrogen stars A 50 Junior (Airplane) USE Helan Mountains (China) BT Early stars USE Junkers A 50 (Airplane) A-la-ta-ma-ha (Ga.) NT Ap stars A 61 Expressway (Germany) USE Altamaha River (Ga.) Herbig Ae/Be stars USE Autobahn A 61 (Germany) A-level examinations (May Subd Geog) — Absolute magnitude A-73 (Whale) Here are entered works on examinations for USE A stars—Magnitudes USE Springer (Whale) admission to a university or similar institution taken — Atmospheres by students at approximately age eighteen in A 81 Expressway (Germany) England, Wales, and countries having educational UF Atmospheres of A stars USE Autobahn A 81 (Germany) systems modeled after the British system. BT Stars—Atmospheres A/B scheduling (Education) UF A-levels (Examination) — — Thermodynamic equilibrium USE Block scheduling (Education) Advanced level examinations BT Thermodynamic equilibrium A-bomb BT High schools—Examinations — Distribution USE Atomic bomb Universities and colleges—Entrance — Magnitudes A-bomb victims examinations UF A stars—Absolute magnitude USE Atomic bomb victims Absolute magnitude of A stars Magnitudes of A stars A-1 Magnitudes of A stars A stars (Continued) A6 Motorway (Italy) synergy model for patient care — Motion in line of sight USE Autostrada Torino-Savona (Italy) Synergy model for patient care UF A stars—Radial velocity A6G automobile BT Nursing models Motion in line of sight of A stars USE Maserati A6G automobile AADL (Computer science) Motion of A stars in line of sight A6M (Fighter plane) USE Architecture Analysis and Design Language Radial velocity of A stars USE Mitsubishi A6M (Fighter plane) Aadlai dialect — Proper motion A7 Autopista del Mediterráneo (Spain) USE Northern Roglai dialect — Radial velocity USE Autopista del Mediterráneo (Spain) Aadland family (Not Subd Geog) USE A stars—Motion in line of sight A7V (Tank) (Not Subd Geog) UF Ådland family — Spectra BT Tanks (Military science) Odland family a/state (Game) A9 Road (Scotland) AAF BT Fantasy games UF Great North Road (Scotland) USE Acetylaminofluorene A.T.O.M. (Fictitious characters) (Not Subd Geog) BT Roads—Scotland Aage family UF Alpha Teens on Machines (Fictitious A10 Motorway (Amsterdam, Netherlands) USE Agee family characters) USE Rijksweg A10 (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Aai Caves (China) A.T.'s Image (Race horse) A12 infantry tank UF Aai Shiku (China) USE Dancer's Image (Race horse) USE Matilda infantry tank BT Caves—China A.T. Tvardovskogo, Literaturnai͡a premii͡a imeni A17 Saro Cutty Sark (Amphibian plane) Aai Shiku (China) USE Literaturna premii͡a im. A.T. Tvardovskogo USE Saro Cutty Sark (Amphibian plane) USE Aai Caves (China) A. Temple Site (Ogletown, Del.) A40 Farina automobile Aajloûn Mountains (Jordan) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic USE Austin A40 Farina automobile USE ʻAjlūn Mountains (Jordan) subdivision. A44 Road (England and Wales) Aʾak UF Albert Temple Site (Ogletown, Del.) BT Roads—England UF Ak Temple Site (Ogletown, Del.) Roads—Wales BT Music—Korea BT Delaware—Antiquities A71 Expressway (Germany) NT Jongmyo jeryeak A-Train (Game) USE Autobahn A 71 (Germany) Taechʻwitʻa [GV1469.35.A18] A73 (Whale) A'ak River (B.C. and Mont.) BT Video games USE Springer (Whale) USE Yaak River (B.C. and Mont.) A-t'ung-ao-pao Mountain (Mongolia) A74(M) Motorway (Scotland) Aaker family (Not Subd Geog) USE Altan Ovoo Mountain (Mongolia) USE M74 Motorway (Scotland) Aakre family A.V. Love Dry Goods and Loft Building (Seattle, Wash.) A160 Turbine (Military helicopter) USE Åkre family UF 717-721 Virginia Street (Seattle, Wash.) USE Boeing A160T (Military helicopter) Aaland Sea Love Dry Goods and Loft Building (Seattle, A272 Road (England) USE Aland Sea Wash.) BT Roads—England Aalgaard family BT Commercial buildings—Washington (State) A300 (Jet transport) USE Ålgård family Warehouses—Washington (State) USE Airbus A300 (Jet transport) Aalin family A-V node A303 Road (England) USE Alling family USE Atrioventricular node BT Roads—England Aalplaats Kill (N.Y.) A.W. 15 (Transport plane) A310 (Jet transport) USE Alplaus Kill (N.Y.) USE Armstrong Whitworth A.W. 15 (Transport USE Airbus A310 (Jet transport) Aalplatts Kill (N.Y.) plane) A319 (Jet transport) USE Alplaus Kill (N.Y.) A.W. 650 (Transport plane) USE Airbus A319 (Jet transport) Aalplaus Kill (N.Y.) USE Argosy (Transport plane) A320 (Jet transport) USE Alplaus Kill (N.Y.) A.W. 660 (Transport plane) USE Airbus A320 (Jet transport) Aamand family (Not Subd Geog) USE Argosy (Transport plane) A330 (Jet transport) Aames family A.W.16 (Fighter plane) USE Airbus A330 (Jet transport) USE Ames family USE Armstrong Whitworth A.W.16 (Fighter plane) A340 (Jet transport) ʻAanazah (Arab tribe) A.W.27 (Transport plane) USE Airbus A340 (Jet transport) USE ʻAnazah (Arab tribe) USE Ensign (Transport plane) A380 (Jet transport) Aandahl family (Not Subd Geog) A.W.38 Whitley (Bomber) USE Airbus A380 (Jet transport) UF Aandal family USE Whitley (Bomber) A530 Road (England) Andal family A-wai-a (Calif.) BT Roads—England Aandal family USE Mirror Lake (Mariposa County, Calif.) A601 Road (Derby, England) USE Aandahl family A1 (Fighter plane) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic A'ani Indians USE Morane-Saulnier A1 (Fighter plane) subdivision. USE Gros Ventre Indians (Montana) A1 Class (Steam locomotives) UF Derby Inner Ring Road (Derby, England) A'aninin Indians USE Class A1 (Steam locomotives) Inner Ring Road (Derby, England) USE Gros Ventre Indians (Montana) A1 Road (England and Scotland) Saint Alkmunds Way (Derby, England) Aansarîye Mountains (Syria) UF Great North Road (England and Scotland) St. Alkmunds Way (Derby, England) USE Nusayriyah Mountains (Syria) BT Roads—England BT Roads—England Aapravasi Ghat (Port Louis, Mauritius) Roads—Scotland A913 YA (Asteroid) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic A1 Road (Northern Ireland) USE Gaspra (Asteroid) subdivision. BT Roads—Northern Ireland A2016 Bronze Age Way (London, England) UF Coolie Ghat (Port Louis, Mauritius) A1 Trunk Road (London, England) USE Bronze Age Way (London, England) Immigration Depot (Port Louis, Mauritius) USE Holloway Road (London, England) AA Flight 11 Hijacking Incident, 2001 BT Ports of entry—Mauritius A2 Class (Steam locomotives) USE American Airlines Flight 11 Hijacking Incident, Aar River (Switzerland) USE Class A2 (Steam locomotives) 2001 UF Aare River (Switzerland) A2K movement Aa River (Latvia and Estonia) BT Rivers—Switzerland USE Access to knowledge movement USE Gauja River (Latvia and Estonia) Aar River Valley (Switzerland) A3D (Bomber) AAAD Basketball Tournament UF Aar Valley (Switzerland) USE Skywarrior (Bomber) [GV885.49.A15] BT Valleys—Switzerland A3J (Bomber) UF AAAD National Basketball Tournament Aar River Watershed (Switzerland) USE Vigilante (Bomber) American Athletic Association of the Deaf BT Watersheds—Switzerland A4 (Locomotive) Basketball Tournament Aar Valley (Switzerland) USE Class A4 (Steam locomotives) BT Basketball—Tournaments—United States USE Aar River Valley (Switzerland) A4 automobile AAAD National Basketball Tournament A'ara language USE Audi A4 automobile USE AAAD Basketball Tournament USE Cheke Holo language A4 Class (Steam locomotives) Aabel family (Not Subd Geog) Aara-Maringe language USE Class A4 (Steam locomotives) RT Abell family USE Cheke Holo language A4 Motorway (Poland) Aachen (Germany) Aarbach River (Brandenburg, Germany) USE Autostradzie A4 (Poland) — History USE Nuthe River (Brandenburg, Germany) A4D (Jet attack plane) — — Siege, 1944 Aarberg family (Not Subd Geog) USE Skyhawk (Jet attack plane) BT Sieges—Germany Aardvark (May Subd Geog) A5 Road (England and Wales) World War, 1939- [QL737.T8 (Zoology)] UF Holyhead Road (England and Wales) 1945—Campaigns—Germany UF Ant bear London-Holyhead Road (England and Wales) Aachen, Battle of, Aachen, Germany, 1944 Antbear London to Holyhead Road (England and BT World War, 1939- Bear, Ant Wales) 1945—Campaigns—Germany Orycteropus adametzi BT Roads—England Aachener Karlspreis Orycteropus aethiopicus Roads—Wales USE Karlspreis Orycteropus afer A6 automobile AACN synergy model for patient care Orycteropus albicaudus USE Audi A6 automobile UF American Association of Critical-Care Nurses Orycteropus angolensis A-2 Orycteropus erikssoni Aarons family Manila (Fiber) Orycteropus faradjius USE Aaron family Manila fiber Orycteropus haussanus Aaronsohn family Manila hemp [Former heading] Orycteropus kordofanicus USE Aaronson family Manila hemp (Fiber) Orycteropus lademanni Aaronson family (Not Subd Geog) Manilla (Fiber) Orycteropus leptodon UF Aaronsohn family BT Plant fibers Orycteropus matschiei Aharonson family Abaca (Plant) (May Subd Geog) Orycteropus observandus Aranson family [QK495.M78 (Botany)] Orycteropus ruvanensis Aronsohn family [SB261.M3 (Culture)] Orycteropus senegalensis RT Aaron family UF Abaca banana Orycteropus somalicus Aarqa, Tallet (Lebanon) Hemp, Manila (Plant) Orycteropus wardi UF Arho, Tell (Lebanon) Manila hemp [Former heading] Orycteropus wertheri Arqa, Tell (Lebanon) Manila hemp (Plant) BT Orycteropus 'Arqah, Tallat (Lebanon) Musa textalis Aardvark (Jet fighter plane) Tallat 'Arqah (Lebanon) BT Bananas USE F-111 (Jet fighter plane) Tallet Aarqa (Lebanon) Abaca banana Aare Massif (Switzerland) Tell Arho (Lebanon) USE Abaca (Plant) USE Aarmassiv (Switzerland) Tell Arqa (Lebanon) Abaca industry (May Subd Geog) Aare River (Switzerland) BT Lebanon—Antiquities [HD9156.M35-HD9156.M352] USE Aar River (Switzerland) Mounds—Lebanon UF Manila hemp industry [Former heading] Aarestrup family (Not Subd Geog) AARS (Psychological test) BT Plant fiber industry Aargau (Switzerland) USE Adolescent Anger Rating Scale Abacaenum (Extinct city) — In art Aarset family (Not Subd Geog) USE Abaceno (Extinct city) UF Aargau in art [Former heading] Aarup family (Not Subd Geog) Abacama (African people) Aargau (Switzerland) in art [Former Aarwyl Mansion (Bremgarten bei Bern, Switzerland) USE Bacama (African people) heading] USE Landhaus Aarwyl (Bremgarten bei Bern, Abacama language Aargau (Switzerland) in art Switzerland) USE Bacama language USE Aargau (Switzerland)—In art AAS (Spectrum analysis) Abaceno (Extinct city) Aargau in art USE Atomic absorption spectroscopy UF Abacaenum (Extinct city) USE Aargau (Switzerland)—In art Aasen family (Not Subd Geog) Abakainon (Extinct city) Aarhus Raadhus (Århus, Denmark) UF Ausen family BT Extinct cities—Italy USE Århus Rådhus (Århus, Denmark) Aasivissuit Site (Greenland) Italy—Antiquities Aarjoun Site (Syria) UF Aussivigssuit Site (Greenland) Abacus USE Arjoune Site (Syria) BT Greenland—Antiquities [QA75] Aarmassiv (Switzerland) Aaskwaapisuaanuuts Site (Québec) UF Soroban UF Aare Massif (Switzerland) BT Québec (Province)—Antiquities BT Mathematical instruments BT Mountains—Switzerland AASL National School Library Media Program of the RT Quipu Aaroen family (Not Subd Geog) Year Award Abadal family (Not Subd Geog) RT Aaron family USE National School Library Media Program of the Abagnarro, Abby (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Aaron (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Year Award UF Abby Abagnarro (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Aasla Island (Finland) Abagusii (African people) Aaron Asherfeld (Fictitious character) BT Islands—Finland USE Gusii (African people) USE Asherfeld, Aaron (Fictitious character) Aassi River Abagusii language Aaron Burr Hall (Princeton, N.J.) USE Orontes River USE Gusii language UF Burr Hall (Princeton, N.J.) AAT (Animal-assisted therapy) Abaha (African people) BT College buildings—New Jersey USE Animals—Therapeutic use USE Ha (African people) Aaron E. Henry Federal Building and United States Aatimna (Hindu deity) (Not Subd Geog) Abaha language Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) [BL1225.A37-BL1225.A374] USE Ha language USE Aaron Henry Federal Building and United BT Hindu gods Abai River (Ethiopia and Sudan) States Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) Aavatsmark family (Not Subd Geog) USE Blue Nile River (Ethiopia and Sudan) Aaron family (Not Subd Geog) AAVP7A1 (Tracked landing vehicle) (Not Subd Geog) Abaiang Atoll (Kiribati) UF Aarons family UF Amtrack (Tracked landing vehicle) UF Abaiang Island (Kiribati) Ahron family Assault Amphibious Vehicle, Personnel 7A1 Apaia (Kiribati) Ahrons family LVTP-7A1 (Tracked landing vehicle) Apaiang (Kiribati) Ahroon family BT Armored vehicles, Military Apia (Kiribati) Aran family Tracked landing vehicles Charlotte Island (Kiribati) Arfeld family Aayamba (African people) Matthews (Kiribati) Aron family USE Ovambo (African people) Six Isles (Kiribati) Arons family Ab (The Latin word) BT Islands—Kiribati Arron family BT Latin language—Etymology Abaiang Island (Kiribati) RT Aaroen family Āb-e Dez (Iran) USE Abaiang Atoll (Kiribati) Aaronson family USE Dez River (Iran) Abaj Takalik Site (Guatemala) Aaron Gunner (Fictitious character) Ab-e-Diz (Iran) USE Tak'alik Ab'aj Site (Guatemala) USE Gunner, Aaron (Fictitious character) USE Dez River (Iran) Abajo Mountains (Utah) Aaron Henry Federal Building and United States Ab-i-Diz (Iran) UF Blue Mountains (Utah) Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) USE Dez River (Iran) Blues (Utah) UF Aaron E. Henry Federal Building and United Aba family (Not Subd Geog) Sierra Abajo (Utah) States Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) Aba Indians BT Mountains—Utah Aaron Henry United States Post Office USE Ava-Canoeiro Indians Abakadang Rizaleo (Clarksdale, Miss.) Aba Island (Sudan) USE Rizaleo alphabet Henry Federal Building and United States UF Gezira Aba (Sudan) Abakainon (Extinct city) Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) Geziret Aba (Sudan) USE Abaceno (Extinct city) BT Courthouses—Mississippi Jazīrat Ābā (Sudan) Abakan River (Russia) Public buildings—Mississippi BT Islands—Sudan BT Rivers—Russia (Federation) Aaron Henry United States Post Office (Clarksdale, Aba language Abakan River Valley (Russia) Miss.) USE Chiriguano language UF Abakan Valley (Russia) USE Aaron Henry Federal Building and United Aba Riots, Nigeria, 1929 BT Valleys—Russia (Federation) States Courthouse (Clarksdale, Miss.) USE Women's Revolt, Nigeria, 1929 Abakan Valley (Russia) Aaron Provincial Park (Ont.) Ababua (African people) (May Subd Geog) USE Abakan River Valley (Russia) UF Parc provincial Aaron (Ont.) UF Ababuas [Former heading] Abakiga (African people) BT Parks—Ontario Babua (African people) USE Chiga (African people) Aaron Shelton Site (Tenn.) Babwa (African people) Abakiga language BT Tennessee—Antiquities Bobwa (African people) USE Chiga language Aaron Tucker (Fictitious character) Mangbua (African people) Abakisii (African people) USE Tucker, Aaron (Fictitious character) BT Ethnology—Congo (Democratic Republic) USE Gusii (African people) Aaron Weaver Post Office Building (Inverness, Fla.) Ababua language (May Subd Geog) Abakisii language USE Chief Warrant Officer Aaron Weaver Post [PL8035] USE Gusii language Office Building (Inverness, Fla.) BT Bantu languages Abaknon (Philippine people) (May Subd Geog) Aaronic Priesthood (Mormon Church) Ababuas UF Capul (Philippine people) [BX8659.5] USE Ababua (African people) Capul Samal (Philippine people) BT Priesthood—Mormon Church Abaca (Fiber) (May Subd Geog) Capuleno (Philippine people) RT Melchizedek Priesthood (Mormon Church) UF Hemp, Manila (Fiber) Inabaknon (Philippine people) A-3 Abaknon (Philippine people) (Continued) Abalones, Fossil (May Subd Geog) Abandoned gold mines (May Subd Geog) Inbaknon (Philippine people) [QE809.A] BT Abandoned mines Kapul (Philippine people) BT Gastropoda, Fossil Gold mines and mining Sama (Philippine people) Abalouaie (Afro-Brazilian deity) Abandoned houses (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Philippines USE Obaluaiê (Afro-Brazilian deity) UF Houses, Abandoned Abaknon language (May Subd Geog) Abaluaiê (Afro-Brazilian deity) BT Abandoned buildings UF Abaknun language USE Obaluaiê (Afro-Brazilian deity) Dwellings Capul language Abaluyia (African people) Abandoned houses in art (Not Subd Geog) Inabaknon language USE Luyia (African people) Abandoned houses in literature (Not Subd Geog) Kapul language Abamean family Abandoned Indian reservations (May Subd Geog) Sama Abaknon language USE Apamian family BT Indian reservations BT Philippines—Languages Abamectin (May Subd Geog) Abandoned military reservations (May Subd Geog) Sama languages BT Avermectins BT Military reservations Abaknun language Abamelek-Lazarev family (Not Subd Geog) Abandoned mined lands reclamation (May Subd Geog) USE Abaknon language RT Lazarev family UF Mined land reclamation Abakoum (African people) Abamelek Villa (Rome, Italy) Mining sites restoration USE Kwakum (African people) USE Villa Abamelek (Rome, Italy) Reclamation of abandoned mined lands Abakoum language Abamyan family Reclamation of mined land USE Kwakum language USE Apamian family Restoration of mining sites Abakum (African people) Aban Efed Strip-mined land reclamation USE Kwakum (African people) USE Mabon Surface-mined land reclamation Abakum language Abana River (Syria) BT Reclamation of land USE Kwakum language USE Barada River (Syria) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abakuria (African people) Abanah River (Syria) BT Mining law USE Kuria (African people) USE Barada River (Syria) Abandoned mines (May Subd Geog) Abakwariga (African people) Abanaki language UF Abandoned workings (Mining) USE Hausa (African people) USE Abenaki language Inactive mines Abakwariga language Abandia (African people) BT Mines and mineral resources USE Hausa language USE Bandia (African people) NT Abandoned coal mines Abalkin family (Not Subd Geog) Abandja (African people) Abandoned gold mines Abalogoli (African people) USE Bandia (African people) — Bat gates USE Logooli (African people) Abandon-ship food packets USE Bat-compatible mine gates Abalogoli language USE Survival and emergency rations — Equipment and supplies USE Logooli language Abandoned accounts NT Bat-compatible mine gates Abalone culture (May Subd Geog) USE Dormant accounts — Risk assessment (May Subd Geog) [SH371.5] Abandoned aircraft BT Risk assessment UF Abalone farming USE Aircraft hulks Abandoned quarries (May Subd Geog) Abalone ranching Abandoned artesian wells (May Subd Geog) BT Quarries and quarrying Farming, Abalone BT Artesian wells Abandoned vehicles Ranching, Abalone Abandoned buildings (May Subd Geog) USE Abandonment of automobiles BT Gastropod culture UF Derelict buildings Abandoned villages NT Abalone hatcheries BT Buildings USE Extinct cities Paua culture NT Abandoned houses Abandoned wives (May Subd Geog) Abalone farming Abandoned children (May Subd Geog) BT Wives USE Abalone culture [HV873-HV887] Abandoned workings (Mining) Abalone fisheries (May Subd Geog) UF Children, Abandoned USE Abandoned mines [SH371.5-SH371.54] Exposed children Abandoning of ships BT Shellfish fisheries BT Homeless children USE Ships—Abandoning of NT Blacklip abalone fisheries NT Foundlings Abandonment, Product Haliotis midae fisheries — Folklore USE Product elimination Paua fisheries UF Abandoned children (in religion, folklore, Abandonment (Maritime law) (May Subd Geog) Pinto abalone fisheries etc.) [Former heading] BT Debtor and creditor Roe's abalone fisheries — Law and legislation Liability (Law) White abalone fisheries USE Abandoned children—Legal status, laws, Limited liability Abalone hatcheries (May Subd Geog) etc. Maritime law UF Abalones—Hatcheries — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) Abandonment of automobiles (May Subd Geog) Hatcheries, Abalone UF Abandoned children—Law and legislation UF Abandoned vehicles BT Abalone culture [Former heading] Automobiles—Abandonment Abalone industry (May Subd Geog) RT Exposure (Criminal law) BT Abandonment of property [HD9472.A23-HD9472.A234] — Mythology (May Subd Geog) Automobiles—Environmental aspects BT Shellfish trade UF Abandoned children (in religion, folklore, — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abalone populations (May Subd Geog) etc.) [Former heading] Abandonment of family [QL430.5.H34 (Zoology)] Abandoned children (in religion, folklore, etc.) USE Desertion and non-support UF Abalone stocks USE Abandoned children—Folklore Abandonment of gas wells Stocks, Abalone Abandoned children—Mythology USE Gas wells—Abandonment BT Marine invertebrate populations Abandoned children in literature (Not Subd Geog) Abandonment of housing Shellfish populations SA subdivision Characters--Abandoned children USE Housing—Abandonment Abalone ranching under names of individual literary authors, Abandonment of nests USE Abalone culture e.g. Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616-- USE Nests—Abandonment Abalone stocks Characters--Abandoned children Abandonment of oil wells USE Abalone populations Abandoned children in motion pictures USE Oil wells—Abandonment Abalones (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) Abandonment of property (May Subd Geog) [QL430.5.H34] BT Motion pictures UF Abandonment of property—Law and legislation UF Ear-shells Abandoned cities Dereliction (Civil law) Haliotidae USE Extinct cities BT Bona vacantia Haliotis Abandoned coal mines (May Subd Geog) Possession (Law) Ormers BT Abandoned mines Property Sea-ears Coal mines and mining Renunciation (Law) BT Archaeogastropoda — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Abandonment of automobiles NT Black abalone BT Mining law Housing—Abandonment Blacklip abalone Abandoned farms (May Subd Geog) Refugee property Greenlip abalone [S606 (Reclamation)] — Law and legislation Haliotis fulgens UF Abandoned farmsteads USE Abandonment of property Haliotis midae Deserted farms Abandonment of property (Jewish law) Paua Deserted farmsteads [KBM672] Pinto abalone Farms, Abandoned [Former heading] BT Jewish law Red abalone BT Farms Abandonment of property (Roman law) Roe's abalone Abandoned farmsteads BT Roman law White abalone USE Abandoned farms Abandonment of railroad lines — Hatcheries Abandoned funds USE Railroads—Abandonment USE Abalone hatcheries USE Dormant accounts Abandonment of wells USE Wells—Abandonment A-4 Abaneem language — Tapanta dialect Abbey family (Not Subd Geog) USE Guarani language USE Tapanta dialect UF Abay family Abangba (African people) Abazins Abba family USE Bangba (African people) USE Abaza Abbay family Abanyambo (African people) Abba, Piazza (Turin, Italy) Abbe family USE Nyambo (African people) USE Piazza Abba (Turin, Italy) Abbee family Abanyole (Kenyan people) Abba family Abby family USE Nyore (Kenyan people) USE Abbey family RT Abbott family ABAP/4 (Computer program language) Abbadia Castle (Hendaye, France) Abbey for West Dereham Station (West Dereham, UF Advanced Business Application Programming USE Château d'Abbadia (Hendaye, France) England) (Computer program language) Abbadia di Fiastra Nature Reserve (Italy) USE Abbey and West Dereham Station (West BT Programming languages (Electronic USE Riserva naturale Abbadia di Fiastra (Italy) Dereham, England) computers) Abbadides Abbey guest houses ABAP Objects (Computer program language) BT Spain—History—711-1516 USE Abbeys—Guest accommodations (May Subd Geog) Abbadie d'Arrast family (Not Subd Geog) Abbey House Gardens (Malmesbury, England) UF Advanced Business Application Programming Abbai River (Ethiopia and Sudan) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Objects (Computer program language) USE Blue Nile River (Ethiopia and Sudan) subdivision. BT Object-oriented programming languages ʻAbbās, Tall (Iraq) BT Gardens—England Abarambo language UF Abbas, Tell (Iraq) Abbey language USE Barambu language Tall ʻAbbās (Iraq) USE Abe language Abarth automobiles (Not Subd Geog) Tell Abbas (Iraq) Abbey of Saint John Site (England) BT Automobiles BT Iraq—Antiquities USE Haughmond Abbey Site (England) Abary River (Guyana) Abbas, Tell (Iraq) Abbey of the Meadow (Northampton, England : BT Rivers—Guyana USE ʻAbbās, Tall (Iraq) Building) Abascal family (Not Subd Geog) Abbasid coins USE Delapré Abbey (Northampton, England : Abashev culture (May Subd Geog) USE Coins, Abbasid Building) [GN778.2.A22] Abbasid decoration and ornament Abbey Road Studios (London, England) BT Bronze age—Russia (Federation) USE Decoration and ornament, Abbasid UF EMI Abbey Road Studios (London, England) Abashiri-gawa (Japan) Abbasid Palace (Baghdad, Iraq) EMI Recording Studios (London, England) USE Abashiri River (Japan) UF Qaṣr al-ʻAbbāsī (Baghdad, Iraq) EMI Studios (London, England) Abashiri River (Japan) BT Palaces—Iraq BT Sound studios—England UF Abashiri-gawa (Japan) Abbasids Abbey Station (West Dereham, England) Abashirigawa (Japan) [DS234-DS238] USE Abbey and West Dereham Station (West Abashirikawa (Japan) BT Caliphs Dereham, England) BT Rivers—Japan Iraq—History—634-1534 Abbeygate Street (Bury St. Edmunds, England) Abashirigawa (Japan) Islamic Empire This heading is not valid for use as a geographic subdivision. USE Abashiri River (Japan) Abbay family Abashirikawa (Japan) USE Abbey family BT Streets—England USE Abashiri River (Japan) Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abbeys (May Subd Geog) Abasto Market (Buenos Aires, Argentina) UF Abde-Badd, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) [BX2501-BX2749 (Church history)] USE Mercado de Abasto (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Abe, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) [NA4800-NA6113 (Architecture)] Abasuba (African people) Abē Hāykʾ (Ethiopia and Djibouti) BT Convents USE Suba (African people) Abhe Bad, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Monasteries Abata kola Abhē Bid Hāykʾ (Ethiopia and Djibouti) NT Priories USE Cola acuminata Abhebad, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) — Guest accommodations (May Subd Geog) Abatement, Asbestos Badda Curmon (Ethiopia and Djibouti) UF Abbey guest houses USE Asbestos abatement Badda Kodmoun (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Accommodations for guests in abbeys Abatement, Lead Lac Abbé (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Guest accommodations in abbeys USE Lead abatement Lac Abhé (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Guest houses, Abbey Abatement of greenhouse gas emissions Lake Abbé (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Hospices (Guest houses) USE Greenhouse gas mitigation Lake Abde-Badd (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Hospitia (Guest houses) Abatement of taxes Lake Abe (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Lodgings in abbeys USE Tax remission Lake Abhe Bad (Ethiopia and Djibouti) BT Hospitality industry Abathwa (African people) Lake Abhebad (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abbeys in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Batwa (African people) BT Salt lakes—Djibouti Abbey's Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Abatino family Salt lakes—Ethiopia USE Knickerbocker Theatre (New York, N.Y.) USE Ebetino family Abbe (African people) Abbison family Abattoirs USE Abe (African people) USE Abston family USE Slaughtering and slaughter-houses Abbe family Abbit family Abau language (May Subd Geog) USE Abbey family USE Abbott family [PL6621.A23] Abbé Hill (Ill.) Abbitt family UF Green River language USE Monks Mound (Ill.) USE Abbott family BT Papuan languages Abbé language Abbot, Mount (Calif.) Abaun the Trickster (Legendary character) USE Abe language UF Mount Abbot (Calif.) USE Ajapa the Trickster (Legendary character) Abbee family BT Mountains—California Abava River (Latvia) USE Abbey family Sierra Nevada (Calif. and Nev.) BT Rivers—Latvia Abbell family Abbot, Bea (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Abava River Valley (Latvia) USE Abell family UF Bea Abbot (Fictitious character) UF Abava Valley (Latvia) Abbert family Abbot family BT Valleys—Latvia USE Abbott family USE Abbott family Abava Valley (Latvia) Abbess Helewise (Fictitious character) Abbot Point (Qld.) USE Abava River Valley (Latvia) USE Helewise, Abbess (Fictitious character) BT Capes (Coasts)—Australia Abaw language Abbess Hildegard (Fictitious character) Abbots (May Subd Geog) USE Abo language (Cameroon) USE Hildegard, Abbess (Fictitious character) BT Superiors, Religious Abay family Abbesses, Christian (May Subd Geog) — Appointment, call, and election USE Abbey family [BX4209.2] Abbots (Canon law) Abay River (Ethiopia and Sudan) BT Superiors, Religious BT Canon law USE Blue Nile River (Ethiopia and Sudan) Abbet family Abbots Creek (Forsyth County and Davidson County, Abayudaya USE Abbott family N.C.) Here are entered works on a group of people in Abbett family USE Abbotts Creek (Forsyth County and Davidson villages surrounding Mbale in Eastern Uganda who USE Abbott family County, N.C.) live as practicing Jews. Abbots nullius (Canon law) Abbey (African people) BT Jews—Uganda USE Abe (African people) BT Bishops (Canon law) Abaza (May Subd Geog) Abbey and West Dereham Station (West Dereham, Abbots of misrule UF Abazins England) USE Lords of misrule BT Ethnology—Russia (Federation) UF Abbey for West Dereham Station (West Abbots River (N.C.) Abazin folk literature Dereham, England) USE Abbotts Creek (Forsyth County and Davidson USE Folk literature, Abazin Abbey Station (West Dereham, England) County, N.C.) Abazin language (May Subd Geog) Dereham Abbey Station (West Dereham, Abbots Worthy Site (Abbots Worthy, England) [PK9201.A2] England) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic BT Abkhazo-Adyghian languages subdivision. BT Railroad stations—England Caucasian languages BT England—Antiquities A-5 Abbotsbury Castle (England) Abbreviations, Catalan Abbreviations, Russian UF Strangways Castle (England) UF Catalan abbreviations UF Russian abbreviations BT Castles—England Catalan language—Abbreviations Russian language—Abbreviations Abbotsford (Scotland) Abbreviations, Chinese Abbreviations, Sanskrit BT Dwellings—Scotland UF Chinese abbreviations UF Sanskrit abbreviations Abbott, Ben (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) Chinese language—Abbreviations Sanskrit language—Abbreviations UF Abbott, Benjamin (Fictitious character) Abbreviations, Czech Abbreviations, Serbo-Croatian Ben Abbott (Fictitious character) UF Czech abbreviations UF Serbo-Croatian abbreviations Benjamin Abbott (Fictitious character) Czech language—Abbreviations Serbo-Croatian language—Abbreviations Abbott, Benjamin (Fictitious character) Abbreviations, Danish Abbreviations, Slovenian USE Abbott, Ben (Fictitious character) UF Danish abbreviations UF Slovenian abbreviations Abbott family (Not Subd Geog) Danish language—Abbreviations Slovenian language—Abbreviations UF Abbert family Abbreviations, Dutch Abbreviations, Spanish Abbet family UF Dutch abbreviations UF Spanish abbreviations Abbett family Dutch language—Abbreviations Spanish language—Abbreviations Abbit family Abbreviations, Egyptian Abbreviations, Swedish Abbitt family UF Egyptian abbreviations UF Swedish abbreviations Abbot family Egyptian language—Abbreviations Swedish language—Abbreviations Abet family Abbreviations, English Abbreviations, Tatar Abit family UF English abbreviations UF Tatar abbreviations Abitts family English language—Abbreviations Tatar language—Abbreviations Abot family Abbreviations, Estonian Abbreviations, Thai Abott family UF Estonian abbreviations UF Thai abbreviations RT Abbey family Estonian language—Abbreviations Thai language—Abbreviations Abbott Farm National Landmark (Trenton, N.J.) Abbreviations, Finnish Abbreviations, Tibetan (May Subd Geog) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic UF Finnish abbreviations UF Tibetan abbreviations subdivision. Finnish language—Abbreviations Tibetan language—Abbreviations UF Trenton Complex (Trenton, N.J.) Abbreviations, French (Not Subd Geog) Abbreviations, Turkish BT Historic sites—New Jersey UF French abbreviations UF Turkish abbreviations National parks and reserves—New Jersey French language—Abbreviations Turkish language—Abbreviations Abbott-Run Site (R.I.) Abbreviations, German Abbreviations, Turkmen BT Rhode Island—Antiquities UF German abbreviations UF Turkmen abbreviations Abbott Theatre (New York, N.Y.) German language—Abbreviations Turkmen language—Abbreviations USE George Abbott Theatre (New York, N.Y.) Abbreviations, Greek Abbreviations, Ukrainian (May Subd Geog) Abbott's booby (May Subd Geog) UF Greek abbreviations UF Ukrainian abbreviations [QL696.P48 (Zoology)] Greek language—Abbreviations Ukrainian language—Abbreviations UF Papasula abbotti Abbreviations, Greek (Modern) Abbreviations, Vietnamese Sula abbotti UF Greek abbreviations, Modern UF Vietnamese abbreviations BT Papasula Greek language, Modern—Abbreviations Vietnamese language—Abbreviations Abbotts Creek (Forsyth County and Davidson County, Modern Greek abbreviations Abbruzzese dialect N.C.) Abbreviations, Hebrew USE Abruzzese dialect UF Abbots Creek (Forsyth County and Davidson [PJ4847] Abbs family County, N.C.) UF Hebrew abbreviations USE Abston family Abbots River (N.C.) Hebrew language—Abbreviations Abb's Valley (Va. and W. Va.) BT Rivers—North Carolina Abbreviations, Hungarian BT Valleys—Virginia Abbott's Lane Site (N.J.) UF Hungarian abbreviations Valleys—West Virginia BT New Jersey—Antiquities Hungarian language—Abbreviations Abby (Fictitious character : Wiebe) (Not Subd Geog) Abbreviated Test Language For All Systems (Computer Abbreviations, Indonesian Abby Abagnarro (Fictitious character) program language) UF Indonesian abbreviations USE Abagnarro, Abby (Fictitious character) USE ATLAS (Computer program language) Indonesian language—Abbreviations Abby Cooper (Fictitious character) Abbreviations (May Subd Geog) Abbreviations, Italian USE Cooper, Abby (Fictitious character) Here are entered general works on abbreviations UF Italian abbreviations Abby family of words and phrases. Works on abbreviations pertaining to a topic are entered under headings of Italian language—Abbreviations USE Abbey family the type [topic]--Abbreviations. Works on Abbreviations, Japanese Abby Jones (Fictitious character) abbreviations pertaining to a topic in a language other UF Japanese abbreviations USE Jones, Abby (Fictitious character) than English are assigned two headings: 1. [topic]-- Japanese language—Abbreviations Abby Knight (Fictitious character) Abbreviations. 2. Abbreviations, [name of language]. Abbreviations, Latin USE Knight, Abby (Fictitious character) UF Brachygraphy UF Latin abbreviations Abby Rose (Fictitious character) Contractions Latin language—Abbreviations USE Rose, Abby (Fictitious character) BT Writing Abbreviations, Latvian Abby Shaw (Fictitious character) RT Ciphers UF Latvian abbreviations USE Shaw, Abby (Fictitious character) Shorthand Latvian language—Abbreviations Abby Sinclair (Fictitious character) Signs and symbols Abbreviations, Legal USE Sinclair, Abby (Fictitious character) SA subdivision Abbreviations under subjects, e.g. USE Law—Abbreviations ABC (Computer program language) Associations, institutions, etc.-- Abbreviations, Macedonian [QA76.73.A] Abbreviations; Law--Abbreviations UF Macedonian abbreviations BT Programming languages (Electronic NT Acronyms Macedonian language—Abbreviations computers) Ampersand Abbreviations, Malay ABC books At sign UF Malay abbreviations USE Alphabet books Code names Malay language—Abbreviations ABC proteins Periodicals—Abbreviations of titles Abbreviations, Mongolian USE ATP-binding cassette transporters Abbreviations, Afrikaans UF Mongolian abbreviations ABC Strike, São Paulo, Brazil, 1980 UF Afrikaans abbreviations Mongolian language—Abbreviations USE Metal-workers' Strike, São Paulo, Brazil, 1980 Afrikaans language—Abbreviations Abbreviations, Panjabi ABC transporters Abbreviations, Albanian UF Panjabi abbreviations USE ATP-binding cassette transporters UF Albanian abbreviations Panjabi language—Abbreviations ABC ware (Tableware) (May Subd Geog) Albanian language—Abbreviations Abbreviations, Persian BT Tableware Abbreviations, Arabic [PK6385] Abcher family UF Arabic abbreviations UF Persian abbreviations USE Absher family Arabic language—Abbreviations Persian language—Abbreviations ABCs (Cats) Abbreviations, Azerbaijani Abbreviations, Polish USE Phantom cats UF Azerbaijani abbreviations UF Polish abbreviations ʻAbd, Tall al- (Syria) Azerbaijani language—Abbreviations Polish language—Abbreviations [DS99.A13] Abbreviations, Belarusian Abbreviations, Portuguese UF Tall al-ʻAbd (Syria) UF Belarusian abbreviations UF Portuguese abbreviations Tell ʻAbd Zrejehey (Syria) Belarusian language—Abbreviations Portuguese language—Abbreviations Tell al-ʻAbd (Syria) Abbreviations, Bulgarian Abbreviations, Romanian BT Syria—Antiquities UF Bulgarian abbreviations [PC785] ʻAbd-al-Malekīs (Iranian people) Bulgarian language—Abbreviations UF Romanian abbreviations USE ʻAbd al-Malikīs (Iranian people) Romanian language—Abbreviations ʻAbd al-Malikīʹhā (Iranian people) USE ʻAbd al-Malikīs (Iranian people) A-6 ʻAbd al-Malikīs (Iranian people) (May Subd Geog) — Tumors (May Subd Geog) Tepe Abdul Hosein (Iran) [DS269.A23] [RC280.A2] BT Iran—Antiquities UF ʻAbd-al-Malekīs (Iranian people) [RD668] Mounds—Iran ʻAbd al-Malikīʹhā (Iranian people) — Wounds and injuries (May Subd Geog) Abdul scam, 1980 Abdolmalekis (Iranian people) [RD540-RD548] USE Abscam Bribery Scandal, 1980 BT Ethnology—Iran Abdomen, Acute Abdullāb (Arab tribe) (May Subd Geog) ʻAbd al-Wādids, 1235-1559 USE Acute abdomen BT Arabs USE Zayyanid dynasty, 1235-1559 Abdominal aneurysm (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—Sudan ʻAbd Allāh Inlet (Kuwait and Iraq) BT Aortic aneurysms Abe, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) UF Hor Abdulla (Kuwait and Iraq) Abdominal angina (May Subd Geog) USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Khawr ʻAbd Allāh (Kuwait and Iraq) UF Angina abdominis Abe (African people) (May Subd Geog) Khōr ʼAbdullah (Kuwait and Iraq) BT Abdomen—Diseases UF Abbe (African people) Khūr ʼAbdullah (Kuwait and Iraq) Abdominal aorta Abbey (African people) BT Inlets—Iraq BT Aorta Abi (African people) Inlets—Kuwait — Radiography (May Subd Geog) Aby (African people) Abd-el-Tif Villa (Algiers, Algeria) — Surgery (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Côte d'Ivoire USE Villa Abd-el-Tif (Algiers, Algeria) Abdominal compression reaction (May Subd Geog) Abe Brown Post Office Building (Tampa, Fla.) ʻAbd, Qaṣr al- (Araq el-Emir Site, Jordan) BT Reflexes USE Reverend Abe Brown Post Office Building USE Qaṣr al-ʻAbd (Araq el-Emir Site, Jordan) Respiration (Tampa, Fla.) Abdalla Wahbi Canal (Egypt) Abdominal decompression (May Subd Geog) Abe family (Not Subd Geog) USE Wahbī Canal (Egypt) UF Decompression, Abdominal Abe-gawa (Japan) Abde-Badd, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) BT Atmospheric pressure—Physiological effect USE Abe River (Japan) USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Decompression sickness Abe Glitsky (Fictitious character) Abdedal language Therapeutics, Physiological USE Glitsky, Abe (Fictitious character) USE Gagadu language Abdominal delivery Abē Hāykʾ (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abderhalden reaction USE Cesarean section USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) BT Blood—Analysis Abdominal dropsy Abe-kawa (Japan) Chemical reactions USE Ascites USE Abe River (Japan) Chemical tests and reagents Abdominal exercises (May Subd Geog) Abe language (May Subd Geog) Enzymes UF Stomach exercises UF Abbé language Abdication of kings and rulers BT Exercise Abbey language USE Kings and rulers—Abdication Abdominal hernia Abi language Abdication of popes USE Hernia BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages USE Popes—Abdication Abdominal hysterectomy Kwa languages Abdij van Middelburg (Middelburg, Netherlands : USE Hysterectomy Abe Lieberman (Fictitious character) Building) Abdominal pain (May Subd Geog) USE Lieberman, Abe (Fictitious character) UF Middelburg Abbey (Middelburg, Netherlands) BT Abdomen—Diseases Abe Murdock United States Post Office Building Provinciehuis (Middelburg, Netherlands) Pain (Beaver, Utah) BT Public buildings—Netherlands NT Acute abdomen UF Murdock United States Post Office Building Church buildings—Netherlands Colic (Beaver, Utah) Abditomys (May Subd Geog) Abdominal pain in children (May Subd Geog) BT Post office buildings—Utah [QL737.R666] [RJ456.A26] Abe River (Japan) BT Muridae BT Children—Diseases UF Abe-gawa (Japan) NT Abditomys latidens Pediatric gastroenterology Abe-kawa (Japan) Abditomys latidens (May Subd Geog) NT Acute abdomen in children Abegawa (Japan) [QL737.R666] Abdominal pregnancy (May Subd Geog) Abekawa (Japan) BT Abditomys UF Pregnancy, Abdominal [Former heading] BT Rivers—Japan Ābdīz, Rūdkhāneh-ye (Iran) BT Ectopic pregnancy Abe River Watershed (Japan) USE Dez River (Iran) Abdominal surgery BT Watersheds—Japan Abdolmalekis (Iranian people) USE Abdomen—Surgery Abeal family USE ʻAbd al-Malikīs (Iranian people) Abdominal thrust maneuver USE Abell family Abdomen USE Heimlich maneuver Abecarnil [QM543 (Regional anatomy)] Abdominal typhus [RM666.A12] RT Viscera USE Typhoid fever BT Carbolines NT Groin Abdominal wall Tranquilizing drugs Intestines BT Abdomen—Muscles Abecedaria Kidneys Abduction (May Subd Geog) USE Alphabet books Liver [HV6571-HV6574 (Criminology)] Abecedarian acrostics Metasoma Here are entered works on the kidnapping of USE Abecedariuses Navel women for the purpose of marriage, sexual Abecedarian poems intercourse, concubinage, or prostitution. Peritoneum USE Abecedariuses Retroperitoneum BT Kidnapping Abecedarian poetry Stomach NT Internet abduction USE Abecedariuses — Abscess (May Subd Geog) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abecedarii — Blood-vessels BT Criminal law USE Abecedariuses — — Radiography (May Subd Geog) Abduction (Canon law) Abecedariuses (Not Subd Geog) — Cancer (May Subd Geog) BT Canon law UF Abecedarian acrostics [RC280.A2] Abduction (Logic) Abecedarian poems [RD668] [BC199.A26 (Logic)] Abecedarian poetry — Diseases (May Subd Geog) [Q175.32.A24 (Philosophy of science)] Abecedarii [RC944] BT Logic BT Acrostics NT Abdominal angina Reasoning Poetry Abdominal pain Syllogism Abecedariuses, Cuban (May Subd Geog) Acute abdomen Abduction (Roman law) UF Cuban abecedariuses Hernia BT Roman law BT Cuban poetry — Examination (May Subd Geog) Abduction in art (Not Subd Geog) Abecedariuses, English (May Subd Geog) NT Laparoscopy Abduction in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF English abecedariuses — Hernia Abduction in opera (Not Subd Geog) BT English poetry USE Hernia BT Opera — Middle English, 1100-1500 — Muscles Abduction of children USE Abecedariuses, English (Middle) NT Abdominal wall USE Kidnapping Abecedariuses, English (Middle) (May Subd Geog) — Paracentesis (May Subd Geog) Abduction of humans by aliens UF Abecedariuses, English—Middle English, BT Paracentesis USE Alien abduction 1100-1500 — Radiography (May Subd Geog) Abdul Hosein Mound (Iran) Abecedariuses, Middle English — Surgery (May Subd Geog) USE Abdul Hosein Tepe (Iran) English abecedariuses, Middle [RD540-RD548] Abdul Hosein Site (Iran) Middle English abecedariuses UF Abdominal surgery USE Abdul Hosein Tepe (Iran) BT English poetry—Middle English, 1100-1500 Laparotomy Abdul Hosein Tepe (Iran) Abecedariuses, Middle English NT Acute abdomen UF Abdul Hosein Mound (Iran) USE Abecedariuses, English (Middle) Laparostomy Abdul Hosein Site (Iran) Abedus (May Subd Geog) Peritoneal access Chiga-saifal Mound (Iran) [QL523.B4 (Zoology)] Chiga-saifal Site (Iran) A-7 Abedus (Continued) BT Group theory Abenaki language (May Subd Geog) BT Belostomatidae NT Abelian p-groups [PM551] NT Abedus herberti Free metabelian groups UF Abanaki language Abedus herberti (May Subd Geog) Group algebras Abenakise language [QL523.B4 (Zoology)] Hall polynomials Abenaqui language BT Abedus Mixed Abelian groups Abnake language Abee family Torsion free Abelian groups Abnaki language [Former heading] USE Eby family Whitehead groups Wabnaki language Abeel family Abelian groups, Compact BT Algonquian languages USE Abell family USE Compact Abelian groups Canada, Eastern—Languages Abegawa (Japan) Abelian integrals Maine—Languages USE Abe River (Japan) USE Functions, Abelian NT Wawenock language Abegg family (Not Subd Geog) Abelian p-groups Abenaki mythology (May Subd Geog) Abeille's oriole UF p-groups, Abelian UF Abnaki mythology [Former heading] USE Northern oriole Primary Abelian groups Mythology, Abenaki Abeja Site (Colombia) Primary groups, Abelian Abenaki women (May Subd Geog) BT Colombia—Antiquities BT Abelian groups UF Women, Abenaki Abekawa (Japan) Abelian semigroups BT Women—Canada USE Abe River (Japan) USE Commutative semigroups Women—United States Abel (Biblical figure) Abelian varieties Abenakise language — In rabbinical literature UF Varieties, Abelian USE Abenaki language UF Abel (Biblical figure) in rabbinical literature BT Geometry, Algebraic Abenaqui language [Former heading] NT Néron models USE Abenaki language BT Rabbinical literature Abelias (May Subd Geog) Abendanan family (Not Subd Geog) Abel, Dominic (Fictitious character) (Not Subd Geog) [QK495.C199 (Botany)] UF Aben Danan family UF Dominic Abel (Fictitious character) UF Abelia Danan family Abel (Biblical figure) in rabbinical literature BT Caprifoliaceae Even Danan family USE Abel (Biblical figure)—In rabbinical literature Abelisauridae (May Subd Geog) Ibn Danan family ABEL (Computer program language) [QE862.S3] Ibn Dannān family [QA76.73.A] BT Saurischia RT Danon family BT Programming languages (Electronic NT Carnotaurus Even family computers) Majungasaurus Abendroth family (Not Subd Geog) Abel (Fictitious character : Bergeron) (Not Subd Geog) Abell family (Not Subd Geog) Aber family (Not Subd Geog) Abel family UF Abbell family Aber See (Austria) USE Abell family Abeal family USE Wolfgangsee (Austria) Abel integral equations Abeel family Aberconwy House (Conwy, Wales) [QA431] Abel family UF Tŷ Aberconwy (Conwy, Wales) UF Abel's integral equations Abele family BT Dwellings—Wales Integral equations, Abel Abeles family Abercrombie, Fort (Abercrombie, N.D.) BT Volterra equations Abels family USE Fort Abercrombie (Abercrombie, N.D.) Abel Jones (Fictitious character) Able family Abercrombie family (Not Subd Geog) USE Jones, Abel (Fictitious character) RT Aabel family UF Abercromby family Abel Post Office Building (Kansas City, Mo.) Abelmoschus (May Subd Geog) Abercrombie's Ticonderoga Campaign, 1758 USE Reverend Earl Abel Post Office Building [QK495.M27 (Botany)] USE Abercrombie's Ticonderoga Campaign, N.Y., (Kansas City, Mo.) BT Malvaceae 1758 Abel Tasman Coast Track (N.Z.) NT Okra Abercrombie's Ticonderoga Campaign, N.Y., 1758 UF Abel Tasman Coastal Track (N.Z.) Abelmoschus esculentus UF Abercrombie's Ticonderoga Campaign, 1758 Coast Track, Abel Tasman (N.Z.) USE Okra [Former heading] Tasman Coast Track (N.Z.) Abelov family BT New York (State)—History—French and Indian Tasman Coastal Track (N.Z.) USE Yavelow family War, 1754-1763 BT Trails—New Zealand Abelow family United States—History—French and Indian Abel Tasman Coastal Track (N.Z.) USE Yavelow family War, 1754-1763—Campaigns USE Abel Tasman Coast Track (N.Z.) Abels family Abercromby family Abel Tasman National Park (N.Z.) USE Abell family USE Abercrombie family UF Tasman National Park (N.Z.) Abel's integral equations Abercromby's Siege, San Juan, P.R., 1797 Tasman Park (N.Z.) USE Abel integral equations USE San Juan (P.R.)—History—Siege, 1797 BT National parks and reserves—New Zealand Abemama (Kiribati) Aberdare Canal (Wales) Abelam (New Guinea tribe) UF Apamama (Kiribati) BT Canals—Wales USE Abelam (Papua New Guinean people) BT Islands—Kiribati Aberdare Mountain National Park (Kenya) Abelam (Papua New Guinea people) Aben Danan family USE Aberdare National Park (Kenya) USE Abelam (Papua New Guinean people) USE Abendanan family Aberdare Mountains (Kenya) Abelam (Papua New Guinean people) Aben Menir family USE Aberdare Range (Kenya) (May Subd Geog) USE Menir family Aberdare National Park (Kenya) UF Abelam (New Guinea tribe) [Former heading] Abena, Camp (Me.) UF Aberdare Mountain National Park (Kenya) Abelam (Papua New Guinea people) [Former USE Camp Abena (Me.) Aberdare Royal National Park (Kenya) heading] Abenaki art (May Subd Geog) Osupuko Lerego (Kenya) BT Ethnology—Papua New Guinea UF Art, Abenaki BT National parks and reserves—Kenya Papuans BT Art, American Aberdare Range (Kenya) Abelam art Abenaki baskets (May Subd Geog) UF Aberdare Mountains (Kenya) USE Art, Abelam UF Abnaki baskets [Former heading] Aberdares (Kenya) Abelam language Baskets, Abenaki Osufuko Lerego (Kenya) USE Abulas language BT Baskets—Canada, Eastern BT Mountains—Kenya Abele family Baskets—Maine Aberdare Royal National Park (Kenya) USE Abell family Abenaki Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Aberdare National Park (Kenya) Abeles family [E99.A13] Aberdares (Kenya) USE Abell family UF Abnaki Indians [Former heading] USE Aberdare Range (Kenya) Abelev family Kennebec Indians Aberdares Forest Reserve (Kenya) USE Yavelow family Tarratine Indians BT Forest reserves—Kenya Abelia Wabanaki Indians National parks and reserves—Kenya USE Abelias BT Algonquian Indians Aberdaugleddyf (Wales) Abelian categories Indians of North America—Canada, Eastern USE Milford Haven (Wales : Estuary) BT Categories (Mathematics) Indians of North America—Maine Aberdeen, Battle of, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1644 NT Complexes, Cochain NT Arosaguntacook Indians BT Great Britain—History—Civil War, 1642- Derived categories (Mathematics) Malecite Indians 1649—Campaigns Grothendieck categories Passamaquoddy Indians Scotland—History—Charles I, 1625-1649 Triangulated categories Penobscot Indians Aberdeen, Freedom of the City of (Award) Abelian equations Pequawket Indians USE Freedom of the City of Aberdeen (Award) USE Equations, Abelian Sokoki Indians Aberdeen-Angus cattle (May Subd Geog) Abelian functions Wawenock Indians [SF199.A14] USE Functions, Abelian — Missions (May Subd Geog) UF Angus cattle Abelian groups — Treaties Polled Aberdeen cattle UF Commutative groups Polled Angus cattle A-8 BT Beef cattle breeds Abet family Abidji proverbs NT Red Angus cattle USE Abbott family USE Proverbs, Abidji Aberdeen Bay (Scotland) Abettors Abie family BT Bays—Scotland USE Accomplices USE Eby family Aberdeen family (Not Subd Geog) Abey family Abie language Aberdeenshire Canal (Scotland) USE Eby family USE Aneme Wake language BT Canals—Scotland Abhainn Afraig (Scotland) Abies Aberdour Bay (Scotland) USE Affric, River (Scotland) USE Fir UF Bay of Aberdour (Scotland) Abhainn Mhór, An (Kerry-Cork and Waterford, Ireland) Abies alba BT Bays—Scotland USE Blackwater, River (Kerry-Cork and Waterford, USE Silver fir Aberdour Post Office (Aberdour, Scotland) Ireland) Abies amabilis (May Subd Geog) BT Post office buildings—Scotland Abhāva [QK494.5.P66] Aberdour Railway Station (Aberdour, Scotland) BT Hindu logic UF Amabilis fir USE Aberdour Station (Aberdour, Scotland) Nyaya Cascades fir Aberdour Station (Aberdour, Scotland) Abhayagiri (Sect) (May Subd Geog) Pacific silver fir UF Aberdour Railway Station (Aberdour, Scotland) [BQ8000-BQ8049] BT Fir BT Railroad stations—Scotland UF Abhayagirivādin (Sect) Abies balsamea Aberfoyle Slate Quarries (Scotland) BT Buddhist sects USE Balsam fir BT Quarries and quarrying—Scotland Abhayagirivādin (Sect) Abies bornmuelleriana Aberglasney Gardens (Llangathen, Wales) USE Abhayagiri (Sect) USE Bornmueller fir This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Abhe Bad, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abies canadensis subdivision. USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) USE Eastern hemlock BT Gardens—Wales Abhē Bid Hāykʾ (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abies cilicica Aberglasney House (Llangathen, Wales) USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) USE Cilician fir BT Dwellings—Wales Abhebad, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) Abies concolor (May Subd Geog) Abermenai Barracks (Llanwnda, Gwynedd, Wales) USE Abbé, Lake (Ethiopia and Djibouti) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] USE Belan Fort (Llanwnda, Gwynedd, Wales) Abherents [SD397.A185 (Forestry)] Abern family UF Parting agents UF California white fir USE Aborn family Release agents Colorado fir Abernathy family (Not Subd Geog) Slip agents Colorado white fir UF Abernethy family BT Adhesion White Colorado fir Abernathys Mill Creek (Wash.) Surface chemistry White fir USE Mill Creek (Wahkiakum County and Cowlitz Abhidharma BT Fir County, Wash.) BT Buddhist philosophy Abies densa (May Subd Geog) Abernethy family Abhidharma (Bonpo) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] USE Abernathy family USE Bon Abhidharma [SD397.A186 (Forestry)] Abernethy's sarcoma Abhimanyu UF Sikkim fir USE Liposarcoma Abhiras BT Fir Aberrant (Game) USE Ahirs Abies gordoniana [GV1469.62.A24] Abhiṣeka (Buddhist rite) (May Subd Geog) USE Abies grandis BT Fantasy games [BQ8921.A26 (Tantric Buddhism)] Abies grandis (May Subd Geog) Aberratio ictus (May Subd Geog) UF Abhisheka (Buddhist rite) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] BT Criminal attempt BT Buddhism—Rituals UF Abies gordoniana Criminal intent Initiation rites—Religious aspects—Buddhism Giant fir Aberration Abhisheka (Buddhist rite) Grand fir [QB163 (Astronomy)] USE Abhiṣeka (Buddhist rite) Lowland fir [QC671 (Physics)] Abhorrence Lowland white fir BT Optics USE Aversion White fir, Lowland Spherical astronomy Abhorson (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) BT Fir NT Optics, Adaptive (Not Subd Geog) Abies heterophylla Aberration, Chromatic and spherical Abi (African people) USE Western hemlock USE Achromatism USE Abe (African people) Abies lasiocarpa (May Subd Geog) Lenses Abi (Papua New Guinean people) [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] Mirrors USE Ama (Papua New Guinean people) UF Abies subalpina Abersman family (Not Subd Geog) Abi family Alpine fir Abert, Lake (Or.) USE Eby family Rocky Mountain fir UF Lake Abert (Or.) Abi-Ḥasira family (Not Subd Geog) Subalpine fir BT Lakes—Oregon UF Abiḥatsira family BT Fir Abert Rim Wilderness (Or.) Abu Ḥasira family Abies magnifica (May Subd Geog) UF Abert Rim Wilderness Study Area (Or.) Abu Hatsera family [QK494.5.P66 (Botany)] BT National parks and reserves—Oregon Abu Ḥatsira family UF California red fir Wilderness areas—Oregon Abuhatsira family Red fir Abert Rim Wilderness Study Area (Or.) AviHatsira family BT Fir USE Abert Rim Wilderness (Or.) ABI/INFORM (Information retrieval system) Abies menziesii Abert squirrel [Z699.5.M25] USE Douglas fir USE Abert's squirrel BT Information storage and retrieval Abies nebrodensis (May Subd Geog) Abert's squirrel (May Subd Geog) systems—Management [QK494.5.P66] [QL737.R68 (Zoology)] Abi language BT Fir UF Abert squirrel [Former heading] USE Abe language Abies nobilis Sciurus aberti Abi-Nader family USE Noble fir Sciurus alberti USE Abinader family Silver fir Sciurus barberi Abia (Rite) Abies nordmanniana Sciurus castanonotus [DT570] USE Caucasian fir Sciurus castanotus BT Beti (African people)—Rites and ceremonies Abies pectinata Sciurus chuscensis Rites and ceremonies—Cameroon USE Silver fir Sciurus concolor Abia language Abies picea Sciurus dorsalis USE Aneme Wake language USE Silver fir Sciurus durangi Abicetava Indians Abies pichta Sciurus ferreus USE Bribri Indians USE Siberian fir Sciurus kaibabensis Abiddul language Abies pinsapo Sciurus mimus USE Gagadu language USE Spanish fir Sciurus navajo Abidji (African people) (May Subd Geog) Abies procera Sciurus phaeurus UF Abiji (African people) USE Noble fir Tassel-eared squirrel Ari (African people) Abies siberica Tassle-eared squirrel BT Ethnology—Côte d'Ivoire USE Siberian fir BT Squirrels Abidji language (May Subd Geog) Abies subalpina Abes Knob (Idaho) UF Abiji language USE Abies lasiocarpa BT Mountains—Idaho Adidji language Abietaceae Abescom Bay (N.J.) Ari language (Côte d'Ivoire) USE Pinaceae USE Absecon Bay (N.J.) BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages Abietic acid Ābeskūn (Iran) Kwa languages [QD341.A2] USE Miyan Kāleh Peninsula (Iran) UF Sylvic acid A-9 Abigail Danforth (Fictitious character) Gifted children—Identification Callaga language USE Danforth, Abigail (Fictitious character) High Level Mental Alertness Test Ecusinga language Abigail Stanton (Fictitious character) Motion pictures in ability testing Yaucaniga language USE Stanton, Abigail (Fictitious character) Occupational aptitude tests BT Argentina—Languages Abigail Timberlake (Fictitious character) Pauli test Guaycuruan languages USE Timberlake, Abigail (Fictitious character) Physical fitness—Testing Paraguay—Languages Abigail Washburn (Fictitious character) Project Talent Abipone Indians USE Timberlake, Abigail (Fictitious character) United States. Army—Officer efficiency USE Abipon Indians Abigar language reports Abipone language USE Nuer language Ability, Distribution of (May Subd Geog) USE Abipon language Abiḥatsira family UF Distribution of ability Abiquiu Dam (N.M.) USE Abi-Ḥasira family Ability, Influence of age on (May Subd Geog) BT Dams—New Mexico Abijah Thomas House (Va.) UF Age and ability Abiquiu Reservoir (N.M.) UF Mountain View (Va.) Age factors in ability BT Lakes—New Mexico Octagon House (Va.) BT Mind and body Reservoirs—New Mexico Octagonal House (Va.) RT Age and employment Abiri language Thomas House (Va.) NT Abstraction—Age factors USE Birri language (Central African Republic) BT Dwellings—Virginia Cognition—Age factors Abiring Archipelago (Indonesia) Abiji (African people) Language acquisition—Age factors USE Pabbiring Archipelago (Indonesia) USE Abidji (African people) Memory—Age factors Abisa (Zambian people) Abiji language Mental age USE Bisa (Zambian people) USE Abidji language Ability, Musical Abiseo Site (Peru) Abil, Tell (Jordan) USE Musical ability USE Gran Pajatén Site (Peru) USE Abila (Extinct city) Ability, Social Ābiskūn (Iran) Abila (Extinct city) USE Social skills USE Miyan Kāleh Peninsula (Iran) UF Abil, Tell (Jordan) Ability grouping in education (May Subd Geog) Abit family Ḥammah al-Samrāʾ, Tall al- (Jordan) [LB3061] USE Abbott family Seleucia Abila (Extinct city) UF Classification of school children Abitibi, Lake (Ont. and Québec) Tall al-Ḥammah al-Samrāʾ (Jordan) Classification of students UF Lac Abitibi (Ont. and Québec) Tell Abil (Jordan) Graded schools Lake Abitibi (Ont. and Québec) BT Extinct cities—Jordan Grouping, Homogeneous BT Lakes—Ontario Jordan—Antiquities Grouping by ability Lakes—Québec (Province) Abildtrup family (Not Subd Geog) Homogeneous grouping Abitibi Greenstone Belt (Ont. and Québec) Abilene, Operation, 1966 School children—Classification BT Greenstone belts—Ontario USE Operation Abilene, 1966 Streaming (Education) Greenstone belts—Québec (Province) Abilene and Fort Dodge Trail Students—Classification Abitibi Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Texas Cattle Trail BT Education [E99.A12] Abilities Educational psychology UF Abittibi Indians USE Ability Grading and marking (Students) BT Algonquian Indians Ability (May Subd Geog) School management and organization Indians of North America—Ontario UF Abilities NT Educational acceleration Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Québec) Aptitude Mixed ability grouping in education Abittibi Indians Proficiency Nongraded schools USE Abitibi Indians Skill School grade placement Abitts family Skills Track system (Education) USE Abbott family Talent Ability in children (May Subd Geog) Abject art (May Subd Geog) Talents [BF723.A25] BT Art RT Expertise BT Child psychology Abjection in literature (Not Subd Geog) NT Athletic ability NT Mathematical ability in children Abjection in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Core competencies Mechanical ability in children BT Motion pictures Creative ability Musical ability in children Abker family Educational acceleration Spatial ability in children USE Apgar family Employability Ability in infants (May Subd Geog) Abkhasians Executive ability [BF720.A24] USE Abkhazians Followership BT Infant psychology Abkhaz Intellect NT Musical ability in infants USE Abkhazians Leadership Ability testing Abkhaz cooking Learning ability USE subdivision Ability testing under subjects USE Cooking, Abkhaz Life skills USE Ability—Testing Abkhaz drama (May Subd Geog) Mathematical ability Abinader family (Not Subd Geog) UF Abkhazian drama [Former heading] Mechanical ability UF Abi-Nader family BT Abkhaz literature Motor ability Abingdon Island (Galapagos Islands) Abkhaz encyclopedias and dictionaries Musical ability USE Pinta Island (Galapagos Islands) USE Encyclopedias and dictionaries, Abkhaz Psychic ability Abington (Galapagos Islands) Abkhaz epic literature Scientific ability USE Pinta Island (Galapagos Islands) USE Epic literature, Abkhaz Soft skills Abingtoni Island (Galapagos Islands) Abkhaz epic poetry Spatial ability USE Pinta Island (Galapagos Islands) USE Epic poetry, Abkhaz Spelling ability Abingworth Hall (England) Abkhaz fiction (May Subd Geog) Verbal ability BT Dwellings—England UF Abkhazian fiction [Former heading] — Genetic aspects Hotels—England BT Abkhaz literature BT Genetics Abiogenesis Abkhaz folk dancing — Testing USE Life—Origin USE Folk dancing, Abkhaz [BF431-BF433 (Psychology)] Spontaneous generation Abkhaz folk literature UF Ability testing Abiogenic theory of the origin of petroleum USE Folk literature, Abkhaz Aptitude tests USE Deep-earth gas theory Abkhaz folk poetry Testing, Ability Abiosis USE Folk poetry, Abkhaz BT Educational tests and measurements USE Cryptobiosis Abkhaz folk songs Psychological tests Abipon Indians (May Subd Geog) USE Folk songs, Abkhaz SA subdivision Ability testing under topical [F2679.2.A2] Abkhaz historical fiction headings, and subdivision Testing UF Abipone Indians [Former heading] USE Historical fiction, Abkhaz under phrase headings for types of Callaga Indians Abkhaz language (May Subd Geog) ability for discussions of tests of native Callagaic Indians [PK9201.A3] aptitude or acquired proficiency in a Ecusgina Indians UF Abkhazian language [Former heading] particular field Mepene Indians BT Abkhazo-Adyghian languages NT Art appreciation—Testing Quiabanaité Indians Caucasian languages Brief test of literacy Yaucaniga Indians Abkhaz literature (May Subd Geog) Clerical ability and aptitude tests BT Guaycuruan Indians [PK9201.A35-PK9201.A39] Comprehension—Testing Indians of South America—Argentina BT Soviet literature Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities Indians of South America—Paraguay NT Abkhaz drama Computer adaptive testing Abipon language (May Subd Geog) Abkhaz fiction Differential Aptitude Tests [PM5301] Abkhaz poetry General aptitude test battery UF Abipone language [Former heading] Abkhaz prose literature A-10 Epic literature, Abkhaz Ablutions (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Abnormalities, Human, in rabbinical literature Folk literature, Abkhaz [KBP184.46-KBP184.47] BT Rabbinical literature Historical fiction, Abkhaz BT Islamic law Abnormalities, Human, in the Bible Abkhaz philology Ablutions (Judaism) [BS1199.A25 (Old Testament)] UF Abkhazian philology [Former heading] USE Baptism—Judaism Abnormalities (Animals) Abkhaz poetry (May Subd Geog) Ablutzel family USE Animals—Abnormalities UF Abkhazian poetry [Former heading] USE Ablitzer family Abnormalities (Plants) BT Abkhaz literature ABM (Antiballistic missiles) USE Plants—Abnormalities NT Epic poetry, Abkhaz USE Antimissile missiles Abnormalities in animals Folk poetry, Abkhaz Abnake language USE Animals—Abnormalities Abkhaz prose literature (May Subd Geog) USE Abenaki language Abnormalities in plants BT Abkhaz literature Abnaki baskets USE Plants—Abnormalities Abkhaz songs USE Abenaki baskets Abo (Indic people) USE Songs, Abkhaz Abnaki Indians USE Adi (Indic people) Abkhazia (Georgia) USE Abenaki Indians Abo (South Sudanese people) — History Abnaki language USE Toposa (African people) — — Uprising, 1992-1993 USE Abenaki language Abo Arroyo (N.M.) Abkhazian drama Abnaki mythology UF Barranca Canyon (N.M.) USE Abkhaz drama USE Abenaki mythology BT Arroyos—New Mexico Abkhazian fiction Abner, Li'l (Fictitious character) ABO blood group system USE Abkhaz fiction USE Li'l Abner (Fictitious character) USE Blood groups—ABO system Abkhazian language Abner Range (N.T.) Åbo Islands (Finland) USE Abkhaz language BT Mountains—Australia UF Åbo Skärgård (Finland) Abkhazian mythology Abney family (Not Subd Geog) Turun Saaristo (Finland) USE Mythology, Abkhazian Abnormal children BT Islands—Finland Abkhazian philology USE Exceptional children Abo language (Cameroon) (May Subd Geog) USE Abkhaz philology Abnormal E (Ionosphere) [PL8036.A62] Abkhazian poetry USE Sporadic E (Ionosphere) UF Abaw language USE Abkhaz poetry Abnormal fetal growth Bankon language Abkhazians (May Subd Geog) USE Fetal growth disorders Bo language (Cameroon) [DK34.A2 (Russia (Federation))] Abnormal fibrinogen Bon language (Cameroon) UF Abkhasians USE Fibrinogen polymorphisms BT Bantu languages Abkhaz Abnormal gait Cameroon—Languages BT Ethnology—Caucasus USE Gait disorders — Tone Abkhazo-Adyghian languages (May Subd Geog) Abnormal hemoglobin BT Tone (Phonetics) [PK9048] USE Hemoglobin polymorphisms Abo language (South Sudan) UF Northwest Caucasian languages Hemoglobinopathy USE Toposa language BT Caucasian languages Abnormal posture Abo Ruins (N.M.) NT Abazin language USE Posture disorders BT New Mexico—Antiquities Abkhaz language Abnormal psychology Åbo Skärgård (Finland) Circassian languages USE Psychology, Pathological USE Åbo Islands (Finland) Ubykh language Abnormal reflexes (May Subd Geog) Abo slott (Turku, Finland) Abkhazo-Adyghian philology (May Subd Geog) UF Reflexes, Abnormal [Former heading] USE Turun linna (Turku, Finland) ABL automatic rifles BT Neurologic manifestations of general diseases Aboa (Papua New Guinean people) USE Fabrique nationale automatic rifles Reflexes USE Ama (Papua New Guinean people) Ablabes purpureocauda Abnormal wakefulness Aboab family (Not Subd Geog) USE Sharp-tailed snake USE Insomnia Abocadneticook (Me.) Ablanow family (Not Subd Geog) Abnormalities USE Penobscot River, West Branch (Me.) Ablating materials USE Abnormalities, Human Åbødalselva (Norway) USE Ablative materials Animals—Abnormalities BT Rivers—Norway Ablation, Catheter Plants—Abnormalities Åbødalselva Watershed (Norway) USE Catheter ablation Abnormalities, Human (May Subd Geog) BT Watersheds—Norway Ablation, Laser [QM690-QM695 (Human teratology)] Abode of Islam USE Laser ablation [RG626-RG629 (Obstetrics)] USE Dār al-Islām Ablation (Aerothermodynamics) UF Abnormalities [Former heading] Abode of Love UF Ablation phenomena Anomalies, Congenital USE Church of the Agapemone Atmospheric entry problems Birth defects Abode of war (Islam) BT Aerothermodynamics Congenital abnormalities USE Dār al-ḥarb Heat—Transmission Congenital anomalies Abodriten Mass transfer Defects, Birth USE Obodrites Melting points Deformities [Former heading] Abodrites Vaporization, Heats of Developmental abnormalities USE Obodrites Ablation of thermonuclear fuels Human abnormalities Abokke Iseki (Mito-shi, Japan) USE Thermonuclear fuels—Ablation Malformations, Congenital USE Abokke Site (Mito-shi, Japan) Ablation phenomena BT Morphology Abokke Site (Mito-shi, Japan) USE Ablation (Aerothermodynamics) Pathology This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Ablative agents Teratogenesis subdivision. USE Ablative materials Teratology UF Abokke Iseki (Mito-shi, Japan) Ablative materials (May Subd Geog) SA subdivision Abnormalities under individual BT Japan—Antiquities UF Ablating materials organs and regions of the body, e.g. Heart-- Abolition of capital punishment Ablative agents Abnormalities USE Capital punishment Ablators NT Birth injuries Abolition of slavery BT Materials at high temperatures Conjoined twins USE Slavery Ablators Cryptorchism Abolitionism USE Ablative materials De Lange's syndrome USE Antislavery movements Ablaut Deformities, Artificial Abolitionists (May Subd Geog) USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Vowel Dislocations BT Social reformers gradation Ectodermal dysplasia NT Quaker abolitionists Able (Monkey) (Not Subd Geog) Fetal alcohol syndrome Women abolitionists UF Space Monkey Able (Monkey) Fetus—Abnormalities — United States BT Monkeys Fistula NT African American abolitionists Able family Giants Abolitionists, African American USE Abell family Human embryo—Abnormalities USE African American abolitionists Ables Creek Site (Ark.) Larsen's syndrome Abolitionists in literature (Not Subd Geog) BT Arkansas—Antiquities Laurence-Moon-Biedl syndrome Abolivier family (Not Subd Geog) Ablitzel family VATER syndrome Abomesi ovis USE Ablitzer family — Etiology USE Haemonchus contortus Ablitzer family (Not Subd Geog) NT Teratogenic agents Abominable snowman UF Ablitzel family — Genetic aspects USE Yeti Ablutzel family Abnormalities, Human, in art (Not Subd Geog) Abonwa (African people) Hablützel family Abnormalities, Human, in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Abure (African people) A-11 Abonwa language Aboriginal Australian medical personnel Burera (Australian people) USE Abure language USE Aboriginal Australians in medicine Dharug (Australian people) Abor (Indic people) Aboriginal Australian military personnel Dhungutti (Australian people) USE Adi (Indic people) USE Australia—Armed Forces—Aboriginal Diyari (Australian people) Abor folk poetry Australians Djabugay (Australian people) USE Folk poetry, Abor Aboriginal Australian mythology Eastern Arrernte (Australian people) Abor folk songs USE Mythology, Aboriginal Australian Emi (Australian people) USE Folk songs, Abor Aboriginal Australian names Euahlayi (Australian people) Abor language (May Subd Geog) USE Names, Personal—Aboriginal Australian Gadjerong (Australian people) [PL4001.A2] Aboriginal Australian newspapers (May Subd Geog) Garawa (Australian people) UF Adi language UF Australian aboriginal newspapers [Former Gubbi Gubbi (Australian people) Miri language heading] Gundungurra (Australian people) Mishing language BT Australian newspapers Gunggari (Australian people) Miśing language Aboriginal Australian older people Gunwinggu (Australian people) BT India—Languages USE Older Aboriginal Australians Gureng Gureng (Australian people) Tibeto-Burman languages Aboriginal Australian painters Gurindji (Australian people) NT Milang language USE Painters, Aboriginal Australian Jiman (Australian people) Padam language Aboriginal Australian painting Jinibara (Australian people) Pailibo dialect USE Painting, Aboriginal Australian Junkandjara (Australian people) Abor literature (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australian periodicals (May Subd Geog) Kamberri (Australian people) BT Indic literature UF Australian aboriginal periodicals [Former Kamilaroi (Australian people) NT Abor poetry heading] Kamu (Australian people) Abor poetry (May Subd Geog) BT Australian periodicals Karijini (Australian people) BT Abor literature Aboriginal Australian personal names Kartangarurru (Australian people) NT Folk poetry, Abor USE Names, Personal—Aboriginal Australian Karuwali (Australian people) Abor songs Aboriginal Australian philosophy Kaurna (Australian people) USE Songs, Abor USE Philosophy, Aboriginal Australian Kaytetye (Australian people) Aboré Reef (New Caledonia) Aboriginal Australian photographers Kitja (Australian people) UF Grand Récif Aboré (New Caledonia) USE Photographers, Aboriginal Australian Koori (Australian people) Great Aboré Reef (New Caledonia) Aboriginal Australian poetry (May Subd Geog) Kuíni (Australian people) Récif Aboré (New Caledonia) UF Australian aboriginal poetry [Former heading] Kukatja (Australian people) BT Coral reefs and islands—New Caledonia Australian poetry (Aboriginal) Kuku-Yalanji (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian art BT Aboriginal Australian literature Kulári (Australian people) USE Art, Aboriginal Australian Aboriginal Australian poetry (English) Kumbainggar (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian artists USE Australian poetry—Aboriginal Australian Kurnai (Australian people) USE Artists, Aboriginal Australian authors Kwini (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian arts Aboriginal Australian political activists Lardil (Australian people) USE Arts, Aboriginal Australian USE Political activists, Aboriginal Australian Larrakia (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian astronomy Aboriginal Australian prints Libraries and Aboriginal Australians USE Astronomy, Aboriginal Australian USE Prints, Aboriginal Australian Mandandanji (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian athletes Aboriginal Australian prisoners Mandjildjara (Australian people) USE Athletes, Aboriginal Australian USE Prisoners, Aboriginal Australian Mangarayi (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian boys Aboriginal Australian sculpture Mardu (Australian people) USE Boys, Aboriginal Australian USE Sculpture, Aboriginal Australian Marri Amu (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian business enterprises Aboriginal Australian skin names Marringarr (Australian people) USE Business enterprises, Aboriginal Australian USE Names, Personal—Aboriginal Australian Maung (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian children Aboriginal Australian soccer players Mewite (Australian people) USE Children, Aboriginal Australian USE Soccer players, Aboriginal Australian Miriwoong (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian cooking Aboriginal Australian songs Mirning (Australian people) USE Cooking, Aboriginal Australian USE Songs, Aboriginal Australian Mudburra (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian cosmology Aboriginal Australian teachers Murrumbidgee (Australian people) USE Cosmology, Aboriginal Australian USE Teachers, Aboriginal Australian Muruwari (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian councils Aboriginal Australian textile fabrics Nagarnook (Australian people) USE Councils, Aboriginal Australian USE Textile fabrics, Aboriginal Australian Narangga (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian cowboys Aboriginal Australian theater Narrinyeri (Australian people) USE Cowboys, Aboriginal Australian USE Theater, Aboriginal Australian Ngadjuri (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian cricket players Aboriginal Australian women Ngarinyin (Australian people) USE Cricket players, Aboriginal Australian USE Women, Aboriginal Australian Ngarinyman (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian dance Aboriginal Australian women artists Ngarluma (Australian people) USE Dance, Aboriginal Australian USE Women artists, Aboriginal Australian Ngarti (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian drama (English) Aboriginal Australian youth Nunggubuyu (Australian people) USE Australian drama—Aboriginal Australian USE Youth, Aboriginal Australian Nyulnyul (Australian people) authors Aboriginal Australians (May Subd Geog) Nyunga (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian drawing [DU123.2-DU125] Ohantaala (Australian people) USE Drawing, Aboriginal Australian UF Aboriginals, Australian Older Aboriginal Australians Aboriginal Australian families Aborigines, Australian Pibelman (Australian people) USE Families, Aboriginal Australian Australian aboriginal people Piniridjara (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian farmers Australian aboriginals Pintupi (Australian people) USE Farmers, Aboriginal Australian Australian aborigines [Former heading] Pitjantjatjara (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian fiction (English) Australians, Aboriginal Rembarrnga (Australian people) USE Australian fiction—Aboriginal Australian Australians, Native (Aboriginal Australians) Tiwi (Australian people) authors Native Australians (Aboriginal Australians) Wakawaka (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian folk dancing BT Ethnology—Australia Walmajarri (Australian people) USE Folk dancing, Aboriginal Australian Indigenous peoples—Australia Wardaman (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian folk songs NT Aboriginal Tasmanians Waringari (Australian people) USE Folk songs, Aboriginal Australian Adnyamathanha (Australian people) Warlpiri (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian healers Alawa (Australian people) Warumungu (Australian people) USE Healers, Aboriginal Australian Alyawarra (Australian people) Wathaurong (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian law Anmatyerre (Australian people) Wik-Mungkan (Australian people) USE Law, Aboriginal Australian Arabana (Australian people) Wiradjuri (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian leadership Aranda (Australian people) Wodiwodi (Australian people) USE Leadership, Aboriginal Australian Art, Australian—Aboriginal Australian Wonnarua (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian literature (May Subd Geog) influences Worimi (Australian people) UF Australian aboriginal literature [Former Bandjalang (Australian people) Worora (Australian people) heading] Bangerang (Australian people) Wotjobaluk (Australian people) Australian literature (Aboriginal) Banyjima (Australian people) Wunambal (Australian people) BT Australia—Literatures Batjamal (Australian people) Wurundjeri (Australian people) NT Aboriginal Australian poetry Beeliar (Australian people) Yaburara (Australian people) Aboriginal Australian literature (English) Birragubba (Australian people) Yamatji (Australian people) USE Australian literature—Aboriginal Australian Buandig (Australian people) Yandruwandha (Australian people) authors Bunuba (Australian people) Yangura (Australian people) Burbung (Australian people) Yankunytjatjara (Australian people) A-12 Yanyuwa (Australian people) — Stolen generations Tasmanian aboriginals Yawarawarga (Australian people) USE Stolen generations (Australia) Tasmanian aborigines [Former heading] Yolngu (Australian people) — Treatment of Tasmanians, Native (Aboriginal Tasmanians) Yuin (Australian people) USE Aboriginal Australians, Treatment of BT Aboriginal Australians — Agriculture (May Subd Geog) — Urban residence (May Subd Geog) Ethnology—Australia [DU124.A46] BT Urbanization — Implements (May Subd Geog) RT Farmers, Aboriginal Australian — Australia — Mixed descent (May Subd Geog) — Anthropometry (May Subd Geog) This heading is used only when further BT Racially mixed people—Australia [GN57.A9] subdivided by a locality in Australia, e.g. Aboriginal Aboriginal title (Australia) Australians--Australia--New South Wales — Antiquities USE Native title (Australia) [DU124.A57] — — New South Wales Aboriginal women — Craniology (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians, Treatment of (May Subd Geog) USE Indigenous women — Criminal justice system (May Subd Geog) UF Aboriginal Australians—Treatment of Aboriginal youth BT Criminal justice, Administration Treatment of Aboriginal Australians USE Indigenous youth of—Australia BT Australia—Ethnic relations Aboriginals, Australian — Economic conditions Aboriginal Australians (Tasmania) USE Aboriginal Australians [DU124.E36] USE Aboriginal Tasmanians Aboriginals, Tasmanian — Employment (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians and libraries USE Aboriginal Tasmanians [DU124.E46] USE Libraries and Aboriginal Australians Aborigines — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians and mass media USE Indigenous peoples BT Labor laws and legislation (May Subd Geog) Aborigines, American — Ethnic identity UF Mass media and Aboriginal Australians USE Indians [DU124.E74] BT Mass media Aborigines, Australian — Food (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in art (Not Subd Geog) USE Aboriginal Australians — Funeral customs and rites (May Subd Geog) UF Australian aborigines in art [Former heading] Aborigines, Taiwan UF Funeral rites and ceremonies, Australian Australian aborigines in European art [Former USE Taiwan aborigines aboriginal [Former heading] heading] Aborigines, Tasmanian — Games (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Aboriginal Tasmanians — Government relations UF Australian aborigines in literature [Former Aborlan Tagbanwa (Philippine people) [DU124.G68] heading] USE Tagbanua (Philippine people) UF Australia—Native races [Former heading] Aboriginal Australians in mass media (Not Subd Geog) Aborlan Tagbanwa language NT Stolen generations (Australia) [P94.5.A85] USE Tagbanua language — Hospital care (May Subd Geog) UF Australian aborigines in mass media [Former Aborn family (Not Subd Geog) — Housing (May Subd Geog) heading] UF Abern family — Implements (May Subd Geog) BT Mass media Aboro (African people) — Kinship (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in medicine (May Subd Geog) USE Birom (African people) [DU124.K55] UF Aboriginal Australian medical personnel Aboro language — Land tenure (May Subd Geog) BT Medical personnel USE Birom language [DU124.L35] Aboriginal Australians in military service Abors NT Native title (Australia) USE Australia—Armed Forces—Aboriginal USE Adi (Indic people) — Languages Australians Abortifacients (May Subd Geog) NT Australian languages Aboriginal Australians in motion pictures [RG734.4-RG734.5] — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) (Not Subd Geog) BT Abortion Here are entered works on the legal status of [PN1995.9.A835] Obstetrical pharmacology Aboriginal Australians under Australian law. Works UF Australian aborigines in motion pictures NT Herbal abortifacients on the customary law of Aboriginal Australians are [Former heading] entered under Law, Aboriginal Australian. Mifepristone BT Motion pictures Trichosanthin — Marriage customs and rites (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in popular culture UF Marriage customs and rites, Australian Abortion (May Subd Geog) (May Subd Geog) [HQ767-HQ767.52 (Birth control)] aboriginal [Former heading] Here are entered works on the representation of — Mathematics Aboriginal Australians in popular culture. [RA1067 (Medical jurisprudence)] — Medals (May Subd Geog) [RG734-RG734.5 (Obstetrical operations)] BT Popular culture — Medicine (May Subd Geog) UF Abortion, Induced Aboriginal Australians in television broadcasting — Mineral resources Feticide (May Subd Geog) USE Aboriginal Australians—Mines and mining Here are entered works on the employment of Foeticide — Mines and mining (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in television. Induced abortion UF Aboriginal Australians—Mineral resources UF Aboriginal Australians in the television industry Pregnancy termination BT Mines and mineral resources—Australia Australian aborigines in television broadcasting Termination of pregnancy — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) [Former heading] BT Birth control BT Mining law—Australia BT Television broadcasting—Australia Fetal death — Missions (May Subd Geog) Aboriginal Australians in the Armed Forces Obstetrics—Surgery [BV3650-BV3660] USE Australia—Armed Forces—Aboriginal RT Reproductive rights UF Missions to Australian aborigines [Former Australians NT Abortifacients heading] Aboriginal Australians in the television industry Female feticide — Mixed descent (May Subd Geog) USE Aboriginal Australians in television Forced abortion BT Racially mixed people—Australia broadcasting Late-term abortion — Music Aboriginal Australians with disabilities Menstrual regulation NT Wangga (May Subd Geog) — Complications (May Subd Geog) — Politics and government [HV1569.3.A87] UF Abortion—Complications and sequelae [DU124.P64] UF Australian aborigines with disabilities [Former [Former heading] NT Councils, Aboriginal Australian heading] — Complications and sequelae — Reservations (May Subd Geog) Handicapped, Australian aboriginal [Former USE Abortion—Complications UF Reservations, Aboriginal Australian heading] — Finance BT Land use—Australia Aboriginal children — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) NT Arnhem Land (N.T.) USE Indigenous children — Government policy (May Subd Geog) Cherbourg Aboriginal Reserve (Qld.) Aboriginal Indian title — — Citizen participation Coranderrk Aboriginal Station (Vic.) USE Indian title NT Pro-choice movement Cummeragunja Mission (N.S.W.) Aboriginal peoples Pro-life movement La Perouse Reserve (N.S.W.) USE Indigenous peoples — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Lockhart River Mission (Qld.) Aboriginal peoples' first contact with Westerners BT Medical laws and legislation Merri Creek Protectorate Station (Vic.) USE First contact of aboriginal peoples with Sex and law Sackville Reach Aborigines Reserve Westerners NT Trials (Abortion) (N.S.W.) Aboriginal Reservation of Pilquiniyeu del Limay — Moral and ethical aspects (May Subd Geog) Wagait Region (N.T.) (Argentina) [HQ767.15] Wreck Bay Aboriginal Reserve (N.S.W.) USE Reserva Indígena de Pilquiniyeu del Limay UF Abortion—Moral and religious aspects Yarrabah Aboriginal Reserve (Qld.) (Argentina) [Former heading] — Rites and ceremonies Aboriginal Tasmanians (May Subd Geog) NT Pro-choice movement [DU124.R57] UF Aboriginal Australians (Tasmania) Pro-life movement — Sign language Aboriginals, Tasmanian — Moral and religious aspects BT Sign language Aborigines, Tasmanian USE Abortion—Moral and ethical aspects — Social conditions Native Tasmanians (Aboriginal Tasmanians) Abortion—Religious aspects [DU124.S63] Tasmanian aboriginal people A-13 Abortion (Continued) Abou Danné, Tall (Syria) Abraham Lincoln Birthplace Post Office Building [PN4784.A18 (General)] USE Abu Danné, Tall (Syria) (Hodgenville, Ky.) UF Abortion in the press [Former heading] Abou-Hoda (Extinct city) UF Lincoln Birthplace Post Office Building — Psychological aspects USE Abū ʻAwdah (Extinct city) (Hodgenville, Ky.) NT Post-abortion syndrome Aboukir, Battle of, Egypt, 1798 BT Post office buildings—Kentucky — Religious aspects USE Nile, Battle of the, Egypt, 1798 Abraham Lincoln Federal Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) UF Abortion—Moral and religious aspects Aboukir Bay (Egypt) UF Lincoln Federal Building (Los Angeles, Calif.) [Former heading] USE Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) BT Public buildings—California NT Fetal propitiatory rites Aboukir Bay, Battle of, Egypt, 1798 Abraham Lincoln House (Milwaukee, Wis.) Pro-choice movement USE Nile, Battle of the, Egypt, 1798 UF Lincoln House (Milwaukee, Wis.) Pro-life movement Aboungou River (Central African Republic) Milwaukee Jewish Settlement (Milwaukee, Wis. — — Baptists, [Catholic Church, etc.] USE Kotto River (Central African Republic) : Building) — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Abouré (African people) Settlement (Milwaukee, Wis.) Abortion, Induced USE Abure (African people) Settlement House (Milwaukee, Wis.) USE Abortion Aboure language BT Jewish community centers—Wisconsin Abortion, Septic USE Abure language Abraham Lincoln Memorial Garden (Ill.) USE Septic abortion Above-ground storage tanks USE Lincoln Memorial Garden (Ill.) Abortion, Spontaneous USE Storage tanks Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area (Ill.) USE Miscarriage Aboveground storage tanks UF Lincoln National Heritage Area (Ill.) Abortion, Therapeutic (May Subd Geog) USE Storage tanks BT Historic sites—Illinois UF Therapeutic abortion Abovyan family (Not Subd Geog) National parks and reserves—Illinois BT Obstetrics—Surgery ABP (Androgen-binding proteins) Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park (Ky.) Abortion (Canon law) USE Androgen-binding proteins USE Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic BT Canon law ʻAbr, Tall al- (Syria) Site (Ky.) Abortion (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) UF Tall al-ʻAbr (Syria) Abraham O. Smoot Administration Building (Provo, BT Islamic law Tell al-ʻAbr (Syria) Utah) Abortion (Jewish law) BT Syria—Antiquities UF Smoot Building (Provo, Utah) BT Jewish law ABR-Stuttgart (Group of artists) BT College buildings—Utah Abortion applicants (May Subd Geog) [N6868.5.A125] Abraham Van Helsing (Fictitious character) UF Abortion seekers UF Archiv Beider Richtungen (Group of artists) USE Van Helsing, Abraham (Fictitious character) Applicants for abortion RT Art, German—20th century Abrahamean family BT Pregnant women Abra Tanchipa, Sierra (Mexico) USE Apamian family Abortion clinics USE Tanchipa Mountains (Mexico) Abrahamic religions (May Subd Geog) USE Abortion services Abraaj Capital Art Prize Here are entered works dealing collectively with Abortion counseling (May Subd Geog) BT Art—Awards Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and sometimes other monotheistic religions, that discuss an [HQ767.4] Abraham (Biblical patriarch) underlying, common heritage traceable to the BT Abortion services — In rabbinical literature patriarch Abraham. Health counseling [BM496.9.A2] BT Religions RT Pregnancy, Unwanted UF Abraham (Biblical patriarch) in rabbinical Abrahamites (Bohemia) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) literature [Former heading] UF Bohemian Deists Abortion facilities BT Rabbinical literature Deists, Bohemian USE Abortion services — In the Koran Israelites (Bohemia) Abortion in animals (May Subd Geog) USE Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In the Abraham's Bay (Bahamas : Bay) [SF887] Qurʼan BT Bays—Bahamas BT Veterinary obstetrics — In the New Testament (Not Subd Geog) Abraham's Creek (Va.) RT Brucellosis in animals [BS580.A3] USE Abrams Creek (Frederick County, Va.) Abortion in literature (Not Subd Geog) UF Abraham (Biblical patriarch) in the New Abrahams family Abortion in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Testament [Former heading] USE Abraham family BT Motion pictures — In the Qurʼan Abraham's oak Abortion in the press [BP133.7.A27] USE Quercus coccifera USE Abortion—Press coverage UF Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In the Koran Abraham's Oak (Hebron) (Not Subd Geog) Abortion rights movement [Former heading] UF Eshel Avraham (Hebron) USE Pro-choice movement Abraham (Biblical patriarch) in the Koran Mamvriĭskiĭ dub (Hebron) Abortion seekers [Former heading] Oak of Abraham (Hebron) USE Abortion applicants Ibrāhīm (Qurʼanic character) Oak of Mamre (Hebron) Abortion services (May Subd Geog) Abraham, Plains of (Québec) BT Trees—West Bank [RG734] UF Heights of Abraham (Québec) Abraham's Well (Hebron) UF Abortion clinics Plains of Abraham (Québec) This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Abortion facilities BT Plateaus—Québec (Province) subdivision. BT Birth control clinics Abraham, Plains of (Québec), Battle of, 1759 BT Wells—West Bank Women's health services USE Plains of Abraham, Battle of the, Québec, 1759 Abrahamsen family NT Abortion counseling Abraham (Biblical patriarch) in rabbinical literature USE Abraham family — Employees USE Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In rabbinical Abrahamson family — — Labor unions (May Subd Geog) literature USE Abraham family — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abraham (Biblical patriarch) Abrahamsson family BT Medical laws and legislation — In the Koran USE Abraham family — Strikes and lockouts USE Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In the Abram (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE Strikes and lockouts—Abortion services Qurʼan (Not Subd Geog) Abortion trauma Abraham (Biblical patriarch) in the New Testament UF Abraham (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE Post-abortion syndrome USE Abraham (Biblical patriarch)—In the New Abram family Abortopetalum Testament USE Abrams family USE Abutilon Abraham (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) Abram Federal Building (Saint Louis, Mo.) Abot family USE Abram (Fictitious character : Shakespeare) USE L. Douglas Abram Federal Building (Saint USE Abbott family Abraham family (Not Subd Geog) Louis, Mo.) Abotani (Legendary character) (Not Subd Geog) UF Abrahams family Abramidopsis leuckartii BT Legends—India Abrahamsen family USE Roach (Fish) 'Abotee (African people) Abrahamson family Abramis leuckartii USE Vute (African people) Abrahamsson family USE Roach (Fish) 'Abotee language RT Abrams family Abramow-Newerly family (Not Subd Geog) USE Vute language Abraham Glitsky (Fictitious character) Abrams (Tank) Abott family USE Glitsky, Abe (Fictitious character) USE M1 (Tank) USE Abbott family Abraham Lake (Alta.) Abrams Creek (Frederick County, Va.) Abou Aali River (Lebanon) BT Reservoirs—Alberta UF Abraham's Creek (Va.) USE Abou Ali River (Lebanon) Abraham Lieberman (Fictitious character) BT Rivers—Virginia Abou Ali River (Lebanon) USE Lieberman, Abe (Fictitious character) Abrams Creek Watershed (Frederick County, Va.) UF Abou Aali River (Lebanon) Abraham Lincoln, Fort (N.D.) BT Watersheds—Virginia Nahr Abou Aali (Lebanon) USE Fort Abraham Lincoln (N.D.) Abrams' cypress Nahr Abou Ali (Lebanon) Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site (Ky.) USE Santa Cruz cypress BT Rivers—Lebanon UF Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park (Ky.) Abrams family (Not Subd Geog) Abou Ali River Watershed (Lebanon) BT Historic sites—Kentucky UF Abram family BT Watersheds—Lebanon National parks and reserves—Kentucky A-14 Abramson family Abridged books Absahrokee Indians RT Abraham family USE Condensed books USE Crow Indians Abramson family Abridgments of the Bible Absahrokee language USE Abrams family USE Bible—Abridgments USE Crow language Abranchia Abrigo de Els Secans Site (Spain) Absalom Cordery House (Absecon, N.J.) USE Lepetidae USE Secans Site (Spain) UF Cordery House (Absecon, N.J.) Abrasion, Dental Abrigo de la Higuera (Spain) BT Dwellings—New Jersey USE Teeth—Abrasion USE Higuera Rockshelter (Spain) Absaraka language Abrasion, Tooth Abrigo de La Vacada (Spain) USE Crow language USE Teeth—Abrasion USE Vacada Rockshelter (Spain) Absaroka-Beartooth Wilderness (Mont. and Wyo.) Abrasion resistance (May Subd Geog) Abrigo do Lagar Velho (Portugal) BT National parks and reserves—Montana UF Materials—Abrasion resistance USE Lagar Velho Rockshelter (Portugal) National parks and reserves—Wyoming BT Materials—Mechanical properties Abril family (Not Subd Geog) Wilderness areas—Montana SA subdivision Abrasion resistance under Abrittus (Ancient city) Wilderness areas—Wyoming individual materials and types of materials, USE Abrittus (Extinct city) Absaroka Indians e.g. Metals--Abrasion resistance Abrittus (Extinct city) USE Crow Indians Abrasive behavior UF Abrittus (Ancient city) [Former heading] Absaroka language USE Abrasiveness (Psychology) Abritus (Extinct city) USE Crow language Abrasive industry BT Bulgaria—Antiquities Absaroka Range (Mont. and Wyo.) USE Abrasives industry Extinct cities—Bulgaria BT Mountains—Montana Abrasive wheels Abritus (Extinct city) Mountains—Wyoming USE Grinding wheels USE Abrittus (Extinct city) Rocky Mountains Abrasiveness (Psychology) (May Subd Geog) Abrogation of legislation NT Beartooth Mountains (Mont. and Wyo.) [RC569.5.A24 (Psychiatry)] USE Repeal of legislation Absaroka Supergroup (Mont. and Wyo.) UF Abrasive behavior Abrolhos Islands (W.A.) USE Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup (Mont. and BT Hostility (Psychology) USE Houtman Abrolhos (W.A.) Wyo.) Abrasives Abrolhos National Marine Park (Brazil) Absaroka Volcanic Supergroup (Mont. and Wyo.) [TA455.A3 (Engineering materials)] USE Parque Nacional Marinho dos Abrolhos (Brazil) UF Absaroka Supergroup (Mont. and Wyo.) [TJ1296 (Mechanical engineering)] Abromine BT Geology, Stratigraphic—Eocene [TN936 (Mineral resources)] USE Betaine Groups (Stratigraphy)—Montana BT Ceramics Abron (African people) (May Subd Geog) Groups (Stratigraphy)—Wyoming NT Grinding wheels [DT510.43.A25 (Ghana)] Absaroke language Shot (Pellets) [DT545.45.A27 (Guinea)] USE Crow language Whetstones UF Abrong (African people) Abscam Bribery Scandal, 1980 Abrasives industry (May Subd Geog) Bono (African people) UF Abdul scam, 1980 [HD9999.A2-HD9999.A24] Bron (African people) Arab scam, 1980 UF Abrasive industry Brong (African people) BT Political corruption—United States BT Manufacturing industries BT Akan (African people) United States—Politics and — Collective labor agreements Ethnology—Côte d'Ivoire government—1977-1981 USE Collective labor agreements—Abrasives Ethnology—Ghana Abscess (May Subd Geog) industry Abron language (May Subd Geog) [RD641] Abravanel family (Not Subd Geog) UF Bono language RT Suppuration Abraxas (May Subd Geog) Bron language BT Ulcers [QL561.G6] Brong language SA subdivision Abscess under names of organs BT Geometridae Doma language (Ghana and Côte dIvoire) and regions of the body, e.g. Foot--Abscess NT Abraxas grossulariata Gyaman language NT Subphrenic abscess Abraxas grossulariata (May Subd Geog) BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages Abscher family [QL561.G6] Ghana—Languages USE Absher family UF Magpie moth, European Kwa languages Abscisic acid BT Abraxas Abron law [QK898.A15] Abreaction USE Law, Abron UF Dormin USE Catharsis Abrong (African people) BT Plant hormones Abrego family (Not Subd Geog) USE Abron (African people) Abscission (Botany) Abreojos, Point (Mexico) Abronia [QK763] UF Point Abreojos (Mexico) USE Abronia (Reptiles) UF Plants—Shedding Punta Abreojos (Mexico) Abronia (Reptiles) (May Subd Geog) Shedding (Botany) BT Capes (Coasts)—Mexico [QL666.L2254 (Zoology)] RT Defoliation Abreu family (Not Subd Geog) UF Abronia [Former heading] Absconding (Animal behavior) Abri de Dourgne (France) Abronias (Reptiles) USE Nests—Abandonment USE Dourgne Rockshelter (France) Gutezpalias Absecon Bay (N.J.) Abri de La Colombière Cave (France) BT Anguidae UF Abescom Bay (N.J.) USE Colombière Cave (France) Abronia cycloptera BT Bays—New Jersey Abri des Canalettes (France) USE Tripterocalyx micranthus Absecon Creek (N.J.) USE Canalettes Rockshelter (France) Abronia micrantha BT Rivers—New Jersey Abri dialect (Sudan) USE Tripterocalyx micranthus Absecon Lighthouse (Atlantic City, N.J.) USE Nirere dialect Abronias (Reptiles) BT Lighthouses—New Jersey Abri du Mollendruz (Switzerland) USE Abronia (Reptiles) Abseiling USE Mollendruz Rockshelter (Switzerland) Abroñigal River (Spain) USE Rappelling Abri du Roc de Dourgne (France) UF Arroyo Abroñigal (Spain) Absence, Leave of USE Dourgne Rockshelter (France) BT Rivers—Spain USE Leave of absence Abri Dufaure (France) Abrotonum (Extinct city) Absence (Philosophy) USE Dufaure Rockshelter (France) USE Sabratha (Extinct city) USE Presence (Philosophy) Abri Fritsch (France) Abruzzese dialect (May Subd Geog) Absence and presumption of death (May Subd Geog) USE Fritsch Rockshelter (France) UF Abbruzzese dialect UF Absence and presumption of death—Law and Abri language BT Italian language legislation USE Koalib language Italy—Languages Absentees (Law) Abri Masson (Belgium) Abruzzi sheepdog Death, Declaration of USE Masson Rockshelter (Belgium) USE Maremma sheepdog Death, Presumption of Abri Pataud (France) Abruzzo Earthquake, Italy, 2009 Declaration of death USE Pataud Rockshelter (France) USE L'Aquila Earthquake, Italy, 2009 Presumption of death Abri Vaufrey (France) Abruzzo National Park (Italy) RT Civil death USE Vaufrey Cave (France) USE Parco nazionale d'Abruzzo (Italy) Death—Proof and certification Abri Zumoffen (Lebanon) ʻAbs (Arab tribe) (May Subd Geog) BT Missing persons USE Zumoffen Rockshelter (Lebanon) [DS219.A27] — Law and legislation Abric de la Ratlla del Bubo (Spain) UF Banū ʻAbs (Arab tribe) USE Absence and presumption of death USE Ratlla del Bubo Site (Spain) BT Arabs Absence and presumption of death (Canon law) Abric Romaní (Spain) Ethnology—Saudi Arabia BT Canon law USE Romaní Cave (Spain) ABS (Detergents) Absence and presumption of death (Islamic law) Abric Romaní Site (Spain) USE Alkylbenzene sulfonates (May Subd Geog) BT Caves—Spain ABS (Surface active agent) BT Islamic law Spain—Antiquities USE Sodium alkylbenzene sulfonate Absence and presumption of death (Jewish law) BT Jewish law A-15 Absence and presumption of death (Roman law) Abscher family Absolute music BT Roman law Abshar family [ML3854] Absence attacks Abshear family Here are entered works about music, generally but USE Petit mal epilepsy Absheer family not exclusively instrumental, that conveys its meaning solely by its form, tempo, etc., and not by a Absence from school Absheir family suggestive title, a text, program, or other such extra- USE School attendance Abshier family musical means. Absence from work Abshir family UF Abstract music USE Absenteeism (Labor) Abshire family BT Music—Philosophy and aesthetics Absence in literature (Not Subd Geog) Abshur family Absolute phrase (Grammar) Absence in motion pictures (Not Subd Geog) Apshire family USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Absolute BT Motion pictures Ipsher family constructions Absence of urine Absheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan) Absolute pitch (May Subd Geog) USE Anuria USE Apsheron Peninsula (Azerbaijan) UF Perfect pitch Absence seizures Abshier family BT Musical perception USE Petit mal epilepsy USE Absher family Musical pitch Absence without leave (May Subd Geog) Abshir family Absolute quantities UF Absent without leave USE Absher family USE Physical constants AWOL Abshire family Absolute simultaneity BT Military offenses USE Absher family BT Simultaneity (Physics) — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abshire Post Office Building (Abbeville, La.) Absolute values, Least (Statistics) BT Military law USE Sergeant Richard Franklin Abshire Post Office USE Least absolute deviations (Statistics) Absent fathers Building (Abbeville, La.) Absolutely summing operators USE Absentee fathers Abshur family UF Operators, Absolutely summing Absent-mindedness (May Subd Geog) USE Absher family Summing operators, Absolutely [BF323.A27] Absidia (May Subd Geog) BT Compact operators UF Absentmindedness [QK621.M94] Absolution BT Attention BT Mucoraceae BT Church discipline Absent mothers Absinth sagewort Indulgences USE Absentee mothers USE Absinth wormwood RT Confession Absent treatment Absinth wormwood (May Subd Geog) Forgiveness USE Mental healing [QK495.C74 (Botany)] Forgiveness of sin Absent voting [SB615.A27 (Weed)] Penance USE Absentee voting UF Absinth sagewort NT Power of the keys Absent without leave Absinthium — Catholic Church, [Church of England, etc.] USE Absence without leave Artemisia absinthium Absolution (Canon law) Absentee balloting Common sagewort UF Reserved cases (Canon law) USE Absentee voting Sagewort, Absinth BT Canon law Absentee fathers (May Subd Geog) Sagewort, Common Absolutism Here are entered works on fathers who have BT Artemisia USE Despotism voluntarily or involuntarily relinquished custody of Wormwood their natural born children after having kept them for a Dictatorship period of time after birth. Absinthe (May Subd Geog) Absolutism, Religious UF Absent fathers BT Liqueurs USE Religious absolutism Noncustodial fathers — Use in cooking Absolutism (Ethics) BT Fathers USE Cooking (Absinthe) USE Ethical absolutism RT Custody of children Absinthe in art (Not Subd Geog) Abson family Absentee landlordism (May Subd Geog) Absinthe in literature (Not Subd Geog) USE Abston family UF Absenteeism [Former heading] Absinthium Absorbance scale (Spectroscopy) BT Land tenure USE Absinth wormwood UF Scale, Absorbance Absentee mothers (May Subd Geog) Absinthium ponticum BT Absorption spectra [HQ759.3] USE Artemisia afra Spectrophotometry Here are entered works on mothers who have Absinthium tenuifolium Absorbent paper (May Subd Geog) voluntarily or involuntarily relinquished custody of USE Artemisia afra BT Paper their natural born children after having kept them for a Absite Absorbers, Harmonic period of time after birth. USE Brannerite USE Tuned mass dampers UF Absent mothers Absolute, The Absorbers, neutron Noncustodial mothers [BD416 (Ontology)] USE Neutron absorbers BT Mothers [QC6.4.A27 (Physics)] Absorbing materials, Two-photon RT Custody of children BT Metaphysics USE Two-photon absorbing materials Absentee voting (May Subd Geog) Ontology Absorptiometer (May Subd Geog) [JF1033] RT One (The One in philosophy) BT Spectrophotometer UF Absent voting NT Brahman Spectrum analysis—Instruments Absentee balloting Absolute, The, in literature (Not Subd Geog) Absorptiometry, Dual-energy radiographic Voting, Absent [Former heading] Absolute constructions (Grammar) USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry BT Voting USE Grammar, Comparative and general—Absolute Absorptiometry, Dual-energy X-ray NT Transnational voting constructions USE Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry Absenteeism Absolute deviations, Least (Statistics) Absorption USE Absentee landlordism USE Least absolute deviations (Statistics) UF Sorption Absenteeism (Labor) (May Subd Geog) Absolute differential calculus BT Chemistry, Physical and theoretical [HD5115-HD5115.2] USE Calculus of tensors Packed towers UF Absence from work Absolute entrenchment (Constitutional law) SA subdivision Absorption and adsorption under Employee absenteeism USE Constitutional entrenchment individual chemicals and groups of Labor absenteeism Absolute ethanol chemicals, e.g. Insulin--Absorption and Work, Absence from USE Ethanol adsorption; and subdivision Isotopes-- BT Hours of labor Absolute liability Absorption and adsorption under individual NT Sick leave USE Strict liability elements and groups of elements, e.g. — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Absolute magnitude of A stars Copper--Isotopes--Absorption and BT Labor contract USE A stars—Magnitudes adsorption Absentees (Law) Absolute magnitude of brightest stars NT Gases—Absorption and adsorption USE Absence and presumption of death USE Stars, Brightest—Magnitudes Light absorption Absentmindedness Absolute magnitude of F stars Photoabsorption USE Absent-mindedness USE F stars—Magnitudes Sorbents Abshar family Absolute magnitude of G stars Absorption, Atmospheric USE Absher family USE G stars—Magnitudes USE Solar radiation Abshear family Absolute magnitude of K stars Absorption, Intestinal USE Absher family USE K stars—Magnitudes USE Intestinal absorption Absheer family Absolute magnitude of M stars Absorption (Heat) USE Absher family USE M stars—Magnitudes USE Heat—Radiation and absorption Absheir family Absolute magnitude of variable stars Absorption (Physiology) USE Absher family USE Variable stars—Magnitudes [QP165] Absher family (Not Subd Geog) Absolute magnitudes of stars RT Adsorption (Biology) UF Abcher family USE Stars—Magnitudes BT Biochemistry A-16 Biological transport [QA76.9.A23] Thought and thinking Physiology BT Data types (Computer science) NT Categorization (Psychology) RT Osmosis Abstract drawing Concepts NT Chyle USE Drawing, Abstract Mental representation Endocytosis Abstract expressionism (May Subd Geog) — Age factors (May Subd Geog) Ingestion BT Expressionism (Art) UF Age factors in abstraction Intestinal absorption Painting, Abstract BT Ability, Influence of age on Pinocytosis RT Art informel — Testing Plants—Absorption of water NT Color-field painting NT Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Resorption (Physiology) Serial art Abstraction, New (Art) Skin absorption Abstract films (May Subd Geog) USE Neo-geo (Art) Absorption coefficients, Total Here are entered works on nonrepresentational Abstraction in children (May Subd Geog) USE Mass attenuation coefficients films that avoid narrative and instead convey [BF723.A26] impressions and emotions by way of color, rhythm, Absorption cross sections and movement. BT Child psychology BT Cross sections (Nuclear physics) UF Abstract animation films Abstraction in literature (Not Subd Geog) Absorption in soils Abstract live action films Abstraction in photography USE Soil absorption and adsorption Concrete films USE Photography, Abstract Absorption of light Nonobjective films Abstracts USE Light absorption Nonrepresentational films UF Summaries of publications Absorption of pions BT Experimental films RT Bibliography USE Pions—Absorption RT Animated films SA subdivision Abstracts under names of Absorption of sound Abstract impressionism (May Subd Geog) countries, cities, etc., names of individual [QC233] BT Art, Abstract persons and corporate bodies, and under UF Sound—Absorption Impressionism (Art) types of publications and topical headings Sound absorption Painting, Abstract Abstracts of title (May Subd Geog) RT Architectural acoustics Abstract lithography UF Abstracts of title—Law and legislation BT Sound USE Lithography, Abstract RT Conveyancing NT Anechoic chambers Abstract live action films Deeds Soundproofing USE Abstract films BT Land titles Absorption spectra Abstract machines Real property [QC454.A2 (Physics)] USE Machine theory Vendors and purchasers [QD96.A2 (Analytical chemistry)] Abstract metrics NT Title examinations UF Selective absorption USE Distance geometry — Law and legislation BT Exciton theory Abstract music USE Abstracts of title Molecular spectroscopy USE Absolute music Absurd, Theater of the RT Spectrum analysis Abstract painting USE Theater of the absurd NT Absorbance scale (Spectroscopy) USE Painting, Abstract Absurd (Philosophy) Astronomical spectroscopy Abstract particulars (Philosophy) [B105.A3] Cavity-ringdown spectroscopy USE Tropes (Philosophy) UF Absurdity (Philosophy) Extended X-ray absorption fine structure Abstract photography RT Irrationalism (Philosophy) Fraunhofer lines USE Photography, Abstract BT Philosophy Heat—Radiation and absorption Abstract prints — Religious aspects Internal reflection spectroscopy USE Prints, Abstract — — Buddhism, [Christianity, etc.] Molecular spectra Abstract sculpture Absurd (Philosophy) in art (Not Subd Geog) Surface extended X-ray absorption fine USE Sculpture, Abstract Absurd (Philosophy) in literature (Not Subd Geog) structure Abstract Syntax Notation One (Standard) NT Theater of the absurd X-ray absorption near edge structure USE ASN.1 (Standard) Absurdist theater — Deconvolution Abstract textile design USE Theater of the absurd UF Deconvolution of absorption spectra USE Textile design, Abstract Absurdity (Philosophy) — Punched card systems Abstract thought USE Absurd (Philosophy) USE Punched card systems—Absorption USE Abstraction Abtaatsko kale (Extinct city) spectra Abstract watercolor painting USE Zaldapa (Extinct city) Absorptive capacity (Economics) (May Subd Geog) USE Watercolor painting, Abstract Abu Ageila, Battle of, Abū ʻUjaylah, Egypt, 1956 Here are entered works on the ability of an UF Abū ʻUjaylah (Egypt), Battle of, 1956 [Former economy to absorb productively an inflow of financial Abstract writing USE Abstracting heading] capital. Abstracters (Land titles) BT Sinai Campaign, 1956 UF Capacity, Absorptive (Economics) Abu Ageila, Battle of, Abū ʻUjaylah, Egypt, 1967 BT Capital USE Title companies Abstracting (May Subd Geog) UF Abū ʻUjaylah (Egypt), Battle of, 1967 [Former Economic assistance heading] Economic development [PE1477 (English)] [Z695.9-Z695.92 (Library science)] BT Israel-Arab War, 1967—Campaigns—Egypt Investments, Foreign Abū al-Fatḥ al-Iskandarī (Fictitious character) Loans, Foreign UF Abstract writing Précis writing USE Iskandarī, Abū al-Fatḥ (Fictitious character) Absorptivity (Optics) Abu al-Kharaz, Tell (Jordan) USE Opacity (Optics) BT Content analysis (Communication) Documentation UF Tell Abu al-Kharaz (Jordan) Abstention in voting BT Jordan—Antiquities USE Voting—Abstention Information organization Rhetoric Abū an Niʻāj, Tall (Jordan) Abstinence UF Abu en Niʻaj, Tell (Jordan) USE Fasting RT Annotating, Book SA subdivision Abstracting and indexing under Tall Abū an Niʻāj (Jordan) Temperance Tell Abu en Niʻaj (Jordan) Abstinence, Sexual names of countries, cities, etc., names of individual persons and corporate bodies, BT Jordan—Antiquities USE Sexual abstinence Abū ʻAwdah (Extinct city) Abston family (Not Subd Geog) and under topical headings for works on preparing abstracts or indexes of UF Abou-Hoda (Extinct city) UF Abbison family Abu ʻOda (Extinct city) Abbs family publications on those subjects; and under individual sacred works and types of BT Egypt—Antiquities Abson family Extinct cities—Egypt Abstract algebra publications for works on preparing abstracts or indexes of those publications Abū Bakr, Caliph, -634 USE Algebra, Abstract — Hadith Abstract and title companies NT Automatic abstracting Abstracting and indexing services (May Subd Geog) [BP135.8.A28] USE Title companies UF Abū Bakr, Caliph, d. 634, in the Hadith Abstract animation films UF Indexing and abstracting services BT Current awareness services [Former heading] USE Abstract films BT Hadith Abstract art Abstracting and indexing services industry (May Subd Geog) Abū Bakr, Caliph, d. 634, in the Hadith USE Art, Abstract USE Abū Bakr, Caliph, -634—Hadith Abstract automata UF Indexing industry BT Information services industry Abu Bakr family (Not Subd Geog) USE Machine theory Abu Danné, Tall (Syria) Abstract cinematography Publishers and publishing Abstraction [DS99.A24] USE Cinematography, Abstract UF Abou Danné, Tall (Syria) Abstract companies [BD235 (Epistemology)] [BF443-BF443.5 (Psychology)] Tall Abou Danné (Syria) USE Title companies Tell Abou Danné (Syria) Abstract data types (Computer science) UF Abstract thought BT Cognition BT Syria—Antiquities (May Subd Geog) Abu Duwari, Tell (Iraq) Logic USE Mashkan-shapir (Extinct city) A-17 Abu en Niʻaj, Tell (Jordan) Abu Simbel, Great Temple of (Abū Sunbul, Egypt) Abukir Bay (Egypt) USE Abū an Niʻāj, Tall (Jordan) USE Great Temple (Abū Sunbul, Egypt) USE Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) Abu Habba Site (Iraq) Abu Sir Pyramids (Egypt) Abukir Bay, Battle of, Egypt, 1798 USE Sippar (Extinct city) USE Abu Sir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) USE Nile, Battle of the, Egypt, 1798 Abū Ḥabbah Site (Iraq) Abū Ṣīr Site (Egypt) Abuku family (Not Subd Geog) USE Sippar (Extinct city) USE Abu Sir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) Abukuma-gawa (Japan) Abu Halka Site (Lebanon) Abu Sir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) USE Abukuma River (Japan) BT Lebanon—Antiquities [DT73.A14] Abukuma kawa (Japan) Abu Ḥasira family UF Abu Sir Pyramids (Egypt) USE Abukuma River (Japan) USE Abi-Ḥasira family Abū Ṣīr Site (Egypt) [Former heading] Abukuma River (Japan) Abu Hatab (Extinct city) Abusir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) UF Abukuma-gawa (Japan) USE Kisurra (Extinct city) Ahrāmāt Abū Ṣīr (Egypt) Abukuma kawa (Japan) Abu Hatsera family Pyramids of Abu Sir (Egypt) Abukumagawa (Japan) USE Abi-Ḥasira family BT Pyramids—Egypt BT Rivers—Japan Abu Ḥatsira family Egypt—Antiquities Abukumagawa (Japan) USE Abi-Ḥasira family Abū ʻUjaylah (Egypt), Battle of, 1956 USE Abukuma River (Japan) Abu Hureireh Site (Israel) USE Abu Ageila, Battle of, Abū ʻUjaylah, Egypt, Abulas folk songs USE Haror, Tel (Israel) 1956 USE Folk songs, Abulas Abu Hureyra, Tall (Syria) Abū ʻUjaylah (Egypt), Battle of, 1967 Abulas language (May Subd Geog) UF Abu Hureyra Site (Syria) USE Abu Ageila, Battle of, Abū ʻUjaylah, Egypt, UF Abelam language Tall Abu Hureyra (Syria) 1967 Ambulas language Tell Abu Hureyra (Syria) Abū ʻUyaynah al-Muhallabī family (Not Subd Geog) Maprik language BT Syria—Antiquities UF Ibn Abī ʻUyaynah al-Muhallabī family BT Ndu languages Abu Hureyra Site (Syria) Abua language (May Subd Geog) Papua New Guinea—Languages USE Abu Hureyra, Tall (Syria) UF Abuan language Abule (African people) Abū Jābir family (Not Subd Geog) BT Abua-Ogbia languages USE Abure (African people) UF Jawābirah family Abua-Ogbia languages (May Subd Geog) Abule language RT Jābir family [PL8037] USE Abure language Abu Kir, Bay of (Egypt) UF Kugbo dialect Abumon USE Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) Ogbia dialect USE Agapanthus Abu Mena (Extinct city) BT Benue-Congo languages Abun Ji (Indonesian people) USE Abū Mīnā (Extinct city) NT Abua language USE Madik (Indonesian people) Abū Mīnā (Extinct city) Odual language Abun language (May Subd Geog) UF Abu Mena (Extinct city) Ogbronuagum language [PL6621.A29] Abu Mina Saint Menas (Extinct city) Abuan (African people) (May Subd Geog) UF A Nden language BT Egypt—Antiquities BT Ethnology—Nigeria Yimbun language Extinct cities—Egypt Abuan language BT Indonesia—Languages Abu Mina Saint Menas (Extinct city) USE Abua language Papuan languages USE Abū Mīnā (Extinct city) Abudefduf (May Subd Geog) Abundance (Astronomy) Abu Musa Island [QL638.P77] USE Cosmic abundances UF Jazīrah-i Abū Mūsá BT Pomacentridae Abundances of elements (Astronomy) Jazīrat Abū Mūsá NT Abudefduf flavipinnis USE Cosmic abundances Jazīreh-ye Abū Mūsá Abudefduf whitleyi Abung (Indonesian people) (May Subd Geog) Jazīreh-ye Bū Mūsá Abudefduf flavipinnis (May Subd Geog) UF Orang Abung [Former heading] Jezīrat Bu Mūsá [QL638.P77] Orang Abung (Indonesian people) [Former BT Islands—Iran BT Abudefduf heading] Islands—United Arab Emirates Abudefduf whitleyi (May Subd Geog) BT Ethnology—Indonesia Abu Nabut Garden (Tel Aviv, Israel) [QL638.P77] Lampung (Indonesian people) USE Gan Abu Nabuṭ (Tel Aviv, Israel) BT Abudefduf Abung dialect (May Subd Geog) Abu ʻOda (Extinct city) Abuhatsira family BT Indonesia—Languages USE Abū ʻAwdah (Extinct city) USE Abi-Ḥasira family Lampung language Abū Qīr, Bay of (Egypt) Abui language (May Subd Geog) Abuqir Bay (Egypt) USE Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) [PL6621.A25] USE Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) Abu Qir Bay (Egypt) UF Barawahing language Abure (African people) (May Subd Geog) UF Aboukir Bay (Egypt) Barue language UF Abonwa (African people) Abu Kir, Bay of (Egypt) Namatalaki language Abouré (African people) Abū Qīr, Bay of (Egypt) BT Indonesia—Languages Abule (African people) Abukir Bay (Egypt) Papuan languages Agoua (African people) Abuqir Bay (Egypt) Abuja (African people) Akaplass (African people) Bay of Aboukir (Egypt) USE Ha (African people) Akapless (African people) Bay of Abu Qir (Egypt) Abuja language Asoko (Ivoirian people) Khalîg Abu Qîr (Egypt) USE Ha language Compa (African people) Khalīj Abū Qīr (Egypt) Abujao River (Peru) Essouma (African people) BT Bays—Egypt UF Río Abujao (Peru) Esuma (African people) Abu Rawash Site (Egypt) BT Rivers—Peru BT Ethnology—Côte d'Ivoire USE Abū Rawwāsh Site (Egypt) Abujao River Valley (Peru) Abure language (May Subd Geog) Abū Rawwāsh Site (Egypt) UF Abujao Valley (Peru) [PL8039] UF Abu Rawash Site (Egypt) BT Valleys—Peru UF Abonwa language Abu Roash Site (Egypt) Abujao Valley (Peru) Aboure language BT Egypt—Antiquities USE Abujao River Valley (Peru) Abule language Abu Roash Site (Egypt) Abujhamāṛiyā dialect Akaplass language USE Abū Rawwāsh Site (Egypt) USE Abujhmaria dialect Akapless language Abu Rof (African people) Abujhmaria dialect (May Subd Geog) BT Côte d'Ivoire—Languages USE Rufaʾa al-Hoi (African people) UF Abujhamāṛiyā dialect Kwa languages Abū Ṣarbūṭ, Tall (Jordan) Abujmariya dialect Aburish family (Not Subd Geog) UF Tall Abū Ṣarbūṭ (Jordan) BT India—Languages Aburrá Valley (Colombia) Tell Abū Ṣarbūṭ (Jordan) Maria language (India) UF Valle de Aburrá (Colombia) BT Jordan—Antiquities Abujhmaria folk poetry BT Valleys—Colombia Mounds—Jordan USE Folk poetry, Abujhmaria Aburrida, Bruja (Fictitious character) Abu Shahrain, Tell (Iraq) Abujhmaria folk songs USE Bored Witch (Fictitious character) USE Eridu (Extinct city) USE Folk songs, Abujhmaria Abus River (England) Abu Shusha Site (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) Abujhmaria literature (May Subd Geog) USE Humber, River (England) USE Abu-Shushah, Tel (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) BT Indic literature Abuse, Emotional Abu-Shushah, Tel (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) NT Abujhmaria poetry USE Psychological abuse This heading is not valid for use as a geographic Abujhmaria poetry (May Subd Geog) Abuse, Psychological subdivision. BT Abujhmaria literature USE Psychological abuse UF Abu Shusha Site (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) NT Folk poetry, Abujhmaria Abuse, Ritual Shush, Tel (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) Abujmariya dialect USE Ritual abuse Tel Abu-Shushah (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) USE Abujhmaria dialect Abuse, Sexual Tel Shush (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) Abukir, Battle of, Egypt, 1798 USE Sex crimes Tell Abu-Shusha (Mishmar ha-ʻEmeḳ, Israel) USE Nile, Battle of the, Egypt, 1798 Abuse, Verbal BT Israel—Antiquities USE Invective A-18 Abuse of administrative power (May Subd Geog) — Services for (May Subd Geog) Abused women and libraries UF Abuse of power UF Child abuse—Services [Former heading] USE Libraries and abused women Administrative power, Abuse of — — Finance Abused women in literature (Not Subd Geog) Excess of power (Administrative law) — — — Law and legislation (May Subd Geog) Abusers, Drug Power, Abuse of — United States USE Drug abusers BT Administrative discretion NT Abused Alaska Native children Abusir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) Administrative law Abused children, Alaska Native USE Abu Sir Site (Jīzah, Egypt) Judicial review of administrative acts USE Abused Alaska Native children Abusive adult children (May Subd Geog) NT Amparo (Writ) Abused elderly (May Subd Geog) BT Adult children Abuse of administrative power (Roman law) UF Abused aged [Former heading] Abusive boyfriends BT Roman law Abused older people USE Abusive men Abuse of animals Battered elderly Abusive buildings USE Animal welfare Elderly, Abused USE Illegal buildings Abuse of benzodiazepines BT Older people Abusive families USE Benzodiazepine abuse RT Older people—Abuse of USE Abusive parents Abuse of children Abused family members Abusive fathers USE Child abuse USE Victims of family violence USE Abusive men Abuse of discovery Abused gay men (May Subd Geog) Abusive husbands USE Discovery abuse Here are entered works on gay men abused by USE Abusive men Abuse of husbands their gay partners in domestic relationships. Abusive lesbian partners (May Subd Geog) USE Husband abuse UF Battered gay men UF Lesbian partners, Abusive Abuse of ketamine BT Abused men BT Abusive women USE Ketamine abuse Gay men Lesbians Abuse of legal drugs Abused husbands (May Subd Geog) Abusive men (May Subd Geog) USE Medication abuse UF Battered husbands UF Abusive boyfriends Abuse of lesbian partners Husband abuse victims Abusive fathers USE Lesbian partner abuse BT Abused men Abusive husbands Abuse of medication Husbands Batterers, Male USE Medication abuse Victims of family violence Male batterers Abuse of medicines RT Husband abuse BT Men USE Medication abuse Abused Indian children (May Subd Geog) NT Church work with abusive men Abuse of methaqualone BT Abused children — Behavior modification (May Subd Geog) USE Methaqualone abuse Indian children BT Behavior modification Abuse of nursing home patients Abused lesbians (May Subd Geog) Abusive mothers (May Subd Geog) USE Nursing home patients—Abuse of [HQ75.3-HQ75.6] BT Mothers Abuse of persons UF Battered lesbians Abusive parents (May Subd Geog) USE Offenses against the person Lesbian victims of abuse UF Abusive families Abuse of power Victimized lesbians Parents, Abusive USE Abuse of administrative power BT Abused women BT Parents Abuse of process Lesbians — Behavior modification (May Subd Geog) USE False imprisonment Abused men (May Subd Geog) BT Behavior modification Process (Law) UF Battered men Abusive treatment (Divorce) Abuse of psychotherapy patients BT Men USE Legal cruelty USE Psychotherapy patients—Abuse of Victims of crimes Abusive wives Abuse of rights (May Subd Geog) NT Abused gay men USE Abusive women UF Abuse of rights—Law and legislation Abused husbands Abusive women (May Subd Geog) Rights, Abuse of Psychologically abused men UF Abusive wives BT Equity Abused older people BT Women Law and ethics USE Abused elderly NT Abusive lesbian partners Torts Abused parents (May Subd Geog) Abut Head (N.Z.) — Law and legislation [HQ755.85] BT Capes (Coasts)—New Zealand USE Abuse of rights BT Parents Abuta (May Subd Geog) Abuse of rights (Islamic law) (May Subd Geog) Victims of family violence [QK495.M537] BT Islamic law Abused teenagers (May Subd Geog) BT Menispermaceae Abuse of rights (Roman law) [RJ507.A29 (Child psychiatry)] NT Abuta grandifolia BT Roman law UF Adolescent abuse victims Abuta grandifolia (May Subd Geog) Abuse of same-sex partners Battered teenagers [QK495.M537] USE Same-sex partner abuse Teenage abuse victims BT Abuta Abuse of siblings BT Teenagers Abutilon (May Subd Geog) USE Sibling abuse Victims of crimes [QK495.M27 (Botany)] Abuse of spouses NT Sexually abused teenagers UF Abortopetalum USE Spousal abuse Abused wives (May Subd Geog) Velvet leaf (Abutilon) Abuse of substances UF Battered wives Velvetleaf (Abutilon) USE Substance abuse Victims of wife abuse BT Malvaceae Abuse of the mentally ill Wife abuse victims NT Indian mallow USE Mentally ill—Abuse of BT Abused women Abutilon theophrasti Abuse of wives Victims of family violence USE Indian mallow USE Wife abuse Wives Abutment teeth Abused aged RT Wife abuse USE Dental abutments USE Abused elderly NT Children of abused wives Abutments, Bridge Abused Alaska Native children (May Subd Geog) — Legal status, laws, etc. (May Subd Geog) USE Bridges—Abutments UF Abused children, Alaska Native NT Legal assistance to abused wives Abutments, Dental Alaska Native abused children — Services for (May Subd Geog) USE Dental abutments BT Abused children—United States [HV697-HV700.5] Abuyama Kobo (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) Alaska Native children UF Services for abused wives USE Abuyama Tomb (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) Abused children (May Subd Geog) BT Community health services Abuyama Kofun (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) Here are entered works on children who are Social service USE Abuyama Tomb (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) victims of child abuse. Works on adults who were Abused wives' children Abuyama Tomb (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) abused as children are entered under Adult child USE Children of abused wives abuse victims. UF Abuyama Kobo (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) Abused women (May Subd Geog) Abuyama Kofun (Takatsuki-shi, Japan) UF Battered children UF Battered women Child abuse victims BT Tombs—Japan BT Victims of crimes 'Abwetee (African people) Maltreated children Women Victims of child abuse USE Vute (African people) RT Battered woman syndrome 'Abwetee language BT Children NT Abused lesbians Victims of crimes USE Vute language Abused wives Aby (African people) RT Adult child abuse victims Church work with abused women Child abuse USE Abe (African people) Libraries and abused women Aby family NT Abused Indian children Psychologically abused women Psychologically abused children USE Eby family — Pastoral counseling of (May Subd Geog) Abydos (Egypt : Extinct city) Sexually abused children [BV4445.5] BT Egypt—Antiquities BT Pastoral counseling Extinct cities—Egypt A-19
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