From the Mighty Pen of Sanjay CONTENTS The World Renewal IS RAJYOGA MEDITATION 4Is Rajyoga Meditation based upon imaginary concepts? (From the BASED UPON IMAGINARY Mighty Pen of Sanjay) ..................3 4Some Cities Paralysed by the CONCEPTS? Rains (Editorial)............................ 4 4Experience constant closeness with Baba and His Sweet F rom time to time, we have identified God, the Supreme Company.......................................8 Soul, as the subtlest self-luminous entity, who dwells in 4Don’t be Afraid and Doubtful.....9 the highest metaphysical Soul World, called Brahmlok. 4Population Growth-Rate has We have also defined Yoga as simply the process of holding Hidden Implication and Surprise communion with Him. Some people say that when neither the for Everyone...............................11 Incorporeal God nor His highest metaphysical abode is visible to 4Law of Attraction.........................14 4The World Drama Wheel............15 the naked eye, would not such a meditation be merely based 4Experiencing God as the upon imaginary concepts? Supreme Teacher........................18 Now, this argument does not hold water and may well be 4An Act of Goodness: A Great parried by a counter-question: Do we not mentally form the Service.........................................19 images of people or objects on the basis of what may be termed 4My Personal Spiritual Experiences With Shiva Baba...21 mere hearsay? History has witnessed that when Sanyukta was 4Service Quality and Expectations told how brave and handsome prince Prithvi Raj was, she Management in Godly Service..23 decided, then and there, that she would be the consort of such a 4Morning Musings, man; or, in other words, she had mentally linked herself to him as Night Notions.............................25 her would-be spouse. Such instances are innumerable. 4Go Deep into the Depths of Your Man can and does perform many important tasks simply on Inner Self.....................................26 the basis of common talks or reports. Does not a police official, 4Let Mass/Multi Media Be Value- Centric: The Most Urgent Call of for instance, when acquainted with the exact identity of an Time .....................................28 absconding criminal with his physical features (face, figure, dress, and bearing, etc.) often succeed in tracing him out and Rates of Subscription for bringing him to book? In India, we are not unaccustomed to “THE WORLD RENEWAL” accept reliably enough testimony as proof. A young maiden in INDIA FOREIGN Annual Rs.100/- Rs. 1000/- India, for instance, has followed the time-honoured tradition of Life Rs. 2,000/- Rs.10,000- accepting a person as her life partner on the basis of paternal or Subscriptions payable through other reliable testimony, which her sophisticated modern Money Order/Cash or Demand counterpart in the West would perhaps treat as third-party Draft (In the name of ‘The World reports. If that is so, why cannot God, who is universally recog- Renewal’) may be sent to: nised to be Incorporeal and Eternal verity, be recognised if more Om Shanti Printing Press, Shantivan–307510, tangible and exact particulars of His identity are made known? Abu Road, Rajasthan, India. In God's case, however, there is abundant tangible evidence For Online Subscription in the form of stone image pictures called Shiva Lingas, which Bank: State Bank of India, PBKIVV, are found installed in Shiva temples all over the country. The Shantivan; A/c No.: 30297656367, A/cHolder Name:‘World Renewal’, flames of conventional lamps, which are invariably seen being IFSC:SBIN0010638 burnt near the image in these temples, and the lighted candles in For Detail Information: churches symbolize God's form. It is a common practice in India, Mobile:09414006904,(02974)-228125 September, 2019 (Contd. ..... on page no.32 ) Email:[email protected] 33 Editorial 4 The World Renewal September, 2019 Kerala, Maharashtra and Assam, but on the whole, the SOME CITIES PARALYSED weather have been friendly BY THE RAINS through the months of monsoon season. In this part of western Rajasthan, we the people are T he citizens of Mumbai are normally very d e v o u t a n d compassionate, especially when the festival of Ganesh national or international routes have also been subjected to several kinds of hardships. Just imagine the plight of those v e r y, v e r y o b l i g e d a n d thankful to the Almighty for answering our prayers positively; most of the water who had boarded the planes, reservoirs in Rajasthan are Chaturti is being honoured. but were stranded on the overflowing at present. Even Due to the scarcity of water tarmac for hours since their the mountain-top lakes and over the previous couple of pilots or attendants could not dams in Mount Abu are almost years people had been reach the airports on time... over-flowing bringing much invoking the Rain Gods to Much worse have been areas cheer to the Abu Residents, shower enough rain drops for of Maharashtra where roads especially the business and all the water-supplying lakes have been submerged for days, hotel communities. and dams to fill up and with water levels rising two- Even international overflow. This year, the Rain floors high... institutions like the Brahma Gods seem to be very pleased But when we perceive the Kumaris had been invoking in bringing bountiful rains not situation from another angle the Rain Gods by continuous only for the people of Mumbai we should be thankful to our and daily meditations during or Maharashtra, but all over Supreme Protector and the early mornings and India. Nature, whose blessings have evenings. All participants of However, the pattern of brought on good monsoon these special meditation rains this year has drastically rains in all parts of India. This programmes were confident changed. Firstly, the El Nino has sent a wave of hope that everyone's powerful effect resulted in the rains amongst the farming thoughts would bear fruit, being delayed by 2 weeks, and community as the area of since Mount Abu is the when its effect dissipated seasonal crops has multiplied, highest pilgrimage place for around 15-16 July the Mega- thereby assuring bumper not only members of the City of Mumbai started crops. It is heart-warming to Brahma Kumaris receiving very heavy rains that see the cheerfulness on the worldwide institution, but have paralysed normal life faces of our farmers also for devotees of the very thrice so far!! It has affected everywhere. No doubt there famous shrines: Delwara lakhs of commuters using have been cloud bursts and Temples, Achal Garh, Guru local trains; passengers flying catastrophic flooding in some S h i k h a r, R a g h u n a t h in or out of Mumbai on states of India, especially Mandir, Gau Mukh, Shiva September, 2019 The World Renewal 5 Te m p l e s a n d S a n y a a s building in disaster resiliency religious organisations and Ashrams etc. As per the and crisis response. It is by the common people. His talk power of our faith, we firmly their fortitude that immediate was very timely and has believe that God the Creator care was provided to flood- created a wave amongst the is ever-caring and protective affected areas in Puri, Assam, people to plant the maximum towards His loving, loyal some parts of Kerala, number of trees in their children. Kolhapur and Sangli in respective areas of residence Before the rains and the El Maharashtra, northern or work. Nino effect, we had also Karnataka, and Madhya Prajapita Brahma Kumaris witnessed extreme summer Pradesh. Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya climate when the Other powerful individuals has launched a nationwide temperatures rose to an such as Heads of Religious rain-trees plantation average of 40 degrees Celsius, and Spiritual Organisations Campaign, in association and shot up to 51 degrees in are also responding in a very with Dainik Bhaskar. Our the northern states of India. productive manner with plans Readers would also be After these refreshing for the coming years. One thrilled to know that we have showers, the people must have major problem is that road embarked on creating an forgotten about the extremity developments and widening orchard of variety Mango of climate during the of highways have led to about Trees, at Tapovan Farm, Abu summers. However, the wise 5 crores of trees being cut Road. For this purpose, our and far-sighted personalities down, thereby creating divine sisters and brothers are like our Prime Minister, Mr terrible imbalance in the contributing mango tree Modiji, and several other environment. The solution to saplings of the best quality dignitaries and institutions this natural human-created from South to North, and East have reflected on ways and calamity lies in the re- to West of Bharat. Originally, means to overcome such the plan was to devote about 5 plantation of crores of trees drastic changes in the climate, acres of land but that has since such as Mangoes, Peepal, and prepare for the future. been amended, seeing the Banyan, Neem, and enthusiastic response of our These preparations include Jammun that are famous BK family, as well as local instant and useful responses for pulling rain clouds and authorities, including the from the National Disaster improving the water-level Government Officials of M a n a g e m e n t A u t h o r i t y, tables. In one of his monthly District Sirohi and Abu Sub- abbreviated as NDMA. The radio talks, the Prime Minister Division. A Tree- Planting primary purposes of this dedicated his entire speech to Camp was organised recently agency of the Ministry of the necessity of bringing by the Brahma Kumaris and Home Affairs are about revolutionary Climate Dainik Bhaskar at Tapovan coordinating response to Change through tree- Farm. So it appears that the natural or human-made plantation involving Mango Orchard may disasters, and capacity- educational institutions, eventually consist of a 6 The World Renewal September, 2019 sprawling variety of trees years to come and enjoy the Agriculture tell us that these covering about 10 acres! So mangoes of this newly saplings will take the shape far we have planted 800 trees, created Orchard! It will be a of beautiful mango trees and there may be addition of very beautiful experience of within the next 4-5 years, 200 more saplings before the connecting with the Supreme and so the Orchard will rainy season is over. Being in silent meditation, in depict a new and popular We take this opportunity t h e f r i e n d l y, n a t u r a l creation of Prajapita Brahma to invite our respected atmosphere of Tapovan. Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Readers to find time in a few Experts in the field of Vidyalaya. MY RAJASTHAN – PROSPEROUS RAJASTHAN RALLIES The Brahma Kumaris Rajasthan - Samruddh Diseases Social Activity Group (of the Rajasthan (My Rajasthan - This project will enable Headquarters in Shantivan) in Prosperous Rajasthan)”. citizens to re-empower collaboration with Rural, The 6-point Agenda of the themselves to live a Medical and Social Service Spiritual Talks, Exhibitions, r e s p o n s i b l e , h e a l t h y, Wings, and Trauma Centre Workshops, and Medical productive and serviceable (Abu Road) have designed an Camps being offered in the lifestyle. We encourage our interesting, multi-faceted Rallies is as follows: 1) Readers to visit and support project of serving the land of Cleanliness and Preservation the Rallies when they pass Rajasthan. Within 16-18 days, of the Environment 2) through your cities. More from 4-22 September 2019, Sustainable Energy 3) information on the routes and about 100 BK Volunteers will Complete Health & De- dates of visit can be obtained be travelling in 6 rallies to Addiction 4) Empowerment from the website: promote, enhance and execute of Farmers 5) Conservation of the theme: “Mahro Water 6) Solutions to Heart FROM MIND-BODY-MEDICINE TO AN EVER-HEALTHY FUTURE It's heartening to note that Medicine in Mount Abu, from with the participation of the Medical Wing (of Rajyoga 6-9 September 2019. learned medical professionals Education and Research As I learned from the who have also highlighted the Foundation), and Global Organising Secretary, Dr beauty and benefits of Hospital & Research Centre Banarsilal Sah, over 600 spiritual awakening among Trust, under the patronage of Seniors Consultants and the masses. Dr Ashok Mehta Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Medical Scientists gathered (eminent Cancer Surgeon Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, together. Over the years, these from Mumbai and th organised the 38 National Conferences have become Chairperson of the Medical Conference on Mind-Body- very prestigious occasions Wing), Dr Pratap Midha September, 2019 The World Renewal 7 (Director of Global Hospital atmosphere of the Conference in their elevated form had & Research Centre facilities in their unique ways. While lived lives of 100% optimal and Vice Chairperson of reflecting on the Conference, health, and balanced lifestyle, Medical Wing), Dr Satish it's laudable that most with each birth spanning an Gupta (Creator of 3-D Sessions enlightened this average of 150 years! The Healthcare Project in reputed group of Medical Brahma Kumaris motivated Preventive Cardiology), Dr Scientists on the importance all the participants to Girish Patel (Senior Faculty of us emulating Spiritual contemplate on these above Member and Psychiatrist), Dr Wisdom, so that we are beliefs, and discuss amongst Sachin Parab (Joint Secretary sufficiently empowered to themselves what is the of Medical Wing), Dr Mohit settle past karmic accounts, foundation or practices that Gupta of Delhi (Professor of and endure the fruit of will return humanity to that Cardiology), BK Dr Nirmala karmas. The Conference also life of constant good health, Didi, BK Karunabhai, BK attempted to bring about the contentment, and peace. Ushaben, BK Gitaben, BK realisation that human Enable yourself and others to Shivaniben, BK Suryabhai, society has not always been take this giant leap forward! If Dr BK Sachinbhai (GHRC) dependent on traditional it feels right, then let's start etc who acted as Resources allopathic medications. making endeavours in this during the Conference, are Medical professionals need direction, and if it seems some of the most experienced to ponder on the question of challenging, then let's see pioneers in combining Mind- whether it is possible for us what we can do to make it Body-Medicine and Spiritual to evolve spiritually to the seamless and possible. Values. extent that we become free We are certain that the The inauguration w as from all bodily disease, and collation of ideas and carried out by Honourable attain good health from the experiences of so many senior Shri Mangal Pandeyji, time of birth till the last Speakers and Lecturers would Health Minister of Bihar. breath? In order to achieve prove beneficial to humanity Padam Shri Dr RV Ramani, this, we have to open our at large. We extend our Founder and Managing minds to the Spiritual congratulations and good Trustee of Shankar Eye Knowledge and method of wishes for continued success Foundation, Coimbatore, Easy Rajyoga Meditation as to all the Medical th BK Mruthyunjaya, Executive taught by the Supreme Professionals of the 38 Secretary of Brahma Kumaris Father, Supreme Soul. At the National Conference on and many other prominent beginning of the World Cycle Mind-Body-Medicine!!! guests enriched the of 5000 years, human beings Om Shanti, ─B.K. Nirwair The World Renewal EXPERIENCE CONSTANT CLOSENESS WITH BABA AND HIS SWEET COMPANY – Rajyogini Dadi Janki, Chief of Brahma Kumaris, Shantivan S aying “Om Shanti” also thing.” When service is means remembering remembered, Baba is also when I see success as my God “Baba”. Ask yourself: In remembered. Fatherly Birthright, that success what way do I say the word It is a sign of ignorance to gives satisfaction to me and God “Baba”? Does it come from the think that only Shiva Baba as well. heart, or just from the lips? should be remembered, as it is Do I just look at the Father or When I talk to myself and to through Brahma Baba that we do I remember Him deeply? We Baba, all questions disappear; can know Shiva Baba, and it is are the ones, who know rightly so, what do you want me to tell through the spoken Murli that who He is. When He can be seen you? How much time does we all became Shiva Baba's through my actions and my face, each of us spend to have this sweet children. Whatever is I will also be visible in His face. internal conversation? This is needed in service, Shiva Baba We should be able to say to something we can do while finds someone to be an others, “Just look at my face!” performing actions. So, there instrument of service; He Only Baba as the Almighty can be no excuse of shortage of invokes a soul and service is Authority can perform the task of time. Baba and I should be so done automatically. To enable purifying the world. We have to close that there is constant a lot of service to be done, we become pure and do the service experience of togetherness. If I should have unbroken faith, of inspiring others to become the let anything trouble me, that zeal and enthusiasm. The same. Be detached and loving will also be rubbed off on others more there is faith, the more whilst living in the body, and be in a subtle way; so, I should success in service is achieved. the carefree emperor, who only always experience constant Baba speaks of our trea- thinks and speaks the word closeness with Baba and His sures. There is the treasure of “Baba”. Internally, churn the sweet company while facing breath, and if I have the belief Godly knowledge with the power anything, and this automati- that I am using each breath for of concentration and dive to the cally does spiritual service to the benefit of others, this can bottom of the ocean of knowl- others. Baba is Karan be a source of inner happi- edge to attain Baba's jewels and karavanhaar. He serves the ness. When a soul serves to it will become visible in your world through His children. that extent, the lifespan of that features. The depth of the Brahma Baba used to say: “It is soul also increases. There is knowledge takes us to the Sun of Shiva Baba who does every- the treasure of all powers, and (Contd. ..... on page no.34 ) 8 Faith in God and good action will achieve the aim of life. September, 2019 From the Melodies of Mateshwari TheJagdamba World Saraswati Renewal etc. A friend may become an enemy; relatives may become DON'T BE AFRAID AND distant and estranged from you. DOUBTFUL BUT MOVE These are all challenges, which FORWARD WITH come to test us and clear our accounts. UNFLINCHING FAITH We must detach our intellect T here are some children, from the body and bodily who reject the Father. relationships but we are bound Even in daily life, some to face Maya/Ravan, aren't we? children become unworthy. We must understand such Children may be unworthy or things, without getting con- worthless, but the Father is not fused. so. A worldly father is merciful Cross the Hurdles with towards his children irrespec- Caution tive of how they are. God is the Many people think, thus: Oh! Unlimited Father. The Father after belonging to God, there Himself says: “When children fight with her. Now, we have have been so many misfor- become impure and unhappy, I learnt to fight with her. Earlier, tunes. I have found God; I have come and help them.” That is we did not know this as we were recognized Him; now, only why He is known as the 'Merciful under her control because why good things should happen to One'. Now, we have found that she would fight when we were me. No form of difficulty should Father. under her control. On the come to me. Are all the old The children, who reject such contrary, she loved us. Now, gods upset with me, because I Father, are really unfortunate. she doesn't love us anymore have come here? Despite finding the Bestower of rather she has become our Do not think like the above. Fortune, they are unable to enemy. There will be tests. Therefore, attain anything from Him; so, Maya tempts us a lot to pull when you are faced with what do we call such ones? The us towards her. She comes in situations, do not think that you unfortunates ones! We should many forms in front of us. Even have not found God, do not not become like them, should if some children don't have any doubt God, His existence and we? Therefore, we should try to bondage; still, vicious or waste the path that you have chosen. I be careful. thoughts distress them. This is inform you well in advance that Maya is our Enemy nothing but the influence of all tests and difficult situations Maya is very powerful. It is Maya. will surely come. her kingdom, isn't it? It is the There may be many chal- However, many have left this end of the Kalpa now; so, she lenges in your life viz. you may path. Some of them were afraid will use her full strength. You suffer from diseases you had of such things while some will face Maya's force to the never even heard of before others were scared of what extent you belong to Baba. She following this spiritual path or others used to say about this fights with those, who fight with there can be scarcity of money knowledge. If some people her. We, the spiritual children, or huge loss in your business, create doubt, they break away. September, 2019 Aperson, who never thinks bad of others, has always a good time. 9 The World Renewal All this has happened and will make effort with unshakeable happen?', 'how did that hap- continue to happen. I have seen faith. Keep all these aspects pen?', 'why has this situation it. The main reason for all this is within yourself, be cautious and come?' Don't think like that. body-consciousness. caution others as well. Save The debts of many births must Body-consciousness also yourself and others from be settled now, mustn't they? comes as a result of vices of slipping down. So, don't be afraid or develop lust, anger, greed, attachment Clear the Accounts of any doubt. If tomorrow you or doubts and misunderstand- Many Births in One Birth leave where will your debtors ings. These are the weapons of You should be very cautious and customers go? They must Maya to push us away from this of the various types of doubts, come now, isn't it? spiritual path. Maya's job is to waste thoughts and vicious Maya will come in all possible turn the intellect upside down. thoughts. Understand all these ways which are known as tests. All this will happen. So, you matters accurately. Our karmic To pass these tests, inculcation need to be cautious as well as accounts are concerned with of knowledge is required. It is courageous about this. The not only this one birth but with only the Father, who knows Father says: “Connect your many births. We have to settle about all our karmas , our intellect with Me, so that it never the accounts of many births in degradation and our salvation; becomes upside down or goes one birth now. If you don't settle so, He sits and imparts this wrong.” Keep a check on it. these debts now, when will you divine knowledge to us chil- With the power of checking, settle them? Will you settle dren. maintain caution and take them in some other births? One, who has complete yourself across. Earlier, we used to settle knowledge, will remain firm. If We have to change in this some accounts in one birth and he/she doesn't have knowl- very birth. We must make effort the remaining balance was edge, he/she will get frightened, to cross all these hurdles of carried forward to next birth. All with his/her legs shaking. It is Maya. We must not stay here the accounts of one birth do not sung: “They listened to this relaxing without remembering get settled in the same birth. knowledge, got amazed, the Father. The God Father But, as this is the last birth, all imparted it to others and still Shiva says: accounts have to be settled in ran away from this knowledge. “Make effort this one birth. We should also Those, who get visions, will to remember take it as a challenge to finish all also develop doubts; they Me.” This is the accounts. When we make become afraid of Maya and an internal such a challenge, Maya also break away. This has been e ff o r t . Yo u demands to settle all our debts happening since the begin- don't have to immediately. So, she will ning; so, don't be afraid, do anything surround us now, won't she? If doubtful and suspicious. Try to external. Baba says that the she comes, it will be with full understand knowledge situations and circumstances force. Therefore, do not think completely and continue to will come to shake your faith but that I have not done anything move forward with unflinching the children should continue to bad in this birth; so 'why did this faith. v 10 Sorrow will never come in your life if you ever do good works. September, 2019 POPULATION The World Renewal GROWTH- more than five times (150 x 5 = 750) in just 150 years. RATE HAS HIDDEN If we go backward in history IMPLICATION AND at this rate; then, we will find population becoming smaller SURPRISE FOR EVERYONE five times in every 150 years –B.K. Rose Mary and, in few thousand years, we would see population touching S eeing and real seeing seeing, he will see its implied zero. And if we go forward at are different. In physical truth – something that is really this rate, in a few thousand seeing, one may say shocking. Let us take a period y e a r s , w e w i l l r e a c h a n traffic jam is caused by the which is well-documented. In unimaginably huge population vehicles just like the last 150 years, world population fi g u r e , w h i c h m e a n s t h e materialists say that a Big Bang grew from 150 crore to 771 e v o l u t i o n i s t s g o t t h e i r caused this wonderful universe crore (close to 8 Billion). calculation wrong. For and, finally, on earth the Ironically, in these 150 years, example, the evolutionists wonderful drama of life began besides the regular death rate, believe that human population from single-celled organisms to which is common to other started on earth “300,000 years a variety of life forms through an periods, we also saw 55 wars, ago . ” Others put the figure endless series of genetic two World Wars, many civil “between five million and seven mutations. Yet a closer view wars, ethnic cleansings, great million years ago.” would show that traffic jam is bloody revolutions such as This claim has no meaning if caused by some drivers, and a h a p p e n e d i n c o m m u n i s t we compare the ways in which still closer view would show that nations, increasing number of population rate grows. We saw traffic jam is caused by ego of n a t u r a l c a l a m i t i e s , r o a d - population rate is growing five some drivers. Thus, in seeing, accident deaths, terrorism- times in 150 years in spite of only the outer physical eyes are caused deaths, pollution- many growth-cutting factors. involved whereas in real caused deaths, individuals That means, the first population seeing, one sees much more going for abortions (over 50 of two people would become 10 with inner vision. In real seeing, million annually), Government (2 x 5) people in 150 years. This one has four-directional and sponsored family planning population of 10 would become four-dimensional vision as drives in many countries, 50 (10 x 5) in another 150 symbolized by the symbolic modern life-style diseases that years. Like this if we calculate, depiction of Brahma, an old caused millions of pre-mature in just 4900 years earth's total man with four heads turned deaths, many killer-epidemics p o p u l a t i o n w o u l d b e toward all directions. ( “ f r o m t h e g r u e s o m e fl u 46566128730773925781250 Let us apply this seeing pandemic that killed an (over 46566128730773 principle with regard to estimated 50 million to 100 B i l l i o n s ) . N o w, t a k e t h i s population growth. In physical million people in 1918, to the calculation forward, still further seeing, one may see population 2009 swine flu pandemic.” and further. Multiply this figure increase and even say history is In spite of all these growth- with 5, and add 150 years to millions of years old. But, in real cutting factors, population grew 4 9 0 0 y e a r s . R e p e a t t h i s September, 2019 It is a joy to be strong when the whole world is united to make you weak. 11 The World Renewal process till you reach the devilish people/population in the was a rain (varsha) of material “300000 years” or “seven second half. God Shiva makes and spiritual blessings in their million years” as claimed by the His descent in the concluding 'fullness' (derived from the root evolutionists. You will reach a part of each cycle and elevates bhar, “full”). That situation aptly population figure beyond your the iron-aged life of the willing describes the thought behind comprehension. In other children into golden-aged life. Bharathvarsha, the name of words, if human history were as Thus history is an endless cycle ancient India, as given in the old as the evolutionists claim; of elevation and entropy, the Scriptures such as Vishnu then, present population would facts of which we find Purana (2,1,31), Vayu Purana, have overflowed into solar everywhere in nature – like trees (33,52), Linga Purana system and beyond. That becoming old that leave seeds, (1,47,23), Brahmanda Purana means that history cannot be which again become new trees. (14,5,62), Agni Purana very long as people are made There is no mystery in the above (107,11–12), Skanda Purana, to believe today; most people explanation and the calculation Khanda (37,57) and believe things without is simple. Markandeya Purana (50,41). examining. This is the glory of God Shiva! The word varsham (literally In India, it is believed that its In Murli, He says: “If each cycle means “pouring down”) is used population, at one point of time, of history is longer than 5000 for land/kingdom, as it was, was 333.33 million (33.33 years; then, the present then, primarily known for crore), who were all humans in population would have been pouring benefits on people, as form but divine in function. God bigger in size.” Yet, we find in the case of varsha (rainfall), Shiva confirms that this was the unimaginably big population if vruksh (tree), etc., which also case in the middle of each we go by the evolutionist's have the same root. In other Kalpa (A Kalpa is of around imagined age of history. This words, ancient India was a land 5,000 years of duration). He means that when God Shiva of 'fullness' in all aspects. Just also says that each Kalpa is says big, He really means it is like the depletion of resources is made of four quarters. The first unimaginably big. the highlight in the end of each quarter population is 9,00,000 Similarly, when He says, “The Kalpa , abundance was the and second quarter population present Iron Age will soon be highlight in the beginning of is 33.33 cores, which would followed by Golden Age”, He each Kalpa. This explains why become the present population does mean that the next Age will people named earth as prithvi (of around 8 billion) by the end really be 'unimaginably ( l i t e r a l l y, d a u g h t e r o f of the Kalpa, or at the end of the golden'/virtuous in quality, as abundance). Another second half of the Kalpa. Thus, happened when this present etymology says the name history is an endless cycle of Kalpa began. If present Kalpa Bharat is derived from Bha' Kalpas of around 5000 years began in abundance, the (from Bhavam or expression), duration each; and each Kalpa memory of it would remain 'Ra' (from Ragam or melody), is made of two halves – in its protected somehow. When the and 'Ta' (from Talam or rhythm). first half there were divine history begins in Bharat (the This too points to the fact that people/population, who original name of India) in every people of first half of the history deteriorate into egoistic or Kalpa, it starts as though there were leading a life that 12 It is discipline, but not law, that builds a good and strong organization. September, 2019 The World Renewal resembles a melody, which reminds us of THE TIME IS NOW harmony and beauty because then, there Is there a perfect time that you wait for, to was one-world-family enjoying abundance change anything about you, or to complete a in all aspects of their life. This aspect of pending task? Do you habitually postpone them, abundance is confirmed in the Confluence- Aged The Gita too: “All the deities in the saying I will start on new year or my birthday or Golden Age are oceans of purity and weekend or next week or next month? We usually peace. Bharat was an ocean of happiness, postpone important matters - by not paying bills peace and purity.” (Murli: 11.07.2019) or tax until the last date, not valuing a relationship The truth that ancient Bharat was very until it crumbles, not switching to a healthy diet rich was known to foreigners, as well- until we fall ill, not giving up addictions until they attested by the later development that severely affect us, not exercising or meditating foreign powers repeatedly came to loot until doctor insists. The longer we postpone, the Somanatha Temple, which was the symbol longer we block goodness from coming into our of both spiritual and material prosperity of life. If we don't know where to start, let's seek ancient India. In addition, the amazing guidance immediately. If we don't think we can depth and variety into which ancient India do it, let's eliminate excuses that we don't have went in the case of arts such as classical time, confidence or will power. Decision to begin songs, musics, classical dances, etc. were now is one thought away. Let's be determined and the reflection of the melody of life of ancient era, and is also the internal proof of both discipline our mind. Let's remind ourselves - I am spiritual and material prosperity of ancient committed to my tasks, my happiness and my India. These art forms were all primarily health. I don't delay anything. I take action now. designed to elevate the minds of people The one habit that limits our potential is to into the virtues and spiritual abundance in postpone tasks over and over again. Let us reflect God from the vices and material and check how many times we convinced abundance in Satan/Devil. Interestingly, ourselves - I don't have to do it right now, I will the last stanza of songs is named see tomorrow. The next day we again pushed the charanam (or sharanam), which means thought away. Eventually, tomorrow came after submission to God (in contrast to Kaliyugi days or maybe it still hasn't come. Take this arts that mostly lead people into vices such moment to break that inner resistance and get as lust, greed, violence, etc). around what you want to do. Inculcate in yourself Such rise, elevation and fullness of the a true discipline of less thinking and more doing. first half of the Kalpa is followed by its fall, You will find your unhealthy postponement- deterioration and emptiness as the cycle patterns fading. When you start doing the things of history turns and repeats. Those, who act wisely leading a golden-aged life, now, you knew you had to, your satisfaction and have the privilege of living in material and happiness will be immense. You develop a spiritual fullness of the forthcoming passion and remain inspired to begin and Golden Age. v complete your ideas and desires. All your resistance gets forced out. September, 2019 Don’t go in wrong direction with the crowd, go alone in right direction. 13 The World Renewal Hence, thought power is one of the most beneficial LAW OF ATTRACTION creative powers we possess. Our sanskaras, behaviour and attitude, actions and reactions –Farha Sayed, Mumbai are shaped by the thoughts L aw of attraction is a law, helped us or just showed we cultivate. Our thoughts which is perfect and kindness, we walk into a world generate energy in the form of precise. Positive beliefs of lovely individuals. It all subtle vibrations. These and thoughts are one of the depends on how we look at vibrations become like a most powerful keys to the Law people and things, and not how magnetic field, attracting of Attraction. It says we all affect they are in themselves. Our similar thought vibrations. By and are affected by each other own personal perspective consciously choosing the right and our energy impacts on matters a lot. Therefore, we q u a l i t y o f t h o u g h t s , absolutely everything around need to cultivate thoughts accompanied by powerful us. It also indicates and carefully and mindfully. visualization, we can train our underlines just how much This law does not mean we mind, over a period of time, to power we really have. get what we want; rather, it harness thoughts that will The Law of Attraction states actually means we get attract more and more that we attract into our lives according to our perspectives goodness and positivity into whatever we are focussing on and what we are. Our thoughts our lives. v by using the power of the mind and words are what we are; to translate whatever is in our these vibrate to the universe LIGHT OF thoughts and materialize them and we get them back. The SPIRITUAL i n t o r e a l i t y. A l l o u r i n n e r words 'what we are' refer to our KNOWLEDGE thoughts turn into things spiritual identity, soul, which is There is some darkness in eventually being domonstrated carrying sanskars and karmic most human minds today; in the outer world. In this sense, accounts. So, what we are so, there is a darkness we attract not only what we want going to get will be according to component in most scenes but also who we are. For our sanskars and karmic and situations. Why else example, if we often have a accounts. If we, as souls, suffer is there so much negative outlook on the world, from lack of self-love or a low unhappiness and sorrow we'll tend to pull that negativity - self-esteem, we will invite or in the world? The reason unhealthy skepticism - into any attract lack of love and respect is the lack of light of new information we encounter. from other people too, spiritual knowledge. The If we wake up with an attitude because we get the same need is to be enlightened that the world is unfair, we'll energy as we give. Whether it with the light of spiritual inevitably meet a world full of is love, peace, or happiness, if knowledge and practice people with selfish means. But if we cannot give it to ourselves, of Rajyoga meditation we wake up in the morning and nobody else can give it to us. It which links the human draw our attention to all the all starts from us and goes soul with God, the times in our life that people outside and inside as well. Supreme Light. 14 Faith in God and good action will achieve the aim of life. September, 2019 The World Renewal stories about gods, goddesses, deities and angels come into THE WORLD DRAMAWHEEL existence as part of our scriptures. All such stories are –B. K. Subramanian, Avadi told and scripted with an T he Eternal World Drama disappointment, no such intention to make the common (EWD), right from the information is available about people imbibe moral values, inception till its culmina- the lifestyle, condition or appreciate the good lessons tion, has been predestined and relationship among different and valuable teachings thereby moves on with the cycle of birth, sections of people in Satyuga to enable them to follow the growth, death and re-birth. This (Golden Age) and Tretayuga righteous path and ensure that is the preordained, eternal, (Silver Age). peace and happiness can be unlimited drama that keeps restored in life. But, unfortu- In the beginning of the world repeating. That is why it is cycle, in the Golden Age, the nately, as souls move into the called the eternal, imperishable Iron Age, they act under the virtues of peace, purity, wisdom, world drama. There are three love and joy were in balance. complete influence of vices. entities – the Supreme Soul, As human souls come down in Devotion (Bhakti) becomes a the Human Souls and Nature – matter of routine without the birth-rebirth cycle and reach around which the whole World Dwaparyuga, they start inculcation of ethical values, Drama revolves. becoming influenced by body- divine instructions or principles The four ages with different consciousness, resulting from of high order either in their stages and statures, compris- personal life or social life. At this their indulgence in the five vices ing the whole drama, have juncture, God Shiva, the – lust, anger, greed, attachment been historically identified as and ego – and, therefore, all Supreme Soul and Director of (1) the Golden Age (2) the spiritual building blocks or this World Drama, comes down Silver Age (3) the Copper Age virtues start getting depleted.upon the earth and unveils the and (4) the Iron Age. These The human souls begin to truths inherent in the story of legendary periods have been deviate from the moral way of human life: the truth of the termed in Indian scriptures as living. The valuable cultural immortality of the soul, its true, (I) Satyuga (2) Tretayuga (3) characteristics and goodness, eternal relationship with the Dwaparyuga and (4) Kaliyuga gradually, disappear and souls Supreme Soul and the story of respectively. the rise and fall of souls. fall in the vicious circle of body- There has been some kind of consciousness. People start A brief note and recall on evidence or proof, available to each Age as highlighted in living life on their own accord, learn and speak about the thereby indulging in their own Baba’s Murlis is reproduced history of mankind that took tastes, whims and fancies, below: place in Dwaparyug (Copper personal biases, likes and Rama Rajya (Day of Age) followed by Kaliyuga (Iron dislikes without having any Brahma) – Satyuga (The Age) either with correct concern for others. Golden Age) interpretations, or in a distorted In the absence of morality, C o n t rary to the facts manner. But, to our dismay and many fairy tales and fabulous enumerated in Darwin Theory, September, 2019 Misfortune cannot defeat man because sun’s heat has never yet dried the ocean. 15 The World Renewal the first and foremost souls, provided everything including all Ravan Raj (Night of who landed on this Earth, were resources, which were bountiful, Brahma): Dwaparyuga the original descendants of the superfluous and excessively (The Copper Age) Deity Religion. They belonged rich in quality. The wonderful The elevated humans or the to the Sun Dynasty, with its first fact of Satyuga was that all deities, who were in the soul- predecessors recognized as animals and birds living in this conscious stage in Satyuga and Adi Dev (Brahma) and world were herbivorous. Tretayuga, stepped down from Brahmins, who became deities; Tretayuga that stage birth after birth and and they were not Adivasis nor (The Silver Age) started, gradually, developing the products of step by step This world of Tretayuga was body-conscious state at the evolution from monkeys, who also similar to that of the beginning of Dwaparyuga. The belong to animal species. The heavenly life enjoyed and procreation theory by power of deities (Devis and Devas) are experienced by the souls in meditation (Yogbal) that was soul-conscious and their reign Satyuga. The number of souls being followed by the deities lasted for a period of about increased significantly; and, (Devas and Devis) in Satyuga 1250 years. Shree Krishna and though all were still happy and and Tretayuga, was no more Shree Radha were the first prosperous, the radiance and practiced as the vice of sex-lust Prince and Princess of the emerged between husband fullness that characterized their (male) and wife (female). Thus, Heavenly world in Satyuga, lives in Satyuga, were no more. the love-full act changed into who were later crowned to the The values of natural, artistic lustful act; and, gradually, other throne as the first Emperor and celestial degree lessened from vices such as anger, greed, first Empress under the sixteen to fourteen. The lifetime attachment and ego crept into Lordship name of Shree span of each birth also reduced the minds of human beings that, Narayan and Shree Lakshmi. to 125 years. However, the ultimately, fetched sorrows and The deities were the rulers and inhabitants still sufferings to them in variant embodiment of complete enjoyed and experienced the forms. At this stretch of time, the sixteen celestial degrees as healthiest, wealthiest and godly messengers, known as part and parcel of their highest, happiest life. This phase also the religious founders or fathers richest and spectacular divine l a s t e d f o r 1 2 5 0 y e a r s . like Abraham, Buddha, Jesus standard of living. All elevated Nevertheless, the global ruling C h r i s t , M a h a v e e r a n d human beings in the form of power dramatically shifted from Gurunanak, etc., came to this deities lived up to their full the status of Emperor and world to enlighten the people lifetime span of one hundred Empress to that of the King and and guide them to follow the and fifty years in each birth in Queen. righteous ways to save Satyuga. There was no paucity As per drama, the half or themselves from being inflicted or lacking either in their material semi-sphere of the whole with punishments of different comforts or in their emotional Kalpa, lovingly called as Rama types. As time passed by, wellbeing. The five elements of Rajya, which lasted for 2500 people started worshipping the Nature were also in their purest years, came to an end due to the religious founders as gods form. Then, the Nature by itself outbreak of Ravanraj. without inculcation of the 16 When you are before the mirror, it shows the reality of who and what you are. September, 2019 The World Renewal knowledge, teachings and aspect of life, which resulted in as to what had happened in this preaching imparted by them. In reducing the life-span too. Age and what were all the the cult of devotion (Bhakti), Kaliyuga (The Iron Age) – special features of this Age. prayers, glorification of the This is the final and infernal The greatest and unbelievable lords and gods, recital of divine part of the world drama. In this wonder in the world drama is that songs, versions, texts and a g e , t h e s o u l s b e c a m e God, too, has a predestined part phrases, worships, rites and completely tainted with the but only at the confluence of rituals became the routine parts vices. Even in the domestic Kaliyuga and Satyuga. Since of human life. life, the characteristics such as God has no physical body like With the loss of purity and self discipline, dignity, decorum human beings, His role is subtle. righteousness, the human a n d m o r a l i t y l o s t t h e i r He plays an incognito part by minds became very weak, lost importance because of cent means of incarnation (Aavtaar), control over sense organs and percent body-consciousness. i.e., descent into the body of an became enslaved to sensual All the vices, i.e., sex-lust, old man known as Dada Lekhraj pleasures. anger, greed, attachment, ego whom He renames as Prajapita In Dwaparyuga, the united along with laziness, fear, Brahma and through whom He universal empire and global suspicion, jealousy, hatred, imparts the spiritual knowledge kingdoms that existed in a r r o g a n c e , d e p r e s s i o n , of soul, Supreme Soul and the Satyuga and Tretayuga, got r e v e n g e , d i s h o n e s t y , World Cycle and teaches disunited and disintegrated into selfishness, etc., took hold of Rajyoga. This Confluence Age is several territories, countries, the human beings in variant going to end shortly. Though it is islands, provinces and regions, d e g r e e s t h a t , u l t i m a t e l y, too late, all the souls across the big or small, with distribution of c a u s e d o n l y s o r r o w s , world are requested to avail ruling powers to numerous sufferings, pains and diseases themselves of this diamond kings and queens with single to them. Is there any way out for opportunity at least in the crown because their earlier relief and remedy from these? eleventh hour without further crown of purity vanished; and, The answer is an emphatic delay. now, mother tongues, regional YES. To caution the motorists, the languages, linguistic The Auspicious Chennai traffic police have communication skills of Confluence Age, displayed placards and boards different territories differed and called Sangam Yuga inscribed with the following varied. Out of greed, jealousy (Diamond Age) slogan: Better to be late than to and egoistic tendency, the Is there any reference or be called Late Mr. X kings started fighting and saying about the Confluence Similarly, let’s take heed of battling with one another and Age in the scriptures or holy this caution and recognize the thereby lost their empires, books of different religions? It is Supreme Father and imbibe kingdoms and territorial lands said that the word ‘Sangamyuga’ H i s k n o w l e d g e b y too. (Confluence Age) finds a place understanding the importance With the entry of vices and in the holy book of The Srimat of time before the placard immorality, there was steady Bhagavad Gita, but there has displaying ‘too late’ is put up by deterioration in each and every been no explanation or narration the drama. v September, 2019 The material fruits of actions will remain here but its sanskars will go with you. 17 The World Renewal EXPERIENCING GOD AS THE coming in life, thereby allowing us to keep on progressing SUPREME TEACHER ahead. Becoming His Godly Students! – B.K. Viral, Borivali (West), Mumbai Hence, when we realize the fact that God has come and is th S eptember 5 , the very powerful current of pure directly sharing His teachings b i r t h d a y o f D r. S . energy from Him, which helps to with us, we become His Godly Radhakrishnan, is dissolve the acquired tainted students. It is said that student celebrated as the Teachers' traits and emerges the divine life is the best life, and the best Day in India. Along with virtues within. The power, thus part of this spiritual study is that remembering our school received, helps us easily to we don't need to leave teachers, who've been maintain this elevated state of anything. God just asks us to instrumental in our progress, let mind in spite of external devote 30-45 minutes daily for us remember Incorporeal God situations in our lives. the self, for listening to His Shiva, the Supreme Teacher He shares with us the direct spiritual knowledge and too. knowledge of Cycle of Time. All for practice of Rajyoga His Divine Teachings of us know that it is the Iron Age meditation. And this powerful God's teachings are very (Kaliyuga), as is evident from foundation of spiritual simple, clear, powerful and full the degrading quality of life. God knowledge and meditation can of essence. He gives shares the good news that this transform our entire day, knowledge on concepts like our time of sorrow won't continue thereby making it rich and real spiritual identity, His role forever, but the dark night of fulfilling. within this drama, karmic Kaliyuga will be followed by the When we start inculcating philosophy, etc. He says that new morning of the Golden Age God's teachings, we too we are souls, originally full of (Satyuga), a time of complete become spiritual teachers. Not divinity, purity, peace, love, divinity, purity, peace and just like those, who speak happiness and inner powers. prosperity. All we need is to knowledge, but those, who This daily reminder and transform ourselves and imbibe inculcate these teachings in life, awareness of being a divine divine, deity-like sanskaras thereby becoming a practical soul automatically emerges the using the power of spiritual example/inspiration for all, with original virtues in us, which, knowledge and Rajyoga their elevated character; thus, then, get reflected in all our meditation. In fact, when we creating a wave of spiritual actions and interactions. change, the world changes! transformation. When a certain He shares with us His He shares the intricate details proportion of the world accurate introduction, thus:. about the drama/play of life. We, transforms itself, this will be the “You are a soul, a tiny point of the souls, are actors, and this tipping point leading to world- light, so am I. The only body is our costume through transformation. difference is you're an which we play different roles on Let's start studying daily from embodiment of peace, love and this stage of the world drama. All God, the Supreme Teacher, happiness, etc. while I am the actors are playing their accurate and remain connected to Him; Ocean of these qualities.” roles, and the various scenes and, thus, start contributing to Hence, when we consider coming in front of us are His divine task of world- ourselves a soul and remember accurate too, being simply the transformation through self- God with this awareness, we return of our past karma. This transformation of human souls automatically get connected to awareness helps us to thereby establishing Satyuga Him and start experiencing a gracefully accept all challenges once again upon the earth. v 18 God has no ledger book; but, He keeps the accounts of all. September, 2019 The World Renewal And the greatest service is AN ACT OF GOODNESS: possible when we give spiritual A GREAT SERVICE wisdom imparted by God to others and thereby elevate the life of others. –B.K. Anil Nanda, Patiala Service Through Actions D oing act of goodness to That's the kind of person God (Karmana Seva): others is a great wants us to be, who does act of We can serve by volunteering service; it is not merely goodness by inspiring people to for Service through actions a duty but also a joy, which e n c o u r a g e o n e a n o t h e r. (Karmana Seva or Kar Seva) at increases our own health and Through sweet and motivating any religious place, by happiness. Service means “to words, we can encourage and distributing food to the needy, give”. It is an act of expressing motivate people, counsel them, donating blood, taking someone good wishes towards one and guide them and earnestly show to hospital, helping out in natural all. Goodness is something, them the right way. calamities, distributing blankets which propels people to perform The Smithsonian Institute in and woollens in winter, visiting better. Washington DC includes a and contributing things or Each and every person that display of several articles money to orphanages or old age comes to us in need, brings an President Abraham Lincoln had homes, etc. These acts if and opportunity to enhance our with him on the night of his when done with true heart and personal happiness. When we assassination. One of the kindness, can help to heal the give something, we are the first articles is a worn-out newspaper hearts of others. to receive in return. So, we need clipping, which celebrated his Also, each of us has been to help sharing our good wishes accomplishments as the given talents by the Supreme; with others irrespective of what President of America. It reads: we should develop and use they have given to us. As per the “Abe Lincoln is one of the them to serve God by serving Karma philosophy, “The givers” greatest statesmen of all times.” the mankind. There's no sense are “the getters”. Money gets It is amazing that even the of delight when we want to serve diminished if and when given; president of the United States only ourselves. Sharing our h o w e v e r, h a p p i n e s s g e t s needed regular positive talents with other people can multiplied if and when shared. reinforcement in his life; if left create more lasting fulfilment. Service can be of the unchallenged, negativity can We can bless others or we can following types : permeate and overcome any of indulge in the selfishness of Service Through Words us. seeking praise and admiration. (Vaani Se Seva): The truth is: words do have We need to search and find Have you ever known power. Words can breath ourselves by getting answers to someone, who believed in you either life or death into the soul, questions such as: What are my and frequently spoke words of build up someone's spirit or tear goals and intentions? What is in encouragement and praise? it down. They either encourage my heart? What are we good That someone is the kind of or discourage. So, speaking the at? How could we use our person, who made you feel you right words at the right time is an talents to help those around us? could do it, whatever “it” was? act of goodness: a great service. God says that you, the September, 2019 The door of your destiny will open with the key of your character and action. 19 The World Renewal children, can serve others by am a spiritual being, a child of moment, each breath, each displaying your values and God. I am peaceful. I am thought, word and deed was virtues in action. The virtues loving. I am pure and imbued with purity and like kindness, honesty, service powerful. My inherent nature is goodness. We should check to are the essence of your like God's nature. Love, remember whether each one, character and when you keep peace, happiness, truth, and who came in front of us, left the practice of virtues at the purity are God's gifts to me as lighter, easier and filled with heart in everyday life, you live the powers, virtues and hope. This is the true meaning with purpose. When you qualities. This is the of goodness or service in real practise values, you attract Confluence Age, when the sense of the term. v what may have been missing realization that I am a child of in your life such as fulfilling God becomes awakened LOST AND relationships and achievement within me, allowing me to FOUND of meaningful goals. Your connect with God and to take Being lost in thought, friends, families, co-workers strength from God. I cultivate thinking about things to and neighbours will trust and the healing powers of hope, do, what's been done, rely on you. They will come to h a r m o n y, c o m p a s s i o n , you for guidance and help. commitment, tolerance and what could have been People will know you as respect and also use these done: this is not only tiring persons with an exceptional treasures to light the way for but also a negative way to character, who make the right others. w a s t e e n e rg y. I t choices and strive for Service means that no one, diminishes your excellence in all you do. They who comes in front of us, peacefulness and clouds will want to be around you should leave empty-handed. your clarity. Every time because you inspire them to be Everyone, who comes in front you become lost in better people. of us, should receive thought it means exactly Service Through Mind something – a virtue, a power, that you are lost! To find (Mansa Seva): s w e e t w o r d s o f yourself, allow your mind Service through mind encouragement and divine (Mansa Seva) means serving glance (drishti). Let us to become quiet, to through pure thoughts and remember: 'I am a soul, a child become utterly tranquil. good wishes. We can give of the One, who brings In the quiet depths of blessings or wishes to the goodness and benefit to the every being, there is a people when we have the world.' So, we, too, are the stillness that contains a stock of good wishes in the instruments of service and deep inner peace and mind and pure feelings in the donors. At the end of the day, wisdom that can guide heart. For this service, we we should take time to reflect you in your life. need to remind ourselves: 'I back on the day to see if each 20 Your positive mental position will help you in all sorts of opposition. September, 2019 The World Renewal the door. It was amazing as the MY PERSONAL SPIRITUAL rays were changing colours EXPERIENCES within fraction of seconds very fast just like flips. It was the WITH SHIVA BABA second time a knocking from – B.K. Sudipta Rath, New Delhi Supreme Power in 2015, I felt. I was holding a mobile phone W h e n I w a s meaning of my dream, that is, to in my hand that time; so, I tried desperately have this amazing experience to capture the colours and did it. searching for a real of 24 hour sunlight: (Sirf praksh Then, they were no more meaning and purpose of life, hi prakash hai). I felt as if I have visible. I ran towards the door God Father Shiva, endearingly landed in Heaven. Then, in and found that the sun had called Baba, came to me and 2013, I relocated to Delhi changed its direction. But, it introduced Himself. I like to quitting my job and winding up was amazing to see the share with others my personal all my sources of income to stay ultraviolet rays with open eyes. spiritual experiences with Shiva with my family as my husband Next day, when at the same Baba and a little background of had been staying in Delhi. time I tried to see them, I could my journey towards practice of Earlier, I was posted in Odisha not. It was a divine feeling and I Rajyoga. and was working in started a mission “Discover development sector. Yourself” - a mission towards a I was a strong believer of world of happiness, peace and God since my childhood and My life had taken a different e c s t a s y. I t m a r k e d t h e had been following Bhakti cult turn and I didn’t want to return to beginning of the journey thoroughly. Eight years back in the same traditional pattern of 9- towards searching for the 2011, I saw a bright shining light 5 job, which was very stressful meaning and purpose of my life. in my dream. I woke up and and sucking all my time and I started doing meditation under could not understand why I saw energy. I was searching for the rising Sun in 2015. such a unique light that was some way to deliver my service One day, a thought came to pretty different from sun and to the world as a social worker my mind to publish a book. A moon. After a few days of and do something I was word ‘soul’ popped up in my seeing that light, I travelled to passionate about. I loved mind. I questioned: What’s Sweden to attend an reading good books as well as that? What is its origin? Next International Conference. I saw writing. By God’s grace, I got an d a y, a g a i n w h i l e I w a s the moon when the sky was opportunity to write articles on meditating, a word ‘womb’ dark during my flight and Self Development and started popped up in my mind. And I thought that perhaps that light working from home. One day, in started writing the book entitled was an indicator of my success. the afternoon, as I was working “Womb - Your Eternal Soul Since Sweden is a on my laptop and writing an Within.” It was about a soul’s Scandinavian country and article; suddenly, my eyes went journey in body from birth to the during my visit there was towards the door of our living end of life. The book got summer, I was so fortunate to room and I saw rays of different published by Amazon just see midnight sun there. Again, I colours coming straight towards within 2 months; but, I was still thought, perhaps, this was the me through a small opening on September, 2019 God has no ledger book; but, He keeps the accounts of all. 21 The World Renewal wandering ‘who has written this book?’ It wasn’t me. Tears THE DIFFERENCE would flow through my eyes every time I would read this book BETWEEN LOVE and felt as if someone else has written this book through me to AND ATTACHMENT show the world that we are all souls. Another book has been Attachment is a mental state. It written and, now, with even accurate understanding of soul is a relationship we have with through Spiritual knowledge ( Gyan ). This book is also someone in our own minds. published by Amazon. When we become attached to Then, again a dream. Just for a fraction of second, I saw that someone, we use his/her image to I was at the place written as Heaven (Vaikunth). I loudly read fill our mind. We find that our that and with my own voice I woke up. Scared and sweating, my thoughts are constantly filled heart was pulping at a faster rate. Again, a big question mark? I with his/her image and the had never thought of going to Vaikunth; so, I thought the dream memories of his/her behaviour. It means that I may leave this body within a few days. I suffered is not that we should never think from viral fever and was in rest for a week as I was feeling very about others; but, we should think weak. One day, I was randomly changing TV channels to pass about others only when it is the time. Then, all of a sudden, I heard a voice, “Mein ek Atma necessary; and as we do so, let us hoon”: In English “I am a soul.” I stopped on that channel. The make sure that we don’t lose our voice was of Sister B.K. Shivani, whom I didn’t know. I watched self in his/her image. This will the programme and felt that whatever she was telling I had finally free us from dependency already published in my book. I jumped from the bed energized on others. The symptoms of and felt as if all weaknesses had gone from my body. I felt I was attachment can be found when on the right track. Then, I started watching Peace of Mind TV there is any personal desire or regularly for a month and started practising Amritvela expectation of the other person. meditation. Then, in 2017, I visited the nearby Brahma Kumaris The desire causes the change of Centre at Green Park and got enrolled for 7-day Course of the energy of our love into fear. We forget that we are already a Rajyoga meditation. source of what we have been On the very first day itself, I got answer to all my questions. taught to need and desire. It is our And I understood that since 2011, it was God Father Shiva, who attachment that desires, love was calling out to me and guiding me towards my ultimate goal. never desires and it has no I have finally reached my destination: Meri manjil mujhe expectations. It doesn’t need to milgayee. expect! As soon as you have any I hummed to myself: “Baba mujhe kabse pukar rahe the, par desire from others, or maine pahechan ne mein 6 saal laga diye. Wah Mujhe raasta expectations of others, and your dikhaye. Yahan tak mujhe lane ke liye mujhe Odisha se Delhi Le happiness becomes dependent on Aye. Mere parivar ke saath rakha, mujhe earning ka naya the desire or expectation being, source bhi de diya. Mujhe jeewan jeene ka lakshya mil gaya”. thus, met, you are already giving (“Baba was calling out to me; but, I took 6 years to recognize birth to fear and anger, which are, Him. He guided all my life. He brought me to Delhi from Odisha, otherwise, known as negative kept me with my family, gave me a new source of income. I emotions, stress and suffering. found the meaning and purpose of my life.)” Wah mere Baba Love never causes pain, but Wah! Wah Mera Bhagya Wah! Wah drama Wah! v attachment does. 22 Sorrow and happiness are like night and day; they ever follow each other. September, 2019 The World Renewal Valarie A. Zeithaml and Len SERVICE QUALITY AND Berry, carried out a systematic EXPECTATIONS MANAGEMENT research programme between IN GODLY SERVICE 1983 and 1988 on “Service Quality” and prepared a scale to –Dr. Shiba Parhi, Nashik, measure service quality. That –Dr. Ashok Jethva, Ahmedabad was the landmark in the service quality initiative and we can see E very one of us love of quality to the World War II that the huge change in the quality good quality products. shattered Japanese industries. of services offered by banking, The products may be in In 1951, Juran’s Quality Control insurances, e-commerce, forms of food, furniture or Handbook gave the world a new logistics and ITs (Information consumer durables. People are perspective. Japanese Technologies) companies. ready to pay the costs for high industries were the first ones to Connecting Service quality products. It seems that recognize the importance of Quality with Godly quality has become quality and invited Deming and Service omnipresent in every aspect Juran to give a series of lectures Defining “Service Quality” around the globe. Quality is not on it. Later, USA realized its and Managing Godly Service just limited to products; it is also most deep error by losing its Quality: present in spheres of competitive edge to Japan. As per the definition of education, health care, etc. In Crosby coined the term ‘zero “Service Quality” (SQ) by the world of business and defects’ around 1960. W. P a r a s u r a m a n , Va l a r i e A . industry, the word ‘quality’ was Edwards Deming invented the Zeithaml and Len Berry, not so popular before the year, t e r m “ To t a l Q u a l i t y SQ = P- E in which 1950. No industry was aware of Management” in 1985 while P is the individual’s the true definition of quality, working for US Navy. We can ‘perceptions’ of given service standard or specification. witness a sea-change in the delivery. The three American industries with introduction of E is the individual’s consultants such as Edwards quality programme. ‘expectations’ of a given service Deming, Joseph Juran and “Service Quality” Initiative delivery. Philip B. Crosby were the most Till 1983, everyone was Defining ‘expected service’, it influential in developing the discussing about the quality of is all about expectations of the concept of quality. Their work products, process and skilled service receivers from the significantly impacted on man powers; no one talked service provider and ‘perceived industries, the view of customer about the quality of services service’ means actual service satisfaction, the employee such as education, health care, experienced by the service needs and the supplier aviation, travel and tourism. No receiver from the service relations. In 1950, Deming was such quality standard was provider. the first American professor, prevalent. A group of American In our Godly University, it is who introduced the importance authors, A. Parasuraman, all about the expectations of September, 2019 The power of remaining in silence is the most elevated power. 23 The World Renewal Baba’s children or students remember Bapdada’s Avyakt of Service (Seva), in spite of from the Godly services in Murli, in which Baba stressed extensive service terms of core services and that the children should be free programmes. He has supplementary services. Baba from effect and defect. He wants effectively communicated the also has expectations from us us to be absolutely defect-free, need of changes with to maintain high standard in a “zero defect” soul. Bapdada expansion and growth as well terms of knowledge, purity, has been insisting to improve as what should be the role of peace and wisdom. Perceived the quality of souls. God Himself Baba’s children. quality in Godly service is about has introduced the “Total Changing Expectations in what the existing children or Quality” in every aspect: Present Era B a b a ’s n e w c h i l d r e n a r e thoughts, words and In the present era of experiencing, realizing or behaviours. He has been shortage of time, increasing achieving in reality from the reminding us to become income and sophisticated Godly Services. We need to complete and perfect in all technologies, the expectations stress on improving the respects: knowledge, purity, of service receivers are “Service Quality” to attract virtues and powers. increasing. Customers want quality souls to fulfil Bapdada’s Baba has given us the speed and accuracy in dream. In service, words of knowledge that each and every solutions to have obstacles- mouths and reference play a soul is unique and precious. free life and progress. Baba major role. Spirituality is to serve a soul with exists and the new children In present days, after love, care and empathy. We base also has been increasing watching “Peace of Mind” need to satisfy the requirements consistently. They want quick, channel, many are coming to of each individual as per the better and specific results. the centre with the expectations Directions of the Supreme Soul. Their expectations are backed of instant solutions, blessings In the present days, everyone up by media exposure, and meditation. What is being is in dire need of love and personal experience and words observed is that after listening kindness. The call of time is to of mouth. to so many good things from educate each individual through We should be very much T V, f r i e n d s a n d f a m i l y compassion, cooperation and careful about the promises members, they want us to be attention. Educate others made by the different forms of honest practitioners but not just through practical examples Media. In this world of service speakers. The gap between the rather than mere preaching. industries, quality of education preachings and practices You can educate one better offered by Indian Institute of should be zero; we should be through inculcating virtues and Management (IIM) watchful and careful in qualities. Ahmedabad or transportation implementing the values that Baba’s approach of service by Delhi Metro are we preach. transforming souls is through quite immaculate. Many God’s Version on Godly love and belongingness. He has private banks also have been Service Quality: I can never compromised the quality 24 Remain in company of God, the Sun of Happiness, to be constantly happy. September, 2019 The World Renewal maintaining their quality standards across the globe in spite of Morning Musings expansion and growth. Rather, their quality standards, accuracy and & Night Notions services have increased with geographical expansion. In Godly services, we cannot say that because of growth and expansion, there is liquidation of quality; rather, “Big-heartedness is the most essential virtue on it should increase in every term. the spiritual journey.” – Matthew Fox Baba has taught us the balance “When I give I give myself.” –Walt Whitman between “ Vruddhi (growth and “Lord, grant that I might not so much seek to be expansion), Vidhi (method, process loved as to love.” – St. Francis of Assisi and procedure) and Siddhi “Being love rather than giving or taking love, is the (success)”. With “Vruddhi” we need only thing that provides stability.” – Ram Dass to be strict on “Vidhi” to achieve “Perform all work carefully, guided by “Siddhi”. Product quality improves compassion.” – Ved Vyasa satisfaction and saves cost. “If your compassion does not include yourself, As per the father of the “Total it is incomplete.” – Jack Kornfield Quality Management”, W Edwards “True love begins when nothing is looked for in Deming: (i) Improve constantly and return.” – Antoine De Saint forever the activity in the company in “The most important time in the world is the time order to improve quality and you make for yourself.” –Anonymous productivity and, thus, constantly “All major religious traditions carry basically the decrease cost. (ii) Drive out fear, so same message, that is, love, compassion and that everyone may work effectively forgiveness… The important thing is they should for the company. (iii) Put everybody be part of our daily lives.” –Dalai Lama in the company to work in teams in “When there is love in your heart, everything order to accomplish the outside of you also becomes lovable.” –Veeresh transformation. “Sweet children! You are the speaking and moving Being the Manager of Baba’s lighthouse. You hold the Shantidham in one eye business of peace, purity and and the Shukhdham in the other. You have to remember both.” –God Father Shiva transformation, it is our responsibility not just to maintain but improve our quality and standards with regard to yoga and implementation of knowledge and values , despite wide expansion of spiritual services. v September, 2019 Serving selflessly the souls is the special occupation of a special soul. 25 The WorldOF GO DEEP INTO THE DEPTHS Renewal YOUR someone else, we have to INNER SELF TO GET THE EXPERIENCE possess ourselves and keep OF PEACE, LOVE AND HAPPINESS moving, even though we, as persons or personae, all change. Whatwewant,maynot –T.V. Jayaprakash, Palakkad be what we need. We should identifyourprioritiesbyknowing W hen you go deep name is tied to a particular role, what we want. ”I want” is one of into the depths of but one may play multiple roles. the first things a child learns to yourselfwithinyour According toAyurveda, the soul say. inner being and get the ( Atman ) is composed of five Let us develop love, peace experience of peace, love and “sheaths” – the body, the vital and harmony in us and others. happiness that are there inside breath, the mind or will, the Forget the past, avoid grudge you, realise that the real inner intellect or desire to know, and and hostility, and live in the beauty lies inside every soul. bliss; i.e., the koshas such as present. Clarity is the path of Find the qualities that are a n a m a y a , p r a n a m a y a , success in the journey of life. basically there inside each and manomaya, vijnanamaya, and What we perceive is what we every soul. Get connected with anandamayarespectively. believe. Everything begins in thesamequalitiesofpeace,love A d i ffi c u l t s i t u a t i o n i s the mind. If we want to see and happiness in others too. If embedded with a solution. The clearly, we need clear vision. you realise that everyone is an adventure lies in finding out the Inhalehappinesswithsmilethat individual with their own unique solution. Weknowthatthereisa keeps you beautiful. Richness part to play; it is easy to develop solutionforaproblem. Thinking in beauty of life is derived from the power of tolerance. Be positively means making the t h e h i d d e n k n o w l e d g e o f aware that the acronym ‘EGO’ choice to see the problems as happiness. You become rich when expanded, reveals itself opportunities. So, you find that when you keep away from your as ’EdgingGodOut’. the term ‘PAINS’ stands for unlimiteddesires. Your essence is light and ‘Positive Attitude In Negative Remember the fact that time peace. Be bright and free like a Situations’. Focus your mind on oncegoneneverreturns;pastis star to radiate the light and instil holy purposes and relax; and, past. Words spoken once can s e r e n i t y. Yo u a r e p u r e , then,begintodiscoveranocean not be taken back. So, the peaceful, powerful, loveful and o f p e a c e r i g h t a t y o u r o w n chances that are missed, are blissful. We are what our deeds doorstep. lost forever. Be a flower that makeus. Livelifeintruesenseof Let us break ourselves free spreadsfragranceforthewhole thetermwhenyouarealive. The fromthebondageofourpastand hour. Miracles happen when choiceswemakeandthedeeds enterintoourrealselves.Before you replace tears with prayer wedo,revealourrealidentity. A w e c a n b e p o s s e s s e d b y andfearwithfaith. 26 God has no ledger book; but, He keeps the accounts of all. September, 2019 The World Renewal We let others ‘Rest In Peace’ othersdislike. Theybenefitfrom Incorporeal God Shiva, in all (RIP). Whycan’t,then,welivein all the things and beings through stages of life. Love is pure and peaceandmakeothersalsolive their timely actions, right deeds, unconditional. Eternal love in peace with love that makes orderly governance, peaceful v a c a t e s v i o l e n c e . one feel precious, cared, happy nature, gentle friendship, true Compassionistheartofloveand and light at heart? Utilize your words, deep love and simplicity. patience. Your smile touches own pure energy and positive You can also change your habits others’ souls and melts their thoughtstodogoodtoeveryone for the better. Your habits can hearts. and multiply your inner energy change your future. When the “Greatsoulsbecomehumble andsatisfaction. divinity in you increases, the after their victory.” Because, You need not let others rule weaknesses of your human they know the fact that behind overyourlife,whenyoucandoit nature will vanish automatically. their each effort and action for yourself. Fly high with positive The striving for widening our victory,lieshiddentheblessings passion. Dive deep into the circle of compassion to all living of God, the Unseen. What is ocean. Life depends on the way creatures and the whole of seen is beautiful, what is not weperceivesomethingandlook Nature in its beauty is, in itself, a seenismorebeautiful.v atit. Acceptthetranscendental part of the liberation and a qualitiesoffearlessness,purity, foundationofinnersecurity. EXERCISE AND charity, self-control, sacrifice, Let what you lost, become a DIET a u s t e r i t y, s i m p l i c i t y, n o n - memory of the past. But, what Unhealthy lifestyles are violence, truthfulness, renunci- you can use, now, i.e., the fire, rooted in the mind and ation, tranquility, gentleness, seeded in the soul. The water, earth, space and air, are a spiritual exercise of the compassion, vigour, forgive- blessing of the present. Time mind involves taking the ness, fortitude, cleanliness, never waits. Being better than mind out of the physical modestyandsteadydetermina- yesterday will bring the best for body and to the subtle tion. Discard your fault-finding later days. Generate or utilize body of light and, then, to nature and be free from covet- opportunit our state of being, a soul - ousness, anger, envy and the yathandto a sentient point of light passion for outward and proveyour and power. As for diet artificial honour. Before we ability. control, pure thoughts are advise others about anything, Everyo the healthy diet for the we have to first implement it in ne has a mind. Creative thoughts ourownaction. f r i e n d are like vitamins and The very best ones are like during each stage of life. But, positive thoughts provide waterthatliesatlowplace. They only the enlightened ones have proteins that build will are content with low places that the same benevolent friend, power. September, 2019 Your presence is valuable for one if he forgets his worries. 27 The World Renewal enlivening role for their holistic LET MASS/MULTI MEDIA transformation and resurgence. BE VALUE-CENTRIC: The State of Media Before THE MOST URGENT Media was the fourth pillar of CALL OF TIME democracy; media persons were its watch-dogs. Literature was the mirror of the society; ö Dr. Brahma Kumar Yudhishthir, and the mass media were the Shantivan, Associate Editor most influential literature. T he society, man and power. We have guided missiles Media persons reflected the mass media are quite and misguided men.” society in all aspects in their interlinked, interrelated T h e i g n o b l e i r o n y, i n true and transparent colours. and interdependent in such an particular, is that the state of Media had brought widespread inextricable manner that the man has become so morally revolution in the world; inspired effects of one on another are weak, devoid of values, the sense of nationalism and most visibly apparent. Though spiritually bankrupt, emotionally patriotism, of devotion, man is the best creation of God depraved that he cannot rise or dedication and determination in and His representative yet he raise himself without God's people; brought freedom and has undergone unprecedented grace, brace and support. His independence of the country changes in his thoughts, life has become a wasteland; he from the clutches of foreigners; attitudes, values, outlooks, is wandering here and there in had enabled the country people behaviours, manners, etc. with the wilderness to find out God to hoist the fluttering flag of tri- the drastic changes of the and avail His grace and support colours in the country. The main society and mass media at like a drowning man roles of responsible and present. desperately trying to catch a conscious media were to The State of Society and flowing piece of straw in the river educate, enlighten, inform and Man at Present and vainly hoping that it will sail entertain. The state of society him across the river. Without State of Media at Present according to W. B. Yeats, the finding God after wandering to But, the greatest irony is that Irish poet, is: “Things fall apart; many places of pilgrimage and mass media or multimedia the centre cannot hold;/Mere meeting fake and swindling including print, electronic and anarchy is loosed upon the saints, sages and god-men, social media at present have world,/The blood-dimmed tide who blasphemously call them gone astray and trodden away is loosed, and everywhere/The as “Shivoham”, he finally gives from the values-led track; and, ceremony of innocence is out Save Our Souls (SOS) calls now, have become devoid of drowned;/The best lack all to liberate and redeem him from values by reflecting the darker conviction while the worst/Are pains and sufferings caused by sides of human life and society full of passionate intensity.” The his accumulated sins and vices. such as gossips, rumours, ignoble irony, in general, In this wretched and miserable sensuality, sensationalism, according to Martin Luther state of society and man, in ultra-fashions, glamours, x- King, Jr., is: “Our scientific general, mass media can come rated films, nudity, violence, power has outrun our spiritual to play an enlightening and etc. that have led our youths 28 God has no ledger book; but, He keeps the accounts of all. September, 2019 The World Renewal and people to a hellish state of in geometrical progressions. leading to eternal joy and bliss. existence in an animalistic The Most Urgent Reform: Va l u e s a r e t h e n o b l e manners, thereby confining life Mass/Multi Media should aspirations of religions, to “birth, copulation and death” be Value-Centric cultures and philosophies, and in the words of modern English Reform in media will help in are espoused and respected. poet, T. S. Eliot, who also reforming people, society and Va l u e s a l e r t o u r m o r a l questions the miserable state the world at large, which conscience to remain free from of modern man's materialistic requires that mass/multi media temptations and give strength and values-less existence in should be value-centric. The to resist human weaknesses the following lines: o n l y, u n i q u e a n d e a s i e s t and guide us for better, happy, “Where is life we have lost in method of making media value- comfortable, peaceful and living?/ Where is wisdom we centric is the inculcation of sociable existence in the world. have lost in knowledge?/ values, spirituality and practice Values are the beauty, grace Where is the knowledge we of Rajyoga meditation by media and treasures of life, and have lost in information?/ The persons. determine our moral and cycle of twentieth century Values ethical choices in life. Values brings us farther from God/And The term 'values' refer to give indication of character nearer to the dust.” such human, social, moral, because the nature and quality At present, media have ethical qualities, principles and of human beings are become irresponsible and quite ideals, which we need to determined much more by commercial; its roles now have espouse and inculcate in our values held rather than by the been merely inform and practical life for a peaceful, amount of information one has entertain as the prime roles of harmonious and happy living. gathered and mastered. educating and enlightening 'Value(s)' refer to those Spirituality people and society have been standards of principles, ideas, The term 'spirituality' refers completely forgotten or self-imposed rules (whether to knowledge, understanding relegated to the background. moral, spiritual, ethical, etc.) and realization of the As a result, our youths are more which we maintain in life or spirit/soul/self and God, the exposed to these negative and which we adopt to live our lives Supreme Soul, and their immoral aspects, which are righteously and successfully, attributes. eating away the moral, human, and which we stick to with a In present modern, social, political and spiritual clear conscience without any materialistic society and world, essence in their consciousness fear of outside threat or spirituality and the cardinal (souls or spirits), as a result of influence. Values also refer to values are lacking in the which malevolent incidents of objects, experiences and personal, social and rapes, abductions, achievements that we consider professional lives of people and molestations, crimes, scams, desirable and valuable for our media persons due to utmost corruptions, exploitations, existence and evolution; for ignorance of the knowledge of cheating, killings, murders, liberation from evil and 'spirit' or 'consciousness'. So, black marketing, hoardings, suffering, and evolution of our the modern world has turned to etc. are increasing in the world inner and outer environment be a veritable wasteland September, 2019 You are like a doll in the hand of one, who causes anger in you. 29 The World Renewal spiritually. beings for inculcating spirituality can certainly wield enormous Pierre Teilhard De Chardin and values in life because it is positive and effective impact for has rightly said, “We are not inextricably interlinked with ameliorative change in people's human beings having a spiritual them and makes their personal, social, professional, experience. We are spiritual inculcation easy and possible. economic, moral, ethical, beings having a human This will develop in media spiritual, political spheres of experience.” We have forgotten persons a keen sense of life. our original, essential and observation, understanding, Therefore, the urgent need of f u n d a m e n t a l s p i r i t u a l i t y. judgement, journalistic acumen the society is inculcation of Spirituality identifies us with the and inner conscience for their spirituality, which, in turn, will 'inner spirit' but not with the effective working. instil the values in the human outer body, which is a lump of Media persons are basically souls. The instant call of the five natural elements. Lack of human souls, who need to first time for the media persons is to spirituality and values has inculcate spirituality and values play their unique role in twisted our real worldview and, in their life; because the developing and promoting as a result, has impelled the spiritual-and-values-based spirituality and values through media and media persons to patterns of their thinking, their various journalistic works focus on negative journalism attitude, visions, views, of print, electronic and social and trivial issues like fad, outlooks, character and media with a view to usher in a fashion and glamour; cinema conduct can positively influence values-based society. and celebrity; gossip and blame people's consciousness, Personal Enlightenment g a m e ; h y p e a n d perceptions, outlooks, visions, Leads to Global sensationalism; sensuality, psyche, choices, behaviours Enlightenment vulgarity, immorality, obscenity, and lifestyles. Self- Mere attempt and will of God etc., which lead our youth and transformation leads to world- are not enough without man's people on the wrong track to transformation. Self- own voluntary personal attempt hellish human existience. transformation of media and will. The transformation of Values, Spirituality and persons through practice of man to god/deity can be Rajyoga Meditation are Rajyoga meditation, inculcation successful only with his Interlinked of spirituality and values, self- personal, individual When spirituality is empowerment, self- enlightenment leading to the developed, values emerge; introspection, self-analysis, ultimate global enlightenment when values are developed, self-regulation and self- in a large scale through self- spirituality increases. God is realization will bring about the transformation and world- the only and ultimate supreme ultimate and eventual world- transformation. Enlightenment source of spirituality, divine transformation. Because media refers to dispersing of the virtues, qualities and powers. is the fourth pillar of democracy, darkness of ignorance of body- Rajyoga meditation, which links media persons are the integral consciousness and opening of the human soul with the and most influential parts of the the third eye of man” through Incorporeal God, is the only society, and their pen is said to spiritual knowledge leading to method of enabling the human be mightier than the sword; they 'awakening of spiritual 30 The condition of one, who bows down in humility, is not pitiable. September, 2019 The World Renewal consciousness' and his 'self- individual souls by explaining change from body- realization'. Self-realization of them that they are originally and consciousness to soul- man leading to God-realization essentially the immortal consciousness, negative to through daily, regular Rajyoga souls/spirits, who take the positive, destructive to practice is the only effective mortal bodies with various constructive. method of making self- organs to play their roles on the (iii) With inculcation of values, transformation and world- earthly stage; the souls we are acquisition of spiritual transformation. Rajyoga the spiritual children of One and knowledge of soul and meditation is the process of same God Father. They are Supreme Soul, they will mental, intellectual and spiritual trying to transform the human develop in them a principle of connection or union of the into divine by instilling in them human soul with God, the divine virtues. Universal Brotherhood of Man Supreme Soul. They are creating integration and Fatherhood of Incorporeal Once, the human soul (being) in various faiths, through God Father Shiva, and thereby was the divine child of interfaith dialogue by inviting be inspired and ready to work Immortality and enlightened leaders of different faiths to a and contribute greatly for citizen of heaven. Though he is, common platform for establishing a One-World- now, suffering from the mortal establishing values and Family (Vasudhaiv pains in the present IronAge, yet spirituality through Kutumbakam). he is destined to move to the understanding of similarities of (iv) They will be able to see and GoldenAge of Heaven,whichis, human souls and acceptance of visualize all things, beings and in other words, called the the various diversities. They are Nature through a moral and Kingdom of God, Paradise, emphasizing that spiritual spiritual vision. Elysium, Shivalaya. In Golden education is the foundation of (v) They will view, analy s e, Age,manwillbeagod/deityofan all other kinds of education; interpret and report news ideal mould and embodiment of without this humanity is still divine values and spirituality. about things and beings in their crying for peace, love, unity, WilliamShakespearehasrightly understanding, etc. in spite of true perspectives and colours wondered about God's the material prosperity. without distorting, twisting and craftsmanship of making man in Many Benefits of Value- sensationalising them at all. His own image: “What a piece of Centric Media (vi) They will work according to workisman!Hownobleinreason! When media will be value- the dictates and prompting of How infinite in faculty! The centric, the following benefits their reformed conscience, paragonofallanimals!” are accrued: and safeguard themselves Brahma Kumaris are the (I) The personal, familial and from the outside impacts and Embodiment of Values professional lives of media influences, threats, evil and Spirituality persons will be values-based motivations, vices and Brahma Kumaris are the and values-oriented. temptations such as lust, anger, embodiment of values and (ii) Their attitude, outlook, greed (bribery, gifts, etc.), spirituality in the sense that angle of vision and world-view attachment and ego. v they are spirituali s ing the will undergo a drastic sea- September, 2019 God helps one in danger, who helps others in danger. 31 The World Renewal (.....Contd. from page no. 3) for our own benefits. the eye that sees. The eye is nowadays, for the would-be People having near-death like the lens of a photographic spouses to exchange their experiences say that they saw camera, which reflects the photographs with their-to-be an Orb of Light that was neither image of an object or a person husbands as a way of making male nor female but they on the canvas of the mind- preliminary acquaintance with experience motherly and intellect of the human being or each other. Then, again, it is by fatherly love from it. They have soul, the spiritual entity, which, displaying a photograph or a added that 'that light' was in fact, perceives it. If it were portrait on the walls of our Knowledgeful, implying thereby otherwise, how could a tiny little houses that we perpetuate the that it was the self-luminous physical organ like the eye take memory of worthy ancestors form of God. The true historians in the size of a big person or among their progeny. Why, know that Shiva was held in thing? It is evidently the mind- then, can we not recognise the holy esteem in the past in intellect that actually deter- form of the Supreme God almost all the major religions of mines the height and form of the Father in the face of abundant the world and is even, now, object or person reflected testimony that has come down worshipped in many countries through the eye. And, then, the to us from the time immemorial? besides India. eye simply fails to notice even a Further, in day-to-day affairs However, the question is: big thing if the mind-intellect is also, we often do rely on the Must we have a visual basis for engaged elsewhere. When we reports of knowledgeable everything in this world? Well, if know that, even in this world of people. To cite just a common- so, then, this world simply Matter, it is the intellect, which place instance, we unhesitat- cannot go on. A person, for really perceives a thing; it needs ingly undertake an unknown instance, cannot claim to be a no stretch of imagination to journey on the basis of a route- child's father, for the latter has conclude that the world of spirit map supplied by someone, who no means to recognise him as can also be seen only through has been that way, without such because the child never the intellect. Of course, it has to thinking that it is imaginary. witnessed how it came into be the divine, purified and Thus, when someone, blessed being nor, in fact, the world did divinised intellect, which is with a divine vision, presents us so, which unhesitatingly verily called the third eye of with a picture of three worlds accepts the father's claim. It is, knowledge that only God can and tells us that the Supreme thus, clear that the veracity of bestow upon people and He Soul is a Subtle Point-of-light in such statements cannot be does it on the rarest of rare form, who dwells in Brahmlok, it doubted when we know that people. would be wrong to reject this they are made by a truly divine Man Considers an Imaginary statement off-hand, especially person. This does not, however, Thing to be when we feel convinced that the mean that everything told by Real and Vice versa person has actually seen these such a person, even though There are many assumptions (with divine eye) and is moti- divine, is acceptable without in the physical science today, vated purely by a divine urge to critical examination. which, though merely imagi- acquaint us with the facts of this Furthermore, as far as the act nary, lead to logical conclu- rare spiritual experience simply of seeing is concerned, it is not sions, which are proved to be 32 Sound mind in sound body must achieve success and progress in life. September, 2019 The World Renewal objectively correct. Take, for imaginary concepts is nothing intellect to the Soul World, instance, the factual concept of short of cutting at the very root Paramdham, and stabilise it on the diurnal rotation of the earth of all geography and science; in Shiva Baba, is objected by around a slightly inclined axis, fact, it is like negating all human some people as a form of auto- which is imaginary and this knowledge so patiently and suggestion or self-hypnotism or concept causes the phenome- painstakingly built up by man in self-indoctrination or brain- non of night and day all over the the course of many centuries. washing or a form of all these. globe. Then, again, there are From the foregoing discus- Now, this is wrong. In the actually no such lines like the sion, it should be clear that the sphere of education, the acts of line of equator, which is point of issue is not whether a repetition, revision and recapit- supposed to pass through the concept is real or imaginary; ulation are considered the middle of the earth or the line of but, whether it leads to objec- psychologically accepted longitude and latitude, which tive conclusions or rational methods for driving lessons divide the earth into certain explanations of observed home to the students. The distinctive zones and help to phenomena or not. In fact, experts in the field of medicine determine correctly the every object or idea is first and surgery, besides medica- geographical and climatic conceived in the human mind tion, often recommend the features of various regions of before it takes an outward method of auto-suggestion to the earth accurately. Now, the shape. A table cannot be their patients as means of lines of longitude and latitude constructed unless and until its curing their ailments; while in are merely imaginary; yet, they outline takes shape in the t h e fi e l d o f p s y c h o l o g y, enable us to determine the carpenter's mind; similarly, a psychiatrists also rely a great precise location of a place in building cannot be constructed deal on this method for curing any part of the world. Would it, unless and until its design the mental afflictions of people. then, be stretching this analogy, takes shape in the architect's Why should Rajyoga medita- by believing this earthly world to mind. All scientific discoveries tion, a method of self- be the field of action of the or inventions are nothing but contemplation, be objected to human souls and Brahmlok as the off-shoots of the imagina- when, in the spiritual sphere, it their eternal abode in the tion of the scientists. The is the only surest and quickest absence of any correct and concept of reaching the moon, method or way of eradicating cogent explanation of the whole which was considered, till the deep-rooted evil propensi- scheme of Creation? Further, recently, a mere dream by the ties of the human mind. the belief in the existence of common man, was, actually, In these days of advanced soul, its reincarnation and the taken shape originally as a psychology, there are some lay inexorability of the law of action rational and scientific concept men or pseudo-psychologists, leads to correct understanding in the scientist's mind. who reject this form of medita- of this Eternal World Drama Is Rajyoga Practice tion, because it is based on the (EWD) of glaring contrast and merely a Form of Auto- spiritual concept of another complexity, which are so Suggestion? individual. They summarily dismiss it simply as condition- incomprehensible to man. To The practice of Rajyoga, ing of the mind by indoctrination dismiss these as merely which is to take one's mind and September, 2019 Life becomes difficult if you try to change circumstances but not yourself. 33 The World Renewal because the concept is alien to, tionally indoctrinated mind. by all means to the test of i.e. not derived from, their own Then, there are people who, reason and spiritual experi- spiritual experience. A little in the practice of yoga, lay ence, as they cannot be thought will show how superfi- stress on emptying the mind, flippantly brushed aside as cial this kind of criticism is! i.e., on eliminating every auto-suggestions or indoctrina- These people totally forget that thought, activity or reducing it to tion. But, where is the proof, it almost the whole mode and zero, and thereby on tapping may very well be asked? Well, style of their living and thinking one's own spiritual experience one might say in reply, “The cannot be said to be entirely to serve as true guide. Now, this proof of the pudding is in the individual or independent. It is concept is not viable as this eating of it”, or else “The truth mostly imitative and based on itself stems from an impossible will look stranger than fiction borrowed concepts. The state of mind; for the mind is itself.” v content and the quality of the always thinking except perhaps food they eat, the design and during the sleeping time. (.....Contd. from page no. 8) style of the dress they wear and To sum up, it is our belief that Knowledge and from Him we the architectural style of the no man knows or can reveal the receive the power of sakaash houses they live in, and in fact, absolute truth for the simple that spreads happiness and everything is conventional and reason that he is mortal and his based on cultural concepts lightness into our being. intellect is limited by many developed and established by factors and inherent shortcom- Have no thought of other others at different phasses of ings. Besides, every human human beings, because it is times and in different climes. In thought is coloured by various our thoughts that take us to short, all modern art, literature, tendencies inherited from our destination. We cannot science and philosophy are numerous previous births that stay in Baba's remembrance nothing but the products of the one has gone through during if we look at the nature and collective endeavours, both the cycle of time. Knowledge sanskars of others. Live intellectual and spiritual, of the about eternal verities such as whole mankind through the soul and the Supreme Soul, the together as brothers and ages. To say this, however, is by abode of God in Paramdham sisters and see each other as no means to suggest that the and also the inexorability of the soul brothers. “Baba, Baba, spiritual concepts, underlying law of cause and effect, etc. can Baba” should be the only Sahaj Rajyoga should not be only be revealed by God thoughts we must have. tried and tested by one's own Himself, who is the Supreme Attain such a stage of reason and also on the basis of Eternal Being and the only remembrance that you the criterion that one has for Ocean of Knowledge. And, it is himself. We wish to point out only He, who is actually receive a lot of power; and, that to reject them off-hand revealing all these at this through the inculcation of because they are not derived particular period of time to divine virtues, your faith will from one's own experience is, facilitate the practice of be visible in your face. v in itself, the result of a conven- Rajyoga. Let these truths be put Edited and published by B.K. Atam Prakash for Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya, Mount Abu and printed at: Om Shanti Printing Press, New Gyanamrit Bhawan, Om Shanti Nagar, Bhujela, PO: Bharja - 307032, Distt.: Sirohi.(Rajasthan). Chief Editor: B.K. Nirwair, Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu. Associate Editors: Dr. B.K. Ranjit Fuliya, Delhi and Dr. B.K. Yudhishthir, Shantivan. 32 (0091) 02974-228125 Phone: E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] September, 2019
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