P O W T Ó R K A M A T U R A L N A Zbiór zadań z gramatyki KARTY JĘZYKOWE CZASY UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIĄ FORMĄ Hi Megan! We ..................................... (see) for ages! When we ................... (hear) a strange noise, we ......................... (look) out of the window. After months Dan ....................... (admit) that he ....................... (commit) that crime. Next year my parents ................................ (be) married for 25 years. By the time we ................. (get) there, the play .............................. (already/start). While children ........................... (make) a snowman, I .......................... (prepare) dinner. She ........................... (probably/change) her flat next month. When you get up, I will be in Thailand. (landed) When you get up, I ................................................. When did you start your extra lessons? (have) How long .......................................................extra lessons? Oh no! I've lost my phone again! (always) It is so irritating that I ............................................ my phone. We bought the cutlery almost 20 years ago. (have) We ..................................................... for 20 years. There is no sugar in the sugar basin. (run) We ................................................... sugar. The rescue team was able to help a girl who fell into the river. (to) The rescue team ................................. help a girl who fell into the river. The person I admire is my older brother Paul. (up) The person ............................................ is my brother Paul. KARTY JĘZYKOWE STRONA BIERNA UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIĄ FORMĄ I'm living with my sister now because my flat ................................ (renovate). I .................................................. (my flat/clean) every week. The parcel ............................................................. (just/deliver). Children must ................................................. (look after) by adults. Sarah is believed ....................................... (steal) her friend's watch. Tim likes ................................................. (admire) by other people. You need to ............................................... (eyes/test) once a year. Sarah's mother forced her to eat breakfast. (made) Sarah .................................................eat breakfast. The President has firmed the declaration. (that) It ..........................................the President has firmed the declaration. I don't like when people take photos of me. (hate) I .......................................................... photographed. Nobody told me how to do it. (told) ........................................................... how to do it. Experts believe that global warming is a real thing. (to) Global warming ....................................................... a real thing. Tomorrow I'm taking my car to the local garage. (my) Tomorrow I .......................................................... in the local garage. How are they going to help him? (helped) How ............................................................................? KARTY JĘZYKOWE czasowniki modalne WSTAW CZASOWNIK W ODPOWIEDNIEJ FORMIE: had better/ must (2) / should / can / may / be allowed to You definitely ....................... apologise to Kate for what you have done. That ..................................... be Tim, he is much taller! I ..................................... apply for this job, but I'm not sure yet. You ............................... tell the truth. Otherwise, your parents will be mad! Children ............................. stay at home alone until they are 10. Oh no! I ................................ have left my bag in the shop! Cars ................................. be parked here. I'm sure Adam saw me in the shop and he didn't say hello! (have) Adam .................................................. me in the shop and he didn't say hello! I don't know why Tina isn't here. The traffic is not so bad today. (be) Tina ..................................................... here by now. I took my extra bag but finally I didn't use it. (taken) I ................................................. my extra bag. The team managed to win the second half of the game. (to) The team ............................... win the second half of the game. Dad let his children watch late night show that day. (were) Children ........................................ watch late night show that day. Boris has been speaking English since he was 5 years old. (could) Boris ................................................... he was 5 years old. It was wrong of you not to call the police. (should) You ................................................. the police. KARTY JĘZYKOWE okresy warunkowe + wish UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIĄ FORMĄ I really love this bag! If I ........................... (have) more money, I ................................ (buy) it immediately! If I ...................................(be) you, I ................................... (apply) for that position. I wish we ......................................... (live) in a bigger house. If they .................................... (know) English better, they ......................................... (get) more money working abroad. If you .................................. (go) to sleep earlier yesterday, you ............................... (be) so sleepy now. Please stop! I wish you ................................... (not behave) like that! They ............................. (arrive) on time if they ........................ (take) a taxi. Now we have to wait for them. I will not buy you a dog as you are so childish. (not) If you ...................................., I would buy you a dog. Larry hasn't saved enough money, so we cannot go skiing with you next month. (would) If Larry had saved enough money, ...................................................... . It's a pity you couldn't come to my birthday party. (come) I ............................................ to my birthday party. If you don't listen to your teacher carefully, you will keep making mistakes. (unless) You will keep making mistakes ............................................... Calling her at night wasn't the best idea. (only) If .................................................................. at night. Marry doesn't know Spanish so you should not have expected her to help you. (would) If Marry ....................................................................... helped you. You didn't work very hard, so you didn't succeed in winning over others. (managed) If you had worked harder, you .............................................................. KARTY JĘZYKOWE mowa zależna + reporting verbs UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIĄ FORMĄ Mark denied ......................................... (commit) the crime. The teacher advised ..................................... (students/not bring) phones in exams. Joanna promised ........................................... (come) on time. People often complain about ........................................ (commute) to work. Eva suggested that I ........................................... (see) the doctor as soon as possible. My aunt insisted on ................................................. (we/visit) her the following weekend. Police warned us against ..................................... (enter) that district at night. "Why did you decide to change your job?" he asked me. (wanted) The interviewer .................................................................my job. "Kim has broken my favourite cup!" said Anna. (accused) Anna ......................................................... favourite cup. "Derek, I'm sorry I couldn't come to your wedding" (for) I apologised ................................................................... his wedding. "Does she attend the same lessons as we do?" asked Monica. (if) Monica asked ....................................................................... . "Don't come back too late!" told me Dad. (not) Dad reminded ...................................................................too late. "Has anybody seen my glasses?" asked Gary. (seen) Gary asked ...................................................................... glasses. "I'll call you as soon as we get to the place" promised John. (me) John promised ..................................................................... to the place. KARTY JĘZYKOWE inwersja UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIĄ FORMĄ Under no cirumstances ..........................................(you/be allowed to) enter the cinama without a ticket. Little ....................................... (Logan/know) that he was being observed. Seldom ............................................ (I/see) such a beautiful painting. At no time ............................................ (we/be aware) who he was. Hardly .................................... (Meggie/come) back when the phone rang. In no way .......................................... (they/solve) the problem. Here ........................................... (come) Tobias and his wife! This is the first time I have seen such a nice view! (before) ...................................................................... such a nice view! I became a musician when I was 27 years old. (did) Not until ............................................................... a musician. This was such a boring film that almost everybody left. (was) So........................................................that almost everybody left. If you have any questions, just call me. (should) ..................................................... any questions, just call me. Her husband is handsome as well as intelligent. (not) ................................................................. but also intelligent. If Mr Sammok hadn't been so aggressive, they would not have called the police. (had) ..........................................................agressive, they would not have called the police. When they met at the party, they immediately fell in love. (than) No ................................................................. they fell in love. KARTY JĘZYKOWE SPÓJNIKI UZUPEŁNIJ ZDANIA ODPOWIEDNIM SPÓJNIKIEM although| firstly| however|for instance|apart from| despite| until ............................. the fact he was ill, he took part in the contest. .......................... I wasn't sure about my answers, I passed the test. You will not go to any party ...................... you improve your marks at school. ......................., we need to do some research for our thesis. I like many sports, ............................... handball. .............................. Gina, nobody wanted to give their opinion in public. We were, .............................., impressed by her knowledge. I'm going to go to the shopping center and buy her a present today. (order) I'm going to go .............................................................. a present. The flight was delayed because there was a storm. (due) The flight was ........................................................... storm. As there were some road works, the route was closed. (result) The route ................................................... some road works. He likes many kinds of music, for example rock. (as) He likes many kinds of music ...................................... . I've learnt both Japanese and Chinese language.(well) I've learnt ...................................................... language. Tom and Karen cannot sing. (nor) ................................................................ can sing. It may rain. Take your coat. (in) Take your coat ...................................................... KARTY JĘZYKOWE Klucz odpowiedzi CZASY 1. haven't seen will have landed 2. heard/looked have you been having 3. admitted/had committed am always losing 4. will have been have had the cutlery 5. get/will have already started have run out of sugar 6. making/preparing managed to 7. will probably change I look up to STRONA BIERNA 1. is being renovated was made to eat 2. have my flat cleaned is said/believed that 3. has just been delievered hate being 4. to have stolen I was not told 5. being admired is believed to be 6. have you eyes tested am having my car serviced is he going to be helped CZASOWNIKI MODALNE 1. should must have seen 2. can't should be 3. may needn't have taken 4. had better was able to 5. are not allowed to were allowed to 6. must could speak English when 7. mustn't should have called OKRESY WARUNKOWE/I WISH 1. had/would buy were not so childish 2. were/would apply we would go skiing with you next month 3. lived wish you had come 4. knew/would get unless you start listening to your teacher 5. had gone/were not only I had not called her 6. would not behave knew Spanish, she would have 7. would have arrived / had taken would have managed to win over others MOWA ZALEŻNA / REPORTING VERBS 1. having committed/that he wanted to know why I had decided to had committed change 2. students not to bring accussed Kim of breaking her 3. to come to Derek for not coming to 4. commuting if she attended the same lessons 5. should see me not to come 6. us visiting if anybody had seen his 7. entering to call me as soon as they got INWERSJA 1. are you allowed to Never before have I seen 2. did Logan know I was 27 years old did I become 3. have I seen boring was the film 4. were we aware Should you have 5. had Meggie come Not only is her husband handsome 6. can they solve Had Mr Sammok been less 7. comes sooner had they met at a party than SPÓJNIKI 1. Despite shopping in order to buy her 2. Although delayed due to a 3. until was closed as a result of 4. Firstly such as rock 5. for instance Japanese as well as Chinese 6. Apart from Neither Tom nor Karen 7. However in case it rains KARTY JĘZYKOWE
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