CHARLES KASSIN Graphic Designer WO R K EX PER I ENC E 201 9 -Pre s e n t GRAPHIC DESIGNER PROFILE TO UG H S H IRTS , H UNTSVILLE TX Passi o n ate g ra p h i c d e s i g ne r t hat can 1. Managing 5 to 20 projects at a time. probl e m s olve, co l l ab o rate, and 2. Process for screenprinting including mu l ti ta s k . Solid de s i g n f und am e nt al s positives, separations, pantones, an d a lways o p en to l e arni ng . underlays. 3. Communicating with clients via phone and email. 4. Projects consist of creating designs and logos for various clients. INTERESTS User I n t e r f ace 201 7-201 9 S A L E S A S S O C I AT E HTM L / CSS O FFICE DE POT, H UNTSVILLE TX Logo D e s ig n 1. Managing 5 to 10 small print projects M otio n G r aph ics at a time. Brandin g 2. Delivering customer prints on time. Adv er t is in g 3. Provide technical assistance. Ty pog r aph y 4. Cashier and customer service. Video E dit in g 5. Maintain good organizational skills. N O TA B L E C O U R S E S 201 4 -201 6 CASHIER/RECEIVING Moti o n G ra p h ic s WALMART, LUB B O CK/AMAR ILLO TX In te rac t ive D es ig n 1. Cashier and customer service. Advanced I n tera c ti ve De s i g n 2. Freight distribution. Web Develo p m en t Corpo rate I d en t it y and B rand i ng 201 2-201 3 F R O N T E N D A S S O C I AT E KRO G E R, CYPRE SS T X 1. Bagging Groceries. PROGRAMS 2. Cart retrieval. ADOBE Illustrator InDesign EDUC AT IO N XD 201 2-201 4 CYPRESS WOODS HIGH SCHOOL AfterEffects High School Diploma Photoshop 201 4 -201 6 TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY C O N TA C T Pursued a BA in Advertising [email protected] 201 6 -Pre s e n t SAM HOUSTON STATE UNIVERSITY 806 341 5773 BFA in Graphic Design
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