Plant Genomics 2020 ay 20 & 21 | Osaka, apan Whatsapp: + 44 7482 875 705 https: // / conferences / plantgenomics Theme: Surpassing the Vision in Plant Genomics and Plant Science We are delighted to announce the upcoming 4th World Plant Genomics and Plant Science Congress which has been scheduled during May 20 - 21, 2020 in Osaka, Japan which includes prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Workshops / Symposia, Poster Sessions and Exhibitions. The theme of the conference is around, “ Surpassing the Vision in Plant Genomics and Plant Science ” @ CongressPlant plantgenomics @ Deadlines: Abstract submissions: First round ends: November 28, 2019 Second rounds ends : January 20, 2020 Final rounds end : March 16, 2020 Registrations: First early bird: November 28, 2020 Second early bird: December 16, 2020 Final call: May 20, 2020 https: // / conferences / plantgenomics Title: Combating abiotic stress through changing gene expression Wilson Boardman Micromix Plant Health Ltd. UK Title: Genomics-enabled chromosome engineering in wheat and its relatives Xiwen Cai North Dakota State University USA Day one (May 20, 2020) Keynote Talks: Networking & Refreshments Keynote Slots are available! Share your research insights Submit abstracts soon..! Email: plantgenomics @ https: // / conferences / plantgenomics