70 JEWISH FEDERATION 2019 OF NEW MEXICO ANNUAL REPORT Celebrating 70 Years: 5708-5778 •1948-2018 THE HEART OF JEWISH NEW MEXICO SINCE 1948 Incoming Board of Directors Executive Committee President: Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D. Immediate Past President: Marvin Gottlieb, Ph.D. Secretary/Vice President, Financial Resource Development: Mimi Efroymson Vice President At-Large: Sabra Minkus Treasurer: Jon Bell, CPA Nominating Chair: Edie Blaugrund At-Large Members Term Expires in 2022: Term Expires in 2021: Term Expires in 2020: Ex-Officio: Harris Balkin David Blacher Betty Harvie Rabbi Neil Amswych Deborah Boldt Linda Goff, Ph.D. Kenneth Rudinger, Ph.D. Rabbi Deborah Brin Sharon Cosby Steve Ovitsky Susie Sandager Rabbi Chavah Carp William Fine Penimah Silva Jorgie Winsberg Rabbi Paul Citrin Nurit Patt Rabbi John Feldman Deena Rosenberg Cantor Barbara Finn Nancy Terr Rabbi Arthur Flicker Rabbi Min Kantrowitz Rabbi Larry Karol Professional Team Rabbi Berel Levertov Executive Director: Zachary Benjamin (through May 31, 2019) Rabbi Martin Levy Robert Lennick (as of June 10, 2019) Cantor JoAnn Rice Rabbi Harry Rosenfeld Deborah Albrycht, Director of Finance Rabbi Chaim Schmukler Ya’el Chaikind, Social Services Manager, Jewish Care Program in Santa Fe Rabbi Dr. Jack Shlachter Jennifer Dennis, Senior Programs Manager, Jewish Care Program Addey Dominguez, PJ Library Assistant Rabbi Arthur Flicker, Chaplain, Jewish Care Program Rabbi Jordan Gendra-Molina, Sephardic Heritage Program Kristen Gurule, Administrative and Accounting Specialist Sara Koplik, Ph.D., Director of Community Outreach Sarah Leiter, Community Outreach Coordinator Erin Tarica, LMSW, Director of the Jewish Care Program 2 Message from President Ron Duncan Hart, Ph.D. This year, 2018-2019, bell (Emory University). Later in the year, the federation pro- has been a good year for gramming committee with Sabra Minkus organized special the Jewish Federation of programs with Bob Baer, an ex-CIA operative in the Mid- New Mexico in many dle East, and multi-day, multi-city series of programs on the ways. After the high B’nei Menashe people of India, which featured acclaimed au- point of celebrating the thor Hillel Halkin and two representatives from the B’nei Me- seventy years of the fed- nashe community in Israel, Isaac and Jessica Thongjom, each eration and of Israel last talking about the process of Jewish identity and returning to year with the Blue and the contemporary practice of Judaism. White Night Gala with Matisyahu and other The Santa Fe Distinguished Lecture Series with the support of events, this year has the Jewish Federation has invited a series of scholars to talk been one of steady con- about Jewish issues throughout the year, including Shalom solidation of federation Sabar on Rembrandt and the Jews (Hebrew University, Isra- programs and the unexpected process of searching for a new el), Alma Gottlieb on Cape Verde Jews (Brown University), executive director. I would like to thank the donors of New Steven Ovitsky on Jewish music in Germany in the early Nazi Mexico who ensure the future of Jewish life in our state by period (Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival), Eugene Garver on their contributions to the federation and the programs that it Spinoza (University of Texas), Misha Klein on Jews in Brazil supports. You make this possible. I would also like to thank (University of Oklahoma), Halley Faust on Jewish ethics in the professional staff of the federation for the outstanding job healthcare (past president of the American College of Pre- that each one is doing and has been doing all year, starting ventive Medicine), and Alan Levenson on anti-Semitism in with Deborah Albrycht, director of finance, for her job of Germany before the Nazis (University of Oklahoma). managing the financial health of the organization. The most dramatic change for our Jewish Federation has been The Sephardic Heritage program had an outstanding year, Zach Benjamin leaving to accept a position in California at and it has grown to its greatest extension yet under the direc- the Long Beach/Orange County Federation after successfully tion of Sara Koplik, Ph.D. She originally envisioned the need leading us for the last four years. We are saddened to see him for this program and took the lead in establishing it. This pro- and Taina leave. We thank Zach for his untiring contributions gram is one of the largest in the world at this point, and it has to the federation and his many trips to Jewish communities processed thousands of applications this year for the Spanish throughout the state. He has strengthened programming and citizenship program for descendants of Jews persecuted in galvanized the Jewish community leadership groups in Al- past centuries. People apply from throughout the Americas, buquerque and Santa Fe; he reacted quickly after the Tree of including the United States, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Life shooting in Pittsburgh to call security meetings and acti- Peru, and Brazil, and from other parts of the world, such as vate collaboration with Homeland Security, the FBI, and local Russia. Rabbi Jordan Gendra-Molina, Ph.D., a native Spanish police agencies. He leaves our Jewish Federation in a strong speaker, has been added to the staff and is working direct- position. We wish them well in this new stage in their lives. ly with applicants to the program, interviewing and helping them correctly develop their documentation of Sephardic Starting in February, we began the search process for a new Heritage. Kristen Gurule has had a major role processing in executive director with a search committee composed of making this program work, preparing the extensive forms Marvin Gottlieb, Sabra Minkus, Mimi Efroymson, Edie Bla- and reports, and communicating with the appropriate offi- ugrund, Jon Bell, Penimah Silva, Linda Goff, and myself. We cials in New Mexico and Spain. received over sixty applications for the position and narrowed the list to five finalists. After initial interviews with each of The Jewish Care Program continues its strong service to the the finalists, the unanimous selection was Robert Lennick. Albuquerque and Santa Fe communities under the direction He went through two additional rounds of interviews with of Erin Tarica with the collaboration of Jennifer Dennis in the search committee, senior staff, and the full board of the Albuquerque and Ya’el Chaikind in Santa Fe. Their service to Jewish Federation. Each group gave him unanimous approv- some 100 regular clients and many more occasional clients in al. Rob Lennick will begin as the new executive director on the two cities, including Holocaust survivors and to the elder- June 11, and he is looking forward to the opportunity to get to ly in our communities is Tikkun Olam in action. know the Jewish leadership and community in New Mexico. This has been an especially active year in programming, start- We look forward to the 2019-2020 year under the new ex- ing with the Yom Limmud 2018 last August in Santa Fe with ecutive director with the Jewish Federation of New Mexico three award-winning authors and outstanding Jewish stud- continuing from strength to strength. ies scholars: Vanessa Paloma Elbaz (University of Cambridge UK), Avinoam Patt (University of Connecticut), Joseph Ski- 3 Message from Executive Director Zach Benjamin helped hold a mirror up to our Jewish communities, and that the image reflected back is one in which we can all take pride. I know that every member of our Jewish commu- nity will embrace the federation’s next executive di- rector, Rabbi Rob Lennick, with the same warmth and sincerity with which my wife, Taina, and I were welcomed four years ago. Rob brings with him a world-class track record of collaborative leadership, and I—along with our board—are confident that he will continue to raise the bar for every Jewish New Mexican. I wish to extend my warmest thanks to every mem- ber of the federation board with whom I’ve been fortunate enough to work, to our tremendous do- nors, and to the three presidents under whom I’ve been privileged to serve, including past presidents It is with both nachas and sadness that I leave this Sabra Minkus and Dr. Marvin Gottlieb. I am es- remarkable community and my position with the pecially grateful to our current president, Dr. Ron Jewish Federation of New Mexico. I am proud of Duncan Hart, not only for his vision and steady how Jewish New Mexico evolved during my time hand of leadership, but also for his grace and good here. I saw siloes collapse, giving way to open, di- humor as he took on the search for the next exec- verse, collaborative Jewish spaces in which institu- utive director. Any success federation enjoyed on tions and their leaders thrive. Together, we are fos- my watch would have been impossible without the tering Jewish culture and a love of Judaism in the contributions of my immediate predecessor, Sam Land of Enchantment. Sokolove. I was fortunate enough to stand on Sam’s shoulders, as well as those of past executive director The Jewish Federation of New Mexico has achieved Elisa Simon, community matriarch Mimi Efroym- unprecedented strategic benchmarks these past son, and a long list of selfless volunteer leaders who several years, including historic growth in fund- laid the foundation for federation’s most recent raising and distribution, delivery of services, and achievements. expansion of our footprint to fulfill our statewide mission. Most importantly, however, federation has Finally, the achievements of our federation simply successfully reset its narrative and posture toward would not be possible without the remarkable pro- our Jewish communities, bringing together Jewish fessional team that serves our Jewish communities New Mexicans of all stripes, facilitating dialogue, each day with genuine respect and passion for our encouraging communication, and helping to create mission. Deborah Albrycht, Ya’el Chaikind, Jennifer a spirit of collaborative service to the Jewish people Dennis, Kristen Gurule, Sara Koplik, Erin Tarica, of New Mexico, from Albuquerque and Santa Fe to and our superb colleagues: it’s been a privilege to Taos and Las Vegas, and beyond. serve alongside you. Thank you for all you do to advance the richness and vibrancy of Jewish life I hope that, for my small part, I have been able to throughout New Mexico. leave our corner of the Jewish world at least a little bit stronger than it was when I arrived. I hope that, along with our world-class lay leadership and my immensely talented professional colleagues, I have 4 2018–2019 Allocations Israel and Overseas: • Jewish Federations of North America “fair share dues” and overseas allocation: $10,000 • Ramat HaNegev – Environment-Social Fund for Ramat HaNegev’s Residents: $10,000 Subtotal: $20,000 Regional and National Organizations: • American Friends of Leket Israel: $1,500 • BBYO: $1,000 • Birthright Israel: $1,000 • The TOLI Holocaust Teacher Development Program: $2,000 • World ORT Inc.: $1,500 Subtotal: $7,000 Local Programs: • A Long Journey: The Hidden Jews of New Mexico film project: $500 • Congregation Nahalat Shalom – Casa Sefarad: $1,500 • Congregation Nahalat Shalom – Jewish Artist Collective & Gallery Program: $1,000 • Creativity for Peace – Summer Peace Camp: $1,200 • Fathers Building Futures – Fathers Crafting Kosher Caskets: $3,500 • Hillel at UNM (directly managed by Federation): $41,386 • Holocaust & Intolerance Museum of NM: $3,000 • Jewish Care Program (directly managed by Federation including Holocaust Survivor Program, Senior Program & Chaplaincy Program): $85,238 • Jewish Care Program Santa Fe Office (directly managed by Federation): $29,973 • Jewish Community Center – Cultural Programs: $12,500 • Jewish Community Center – Youth Programs: $5,000 • Jewish Community Council of Northern New Mexico: $500 • Jewish Community Foundation of New Mexico: $17,160 • Jewish Genealogical Society of New Mexico: $1,000 • Jewish University: $1,500 • Keshet Dance Company: $1,500 • Las Vegas Jewish Community Inc.: $5,000 • New Mexico Jewish Historical Society: $3,855 • Santa Fe Middle East Watch: $4,000 • Taos Jewish Center: $5,000 • Temple Beth Shalom – Seniors Reaching Out Program & Judaism Through The Arts Program: $5,500 Subtotal: $229,812 Restricted Allocations: • D’Vora Project: $50 • Israel Independence Day: $1,000 • Jewish Community Center – Latke Vodka: $100 • RACAA: $1,500 • Statewide Outreach: $2,500 • Yom Hashoah: $1,000 • Young Adult Division: $2,000 • Youth Conclave Scholarships: $1,500 Subtotal: $9,650 Midyear Allocation Awards • Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh – Victims of Terror Fund: $1,000 • Miscellaneous: $4,090 • The Jewish Federations of North America – Victims of Terror Fund: $1,000 Subtotal: $6,090 Total Allocations Fiscal Year 2018-19: $272,552 5 The Year in Review Strengthening our Commitment to Fighting Anti-Semitism In the wake of rising anti-Semitism and increasing global violence against Jewish and other vulnerable communities, the Jewish Federation of New Mexico launched its United Against Anti-Semitism initiative in 2019. Beginning with our New Mexico Remembers commemoration of Yom HaShoah, which brought over 150 observers to the state capitol rotunda to honor those lost in the Holocaust, United Against Anti-Semitism is providing community education on anti-Semitism, how to identify it, and why it is critically important to fight it with the same urgency and fervor as any other form of bias. The initiative will include public forums on anti-Semitism, a series of lectures by experts on bias and prejudice, other activities to ensure that this particularly vicious, potentially lethal form of hate is confronted at every opportunity. Bringing the Best of Jewish Learning to the Land of Enchantment Led by Board President Dr. Ron Duncan Hart, the Jewish Federation launched its Distinguished Lecture Series in the fall of 2018, bringing a host of nationally recognized authorities on subjects ranging from Jewish music, philosophy, geopolitics, law, and beyond. Lecturers have included world- renowned author Joseph Skibell, Cambridge University’s Vanessa Paloma Elbaz, global authority on Spinoza Dr. Eugene Garver, the University of Oklahoma’s Dr. Misha Klein, and more. In August, 2019, the Distinguished Lecture Series will welcome Dr. Deborah Lipstadt as part of Federation’s United Against Anti-Semitism initiative. Creating a Vibrant Hillel at the University of New Mexico Last year, Hillel at the University of New Mexico welcomed Sarah Leiter as Community Outreach Coordinator. Since her arrival, Sarah has spearheaded the creation of Hillel’s new Instagram account (@ GreenChileHillel), helped launch a comprehensive student welcome program, initiated a new “Weekly What’s Up” e-mail to Hillel’s full database, and, along with Director of Hillel Dr. Sara Koplik, has increased efforts to reach out to other student organizations, as well as to communicate with students’ families and alumni. Hillel continues to improve its ability to reach Jewish students and their families, as well as to build critical relationships throughout the Jewish and broader communities. Certifying Ancient Jewish Roots The Jewish Federation of New Mexico is one of the world’s only organizations certifying Sephardic heritage for both Jews and non-Jews whose families escaped the 15th-century Spanish Inquisition, thus qualifying them to apply for Spanish citizenship. The program, which has been featured in The New York Times and a wide range of other global media outlets, continues to grow, with thousands of applications already approved or currently under review by historian Sara Koplik, Ph.D., federation’s director of community outreach, and her team. The Jewish Federation of New Mexico has received applications from across the US, Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela, the UK, Russia, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Israel, and beyond, and is making a truly global impact. 6 The Year in Review Standing Up for Israel Fighting deligitimization efforts against Israel and the Jewish people is central to the mission of the Jewish Federation of New Mexico. Our leaders educate the media, interfaith clergy, and community members on the destructive goals of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Each year, we successfully work with the Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee (AJC), and other advocacy groups across the country to secure New Mexico civic leaders’ support for legislation and action to strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. Federation professionals and volunteers also regularly publish editorials and speak on behalf of the New Mexico-Israel relationship before the Albuquerque City Council, Bernalillo County Commission, Santa Fe civic leadership, and faith leaders from across the state. Responding to Need Across the Jewish World The Jewish Federation of New Mexico is committed to assisting Jewish communities in crisis, wherever they may be. This year, we provided emergency financial assistance to Jewish communities in Houston, Pittsburgh, Florida, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Israel. We stand ready to respond to Jews in need here in New Mexico, nationally, and abroad. Nurturing Jewish New Mexico from Generation to Generation For the first time in the history of our federation, we are providing connections to Judaism for people at every stage of the life cycle, in every corner of our state. From PJ Library, which provides free Jewish children’s books to families with children ages six months to 11 years, to scholarships for high school students, administration of Hillel at the University of New Mexico, support for the ABQ Tribe Young Professionals Group, and our Jewish Care Program—which provides social services for seniors and Holocaust survivors, funds Jewish burial for those who cannot afford it, and further serves vulnerable Jewish and general populations across the state—and financial support for nearly 40 nonprofit organizations and programs throughout the state (including in Taos, Las Vegas, Cuba, and beyond)—the Jewish Federation of New Mexico provides access for every Jewish New Mexican to Jewish values and the broader Jewish community. 7 Jewish Federation of New Mexico Donors, 2018-2019* Chai Desert Society: Hochberg, Stephen & Jane Greenfeld, Judy International Protective Service Harrigan, Kristina $5,000+ Kaplan, Julius & Robin Harvie, Dr. Keith & Betty Albert, Harold & Carole Katz, Maurice & Betty Heinlein Melinda Atler, Edward & Leslie Kesner, Byron & Madalene Jernigan, Jennifer Blaugrund, Edie Koffler, Dr. Herb & Shelley Kantrowitz, Dr. Marty & Rabbi Min Castleman Family Foundation Laskey, Warren Katz, Dr. Gary & Susan Efroymson, Miriam Margulin, Steve & Iris Weinstein Kistin, Dr. Martin & Sidney Efroymson, Robert & Jeana Mayo, Martin & Melanie Krull, Linda Faust, Halley & Ruth Anne Moller, Dr. Ralph & Wendy Wells Kubie, James Feldman, Billy Moranz, Janice & Marshall Lasoski, Milton Gardenswartz, Art & Sonya Priestly Network for Good Leighton, Ed & Jayne Golding, Dr. Paul & Dr. Bonnie Ellinger NM Association for Continuity of Care Levick, Paddy Greenbaum, Dr. Paul & Marcia Patt, Dr. Yehuda & Nurit Lieberman, Dr. Mort & Elaine Grevey, Helen Pfeffer, Jerome & Lynne Linver, Michael & Mina Jo Jewish Community Foundation of NM Portero de la Torre, Luis Miller, Bruce & Jill Minkus, Sabra Ramo, Dr. Barry & Roberta Nomberg, Beverly Mondlick, Ruth Rappaport, Stuart Ovitsky, Steven & Camille Negin, Jennie & Harold Folley Rimson, Ira Rosen, Sandra Herzon &Stanley Paster, Janice & Stuart Rosenberg, Dr. Gary & Evelyn Ruby, Dr. Tom & Lois Pintzow, Perry & Margery Rosett, Dr. Randy & Janice Sanchez, Maria Prant, Shelly Sandager, Susie & John Seely, David & Debbie Sacks, Robert Segel, Meryl Manning & Ronald Shaw, Otis & Betsy Schwartz, Melvin & Paula Amar Shadoff, Dr. Neal & Susan Shlachter, Rabbi Jack & Beverly Post Torobin, Marcia Shulman, David & Patricia Sutin, Jonathan Wolfsberg, Alice Simon, Dr. Toby & Elisa Sweet, Marilyn Skadron, Vivian & George Werbner, Peggy Jerusalem Society: Specter, Bobbie & Lionel Wohl, Barton & Judith Brillman Stark, Dr. Stanley & Marilyn Worthington, Loretta & Dennis $1,000–$4,999 Steinberg, Paula Zimmerman, Rosalyn Alongi, Linda Sussman, David & Barbara Altenberg, Mary & Richard Taylor, Allan & Susan Bernstein, Dr. David & Erika Rimson Mitzvah Circle: $360–$499 Taylor, Mitchell & Sandra Blacher, David & Paula Toobin, Carol Atkinson, Dale & Samantha Lapin Blaugrund, Clifford & Nancy Venturini, Carol & Eugene Bandy, Amanda & Matt Block, Gay White, Beverly Bell, Jon & Sherry Bobrick, Wayne & Tania Wishner, Robert Rosenberg & Jane Brenner, Eleanor Bell, Lance & Julia Bunker, Milo Bennahum, Dr. David & Gigi Chavez, R. Martin Sinai Circle: $500–$999 Berman, Dr. Stanley & Leslie Chodorow, Diane & Alan Adler, Laura Albert, Morris Bromberg, Marilyn Congregation Albert Cosby, Sharon Astrue, Elaine Davis, Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Dennis, Rick & Lisa Benjamin, Zach & Taina Farber, Steven & Marguerite Dietz, David & Sandra Berger, Howard & Frances Franklin, Gregg Forbes, Valerie Blaugrund, Dr. Alan & Bronnie Friedman, Dr. Herbert & Miriam Citrin, Rabbi Paul & Susie Friedman, Lisa & John Friedman, Howard & Debra Wechter Congregation Albert Sisterhood Friedman, Neal Gale, Irene & Robert Congregation Beit Tikva Greher, Larry & Marian Gans, Andrew Cortes, Adolfo Dunn, Madeline Hart, Ron Duncan & Gloria Abella Gardenswartz, Shirley Elizondo, Xavier Ballen Goff, Linda Gold, Sandy Feinberg, William Heller, Terry Lee Goldblum, Dr. Todd & Dr. Barbara Freedman, Talia Jaffe, David & Brenda Einhorn Friedman, Dan Karni, Shlomo & Michaela Goldstein, Steven & Susan Golden, Laurence Hammer, Dr. Richard & Karen Goldstein, Rosa Klein, Stephen Hartz, Harris Gottheimer, David Limanovich, Maya Heber, David Gottlieb, Gail Morrison, Shirley Heil, Bertram Gottlieb, Marvin & Gail Gottlieb, Roberta Pava, Daniel Hertz, Jay Hillson, David & Eileen Grevey Hillson Graeber, David & Havi Rosenblum, Estelle 8 Jewish Federation of New Mexico Donors, 2018-2019* Ross, Jeffrey & Cindy Stofberg Gronquist, Guy Seligman, Julia Schiff, Marcia Gustafson, Karl & Wendy Seligman, Richard & Susan Schwartz, Robert Hartog-Gobey, Elsie Shapiro, Faith Hess, Marvin & Mike Shioyazono, Ed Shore, Martin & Karen Hiat, Albert & Alice Sider, Norman Siegel, Rita Horwitz, Jeri & Lee Simon, David Silverman, Paul L. Jesser, Bob Simon, Rosalie & Stuart Sloves, Matt & Diane Jones, Norman & Linda Singer, Gary Stein, David Kahn, Charles Siporin, Rae Tarica, Owen Whooley & Erin Kaiser, Judith Sokolove, Sam & Christine Gilmore Kane, Debra Solomon, Diane Teel, Jacqueline Kaplin, Jamie Steinberg, Michael & Lori Wallingford, Chris Kapp, Deborah Strain, Thomas Webster, Deborah Karmiol, Ira & Sheri Taylor, Ron & Karen Katz, Chief Marshall & Patricia Brown Vorhand, Susan Katz, Dr. David & Dr. Glynnis Ingall Wallace, Norman & Marcell Friend of the Federation: Kennedy, Ryan Wassner, John $180–$359 Kesselman, Steven Weil, Kathy Archiveque, Vickie Lahti, Ron Weiner, Diana Baker, Shana Lamont, Barbara Weiss, Joseph Barash, James Levine, Ralph & Celina Weisz, Reuben Beauvais, Marya Levine, Sandra Winger, Sarah Jane Benjamin, Dr. Allan & Gail Levy, Richard Winston, Jeffrey Bernstein, Judith Lewis, Sherry Yaniv, Gila Bernstein, Mel & Dorothy Lipschutz, Barbara Rifkin & Leslie Zager, Philip Bickelman, Linda Lustgarten, Janet Zamora-Hernandez, Carlos Black, Frederick & Robin Ma’ayan, Emet Zipp, Linda Brandes, Maria Ma’ayan, Ruth Zyskind, Miriam & John Braun, Richard & Susan Maes, Ginnie Brener, Igal & Debora Marrich, Lawrence & Deborah Member: Up to $179 Brodherson, Marc Martinez-Rosenfelt, Viola Abrams, Fay Buchalter, Harvey & Cristine Mirkovskaya, Liza Abrams, Fay Burhans, Mim Napolin, Mark & Marsha Abundant Life Christian Center Clewett, Elizabeth & Mark Unruh, MD Nathan, Fred Acuna, David Cohen, Stuart Novat, John Ahrens, Mariana Congregation B’nai Israel Pickman, Phillip & Leah Allison, Grace Cowan, Nathalie Pivar, Dr. Neil & Leslie Almendarez, Fernando Dale, Philip Powers, Kevin & Marci Alpert, Arthur Donahue, Paula Pugach, Noel Altobelli, Stephen & Kathleen Ames, Roger & Deborah Dorf, Dr. Jeffrey & Debra Stanley Rabinowitz, Marina & Ian Amsden, Dorothy Corner Eastham, Sondra Revo, Marti & Terrence Andaluz, I Eigner, Joe & Janet Rhubarb & Elliott LLC. Apodaca, Maria & Nunzio LaCarruba Endzweig, Pamela Rivera, Rhonda Apodaca, Marilyn Flax, Dr. Michael & Jane Robinson, Gwenn & Dwight Burney Aragon, Jessica Flicker, Rabbi Arthur & Linda Robinson, Ira Arik, Charlene Furie, Ed & Diane Robinson, Roberta Arnet, Simon Gale, Marjorie Romero, Ana Carolina Atias, Gary M. Giddings, Daryl & Dr. Laura Rose, Stuart Atkinson, Ann Ginsburg, Ronald & Sandy Rosenberg, Arthur & Stella Ayers, Debra Giser, Kevin Rosenberg, Deena & Benjamin Stuhl Azouz, Lily Baca, Arthur Gisser, Dr. Micha & Rivka Rosenstein, Ruth Baca, Cecilia Gobin, Marty Rubin, Gail & David Bleicher Baca, Oswald Goldheim, David & Dale Saunders, Murray Backinoff, Rhonda Goldman, Terry & Bernadine Schrager, Barry Baker, Peggy Goldstein, David & Judith Anderson Schultz, Ruth Balkin, Harris Green, Joel & Martha Schwartz, Rob & Jane Zwisohn Bancroft, Carlos & Anne 9 Jewish Federation of New Mexico Donors, 2018-2019* Basha, Lawrence Dixon, Catie Goodman, Gail Baxter, Saroj Drolet, Melissa & Ray Goodman, Janice Bayless, George Druxman, Michael & Jana Gordon, Samuel Bayliss, Stephen & Linda Duarte, Nelson Gottlieb, Harold Beckhoff, Harry Einhorn, Les Gray, Deborah Benanav, Luke Eisberg, George Green, Mae Benjamin, Robert & Susan Eisenstadt, Melvin & Pauline Greenberg, Shira Benmaman, Sharon Elliston, Marg Greenfeld, Rand Bennett, Courtnee Epstein, Steve Greenspan, Leonard Berger, Meredith & Sally Espinosa, Manolo Grodner, Dr. Robert & Patricia Berlin, Allen Fang, Antoinette Groner, Jerald Bernstein, Carol Fedoravicius, Dr. Al & Toby Grossman, Bruce & Cynthia Beske, Carolyn & Bradford Feinberg, Helen Grubbs, Mike & Erica Bin, Rachel Fellen, Helene Gruen, Marilyn Black, Frances Felser, Marjorie Gudwin, Barbara & Phillip Blair, Jeff & Nina Forrest Ferrell, Bobbie Gutierrez, James Blaustein, Nancy Fessinger, Stuart & Rosemary Guttmann, J. Michele Blumberg, Amy Fields, Doris Hadad, David & Mary Ellen Blumberg, Morrie Finston, Martin & Elynn Haft, Gail Bock, Phillip & Barbara Firme, Constante Hansen, Ralph & Sandra Bookey, Jack & Frances Fisher, Martin & Linda Harris, Harriet Bork, Jerry & Barbara Fitting, Judith Harris, Janet Bradley, David Fitzpatrick, William Harvilik, Valerie Breland, Maxine Flannery, Thomas & Deborah Hayden, Arthur Brin, Rabbi Deborah Fletcher, Pam Hayon, Linda Brodsky, Nancy Flink, Sheldon & Eve Heine, Elaine Brown, Judith L Folkman, Jim Herman, Frederic & Lauren Buchsbaum, William & Jane Fontenot, Walter Hochheiser, H. William Bunnell, Susan Forman, Beverly Holten, Andy Burg, Stanley Forrest, Nina Holten, David & Bonnie Cabasso, Alan Fowler, Benjamin Horowitz, Barbara Camejo Adran, Rosario Francis-Erhard, Doris Horwitz, Helen Camerlingo, Victoria Frank, Forrest Indritz, Tova Cantor, Genivene Frankel, Judy Izraelevitz, David & Terry Caplan, Reuben & Fernie Fredman, Gerald Jacobs, Richard & Judy Carp, Rabbi Chavah Freedman, Joseph Jaffe, Mark Carter, Mary E. & Gary W. Priester Frenchu, Susan Jewish Community Center Casiraghi, Dorly Friedland, Susanne Johnson, Marisa Chavez, Katherine Friedman, Toby Jonsson, Lisa Church, Sara Fromm-Lewis, Michelle Kahn, Meryl Ciriano Vela, Cesar Fuld, Allan & Beth Kaplan, Charles & Rhonda Backinoff Cohen, Ben Gallegos-Ramos, Lennell Karfunkel, Brian & Eliza Jacobs Cohen, Dr. Dennis & Marilyn Galles, Eugene Karol, Lawrence Cohen, Leon Gammon, Janice Keith, Dr. Samuel & Susan Cohen, Mark & Raye Ganch, Cheryl Kelly, Lynn Cohen, Michele Gant, Susan Kimerling, Rosalyn Cohen, Stephanie Garcia, Leo Kite, Blossom Conner, Matt Gardener, Annie Kitzes, Judith Conn-Sainz, Crystal Garin, Lori Klein, Regina Corrigan, Trish Gasser, Sidney & Myra Klein, Susan & Morris Cortez, Cristina Gastelum, Zoe Klein, Warren Crews, Barbara Gatton, Matt Kleinfeld, Barbara Cull, Roberta Gemme, Michael & Costa Pavlakos Klenicki, Ana Dannemann, Merilee Gilon, Paul Kohler, Stewart Danziger, Sydney Gin, Ciannah Kopald, Noel & Meredith Danziger, Zelda Gin, Elaine Koplowitz, Norman Dardashti, Schelly Gitomer, Steven & Joyce Kornstein, Robert & Charlotte de la Garza, Joel Gold, Brian Kranz, Marvin & Sally de Lucena, Paul Goldberg, Abraham & Janet Kravitz, Stanley & Sheron Decker, Nancy & William Goldsmith, Ronald Krohn, Burton Deutsch, David Goldstein, Ellen & Steven Yabek Kruger, Frederick Diamond, Freya & Carl Goldstone, Phillip Kruger, Linda 10 Jewish Federation of New Mexico Donors, 2018-2019* Langner, Bernice Petronis, Alexandra Sichel, Anat Larwood, Robert Phillips, Grisha Singer, Lawrence Layden, Dianne Pineda, Alexander Smick, Dr. Andrew H. Lazar, Margery Piper, Linda Smith, Judith Lerner, Allan & Elaine Pitkofsky, Judith Snider, Edith Levick, Mitchell Plaskoff, Martin Snyder, Barbara Levine, Beth Poel, Sarah & Matthew Snyder, Lillian Levine, Elizabeth Polasky, Diane Sparago, Diane Libman, Norma Ponce de Leon, David Stefanovic, Darko Lieberman, Richard & Judy Porter, John & Leslie Sternheim, Rachel & Harvey Likovich, Anthony Powell, Marc Stevens, Jean Linder, Michael & Rita Powell, Sally Stillson, Sandra Lipkowitz, Stuart & Stephanie Presser, Larry Stitelman, Leonard Lockwood, Margaret Pruitt, Leslie & Denise Strosnider, Judith London, Edmund Pugach, Sheila Suttle, Steven & Denise Loria, Regina Qaiyum, Greta Taradash, Alan & Gloria Loya, Sonya Ramirez, Cristina Taylor, Doris Luftschein, Fran Ramo, Jennifer Terr, Nancy Malin, Paul Raugust, Marc & Avie Tessman, Henry & Clara Malloy, Sondra Redner, Wallace Torres, Rebeca Manzanares, Elias & Lynsy Brown Resnikoff, Barbara Trask, Adrian Marczak, Kathryn Reuler, Rob Tschabold, Gloria Marek-Fertel, Loretta G. Ritvo, Karen Turk, Annette McGoey, Anne Rodriguez, Christian Ulloa, Enrique McGowan, Mary & Jack Rodriquez, James Valdez, Steven McRae, Tiffany Rogers, Steven & Marjorie Valenzuela, Gloria Meil, Kathleen Rogoff, Bruce Villarreal de Silva, Ricardo Melis, Erwin Rosen, Robert & Jane Vorherr, Ute Franz Melloy, Cynthia Rosenblum, Bernard & Karen Walsh, Larry Melnick, Harold Rosenfeld, Diane Weiner, Leatrice Mendelsohn, Toby Rosenstein, Marcia Weinreb, Peter & Judy Metelits, Irvin Rothman, Michael Weinstein, Alice Minkus, David & Susan Rubin, Irving Weinstein, Sheldon & Leslie Missuk, Lewis & Denise Rubio, Dolores Weiser, Joseph & Joyce Moffat, Stephen Rudinger, Kenneth Weisman, Alan & Elaine Moffatt, Chris Ruskin, Harvey & Laurie Wertheim, Sybil Morrow, Rabbi Ben Salas, Raymond Westbury, William Moses, Margaret Saltzman, Elliot Wexler, Barbara Moss, Ruth Sanders, Marc Wheeler, Jon Mossman, Perle Sandman, Todd & Leah White, Reilly Mueller, Lillian Sandstrom, Gary & Linda White, Warren & Roberta Mugleston, Riette Satz, Ellen Winsberg, Jorgie & Dennis Soto Nalerio, Enid Schaer, Howard Witt, Tom & Lisa Nassi, Alberta Schiffman, Lew Wolfe, Helen Nedboy, Yaszmina Joanna Schmidt, Diane & Frank Morgan Woods, Yolanda Newman, Sarah Schneider, Stephen Wortzman, Paul & Sylvia Niederman, Sharon Schnitzler, Robert Yellin, Marc & Perri Nochumson, David Schultz, Andy & Debbie Good Zambello, Emily O’Callaghan, Steven Segall, Barrie & Louise Zieselman, Ellen O’Hara, Marilyn Seligman, Deborah Zimmerman, Mark & Anneke Olea, Martin Seligman, Noah Zimmermann, Donn Friedman & Rebeca Ortiz, Elizabeth Seligson, Michael & Lori Zisman, Patricia Osterhaus, Jane Serlin, Alan Zlatkoff, Charles & Alice Paglia, Arlene Seydel, G. Robin Zuckert, Alvin Palley, Diane Shandler, Laurence & Joan Paradise, Amelia Shapiro, Alan Part, Stephen Shapiro, Patricia *List completed on May 14, 2019. We Patruznick, Kevin & Jill Sharon, Eran apologize for any errors or omissions. Paul, Diana & Jeffrey Shemano, Mollie Paxton, Nancy Sherman, Martin & Judith Peters, Harriet Shir, Esther Peters, Harry Shure, Patricia 11 Jewish Federation of New Mexico Mission The Jewish Federation of New Mexico both funds and administers programs to advance the character of Jewish life across our state and in our homeland, Israel. We accomplish this by: • Prioritizing, funding and implementing programs that meet the needs of Jews of all ages in New Mexico. • Strengthening Jewish identity and participation among Jewish New Mexicans in both rural and urban settings. • Providing a voice for the Jewish community, through publications and mass communications, that addresses critical issues and celebrates Jewish life. • Sponsoring programs that inspire and develop multi-generational Jewish leadership. • Supporting Israel and Jews in need around the world and by mobilizing the Jewish community to respond to humanitarian needs. Contact Jewish Federation of New Mexico 5520 Wyoming Boulevard Northeast Albuquerque, NM 87109 www.jewishnewmexico.org [email protected] (505) 821-3214 12
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