Who are More Healthy? The Vaccinated or the Unvaccinated Cutting Edge information on the Safety and Efficacy of Vaccines A lot of people think that the vaccine debate has been settled long ago and now people are just arguing over the interpretation of yesterday’s facts. It turns out that this is not the case! In fact, some of the most of the compelling evidence on the safety credentials of vaccines only came out within the last five years! (Time of writing: January 2022) There are two landmark studies comparing the long-term health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations and I’m going to briefly outline their findings. The first was conducting in 2017, lead by Dr. Anthony Mawson. and the other in 2020, by Dr. Lyons-Weiler and Dr. Paul Thomas. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler is a research scientist who reviews peer reviewed journals. He made his name discovering flaws in methods of analysing data and devised better ones. His job is to advise people on how to improve studies. His credentials for scientific rigor and objectivity are impeccable. Paul Thomas is a paediatrician who was practicing in the state of Oregon Both studies can be found online. A third, more recent, study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, by The Control Group (https://www.thecontrolgroup.org/), is also available online and of great interest, although I think it relies heavily on surveys which are not considered a reliable source of evidence by some sceptics, so I am going to focus on the first two in this short essay. There are over 800,000 completely unvaccinated people in the USA enough for the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) to do a large-scale study comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. The CDC should want to conduct this study because it would prove very clearly that vaccines did more good than harm, putting to bed conspiracy theories to the contrary, if that is the truth. Why hasn’t the CDC done the study? Experts and lay people have been calling for the CDC to do a large-scale study of this kind for at least 40 years. In fact, the Institute of Medicine said it was "needed" in 1981. In 1986 the U.S. Congress told the CDC to do it. (but, they didn't) Since then, there have been at least 4 bills brought before congress to require the CDC to do a large-scale study comparing the relative health of vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, but they have all been shot down. The CDC steadfastly refuse to do the study. Del Bigtree, producer of the controversial movie Vaxxed, reports going up before a CDC committee and pressing them on the issue of the study only to have Anthony Fauci tell him point blank: “We will never do that study.” Why not? It could prove conclusively that vaccines do more good than harm. The problem is, it could also prove conclusively that vaccines do more harm than good. Is the CDC anti-science? We can only conclude that the CDC are afraid of what they might find out. After all – the CDC, the NIH (National Institute of Health), and the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) all hold patents in vaccines. What’s more many of their major funders are major pharma manufacturers who themselves hold patents in vaccinations. If these were corporations rather than government bodies this would clearly be viewed as a conflict of interest; they would be dragged before the courts and disbanded. How can these institutions impartially regulate an industry they depend upon for funding? The above evidence is circumstantial evidence of course, and does not prove any wrong-doing or harm from vaccines, however, it's worth bearing in mind the background that all these studies are appearing against before looking at the objective evidence, because there is a tendency to think “Well if all this is true, and so flagrant, why haven’t the experts done anything about it yet?” You have to be careful whenever people say “the experts agree,” because in many fields you will never become accredited as an expert in the first place unless you first agree to what all the accepted precepts of the field (some of which will be wrong) and they will remove your licence to practice and revoke your accreditation as an expert if you dispute them later! The Results of the Studies! The results of the Mawson and Lyons-Weiler studies were similar. While vaccinated populations get less whooping cough, measles, pertussis etc. as you might expect, they get way more incidences of worse diseases. The Mawson (2017) study suggests Chronic Fatigue, IBS, colitis, ADHD, fibromyalgia, and neurodevelopmental disorders are all more prevalent the more shots a person has had. Mawson found that vaccinated individuals were decidedly more susceptible to rhinitis, eczema, attention disorders, a decrease in learning ability, and pneumonia. Dr. James Lyons-Weiler (in the 2020 study) ranked the patients involved in the study from highest to lowest in terms of how many vaccines they got and found that the more vaccines they had the more they tended to go to the doctor with health complaints. The more they were vaccinated the more they got sinus issues, asthma, and breathing issues, eczema, dermatitis, gastroenteritis, weight and eating disorders, seizures, otitis media, conjunctivitis; there was no ADHD in the unvaccinated population but there was in the vaccinated one; and anaemia was very strongly correlated to number of vaccinations – being 14 times greater in the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated. Bear in mind all these conditions were relatively rare before 1989 which is the year in which the CDC changed the schedule to include so many more shots. Three years after The Reagan Administration, in 1986, granted vaccine manufacturers immunity from prosecution over their products causing injury. This created a perfect business model where every vaccine manufacturer could rush to get their products on the CDC schedule, receive a hand-out at the expense of the taxpayer to provide them to every child, meaning they didn’t have to spend any money on advertising, and if the product was faulty and harmed the patient badly – they couldn’t even sue! There is tremendous fishiness going on. I noticed that there are at least three prior studies linking vaccines to asthma found in serious journals. The Journal of the American Medical Association (1994), New Zealand Journal of Medicine (1997), and Thorax Medical Journal (2002). But if you Google whether vaccines cause asthma, all the official sources cite one study that says vaccines are not linked to asthma. They never bother to even mention the other six. I wonder who funded the one study they love to cite, and how many ways they analyzed the data to get the result they preferred. Everywhere you investigate vaccines you find scandal after scandal, misinformation and lies. People come out with the same ignorant talking points time and time again, and usually with an air of superiority. Eg. “LoOkkk BEcuzzz of These CrAYYYZY anti-vaXxers there are new breakOutz of POLIO!!!!11” Of course, if you actually bother to check the data, you will find the new outbreaks of polio were all in vaxxed rather than I unvaxxed populations. ABC did a series of articles on this such as the following: More polio cases now caused by vaccine than by wild virus - ABC News https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/polio-cases-now-caused- vaccine-wild-virus-67287290 Besides, the polio vaccine never eradicated polio, as anyone who did their research would know. Polio was at its peak in 1950 and the vaccine was only introduced in 1956 by which time cases of polio had already fallen by 82%. This is all a matter of public record, it’s out in the open, all you need to do is look to find it out, but the vaccine advocates are usually so arrogant and sure they are right they never even bother to check! In 1998, The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reported in a study that 98% of children with pertussis in the study had already been vaccinated for the disease. The Morbidity and Mortality Report reported in 1986 that 80% of measles outbreaks occurred in vaccinated populations, and in 1989 that pertussis outbreaks occurred nearly 100% vaccinated populations. Ok, I hope you find this information very educational and pass it on – it looks like this is now the issue of critical importance, and if the Covid BS has done one thing for us it’s given us the opportunity to bring these facts to more people’s attention – so lets spread the word. Antony If you like the way I put together information you can please subscribe to me on substack for more useful writing. https://psychosocial.substack.com/ If you would like to hear more detailed information from the people who conducted these studies, you can find them at these links giving a roundup of their findings. You can find the actual raw data online too if you are scientifically minded. James Lyons-Weiler: https://bitchute.com/video/FIwQLYUMbjNV/ Anthony Mawson: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ZNFvuaXqoJo/ Paul Thomsas: https://www.bitchute.com/video/0JgiyGrWKNFD/ The control group study: www.thecontrolgroup.org, may raise suspicion because it is a survey study, and will naturally be dismissed out of hand by people who don't want to believe the results.
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