1. Match the words with the pictures: 2. Find the words: mhskiinghskiingskiingkiingiingiingngghskiingmhskiingkiingwwstswwstsskiingtsskiingbiathloniingathlontshskiinglononngonctsoebotsskiingonebobiathlononon iingiingngctsoebodowonwwststsctsoebongonkiingdowgfskiinglongwwstseboiingglonpepfynaaebopepfynaafynaangathlonathlonhskiingathlontsathlon Words: pepfynaagngkiinguqplcapeqplcapepepfynaalonctsoeboathlonpepfynaaeboqplcapewwstsskiinglonathlonlononmhskiing 1. skiing 2. freezing 3. a snowfall 4. shoveling 5. hockey 6. snowballs 7. a snowman 8. icicles 9. a snowflake 10. sledding 11. a bird feeder 12. boots 13. a winter cap 14. a Christmas tree 3. Complete the sentences: 4. Can you guess the words? 1. We decorate a _______ for 1. They are white and of Christmas. different sizes and shapes. – 2. _______ are very dangerous. They are _____. 3. We often throw _______ in the 2. We put it at home and street. decorate it with balls and lamps. 4. We often put seeds into the – It is a ______. _____ in winter. 3. They hang from the roofs of 5. I like to make a ______ in winter. the houses and can be very 6. Tom prefers a _______ in winter. dangerous.- They are _______. 7. The boys like to play ______ in 4. We wear different things on the yard in winter. our heads in winter. – They are 8. Little children like _______. ________. 5. Answer the questions: 1. Are snowflakes large? 8. What is the first winter holiday? 2. What is the colour of snowflakes? 9. Do you like it? 3. Do you like snowfalls? 10. What is your favourite winter 4. Why are people afraid of the icicles? sport? 5. Do you feed birds in winter? 11. Do you like biathlon? 6. Is it cold in your place in winter? 12. What winter sport do you like KEY: 2. Find the words: mhskiing hskiing skiing kiing iing iing ng g hskiing mhskiing kiing wwsts wwsts skiing ts skiing biathlon iing athlon ts hskiing lon on ng on ctsoebo ts skiing on ebo biathlon on on iing iing ng ctsoebo dow on wwsts ts ctsoebo ng on kiing dow g f skiing lon g wwsts ebo iing g lon pepfynaa ebo pepfynaa f ynaa ng athlon athlon hskiing athlon ts athlon pepfynaa g ng kiing uqplcape qplcape pepfynaa lon ctsoebo athlon pepfynaa ebo qplcape wwsts skiing lon athlon lon on mhskiing 3. Complete the sentences: 1. We decorate a Christmas tree for Christmas. 2. Icicles are very dangerous. 3. We often throw snowballs in the street. 4. We often put seeds into the bird feeder in winter. 5. I like to make a snowman in winter. 6. Tom prefers a winter cap in winter. 7. The boys like to play hockey in the yard in winter. 8. Little children like sledding. 4. Can you guess the words? 1. They are white and of different sizes and shapes. – They are snowflakes. 2. We put it at home and decorate it with balls and lamps. – It is a Christmas tree. 3. They hang from the roofs of the houses and can be very dangerous. - They are icicles. 4. We wear different things on our heads in winter. – They are winter caps and woolen hats. Winter words Match a word to a picture Name________ class____ date __/__/__ 1 2 3 4 earmuffs Winter cap boots Polar bear 5 6 7 8 scarf gloves soup snowflake 9 10 11 12 coat socks sweater snowman 13 14 15 16 igloo penguin ski ice skating 17 18 19 20 Snow mobile umbrella storm 0 rain drops Winter Vocabulary Directions: Match the columns. Write the letters on the lines. 1. _____ frost a. long spike of ice 2. _____ shovel b. worn around the neck 3. _____ ice skating c. worn over the ears 4. _____ winter d. use this to remove snow 5. _____ gloves e. put on streets to melt ice 6. _____ Dec. f. light icy covering 7. _____ salt g. outer garment with sleeves 8. _____ earmuffs h. 32° F or less 9. _____ January i. to fall down 10. _____ skiing j. keep feet warm and dry 11. _____ snowstorm k. gliding over snow with skis 12. _____ slip l. man made from snow 13. _____ snowman m. first month of the year 14. _____ icicle n. December 15. _____ coat o. gliding over ice with skates 16. _____ boots p. December 31 17. _____ freezing q. coldest season 18. _____ snowflakes r. blizzard 19. _____ scarf s. keep hands warm 20. _____ Christmas t. frozen raindrops 1. It is winter. It is very cold. 12. They are playing with Mary’s 2. Mary and Susan are playing in dog, the snow. 13. Duffy. Duffy is brown and 3. They are wearing winter white. clothes. 14. There are two houses on their 4. Mary is making a big snowball. street. 5. She is wearing a brown winter 15. One is Mary’s house and the coat. other house is where Susan 6. Her scarf is yellow and orange. lives. 7. She is wearing blue and white 16. The big house is orange. boots and her jeans are blue. 17. The house down the street is 8. Her mittens are purple. blue. 9. Susan is smiling at Mary. 18. Mary and Susan love to play in 10. Susan is wearing a green jacket. the snow. They love to ice skate 11. Her pants are brown and her in the winter. boots are black. 19. They also make big snowmen 21. It is fun. When they get tired with carrot noses! they go inside and drink a big 20. Down the street is a little hill cup of warm cocoa. where they play with their 22. That is the best thing about sleds. winter. 1. What color is Susan’s coat?- _______________________________________ 2. What color is Duffy the dog? ______________________________________ 3. What color is Mary’s house? _______________________________________ 4. What do the girls like best about winter? ______________________________________________________ _________ 5. How many trees do you see in the picture? ____________________________ Winter Word Search- Find the words. T F U E Z W J C Y E Y M C X S Q S C U I S N M L A C W O C W N I O N U T S E V O L G L Q E R H T R C O F N W P T P D E A S E F O F O I G L O O H H W T R N A V H B F D D Y Q V E L E G T O J C K G X B D T T U S R N A V W Z Y Y K D K G H Z E R H R P J M N Y A N W M W U C K P J D D B K C E I F E H M Z F J D E L S O H Y W K V P U R R A P P E Y J O P Y A C E A E U I C E S K A T E S T H C N U A C S O R H S F C I D S P C V E Z S F S O Q O O T J U A G H Y Find These Words! boots frost igloo snow clothes gloves play sweater coat ice scarf wind cold iceskates sled winter 1. Please write a sentence using these words. 2. Snow, dog, coat, scarf, cold, winter, play, fun 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. How many words can you find in the text that start with these letters? S B H D P C Word Scramble: What do these words mean?? odg: rwietn ctaror dsle wosn kstae ocaco docl Odd Man Out Put a circle around the word that does not belong. Snow Sun House Cake Water Pencil Ice Warm School Tomato Sandwich Eraser Ice skates Scarf Hospital Sweets Soda pop Poster Bike Swimming Shop Sugar Juice Bed Winter Beach Pencil Candy Tea Teacher Cold Holiday Building Cookies Coffee Blackboard Winter Fun Crossword Puzzle Across 3. A pet 5. You wear these on your feet in the winter 6. It is white and cold and you can build a snowman with it 7. You can put these on your feet and glide on ice 9. Something you wear on your head 11. Someone to play with Down 1. Something big you wear to keep you warm 2. A kind of glove you wear on your hands to keep them warm 4. A warm, chocolate drink 6. You wear this around your neck to keep warm 8. Not warm 10. You can glide down a hill sitting on this Oh the ____________outside is frightful, But the f___e is so delightful, And ________(nscie) we've no plaice /place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! It doesn't ______signs of stopping, And I've _______(ubghot) some corn for popping, The l_____s are turned way down low, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! When we finally keys/kiss goodnight, How I'll hate going out in the_______! But if you'll ________(areyll) hold me tight, All the way h_____e I'll be warm. The fire is s_______y dying, And, my dear/deer, we're still good-bying, But as ______(gnlo) as you_______ me so, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! KEYS Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we've no place to go, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! It doesn't show signs of stopping, And I've bought some corn for popping, The lights are turned way down low, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! When we finally kiss goodnight, How I'll hate going out in the storm! But if you'll really hold me tight, All the way home I'll be warm. The fire is slowly dying, And, my dear, we're still good-bying, But as long as you love me so, Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! 11 21 FIND THE WORDS AND THE MYSTERY MESSAGE 19 16 1 2 3 14 7 4 3 5 6 7 2 8 8 9 10 11 1 5 12 10 13 14 15 9 16 1 17 12 18 19 9 13 20 18 23 21 22 23 17 ? 22 Merry 6 Christmas 20 4 15 ! KEY : 1 W O O D L O G S 2 H I K I N G 3 C H R I S T M A S 4 S K I B O O T S 5 F I R E P L A C E 6 S N O W B O A R D I N G 7 H O L L Y B U N C H 8 S O U P 9 S K I L I F T 10 M O U N T A I N S 11 W I N T E R H A T 1 12 I C E S K A T I N G 13 T R E E I N W I N T E R 14 S K I I N G 15 S E A S O N S G R E E T I N G S 16 F A L L I N G I C E I 17 S L E D G E 18 S N O W F L A K E 19 C O L D 9 20 S N O W M A N 21 M I T T E N S 22 S C A R F 23 W I N T E R S C E N E ? 1) Count and write the numbers in the squares. v - Colour the mittens with GREEN. - Colour the hats with BLUE. - Colour the boots with RED. - Colour the scarfs with ORANGE. - Colour the coats with VIOLET. How Many…? MITTEN COAT HAT BOOTS SCARF Winter 1. Look at the pictures and say: What is winter? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 This is the season When mornings are dark, And birds do not sing In the forests and parks. 1 1 1 1 This is the season 0 3 1 2 When children ski, 0 0 0 0 And Father Frost brings The New Year Tree. 1 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 0 0 2.Read the text: 3. Choose True or False Winter statements to the text: It is the coldest season of the year. Sometimes the 1. Winter is not the coldest temperature is 35° below zero or even lower. The air season. is fresh and healthy. You need a warm coat, a 2. The temperature is woolen hat, warm boots, and mittens not to catch a 10°above zero. cold or the flu. 3. It often rains in winter. The nature is wonderful in winter. Everything is 4. People wear warm clothes white: houses, trees, roads. The trees look in winter. magnificently with fluffy snow. The rivers are 5. Children can play snowballs covered with ice and you can skate on them. You can in winter. see icicles on the roofs of the houses and hoarfrost 6. There is only one holiday in on the trees. winter. There is much fun for children in winter. They ski, 7. You can see hoarfrost on skate, play snowballs, sledge, make snowmen, the trees. skateboard. 8. Children don’t get any There are two great holidays in winter-Christmas presents on Christmas. and New 9. Winter is beautiful. Year. Children like both of them. They decorate their houses or apartments with garlands, toys, coloured balls. They like to get presents on these holidays finding them under the New Year trees or in the 4. Read the conversation and change the underlined words: A: What is your favourite winter month? B: Really? As for me, I like sports. T: December, of course. A: What is your favourate winter sport? A: But why? It is very cold in December! B: Skiing. It is nice to ski in the forest. T: You’re right. But all you need is to dress correctly. A: How often do you ski? A: Still I can’t bear cold. B: Every weekend. Do you want to try? B: Well, and do you go in for sports in winter? A: Well, I don’t know… Say if the things happen in picture 1,2,3 or in all of them. It is winter. ( ) It's snowing. ( ) The trees are full of snow. ( ) The sun is shining. ( ) A girl is ice skating. ( ) People are skiing. ( ) A boy is snowboarding. ( ) There is a snowman. ( ) A boy is building a snowman. ( ) The ski resort is located in the mountains. ( ) People are wearing warm clothes. ( ) A skilift leads to the mountains. ( ) A boy is skating ( ) A girl is sliding down the hill. ( ) The pond is in a town. ( ) The sky is cloudy. ( ) The house is purple. ( ) The birds are looking for food. ( ) Answer correctly (R), false (F) or we do not know. (?) Picture 1 This landscape is in Switzerland. ( ) People are playing winter sports. ( ) You can also sledge in this ski resort. ( ) It is late in the evening. ( ) Picture 2 The snowman is already done. ( ) It's midday. ( ) Today is Sunday. ( ) The boy in front can ski well. ( ) Picture 3 It is cold. ( ) The window of the house is closed. ( ) The mother calls the kids for lunch ( ). 1. Read the text: Hi! I’m Lisa Bronwyn and I live 2. Choose True(T), with False(F), or No my parents, my little brother and Information (NI): our 1. The girl’s name is funny cat in St. Paul. We are very Lisa Bronwyn. friendly and spend our free time 2. She lives in New together. York. I must confess that I adore my 3. Lisa has a little winter holidays. I have a lot of free sister. time and can pay more attention to 4. They have got a my little brother Ken. I often walk funny cat. with him in the park. Sometimes when it snows 5. They have also got a I show him how to make snowballs and we play parrot. a lot. We often make a snowman in the yard of 6. Lisa likes winter our big house. Of course, I dress him in warm holidays. clothes: a woolen hat, a jacket, warm trousers, 7. Pays much attention boots, a scarf, and mittens. to her cat. I often go skating to our city skating rink. 8. She teaches her But I’m not a good skater; I’m only learning to brother to make skate well. My friends and I always ski in our snowballs. city park. It’s such a pleasure to ski when the 9. They often walk weather is sunny and frosty. near the river. It’s simply great! 10. They make a I like December because we have two snowman. Holidays –Christmas and New Year. I help my parents to decorate the house and the Christmas tree. I also prepare presents for my parents and my little brother. I love my winter holidays. 4. Your experience: 1. Do you like winter? 2. Why do you like winter? 3. Answer the questions: 3. What is your 1. What is the girl’s name? favourite winter 2. Who does she live with? month? 3. Where do they live? 4. Why do you like 4. What does she adore? it? 5. What is her brother’s name? 5. Do you ski in 6. When can she pay more attention to her winter? brother? 6. Do you ski well? 7. How do they play? 7. What else do you 8. How does she dress him in winter? do in winter? 9. Can Lisa skate and ski? 8. Do you like to 10. Why does she like December? decorate your house/flat for Christmas? KEY: 2. Choose True(T), False(F), or No Information (NI): 1. The girl’s name is Lisa Bronwyn. T 2. She lives in New York. F 3. Lisa has a little sister. F 4. They have got a funny cat. T 5. They have also got a parrot. NI 6. Lisa likes winter holidays. T 7. Pays much attention to her cat. NI 8. She teaches her brother to make snowballs. T 9. They often walk near the river. F 10. They make a snowman. T
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