--- CODĂRI / ACTIVĂRI GRUP VAG --- (VOLKSWAGEN, SEAT, SKODA, AUDI) AVERTIZĂRI ACUSTICE CLAXON ACTIVAT FĂRĂ CONTACT PUS HORN ACTIVE WITHOUT HAVING THE KEY IN CONTACT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 16 - Steering Column - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 00 - Deactivate Bit 7 "Horn only with ignition on" Another way: 01 - Long coding - Text mode 02 - Signal horn activation - Change value to "Always" ACTIVARE / DEZACTIVARE AVERTIZARE ACUSTICĂ LA UȘĂ DESCHISĂ ENABLE / DISABLE ACOUSTIC WARNING AT OPEN DOOR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Ignition Active message, actuator - Change value to Desired: A - No diplay B - Driver door C - All doors ACTIVARE ALARMĂ GRATUIT PENTRU MAȘINILE FĂRĂ ALARMĂ FREE ALARM ACTIVATION FOR CARS WITHOUT ALARM 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 12 - Activate Bit 0 "Anti theft system" - Installed 04 - Adaptation 05 - Anti-theft device 06 - DWA Alarmverzoegerung - Change value to "Driver door contact thatcham" 07 - DWA Camper Modus - Change value to "Active" 08 - Ueberwachung Innenentriegelungshelbel - Change value to "Active" 09 - Akustischer Alarm Signalhorn - Up to MY16 or Diebstahlwarnanlage - From MY17 - Change value to "Active" 10 - Acknowledgement signals 11 - Akustische Rueckmeldung global - Change value to "Active" 12 - Akustische Rueckmeldung Signalhorn - Change value to "Active" If we want to add that clicks when closing and opening: 13 - Acknowledgement signals 14 - Akustische rueckmeldung entriegeln - Change value to "Active" 15 - Akustische rueckmeldung verriegeln - Change value to "Active" DEZACTIVARE ADVERTISMENT CENTURĂ DE SIGURANȚĂ DEACTIVATE SEAT BELT WARNING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Deactivate belt warning - Change value to "Yes" CONFIRMARE ACUSTICĂ LA ÎNCHIDERE / DESCHIDERE MAȘINĂ DIN TELECOMANDĂ ACOUSTIC CONFIRMATION AT CLOSURE / OPENING THE CAR FROM REMOTE CONTROL 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Acknowledgement signals 04 - Akustische Rueckmeldung entriegeln - Change value to "Active" - (It will give two beeps when opening) 05 - Akustische Rueckmeldung verriegeln - Change value to "Active" - (Will one beep when closing) 06 - Akustische Rueckmeldung global - Change value to - "Active" 07 - Akustische rueckmeldung signalhorn - Change value to "Active" 08 - Menuesteuerung akustische Rueckmeldung - Change value to "Active" - (On-screen menu) 09 - Dauer der Akustischen Rueckmeldung vom Einfachhorn - Change value to "Normal" (Long) or "Kurz" (Short) MULTIMEDIA AJUSTARE SENSIBILITATE MICROFON MICROPHONE SENSITIVITY ADJUSTMENT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Microphone sensitivity - Change value to Desired - Default "0 db" ARATĂ / ASCUNDE BANDA RADIO AM SHOW / HIDE RADIO AM 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - byte_14_AM_disable - Change value to "Activated" ACTIVARE / DEZACTIVARE EXTRAGERE CD/DVD ACTIVATION / DEACTIVATION CD/DVD EXTRACTION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - CD eject button - Change value to "Blocked" ADĂUGARE MAI MULTE SURSE EXTERNE USB (CU HUB USB PÂNĂ LA 4 SURSE) ADD MORE EXTERNAL USB SOURCES (WITH USB HUB UP TO 4 SOURCES) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Interface for external media, activation 04 - Select one of the four options: (Connection 1, 2, 3 or 4) CLIMATIZATOR / ÎNCĂLZIRE AER MULT MAI RECE ÎN CLIMATRONIC COOLER IN THE CONDITIONAIR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 08 - Air Conditioning 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Temperature tuning - Change value to "Colder tuning cooling operation" ARATĂ NIVELUL VENTILATORULUI ÎN MODUL AUTO SHOW AIR CONDITIONER LEVEL IN AUTO MODE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 08 - Air Conditioning 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Blower display in auto operation - Change value to "Activated" Anather way: 01 - Long coding - Bytes mode 02 - Byte 11 - Activate Bit 6 "Blower status display en auto mode" MEMORARE NIVEL ÎNCĂLZIRE SCAUNE HEATED SEATS LEVEL MEMORY 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 08 - Air Conditioning 02 - Adaptation 03 - Retention of driver's seat heater level - Change value to "Active" 04 - Retention of front pass. seat heater level - Change value to "Active" MEMORARE RECIRCULARE AUTOMATĂ A CLIMATRONICULUI LA PORNIRE AUTOMATIC CLIMATRONIC RECIRCULATION STORAGE ON START 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 08 - Air Conditioning 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Store recirculation air setting for terminal 15 off - Change value to "Save" MODIFICAREA TIMPULUI DE ÎNCĂLZIRE A LUNETEI CHANGING THE WINDOW HEATING TIME 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Window heater 04 - Heckscheibenheizung Zeitwert - Change value to "240 s" 05 - Running time of heated front window - Change value to "240 s" OGLINZI / GEAMURI / TRAPĂ / ȘTERGĂTOARE DESCHIDERE TOTALĂ A TRAPEI ÎN DESCHIDERE MOD CONFORT TOTAL OPENING OF THE SUNROOF IN COMFORT MODE OPENING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or Schiebedach - From MY17 04 - SAD Richtung komfortoeffnen - Change value to "Open" ÎNCLINARE OGLIDĂ DREAPTA ÎN MARȘARIER PASSENGER MIRROR DIP ON REVERSE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 52 - Passanger Door - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 2 "Reverse gear mirror dipping" 04 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 3 "Position memory for reverse gear mirrordipping" 05 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 06 - Adaptation 07 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or Spiegelverstellung - From MY17 08 - Menuesteuerung Spiegelabsenkung - Change value to "Active" 09 - Spiegelabsenkung bei Rueckwaertsfahrt - Change value to "Active" DESCHIDERE / ÎNCHIDERE GEAMURI ÎN MODUL CONFORT OPENING / CLOSING WINDOWS COMFORT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or ZV Komfort - From MY17 04 - Comfort opening - Change value to "Active" 05 - Comfort closing - Change value to "Active" 06 - Menuesteuerung komfortbedienung einstellbar - Change value to "Adjustable" 07 - Funk komfort oeffnen - Change value to "Active" 08 - Funk komfort schliessen - Change value to "Active" --- From MY17 --- Enter to Schiebedach 09 - SAD komfort oeffnen - Change value to "Active" 10 - SAD komfort schliessen - Change value to "Active" ÎNCHIDERE / DESCHIDERE AUTOMATĂ A OGLINZILOR (APARE ÎN MENIU) FOLDING & UNFOLDING OF AUTOMATIC MIRRORS (APPEAR IN MENU) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 42 - Driver Door - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 5 "Foldable mirrors" 04 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 7 "Comfort mirror folding" 05 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 52 - Passenger Door - Security access 20103 06 - Long coding - Bytes mode 07 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 4 "Foldable mirrors" 08 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 6 "Comfort mirror folding" 09 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 10 - Adaptation 11 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or Spiegelverstellung - From MY17 12 - Funk Spiegelanklappen - Change value to "Active" If you want them to be closed with a single press: 13 - Funk spiegelanklppung modus - Change value to "by look command via remote control key" If you want them to be closed with a long press and hold: 14 - Funk spiegelanklppung modus - Change value to "by convenience operation via remote control key" If you also want it to appear in the car menu to enable or disable it from the screen: 15 - Menuesteuerung funk spiegel anklappen - Change value to "Active" DESCHIDERE OGLINZI LA PUNEREA CONTACTULUI OPENING MIRRORS AT PUT THE CONTACT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access Control 2 - Up to MY16 or Spiegelverstellung - From MY17 04 - Funk Spiegelanklappung Modus - Change value to "by look command via remote control key" 05 - Funk Spiegelanklappen - Change value to "Active" 06 - Menuesteuerung Funk Spiegel anklappen - Change value to "Active" 07 - Signalisierung_Spiegelankappung - Change value to "Not active" ACTIVARE / DEZACTIVARE ȘTERGĂTOR LUNETĂ (APARE ÎN MENIU) REAR WIPER WINDOW ACTIVATION / DEACTIVATION (APPEAR IN MENU) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Rear Window Wiper 04 - Menuesteuerung Komfortwischen HW - Change value to "Active" DESCHIDERE / ÎNCHIDERE GEAMURI FĂRĂ CONTACT OPEN / CLOSE WINDOWS WITHOUT CONTACT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or ZV Komfort - From MY17 04 - Freigabenachlauf FH bei Tueroeffnen abbrechen - Change value to "Not active" ÎNCHIDERE GEAMURI LA DETECTAREA PLOII CLOSE WINDOWS ON RAIN 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access control 2 - Up to MY16 or ZV Komfort - From MY17 04 - Regenschliessen_ein_aus - Change value to "Active" 05 - Menuesteuerung Regenschliessen - Change value to "Active" 06 - Regenschliessen_art - Change value to "Permanent" 07 - Subsystems 08 - RLFS 09 - Long coding - Bytes mode 10 - Byte 00 - Activate Bits 1 and 2 ACTIVARE AUTOMATĂ DEZGHEȚARE PARBRIZ AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION TO DEFROST THE WINDSHIELD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 08 - Air Conditioning 02 - Adaptations 03 - Automatic Activation of front windshield heater at MAX-Defrost - Change value to "Activate" LUMINI INTERIOARE LUMINĂ INTERIORĂ DEZACTIVĂ LA DESCHIDEREA HAYONULUI INTERIOR LIGHT DISABLED WHEN OPENING THE TAILGATE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Interior lighting - Up to MY16 or Interior Light 2nd generation - From MY17 04 - Innenlicht bei offenem heckdeckel einschalten - Change value to "Inactive" BUTONUL "MODE" ÎNTOTDEAUNA ÎN CULOAREA ROȘU "MODE" BUTTON ALWAYS IN RED COLOR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 15 - Activate Bit 7 "Drive select button without function light" LUMINI INTERIOARE CU ACTIVARE ÎN FADE-IN FADE-OUT INTERIOR LIGHTS WITH FADE-IN FADE-OUT ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Interior lighting - Up to MY16 or Interior Light 2nd generation - From MY17 04 - KL58 Einschalten mit Rampe - Change value to "Active" ACTIVAREA LUMINILOR DIN PANOURILE SUPORTULUI PENTRU PICIOARE ACTIVATING THE LIGHTS IN THE FOOT SUPPORT PANELS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte30FR LC72 04 - Lichtfunktion E30 - Change value to "Interior light" ELIMINAREA ERORII LĂMPILOR LED DIN PANOURILE SUPORTULUI PENTRU PICIOARE ELIMINATION OF LED LAMP ERROR FROM FOOT SUPPORT PANELS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte30FR LC72 04 - Lasttyp 30 - Change value to "Led Kleinleistung" LUMINI EXTERIOARE SEMNALIZĂRI DE CONFORT - MODIFICĂ NUMĂRUL DE CLIPIRI COMFORT TURN SIGNALS - CHANGE NUMBER OF BLINKS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Turn signal control - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_Blinker - From MY17 04 - Komfortblinken blinkzyklen - Change value to Desired - Maximum 5 Note: Reset factory settings of the lights on the car screen ACTIVARE / DEZACTIVARE LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) (APARE ÎN MENIU) ACTIVATION / DEACTIVATION DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) (APPEAR IN MENU) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Daytime running lights - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_Front - From MY17 04 - Tagfahrlichtnur Aktivierung durch BAP oder Bedienfolge moeglich - Change value to "Active" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) OPRITĂ ÎN POZIȚIA "0" A COMUTATORULUI DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) OFF WITH LIGHT SELECTOR IN POSITION "0" 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Daytime running light - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_Front - From MY17 04 - Tagfahrlicht nur in Schalterstellung AUTO - Change value to "Active" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) OPRITĂ CU FRÂNA DE MÂNĂ PUSĂ DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) OFF WITH HANDBRAKE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Daytime running light - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_Front - From MY17 04 - Tagfahrlicht Dauerfahrlicht bei Handbremse abschalten - Change value to "Active" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE FARURILE DE CEAȚĂ DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS (DRL) ON THE FRONT FOG LAMPS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 Central Electrics Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lichtfunktion F12 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 05 - Leuchte13NL RB5 06 - Lichtfunktion F13 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE SPATE DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS (DRL) ON THE BACK 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 Central Electrics Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Daytime running lights 04 - Tagfahrlicht-Dauerfahlicht aktiviert zusaetzlich standlicht - Change value to "Active" MENȚINE INTENSITATEA DRL-urilor LA PUNEREA SEMNALIZĂRILOR CONSERVE INTENSITY OF DRLs WHEN PUT THE TURN SIGNALS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte2SL VLB10 04 - Lichtfunktion F2 - Change value to "Nicht aktiv" 05 - Leuchte3SL VRB21 06 - Lichtfunktion F3 - Change value to "Nicht aktiv" AJUSTARE INTENSITATE LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) - (FARURI LED) ADJUSTING THE INTENSITY OF THE DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS (DRL) - (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte2SL VLB10 04 - Dimmwert AB2 - Change value to Desired - Maximum "127" 05 - Leuchte3SL VRB21 06 - Dimmwert AB3 - Change value to Desired - Maximum "127" AJUSTARE INTENSITATE LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) - (FARURI NO LED) ADJUSTING THE INTENSITY OF THE DAYTIME RUNNING LIGHTS (DRL) - (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte4TFL LB4 04 - Dimmwert AB4 - Change value to Desired - Maximum "127" 05 - Leuchte5TFL RB32 06 - Dimmwert AB5 - Change value to Desired - Maximum "127" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE LĂMPILE SPATE - NUMAI CONTURUL DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) ON REAR LAMPS - ONLY THE CONTOUR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 04 - Lichtfunktion D16 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 05 - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 06 - Lichtfunktion D17 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE LĂMPILE EXTERIOARE ȘI INTERIOARE SPATE - (FARURI LED) DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) ON REAR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR LAMPS - (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte23SL HLC10 04 - Lichtfunktion D23 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 05 - Dimmwert CD23 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD 23 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte24SL HRA65 08 - Lichtfunktion D24 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 09 - Dimmwert CD24 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD24 - Change value to "Maximize" 11 - Leuchte26NSL LA72 (Fog Lights) 12 - Lichtfunktion D26 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 13 - Dimmwert CD26 - Change value to "100" 14 - Dimming direction CD26 - Change value to "Maximize" 15 - Leuchte27NSL RC6 (Both Sides) 16 - Lichtfunktion D27 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 17 - Dimmwert CD27 - Change value to "100" 18 - Dimming direction CD27 - Change value to "Maximize" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE LĂMPILE EXTERIOARE SPATE DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) ON REAR EXTERIOR LAMPS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte23SL HLC10 04 - Lichtfunktion D23 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 05 - Dimmwert CD23 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD 23 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte24SL HRA65 08 - Lichtfunktion D24 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 09 - Dimmwert CD24 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD24 - Change value to "Maximize" LUMINĂ DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) PE LĂMPILE EXTERIOARE ȘI INTERIOARE SPATE - (FARURI NO LED) DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) ON REAR EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR LAMPS - (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte20BR LA71 04 - Lichtfunktion D20 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 05 - Dimmwert CD20 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD 20 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte21BR RC8 08 - Lichtfunktion D21 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 09 - Dimmwert CD21 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD21 - Change value to "Maximize" 11 - Leuchte23SL HLC10 12 - Lichtfunktion D23 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 13 - Dimmwert CD23 - Change value to "100" 14 - Dimming direction CD23 - Change value to "Maximize" 15 - Leuchte24SL HRA65 16 - Lichtfunktion D24 - Change value to "Tagfahrlicht" 17 - Dimmwert CD24 - Change value to "100" 18 - Dimming direction CD24 - Change value to "Maximize" ACTIVARE FARURI DE CEAȚĂ LA VIRAJE (FUNCȚIA CORNERING) ACTIVATION OF FOG LAMPS ON CORNERS (CORNERING FUNCTION) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lichtfunktion B 12 - Change value to "Abbiegelicht links" 05 - Dimmwert AB 12 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction AB12 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte13NL RB5 08 - Lichtfunktion B 13 - Change value to "Abbiegelicht rechts" 09 - Dimmwert AB13 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction AB13 - Change value to "Maximize" ACTIVARE FARURI DE CEATĂ ÎN MARȘARIER ACTIVATION OF FOG HEADLIGHTS WHEN REVERSING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Static AFS light 04 - Bei rueckwaertsfahrt - Change value to "Both sides" FARURILE DE CEAȚĂ SIMULTAN CU FLASH-URILE FOG LIGHTS SIMULTANEOUS WITH THE FLASHES 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lichtfunktion D12 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 05 - Dimmwert CD12 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD12 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte13NL RB5 08 - Lichtfunktion D13 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 09 - Dimmwert CD13 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD13 - Change value to "Maximize" ACTIVARE FARURI DE CEAȚĂ CU FAZA LUNGĂ ACTIVATION FRONT FOG LIGHTS WITH LONG LIGHTS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lichtfunktion C12 - Change value to "Lichtupe generell" 05 - Dimmwert CD12 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD12 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte13NL RB5 08 - Lichtfunktion B13 - Change value to "Lichtupe generell" 09 - Dimmwert AB13 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD13 - Change value to "Maximize" COMING HOME ACTIVAT LA DESCHIDEREA UȘII ȘOFERULUI COMING HOME ACTIVE AT OPENING THE DRIVER'S DOOR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Comfort illumination - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_uebergreifend - From MY17 04 - Coming home verbaustatus - Change value to "Automatic" 05 - Coming-home Einschaltereignis - Change value to "Driver door" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ACTIVARE AUTOMATĂ COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Comfort illumination - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_uebergreifend - From MY17 04 - Coming home verbaustatus - Change value to "Automatic" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME NUMAI PE LDZ, FĂRĂ FAZĂ SCURTĂ - (FARURI LED) COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ONLY DRL, WITHOUT LOW BEAM - (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte6ABL LC5 04 - Lichtfunktion C6 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 05 - Dimming direction CD6 - Change value to "Minimize" 06 - Dimmwert CD6 - Change value to "0" 07 - Leuchte7ABL RB1 08 - Lichtfunktion C7 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 09 - Dimming direction CD7 - Change value to "Minimize" 10 - Dimmwert CD7 - Change value to "0" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME NUMAI PE LDZ, FĂRĂ FAZĂ SCURTĂ - (FARURI NO LED) COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ONLY DRL, WITHOUT LOW BEAM - (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte6ABL LC5 04 - Lichtfunktion E6 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 05 - Dimming direction EF6 - Change value to "Minimize" 06 - Dimmwert EF6 - Change value to "0" 07 - Leuchte7ABL RB1 08 - Lichtfunktion E7 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 09 - Dimming direction EF7 - Change value to "Minimize" 10 - Dimmwert EF7 - Change value to "0" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME PE LĂMPILE DE PE HAYON - (FARURI LED) COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ON TAILGATE LAMPS - (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte26NSL LA72 04 - Lichtfunktion C26 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 05 - Dimmwert CD26 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD26 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte27NSL RC6 08 - Lichtfunktion C27 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 09 - Dimmwert CD27 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD27 - Change value to "Maximize" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME PE LĂMPILE DE PE HAYON - (FARURI NO LED) COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ON TAILGATE LAMPS - (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte23SL HLC10 04 - Lichtfunktion C23 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 05 - Dimmwert CD23 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction CD26 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte24SL HRA65 08 - Lichtfunktion C24 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 09 - Dimmwert CD24 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction CD24 - Change value to "Maximize" SEMNALIZĂRILE FAȚĂ ÎN CONTRAFAZĂ CU DRL-urile (FARURI LED) FRONT TURN SIGNALS IN COUNTERPHASE WITH DRLs (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte2SL VLB10 04 - Lichtfunktion F2 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Dimmwert EF2 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming Direction EF2 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte3SL VRB21 08 - Lichtfunktion F3 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 09 - Dimmwert EF3 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming Direction EF3 - Change value to "Minimize" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME PE FARURILE DE CEAȚĂ COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME IN THE FOG LIGHTS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lichtfunktion E12 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leaving Home aktiv" 05 - Dimmwert EF12 - Change value to "100" 06 - Dimming direction EF12 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte13NL RB5 08 - Lichtfunktion E13 - Change value to "Coming Home oder Leavint Home aktiv" 09 - Dimmwert EF13 - Change value to "100" 10 - Dimming direction EF13 - Change value to "Maximize" 11 - Comfort illumination 12 - Coming home leuchten - Change value to "Fog light" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME PE A 3-A LAMPĂ DE FRÂNĂ COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME ON THE 3RD BRAKE LAMP 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte22BR MA57 04 - Lichtfunktion B22 - Change value to "Coming home oder leaving home Aktiv" COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME FĂRĂ A AVEA SENSOR DE LUMINĂ SAU DE PLOAIE COMING HOME & LEAVING HOME WITHOUT HAVING A LIGHT OR RAIN SENSOR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Comfort Illumination - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_uebergreifend From MY17 04 - Coming Home Verbaustatus - Change value to "Automatic" 05 - Menueeinstellung Cominghome - Change value to "20" - Default "10 sec" 06 - Coming-home Einschaltereignis - Change value to "Driver Door" 07 - Menuesteuerung Coming Home Werkseinstellung - Change value to "Active" 08 - Coming home Leuchteng - Change value to "Low Beam" 09 - Leaving-Home Verbausstatus - Change value to "Unlocked" 10 - Menuesteuerung Leaving-home Freischaltung per BAP - Change value to "Active" 11 - Menueinstellung Leaving-home Zeit per BAP - "Change value to 20 seconds" SEMNALIZĂRILE FAȚĂ ÎN CONTRAFAZĂ CU DRL-urile (FARURI NO LED) FRONT TURN SIGNALS IN COUNTERPHASE WITH DRLs (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte4TFL LB4 04 - Lichtfunktion F4 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Dimmwert EF4 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming Direction EF4 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte5TFL RB32 08 - Lichtfunktion F5 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 09 - Dimmwert EF5 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming Direction EF5 - Change value to "Minimize" SEMNALIZĂRILE SPATE ÎN CONTRAFAZĂ CU LĂMPILE DE POZIȚIE (FARURI LED) REAR TURN SIGNALS IN COUNTERPHASE WITH POSITION LAMPS (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte23SL HLC10 04 - Lichtfunktion F23 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Dimmwert EF23 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming Direction EF23 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte24SL HRA65 08 - Lichtfunktion F24 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 09 - Dimmwert EF24 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming Direction EF24 - Change value to "Minimize" SEMNALIZĂRILE SPATE ÎN CONTRAFAZĂ CU LĂMPILE DE POZIȚIE (FARURI NO LED) REAR TURN SIGNALS IN COUNTERPHASE WITH POSITION LAMPS (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte20BR LA71 04 - Lichtfunktion F20 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Dimmwert EF20 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming Direction EF20 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte21BR RC8 08 - Lichtfunktion F21 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 09 - Dimmwert EF21 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming Direction EF21 - Change value to "Minimize" SEMNALIZĂRILE SIMULTAN CU LUMINA DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) - (FARURI LED) TURN SIGNALS SIMULTANEOUS WITH DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) - (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte2SL VLB10 04 - Lichtfunktion G2 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkphase" 05 - Dimmwert GH2 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming direction GH2 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte3SL VRB21 08 - Lichtfunktion G3 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkphase" 09 - Dimmwert GH3 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming direction GH3 - Change value to "Minimize" SEMNALIZĂRILE SIMULTAN CU LUMINA DEPLASARE ZIUA (LDZ) - (FARURI NO LED) TURN SIGNALS SIMULTANEOUS WITH DAYTIME RUNING LIGHT (DRL) - (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte4TFL LB4 04 - Lichtfunktion G4 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkphase" 05 - Dimmwert GH4 - Change value to "0" 06 - Dimming direction GH4 - Change value to "Minimize" 07 - Leuchte5TFL RB32 08 - Lichtfunktion G5 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkphase" 09 - Dimmwert GH5 - Change value to "0" 10 - Dimming direction GH5 - Change value to "Minimize" FLASH-URI SIMULTAN CU FAZA SCURTĂ ȘI FAZA LUNGĂ (FARURI LED) SIMULTANEOUS FLASHING WITH LOW BEAM AND HIGH BEAM (LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte6ABL LC5 04 - Lichtfunktion C6 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 05 - Dimmwert CD6 - Change value to "127" 06 - Dimming Direction CD6 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte7ABL RB1 08 - Lichtfunktion C7 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 09 - Dimmwert CD7 - Change value to "127" 10 - Dimming Direction CD7 - Change value to "Maximize" FLASH-URI SIMULTAN CU FAZA SCURTĂ ȘI FAZA LUNGĂ (FARURI NO LED) SIMULTANEOUS FLASHING WITH LOW BEAM AND HIGH BEAM (NO LED HEADLIGHTS) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte6ABL LC5 04 - Lichtfunktion E6 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 05 - Dimmwert EF6 - Change value to "127" 06 - Dimming Direction EF6 - Change value to "Maximize" 07 - Leuchte7ABL RB1 08 - Lichtfunktion E7 - Change value to "Lichthupe generell" 09 - Dimmwert EF7 - Change value to "127" 10 - Dimming Direction EF7 - Change value to "Maximize" VITEZA LA CARE SE ACTIVEAZĂ LUMINILE LA CURBE "CORNERING" THE ANGLE TO ACTIVATE LIGHTS AT CURVES "CORNERING" 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Static AFS light 04 - Untere Geschwindigkeitsschwelle - Change value to Desired - Default "0 Km/H" 05 - Obere Geschwindigkeitsschwelle - Change value to Desired - Default "40 Km/H" UNGHIUL LA CARE SE ACTIVEAZĂ LUMINILE LA CURBE "CORNERING" THE ANGLE TO ACTIVATE LIGHTS AT CURVES "CORNERING" 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Static AFS light 04 - Unterer Lenkradwinkel - Change value to Desired - Default "30º" Value at which it is Deactivated 05 - Oberer Lenkradwinkel - Change value to Desired - Default "90º" Value at which it is Activated LUMINĂ DE AVARIE PE A 3-A LAMPĂ DE FRÂNĂ EMERGENCY LIGHT ON THE 3RD BRAKE LAMP 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte22BR MA57 04 - Lichtfunktion E22 - Change value to "Blinken links Hellphase" 05 - Lichtfunktion F22 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Hellphase" 06 - Dimmwert EF22 - Change value to "100" 07 - Dimming diection EF22 - Change value to "Maximize" A 3-A LAMPĂ DE FRÂNĂ CA CONFIRMARE LA ÎNCHIDERE / DESCHIDERE 3rd BRAKE LAMP AS CONFIRMATION AT CLOSURE / OPENING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Dyn. Turn signal modes - Up toMY16 or Aussenlicht_Blinkert - From MY17 04 - ZV_Blinken_zu - Change value to "Active" 05 - ZV_Blinken_auf - Change value to "Active" 06 - Leuchte22BR MA57 07 - Lichtfunktion C22 - Change value to "Aktive Blinkfunktion hat ein auf 1 gesetztes zugeordnetes Bit in pa_dynamisch_blinken" A 3-A LAMPĂ DE FRÂNĂ SE APRINDE LA DESCHIDEREA HAYONULUI 3rd BRAKE LAMP LIGHTS AT HAYON OPENING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte22BR MA57 04 - Lichtfunktion D22 - Change value to "Heckdeckel Offen" 05 - Dimmwert CD22 - Change value to "100" CLIPIRE LUMINĂ DE FRÂNĂ LA FRÂNAREA BRUSCĂ FLASHING BRAKE LIGHTS WITH SUDDEN BRAKING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Assistance light functions - Up to MY16 or Aussenlicht_Heck - From MY17 04 - Notbremsanzeige NBA - Change value to "Active" ACTIVAREA LUMINILOR DE AVARIE LA FRÂNAREA BRUSCĂ ACTIVATION OF EMERGENCY LIGHTS TO SUDDEN BRAKING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Dyn. Turn signal modes - Up toMY16 or Aussenlicht_Blinkert - From MY17 04 - Emergenci alert blinken - Change value to "Active" ACTIVAREA LUMINILOR DE AVARIE ÎN CAZUL UNEI COLIZIUNI ACTIVATION OF EMERGENCY LIGHTS IN THE EVENT OF A COLLISION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Dyn. Turn signal modes - Up toMY16 or Aussenlicht_Blinkert - From MY17 04 - Multi kollisions blinken - Change value to "Active" ELIMINAREA ERORII LĂMPILOR LED PENTRU FARURILE DE CEAȚĂ ELIMINATE THE ERROR OF THE LED LAMPS IN FRONT FOG LAPMS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte12NL LB45 04 - Lassttyp 12 - Change value to "Led Lichtmodul" 05 - Dimmwert AB12 - Change value to "127" 06 - Leuchte13NL RB5 07 - Lassttyp 13 - Change value to "Led Lichtmodul" 08 - Dimmwert AB13 - Change value to "127" ELIMINAREA ERORII LĂMPILOR LED PENTRU PLACA DE ÎNMATRICULARE ELIMINATE THE ERROR OF THE LED LAMPS ON THE LICENSE PLATE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte25KZL HA59 04 - Lasttyp 25 - Change value to "Allgemeine Led" - Default "2*5W" 05 - Dimmwert AB25 - Change value to "127" MENȚINE LUMINA POZIȚIEI SAU A FRÂNEI APRINSĂ LA DESCHIDEREA HAYONULUI KEEP THE LIGHT OF THE POSITION OR BRAKE WHEN OPENING THE TAILGATE --- Position Lights --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 04 - Lichtfunktion E 16 - Change value to "Heckdeckel offen" 05 - Dimmwert EF 16 - Change value to "100" 06 - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 07 - Lichtfunktion E 17 - Change value to "Heckdeckel offen" 08 - Dimmwert EF 17 - Change value to "100" --- Brake Lights --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte 20BR LA71 04 - Lichtfunktion E 20 - Change value to "Heckdeckel offen" 05 - Dimmwert EF 2o - Change value to "100" 06 - Leuchte 21BR RC8 07 - Lichtfunktion E 21 - Change value to "Heckdeckel offen" 08 - Dimmwert EF 21 - Change value to "100" AMERICAN PARKING ÎN MODUL SPORT AMERICAN PARKING IN SPORT MODE --- Front turn signals --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte 0 BLK VL B36 04 - Lichtfunktion D0 - Change value to "Ambientelicht 4" 05 - Dimmwert CD0 - Change value to "30" 06 - Lichfunktion E0 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 07 - Dimming Direction EF0 - Change value to "Minimize" 08 - Leuchte1BLK VRB20 09 - Lichtfunktion D1 - Change value to "Ambienteclicht 4" 10 - Dimmwert CD1 - Change value to "30" 11 - Lichtfunktion E1 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 12 - Dimming Direction EF1 - Change value to "Minimize" --- Rear turn signals --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte 18 BLK 04 - Lichtfunktion D0 - Change value to "Ambientelicht 4" 05 - Dimmwert CD0 - Change value to "30" 06 - Lichfunktion E0 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 07 - Dimming Direction EF0 - Change value to "Minimize" 08 - Leuchte 19BLK 09 - Lichtfunktion D1 - Change value to "Ambientelicht 4" 10 - Dimmwert CD1 - Change value to "30" 11 - Lichfunktion E1 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 12 - Dimming Direction EF1 - Change value to "Minimize" SEMNALIZĂRI MOD "PACE CAR" TURN SIGNALS "PACE CAR" MODE --- Golf Mk7 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 04 - Lichtfunktion A16 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 06 - Lichtfunktion A17 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" --- Seat Leon Mk3 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 04 - Lichtfunktion A16 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" 05 - Lichtfunktion C16 - Change value to "Blinken links Hellphase" 06 - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 07 - Lichtfunktion A17 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 08 - Lichtfunktion C17 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Hellphase" JOC DE LUMINĂ URBAN PE SPATE URBAN JOKE TAIL LIGHT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Leuchte16BLK SLB35BLK SL KC9 04 - Lichtfunktion A16 - Change value to "Blinken rechts Dunkelphase" 05 - Leuchte17TFL R BLK SRB3TFL R BLK SR KC3 06 - Lichtfunktion A17 - Change value to "Blinken links Dunkelphase" AJUTOR PENTRU ȘOFER / MODURI DEZACTIVARE SISTEM START/STOP DISABLE START/STOP SYSTEM 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 19 - Gateway - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Start/Stop initial voltage limit - Change value to "12V" - Default "7.6V" Another way: 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 19 - Gateway - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - EM Start/Stop requirement ambient temperature - Change value to "50º" - Default "-50º" ÎNCHIDERE CENTRALIZATĂ CU MOTORUL PORNIT CENTRAL LOCK WITH IGNITION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Access control - Up to MY16 or ZV Allgemein - From MY17 04 - Funk bei Klemme 15 ein - Change value to "Active" AVERTIZARE CHEIE UITATĂ ÎN CONTACT KEY WARNING FORGOT IN CONTACT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Ignition key warning device - Change value to "Warning" MEMORIA AUTO HOLD ACTIVATĂ DIN INFOTAINMENT AUTO HOLD MEMORY FROM INFOTAINMENT ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 03 - Brakes - Security access 40304 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 28 - Activate Bit 4 "Bap - Autohold" ACTIVARE MOD DE CONDUCERE - DINAMIC (SPORT) ACTIVATE DRIVING MODE - DYNAMIC (SPORT) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 44 - Steering Assistance - Security access 19249 02 - Adaptation 03 - Characteristic curve of steering assistance - Change value to "Dynamic" ACCELERAȚIE DIRECTĂ - RĂSPUNSUL PEDALEI DIRECT ACCELERATION - THROTTLE RESPONSE Option B offers more linear acceleration without sudden deliveries. 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 44 - Steering Assistance - Security access 19249 02 - Adaptation 03 - Driving profile switchover - Options: A - Incremental, controlled over time B - Direct, controlled over threshold value ACTIVARE PROFILE CONDUCĂTOR AUTO (APARE ÎN MENIU) ACTIVATE DRIVER PROFILE (APPEAR IN MENU) 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Personalisierung_Profilfunktion - Change value to "profiles_active" 04 - Profil_Variante - Change value to "Konto (v. 1.x)" 05 - Adaptacion 06 - Personalisierung 07 - Personalisierung_aktiv - Change value to "Active" 08 - Aktivierungsoption_im_HMI-Menue_sichtbar - Change value to "Active" 09 - Benutzerkontenverwaltung_im_HMI-Menue_sichtbar - Change value to "Active" 10 - Personalisierungsfunktionen_im_HMI-Menue_sichtbar - Change value to "Active" 11 - Anzahl_Benutzerkonten - Change value to "4" 12 - Automatische_Schluesselzuordnung - Change value to "Active" ACTIVARE VIZUALIZARE PROFILE CONDUCĂTOR AUTO ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD ACTIVATE VIEW DRIVER PROFILES IN THE DASHBOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 19 - Gateway - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 08 - Activate Bit 4 "Display for drive program function in instrument cluster" ACTIVARE AUTOMATĂ A LUMINILOR PE TIMP DE PLOAIE AUTOMATIC ACTIVATION OF LIGHTS DURING RAIN 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Subsystem - RLHS 03 - Long coding - Bytes mode 04 - Byte 0 - Activate Bit 1 ACTIVARE ASISTENT PENTRU BANDA DE MERS LANE ASSIST ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 04 - Activate Bit 6 "Lane Assist pt1" 04 - Byte 11 - Activate Bit 1 "Lane Assist pt2" 05 - Byte 11 - Activate Bit 3 "Lane Change assist information BAP" 06 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 44 - Steering Assistance - Security access 19249 07 - Long coding - Bytes mode 08 - Byte 03 - Activate Bit 0 "Lane Assist" - Installed 09 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 10 - Long coding - Bytes mode 11 - Byte 16 - Activate Bit 7 "Heading control assist" 12 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 13 - Adaptation 14 - Warning intensity, lane depart. warning - Change value to "Selection via Menu" 15 - BAP Personalization - Change value to "Not active" 16 - Personalization of lane dept. warning Cl. 15 on - Change value to "Last setting" 17 - Intervention moment or Point_of_intervention - Change value to "Late/Menu" 18 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 19 - Adaptation 20 - Car_Function_List_Bap_Gen2 21 - LDW_HCA_0x19 - Change value to "Activate" 22 - LDW_HCA_0x19_msg_bus - Change value to "Databus extended" 23 - Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2 24 - menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning - Change value to "Activated" 25 - menu_display_Lane_Departure_Warning_over_threshold_high - Change value to "Activated" ACTIVARE ASISTENT LUMINĂ LIGHT ASSIST ACTIVATION --- Up to MY16 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - Erweiterte_fernlichtsteuerung - Change value to "AFS, FLA, Fernlicht ueber AFS" 04 - Adaptation 05 - Assistance light functions 06 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent - Change value to "Present" 07 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung - Change value to "Present" 08 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 09 - Long coding - Text mode 10 - AFS_coding_Light_Assist - Change value to "High_Beam_Assist" --- From MY17 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Fernlicht_assistent 04 - Erweiterte_fernlichtsteuerung - Change value to "AFS, FLA, Fernlicht ueber AFS" 05 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent - Change value to "Present" 06 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung - Change value to "Present" 07 - Will Beam assistant, responsivity adjustable via BAP - Change value to "Present" 08 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 09 - Long coding - Text mode 10 - AFS_coding_Light_Assist - Change value to "High_Beam_Assist" ACTIVARE ASISTENT LUMINĂ DINAMICĂ DYNAMIC LIGHT ASSIST ACTIVATION --- Up to MY16 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Assistance light functions 04 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent - Change value to "Present" 05 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung - Change value to "Present" 06 - Long coding- Text mode 07 - Erweiterte_fernlichtsteuerung - Change value to "AFS, FLA, Fernlicht (GLW,MDF)" 08 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 09 - Long coding - Text mode 10 - FLA_Headinglight_type - Change value to "LED_with_variable_light_distribution" 11 - FLA_Additional_High_Beam - Change value to "no Additional_High_Beam" 12 - AFS_coding_Light_Assist - Change value to "Dynamuc_Light_Assist" 13 - UNITATE DE CONTROL - 55 Headlight Regulation - Security access 20103 14 - Long coding - Text mode 15 - mdf_activation - Change value to "Enabled" Note: After this you'll get an error because of the headlight (pointing to the ground). PROCEED: - Don't move the car - Delete the fault codes in the module 55 - Go to the Basic settings - "Basic headlamp setting" and Activate - Go to the Basic settings - "Acknowledge basic setting" and Activate - Delete the fault codes in the module 55 --- From MY17 --- 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Fernlich_assistent 04 - Erweiterte_fernlichtsteuerung - Change value to "AFS, FLA, Fernlicht (GLW,MDF)" 05 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent - Change value to "Present" 06 - Menuesteuerung Fernlichtassistent Werkseinstellung - Change value to "Present" 07 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 08 - Long coding - Text mode 09 - FLA_Headinglight_type - Change value to "LED_with_variable_light_distribution" 10 - FLA_Additional_High_Beam - Change value to "no Additional_High_Beam" 11 - AFS_coding_Light_Assist - Change value to "Dynamic_Light_Assist" 12 - UNITATE DE CONTROL - 4B Multifunction Module - Security access 20103 13 - Long coding - Text mode 14 - mdf_activation - Change value to "Enabled" Note: After this you'll get an error because of the headlight (pointing to the ground). PROCEED: - Don't move the car - Delete the fault codes in the module 55 - Go to the Basic settings - "Basic headlamp setting" and Activate - Go to the Basic settings - "Acknowledge basic setting" and Activate - Delete the fault codes in the module 55 LIGHT ASSIST ÎNTOTDEAUNA ACTIVAT LA PORNIRE LIGHT ASSIST ALWAYS ACTIVATED ON START 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Assistance light functions - Up to MY16 or Fernlicht_assistent - From MY17 04 - Fenlichtassistent reset - Change value to "Not active" AJUSTAREA SENZORULUI DE LUMINĂ PENTRU ACTIVARE / DEZACTIVARE LIGHT ASSIST LIGHT SENSOR ADJUSTMENT FOR LIGHT ASSIST ACTIVATION / DEACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Lum.de off vehicle detection in the dark - Change value to Desired - Default "20 lx" 04 - Brightness of Activac. Vehicle detection in the dark - Change value to Desired - Default "3 lx" AJUSTAREA VITEZEI LA CARE SE ACTIVEAZĂ / DEZACTIVEAZĂ LIGHT ASSIST SPEED ADJUSTMENT FOR LIGHT ASSIST ACTIVATION / DEACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Activation speed for assistance. High beam - Change value to Desired - Default "57 Km/H" 04 - Speed threshold. To recommend. Road lights OFF - Change value to Desired - Default "27 Km/H" RECUNOAŞTERE SEMNE DE CIRCULAȚIE TRAFFIC SIGN RECOGNITION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 05 - Activate Bit 2 "Traffic Sign Recognition" 04 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 05 - Adaptation 06 - Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen2 07 - menu_display_road_sign_identification - Change value to "Activated" 08 - menu_display_road_sign_identification_over_threshold - Change value to "Activated" 09 - Car_Function_List_BAP_Gen2 10 - traffic_sign_recognition_0x21 - Change value to "Activated" 11 - traffic_sign_recognition_0x21_msg_bus - Change value to "Comfort data bus" 12 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 13 - Long coding - Bytes mode 14 - Byte 01 - Activate Bit 0 - Up to MY16 or Byte 16 - Activate Bit 4 - From MY17 15 - Adaptation 16 - Identification of road signs fusion mode - Change value to "Fusion traffic signs" If an error is stored in the Module 13, the following must be coded: 17 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 13 - Adaptive Cruise Control - Security access 20103 18 - Long coding - Bytes mode 19 - Byte 01 - Activate Bit 0 "Traffic sign detection" Note: It is necessary to have the camera installed. DURITATEA CONTRA-VOLANULUI STEERING WHEEL HARDNESS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 03 - Brakes - Security access 40168/20103 02 - Adaptación 03 - Counter steer support - Change value to Desired - Default "Strong" AJUSTAREA SPAȚIULUI DE LA BORDURĂ PENTRU PARK ASSIST ADJUST CURB SPACING IN PARKING ASSISTANT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 76 - Parkink Assistant - Security access 71769 02 - Adaptation 03 - Distance to curb - Default "15" 04 - If you want me to adjust it to the millimeter Change value to "10" DURITATEA VOLANULUI LA IEȘIREA DE PE BANDĂ PENTRU LANE ASSIST STEERING WHEEL HARDNESS AT THE LANE EXIT FOR LANE ASSIST 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Warning intensity, lane depart. warning - Change value to Desired - Default "Medium" AJUSTAREA VIBRAȚIEI VOLANULUI PENTRU LANE ASSIST STEERING WHEEL VIBRATION ADJUSTMENTS IN LANE ASSIST 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL A5 - Driver Assistance - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - System mode, lane depart. warn, - Change value to "Steering wheel vibration Active" 04 - Warning intensity, lane depart. warning - Change value to Desired - Default "Medium" 05 - Personalization of intervention moment at T. 15 on - Change value to Desired - Default "Late setting in Menu" 06 - Select one of the three options STABILIZAREA REMORCII TRAILER STABILIZATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 03 - Brakes - Security access 40304 02 - Adaptation 03 - Vehicle and trailer stabilization - Change value to "Activated" DEZACTIVARE AVERTIZARE ACUSTICĂ PENTRU PARCARE DEACTIVATE ACOUSTIC WARNING FOR PARKING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 76 - Parking Assistance - Security access 71679 02 - Adaptation 03 - Park assist activation tone - Change value to "OFF" SCĂDEREA VOLUMULUI LA PARCAREA MAȘINII DECREASING THE VOLUME FOR THE PARKING CAR 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 76 - Parking Assistance - Security access 71679 02 - Adaptation 03 - Audio reduction request - Change value to "ON" ACTIVARE SERVODIRECȚIE CU MOTORUL OPRIT POWER STEERING ACTIVATION WITH ENGINE OFF 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 44 - Steering Assistance - Security access 19249 02 - Adaptation 03 - Activation of pwr steering asst without engine running - Change value to "Active" MENIU / ECRANE / OPȚIUNI TESTUL ACELOR DIN BORD NEEDLE SWEEP TEST 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 01 - Activate Bit 0 "Gauge Test/Needle Sweep (Staging)" ACTIVARE MENIU OFFROAD OFFROAD MENU ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Car_Function_Adaptations_Gen_2 04 - menu_display_compass - Change value to "Activated" 05 - menu_display_compass_over_threshold_high - Change value to "Activated" 06 - menu_display_angle_of_slope - Change value to "Activated" 07 - menu_display_angle_of_slope_over_threshold_high - Change value to "Activated" 08 - Car_Function_List_Bap_Gen_2 09 - compass_0x15 - Change value to "Activated" 10 - compass_0x15_msg_bus - Change value to "Comfort data bus" 11 - angle_of_slope_0x24 - Change value to "Activated" 12 - angle_of_slope_0x24_msg_bus - Change value to "Comfort data bus" 13 - Long coding - Bytes mode 14 - Byte 24 - Activate Bit 2 "Navigation function" - if you have Navigation 15 - Long coding - Text mode 16 - byte_24_Navigation_System - Change value to "Activated" - if you do not have a Navigation Note: Point 16 is only for systems that do not have Navigation ACTIVARE FUNDAL CARBON ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD ACTIVATION CARBON BACKGROUD IN DASHBOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Display depiction - Change value to "Version 2" ACTIVARE FUNDAL CARBON ÎN INFOTAINMENT ACTIVATION CARBON BACKGROUD IN INFOTAINMENT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - byte_17_skinning - Change value to "Skin_3" for 6.5" and 8" screens or "Skin_2" for 5.8" LOGO DE START IN INFOTAINMENT START LOGO IN INFOTAINMENT 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - byte_18_sreenings - Change value with Disered "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc." for R, R-Line, Bluemotion, GTI, GTD, AllTrack, etc. AFIȘEAZĂ MODURILE DE CONDUCERE ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD DISPLAY DRIVING MODES IN THE DASHBOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 19 - Gateway - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Byte 08 - Activate Bit "4" TEMPERATURA ULEIULUI ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD OIL TEMPERATURE ON THE BOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security code 25327 02 - Long coding - Byte mode 03 - Byte 10 - Activate Bit 1 "Display oil temperature" Another way: 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security code 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Oil temperature display - Change value to "ON" CANTITATE COMBUSTIBIL DE COMPLETAT ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD REFUELING COMBUSTIBLE AMOUNT IN THE DASHBOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security code 25327 02 - Long coding - Byte mode 03 - Byte 10 - Activate Bit 4 "Refueling gasoline amount in DIS" CRONOMETRU ÎN TABLOUL DE BORD LAP TIMER IN THE DASHBOARD 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security code 25327 02 - Long coding - Byte mode 03 - Byte 01 - Activate Bit 3 "Lap timer" ADAUGĂ CULORI PENTRU LUMINA AMBIENTALĂ ADD COLORS FOR AMBIENTAL LIGHT -------------------- I still can't find her --------------------- ACTIVARE MENIUL VERDE GREEN MENU ACTIVATION 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F - Multimedia - Security access 20103 02 - Change service 03 - Development mode 04 - Adaptation 05 - Developer mode - Change value to "Activated" Note: Press and hold the Menu button until the update menu appear and do not release the button until the Green menu appear. LIMBA VEHICULULUI VEHICLE LANGUAGE 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security code 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Language version - Change value to Desired SERVICE / MECANICĂ / AJUSTĂRI DEAZACACTIVARE AVERTISMENT PENTRU SERVICE DEACTIVATION SERVICE WARNING 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - Service notification in days - Change valor to "Not active" RESETARE CICLURI SERVICE RESET SERVICE CYCLES 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - WIV: Resetting ESI - Change value to "Reset" RESETARE AVERTIZARE SCHIMB DE ULEI OIL CHANGE WARNING RESET 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - SIE: oil quality - Change value to "Good oil quality" MODIFICĂ AVERTIZAREA DE REVIZIE PE KM CHANGE OF REVISION WARNING BY KM 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - FIX: Max. Distance until next mileage-related inspecțion - Change value to Desired - Default "30000" 04 - FIX: Reset value for next mileage-dependent inspection - Change value to Desired - Default "30000" 05 - SIE: maximum value kmdriving distance/inspection - Change value to Desired - Defalut "30000" 06 - SIE: manimum value kmdriving distance/inspection - Change value to Desired - Defalut "30000" 07 - SIA: maximum value of distance to service - Change value to Desired - Default "15000" MODIFICĂ AVERTIZAREA DE REVIZIE PE ZILE CHANGE OF REVISION WARNING BY DAYS 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 17 - Dashboard - Security access 25327 02 - Adaptation 03 - FIX: Maximum time until next time-dependent inspection - Change value to Desired - Default "730 days" 04 - FIX: Reset value for next mileage-dependent inspections - Change value to Desired - Default "365 days" 05 - SIE: maximum value of time between inspections - Change to value Desired - Default "730 days" 06 - WIV: minimum value of time between inspections - Change value to Desired - Default "365 days" 07 - SIA: maximum value of time to service - Change value to Desired - Default "365 days" VALOARE NOUĂ DUPĂ ÎNLOCUIRE BATERIE NEW VALUE BATERRY 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 19 - Gateway - Security access 20103 02 - Adaptation 03 - Battery adaptation - Change value to Desired Look at the correct values on the battery sticker. AH Manufacturer. Serial number and if it is dry or wet. SENSIBILITATE SENZOR DE LUMINĂ LIGHT SENSOR SENSIBILITY 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 - Central Electrics - Security access 31347 02 - Adaptation 03 - Assistance light functions 04 - Lichtsensorempfindlichkeit - Change value to Desired: A - Sensitive B - Normal C - Non sensitive RETROFITS INSTALARE CAMERĂ MARȘARIER OEM REVERSE CAMERA OEM Programming: 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 19 - Activate Bit 4 Another way: 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 5F 02 - Long coding - Text mode 03 - byte_19_Rear_View_Low - Change value to "Activated" INSTALARE SENZOR DE LUMINĂ LIGHT SENSOR INSTALLATION Programming: 01 - UNITATE DE CONTROL 09 02 - Long coding - Bytes mode 03 - Byte 06 - Activate "Bit 2" 04 - Byte 07 - Activate "Bit 5 and 7" ATENȚIE: Vă rog să rețineți că toate modificările cu dispozitivul OBDeleven sunt pe propriul vostru risc. NU MĂ FAC RESPONSABIL! Asigurați-vă că faceți o copie de rezervă a mașinii înainte de a face modificări. Pentu cei interesați în achiziționarea unui dispozitiv OBDeleven la cel mai mic preț de pe piață, vă pun la dispoziție urmatorul link afiliat: OBDeleven România (este pagina oficială). Dacă doriți aplicația piratată OBDeleven (NUMAI pentru Android) scrieți-mi aici pe Facebook Messenger. -- Vă invităm să vizitați grupul nostru de Facebook -- aici VW Passat B8 România -- --- Document Created by Mugurel --- © 2020 Mugurel. All rights reserved.
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