Intro to Crystals This information is intended as a very basic outline of Crystal roles and builds. There are other options and variations, but this is a place to start. Roles and Builds Standard teams use 1 healer, 1 tank, 2 ranged dps, and 1 bruiser. One ranged dps is sometimes swapped for a second bruiser. Most builds will use Martlock cape, unless they need Lymhurst for energy, or sometimes Thetford on dps. Bringing multiple capes for swaps is useful. Healer – Only one real build. 1h Nature, Graveguard Helmet, Robe of Purity, Assassin Shoes, Mistcaller. Swaps include Tome of Spells, and Fiend Robe or Cleric Robe to save silver in level 2+. Tank – Mostly one armor build, with weapon swaps. Fiend Cowl, Judicator Armor, Fiend Sandals. Can swap Helmet of Valor and Guardian Armor. Multiple weapon options to match the situation help. Black Monk Staff, Iron-Clad Staff, and Heavy Mace are the big three, but Pole Hammer and Tomb Hammer are seen also. Primary Ranged DPS – Crossbows use sunder shot to setup kill targets. This role is often the primary caller for target focus. Communication is extra important. Soldier Helmet, Cleric Robe, Assassin Shoes. Heavy Crossbow, or Light Crossbow with Muisak or Facebreaker. Muisak needs Lymhurst, others can go Thetford. Pressure Ranged DPS – A large variety of weapons can work here, but the current king is Great Curse. Fiend Cowl, Mage Robe, Assassin Shoes. Can swap Soldier Helmet and/or Cleric Robe if needed. Other possible weapons include Permafrost, Great Fire, and Regular Bow. Whispering Bow is likely to join the list after the next update. This role may be dropped for a second bruiser, or a second crossbow. Bruiser – Generally an execution role, Claymore and Deathgivers* are primary, and sometimes Broadsword or Bloodletter. Stalker Hood, Stalker Jacket, Cultist Sandals. Hellion Jacket and Soldier Jacket are common swaps. Scholar Cowl may be needed for Deathgivers now. Assassin Shoes or Stalker Shoes can also swap in. If the team decides to drop the Pressure Ranged DPS for a second bruiser, Carving Sword and Halberd are top choices. *Note on Deathgivers: Deathgiver players who are used to arena will need to adjust their playstyle. In arena they can be played like Rambo, solo picking off targets. That doesn’t work in Crystals. Extra Notes - Level 1 crystals don’t drop loot, and IP is hard capped at 900. Level 2+ are full loot, and soft capped, with increasing IP as they go up. - Level 1-3 crystals happen three times a day, with two matches each. 2:00 and 2:30, then 13:00 and 13:30, and finally 20:00 and 20:30. - Everybody needs to be in the same zone. Unless planned otherwise, be ready to play from BBP. - You need to buy a token from the energy manipulator in the hideout. If the team is going to play from the territory, make sure you buy your token before going, as they aren’t sold at the territory tower. - Everybody must be in discord comms. Communication, from all members, is very important. - Improving as a team requires playing with the same people as much as possible. Priority for spots on a team will generally be given to those who show up consistently.
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