1 The Body of the Messiah in the Land of Israel following COVID-19: Where are we headed? This article was originally written in Hebrew in late 2022 and was published in a closed forum of pastors and ministry leaders within the Hebrew-speaking community of Israeli believers. Within said forum the response was lackluster at best, and to this day the topic has not been openly or honestly addressed in the local body. Additionally, events in the latter half of 2023 indicate that this article’s message is still relevant – including advances towards peace with Saudi Arabia, which oddly has been linked with a bilateral focus on the role of artificial intelligence, alongside the proposed installation of facial recognition technology throughout the local public domain. Furthermore, the war raging since the October 7 attacks will most likely lead to drastic changes in Israeli society, including the distinct possibility that comprehensive tracking of every individual will be introduced. One potential rationalization for such measures might be the need to prevent future hostage situations in which the whereabouts of the victims is unknown. Fateful times are here, and we who love Israel would be wise to inform ourselves in order to intercede correctly. The return to routine as an opportunity for assessing the situation The autumn festivals of 2022 are behind us, as are the fifth elections in a row. We apparently have returned to a normal routine for the first time in the last three years. What actually happened to us here in Israel during the COVID-19 era? What have we learned about ourselves as the Body of the Messiah along the way? Is the global crisis still affecting us? And where are we headed? These are fateful questions. Since the days of the Flood, it is difficult to find events of a similar magnitude in terms of the extent of their simultaneous effect on all of humanity. In such cases, it is worthwhile to assess the situation and ask what conclusions we should draw as believers. Israel's leading role in the global pandemic response is a most fascinating topic. Was the implementation of the policy of shutdowns and vaccinations in Israel merely pragmatic? Was it simply the product of Israel’s technological and medical advancement? Or was there a deeper spiritual aspect? There is no point in hiding the fact that there were, and still are, differences of opinion within the Body of the Messiah over the COVID-19 policies. In this article, there is no point in mentioning specific cases – since the goal is not to humiliate anyone personally or publicly. However, it is worthwhile to examine the toll that the crisis took – both in terms of the relationships amongst us as believers and in terms of our attitude towards our society. Some might say that the COVID-19 chapter is already over and that addressing it is pointless. I am persuaded that sooner or later it will be necessary for us to process this traumatic experience. The COVID-19 crisis was a defining event for Israel and for the Body of the Messiah in Israel. Three lockdowns, harsh restrictions and a coercive vaccination campaign left their mark on us. Many Messianic believers aligned themselves with government policy simply out of a desire to be law-abiding citizens. Some did so out of a desire to protect the health of those around them. Certain members of the believing community not only justified the state's decisions but also expressed full confidence in the underlying motives for these decisions – while publicly arguing Israel’s case before other believers (from Israel and abroad), many of whom had been stunned that the spearhead of these measures was here in Israel of all places. In opposition stood other believers who did not cooperate and indeed refused to be vaccinated. Some did so due to doubts regarding the potential effect on health and fertility. Some were concerned about individual liberties. Some believed that the vaccine was preparing the ground for the Mark of the Beast, or that it was THE Mark itself. 2 With the passing of the crisis, there is a temptation for some to not only think that we are back to normal, but also to look down upon the believers who dared to resist. The former believe that these prophecies of calamity did not come true, since the final “ Seven Years ” have not yet begun. Furthermore, it seems to them that these “conspiracy theories” were groundless since most of the millions vaccinated are still with us. Granted, there were opponents who made exaggerated statements – both regarding prophecy and regarding health – but it is distinctly possible that there were, among them, legitimate voices of warning that were not heeded, let alone properly heard. In fact, the event is still unfolding even if the immediate crisis has passed. Perhaps it is too early to completely rule out the positions of those who resisted the policies. In terms of health, it is not yet clear what the long-term consequences of the vaccine will be, although already at this stage the reports of alarming side effects are increasing. In terms of freedom, a dangerous precedent was created to say the least. In terms of preparing the ground for the End Times, we must examine the worldviews that caused many believers to accept the measures of the state submissively or even to support them vocally. We should consider if this response to the crisis actually exposed weak points in beliefs and positions that are commonly found in the Body of the Messiah. I chose to write this article anonymously for several reasons including one that may seem selfish. I do not have the stamina to turn this issue into a source of personal friction between me and other believers who disagree with me. Instead of exposing myself to the personal attacks, I prefer to present the burden of my heart and then let each one deal with the arguments in a personal and matter-of-fact way before God. Already in the days of the Bible, messengers appeared anonymously (Judges 6:8; Malachi 13:1), and I have no problem with acting in that way in this case. This subject has been burning in my heart for more than a year, and I can no longer shirk the responsibility of sharing my impressions regarding the COVID-19 response in Israel. The vaccine, the Mark of the Beast, and what they share in common Let us start with the most explosive question: What is the difference between the vaccine and the Mark of the Beast? Just to be clear from the beginning, I do not believe that they are one and the same thing and that we have already reached the ultimate fulfillment of the prophecy (Rev. 13:16-18). However, the coercive nature of the vaccination campaign and the fact that it involved the human body indicate that we have begun general rehearsals for THE Mark. According to one popular opinion, a saved believer will not face the requirement to receive the Mark because that event will come only after the Rapture, which is supposed to occur before the Great Tribulation. This is not the forum to conclusively resolve this debate surrounding the timing of the Rapture. For the sake of discussion, let us assume that the Rapture will take place prior to the Seven Years. If our arguments stand the test of the Rapture occurring before the Great Tribulation (the Pre-Trib position), then they are all the more relevant in any other scenario. Before we discuss the Mark of the Beast itself, let us make a comparison with a parallel theme that is also clearly identifiable with the Seven Years : “ the Antichrist .” Although there is broad consensus among believers that there will be one specific Antichrist at that time, it is possible that we will face similar phenomena beforehand: “ Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come... ” (1 st John 2:18). In a certain sense, the End Times began already in the days of Jesus (Heb. 1:2), and with them the demand to guard against anyone who declares himself to be the Christ in the spirit of the Antichrist. We must reject such a one and warn others against him as well. Believers throughout history have undergone loyalty tests of this sort. The same principle applies in connection with our firm refusal 3 to join any cult whose leader draws attention to himself instead of to Jesus. The fact that the cult leader is not the final Antichrist does not eliminate our need to oppose him. The enmity between the antichrists and us is not limited to the Seven Years, even if only then will it reach its peak. It could be said that the situation is similar regarding the Mark of the Beast. There is no need to wait for the Seven Years in order for us stand against any preliminary phenomenon of the Mark of the Beast that the enemy would like to attach to us. We have the right and the responsibility to resist any attempt by the enemy to “mark territory” in our lives – including in our bodies. Just as we must stand against the spirit of the Antichrist in every generation, and likewise against any attempt to ecumenically unite all religions under one umbrella, so we must also guard our bodies against all intentional harm, knowing that the body reflects the One who created us in His image and likeness. The COVID-19 crisis laid the groundwork for the implantation of advanced technology in the human body – even if the move has yet to be completed. The authorities used the crisis to test the limits and to discover who is ready to do whatever it takes in order to participate in society. In my observation, the goal of the various governments seems to be the installation of a smart system that will enable comprehensive surveillance within the human body itself, supposedly to maintain public order and to streamline the economy during the transition from cash to digital currency. In the spring of 2020, our prime minister even suggested the implantation of computer chips in order to enforce social distancing. He later retracted it – ostensibly – but his “ Freudian slip ” gave us a glimpse into the future. Systems of this type will potentially operate on the basis of block chain technology, the use of which will eliminate any possibility that a person could avoid being tracked. The guru of world leaders, Israeli historian and author Yuval Noah Harari, brazenly asserts that we must get used to the idea that humans are no longer “ mysterious souls ” but rather “ hackable animals. ” According to Harari, the COVID-19 crisis is the moment when surveillance goes “ under the skin” – a development that he claims will not only eliminate freedom of choice but also privacy, even in the realm of emotions. In an interview with Yonit Levy on Channel 12, Albert Bourla, the CEO of Pfizer, said : “ W hat I think that we are very, very interesting of (sic) doing...is working together in both the areas of biology and the areas of artificial intelligence, and...Israel has a perfect combination.” It turns out that the people of Israel were “ chosen ” on purpose and not randomly! The plan was certainly not limited to health, and it is doubtful that health was its goal at all! At the G20 conference of ’22 , they sought to establish a global green card (digital COVID-19 certificate) including “ genomic tracking ” ostensibly to enable the control of movement during an epidemic. In fact, the goal is a mechanism to be used in a “ social cre dit score” regime as is found in China. These are but a few examples of the promotion of invasive surveillance in the name of health. There is reason to expect the ultimate fulfillment of these steps in the Great Tribulation itself. The words of Harari and Bourla represent the leaders of the world. Their goal is transhumanism, the attempt to “enhance” the human race genetically and ultimately to merge it with technology. It is possible that these people are continuing in the footsteps of the demonic forces who sought to “ play with the settings ” of the human race in the period before the Flood (Gen. 6:1-4). The threat of such malicious plots should be obvious to anyone who loves humanity, and even more so to any believer who is exercising basic spiritual discernment. Something at the core of this scheme stinks, and we have not even had time to mention other dubious aspects of the management of the crisis in Israel: the unprecedented campaign of intimidation, the use of psychological manipulation that would compete with tactics used by leaders of the most closed cults on earth, the suspicious secrecy of the blacked-out agreements with Pfizer, the silencing of the voices of all the “prophets” who 4 noted that something was wrong, the cooperation with the web of deceit spun by the World Health Organization regarding the source of the virus and the effects of the vaccine (which is actually an innovative genetic therapy), and making participation in society dependent upon accepting the dictates. This is not a single red light blinking here; this is a whole dashboard of flashing red lights. No longer are we discussing technologies like credit cards that are external to the human body. Inserting genetic material into the body is an unprecedented crossing of a red line, as is imprinting an electronic patch or mark on the skin – especially when they are accepted under duress. Although the vaccine is not the Mark of the Beast, it heralds its coming more than any other event so far and the distance between them is short. The technology required to enable the Mark of the Beast is already here along with the desire to utilize it. This is a template and an action plan that will be employed by the forces of darkness in the future. If so, why did many in the Body of the Messiah here not only ignore the importance of this event or deny it, but also attack believers who dared to warn about its significance? In order to answer the question, I will now point to several faulty perspectives in four areas: the image of God in the human body, the spirit of freedom in the Lord as opposed to the enemy's spirit of domination, the relevance of the Mark of the Beast to believers even before the Great Tribulation, and the condition of the nation of Israel in the End Times. The image of God in the human body We all know the verse, “ For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God ” (Rom. 3:23). We know that sin is a serious problem, but not all of us notice that we are “lacking in honor” apart from Jesus. This means that the glory given to man at the time of creation is half of the equation, and we have lost it. The body and mind were created in the image of God and were meant to serve as a temple for His Spirit. They belong to the Creator, and we have no permission to trade them or to enslave them to another party (1 st Cor. 6:19). Anything that diminishes the dignity and value of the human body – starting with improper sexual relations and reaching all the way to mutilation of the skin – is against the Scriptures. Satan employs diverse strategies to perpetuate the state of dishonor in our bodies and to make it even worse. It is no coincidence that the Mark of the Beast will appear in the same places as the frontlets (as mentioned in Deut. 6:8). Thank fully, God’s plan of salvation and restoration also includes “ ...the redemption of ou r bodies” (Rom. 8:23). Most believers will agree that there is a prohibition against inflicting sexual harm to the body, such as: relationships outside of marriage even if consensual, sexual harassment of all kinds, and prostitution, which often leads to the trafficking of women and children. Human trafficking in general would also be defined by all as a grave sin (Exod. 21:16). Most of us can grasp that there is something wrong with the attempts of the elite throughout history to prevent the reproduction of certain segments of the population through sterilization campaigns, not to mention the murder of babies (Exod. 1:15-16). Everyone would react angrily to the imprinting of marks on the bodies of “inferior” people – an act that characterized some of the darkest periods in history. Although opinions differ regarding tattoos in general, most believers would agree that one should not get a tattoo with satanic elements. Another hot topic is the phe nomenon of hormone therapy for “gender tra nsition” especially among teenagers, or even gender reassignment surgery. These are troubling notions according to all believers who hold the Word of God as an anchor for their worldview. If there is broad consensus on these issues, how did the division over the vaccine come to be – especially if it is leading to a stage of history that will include certain elements from the disturbing list in the previous paragraph? One part of the answer lies in the fact that the honor and the glory 5 with which the human body has been endowed does not receive enough attention among believers. An additional part of the answer is found in the next section of this article. The spirit of freedom in the Lord as opposed to the domineering spirit of the enemy One way in which God expresses His sovereignty is by giving us freedom in Jesus – a quality we recognize in Him as early as the Exodus from Egypt. As it is written, we were called to freedom (Gal. 5:13) “a nd where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 nd Cor. 3:17). According to the Scriptures, we are not to use our freedom for the benefit of the flesh or out of a spirit of rebellion (1 st Peter 2:16) However, we must “ obey God rather man ” (Acts 5:29) when a contradiction between His Word and the authorities exists. Of course, we need to obey the law if we have not received permission from God to act otherwise. The topic of governmental authority is complex, and it is essential that we hear the Shepherd's voice in the midst of the commotion and confusion. As we have already stated, the vaccination campaign in Israel had characteristics of an extreme and closed cult – including, for example: psychological abuse, the silencing of opposing voices, threats and extortion. The urge to control others – especially by using lies – originates with Satan. Although many in our country consider the Body of the Messiah to be a dangerous cult, it seems that being the object of such accusations did not help many believers in identifying cult-like behavior by the authorities when it actually did happen. One reason could be an unbalanced emphasis on authority among us – the fruit of which is the multitude of believers who do not have practical tools for understanding the limits of human authority according to the Scriptures. A second possible reason is the open society we have enjoyed in the West in recent generations, which leaves us unprepared to deal with a totalitarian dictatorship. At the same time, we hear the voices of believers who see nothing wrong with dictatorship. They point out that in the biblical era there was no democracy. They perhaps forget, however, that even King David had to give account to Nathan the Prophet – that is, even the leader of the people was not exempt from criticism. Another reason that many could not see the cult-like behavior of the governmental authorities was the cynical exploitation by the latter of their position of power. The public, by and large, accepted the principle of lockdowns and the requirement to take the vaccine out of trust in the system and a sense of mutual solidarity. The authorities presented compliance with the guidelines as something that would preserve not only the health of those who comply but also the health of their grandparents and those around them, even after the authorities themselves became aware that the vaccine did not prevent infection (in direct contradiction with the benefits that had been touted). When humans taste what complete control over others feels like, they usually become addicted to it and find it difficult to wean themselves from it. The leaders of the countries have already “tasted and seen that it is good” and only a naïve person would think that they will not try to reproduce and improve on previous successes. They will find another excuse to act – whether another epidemic, climate change or a geopolitical crisis. We must draw the needed conclusions, prepare for further rounds and always trust in God. Jesus said that many will come who intend to take positions of authority with the help of cunning trickery : “ Be careful th at no one deceives you” (Matt. 24:4). We need wisdom in order not to be drawn into a f leshly and dangerous “rebellion” in the face of these attempts, but also bravery to refuse to cooperate with them. It is also important to disavow any misconception about authority that is at home more naturally in a cult-like atmosphere instead of in a healthy community of believers. If Christians do not realize 6 that there are limits to human authority, including God-ordained authority, we will be at risk of disobeying God when push comes to shove. The idea that we must always obey an authority figure without question is not rooted in Scripture, but rather is an abuse of biblical truth by Satan when he seeks to “groom” us ahead of an assault on our identity, calling and relationship with God. The relevance of the Mark of the Beast for believers before the Great Tribulation I have already argued that there is a scriptural basis for being wary of things that resemble the Mark of the Beast, even before the beginning of the Seven Years. We sometimes hear superficial arguments that there is nothing to worry about in the period before the Rapture. I would now like to examine these basic assumptions in a methodical way. Firstly, there is a logical fallacy in the very idea that the only thing that we are required to guard against is the Mark of the Beast itself. This argument is more appropriate for unregenerate professing “Christians” who have convinced themselves that God will accept them as long as they avoid the final Mark of the Beast. Is that so? Have we forgotten the believers throughout the ages who were killed for their refusal to sacrifice to one idol or another, or for their devotion to Jesus? Just as there are many antichrists and one final one, I believe that there are also preliminary marks of the beast and one final one. This is not to say that our response to every question of loyalty is liable to decide our fate – that is, this is not a statement promoting the idea that the believer can lose his/her salvation (which is a topic of debate somewhat outside of the scope of this article). Even so, we are instructed to pay attention to the cunning wiles of the enemy of our soul. Secondly, many who believe in the Pre-Tribulation Rapture – especially in the West – claim that the wrath of God will not fall on the Church believers, and rightly so! God promised that, as His children, we would not taste His wrath. In no way did He promise that persecutors would not come before that time, nor did He promise that they would never put us in a situation of choosing between death and betraying God. In His grace, God wants to prepare us for all possible scenarios. Thirdly, even if for the purpose of this discussion we accept the premise of the Rapture occurring before the Great Tribulation, the Mark of the Beast is still relevant for us. In certain circles, there are individuals who say that they are not concerned with what will happen after the Rapture. The problem is that God does care, and therefore we as His children ought to be interested in the fate of those around us in general and how prepared they are for the End Times in particular. We are sowing seeds that may only sprout in the fire, so we must leave a testimony of truth behind even if we are raptured at first. On the one hand, our most important goal must be to point people to the safe shelter in the Blood of Jesus, and on the other hand, we must also warn them that they face existential danger at the hands of wicked people who will spare no means to advance the kingdom of Satan. Part of our job is to explain the essence of the general rehearsals for the Seven Years – including the nature of the lies being spread. No setting of dates is intended here, but the prospect that we are standing on the brink of the abyss should arouse within us a desire to tell others about the hope we have despite the encroaching darkness. If the Mark of the Beast is indeed relevant, then what has caused the spiritual blindness of many amongst us? One possible reason is found in the next section of this article. 7 The condition of the nation of Israel in the End Times The Body of the Messiah here in Israel is in a unique place in terms of the fulfillment of the prophecies about the return to Zion. On the one hand, we know God's promises and can link them to the establishment of our current State and to developments that can be seen in news broadcasts since then. On the other hand, we sing the song “All Israel will be S aved” and dream of witnessing an event that is still in the future: the conclusion of the era in which God hides His face from the nation. In other words, we are in an interim period of sorts, and we are torn between joy over what has already happened and longing to see the completion of the process. Another layer of complexity is found in the question of identity in this current interim period. The need to prove loyalty to Israel is felt by many Messianic Jews, as well as the desire to show up for duty within the “camp” – even if Jesus Himself at this stage is still outside of it spiritually (Hebrews 13:12-13). Huge emotional pressure is the result of the tension that these two situations create: the tension between the past and present as opposed to the future, and the tension between loyalty to the camp and loyalty to someone outside of it. Regarding the tension in this interim period surrounding the timeline (past and present versus future), I want to clarify two points: Firstly, within the prophecies themselves, there are clues as to the spiritual state during this interim period. For example, the prophecy of the dry bones (Ezek. 37) makes it clear that the people will be in a state of spiritual death and impurity – similar to one big cemetery. God has chosen for us to live today among the dead, and it is a great privilege to be partners in His work. Even so, we must be aware that this nation is capable of making a “ covenant with death ” – an act that the Lord will ultimately invalidate: “ Your covenant with death will be annulled, and your agreement with Sheol will not stand ” (Isaiah 28:18). The precedent-setting Pfizer agreements, which were the result of a lack of confidence in God, perhaps will pave the way for a future series of additional traps the end of which “ is the way of death ” (Prov. 14:12). Secondly, we are currently in a spiritual descent ahead of an ascent. Bourla's words reveal that the choice of Israel was not accidental, and it is possible that it was part of the devil's plot “to make an end of us.” This plot has existed since ancient times – but this time it was deceptively disguised as concern for our health. The great and unimaginable tragedy yet to come in the Seven Years stems from the fact that the people chosen by God will be enslaved by the man of evil and his lies (2 Thess. 3:3). In this interim period, the situation may deteriorate further. The enemy will try to mobilize the many abilities and talents of this nation to make it a spearhead of his kingdom. Have we considered the possibility that he might be somewhat successful in this current interim period? We saw how the country was at the forefront of the harshest restrictions at the beginning of the epidemic, but how many have paid attention to the technologies developed in Israel which will be used in the surveillance system for all humans in the future? Was this COVID-19 event in Israel an aberration or rather part of the process? If it is the latter, those who fail to perceive where the winds are blowing may soon experience severe spiritual turbulence and confusion. Our lives ought to be marked by a living hope thanks to Jesus, and by optimism regarding Israel’s future. We nonetheless must treat Israel’s current spiritual reality as it is, and not as we would like it to be. With regard to loyalty to the state, it is worth asking if an unbalanced emphasis on correct theology actually gave birth to an idol in our hearts. Yes, the nation of Israel is the chosen nation. Yes, the return to Zion is happening before our eyes. Yes, Israel’s future redemption is assured and it is amazing! These are all causes for rejoicing. Nevertheless, the nation remains in rebellion against God and the practical results are visible on the ground. We are facing not only a theological 8 and philosophical issue surrounding the identity of the Messiah, but rather a comprehensive lifestyle of spiritual death, lies and fear – as evidenced by the astronomical abortion rates and the pervasiveness of New Age beliefs and witchcraft, even within Judaism itself. Like many who will read this, I did not expect the people of Israel to be at the forefront of the deception. Our idols tend to be connected to spiritual blindness, as it is written: “ ...eyes they have but they do not see... those who make them are like them, so is everyone who trusts in them” (Psalm 115:5-8). The blindness of the nation opened the door to the spirit of lies. Some of us recognized the deception but were surprised by the role of the nation in it, and some of us did not even recognize the lie. A logical reason for our blindness is that the nation of Israel became an idol that took the place of the God of Israel, at least partially. The Lord chose us to be part of the nation in this challenging time, and to love it unconditionally – but also to admonish and reprove it in accordance with His guidance. Although there is a danger of being carried away with prophecies and theories, it is important not to completely silence voices that warn against threats and idols. Summing it up and looking into the future “ Maybe you could come up to my apartment for a cup of coffee?” This phrase at the end of a date is part of Israeli culture. Ostensibly it is an innocent proposal, but everyone grasps exactly what is meant. The girl begins climbing the stairs with him, and, barring some unexpected development, the result is known in advance. Like any successful temptation, the story is based on veiled motives. She knows deep down what awaits her, but justifies her consent and rejects any inner hesitation. The higher she climbs, the harder it will be to turn around and go back down. During the COVID-19 crisis, the Bride of Jesus (or part of her) began to climb those stairs. True, God will intervene if those who belong to Him go astray. True, the vaccine itself is not the Mark of the Beast n or an act that decides one’s fate . True, patience and understanding is required in cases of disagreement in this debate. Even so, aligning ourselves here with society is evidence of spiritual compromise, which, at the very least, harms our testimony and motivation to evangelize people who may actually experience the Mark of the Beast if the Lord comes in this generation. The responsibility rests on us as believers to point primarily to the source of hope in Jesus. We should also warn people against future deceptions by Satan and point out the preliminary signs that have already taken place. During this COVID-19 period, countless people made important decisions that will affect their fate directly: “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!” (Joel 3:14). Instead of apologetics in favor of the state's measures, concern for the fate of its citizens is required. Instead of personal attacks on believers who identified a threat, cooperation is required to create a cohesive and well-balanced alliance of believers based on the Scriptures. Instead of a faltering response, the voice of a trumpet is needed. This is our wake-up call. The Body of the Messiah in the Land has a special role in God's plan, but there are also pitfalls in this calling that we must take into account – such as the temptation to place loyalty to the nation above loyalty to God. The time has come to examine our condition as a body within this society. There is hope for the congregations here in Israel. God wants to breathe life, heal hearts and reunite brothers and sisters. It is possible that the process in the aftermath of the epidemic will include soul-searching, repentance and even a renewed willingness to stand firm against the current that is sweeping the camp – for the sake of the nation itself and for our King and His eternal kingdom.