All of my projects are made with items I have. Feel free to sub out materials for what you have. Project ideas are for inspiration. ADVENT CALENDAR GIFTING BOX MATERIALS AND INSTRUCTIONS SUSAN’S C R A F T PA R T Y Twe;eve days of Christmas MATERIALS WOOD BOXES WITH DRAWERS 12 from DollarTree PAINT Your choice of color. I used FolkArt Java DRAWER FRONTS Scrapbook paper of your choice. Mine was from one of the craft stores. Single sheet. METAL TRIANGLE SHAPE ON DRAWER FRONTS Disposable baking sheet DRAWER PULLS 12 pack of dophee 12pcs Mini Jewelry Box Knob - Silver, from Amazon FAUX NAILS ON METAL TRIANGLES YEJI 200pcs Silver Mini Metal Brad Paper Fastener, from Amazon NUMERIC CHARMS Weyuley Antique Silver Plated Number 0-9 9mm x19mm JUMP RINGS 10mm and 4mm HOT GLUE I use gorilla brand TACKY GLUE OR MOD PODGE I use gorilla brand WOOD GLUE (Optional) I use gorilla brand X-AXCTO KNIFE DRILL BIT (Optional) INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 Stack and glue 12 boxes together, 4 rows of 3. Let dry. STEP 2 Stain or paint boxes and drawers. Let dry. STEP 3 Glue or mod podge paper to fronts of drawers. Trim. Let dry. Note: I turned my drawers around so the cutout was to the back. STEP 4 Using the disposable cookie sheet, cut triangle shapes to fit 8 of the drawer fronts. Turn the top edge under and press for smooth finish. STEP 5 Using the tip of an x-acto knife (or other sharp tool) make 5 evenly spaced holes along top edge of triangle shapes. STEP 6 Put a paper fasteners in each hole. This creates the look they were nailed on. STEP 7 Glue triangles to drawer fronts. STEP 8 Attach jewelry box knobs. I used a drill bit to make the holes. STEP 9 Attach each numeric charm to a 4mm jump ring. STEP 10 Add each charm with 4mm jump ring to a 10mm jump ring. Numbers 10-12 will have two numbers per ring.