Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ S»cial Edition FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD EDITOR PUBLISHER Dr. Edwin M. Quezada new contract commences February 1, 2020 through January 31, 2025 Yonkers Board of of Education President Rev. Steve The common denominator is Dr. Lopez.... Quezada. Education “One of the Trustees legislated Driven by equity across all aspects duties is to employ a superintendent of teaching and learning, his compas- Trustees Gives A of schools who will administer with sion for children and families, coupled fidelity the goals and policies estab- with his tenacious leadership, our stu- Five Year lished by the Board as well as re- dents, educators and staff are sub- Contract To quired compliance with State Educa- stantially advancing because of Dr. Quezada’s work. tion laws and regulations. Superintendent Of The superintendent oversees the Just last week, the publication, school district’s budget and super- City and State New York distributed, Schools vises all functions to deliver a safe, The 2020 Education Power 100 - the healthy educational environment for 100 most powerful education leaders By BRIAN HARROD students and staff to thrive and in New York State; Dr. Quezada was achieve at high levels. As the fourth 11th out of 100 individuals. largest school district in the state, Therefore, to sustain this momen- At the February 26, 2020 Stated this is no easy task. tum and stabilize the school district Meeting of the Yonkers Board of Ed- Over the past five years, our for the next five years the Trustees ucation, the Trustees unanimously students, staff and infrastructure offered and Dr. Quezada accepted a adopted Resolution 10.8 appointing have undergone significant consistent new five year contract." Dr. Edwin M. Quezada to a new progress. Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano Re- five year term as superintendent of This is well documented and rec- leased The Following Statement.... schools. ognized in New York State and na- "Our Yonkers Public Schools have Statement from Yonkers Board tionally. experienced unprecedented growth Yonkers Free Press Special Edition FRIDAY FEBRUARY 28, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD EDITOR PUBLISHER 2 and milestone achievements due to sessments in ELA by 5 percentage able national recognition the unrelenting commitment and points and Math by 4 over 3 years. Advanced FamilyGuardian En- leadership of our Superintendent, Yonkers outperformed the statewide gagement - New efficient Student In- Dr. Quezada’s tenure has led gains of 0.2 percentage points on ELA formation System and robust Parent to our students achieving the high- and 2.2 percentage points on Math Portal - New Mass Notification Sys- est graduation rates and test scores as well as all of the Big 5 large city tem among the Big 5 Districts. His ap- school districts whose gains aligned proach to education is deliberate and more closely to the State’s results. Completed 48 capital projects for progressive, all while putting our stu- Every Yonkers subgroup showed im- $58 million over the past 2 years 12 dents and teachers first. Congratula- provements on both assessments. more projects are in construction for tions to our Board of Trustees and Su- Diversified Central Office Leader- $19 million SMART Bond capital im- perintendent on a job well done keep ship - Assembled a central leadership provements for expansions and sig- up the great work.” team reflective of the City of Yonkers nificant renovations at 4 schools - Jerilynne Fierstein, Yonkers Pub- rich diversity Kahlil Gibran School, Eugenio Maria lic Schools Communications Officer Expanded Community School de Hostos MicroSociety School, Patri- Provided The Following Details.... Model Strong partnerships with cia DiChiaro School, School 30 Yonkers Public Schools - Five Yonkers Police Department, Yonkers Increased technology opportuni- Years of Improvement 2015 to 2020 Fire Department, health and mental ties for teaching and learning Yonkers Graduation rate at 88% - The health institutions, vision and dental is the first large district to administer only Large City District to graduate services and community organiza- districtwide Computer-based Testing over 80% tions. for grades 3 through 8 State assess- - 1 high school with a 100% on- Increased and Sustained Sports ments in English Language Arts and time graduation rate, 3 with an over Programs - Robust Intramural Sports Mathematics considered a model in 90% and 3 with over 85%. Every grades 7 & 8 New York State sub-groups outperform the State and - Revitalized and expanded High Large Cities School Junior Varsity and Varsity op- Provided significant Professional Dropout Rate of 3%, half the tions Development - Next Generation state’s average of 6%, and it has de- Yonkers My Brother’s Keeper is Learning Standards - Technology - creased by 61% since 2015 touted as a model program in New Addressing the needs of Multi-lingual Increased Grades 3-8 State As- York State and has gained consider- Learners
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