Hello Everyone! Discount here, bringing you a quick guide on how to safely Hyper-Rank your standing in Puzzle Pirates. This guide currently only applies to the duty puzzles: Sail/Rig, Carp/Patch, Bilge. Hyper-ranking is just a fancy way of saying “to raise your stat quickly/quicker than you ‘normally’ would.” It’s basically a way of raising your overall puzzle scoring that YPP gives you without having to spend hours/days grinding out pillies/swabbie transport/SMHs puzzling. First, let’s start with how YPP scores your standing. **Note, this is how the game scores your standing (able/distinguished/etc./ultimate) not your scores performance (fine/good/incredible/etc.) Your standing is basically your overall or average score based on your most recent performance reports. Performance reports are distinctly different from duty reports which show what your performance in the puzzle is, and show up at league points, islands, getting engaged, etc. While duty reports are an indication of how you are doing in the puzzle (for example Incredible scoring is among the top 1% score of pirates currently/recently performing that puzzle), and can get you trophies (incredible bilger/etc.) they don’t get “turned in” to YPP for grading/scoring to your standing until a specific event happens. Performance reports are generated and turned in when the following happen: A) Successful grapple in a sea battle, Disengaging from an SMH map, Porting at an island, Abandoning a duty station, (probably more events) AND B) You have puzzled for at least a combined (this is an estimate) ~3minutes since the last performance report was turned in. So, if you swabbie ship transport from Admiral Island to Aimuari island and never get engaged, even if it takes you 1 hour+ that only counts as ONE performance report for your standing. On the contrary if you are on a pilly and get into 10 sea battles that end in a grapple and each time you were puzzling for at least 3 minutes, when you port that will have counted as 11 performance reports. The end result is if your overall score on the pillage is excellent, then your standing will reflect EXC or the last 11 performance reports, while the other pirate will only have an average of EXC over the last 1 report. This is the basis for hyper-ranking: Spam as many performance reports as you can. It won’t magically make you better at puzzling, and it isn’t better than just going to SMHs or pillies, but it will help you to rank up faster, or rank up if you’ve been stuck at a standing, let’s say renowned, but getting consistent excellents, and can’t quite hit GM. The more reports you have at a certain performance like excellents, the “better” the system rates you than someone who also has excellent but less r eports, and so the higher your standing will be. Now that we have explained how it works, and what it means, this is the safest, and best method that I have found to turn in as many performance reports as you can. 1. Own/have access to a ship. Sloop is easiest. 2. Be an officer, or have an officer crewbie/hearty that is willing to help you. 3. Chart to either an: IO (imperial outpost), Flotilla, CI, SMH, or HS. (Kraken Haul does not work because you don’t duty puzzle in KH) 4. Before you arrive at the Expedition/SMH league point make sure you station and achieve your highest performance in said puzzle. (Reach Shiny indicator if you can). Give yourself as much time as you need to hit it, don’t be afraid to turn about a few times if you need to. 5. Enter the SMH/IO/Flot/etc. 6. Puzzle for at least 3min. Use an online or your phone’s stopwatch. You can stay in the safe zone! 7. Disengage from the Exp/SMH. 8. Wait at the LP for a min or so/take a break if you need to. 9. DO NOT abandon station. (Abandoning a station gives your score a small penalty if you re-station during the same league point/puzzle period) 10. Repeat as many times as you want/can maintain a shiny indicator or your high score. You can effectively rack up a bunch of high scoring performance reports with this method, which will give you an edge over your competition, thus giving you a higher standing. Throwing in a disclaimer: this won’t guarantee your standing to increase. If you can only get Poor/Booched/Fine in a certain puzzle then you will remain at a lower standing even with added reports, and (if you enjoy the puzzle) should first practice scoring at it before trying to hyper-rank. This guide is merely if you are stuck on a particular standing despite performing high (Excellent/Incred). Also, this isn’t Science. Three Rings/GreyHavens/TheDevs have never specifically said: A) What is a performance report. (We have guessed what they are because whenever you get a “Your standing in Puzzle has gone up/down and is now standing in your Archipelago!” message, that is a performance report.) B) How much time you need to puzzle for it to count as a performance report. (It used to be much shorter than 3 min) C) How many performance reports they use to calculate your average score at the game. It could be 10,100,1000 we don’t really know. All we know is that the more of them you have that are better scores, the higher your average is. So if you recently got better at a puzzle, spamming Better performance reports will essentially “bump out” your older, worse scores. Well, I hope this guide can help you on your chase for ultimates! Some people like playing poker, other like collecting cool items in game and fancy clothes, while some like blockading and running large SMHs, but I personally enjoy Puzzle Pirates most for getting a sick-looking stat page. Happy puzzling and GLHF! ~Discount.
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