Yonker‘ Free Pre‘‘ SUNDAY MARCH 8, 2020 - BRIAN HARROD PUBLISHER “Like school districts across the country, we are tackling the potential for a prolonged school or districtwide closure and how to maintain instructional continuity for all of our students,” notes Dr. Edwin Quezada. Yonkers Public Based on the directives from the day the custodial staffs have and will New York State and Westchester continue to provide flu season clean- Schools County Health Departments and the ing and disinfecting procedures in State Education Department, the schools. Coronavirus Yonkers Public Schools proceeded They clean and wipe hard sur- with the Emergency Health and Fa- faces (door handles, faucets, railings, Emergency Health cilities Management Plan that in- drinking fountains, desks, etc.) fre- cludes but is not limited to: Plans Health Issues - All school nurses quently using approved disinfectants. Cafeteria Management - Food ser- By YONKERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS are trained and prepared to recognize vice workers have enhanced cleaning potential flu or Coronavirus symp- and sanitizing kitchen equipment and toms, and take actions in accordance cafeteria tables as well as hand wash- with Health Department protocols. ing protocols. The press conferences this week The District’s full-time doctor by New York State Governor Andrew and supervising nurses monitor all Yellow Bus Transportation - Cuomo and Westchester County Ex- schools. School Bus companies increased their ecutive George Latimer initiated re- Self-reported information from daily cleaning and provided drivers sponses to positive Novel Coronavirus our students, families and staff about with disinfectant spraywipes. (also called CoVid-19) exposures in personal potential exposure outside The District’s educational leader- Westchester County. of our schools and district offices are ship team is developing an Instruc- The Yonkers Public Schools im- fully reviewed by the District’s med- tional Continuity Plan to provide 14 mediately deployed the Emergency ical professionals as well as the New days of lessons in English language Health and Facilities Management York State and Westchester County arts, mathematics, science and social Plan and began to develop a Con- Health Departments. studies for every grade level. tingency Instructional Plan. The Su- Limit field trips and large group The learning materials will be perintendent provides ongoing and gatherings to reduce potential expo- provided to students in hard copies timely communications to our stu- sure. and will be available on the District’s dents, families and staff. Facilities Management - Every website
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