INT. ART SHOWCASE, NIGHT -- There are people looking at canvases on different walls and sculptures on the floor. Two people are gathered in front of an abstract painting. Aubrey, slim, artsy, late teens. AUBREY (referring to the canvas) And what’s the... (beat) Like the idea with the color theory down here? Ari, also late teens, academia-equse style, and the artist of the piece. ARI I was channeling a lot of Leyendecker, I think. Or maybe a little Otto Dix subconsciously—or I dunno, maybe even Egon Schiele, somehow. AUBREY Schiele. He always seems to be the name that gets in your work. They observe the piece in silence, before Aubrey greets a friend passing by. Ari becomes visibly impatient waiting for her to finish. The friend joins them. They briefly exchange handshakes. SID is also late teens with a subtle punk style. AUBREY (CONT'D) (sudden realization, voice trailing off) Oh! Ari, have you ever seen that show that used to play, and there were these wonderful colorful magic little monsters... Ari is visibly offended. ARI (interrupting, sarcastic, rambling) That's exactly what I was going for, yes the feel of a Saturday morning cartoon. 2. INT. ARI'S APARTMENT--IMAGINARY FLASHBACK We see Ari sitting on an armchair in his apartment painting on an obscured canvas. The phone rings and he picks up. ARI (V.O.) (CONT'D) It’s freaky, I mean my mom actually had called while I was conceptualizing this piece...and you know she doesn’t call often, and it probably opened some old wounds. Ari begins exaggeratedly cry, mumbling over the phone, furiously painting. BACK ON THE GROUP (ART SHOWCASE) ARI (CONT'D) I think the mounting emotions materialized very succinctly as magical creatures, which I have purposefully displayed here. He motions towards the canvas. There is a long pause. Aubrey looks over her shoulder. AUBREY (distracted) Oh, Sid, I think they're putting out your sculpture. She gets closer to Ari to give her goodbyes, Sid leaves. AUBREY (CONT'D) He'll get in a mood if I don't go over...I'll see you later, yeah. She walks away. ARI (sadly, to himself, in a whisper) Yeah, I'll see you soon too... Ari watches Aubrey walk away and meet up with Sid across the floor. He is telling her about his sculpture. Ari now stands alone in front of his piece, as people pass by without acknowledgement. ARI (V.O.) I'm an asshole.
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