SanFr anc isc oCA94118 Gr aphi cDesi gn/Pr oduc tionDesi gn/Cr eat iveDi rec tion ADAMTHEKI NG. COM ( 831)331- 1899 adamki ng811@me. com Exper ienceddesi gnerinwebandemai ldes ign, trafficanal yti cs, andmar ket ings trat egy . Fastl earner ,team pl ayer ,andl ooki ngt omak ecoolthi ngs. EXPERTI SEI N: Des ign&UX Wor kflow AdobeCr eat iveSui te I nVisi on Workf ront Fi gma Opti mizel y Bas eCamp Sket ch Craz yEgg Gr aphi cDes i gner( Cont ract)atWal mart. com,Dec2017-pr esent SanBr uno,CA • Planni ng,direction, andexec uti onforWal mart. com edit orial ,si te,andemai lassets • Si teandemai ldes ignf orWal mart+ser vicelaunch,acquis iti on,andretenti ondir ec tives • Principalc r os s-platforms i teandemaildes i gnerforWal martOnl i neGrocery • Phot os hootdi r ec t ionf orinter nalphotographyinBabyandHous ehol dEs senti als • 24/7on- callformai ntenancedur i ngbusyhol i dayseason • Ment or edrec entlyonboar dedjuni ordesigners ,providi ngfeedbac kandcollaborati on LeadGraphicDes i gneratIns i ghtlyCRM,Nov2014-Nov2017 SanFranc isc o,CA • Maindes i gnerofmar keti ngwebs i te,f rom wirefr amest ohighfidelit yPSDs • Managedt rafficanalytic s , sitepersonali zat ion,andA/ Btesti ngtoinform des ign • Creatededitoriall ook-and-feelforsoci almedi achannel s,affili ateadvert isi ng, pr esentat iont emplates,andemai ldesi gn Gr aphicDes igner(Contract)atSephora,May2014-Oct2014 SanFranc isc o,CA • MaintenanceonSephor a. com eCommer c esit e • Wor kedwi t har tdi rectorsandcreat ivedi rec torst ocr eat ehighfidel it yiPadapp prototypesfrom wir eframes As sis tantDesi gneratStart up&Tec hMixer ,Apr2014-Aug2014 SanFranci sco, CA • Emailandwebdesign,branddevel opment,mar ket ingc oll ater al,andsoc ialmedi aposts J r.DesigneratGoPago( acq.byVer i fone)Feb2012-J une2013 SanFranc isc o,CA • Identi tydevelopmentthroughpres ski ts, t-s hirt s,st ick ers,&othercol lat eral . • Wi ref ramesandflow pr ototypesformarket ingcampaigns,ear lyUImocks • Managedat eam oft wodes i gnerstohelpwithproducti ongoals J r.Des igneratSanMateoCountyLibrary ,Jan2010-Apr2012 SanMat eo,CA • Artdir ecti ononallpri ntedmat erial ss yst emwide( pos tings ,bookmar ks,s tic ker s,flyers ) • DVDi nser ts,di scar t,&DVDmenuf orlocalhi stor yproject
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