11/18/2020 The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity | by John von Neumann II, Polymath | Psychology, Neuroscience, and Theories | Nov, 2020 … NEUROSCIENCE The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity Less deactivated neurons → higher semantic distances → more creativity? John von Neumann II, Polymath Nov 18 · 2 min read This image shows main regions of the default mode network (yellow) and connectivity between the regions color-coded by structural traversing direction (xyz → rgb). By Andreashorn — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=34327919 Everything written in the following is speculative. https://medium.com/psychology-neuroscience-and-theories/the-role-of-in-active-neurons-in-creativity-71169061c673 1/4 11/18/2020 The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity | by John von Neumann II, Polymath | Psychology, Neuroscience, and Theories | Nov, 2020 … W hen staring at an object e.g. an extinguisher, all kinds of neurons activate while, simultaneously, some of these neurons gets deactivated (e.g. via top- down regulation or lateral inhibition). The neurons that are deactivated are the ones not representing the object, in this case the extinguisher. These deactivated neurons also don’t appear in your consciousness or working memory. This is also the case when imagining something. Less deactivated neurons → more creativity? Now, here’s the interesting thought I had: When engaging in something like mindfulness, you don’t try to actively focus on something. Things appear in your consciousness and quickly disappear (that’s also one of the advantages of consciousness: the ability to think longer about things). T his, in turn, could make your brain deactivate less neurons, which in turn might allow for signals to propagate farther. This could promote the synthesis of concepts that have a much higher semantic distance, which one could experience as heightened creativity. This is the case during diffuse mode/thinking. For visualization of the diffuse vs. focused thinking: di use mode - Google Search learner spot mode master tough subjects pinball machine sensor focused thinking 3d spot learning diffuse thinking… www.google.com Empty working memory A nother feature that could potentially aid in a heightened experience of creativity, is that when you don’t actively focus on a thought, it quickly dissipates (out of https://medium.com/psychology-neuroscience-and-theories/the-role-of-in-active-neurons-in-creativity-71169061c673 2/4 11/18/2020 The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity | by John von Neumann II, Polymath | Psychology, Neuroscience, and Theories | Nov, 2020 … your working memory) and gets replaced by another thought. More specifically, long-term working memory level 2 and 3 are quickly emptied and resupplied by level 1.[1] Page 1 of 7 The Role of Long-Term Working Memory and Template Theory in Contemporary Expertise Research Peter F. Delaney Department of Psychology, University of North Carolina at Greensboro Correspondence: [email protected] Abstract Long-term working memory (LT-WM) theory is a 1995 framework for understanding h skills to select relevant information, encode it into episodic long-term memory, and th later time by regenerating those meaningful cues. I review the historical context in wh proposed, including the belief that interference made long-term memory unsuitable fo needs of working memory, and the changing state of working memory theories in the describe a competing account called template theory that proposes that experts can kinds of information in episodic LTM using slotted schemas. Next, I assess some of t the LT-WM theory and template theory, suggesting critical areas for further research. generate adequate predictive models based on LT-WM, and to compare predictions t fully understand how working memory functions in various areas of expertise. Anothe how changing conceptions of working memory capacity should alter our views of the and to update the theory’s predictions with contemporary findings. Keywords Expertise, long-term working memory, template theory Introduction Page More than 20 years ago, / 1 Ericsson 7 and Kintsch links between learned ite (1995) proposed a major theory about how regenerated to recover th https://medium.com/psychology-neuroscience-and-theories/the-role-of-in-active-neurons-in-creativity-71169061c673 3/4 11/18/2020 The Role of (in)Active Neurons in Creativity | by John von Neumann II, Polymath | Psychology, Neuroscience, and Theories | Nov, 2020 … https://www.journalofexpertise.org/articles/volume1_issue3/JoE_2018_1_3_Delaney.pdf Afterword These speculations I, ironically, had while doing mindfulness. Related article: How Construal Level Theory Will Make You Learn Faster And how to prioritize to speed up your learning medium.com No rights reserved by the author. 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