OPTIONSF ORA PRODUCTDEMO ST ATI C3DGRAPHI CS @dmi trys 3ddes ign Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 1. Whi teb ackg rou nd Pr oduc tdemoonawhi te Op ti oni ncl ude s: Pi ctu res :4di fferentcameraangl es; Di mensi on:2560x1440px; Pi ctu recon c ept :productonawhitebac kgr ound; So urcef il e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted Produc t3Dmodel i ngfrom s crat ch. Pr ovi deuswi th:l i nktoanexi sti ngproduc t\bl uepr int\i mages\ CAD\s ket ch\draf ts P ric ing : Thepri cerangehere,andnexti mpl iesopt ions epar atel y buyi ng.Reducecos twi t hopti onski tbuyi ng. Opt io npr icer ang e:$80-$160 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 2 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 2. Fea tur es&Be nef it s •Pr oduc tfeat uresandbenefit s• •Whatwasi mpr oved• •Whatar etheendbenefit s• Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:upt o3f eat ures; Pi ctur es:upt o6.Incl uding:3featur es+3endbenefits; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:a)handl edbyexi sti ngdes igngui del ine; b)uniquec onceptdesigncreati on; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeli ng Youdonothavehi gh-dimensionalproductimages. Optionimpl i espr oduct3Dmodel i ngf r om s c rat ch. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalproducti mages. Letusc reat e“ Features&Benefit s”graphicsbytheedi ti ngof theimagespr ovided. Pro videuswit h:linktoanexi s tingproduc t/CAD/bluepr int/ i mages/s ketch/dr aft s P ric ing Mo del in gA)$80- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 3 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 2. Fea tur es&Be nef it s •Pr oduc tfeat uresandbenefit s• •Whatwasi mpr oved• •Whatar etheendbenefit s• Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:upt o3f eat ures; Pi ctur es:upt o6.Incl uding:3featur es+3endbenefits; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:a)handl edbyexi sti ngdes igngui del ine; b)uniquec onceptdesigncreati on; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeli ng Youdonothavehi gh-dimensionalproductimages. Optionimpl i espr oduct3Dmodel i ngf r om s c rat ch. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalproducti mages. Letusc reat e“ Features&Benefit s”graphicsbytheedi ti ngof theimagespr ovided. Pro videuswit h:linktoanexi s tingproduc t/CAD/bluepr int/ i mages/s ketch/dr aft s P ric ing Mo del in gA)$80- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 4 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 3. Howi two rks •How i twor ks• •How t ous eit• •Bef oreandAf ter• Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:ones ubject ; Pi ctur es:upt o3; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:a)handl edbyexist ingdes igngui del ine; b)uniquec onceptdesignc reat ion; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeli ng Youdonothavehi gh-dimensionalproduc timages . Optionimpl i esproduct3Dmodel i ngf r om s c rat ch. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalpr oductimages. Letusc reat e“ How i twor ks ”graphicsbyt heeditingofthe i magespr ovi ded. Pro videuswit h:li nktoanexi st ingproduc t/CAD/bl uepr int/ i mages/s ketch/draft s P ric ing Mo del in gA)$80- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 5 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 4. Del iv eryi ncl ude s Di spl aywhatc omesi ndel iver y Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:par t s,ki t,package; Pi ctur es:upt o2+l i stofitems; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:part s,kit ,packageonawhi tebac kgr ound; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeling Youdonothavehi gh-dimensionalproductimages . Optioni mpl i espr oduct3Dmodel i ngf r om sc r atch. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalparts,package i mages .Wewi l lcreate“Deli veryincludes”graphicsbythe edit ing,c ompos ingoft heimagespr ovi ded. Pro videu swit h:li nkt oanexi s tingproduc t/CAD/bl uepri nt/ i mages/s ketch/dr af ts P ric ing Mo del in gA)$60- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 6 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 5. Spe cif ica tio ns Di spl ays pec s,c ompl ianc e, s tandar ds Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:compl i ance,specs,s tandards; Pi ctur es:upt o3; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:a)handledbyexist ingdesi gngui del ine; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeling Youdonothavehi gh-dimensionalproductimages . Optioni mpl i esproduct3Dmodel i ngf r om scratch. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalparts ,pac kage i mages .Wewi l lcr eate“Specificat ions”graphicsbyt heedi ti ng oftheimagespr ovided. Pro videu swit h:li nktoanexi s tingproduc t/CAD/bl uepri nt/ i mages/s ketch/draft s P ric ing Mo del in gA)$80- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 7 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 6. Sty led&Cu sto m Repr esent ive3Dr ender ings hot s Op ti oni ncl ude s: Fo cuson:companysbes t ,signi ficantdetai ls ; Pi ctur es:upt o3; Di me ns ion:2560x1440px; Pi ctur e-concep t:photor ealis ticr endering; Sour cefil e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Modeling Youdonothavehi gh-di mens ionalproductimages . Optioni mpl i esproduct3Dmodel i ngf r om scratc h. B)Edi tin g Youdohavequal i fied,high-dimensionalparts ,pac kage i mages .Wewi l lcr eate“Styl edandCus tom”graphic sbythe edit ingoft heimagesprovided. Pro videu swith :li nktoanexi st ingproduc t/CAD/bl ueprint/ i mages/s ketch/draf ts P ric ing Mo del in gA)$80- $160E dit ingA)$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 8 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 7 .Ou tli ne Opt imi zedt ocus tomer s Op ti oni ncl ude s: Pi ctu res :upt o2+c hartl ist ; Di mensi on:2560x1440px; Pi ctu re- concep t:onawhi t e/bluebac kgr ound; So urcef il e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted Pr ovi deu swit h:li nkt oanexi sti ngpr oduc t/CAD/bl uepr int/ i mages/sketc h/draf ts P ric ing $50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 9 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 8. PDFb roc hur e St yli shPDFpr esent ati on Op ti oni ncl ude s: Dimensi on:various ; Opti onsforthePDF: A)workhandl edbyt heexi st ingdesi gngui del i ne(brandi dent i- tyguidenc e)andscr iptfrom you; B)workhandl edbytheexist ingdesi gngui del ine( brandi dent i- tyguidenc e)andnos c riptf rom you; Inlackofades i gngui dence(br andidenti ty)fi l es: C)uniquedesigngui deli ne(brandidentit yelement s )creat ion forthePDFf i l e.Withthesc riptforthePDFf rom you; D)uniquedesigngui deli ne(brandidentit yelement s )creat ion forthePDFf i l e.Withthesc riptforthePDFf rom us; Sourc efil e:i ncl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted Pr ovi deuswit h:phot ogr aphys/t ext li nes/t extc ont ent/ desc ript ions Wed osi ngl epr odu ctP DFp res ent ati on: Sh eets :1- 16; Pi cs, imag esi nto tal :2-80 Pi cs, imag esp erpag e:upto6maxi mum; P ric ing : A ) $160B) $80- $320C) $160- $320D) $80- $80- $320 De li ver y Wi thi n:4- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 10 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 9. Col ors che mes& Cu sto miz ati on •Сol ors chemesavai labl e• •Abi li ti esf orc ust omi zat ion• Op ti oni ncl ude s: Incl uding : upt o3c olors chemes+di spl ayabi li ti esforcus tomi- zati on; Pict ures:upt o7.2f or3colorschemes+1todispl aythecus - tomiz at ionabi l it ies; Dimensio n :2560x1440px; Pict urecon cep t:onawhi tebackground; Sourcefi le:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Model ing Youdonothav eanyqualifi edhigh- di mens ionalparts, packagei mages. Optioni mpli espr oduct3Dmodel ingf r om s crat c hwithcol or schemesupdat i ng. B)Edi ti ng Youdohav esomequal i fi ed, hi ghdi mens i onalimageswi th vari ousc olorschemes .Wec reat e“ Favourit ec ol or s ”graphics fr om t heediti ng,c omposingofthephot ographyspr ovi ded. Pro vid eu swi th:l inktoanexi st ingproduc t\blueprint\images\ CAD\s ket ch\dr afts\anycolormappi ngf i les,sket ches Op ti onp ri ci ng: A)Mo del in g: $160B)E $80- dit ing :$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 11 Dmi try’ s3D Des ign 10. Pro duc tba ckg rou nds cen e Phot oreal is tic3Ds cene Op ti oni ncl ude s: Pi ctu res :upt o2; Di mensi on:2560x1440px; So urcef il e:incl uded Be for ewec ang ets tar ted A)Model i ng Youdonothav eanyqual if iedhigh-dimens i onalparts, packageimages . Optionimpliespr oduct3Dmodel ingf r om s c ratc hwi thcolor schemesupdat ing. B)Edi ti ng Youdohav esomequal i fi ed, hi ghdi mensionali mageswi th vari ousc ol ors c hemes .Wec reat e“ Prodcutbackgrounds c ene” graphicsfr om theedi ti ngoft heproduc tphotoprovided. Pro vid euswith :li nkt oanexi s tingproduc t\bluepri nt\images\ CAD\s ketch\dr afts Op ti onp ri ci ng: A)Mo del in g: $160B)E $80- dit ing :$50- $80 De li ver y Wi thi n:3- 12bus ines sdays @dmi trys 3ddes ign 12 Dmi tr y’ s3DDe sig n Pl eas enot e:cos tiss ubj ectt ochangewi thoutnot ice.Opt ionski t buy ingi sani ndi vi dualpr ici ngpr oces s.I nboxf ort her elev ants erv ice i nfor mat ion.The“ Frame”conceptdes ignwast akenf rom t heex ist ing r eal -wor ldpr :CUBE® CUBESTEREO®,j oduct ustasanex ampl eto demons trat etheabi li ti esf ort hes erv iceDmi tr y’s3DDes ignpr o- v ides .Thanksf orwat chi ng.© Dmi tr y’s3DDes ign.Ef fect ivedat e:2 4 APR2020 @dmi trys 3ddes ign
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