LORD HARRIS LODGE of ROYAL ARK MARINERS No 1494 Consecrated za" February 1981 Silver Jubilee Celebration Lodge Meeting Friday 8th September 2006 -Contents- Page 2 Introduction. 3 Provincial Executive Officers. 4 Origin of the Lord Harris Royal Ark Mariners Lodge. 5 Founder members in the Lodge. 6 The Consecration Summons. 7 Founders & First Officers. 8 Past Commanders of the Lodge. 9 Warrant of the Lodge. 10 Present and Past Officers of the Lodge 12 Grand Lodge Certificate as issued up to 1981. 13 Current Grand Lodge Certificate. 14 Officers & members of the Lodge 2005-2006 15 Photograph of the Lodge members. 16 Honorary members. (present & past) 17 Honours presented to members of the Lord Harris Lodge. 18 Charities. 19 Titbits. 21 Notes. - Introduction - Provincial Grand Lodge Officers Friday 8th September 2006 is our celebration meeting Provincial Grand Master of Kent held at R.W.Bro. Roland John Wade Masonic Hall Sidcup Kent, to commemorate the Lodge's 25th anniversary. Deputy Provincial Grand Master W.Bro. Roger Croucher RAMGR Assistant Provincial Grand Masters The members of the W.Bro. Peter Williams RAMGR Lord Harris Royal Ark Mariner's Lodge W.Bro.AJan Eadie RAMGR No. 1494 ProvGSW Peter Torres RAMGR ProvGChStwd extend a sincere and warm welcome to the following Anthony Waspe RAMGR ProvGJW Frederick Brown ProvAGChap Howard Pashley PrRAMGR distinguished brethren: ProvGMO Reginald Murray ProvAGSec David Bower PrRAMGR ProvGSO Brian Barden ProvAGDC Sidney Mills The Provincial Grand Master of Kent ProvGJO Kevin Taylor PrRAMGR ProvAGDC Frederick Sudworth PrRAMGR Rt.W.Bro. Roland John Wade ProvGChap John Sylvester RAMGR ProvAGDC RoyOraper and his Executive Officers ProvGTreas Stuart Robbens ProvAGDC Glen Russell ProvG Reg David Green RAMGR ProvAGDC Derek Ayliffe PrRAMGR ProvG Sec Brian Holland RAMGR ProvAGDC William Murray ProvGDC Geoffrey Whale together with other visiting brethren, who have honoured u with RAMGR ProvGAlm Ronald Jakes RAMGR ProvG InspWks Malcolm Burkett PrRA.MGR ProvGOrg their presence today. James Raymont RAMGR ProvG SwdBr Royston Hart1ey ProvGStBr Gerald Hodges Prov Dep GChap Leslie Shugrue PrRAMGR ProvAGStBr Patrick Carron Prov Dep GSec William Balderston RAMGR ProvGIG Maxwell Gibbins PrRAMGR ProvDepGDC Neil Johnstone ProvGStwd Ralph Apperley Prov Dep GSdBr Rayinond Collings PrRAMGR ProvGStwd Lesley Whitton PrRAMGR We also wish to thank all those brethren who have assisted in ProvGSD Michael Stone PrRAMGR ProvGStwd Stephen Dunsdon making preparations for this special event, especially:- ProvGSD Peter Stevens ProvGStwd AlanGame ProvGSD Robert Greenhead ProvGStwd Cluistopher King the Lord Harris 25th anniversary committee:- ProvGJD Colin Botting ProvGTyler Brian Meeres RAMGR ProvGJD Nigel Chillingworth PrRAMGR ProvGJD Colin Pascoe , Raymond Collings, Peter Abbott PrRAMGR Paul Lincoln and Derrick Lincoln 2 3 The origin of Founder members in the Lodge LORDHARRIS Royal Ark Mariner's Lodge Our only two surviving founders, are still active members within the Lodge: Forward by: W.Bro. Colin Ernest Pascoe GR, Prov.RAM.GR. Founder & Past Commander of the Lodge. W.Bro. Colin Ernest Pascoe G.R. Prov.R.A.M.G.R. "The Lord Harris Lodge of Mark Master Masons, was consecrated on 21st January 1978, by the Provincial GrandMaster of Kent Primus Junior Warden Rt. W Bro. Frederick William Friday, at the Masonic Hall, Cromwell Road, Bromley Kent. Commander of the Lodge in 1983 & 1995 During the next two years, WiBro. Frederick Burton, the original and at present instigator of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge, contemplated the holds the office of formation of a Royal Ark Mariner Lodge to be moored to the Mark. 'Asst Scribe' On the 28th February 1981, WBro. Freddie's dream was fulfilled, when he and seven other members of the Lord Harris Mark, together with three other Royal Ark Mariners (namely Bros. Noel Roche, John Palmer & myself) celebrated the consecration of the Lord Harris Royal Ark Mariner's Lodge. at Sidcup Masonic Hall. Rt. WBro. Guy Patrick Rudgard, who by then was the new W.Bro.Walter James Wightwick Prov.R.A.M.G.R. Provincial Grand Master, following the death of Frederick Friday on 5th March 1979, conducted the consecration ceremony. Primus Guardian WiBro.Freddie Burton, as he had with the Mark, became the founding Scribe, and considered it his job to find candidates to fill Commander of the Lodge in the various offices in the new Lodge, which he did with his usual 1986 enthusiasm and persuasive powers. and at present holds the office of Regrettably today, only two of the founders are still members, they 'A.D.C.' being, WiBro. Walter Wightwick & my elf" 4 5 The Consecration Summons The Consecration Summons PROVINCE OF KENT Founders & First Officers THE LORD HARRIS LODGE OF ROYAL ARK MARINERS No. 1494 ~bt ~on5tttation W. Commander W.Bro. Laurence Reginald Ernest Kennard. will take place at Senior Warden Bro. Barry StiIIman. SIDCUP MASONIC HALL, Church Road, SlDCUP, Kent Junior Warden Bro. Colin Ernest Pascoe. SATURDAY, the 28th FEBRUARY, 1981, at 11 a.m, Treasurer Bro. Edward Sargeant Smith. by The Provincial Grand Master Scribe W.Bro. Frederick Stephen Burton, Prov.G.R. R.W. Bro. Guy Patrlck Rudgard. J.P. Assisted by D.e. W.Bro. Ronald George Ferguson Valiance, G.R., Prov.G.R. V.W.Bro. J. F. Spaldiog. MSc., J.P., P.G.J.O., c.n, Deputy Provincial Grand Master Senior Deacon Bro. Noel Adrian Roche. w.are. J. G. Ro ss Guy, M.A~ Dep. G.D.C., G.R. Assistant Provincial Grand Master Junior Deacon Bro. John Axtel Palmer. Asst. D. Ceremonies W.Bro. Thomas William Shufflebotham, D.S.M., P.e. W.Bro. N. A. B. Grout. Prov.G.S.W .• P.e. as Senior Warden Guardian Bro. WaIter James Wightwick. W.Bro. J. T. Harris, Prov.Gu.W .• G.R. as Junior Warden W.Bro. Rev. W. Hutchinson, B.Se .• P.P.G.Chap. Prov.G.R. as Chaplain Steward Bro. Ronald Babot. V.W.Bro. A. G. Dermis, P.G,J.O., G.R. as Scribe W.Bro. F. H. e. Woollaston. Dep.G.Swd.Br., G.R. as Director of Ceremonies W.Bro. R. A. J. Williams, Prov.Dep.GD.e.. P.e. as Dep. D. of C. W.Bro. Major G. T. Sadler, P.P.G.S.O., P.e. as Sword Bearer W.Bro. J. E. Bullock. PAGD.e.. Prov.G.R. as Standard Bearer W.Bro. J. Wagborn. PAG.D.C., P.e. as Organist W.Bro. G. Harwood, P.G.I.D., G.R. as Assistant Scribe W.Bro. F. Holding, P.P.G.I.W., P.e. as Guardian w.s-o. G. Musgrove, Prov.G, TyJer. Prov.G.R. as Warder 6 7 Past Commanders Warrant of the Lodge of the Lodge 1981 W. Bro.Laurence Kennard 1981 W. Bro.Barry Stillman 1982 VV. Bra. Noel Adrian Roche 1983 W. Bro. Colin Emest Pascoe 1984 W. Bro. Victor Charles Harrison W£ (1ohn1I.•.u...". ~n.d..-.4<J,.:£ rL.c&t....a~ 1985 'l't/. Bro. Ronald Babot M".1. W~rfuLGT •••~ ).u..t.:r J tlv G•••.n.d..~4 ~I.•.tc. ~.tit. ~.trid:.-a.~ c( p.c.f"k. L,,~ M ••.•t4,r.,.u,.•~. o..,.rNM of :e,."9la,n.d.. an.d. 5£N.O at<.££TIN.G 1986 ·W. Bra. Waiter James Wightwick IJllzereas • Pc.nn~~" h(u b.t.4.l~ •• ,J. to th4. GI"ln." fl.ta.f«.t. ~ .•l)lrlit CO\m('{1 .l91'\.044 ~ ·ftt"CI(~ J«gi.n.,uL'Erh.4.4f,.l{£.,nant... 6.1~ eti.UM •••.,.. eau", '£rt~P&..CitC., J:.\U"'a4\.Uo ~,~u..G«tt~ 1987 ·W.Bro.Paul David Lincoln 1"4~Wn.\iau......:...,f~...;I.S",~~~"i.tI". W. Bra. John Arthur Wade ..r"",,~ -1'0........, _,u.. 11••••••••• ~t.("""'. l"':"l-lckc;)r..:.I'M~2k....t-r., •. ,'lUQ.t~h.t., The ••••••WUt •• ~~u.lEl£l,oth> •••.1l.s:K, ••••• 1988 ~ • ..a:~,!o.b.,t 1989 W. Bro. John Arthur Wade T'C9'4t.rl!, c.tC",,~r.tl4 )«(lI'N\~ • n~uJ.•.••. of Utc.~of R.o':f~ihk MW'lI\u· pnying nv.tUwot .,.~ trJli.gc. ttf 'ROY1tL AR..K MARI N.~1t5t. bu.rtukufr. l'4 "(lMutlll.ttd 11«. I1O£t) ~[iIo lIOOGE 1990 W. Bro. Frederick Stephen Burton • .H(l\.RK~ASn;a."'A.5D1\6 1\l'l.O94~ ••r.lv.nll ••. 1991 W. Bra.Anthony William Parker ~£~rj~~~ . tf~&~k" . 1992 W. Bra.Gregory Dunham 'ONI6t/~ rJurJlbn...~"'.:.-.t\_ ~ •.b1w.'f.yc--.Ut..ltc.t"UOI~thw. ••.a 1993 W. Bro. Graham Raven ~1ol1&.f' lkolh<r 1!r.1Iwr- ~ r..-~:£.-~, tod.gc 5n••••••~ J~oJ.~'''f u...Ut.c-lAtI •. ..-ctt"C • ......taft4d.otl1.pfO''" r., ••• lh.t "fIRST CO~ftll\Nlltt r. •••U"flR.5T5ENlOR.\\!MIDEN. 1994 W. Bro. Derrick William Lincoln 1!r.,••••.e..'n~.......c:~ "'~LN.1'lR.5TJUN.IO!t~ •.utJ..cnt'y r. CO'n. •••.•.n.L •. I.odgc. of 1995 ·W.Bro.Colin Emest Pascoe J tha. •••. L~ 9;,...·\"9to tM"'-"a.ut Utli,r~ul"" •.•~ N1<~."r.....:.; ~ ••... &~~&.c:1:b.\L, ¥ in. th •..·R-.w,u.cc. of 1(..:.,1.17' ~Uk. •.•. 1996 W. Bra.Anthony William Parker u,:!' in.••.~ mth ,n th«-f)y·~~..md tI\U'Cln ...to c:m.f't'"th.e'CI~";- W. Bra.Archibald rain Torrance M\..~ ~?,,"'MArlna"i'<"~.I..t:i ....w- yu.r"'\'I'\b,Yb~~t 1"""(l..t •• U...,r..u:.••• .......t ~11<I!K."(i\05TER.MAOO 1997 ~.,f u.. C....nI..nc....-.I. ~!,.rkM..t•• ~u.-.. f:&nM, Rc~"l&twn. ~..u..n4r.-.l<dfi-om offnal.n.i.n..lW and.iteDi.lrl<te....tl-ods<. n"" rou....l:/ thLGnn4 f••.o"•...•••• .u 1998 W. Bro.Kevin Charles Russell ,..,.rn.....t.,(11\c.1lc""".c R.OY7tJ..,MU\. ~N.ER -.1._ p ••. t.....t.r r. ••••••• ....t.t..••• .,ifli>lL5 ."Ur..t\U.AU~c-~h.13c1.l.a.~,..~~~6fP"'-"'\4l'!fdw-1!rnuu .••~a..wltoll\Ak.c.\,..AuL~~ •••tU.,.. ••••• ~ "'- '""I""rod.~ th<C•••oGt~ It ~[ •••••••....,~ :IlIr'''' ••••• ,"Iu.d,-tlu.~!mc 1999 W. Bro.Charles William Gaddes W"","ipiu! (kAn4 1>fa.t<r ••. Mo5"~ ~pI<M<.d. t,,, •• ue Ilpo" lfu,!~ CDlldiliotr:; ~ 1tu. WI!&ffW \6 ~t.c41im4~\6 "~It.H.<, uo.d.d-,w..Jt .( .td.(t c"mptu,,,-('f. th.cn.wtUt.1.JJslly 2000 W. Bro.Raymond Garland CoIlings th•.:MDttW4C'.1dpfut Gnn4l. 'M.".tfj." (M hlnt.blti4n.d.hJ.t; SvUCoKctnl &ut..ru th4rOt\..~ecmpt'-' Ih.tha6GCcn~ ,\NI..Uu,Cca.ti -.lOon. ,)"ul1Ugu.lalt.Dn.. of Ih.4-G~nd .L"dgLQ(~ta'1c.'Ma..tc.r 2001 W. Bro.Daniel Frederick Firth ~ .....:b.uh. ~ ."L Uu:J ~}u;:. ~ [Un&. to tun.c ..'bc".,.forC't. at"lclJf.::.e.Ch.c.wtU prct<~t,lrtrwf, UfMld lh •• ~ I'rb.nn.c.r n-, L.-., n'\4n\htr UUnd .•.•• 2002 W. Bro.John Sandifer 1ir wimt:f6 .••k••••J We ho>'£MtOur ha.>«I..nd.•••uod tl••."' •••t..f140.-....!. L~ .f·M ••.••. ,.~r~tctbc.Jr~UrI..totW.6 kcond..,u':ldOcLObc.· On., [J,.,.....-t'" .••(.~-dcU. 2003 »: Bra. ran Derek Reed ••••.• \;\I't:I 2004 W. Bro. Stephen Dunsdon 2005 W. Bra. John Sandifer 8 9 Present & Past Officers of the Lodge. Over the past 25 years, these brethren have served the Lodge in the following offices; Charity Steward Chaplain Kevin Russell 1997 to present Thomas Shufflebotham 1983-91 Assistant Scribe Victor Harrison 1992-3 Victor Harrison 1983-84 Anthony Parker 1994-5 Ronald Babot 1996-97 Thomas Shufflebotham 1996-7 David Lakey 1998 Gregory Dunham 1998 to present Archie Torrance 1999-2001 Treasurer Colin Pascoe 2002 to present Edward Smith 1981-87 ' 11 A.D.C. Graham Raven 1988-89 Thomas Shufflebotham 1981-82 Co1in Pascoe 1990-94 J Noel Roche 1983- 92 Graham Raven 1995-2001 Anthony Parker 1993 Paul Lincoln 2002 to present DavidLakey 1994 Scribe Ronald Babot 1995 Frederick Burton 1981 Walter Wightwick 1996 to present Ronald Babot 198-2 Almoner John Palmer 1983-84 John Wade 2004 Victor Harrison 1985-86 Stephen Dunsdon 2005 to present Ronald Babot 1987-1994 Organist Derrick Lincoln 1995 to present Charles Gaddes 1994 - 99 Director of Ceremonies Ronald ValIance 1981 l' Daniel Firth 2003 to present Warder Frederick Burton 1981-2 J WaIter Pearce 1981- 93 Barry Stillman 1983 James Ellwood 1994 - 2000 Frederick Burton 1984-86 Peter Daynes 2001-2004 Victor Harrison 1987-90 DerekReed 2005 to present John Wade 1991-2003 Raymond Collings 2004 to present 10 11 Grand Lodge certificate Current Grand Lodge certificate This was issued to candidates until 1981 This was first issued in April 1981 ~,..... \.~ ~ ~,,~ ~. ~ .••... .,~ ~. Cti· i ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ •..'> 'ranb l.tlbge of ~alit ..aJ5h~tt a5mmf ...; " ~ .: Qf erurtRnli! .mb "hs: ItS 15tmt5l1lb lDa'ftl fluuSllIII •... .•. '" 2" N --...j \:~ a~ ~: c"'r ~ A 6 § ;;. ~ * "..• ~- .:y~ \) ji:..?t"rl 1i{'1hJ<{,jj r. ~ .••:'t<••• tZ;...t, d~/XIII:X ~IlcJ 'I;'dujrfoI5'-Hd. f/fLJ/"'" s S: A -- ....=;-- ' ~\, ~ ~ 'Qrbi~Js- ~o <tertiip ri"tottl' -l3",.lh '" - f~ .•... '~ -~ c ~ ..•... C> I"! '" ~\ ""illo' Karia '~ ~ " .... ,,'j ~ ~ § ~; kt rr d((/" r7doa» ~ d ftul.<.llmk, ((as<>n ~~ ~ ~ c. '~ ~- ~ c:.; .:::<' ...• ... ';l ., C> r: ~ ~ !;'.lt '\.; ~ ~. ~ ' "tj. '" ".• (JJ<' ,.yal" ,.f" rt·/VI/rv! fl1 (/", !.!lmitnt ani! :l>llno1UmbRtjfri1Jtrm-'~p <ll\o at ~l't. .miliinrr" £in i ... '\0.. ~"- ~ ~: ~. .•... ~ 24CI>];"l!1 r 21M}t ~ ... ~ ~ ~'I ?!;i ",. ....•, l'II. ~ ;:;. ~ .".. G1 "OH:Lord H:m:is Lodge U941 t -0. t~ \ ~ fr ~ ~ (lllitckr! le;. tAi.' .L"t(9'" c , ff,uk, ft;d"'J<. (ltlJf>lU ~ \ ~ ~ k,a"lJt!l tit . ;aih .iU('Jtbt.·jt~ ;Q ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~II ttrntiiJIump r.tk r•.",;:!f !tUVI' /,,- "..,,,,,1,,~"/.JrI'.ftnl ~ d ~. ,a ~ ~ . ~ iN/! ',f{'('tuO't!' fW,.{,-.A :nm' {k _/~?!,- ~i,'a;1<1~'t! . 5~ .~ ~ ~ ------ 'J.'~ . ~ ~ ~ f!b ~ ~ ~ q"t.. Z6tb J"I~' 2()O2 b:"'~ /,/lv.",t"". ~ ~ ~ ~ N § § ;;;;. ~ e,. ~., ~ ~ J 1\\ S ~ --_. -~:-T~'-t: :l~~~:·· -_.-- 'J~. 1.00702 12 13 Officers & Members 2005-2006 Worshipful Commander W.Bro. John Sandifer I.P.c. W.Bro. Step hen Dunsdon Senior Warden Bro. Denis J. Babbington-Callnon Junior Warden Bro. lan Gallehawk Chaplain W.Bro. Gregory Dunham Treasurer W.Bro. Paul D. Lincoln Scribe W.Bro. Derrick W. Lincoln D.ofC. W.Bro. Raymond G. Collings Senior Deacon W.Bro. Graham Raven Junior Deacon Bro. Josephus O. Cole Charity Steward W.Bro. Kevin C. Russell Asst. Scribe W.Bro. Colin E. Pascoe A.D.C. W.Bro. Waiter J.Wightwick Almoner W.Bro. Stephen Dunsdon Organist W.Bro. Daniel F. Firth Guardian W.Bro. Peter J.T. Collings Steward Bro. Joseph J.Burns Steward Bro. Roy E. J:!utchings Steward Bro. Peter KW. Schwartz Steward Bro. John Wright Steward Bro. Derek L. Back Warder Bro. lan Derek Reed W.Bro. Anthony W. Parker W.Bro. Archie Torrance Bro. Niloy Karia Bro. Binoy Karia Bro. Archie Torrance (Snr) Bro. KimBubb 14 Rear Row: Kim Bubb Derek Back Peter Schwartz lan Gallehawk Derek Reed Roy Hutchings Steve Dunsdon Front Row: Kevin Russell Ray Collings Colin Pascoe John Sandifer Derrick Lincoln Archie Torrance Paul Lincoln Inserts: Wally Wightwick Greg Dunham Denis Callnon Archie Torrance (snr) Tony Parker Graham Raven Joe Coe Joe Burns Honorary Members Honours presented to members of of the Lodge Lord Harris Royal Ark Mariner's Lodge (Present & Past) The following brethren of the Lodge have received At the first meeting of the Lodge the following members of the Grand Rank honours: 'Consecrating Team' were made honorary members, Frederick Stephen Burton 1982 (Orpington Lodge) Rt.W.Bro. Guy P. Rudgard PGM John Arthur Wade 2000 * W.Bro. lG.Ross Guy GR P.Asst P.G.M. Gregory Dunham 2004 * W.Bro.N.A.B. Grout GR. Prov.RAM.GR Derrick William Lincoln 2005 W.Bro.J.T.Harris GR Prov.RAM.GR Colin Ernest Pascoe 2005 (Catford Lodge) W.Bro.Rev Canon P. Churton-Collings Prov.RAM.GR V.W.Bro.A.G.Dennis GR Prov.RAM.GR * W.Bro. RA.Williams GR P.Dep.P.G.M. 15 brethren of the Lodge, W.Bro. lE.Bullock Prov. RAM.GR to date have received W.Bro. lWaghorn PC Provincial RAMGR honours W.Bro. G.Harwood GR Prov.RAM.GR * W.Bro. F.Holding GR Prov.RAM.GR Commander Honours W.Bro. G.Musgrove Prov. RAM.GR received Noel Roche 1982 1991 of these original honorary members four brethren are still members:(*) . Colin Pascoe 1983 & 95 1992 Victor Harrison 1984 1988 Ronald Babot 1985 1990 WaIter Wightwick 1986 2000 The Lodge has also bestowed Honorary Membership on the Paul Lincoln 1987 2004 following brethren: John Wade 1988 & 89 1995 1989 Ronald de Gray GMRA (HC) P.Prov. GM Anthony Parker 1991 & 96 1996 1994 Frederick Burton GR. Prov.RAM.GR Gregory Dunham 1992 1998 1998 Ronald Babot Prov.RAM. GR Graham Raven 1993 1999 Derrick Lincoln 1994 2001 Archibald Torrance 1997 2002 Kevin Russell 1998 2003 Raymond Collings 2000 2005 Daniel Firth 2001 2006 16 17 -Titbits- Charities The Lodge over the years has supported the following Masonic ".Joining Members" and local charities: Since the Lodge was founded, there have been three joining members: 1990 & 1992 West & East Kent, Provincial Craft Lodge Charity Festivals Victor Harrison 1981 Excelsior Lodge #226 Ronald Stilwell 1983 Manor of Bexley #1448 Thomas Bradley 1987 Excelsior Lodge #226 Queen Marys Hospital Sidcup, 'Teddy Bear' scheme Great Ormond Street Hospital for children "Country Members" 'Demelza House' children's Hospice Our only Country Member of the Lodge is Bro.Archie Torrancetsnr), living in Scotland, Cystic Fibrosis fund Breast cancer 'Break Through' fund "Dispensations" "Latest member" Marie Curie Cancer Care Dispensations have been granted for Brother Kim Bubb, a member of the following brethren to become the 'Lord Harris Mark Lodge', was Commander. Elevated in May 2006, becoming Princess Royal University Hospital, Farnborough. 1981 Barry Stillman the 84th brother to join our Lodge. 1983 Colin Pascoe 2006107 the Lodge will be supporting , 1987 Paul Lincoln 'The Gary Torrance Memorial Fund' 1990 Frederick Burton 1991 Anthony Parker Freddie Burton was at the time "Membership" December 2003 Commander of Catford Ark Lodge. The membership of the Lodge, 'Lord Harris Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners' The other four had not been installed as has varied from 11 at its became a Master of a Mark lodge. Consecration, Patron of the RMBI to the present day 27. May 2005 'Lord Harris Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners' "Brother from Scotland" became a Bro. Archie Torrance (snr) a Mark Mason Grand Patron of under the 'Scottish Constitution', Grand Mark Fund of Benevolence joined the Lord Harris Ark Lodge in Jan 1998, after taking another Obligation under the also English Constitution. Kent Mark Benevolent Fund. ~'-./~,-/........,.../vv 18 19 -Titbits- "Changes to Lodge Dates" Over the years the Lodge dates have been changed: 1981 4th Friday in August (Installation), 2nd Wednesday in December, 4th Wednesday in January, & 2nd Friday in May. 1986 4th Friday in August (Installation), 2nd Tuesday in December, 4th Wednesday in January, & 2nd Friday in May. 2003 2nd Friday in September (Installation), 2nd Tuesday in December, 3rd Friday in February, & 2nd Friday in May. "Father & Son" The following fathers & sons have joined the Lodge: Derrick & Paul Lincoln - August 1981 Joe & Roy Thacker - May 1988 Archie & Archie Torrance (snr) - Dec 92 & Jan 98 Raymond & Peter Collings- Aug 89 & Feb 2005 "Blood Brothers" The following blood brothers have joined the Lodge: John & David Wade - both on 9th Dec 81 Danny & Edward Firth - May 88 & Dec 89 Peter & Leslie Borrett - May 95 & Jan 96 Niloy & Binoy Karia - Jan 2001 & Feb "Lord Harris Ark Lodge" 8 members of the Lord Harris Mark Lodge together with 3 other brethren founded the Lord Harris Ark Lodge in February 1981 20
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