z sz o ! z t! 5 e t{ 6 = a l l MI ritItt fltm ft!,'4.r*6,:olNDidldois IAN LIVINGEiTONE Pefr# an inp6t d Lon Bok Lr4 Guib6 36k c6h, Ta fly Janity afld to lighting Fantds!fdfls e.twhet. Disdbud b $c urt Eu@F, solrh Altui and ba rub]shdjn^ush|Eh,fbyAllen&UnwiP0Ltd, Tq| @Pynght@ld Liingse, u! 6h cn$r.y copFsh' o h Lvbsshnq ,14 covq itqsrai@ by cEs suPt6 .oPFsh o rn LY4,bn4 ,o', F$h'ligFdkycam€bekcorcP' opyrishr @skve J&6 aid rm Linsshe r42 F1sh6€ Fub6y 6 a rad.m* opd by e4e tellrq 'dhnlidF@,:ndghbE[ed 6e.c,wnhoulpdor@nfuinwd CONTENTS TORE]WO*D Ho]A'WLL YOUSTARIYOURADWNTURE? BIOOD OFTHE ZOMBIES ADVENTURE sH'ETS FOREWORD *trin8. That was a BIG de.ision Ior me noving away ftom medieral t ntasy lou'll notice that I tept It seetu tike ody y€srerday,but it wasin f&t 30 the adlenture in a castle, though, rather than ask- a8n m AuA6r la82 rhar rr. wdrlrr aj FLfttao veaF ing the reader to tun .m!nd shopping malls and ,r,,,'u, hbt $€nr un $h In bmtshop: aroun; 2lstrentury stieets l Suessold hab s die hardi th €u K stev ehc t<on.ndI qere,l r y c id r e . l i 'Jq,we xot hi se! our fiEl FiBhhnBfdta\ ldhe" r It was very *lcrying to w.ite a new book and I oo.r on lrt !hrt\6 w. had b€en rmini hope it's a woithy .ddition to the s€ries.Thanks irmes ro Twitter I had a lot of encou.agefrentalong the wo (hop nn.e la75 dd qcre ihat tu" way, and I would like to thark aU those p€opl€ who rlsy_rutePtavDadd interdctr -,n,rn.e,l r n c r u r u t u w !/t.a tl ta +fh e ) tre n ,Ior u! In spured me on. espe.iallywhen I lost a chlnk ol lhe W a./,!l book to . .ompnrcr .rnsh. I would alsolike to thank h e h r d c Ea te dJ sto ry tr,fh a b D n .hmsnar r hve d,r d rtlalhld AJme W" hoF.Jrt, apD.al Simon Flym md tne team at lcon for thcir continued !rem fa h in l,ii8htinS r'antas), Greg Staple for the amtz- w o ' r , d x u b e j o n J n i rd co i r 9 ,." ,, U,t""j,i"t ing cover, I(ein Crosslcy for thc inc€dibl€ int€lnrr a n r . , p a L r ! qt h o w p u p u l rr F ,B h trn Fdnr B ast{ oLl\i le.omc wr ften lhcj{ond pebon pre,€;r ilhstrations, Andi Ewington 10. his invaluablehclp rh.se {.n x € n t e .a (n'n vcrd \E n tu rc rn w h,ch .\OU ar . with pmduction and, ol.oursc, SrevelacksonJor a lllelonElriendship olkillinS monst rs togcth.. w ' m h | |o n 5 o r o p i e s b o n E so l d .Who tr uutd So h.rc is Blood o/ ur. Z,,ri.r, a brand n.w have Fightin8Fantasygamebook.And for the di8ilala8e, l<fa.tcd hr rinarhbb.ut m zoo! th.LJhr<rrhoueht it is alsoavailablelo dowdoad asan app.I hop. yo! ro.urwrhnsa htortinl rd ro r ,ror"n L4"unra,n. have tun with thc Tombics vou'll lind a Ln oI then iut runnin8 arcund GorayaCastle. I d,dn r k inr ru dLrftar h rrh"ut i"itabonr,nc wrh iter. tacl\un. Hopctul) se do thai r.r the jorh ann \eFJrv, HJvjnK w,rfed rn the r,Jen eamc: nuustD t^r the an rwsty yeaE, I m aqatu;r the everlast'ngpopula ry ot zombies,dd it s€med ,n on m) pa.fthar t d ner.r wrincn r zonb.e ^nEstrn nAnhn8_tsdtJ\l btul ti,I got r. qort i strrled wnMS the \tu4 \cfin Ailanna a! usut, b!t I rnen cnanS€dmy mind, ahd switchcd it lo a .onrempo.ary to Sive you a rmdom rcll of two dice) Add 20 to the number rolled and mter the bral in th€ sr M- N^ box on lour ,4dr.rr!E sfteer.srNrN^ will go !p and down durint lhe adventuF. For exampleit wi]l @ increa* when usinA Med Kits (which can only be used on e) and ir will d€Fas due to injunes dd wouds, It you! sr M'NAfallsto zero,you die md you adv€nture is ov€. Note that Zonbi€ only BlNd.l th?zoatb|s b a EighrinEFanr.sygJmeboot, have I sraMrNApoint €a.h. a n I n t e r . c h r ea d re n tu € i n w h i .h tOU ARE THF D.MGE rd!.es sr MrNA.When fiShtinS enemies, HEROr )ou can onr) $D thruuAh br choosinerhe DIMGE is calculated by mUing dice a.cording to .orkr p.rh hndrnaequ,pmenr,:,ori,ne tD;and weapon t'?e. The numbe. rclled ddides tn€ num \uruivins conbar Tlrr€ ae 4jrdr,E sid.riar rhe ber of zombies (or other eneniet killed, as they balr of the bool fur you to tep a rc(ord ol .om- only have I sraMrNt point each. Whilst lhey may bat. and ol everlihhg you drs.oier atonq rh€ wae be easy to kill, Zofrbies often attacl( in la€e num- sulh !s inJdmat,m food m.neJ weaioN, ani be6, nakinS it difficult to def€at th€m all in a single u < e u r t e h s o r ltu i p msr Ir i \i mp n (a nr iomateJ Arfa.t Rofid. Belore combat begins you must deide maP2\ vou 8o- and to lep a rumin8 rotJtur a rhe which weapon you aF 6oing to use.A dagge. causes zombreshho havc beenkiued, or you ltbe arr l id6 oAM^cE(a d6isa si:-sided die).A ma.hine 8un caus 2d6+5 DAM^cr. Renmber to note down COMBAT a weapon's DAM^GE di.e on yot AdrentuP sheel Afte. you. tust attacL, any sureivinS zombies will COMBATta*esplacein a eries of,4ftr.t Rolds. each reduce your srAM'NAby I point b€fore the neat Most of tne €nem'es)ou wr ra<eaE zomb,cs Attack Round begins.Amed Zombies may innict Lhe ya r eu r u a l l y\l oh ands amed,.Io r m e v o u more thm 1 point of D^MGE. Attack Rouds con- tu.aracl.fiEt Combalnvorv6 r lrrnsd,cc ;h,ch tinue until you have deleated all oI you enemies atrecrrwo r nbure\ srAMrN^.ndD^M^cf or you have di€d in cofrbat. I{ yo! do not have a srAMINa eprents how \tmn8 you ae The hrsher weapon,you must 68hr barehanded(rd6 t. you srAMrNA. ttu srrongcrror are.To(akutite;odr Exdple to! enrer a r@m to face a pack ol 14 inir'alsraMrN{, roll rho dice(or u:€ rh. vrruat di.e Zombies. You. current sraMrNA is 15 You selet a b) f liclIn Bth m ugh tnebuotJ nds ropp m F M a p a g r shotgun which inflicis Gd6+5) D^M^ctrto starr rhe riBtAtracl Roud YourcU.I and add 5, Eutrhs BACKGROUND inSZombie killed Youe!ffer rhelos oI6 sraMN; IDnts (r DAMAGE lDint taken fon eachof the sur_ Wasit the cold iron sha.klesbiting into your bl€€d- vivint 6 Zohbie), educing your cuiqt sr^MrNA ing wrists that wok! you, or was it the tenible 1o 9 points. You kill ofi the Fminins 6 Zonbis hmgd in your bely? It d@sn't matier You arc automri@lly in ihe sond A$ack Round bmuse awake again tor at ledt th€ tenth time tonitht, if in the shotgun.a@s a minimum D^MAGE of 6 points fa.t ]t i3 night. It is not easysleepin8on a cold.on- (1d6+5).Note that yd mut fin.t ammmftjon b€fore rete il@r at the b6t of tim6, but when your wnsts hrcams cd be used,bur one found it is udimrted. re cluired to a wall ft;s virtually ihP6ible. The Hopetully you wil d€feat the hordes ot Zombies gl@my ceUh wtuchyou ae imPrisoned would be you are about to m.ounrer and escapero teu ihe in iotal darlnes hee rt nor for th€ baP lighl bulb talel Good luck - you'll need itl fixed to the ceilinE aboveyou; a small Elob€of Pale, llickering light. Coclma.hs {urry adoss the noor but you don't €vd carc. How lonE have you been held prisoner?Is il live or six days sinceyou were thrcwn into the ell? lt is imposible to tell, Time pases slowly. Th€ only brcak fom your slitude com6 when you hear th€ grating sodd of the boh on the healy st€€l d@r slidinS ba.k. That siSnals th€ dhde of a thiclsel prison Suardwho staEgeF into the cU limpina from an old womd dd usually drunk. It you 6re lucky, he wil tc canyin8 a small bowl of loul tasting stew thai slops over the dm as he hrches alory. r you are very lu.ky, he wil al$ brin6 a chunl of stalebrcad md a tuug of pale.otree made faomdress. He always plaes the f@d on the n@r just out of you reach,his .tuei, Pekmdked Iacemoment{ily smiling as he enjoysthe nonent He knows ttEt if he d6 this y@ have to stretch io reachthe bowl with your fet, maldng lhe shack- 16 bite d@ply into you bledinS wrisls. He never 6peaks,but aiways rj.k you hard in the nbs m his way uut.bcforeshnm,nBtnedsr behindh,mand ir open. lou shone a iorh down the sione srans and boltingit shur.Heden rscemioare h herhervou made yolr wly Blowly down to a danp .hanb€r. live or dic Bn6hinS ba.k ihi.k .obwebs, you sw an ancieni It waslErd to cometo re.tu with the fa.t ttDt you are dst-.overed .offin st on a stone plinth at the ba.k a pnsonerAs. seconJytar \tudentormvth;b4 at of tl€ .hamber With your heart poudhg, you clept Bolingbrore Cotleg<,ii h,d ben s*"rj,--;r.. fotrard nd lifted the lid. But rhe.offin .onrained you Dtil nnw You had spenr"s;i wets of vou. a yelow boned steleton, not the sl@ping vampire holidrv' ird!eulrg thrcugt SouthemEureDe'rn you had hoped ro nnd. You wor back ourside to 6nd hE ro rindevidencofte8enddrybea\6.)ou srarted th@ burly thuAswaiting aoryou.Aded with .lubs, you! guet by fllng to Crete in *aEh of Minoraur they sel upon you as you lried to make a run for it. bon6 md the ove of rheCyclop, alaswirhout sue You stru8gled, but barehanded it was a fiSht yo! ce$. Frch L'rere w€re always 6oin8 to tose.You wer hfldcufied and )ou sent by bcr to Srctv l@ths ,or cvidene of weEwohes agrn wrrrroui*<esi gag8ed, befoe beinS bmdl€d inro the back of an old Inen \ou tr.veuedby boarMd tr,,n ro Hueaa black car and driven lor hil6 alona a narcw road whereyou *ar.hed for 8h6ts.nd sp(tres. ,ith; rhat caiv.d irs way through a dose fo6 o a rangc $adows or m\rt 8Dvcyard\ dd ruined rastts of hills. I€E you sw a forcbodinalookins castle Mlch to ynu. diepponrmcnt. none matrn.tued. builr oi dark stone nsded in a valley betw@n rwo rurcnm8.des m open+optru(ts, vou endeduDm hills. The thugs grimed at each other, aSreing that Roman,ain rh€ parr on.e known as Transviv;nia you wodd b€ eld lor a Eood pnG al ihe caslle. You wh*Count Mad.thenobnou\ vmDire reDutedtv ealized you wse in grave danger; not dly ha.l you dranl Lhcblmdor tu. mdy vkriru. bunnaa we( ben kidnapped but you were about to be eld to a spentas[ng drelcak rr theytnew anyth;sabour modemJay slave trader or perhaps woe. The or the e\isten<€of vamp'rer]ou we€ met wiih ontv sped on up the hil mtil it reach€d the high-waU€d blanLloofsandsha|jnaheads u6| voudomtere; osrle, where it ere.hed to a h,lt outside arched a wrirJ led old han who sas wrltineio ralt to vo,, entran e d@s. The thugs dragg€d you out of the r.r the priG or a new har.He toor iou eme d@ cd as the castle dms siowly reaked op€n to Fveal klometresnodh of tus ro a sronecrvot. rrs a .ourtyafd with rome people milling about in it. cntrde ov€r8om &d "illage lrrualv hiddenbi bram- You ws€ blindfolded dd hdded over to m uns@n blesandi!y. wlulsryou LUtba.k rhr weedsovrinc perm who led yo! into the cofityard. Yor heard the rtep( dowr ro rhe srran.e th€ otd r]b .tisaD: 8rcmin8 voices aI arcud you. Dogs brush€d against P€arcdwithouta word.Ihe cryprd@r waslql;, you le8s, snilfinS cuiorsly. Somebody bumped DUrhe wed was rc8endd you wek abtcto kjcl into you. The strange Aurgling $unds eruptin8 fron th€u rhroaE w€F lLl€ norhm8you hd head bebe. Youw€e jos ed and p6hed areud mrrt thecra.k NOWTURNOVER ora h h p dd a.o@ding \ore drevettE unnnv nob away Mulh to you reti€fyou wee rak; In d m 6 o u ror $€bumi n* ,u,,nd t u r h e d a lo n a wh.t husr haveben a t6sordor DoorsoDenei dd sramfredshurbehindyou.dd itbe(ame;otice. lbry<ooterd\you w€reled dnwn *v*atstairc6e3 r/ou wercbudled rtona morep.ssMays, (tum bhs.agamt ka s.nd banginS,ourheadasaiEl row dor rrame(.unril at ta(rjlou weF od€rcd to slop Ins you heardfor the f,rst rime rharnow_ iamd'argr.bnEemd of rhesre€t boltof vo!r Dren .ell slidhA open )ou w€tutict ed iffrde an; you nandcurrs wer removedreptaedby heav.\jliact- lesrrEt wer.hdin€d tn thewal. t@; bbndioldwas ralen off.and vou <etey6 on you rar-facEiJ prison auardro' rhehBtrime.His potb€UyqrraDed;.tur nrsdhy $ture r5turt ashc,wunA tusamv bibr€d rool intoyour nb\ ashesould n;nv tim€so\er rhr ne\t lew davs.SwetrnBandpdrrngfrcm theef{ort or r'cr'n8 you. he \pole to you. a few wordsin a deep/sneemEvoi.e, ,wetcone ro co.aya c6de. Mv nare Ofto.My rurer isCingn(hyud H€ <eoinq 's tor rrrou. lanorinEyour pteadInE{tueshoEhetei rne<€r, oamS with taughterIt was tne orny hm€ Who is cing.ich yu[? Why d@s he you? You tu6 helPtsly at rie .hains uE toget rR Ev?ntuatty you srveuD rhe chalrms€ or re&hin8 rhe sr;w an-d Yotr kick rhe.dkrca.h6 away fld stretchto rea.h the bread with your f€et. You drag it towards you, grabbinE it w h ore hmd. You break off shall piee, dicki.g them or at a timr inro yorr mouth. You makea stupid Promie to your*ll that one day you will do this as a pariy trick for your friends, iI you live to tell the tale.Youbreathein befoe strt h- in8 evm turther this time to rea.h th€bowl. Thepain c sbearable as the sha.kles dig even depei inro your laerated wrisk, causin8ft6h blmd to trickle down your a6' A few week ago, you .orld not have inaSined putting yoursell thrcuah $ much aSonyjust to eat a bowl of old stew,bur now hun8er dnves you on. With one last excruciatingeffort, yo! jat manageto get both fer ammd the bowl, lifr inA it up .areIully and pasing it to your shackled hands. You tip rhe contenis of the bowl into your mouth,gulpinA down the foul-smellinSslop.1ftasres so bad that for a mom€nt you thinl you aE going to be si.k, but you are $ hun8ry thar you devour every morsel,8ristle dd all. But a few chunksof rct- ten meat are nor enough to kep a mbSy do8 alive, lei alone a starying p.isoner Something has to be done beloe you die oi hun8.r And if n is true thal cingich Yur is going to kill you, thee b nothing to lose You are Soing lo have lo lry to escap€Lon If you wdt to call out to Otto, tlm to 59. Ir you would rath€r wait to tall to him when he next enters Et Ffl 4- 4 You land in a heap on rhe hallway floor below, You walt der to the edEeof the rcof and Srabhold i n i u r i n gt o u r\h o u l d e r q u i teb a d l y Lo{ t sr ^M r NA of tlE drainpipe s you cd lower youself down. As points. The hu8e Zombre who anacted you ti6 you beSinyour desl€nt.the zonbi$ in the court mohonles nearby addng b ihe pite ofdead Some y,rd be.ome e\tkmcly dSrtaredThet begin lo or the bo\e\ and suirc&salso fettsro th€ h. wa\. rrech loudly,consumcd by a seemin8ly u.onttul' If you wanr ro iearh th'ough rhem, tum ro jf Inble rag€.You begin to qu€slion whether this was 3t5. you would ratt\er wa I on ro rhe | fi . r rhe end 01the sucha g@d idea the momentyou seeGing.ich Ylrr srride out of the garaSeholding a sniPerrifle wirh a tcles@picsiEht. He is very annoyed lhat you have erap€d hom your c€[. He tak6.im and tiFs. RoU onedie. If lhe nudbe. rclled is I l, tufr to 389 It rhe numberolled is 4{, tum to 58. 3 The shay bullet whizzes pasr you. ear and hits rhe wall b€hin.l you. Any suddenly comesto her senses and ealies rharyou realy dc rryus ro helDh€r 5 You pick your w.y @retully betwen the hanSin8 she is sBcled w,th glih ror n@rtyshtutin; y.u carca$esas you make your way lowdds the ba.k ano aporoSrzes ovcrdd overagaii. you Eply dEr of the rdn, Yo! @n s@ you own beath .rystal I wasyou. ohn rautrand.SivenrheLt<umtanes, you shouldhave said srraiAhtaw.y that vou had liE in rhe iiezing air Without waming one of the hanginSpig car.as swings towards you, Push€d readherdiary Tum ro r9t, by an ulrFn hand. You are nomentarily clught off balan@as a youn8 f."mle Zonbie dessed in a tat teredbeigejmper and tom blackleggingsilmPs E tr //d out hom behind a hanging side ol bet wicldinS. chainsaw Could it be Amy? You hav€ no time to thinl befoe lhe Zombie tirus op her chaiNaw and atacks you. Theinitialive is h€$. Roll onedie. If you rcll rl, tum toljo.Ifyou roll4{, tumto93. , A quicksearch of theZonbies'poctersrveals noth' in8 ol use.Ahead,in an aicovein the right hand wall, thec is. l,rge yellow wh..lic bin. Thcr. are ' lil bloodyhandpdnls on thelid and fteshblooddnp- pinSdo$n rhetionr of t. Ii you want ro lill the lid up to takea kDt insidethe bin, h,m b 197 lr you wanrb k ep walliinS,tum to 155 7 Halr*ay along rhc hallwry, yo! noti.. i lonS woodd pole.lippedto a b.ackelon thewall. It has . snall brasshookat oneend.Lookingup, you see a t apd@rin the c€iling At the end of the hallway thercis a lift wirh polishcdmeraldoors It you want io pullthe trapdoo.openwith the pole,tlm to 46. Ifyou want lo uk theliIt, tum to 157. a A larSe pa.k of Zombies appears frcm out oI Lhe 8loom. running towa.ds you at sPeed Thee ae a lot oI th€m, twenty four in total. There is lime ro use a genade if yo! have one, whi<h wlll reduc€th.ir nmber by (2d6+, before firing your weapon at the 7 rcminder of the on oming horde. If you win, tlrn ,,/ 11-aJ 9 Mu.h to your etisfa.iion, the lGy tum in th€ ldk. You lu lor you liJe towards the d@rs with the 'Ihe hearl' d@r ftar.s ope, Ieadinsinto a old oal speding car bearinS down on you, hom blaring stoF. Ihee is a shovelon rop of rhe pite of @l but loudly Yurr stahps down iftpatiently on the acel- nothins elscof inte€r The€ is a bl&t imn ddr in efator, tryin8 to 80 faste! sri[. The car is almost at thefar wau anda key hdginS on a h@k @rby. II you full speedwhen itploughs into yourback,.atapult want to seanhttLtuuAhrhepile of oal with rh€shovel, in8 you into the air You land on your head,b€aking hlm to 17o Ii you would .ather try to opd the dmr yourn€k. Yuf cadjeson dnvinS arcund the court- s ith thekev hanglnSon the h@k, rum ro t2r. yar4 pm.hing the air t iumphantly and waving k) an invbible crowd, as though in an ancienl arena. Your advmture is over You smn arive al anotherdoo. in the .ighrhand wall, aSainpainted whfte. There is a siSn on t in red l€ti€rin8 which sys C/unging Rdors. Il you wanl to 8o in the chnging r@d, rtm ro 54. ll you would rathe. walk on, tum to 20, ldth wepon hdd. you op€n rhc dm, stshttv. 'n rhe zombks inned'ateL) draBr bd8,rg thelo;r ops and *ndin8 you ny'nB You 6re at rhm Js thet surSeinto lhe oom, bur thel l.eeponns \ou r € p .n firin8uhry ou M out"r b u le h r o ; s b e , 8er back as the pack .lo*s in on you, drmlins with excnemdt. Stdding amongsrthd is a man arinq oranscorerall5whoserJe you r{ognize. rhoughji 6 nos coveR.d s ops komd\ and wepds eos. Without waminS, lhe doubl€ doors of th€ 8016hasb@n tumedhto a ZombE,and s;n vou bust open. Two half-dead hlmanlike will b€ome one to. Your adventuE is over ripped cloihin8 leap out and try to Erab 14-15 their bl€din& blisteredhmds. One hasbrot€n fin gerssti.tinSout at strangcrnglcs.Th.n skin is Srey I and pallid, coveredwithopenwounds and iestering sres. Ihcy hJve thin, Eieasy hair and thei! 8ap in8 mouths reveal broken, blackenedteeth T|en sunken,bloodshot€yes@z€ yellow gunk. Ahori bl€ gurglingsound etupts rrom thcirthruatsas thcl i! cbse nr on you. They arc Zonbisl You must light them barchrnd.d, oi $ith a r{.apon it yor have one.If you $in, tlm to 235 \4 You reach tne door and lind lhat il isn't ldked. Yo! stcp orrsid. onto th. gr.lcllcd cnkan.c ol th. .ourtyard Beyond the entran e, diHtly opposite you, th.rc is.noth$ door $hich leadsinro ih. hall- way on the olhe. sid€ of the south wing To lour right arc the manr gat.s ot the .astle;huge wmden doublc doob ben€athd tallstone ar.h$rI Th€y are padlockedshut.The Zombiesin the courlyanl calch sight.f you .nd frov. t.Nards you.n mN., b.y- inA Ior blood. They sp{rd up as they g€t closer,somc fillinS o!$nr thc msh asyct motuofth.m porr into I l; the courtlad Thereare e many lhat it is imposs ible ro .omt them. You must decide .luickly what k) do.lt you wint to fight them, tlrn kJ 1o7.lflou wnnl to try to open the padlock on lhe main gate, The Zonbie's head rises up thruugh the trapdoor, ils eyes saminE the room. You halr ro act guickl)r tr tr la20 You pi.k a brick up ofi rhc floor and hut it.r rh€ r8 Slassiace of rhe cldk. lr shaftcrson imDa.t. smd The n€wbladesaws throuShtuo nonbaB in just a ing a showe. of rhousan.lsol shardsot g-ta$onro a tew minutcs,allowing you to squ@?ethrcugh the ro.tt.p lome twehe m.fts beloq tr )uu pn.\4s a lenxih nf .l mbin8 rup€ and J Srappl,n8huut tt,m 8ap. As you s alt turtner along the path, you cat.h sight oI somethinSflo.rlng in thc*wagc water lt's to trt.lt you do nothale any rope,tun to 91. r sm.ll t\rttl€ n.deolgren glass.Ifyouwanr ro lish the botle our ofthc watcr, trm ro 61.lf_\'or would hther walk on, tum to 278. Yo! walk .mund tne com€r to rh. easrwing, pick ,ng vour h,ay thmrgh the bodiesof d..d Zombies. 19 on rh.li6r fltur you find a Eren,de (2d6+1)in a Tle giganticbeastciashesto rhe 8rcund, makinE 4etal box in one ol the moms but there is a no sim the wooden noor shake. 'we ned to escapelrcm of Gingri.h Yrii anlaneE. Sudd.nty you herr lie the .astle ghl now.Yurr is EoinElo flip $hen hc c.ufd or . lrr s enEin. slarrinAup \,ru nAr J wd- finds out that we hav. trkcn down his lavourite du! Jnd l6t tnrulxh to..r ihai rhe Ba.aA.JG 6 Zombie,'Amy saysanaiouslyYouiell her tharyou bclowarc op.n. Cu in hmd yoo tundown rhestairs wiU help her to escap€. 'Bot whrr.bout you?'she inlo th. coutyard and head io. the g.nag. Tm r. 169. asLs.Y.u ePlv thatvou cannotl€ave thecasllemlil aUthe Zombieshav€beenkillcd.'Butthafs.r.Tvl' 17 sheexclaims. 'You will hale to Ao backdown into It'skillo.bekilled in lhisclosecombatsnuaionyou thebasem€ntbecaus rhat'swher mostof th.n aic, choc€ your $ eaponand, with adrenaiinpunping, holedup in thcir stinkingrooss. Surelyyou don't \ o u L h r r S ei t th e s.re a mi n gZ o mb,c\ ttsir Ahtto wantto gobacl dom there?'Nod.linSyourhcadto t h c d e i t h . I r l u u sm tu m ro !rt say ys, vou walk our oi the office into th€ hallway. lf you want b Aoleit, tu.n ro 156 Iiyou wdt to go Youcarryortaqui.k*.r.h ofthe Zonbiesandlind a box of matchesmd $7. You leavc th. brthroon thlou8h lhe swinS doo6 and ops the bedrcom 23-24 23 You Eiv€ Orb the choice oI him tellin8 you abodr The srft ot arhour does indeed lit you pe.fectly Gingrich Yun o. you EivinS him a very hard kicl You walk u! th€ cor.idot renlizing how hard ir in the .ibs. He qui.kly agres to tell you all he nust h.ve b€en to be a kni8ht back in the Middle *nows. He .laihs that h€ has neverm.t Yu.i He Ages.Plate mtril amour is v.iy h..!y ..d makes wasbrou8htto thecastleby two m6 who Hruited walkinE slow and very tidng Loser srAinNApoint. him frcm his home town, promisi,rg hin work as Hosever th€ s{ord (1d6) is a tnre weapon with a . prison 8uard. Th€y ofered good pay, too good to keenblad€and you cut it thruugh the nir withgieat turn dosn Th.t w,s rwo yearsago.Now he i.cls lnthusi.sm. Tum to 243 like a prironerhimseltashe is notallowedto leave thep.isonquarteisotnerthanto tate.har6eof new 24 prisoncrs.Onll, a handfulot popl€ e!.r tllk€d to Th€ old lift descendsslowl, juddennE and rum him. lt wasbesllor him not to askquestions about blin8. It finally grinds ro a halt at the brs.ment, why peoplewe.e beingkidnappedand bronghtto whe( thc doorsslidc sloe ly opcn Th€reis anoL\er thc .astle He tnows lhat GinSiichYu.r is a terrilv st of sliding doors which you step throuSh. Yo! ing man. H. lcrfrcd lron the old man { ho brolght tind yolrscli standingin a.old corridor lil by ceil hin his food suppliesthat Ynrr is plinninA some ing lights with squ.rc shapedrrost.d ghss shrd.s. thing unspeakablyredblei Somethingthat involv.s The ceilinS is painted a cheerlessmustard colour thc prisoncrs.Rut he hasno idea u'harthat hight The walls arc the same clloui above a wact-hiEh be as his rcle is sinply to grard n€w pnson€rsuril strip of dark Ereentiles,many olwhich a.€ njssing lheyarehauledofftoanotherpart ofrhc..stle.Otto The paint.n lhu walls is.ld and.ra.ked, smeared t lls silent,sta.inEblanklyar the floor Thereis no with bl.$d in severalpla.es.Yousniff the airsha.ply, time to lo*, you h.ve ro escape.Tum to 7j noticingan acrid chenical smell To )'our ri6ht some twenty mehes awat, thee ar. shing doo$ madc ot vrlcanizd rubber acrossthe corridor Suddenly TneZombieswho sunite thelirst deadlyrclnd oI you hear the sound of footstepscominSdown the bull€tsclimb up the ladderand junp onto thebal- coddor to your left.lfyou wmt to find outwho is conyto aftack.Redu.eyour sr^MrN^bvthenumber omingdo*n th.coriidor, turn to 45.If yotr want to ot zonbi€ lelt ah e If you aie still alive,you must walk tttrough the swing doo$, tum to 3r. fiAht th€m wnh yorr handgun. lf you win, turn ro 25 Thereis anotherw tc dor in the left-hand wall not far ahead.You listen at ihe door but h€ar nothing. If t, youwant to openit, turn totol.llyorwould rather '\, 26 You ops rhc door . rraction,jusr enou8hto see thattheloom is fuu [email protected] Do8s, BNwtinS and barkinS loudly Theremust be at least ten oI them Thee is a b!.ch or kcys hanSin8on a hail at thebackof rhe rDom.Theslaveringbeasts .rc frantically trying to 8et out. Someof th.m b.8in .h€win8ar rhedoo. f.ame.lf Fu want to go insidc the roofr kr gct the keys/trrn to 14t.If you wotrld rath€r shul the doo. and walk on/ brn to 276 Tnes.ientistlunSesat you but you manag€lojump oul of the way jusi jn time. The syrinS. fl.shca throuShthe an, narrcwly mnsinE your ne.t. You fire youf 8un at thc c.ilinSand shoutat rhescientistto drop thesydngeon theflmr andcrushit und.ifoot. He obeys,albe rclud.ndy. Y.u motionwilh your 8un for th€sci€ntists kr halk on until theycofrekJ lhe fi6t open @ll, which you tell them to enrer You .le the ell door behindth.m rnd lock it, t.king out rhe key and purtina it in your pocket.Th€ scien tistsstartshourinS,tyou,sayingthdt{h.n rheyare tred from ihe cell you will be tumed into a Zonbie. Yo! wave Soodbyc,prcmisinS rhcm that soonth€re willbe no norc Zombi€sleft aliv€ in the castle.You F-l T;'] J2 '4 walk bn.k thrcugh the swihg d@6 dd arnvc at a sud oI a Eunshot.Roll onedie If you anl r l, txm dNr in the right-hand wall. ll's not lftled so you b r8a. lfyor roll4-6, tum to lj5. decidet(l opm it. Tumto:rr. 12 !3 The d@r is lNked and is tai to. stlidy to brcak 'Wehaven'tgotany provisionsfor sale,butCr€gof open. You could try a key in lhe lock if you have one. and I would be very happyto shr( with you whnr If you do have a key, tum to the number which is meagrcsuPplieswe have,'Bodssavs,hnndingyou stampedon it.llyou do not have a key you haveno a bar of cho.ol.r. ind a boltleofwater Y.lu devofi choice but to go b..k down rhc narrow passageaay lhecheolatemd gulp down the waterAdd I srAM- and tum righl into the main co.ndo. Tum to 185. rNA points You thanL th€ men for thcir help, say goodbye, and walk over to the dor nr the tar s,.ll sith Boris'swords ringing in your.rs, 'Ki[ them all. You'v€gotto kill themallt'Tum to r5Z. 29 Yor d€al with your.nrckers quicklt wthout my Problen. Th€ two Zombies drop to the groud rid- dled with bullers.Iiyou wanr to read Amy's di!r, turn to rl. If y.! hant to search rhough the pdk 31 ets oi the zombi€s' tatlercd .lothin8, turn to l3t. You prcss button G but nothina happens. The lift doors remain open. Il you wmt to walk down the hallway to open ahedoor,tum to 177.Ifyo! would Jo .aiher stay in lhe lilt and press button I, tum to r47. 'I he doo. opens onto . narrcw spnal srone stair.a* thar winds its way up insidc a.ncubr tower With youi wcapon in hmd ready for my suddm atr..ks 34 ftom above, yor beSin the climb up it. Tum to 322. You np th. packi.g rape otf rhe cardboardboxes and loot inside. Most of the boxes contain mdga- zines and auction .atalogue for larS€ colkliom You are about to go thrcu8h the swina d@F whcn of toy soldieN, tin toys, .omics, tnding crrds md you hea. son€body shouting ai you from behind. musi. trom lhe 196os.Behind lhe box€s you find a It's a voice that vou rcogni7.. Then you hear rtre small black netal box that has a print d Iabel on the lid: 'Dm8er'. ll you want to open it.lum to:91. 15 17 If you would ralhe.leave it untouch.d *hec it is and opcn the d@r oppcite,lurnto 2& lf you want to walk on lo the 6d of the corndoi, tlm to 31. 35 You fumble throlgh you. possessions,desper- arely sea(hing for th. k€y whilst Amy sh@ts at the Zonbi€s to k€€pthem at bay 'Hurry upl'sh. s.reamsarthetopof hervoice.Withsconds to sparc you etneve the key tron yori bag rnd op.n th. let Thedoubl€ d@E swiry open and you Iu into ihe outsidewo.ld. with Amy alonEsideyou, you sprintdown lhe rcad as fastasyou! lcaswiil.any yotr. Your lunSs feel likc they are aboul to bu6t. Suddenlyyou hearthe.oa. ofa car enginerndthe eud of rre€.hin8 tyres. You look behind you to seea sporb ca. sp(ding towdrds),ou.lt'scinSnch Yur driving his Austnr Heal€y at tul1 [email protected]€ ot hisscientists issi$in8in thcpas*nger*ar. He leans out oi thewindow and beginsfi.ing a machinegun .t you.Rolloncdic If thentrmbcrrollcdis 1 :r,turn to 2o5.If the number rolled is 4 6, tum to 114 ')6 The pouch contains a small ley with the number 9 stamped on ir, a box of mrches and a marker pen. Take th€ items you want and ca.ry on down the co.- / J7 Yo! tush into the bedroomand slamthe door behind you. lockin8 it shut. You hear a terrible rrcam trE ! t&_4o 41 d rh€ ZmDi6 de..sd urM D@ Bos. Ihe lotr you berind rurptua€ dd potted firtrt ! 9s @6 and then th@ ; silfte, but for aluubs, undd bendE dd odd the plastic sh€€t- lhe o.csidaf gnhti€ and sortins tuds lng of 5 oveFd sldp. Ihe only way y@ ould be coming from the Zoribi6 outside. Yd rcalia of defeatingsucha huSehorde would be to @ lhey ae not goiry to to .w.y whsr tlEy tagin to BMing m.hine gu that is mdted d the haD4er on the dmi l riUyou opn n to atta.k th@ fBt 0@rb,l(ony or the@twintoppcite. GinE ich (tm to !o), wedte s@e tuhitE uP agaiBt it to \lri is mwh@ to be sd and the heary tuchift s6opthm Settins in (tum to o) o iup out of 8u looks to be theE fq the t riry. Th@ i6 a zip the b€dem wind@ into the olityard below (tu wire 8red to the tuf ned to wh4 y@ e stand- In&whi.h M a.N to th€ 6t wing tui Th@ is a @tal ladder atta.hed to ihe wall whi.h tlm doM d'e tuof hotlF 9tu4 pasrinS.le to the bal- Ille tul s@tu at you to 'E 8o away or eb€ 3h! win y. Aroth{ way of Fttiry to rheb.roy wodd 3hoot.If yd wet boc.[ out the |1de Amt tm to to .Umb dM the dJainpiF and chafte 3a2.If y@ wdt to call out tlE lr.tr Asrida! tun the .ourvard to cliEtb uD tt€ @td 'iming bdder. to qZ, It y@ have a crEirEaw dd would ftthe! oi yo! have a steel puley dd wdl to clip it dto you way thbuSh the dd, tun to 19. zip wiE to slide 5(!@ hothe 6tt win& tum to 9. lf you d6't hav€a puU€yor would laths climb lt ttE drainpip€, tui to t87. It i! viltu'Iy ihpo$ible to M rni|st wedinA a h@vy dit of at!!N. B€foE y@ e able to M.h the door, the Atta.k Doas at the flona of the Pack yq f,ick the swibdr up, you h@ a faint l6p up and bowl y@ ovq. Y@ strugSleto sit up $md like that of a cat h b€ire r.Ias€d. bul N pi.rEd doM by th. @rbin€d w€ight of the Suddd'ly . whote stio ol the b@k@ pop! @t d@ dd the .dN. llE vicioa dimals howl .nd ot th. wall to Real a gret pasgsay behind it begin to grEw at you n€h wh@d it b erposed, i[ @r iftide it dd @ th@ ii d ()ffi wddd You su$d . 1m8 and pahful d@th Y@r adventur€ !tai@ toint dom. U you wet to mter theret gsay and 80 d(h the staiF. tun to $9. v would ratlpr noi t t the ch.@ dd wnt io ao ve the librd imediatelv tm to 160, Yd look d()M into the @urryad wherea large nur$d of datgt zorbies @ stomPiry@ud tl t!!t 42-45 Youland efely in the niddl€ of the nattressand roll quicklyoftth€ bedto lookarornd Turnto 11. 41 Thereis a larg.bouldcrby thc sid. oI th. road whi.h you junp b€hind.The Austin Healey roars by and sc@che t. a halr somc to m$r.t fuither down the tuad.Ifyou want b tellAmr to nrn lor thecoverol lhe toresrand leaveyou shoot n out with Ylrr and his cront, turn to 128 It want to run into the ldesl with Amy to escap€,turn to 237. 44 You rak. nochan..snnd p1.k rp fof gun nJshoot Yu.r selefal times, to make sure he is no lon8er a lhreat to th€ world All you ..n ihink.bour is g.r- tingawry tron lhe c.stle asquickly aspossible.You hu.ryinto the Baragelo tak€a look at th. vnn.lfy.u h.vc n sdof c,r heys in your pcket. tum b 2r7.lf youdonothav€ a selofk ey s ,tun to96 It eon be.omesappar.nr who is comint dosn the coriido. A prck or nineteen Zombies is headin8 towa.ds you, led by snebody you r.co8niz.. It's $ a man with a bald head/oranaeoverausand black a.hy boots lt's Boris,bul nol asyou r€m.mbcrhin He is no long.r hun,n H. hnsweepingblistersand oPen so.es on his head His eyes are bloodshot and bulEins out of rheir dark sc..lets. His top lip has b€en npp€<t a$at rcv€aling bleedinS guns and iI 47-43 bsk6 ie€th. Bori has turEd into a Zohbie. He 17 Itrhes towards y@ b6ndishinS a pislol, s@miryly nE landing is @rpetedad ttu warb e @veEd lmwae that it i6 a w€pd, He !186 the Zombie wilh b.i8ht patlemd waUpaFr. TheE are som€ behind him to attackyou, not thai ihey needm.our 8dn ffe paintings hanSinSd the walls, plus 6ome a8emmt, shoutr8 at th€ top d his voke, 'Got fi) kill nim6 and €khin€s, but nothint of @ lo you- You thm all! Got to kiu them all!' over dd ovd agair walk 6 util yo! @me to a coro wh@ lhe oF You have no .hoi.e but to fight him and the oth6 ridor tllft sha+ly to dE ritht. Arcud the ct)l8 nineteen Zombi6 behind him. If you wn! tm w a white d@ay in the left-hmd wall sde twaty '@ metns atEad. Y@ w.lt LLpio the d@ dd € a $gn pahted m it in black letterinSwNch eads CraB Night Club.U ytuwnt to op€nthe d@., tum io 342.ff Fu would Etha walk orr tm to a9, 46 The eiling b qurte low Md you have to st@P a lit- tle to avoid hi$ing yd head @ the be.tr as )ou 18 walk a@s lhe caki( floorboaids,You arc about lming as st€attNy 6 you @, lookiry arcud to start rummging ttuw8h the box6 dd suitcases the time, y@ pa$ stids of ttp c6de which when suddenly a huge f3t mash6 thmgh the @I fmilid to y@. Yo! reachthe w6t wing wherc tiles, reachin8doM to tlab you by tlE thtut. You ie orpffi lie twihiint 6 the fl@r, but thee 4 lified otr you H bi a rcugh hand that is mbs' nosimof Y@. nE doorof a marl wax-moud ing on€ finger and is @veEd with red blot h6. If pboaJd hinge opfr. Y@ l@r iBide dd 6^d a you have a 8un to hdd, tum to 36l. r you do mt Kit whi.h adds a sreN Doints *hen x6€d. haveaerh,nmto 6. €nly you l@r the $und of ;@'s ddne stad- up. Y@ l@k thrcugh a window tud F th.t the F-] F-l 4Ht Saraged()6 in the eat wing @ opel G6 in hdd you m inio dE olJtyard ed h@d for the gaage. Youleep teling Any dEt degahint i5toint ro be dri8ht but y@ @ @bl,s to ovift. hs, Sheb%s , you to 8o with hs to fi^d help,arEuin€that it would 49 tE tEtter if the aurhonri€ @t in the a6y to deal The g@de bo@c along the fl@r lowar& y@ with the Zonbi6. You teU hd dEt by the time the ad alm@t irmediately therc is a dealdinS erplc lmy ari€, it miSht be tm late. You sy ifs time sim which ech6l@dly dom the.onidor Y@ @ 'for you 60to back to the 6stle, advising her to fol lnft€doff you feetby lhe blast dd thtt'M viol4dy low the Gd e shedcnl get lct in the forestad aSaist the waU. Ilp eftu of the blsl @ mde lo malG s@ sheslays out of sitht of anybody driv- woe by tlE g'€mde explodirg wilhin the cdnn6 ltt.lont the ed. You wave goodbye,eyinE th"t of a @nidor smoke,dst .nd debris 6ll the aii Roll will calcll htr up s.n It dlx$'t iale you long ore die. U you rcll a 1 d a 2, tum to tor. It you rcU a eium to tlP (atle whee, mu.h to ydr surpn*, 3 qa4, hm to !r9. IJ you roll a 5 ora6 tun to !' fnd that the min satesar€sdl uileked, You {m of the double d@F and sudethbueh the 5o p lmotied, clGing it b€hind you. You hh left D$pite being i,1the.lo* .6ffne of the lift, the flal lodg the south win& and th6 walk rctth along the ia.ket tales thebmt of the qplGi6. Yd d hit by win8 beforc Mching the staitue at the iuc- iust two piee8 of BhrapEl. ttrs 4 sr.rN points with the north win6. You @ about to to doM If you d still alive tm to rtit. siaiMe to ilP basrtMt shd,ou at h siEht lhe t€l4ope n{Md d the table rhead. Ih 5a You induce youslf to the neir teling thd hM y@ .a@ ro be Kdnapped- "IeU Mebody who (}B,'Bori6 ets, shrugginghisshorddeF,indiffest to yN hdd luck slory 't-i5im, we cd lclp you. V\iC havethings that,ou Eed which w n*ht tE wininS ro s€I to )ou. But dly at a Prie, And tlEt Piie is dollas, Takeit d leaveit' If y@ rwe eme do[,$ dd wish to buy mthin& tm to rr!. It y@ do mt have ay dolc, y@ @ 6thd had wd to the far dd (tun 60157)d fight dr mm (tm to ,8{). F:I T;] 53-4 55-7 Y@ walk thMgh the swint d@6 dd se sit the simtist istinctively ducls down to avoid murdercBloking Zmbi6 baraing arcund the DeinSshot,@blhg yd and Amy to M sfely past H|t)m. They s you and su8e fotrad togethq, the window, tmin8 lelt doM the halway of the intent m tearingyou limb fI@ limb. Y@ mct fiEhl north wiry. T@ to &7. tho. If you win, hn to r6a, 5o You dpty th€ flask md put it in you ba.k peket. Yd *ath quickly thsugh the tattecd clothing of the otha Zoobi6 dd nnd a total of $? and a Dairof suvd @rre d ft tuF or bag rou bd rcuF ing ebe of inleEt e you walk b.ck to the stafte. Yo! areabourto .linrb it who you notie smething tEffilh . ft ir a Lee cat iM efe ttEt is .mdt6l into the fld. It hasl .onbitutid lml o th€ d@r Yo'l try a few rmdom st ings of nmbea, alaswith- dt sEs' Y@ Falize that it is too elid to prie or 4 .hoot opd hd woder if you have 6)1hii8 ele 1@ take a l@k arc6d ihe door ard swey a sMe lhat }!u @uld u* to 8et into it U you hare a pi* of dwasiatim. Both the nale and 6emle ch6g- of yeud note pap€r, tum to 85. U y@ do not have ins !@N have been wEcked. T IlE mift6 e aI mte p.p€r, thee is nothing you 6 do othd sn6hed, as d the sinls. he bencheo4 splin- clinb back up th€ stai6 to ttu libra. Y@ @ t€red 6d b@kenas thouah $mebody hd taka a |lmled at not b€iry able to op6 the efe but try sl€dca\ffier to them. TIE leks d@6 have all b ovire you*lf that it w6 ptubablyempryor bei ripp€d o{ thei hing6, as have the show6 t-trapFd dyway. You d<ide nol to s?dd dbide d@s. The Dic haveben wrenchedoff the v hoE ti@ in the lib.d and head out into ttu wal md water is Bushiia trcm them-The Zombi6 who mct likely dGtroyed lhe.hdging mre did a vtry Soodjob, If yd wdt to takea l@k insde the open lel6, hrm to 26t- If y@ would rather d@ bu M alM the staiF .nd the Slmmy bas ttu d@r md walk on, t@ to ,I. "l@t t @Fidor, pasinS the op6 eus dd the liJt re @chin8 the ld@ized rubber swing d()c, 53-59 Therc are smau glass pancls in thcm whi.h yo! peer lhrou8h to R a Ercup of Iour men standin8 bgethcr Thcy.rc.ll wcaiing blood-spatrercd u'h1tc laboratorycoatsand appearto be having a heated iryiment One p ticobny elil-lookinS nan sc.ms bbe very annoy€daboutsomethingand keps tap- ping at his clipboard whilst shotrrinSat the other hen He hasa shav€dhead,a patchover his left eye ind a dcep scar runnin8 down rhe left side of his trce. Th.rc is . badgc scwn onnJ his bust pock.t with the nameRoznik embroi.leredon it The thrce drhersarc Cober,Sren.nd LJnge.8!t crcn thorgh lh€se a.€ the evil {ientisls Fsponsible Ior creat in8 Yurr's zombies,yoo know you can'tiust run n and shootthem Ifyou wantto try tu anest th. hen and lock them in the.ells, tum to:4. It you have a laboranry coat and want to tlll b them whilst pretending Iou are a new assistanl sientisl r€ently hired by Yuir turn to 33o. 5a (:inSrichYur.is an exelldt marksmanHe dc not usually miss his tarEet.But beinS angry he rushs his shot.The bullet fta past your head,hitting th€ waU.You waste no time ard haul yomer back up thedrainpipe to .limb mto the r@i beto( hc .an rir osddshot. Rollonedie.Ifthenumberrcll€dis ! r, tum to 2r lt thc numberrolledis 4-6,rurnro151. 59 Youshout,t the top of your voi.e for severalftin utesbut nobodycomes.Ev€ntuallyyou hear rhc la' 62-6t ste€llolt slide op4 Otto 4teB tt€ eU looking vsy mmia. It reads 'YE: Ext r21.'YN los the nolF anary-He has a dirty, food-stained.loth tied msd bookawayandwalk 6. Tum to rt5. his n<k He w6 in the mrddle of his meal ad is vdy No'€d at havinE it intempt€d by a ct)rMon priffi like you. Without a word he com* ovd Yd foe it into dE 8ap b€twq the sliding d()6, !o you dd ti.ts you seral lim6 in you! al'eady I'uhiry upsdds util y@ l@te the @tch.It pops damaSed!ib6 ashard 6 h€ .d. Th@ js a si.tdinS op 6ibr Yd sudethe doo6 opa and fnd yo'elf noiF s ffi of thd da.b, L@ ? srAMrN point6. .brdin6 in a old (@idd lil by eilint lithb that Y@ arc in too ou.h pain to try to *aF dd deide h.ve squaestaped frGted gra$ 3had6. IIE eil- to wait stil the thw's Mt vi$t. Ater trvin8 )ou tng is painted a cheerl€66nust rd colou. Ile wals de 6nrl boot ror Smd neasurc, he wall6 off to fin- @ the @Lou abovea waist-hi8h sbip of dark ish his me.l (tm to rya). ttg '@ til6, I!@)r of which e nisin6. Ihe paint @ the walb b old ed da(ked dd smatEd with blood 60 *vdal Dlac, You sifi the an and notie a vet The s.tts imediat€ly fEea up and the laptop Dl@i [email protected] smen.su<lds v v@ hed tn; shuls down, You slam the $tq 6hut in &shatid of f@bteps ominS d(,M the didor to you Amy trieo to r6lm y@ doM, saying that BinE ihe Toyu ritht 9@e twoty mets duy, ttPe aF laptop is not imporiant nEht now- Td to 158, he d@6 aCre th€.onidd mde of wLaniat ber r y@ wet to 6n l @t who i5 comint dom 5a ffiidor, tm to 45, If ya wdt to watk thrcugh With the tuity of wearing rubber Elovesto pG 3win8 de6, tui to 31. t4t you fom ominE into conta.t with the bl@d, tou rca.t doM dd pi.k up the noteb@k. You flick th!@8h it, reading vdios mtdes about the nmber of p@ple a day bein8 tuh€d into Zombi6 after b€inEinjded with MtamiMted bl@d. MGt dars it b one o. two but an {try mde d 3rd July nol6 eEht p6ple beinSinjeied- If c' y you ourd stop this tenible niEhhft, or at least 4ap€ to 61 call tlE autlbriti6, T]w i5 a leleph@ qteision ot wishinE to tou.h it, you 6nd a drcr @ the path, nunber 6 the last pageof lhe [email protected] you hich you @ to flict the bonle out of the wate. hits the tlmel wa[/ ushing inlo tiny piees to F:I FJ 64-65 66.68 meal a pie of tupled notep.pd. You unlold the pap€r to find the words '.ombiMtion 'eUow [email protected] y@ havea tu nd wt lck number: r81'printed @ Y@ pla.€ tlE pitr it. t|y shmting at the loct, tm to r59, If you have of paper in you pdket and walt d. Tum to 278. @wbar .nd wnt to prie th! lo<l oFr! tuh to . r y@ would rather kep walking aldg the cs A! you 6i.n io dE6 the tumituE away fim the dei, the sftltna dd banging b%is atah. You 67 l@k th@th rhe sack in the ddtuay and e that shlrp teth piere y@ skin, drawint blood. the haltway is jmed tuI of zobbis. r yN wmt nlort$ately for )ou, the Zombie h6 bledinS to attact theE! tuh to id If wo!.ld raths tMp .nd its blood intur3 yo@. Yd 4 d(r)ftd to dt of the b€dll)m window 'ou inlo lhe @urtyad ome another olgipt in Gingii<h Yud's amy Zombies. You advenhE i5 over 65 6a You @ about halavay d()m lhe drainpipe whd bu rcach into your p@k€t dd give Amy the gold it bsm6 obvious that th@ @ j6t i@ my dd .hain. 'Mv ldketi Wheredid vou 6nd it?' Z@rbi6 b€low for you to be able to saiv€ if tlEy ,!ts *iiedly. "You don't wdt to loow!' you atta.t at re whm you rcachthe 8Dud. Hogut lt "Thanl you. IlEl yd. Ihant yo'r,' sheeys 6 to the &.inpipe with onehand, yd begin sh@t- ppily, a beaMg $i le tShbnt up her f.e Ior the ing at thd, hopFt to dilpeM rh€m. But rhjs only time sine vd met h6. You tell Amv iys time to .alls morc of thd to flood into the ouward. You / advisinE hd to folow the rud so she d()d't Eet kitl ssal but it b imposble !o stop the re6t pull t in the 6oBt, but to mke sureshestavsout of ing ai the diainpipe to rip it ofi lhe wall. You t y to t of dybody &ivin€ .iong lhe @d. You wave hdt on bui N unrbb ro do s for lmE. Ile drain- ye,eyint thary@will eherff.Itdcnt piF 6m€s away fton the wal dd faUinto the yd long to rctuh to the dsde where, much ro €agq clukhs of the zodbi6. 'ou and bitten Clawed 3u+.ie, }!u 6nd that the min Irtes are still by then! you quictly be(!re intusl by thei.on cked. You opd de of the double d@6 dd t miMiedblood. Slnyouwillbeltrre m of them. e thrcu8n the E p llmtied, dcjn6 it behind Ydr advdtun b ov6. , You tum left along dP $uth wh8, dd then north aloi8 the west wint befoe eadnng the .* at the jmction with the north win8, Y@ 6r?o aE abDui to Eo down rhe stai(ase to th€ b.smenr wh6 y@ @t h sight of the telescop€ nounted on lhe table ahead. Tum to 2ro. @ There G a smll, r€d-painted.upboard fiied to the left-hdd wall that youhadn't notied earlierasit was hidden from view by oneof the boile6. On openin8 it you tind $me bandag6 and antrsephc.aam that you useto bind your wouded wrists, sincethey are still in bad shapef.om the sha.kles.Ad.i : srAMrNA points. Suddenlyyou hear a nois€overhead.Slidin8 doM the air vent are thre Zombi$ who land on d'e n@r in a @npled heap. They stand up awk wddly and step fotrard to atiack. You mst fighr thd barehandedor with a weaponif you hav€de. tf you win, tum to 2D. 70 You jlnp backwafds to give your*lf time and rpa.e to take aim at the zohbie. A sinSle shot is rU that it rakes ro brint her down. The chainew continuesto tur dtil you puu it out of h€. hmds to switch it ofl r ir was Amy thde is nothinS tou .an do for her now. You thank her for the .< daiMw (2d6+l) which should be a very eff€' dve Zombie+ropper if you a€ happy to ca(y the laavy weapon. Reduceyour sr MN^ by 1 point iI you take it. Afrer deiding what to do, you leavethe tlfrigerad en dd td nght along th€ conidor Etr v-74 7516 v lrbi€ pou out onto the @f, lalgk witn r.$. The swoid (rd6) is a fift weaponwith a kq blad,e iN t le aih.nd fiE U you win, hm to ao, and y@ cut it thDugh the air with a 8@t ded of ontrdere, T!fr to ,,t1. 72 Rabing her 8m at y@, Amy backs away and s@ms, 'You E @ of th@ a@'t )ou? You'rc de of thdl'lf yo wet to reply that you w@ orny toking and thal you realy had read rE diary md dedu.ed she must to be Amy, t@ to 193. r you wdnt to tell hs to put d{]m htr Eur! tuft to 9{. As you rm to l€ave,Otto bet8 you io rcl@s him, but istead you take hjs key ofi its chain dd rlww e h,!Md fli€. thruSh theair,hining you sra& it into the .olM of the ll)@, bellin8nin that you dE nndde oI vN [email protected] is a Dai.tul blow hoF sonebody wil s<m brinA him a ni.€ bowl of hich mates vou dizq tFe 2 s xNA @ints. If stew.Youbrd him f5lwell and walt over to the stal e still alive, tun bo39. dmr Y@ per dt into ihe @idor which b lit by a rcw of ni.kding strip li8ht! in lhe eilinS. You 5e@ F evil all allMd dd hop€ to 6nd a w@pon mrer e swing d@6 opm hto s en suite baltwm Eihq thrn later. To yru ri8ht, the oridd mde at ith plush batlr sh()Uq, sinl Md toilet dits, albet a halt{pd d@say. To yoq left, the cor.idor cd' nth€r vivid bffi-vel@ rcL.in, IlEre is a tin@ a5 far 6 yd @ *. If y@ wdt to walt io imrcd stainlG steel dDbdrd abov€ th€ sink. the op6 d@May, th bo255.r yN wmt to head bu opd it but find mthing moe than a toothbrush left up the mnidor, tuh to 93. d r(re i@thpate. Sudder y y@ hed the bed, d@r opdin8. r you wel to Eo ba.k inio the n .med 6d eady for @mbat,tm to 5r- IJ 74 would rathq hide beltind the showercurtai.v The Z@Dier kep hmin8 dd .harging at th€ d@r mtil the hing6 finally 8,ve wat sdiry the d@. Ryiry. lt cr.sh€6b rhe gbmd 6 twaty-fouf trE 77-W v M tlF .onidor You @ lified off the 8ltMd by Th€ d@mmt opeE up to rv@l d€trib of d ffi blrst aid thsM aditut the wall. Ih€ etu of gqEy ent that Yun had bu r s he ould €@F blast@ mde wde by ihe 8@de explodhg in nom the @stle if evd the poli.e wee to mive @nfG of the Mltw halwav Smke, dst dd Morc he had b€t.ble to rel@* his Zorr'Iie any ebr! zu theair. U )ou m weanr8 . 0.k jacler. hh on the w6ld. You di*ovd thlt th@ is d eletrcni. :75. Uyou N norwdir8 . flar ,acket,tum to 2:8, disrlav Ddel at tn€ back of the stnk mm in the soJth ;inr which wil open Emr dd if you rey r tlF.ode nuhler 16r. 'Cme " on,lels 80 to tlE wiF c.ble i5 @eed in black g]€*, dd B 'r i.ult to sroPydrell frDm stdf8 doM it mop ster mm nowl I I@w where it i5,'Amy e'6 ex.it edly. U you have not dom e alre.d)t yd m try icuv thd vou would like. You land d the 0@r io mle a .all d the telephoft (tum !o 3tl). U you irha bumpbut luclily do noriniue youeu. Ihe don't wdt io makea 6ll, tun !o ri8. ond-Eriued slidint.iooE dt the bottom of the aF shut and y@ ae @ble to pull thd dpart 76 4ter the basenent.ff y@ po3ss a @wbar, tum The tuils @ak 6 you pne th€ lid ofi the date lt j. If you do not pr]6s6 a @wbd, rm to 3oo. is full of ba6sof end 6d @mdt, You t le out two to reveal a pla6tic lmh box- Th€ bad rews is that it d€n't Mtain any food- The Sood nss is rhat it d@s .@tain two hdd 8@ad€6 (2d6+1). You .lip th€m on to y@r belt, feeliiS vsy Plea*d with ,ou [email protected] @uld Pmve to !e vety u6e tul in combatbut |umler to ct@ them otr ydr Advntue slL".t dhq yN @ rhd lf y@ wmt to lift the mrnhole .ovd, tum to 2ao. If you wdl to cary on dom the @ddor, tum to 337. n bu @n arive at a jurrid at the end of the .or The ZonDie holding the g'wde push6 hj! my to idoi To you l€ft it .ontinuer straight on befoe thefMtof the lirE, rtmbl6, ard lets Eoof it lt rclls ing shaply left,backin the diFction you h.ve aloltg th€ fl@ loward5 you. AltMt i|mediatell t .ome fbn. To you rEht n @ntinues shaight thtr is a dedlennS qPl6im whjch dhes lNdy bdorc iming sharply right, also bacl in tE 32 +l dnfftion you have j6I ome frcm. DiRdy anead tha is . wide, ca.petql stai(a* going down. Tture is a lot of bdgin8 and shouring cominEfrcm i downsraiF. You deide to inv6tiSate/ weapon in hand and ready for combat.Tum io 126. II Youpla@ boL\ k€ys in ihei Fspecxve keyholesand tum the onestampedwith a number8 fist, followed Ity the one stmp€d with a 2. The padlmk nips open. Youslide backthe metal bolt in the door the grating loud remi.din8 you of the dark c€ll in which you rvde so rec€nriy imprlsoned. Yor suddenly heai tEnging and shouting comna from the other side of rh€ door You.heck your gs and push the d@r open, ready ht fa.e wh@ver is on the other sid€. Ir opem inro a ulnir rcm. Th€ briSht light frcm the Lboratory c6ts a long shadowot your bcdy onto the A@r A terrible stenchwaJtsout of rhe mn makinS y@ rcich. Yor seeli8ures moving abolt in the semi ttarknss, somemomin8, orh€F shourinEin eEer The rcom is tull of Zombies, wall(ing towards you * 4; :1 a $ lid b lo c klf y o u wa n tto l e l a r o u d fo r al ,Eh r rwitch on the wall, turn to j1o. Ii yo! want to sta.t &ing you. weapon,tuh to 179. aJ You *arch the r@m but Iind norhinS morc rhan a ro biU stufied down the brct ol lhc sofa ftere are io otlp. doo6leadina out ol the room s you wallr cf doM to the other end of the oridor to op€n the d@r thft(tum to 3o). [-:l F-l 84-{6 8F88 q @thin6 you cd do other thd climb ba<k up the Ihe ddi oFns into a snarl nstyfleling db- is to the library, You e moyed at not being byhole wNch E u!€d for stonS€. lt b dis8ctinSly to op6 the eie but tly !o @vin e y()1,4lf 6lrhy iffid€, with rats droppin8s derinS the fl@r t it w6 prcbablydpty d bmby-tnpd uy- dd @bw€bs hanging d@n in the c()ffi. TheF y. Yd deide not to sp€nd dy soE tift in dE ae two larye pl.snc siqa8e bd6 tucked away at .nd headout inlo the c@idoi Tm to fio, the b.ct. IIE fst bor is tull of old |lr*PaFs and mea2in6. Ihe *(ud .ontaitu old b@ks, . war- &7 l€t with 92 iside dd a smal csrdterd box tuU oI d6Fration you thbw cuhioc, beddinSdd pil- bullets. You pur ttu items y@ wdt into you t€8 @t of the window, hopinE to land on them ro befoE .lGing the dbbyhol€ dmr to .arry on walk- ydr faU,You tie a shet altMd the window in8 ar6t ih€ oFidd. Tm to @. , .Unb out of the window ard lowe. youF doM 6 fd 6 o6ible You tal€ a d@ bMth 85 let go. You fajl h@d over hels dd aash onto Y@ stdd up and beEin youi long walk back to civ t!.vel<veFd outard below Unfdt@tely iltation. You eh@e a path lt@ugh tte tl6 tfdt land on bu h@d and btuI vou ndk. You is cl@ to the @d bur which stiU keps you ot of sight in @* Yur <rriv6 p6t in his 6i You walk along in srl6.e, ttu dsts of the la6t day having b€m fa. too terible to talk aboul right trN. t$tead yd M a<rc the tutyad a shot dnSsout lt of b€int happy for having esped 6on Yd, Amy frm CingrichYu's sip€r rifl€. Heis tuin8 from leks to be in a state of shek, Suddenly a th@8ht fiEt O@rwindow in thew6t wine Ro[ onedia @re into your h€ad. If yoo pGss a gold lfk€t you bU 1-4,tm to 174.ff y@ o[ a 5 or 6, luh on a gold chah, hm to t@. lf yd do not have ttu r9t. 6 Yo! tdre the pi{€ of pape. out of you Pcket, ldebeiry that it had the numbo ol..ombina tion ldk Eitten on it. Y@ .tecideto lry this nmber to open the 5.I€. Tum to the number that js Mit_ ten on the papq. If y@ aE leble to do this, thse r-l FJ 8t9o 39 ipl:Mt. You abo find two tllDd6 (2d6+r), Ihe dd op* to aeal a smaU,ddk opb@id. As bor of bulets dd a Med Kit icide a metal box y@ Ea.h for lhe li8ht sibdr, a drcolin& meyed aw.v at the back of the dDbord. Satidied Zombie imps @t ftm behind a p \e of 3tor.Ee ith the resultsof ydr $botage, y@ walt ovn to bo$, sttering thd aery*h@. Caught ofi p.dlocked iron d@r Tm to t:o, $a!d, you @ plrbd b the St1)ud by the udad fidrd, who lamche a tuMied atta.k on y@, $ree.hint l@dly. Ioe 1 srMN Point. You 6tru8- 8le to thrcw the h€ary ZoEbie olf you io defmd yol$|I as it tri6 to bite you with the ia88ed,virus- inffi teethpetrudina fiom it! tui.s. r you win, Zombie looks at you intently, attempting to s in spibeof rfie fa.r thar its lips .ppear to have ddely *M tog€therwith twine, Bl@d ttick- d@n from ils truth 6to its chin. Stin holdine bming dlltmite sti.ls, it .limbs the last fa into lhe rlat tow€r r yd wdt to shmt the bie. tum to ,{1 lf yd want lo,ump thDugh hole in the bmkfl cldk fac, tm to ,68. You pi.k up the bra$ weights ttm the sleo md, 6ndblou*8, dll]€s, t*hino, iumF@ and j(\4 st ndiry aEfar away 6 p66ibl€ from the @biftt so as not to 8et splaohe4 thiow th@ s hard 6 you aing up on c@t hdge6 iGide the wardbbe, cm at the ias. The is a dash oI brcaring 8lass,and E.E weral hadbats on the top slElf. Iruide you wat h with eddach@ 4 blood Pous our of e of then you 6nd a @laa wlich appeaF to the brctd is dd doM onto tlE fl@r You walk in working ordd but is our of battery You put it you bag md @ntin@ y@r earch. The dE6t of ova to the oeboard at the bacl of the laboiatorv and slide the d(|F ops to fird morc $imtific wed B aalmed tull of duvet .oveE, blanl€tB * dd piuoM. IlE beddide@birEt 6taic a l@ded * hddSu (idtr2t a haibrush/ d enpty pui6e, tE earch the Sege frm top to bottom but do eme letteF, a pan dd a diary If you wdt to rcad find a set of keys ior th4 va. You dd't want to the l€tbeEmd the diary, tum to 279.f )ou wmt to d a rout€ lmEq in the @stle th{ you hive go thrcugh the swing di)c opposite,tum to 4, - tou @ eaSerto leav€this tmible Plae of {il neel up with Amy in the viIaEe shew6 head- 95 towad!. Ihre G e old bike uder a shet at the I@ ar tdpted to go ba.k into youi e[ to give of the 8e8e wNch yd ddde 6 good muSh Otto a kick but dcide .gainst petly Ev6ge. You get you 6r@ b€forenigl'daU, Y@ whlel it to the hurry doM the conidor, th€ smoth cmrcte fl@r in dtrdce Bat6, blalhE the padlock oFn with u.onlortably .old m )ou baE fet. Alter some rcund oI Eunfre. You itew doq your weapor! dbtare y@ s som€ m€sages sawled on the the d@B b the outsde wodd dd .f.Ie as fast w6[ One s]$ 'They'r .oning to 8et a'. Another you cm .rd8 fte @d $su8h tlE f@3t. AbNt sys 'WeE doom€d-' IlreE d oth6 @st6 in hoq later you G . 6rrl ah@d of y@, walkinS langugB you ddt unddtand. You I@p wallt- the md. Evd frcn a dbtane [email protected] @ ing util you cometo a black .sv6 pouch haging I she has log blonde han md is w@ring ie$ frcn a hek in the walL ff y@ wdt to op6 the a t+hin, s you EoSr'i4 $ai it is Ahy at me. [email protected], iuh ho36.r y@ would rathq keep@ w.rk- bu .rI out t€r m€ and slE turo arcund od ing d()M the onidor, tm to 39d. v6 frdtidUt jmping up ad doM with qcite- t. You ride up to hd and stop. 'l{hat toot you 94 ldB?' she Bk, silin6. You reply sEdtkaly Quivdn8 with fer, Amy drcF hs Eu onto the you stopped for a @ff€" dd lell he. to 6it d fld, .a6inA it to fa. RoUore die. If y@ rcU r-1, crcbar. Slp lauths, dd 6aF, 'No, l'[ .ycle aid tm ro 3oa.If you rcll 4-{, tm to 3. u 8it on the (Icbdl You 4 t@ tiEd to ar8u€. y is so@ peddlin8 hard, listsinS to the gru+ I5 a<o@r oI )ou banl6 with Giryrich Yln dd You aE lucky !o h.ve swived the oiElaueht of the Attack Dogs.You unlock ihe dm! and walk out into a oEidd. Th@ is a teEible stenchsmins fron the left ad of th€ .oridor $ yd <lecideto h6d .ight towanls a T'junction. nEr€ is a large oak ch6t d rhe fl@!, *i againstthe far wall. T@ to a6. F-l F-l ,7 I irtv ret6 turther on, vou s a white marble t of a md Ft againsttlE wall at the point wherc coridor t!@ left, behind which stmds a mas- @t suit of Dlatemail amola iuuminated bv a Ithr in th€ ceilinE. Ille anou is about your , lfyou EBh to try it on, tum to:1.lfyou wish *l; leav€ the amou but tale the sword, tm to 7t, yo! w@ld rathef walk 6 without sroppin8, hm !f' 98 Zombie thruis the rMine .haisaw lowards . You t y to junp out oI the way of the ot.tinE de but are caudt on the am by the slurp teth, I srAM poinB UydaFsdlalive, hm ro 70. 'NA vt lding ytu am overyourey6, you c6h thrcugh dek fae, sadiry mo4 El6 flyin8. YoudrDp a stone,whirling y@. aI@ and legs arcmd in an, hying to kep yolreff upriSht, As you ldd rcll in d attempi to brcal the hll. But twelve E a lon8 way to fal onto a $lid mf Roll two dd r"due you sr MrN^by ih€ roi.l rcl€d. r d still alve, tum to r59. I rea.h into y(u pdket md Eive Amy the gold dd chain. 'Mv l6ket! Wha did vou 6nd sle tuLs€rc €dly,sGppins out of her dotu* 'Youdont want lo tnow!'y@ r€ply.'Thanl t r8 3 you.Ihank you.Thant you,'sheeys happilt grin- nin8 for the fiFt tihe sin e y@ met hq. You pi.k oridor ads at a eudl@kin& white-paind !p the pae ard hury oo hopng to Mch a village : YouPt5s you e. to it but h@! nothing.If beforeilgoerddt Tmto4o. wdt to oFn the dd, tun to 3F, ff y@ woltd tlE tuh mund ed wall al(ro the coFidor in oPP@itedifttid, hrm to:65, You Each <loM wilh bN hmds dd Dick uD lhe mtebook You Ai.r thsugh it, @dfu vario$ eniriG about tlE nuhb€r of people a day beinE @ srrftkby the MI( with su.h feMity thatrou tl,ftd into Zlmbis thsuah ini<tiN of Mlami- lno&el otr you feet. You d@p to ttE 8rcud tud blood. Most dat€ it b one or two but d enhy BioB. All the Zombie pile on top of yd, tude d 3rd July not€s€itht psple b€iry ini<ted. de nppinE at y(M neh. You do not retain IJ dly yN coufd $op lhis tenible niEhhe or at ioess uril y@ have trarofomed into a least eM@ to teU the authqitia, Ih@ b a lele ie v(relJ, dootud to the litu of the ddead- phore extdsid nmber m the l6t page of the noteb@t but you .d't be boih.Ed to t@6bd ii. You tos the notebek aw6y dd walt d, @war lhat a dtoptet ofZ.dbiebloodh6beqt wiped otr the mteb@k and dto the oFn wlmd on yd Hist. AtEdy you e l6in6 yru abitty to *dnk and by lhe ti@ you rach the ad of the conidd yd have starbedto transfom hto a rtndles Zorbte, 6(n to join Gi.tt ich Yr'B 6ded ,6). You advonE Y@ @ h'app€dat lhe bottdr of the lift shnn and oDm the violin (a dd smile. lt 6ntii6 a cmot find a way to g€t dt If y@ wdt to call @t ift Eu (zd6+j) .nd sveDl @s or bulleB. If for help, tuh to 37i, If )ou wdt to .linb up tlE lift have nor done so alrEdy you cd Fy to oFn flrght ca6e(te to 2Zr)-ff you would laths tun dt of thercm dd imediately riShtdoM the F;I F:l ro6 t. IlEy de in o you ad you puX the You @ very badly injured dd aI€ ble€dint pG pin out of the 8|eMde dd attempt to thbw it 6El). Your b6t w@pon hasabo ben d6trcyed by s the heaals01the lrcnt l$e o1Zombies.Roll 6e the er?lGioiv deleteit fbh you AdMtur Shet. ll e. ff the nmber rcled G 1-3, tum to 18a,If the you have a Med Kil you sh@ld @e it now Tun to rou€d i! 4-{, tuh to 25r. 267.If yd do not have a Med Kit, y@ d in 8reat da6er of bl€€din8 to d@th. Unlss you 6nd a Med Kir in 6e of the next th@ mm3 you .he* to mint down the coridor lowads you with dter, you advdtut wil be ovs, r€ep r qord air t lMb€ring skid6 arc fou Zmbies. TlEy or you rext the rcom choie. Clutching your w panid trey srin @veFd with gapinS wouds wouds w h both hdds, you sta88eroff dom the festeringffi. Th€ir hair hdgs doM in gray P3.Theyhaveqacked liP3.ndbleediry [ongG t 6tick out of their oen mouths. Their Mkd, rftr eye ae bloodEhotdd Fd-rinm€d but get very diMd wh{ tEy * you,making fiing dd guSlinS tu{ts a tl€y hy to w.lk : You mut li€ht th@ b.ahdded o! with a iI you hav€ore. If you win, tm to ir6, 107 As the sethiry ma$ of Zombia bem dom upon yoq y@ realiz the @ fd too mdy of thm to l.te on. If you srill wdt lo Ey sh@til8 the Zosbi6, tum to :66. If you wmt to try to op€n the main dtrdce gateboe6@pe,tln !o !9r4. ra Eme€ug &om @t of the smoke and dst the battle i5 @e. No no€ Zombi$ c!)m into Maining Zotr$ies step ovd thei falen undead @utyard. Thean raid sim js tu longerble .onado tud statgd towar* you s(Mnint dd .nd it m llmhrally quiet without ttE deafening .at-a+at tat of rhe BroMinE, which still .g has wisps of shoke <lrifting frcm its red-hot barrel. As the dlst *ttl6 below,you *e the Eruffime pne of dead Zombi€s. You look up at the ob*nation t@ef but Yur has vdished. You tran the windows of the imer courtyad buildings md catch sight of smething stickjng out of an open window dirctly oPPosite.You shield you ey6 lrom ihe sun and see it is ihe baml or a largeweapon,the sur iaht rcfl<t ing ofl its telsopic siEht. HoldinE th€ weapon is Cin8rich Yura his grcy lacial featurcshidously dis- fit{red like th@ of his Zdmbie lolloweB. A pufi of smokeshoorsout lrom the ad oathe barrel. You have a niUiseond to deide whai to do. If you wet to 6E your m.hine Eu aI the window tum to 292. U you want to jump ofi the balcony tum to 224. The efe door .liclc opfl md you lind a sall stack of dolar bils inside, $45in total, You also find a *t of car klys whi.h you put in you pmk€t. Finding tbthing else oI inleHt, you leave the gamesr@m lnd walk turthe. up the conidor Tlm to 1, You climb the ladder slowly uniil your head pokes thFu8h the irapd@r You p€ into a loft. Th€ dark es within is pierred by shafis of .layliSht .heamin6 thrcud cracksin the roof til6. There G a litht swit h on the frme ol the trapd@r which ou flick m. The floor of old wooden flerbcrds { piled hrgh wrth rtoraa€bo\6, old suikises.nd tr E dwdted fmit@ and belonairys. EverlthhS h 1 fNM ooinrs The zornbie is @t e fornr- @veEd in a thict lnlq of dut If y@ wmt to dimb , It li6 motimlGs m the stre fl@r, shr€dded into the loft, ttlm to 46, ff you wodd nth6 dimb explo6i@ Yd wa8te no time and hu.!y 6 br.k d()M $e ladder and w61l bothe lft at the end the <$ridor mln you come to a d@ay in of the halwat tm to 56t. +B!d wau. Ai yo! w,lt up b it yd hd the oI l@d b.rking coming flom AE othd side of f3 q. IJ y@ 96t to op{ the d@, nn to 26.II You p.a3 by a nrfrr on the wall and @ shdked n) would rathd pe$ or! tm !o rt. € h@ au.hwei8ht y@ havel@t in rh€strort tinc si@ being lr-ked up in the pris eU. You hufty 6 6til the h.lway turnt shaiply left, bringing yo! old lift dercend!slowly,tun ,In8 andjuddeF to a dotrav in the left-hand wall. ff vou wdi to beforcSrindinAto a halt at the 6st dd- Y@ op6 rhe dqj4 tun lo 295.If y@ wornd rathq walk buttm C again but nothins lEppea. TIE lift Blideop6 !o seal mothe! 169 lDUway lik€ on these<ondnmr, dding at a windowrhat @t oto the dury.rd. Th!rc is a,L$ a dtr- tlE right at the far dd of the halway U you to walk doM the lu wav lo oDsr the door, io 12. ff would Elh6 stay in the lift you buttm c a6ain (tum to t ) or pls thE prBs'ou B (tum to qZ). at4 Bdleb whlz thbuth the air but ll@ of th€m hil you d Amy. lf )u wat io st nd tou 8trMd and 6e b6.1, t6 to 39o.ff )reu wnt !o M Io. @ven a5 MiIel@lt m6t of ttp stEFel nis€€r yo4 aparl floh or|esrall pi@ which is dbedded h you. lc8. tr E
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