THE CONVENT 1450 - 1834 Stones from the early S. Francisco Convent, whose construction started around 1475, found in the walls of the actual building: Arch set with corded carving Keystone with the carved Tombstone of Frei da Conceição Naranjo, friezes, in the 15th century style S. Francisco coat of arms preacher, retired teacher and minister of the Província de S. João Evangelista, born Coat of arms, with the arms of in 1610 and deceased in 1679 at Angra town. Moniz, Guedes, Bettencourt and Corte-Real, over the arch of one of the lateral chapels in the N. Sr.ª da Guia church; the chapel was constituted by Guilherme Moniz Barreto and his wife, Joana Vaz Corte-Real, daughter of João Vaz Corte-Real, with whom she had arrived to this island, around 1470. S. Francisco D. Frei Lourenço de Castro, 17th century Azorean sculpture 14th Angra Bishop, from 1671 to 1678 Polychrome and gold ďăķĉĊĮœðĴìťæķīĴðŒÐĊÌŒÐæÐĴăĉďĴðŒÐĮșÆďĊťæķīðĊæ Oil painting over canvas 17th century Portuguese tiles panels upholstered tilde wood a symbolic interest, in the 15th century gothic style. Stanislau, 18th century De Profundis room Diocese de Angra, SCAH 730 The S. Francisco Order monks The Franciscan monks occupy Accordingly to the chronicler The Franciscan convents, The seraphic communi- After several incidents and The Confraria de N.ª Some disputes and divergent views After three years, already This year, in the 1st of October, the N.ª The works of what became a The Província de The Confraria de After almost one century, life in The notorious decree of With the extinction of arrive to the islands with the the houses donated by Afonso Damião de Góis, it is in the porch founded almost all over ty of monastic religious quarrels, in the context of Sr.ª da Guia is con- occurred again but, at the end, the so with Frei Pedro da Ressur- Sr.ª da Guia church is consecrated by harmonious architectonic set, in S. João Evangelista, N.ª Srª das Dores S. Francisco is troubled again by Mouzinho da Silveira extin- the religious orders in settlers, with the prime mission Gonçalves de Antona Baldaia, of this little chapel that Paulo da the islands of Azores, in a and followers form the promoting this custódia to stituted. called Convento de N.ª Sr.ª da Guia is of reição as provincial, the the Bishop, D. Lourenço de Castro, a privileged location, a top hill serioulsy strained by is instituted. accusations and persecutions guishes all the convents in Portugal, the S. Fran- of assisting the people, bodies close to the Ribeira dos Moinhos, Gama, who had arrived to this one hundred years period, Custódia dos Açores. província, whose key play- good repute and rich treasury in account works in the dorms and after a great procession through the over the town, are concluded. internal disputes and coming from the two political Azores, with exception of cisco Convent, where and souls, providing the religious in this town, where there was islands seriously ill, brought by are incorporated in the ers were two brothers from of its functions in the evangelization, edu- workshops is concluded town, followed by three days of praising The new conventual space grows differences, is divid- åÆĴðďĊĮ ðĊ ÆďĊŦðÆĴ īďķĊÌ ĴìÐ some where all the reli- the religious from the S. services, school and arts teach- already a little chapel, dedicated his brother, Vasco da Gama, upon Província dos Algarves, Flores Island, Fr. Mateus da cation and social assistance. and, with great solemnity, ĨīÐÆìðĊæĊÌĉæĊðťÆÐĊĴåÐĮĴðŒðĴðÐĮș with the greatness and balance ed between two cus- island in a guerilla warfare: con- gious desiring to follow Francisco Convent of ing and taking care of the to N.ª Sr.ª da Guia, used then as a ĴìÐ īÐĴķīĊ ďå ìðĮ ťīĮĴ ŒďřæÐ Ĵď having as capitular house Conceição and Fr. Diogo Master Frei Fernando da Conceição itiscelebratedthelayingof that attracted people from all around typical of the baroque design, todies, one in Angra stitutional liberals and conserva- the cloistered life rules Vila da Praia and from India, is buried, in plain grave, diseased. ĮĴīĴĴďÅķðăĴĴìÐðīťīĮĴĉďĊĮĴÐīř the Convent of S. Francis- das Chagas, at the end of UīĊþďș ĉĊ ďå æīÐĴ ÌÐĴÐīĉðĊĴðďĊș the foundation stone of the island. accordingly to the monastic and the other in Ponta tive royalists. would be grouped. It is Santo António dos Cap- covered by a marble tombstone in this island. with his name on. co de Xabregas, founded the Spanish domination in education and worldly experience, who theactualchurch. patterns, around a claustrum, Delgada. On the 13th of August 1823, a also decreed the incor- uchos of Angra Con- in Lisbon, in 1456. Portugal, the Franciscan had been custodial, provincial and guardi- with the attached church and two group of religious and civilians, poration of all the assets vent had been gath- Afonso Baldaia, a navigator from Angra Convent ascends to an of this convent, on account of a ŦďďīĮț ÆĨðĴķăī īďďĉș ÌðĊðĊæ twenty all together, seek refu- in the National Treasury ÐīÐÌș ðĮ ťĊăăř ÐŘĴðĊÆĴ- the Casa do Infante, who became head of the Província Fran- progressive lack of space, starts the con- areas and kitchen in the ground gee in the convent, persecuted and the rules about the ed and abandoned by known as the S. Francisco Old ciscana de S. João Evange- struction of the new building, “for that, ŦďďīĊÌÆÐăăĮðĊĴìÐťīĮĴŦďďīȘ and accused by the population support and religious ĴìÐ ÆăÐīðÆĮȘ AĴ œðăă þķĮĴ TĊșĊÌĴìÐťīĮĴĨĴðĊȭĉþďīș lista das Ilhas dos Açores. monks were sent to Maranhão and Brazil From that time, until the present, of defending constitutional activities are set and remain a connection João Vaz Corte-Real, supported and, being not enough the alms they in the Deo Profundis room, the ideas. Sometimes, other monks published. threatened with the Ordem Terceira this construction and were brought, all the convents of this província 17th century tiles panels are still were threatened for lack of for lack of affection in de S. Francisco. ÅķīðÐÌðĊĴìðĮťīĮĴÅķðăÌðĊæȘ gave their contribute”, (Crónicas da Provín- in its place. affection in what concerned the what concerned the Tombstone in memoriam of Paulo da cia de S. João Evangelista das Ilhas dos liberal ideas and some have liberal ideas and some Gama, placed in the 28th of January 1849 at N.ª Sr.ª da Guia church, by initiative of Açores, Frei Agostinho de Monte Alverne, even lost their lives, in confron- have even lost their António José Vieira de Santa Rita, the c. 1695) tations and ambushes. lives, in confrontations Civilian Governor of Angra do Heroísmo and ambushes. District between 1848 and 1849. THE HIGH SCHOOL AND THE SEMINARY 1835 - 1911 Father Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade, Dr. José Augusto Nogueira Sampaio, a liberal minded cleric, remarkable for surgeon and scientist, was one of the his work and life, dedicated to teaching ťīĮĴĊÌĉďīÐÌðĮĴðĊÆĴĴÐÆìÐīĮďå ĊÌ>ðĮĴďīřșœĮĴìÐťīĮĴÌÐĊďåĊæī gra High School (Angra, 1827 – 1900) Seminary students in the claustrum of High School (Angra, 1789 – 1847). Oil Painting over canvas, 19th century :īďķĊÌŦďďīșĊďÅăÐĊÌðĊĴÐīĉÐÌðĴÐŦďďīĨăĊĮďåĴìÐÐŘĴðĊÆĴwȘ9īĊÆðĮÆďďĊŒÐĊĴșœìÐīÐìÌÅÐÐĊÐĮĴÅăðĮìÐÌĴìÐ>ðæìwÆìďďăĊÌ S. Francisco Convent, in 1895 Oil painting over canvas, 19th century Abraham Abohbot, 1900 the Diocesan Seminary. Direção de Obras Públicas [Public Constructions Department], Angra do Heroísmo, 20th of October 1862 Manuel Goulart, New Bedford – Mass. 1897 By decree, all the The Liceu By public notice, in the 18th of However, is on the 16th of October On the 9th of November, On the 1st of October, it opens the The High School opens the Dr. José Angra High School moves In this schoolyear, a With the deployem- public classes are Nacional de June 1946, the District Civil Gover- of this year that a inaugural sitting after the requalifying Weather Station, created in 1862, by Augusto Sampaio Museum, a collec- from S. Francisco to the bubonic plague forcesthe ent of the Republican ďīÌÐīÐÌ Ĵď þďðĊ ðĊ Angra [Angra nor, Francisco de Meneses Lemos takes place in which is formally works, the classes of the demand of Dr. José Augusto Nogueira ĴðďĊ ďå ĊĴķīă ìðĮĴďīřș Ĵď ÅÐ þďðĊÐÌ Visconde de Bettencourt Seminary to close and the regime,the Angra Semi- this convent. High School] e Carvalho, orders that the Liceu constituted the Liceu de Angra Diocesan Seminary are Sampaio and it will remain there until later by a a museum of “gentile art”, Manor, leaving all the build- students attend a board- nary at S. Francisco is is created by de Angra occupies the former body of teachers. inaugurated in this build- moving for the tower of Colégio church, the Museum Dr. Corte-Real. ing for the Seminary. ing-school regime. closed. a decree on Franciscan convent, a command ing. in 1881. the 20th of reinforced by a ministerial order By the end of the year, an epidemic September. of 9th of January 1947. In this year, the Seminary turns into ĴřĨìďðÌ ș ÆķĮðĊæ ĴìÐ ÌÐĴì ďå ťŒÐ boarding-school regime. seminary students, forces the deci- 9īďĉ ĴìðĮ řÐī īÐ ăĮď ĴìÐ ťīĮĴ Roofs of the S. Francisco Convent, showing the sion of moving the High School to references to works concerning Weather Station, installed by Dr. José Augusto another place. de Nogueira Sampaio, between 1862-1881. the installation of the Liceu Detail of Angra do Heroísmo panoramic photo Museum Dr. José Augusto Nogueira Sampaio Seminary students at the claustrum of S. Francisco Convent, Nacional de Angra, that took 1862-1881. 1913 – 1930 at the end of 19th century / early 20th century ĨăÆÐ ðĊ ĴìÐ œÐĮĴ ĮðÌÐț īÐåÐīīÐÌ are also the students registra- tions and the nomination of Father Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade as Angra High School Studies Director and Dean. }ìðĮðĮÅÐăðÐŒÐÌĴďÅÐĴìÐťīĮĴřÐī of effective teaching. THE HIGH SCHOOL AND THE SEMINARY 1844 - 1969 “Orquestra Pitagórica”, from Liceu de Angra, directed by Father José Ávila (in the center), at the convent’s claustrum, in the school year of 1935-36. Dean, Dr. Joaquim Moniz de Sá Teachers and students from the Corte-Real e Amaral, teachers Liceu de Angra at the convent’s and students in Liceu de Angra, ÐĊĴīĊÆÐș ðĊ ǠǨǢǥȘ wďĉÐ ðÌÐĊĴðťÐÌ at the convent’s entrance, in the teacher’s: Father José Ávila, Dr. school year of 1931-32 Forjaz de Lacerda, Dr. Joaquim Moniz de Sá Corte-Real e Amaral (dean), Dr. Cândido Pamplona Forjaz, Dr. Eliseu Pato François e Ten.Cor. José Agostinho. Teachers of Liceu de Angra, at the convent’s claustrum, in the 1940’s. Seated: Dr. Ascenso; Dr. Cândido Pamplona Forjaz; D. Luzia Maia; Dr. Joaquim Sérvulo Correia (dean); Dr. José Flag of “Liceu de Angra do Heroísmo, 1914” Forjaz de Lacerda; Dr. Joaquim Moniz de Sá Corte-Real e Embroided silk, 20th century (c. 1914) Amaral e (?). Standing: Cónego J.A. Pereira; Dr. Elmiro Regiment n.º 22 at the front of #ÐĊȸĮďŨÆÐȥwÐÆīÐĴīðĴȥăĮĮīďďĉĮĊÌ Students at the Liceu de Angra Reception, class rooms, museum, gymnasium and Escola Secundária Pe. Jerónimo Emiliano Mendes; Dr. Miranda; Dr. Eliseu Pato François; (?) and (?); N.ª Sr.ª da Guia church, 1916-17 Gymnasium at Liceu de Angra, 1913 – 1930 Library, between 1932 and 1938 courtyard, left in vacancy by the Liceu de Angra in 1969. de Andrade Father Artur Botelho de Paiva and Ten. Artur Tavares. The Liceu Nacional de Angra do At the time of the Great War, By the decree n. 5.096 of January 1st In this year, with the wďĉÐ ÅÐĊÐťĴĮ īÐ ĉÌÐș In the beginning of this school year, the Liceu’s The Magistério Primário [ele- Finally, the Liceu de Angra moves from the old Heroísmo comes back to the 200 soldiers of the Regiment 1919, the Angra Liceu is renamed as decree n. 13.939 of July opening some windows and dean, Dr. Eliseu Pereira Pato François, com- mentary school teacher’s train- building of S. Francisco to the new facilities, in convent, counting on with the n.º 22 are sent to quarter in Liceu D. João de Castro. 14th, the Liceu takes building a shower room. plains about the decay in the convent and ing] opens in this space. the nearby Almeida Garrett Square. support of a Terceira’s native the convent. ĴìÐ ĊĉÐ ďå ðĴĮ ťīĮĴ claims for new facilities and, at the same time, for, Dr. António Joaquim de dean, Liceu Nacional outstands the role of this school in Angra’s Sousa Júnior, Public Education Pe. Jerónimo Emiliano cultural life: Minister, for the adaptation de Andrade. works. ȵ}ìīďķæì þďæďĮ ŦďīðĮ ȫÆķăĴķīă ÆďĉĨÐĴðĴðďĊĮȬș ÆďĊåÐīÐĊÆÐĮșÆìďīăĮðĊæðĊæķÌðĴðďĊĮĊÌĴìÐ- Library. ĴīÐ ĮìďœĮ ȯ ĴìÐ OðÆÐķ ĨÐīåďīĉĮ Ċ ÐÌķÆĴðďĊă work whose range overcomes its students in the ĮÐĊĮÐðĴīÐÆìÐĮĴìÐðīåĉðăðÐĮĊÌĴìÐĨķÅăðÆĴìĴ Teachers of Liceu de Angra at the Group of teachers from Liceu de Angra, at Teachers of Liceu de Angra, at the ăďŒÐĮĴìÐĴìðĊæĮďåĴìÐwĨðīðĴȘAĴðĮăīÐÌřĴīÌð- convent claustrum, in the school the convent’s entrance, in the 1960’s. 1st convent’s claustrum, in the school ĴðďĊșĴìÐÐŘĨÐÆĴĴðďĊðĊĴìÐĴďœĊĴďăðĮĴÐĊĴďĴìÐ year of 1951-52. Seated: Dr. Elmiro row: Dr.ª Maria José ?, Dr.ª Cristina ?, Dr.ª year of 1942-43. Seated: “Prof. OðÆÐķȸĮìďðīďīĴìÐĮĴķÌÐĊĴȸĮīÐÆðĴăȘAĊåÆĴșĴìÐ Mendes, (?), (?); Dr. Eliseu Pato Armanda Toste Rocha Lourenço, Dr.ª Virgílio Reis, Dr. Pato François François; (?); D. Maria Amélia P. Antonieta Lopes e Dr.ª Octávia ?. 2d row: choral singing auditions enjoy a well deserved Nunes and Dr. José Firjaz de Lacer- Dr.ª Ertha Walter, Dr.ª Elsa Mendonça, Dr. (secretary), D. Cecília Marques, Dr. Cândido Pamplona Forjaz (dean), Dr. åĉÐș åďī ĴìÐ ĨīďåÐĮĮðďĊă ĮāðăăĮ ďå ĴìÐ ĴÐÆìÐīș da. Standing: Pe. Dr. Antonino; Pe. Rafael Valadão dos Santos, Dr. Eliseu Pato Forjaz Lacerda (vice-dean), Pinho de 9ĴìÐī LďĮÑ Œðă ȧȜȨș œìď ĉĊæÐĮ Ĵď ÆìðЌРHenrique Ávila; (?); Dr. Carlos Limas; François, Dr.ª Ivone Amorim, Dr.ª M.ª Stairway and Almeida and Dr. Elmiro Mendes. the most harmonic vocal effects (…)”. (?); Dr. A. Machado Bettencourt; Pe. Helena Melo, (?) and Pe. Dr. Edmundo Standing: Pe. José Ávila, Cónego José Baptista and Dr. Paulo Pam- Machado de Oliveira. 3d row: Dr. Anselmo entrance of the S. J.A.Pereira, Dr. Machado Betten- Eliseu Pato François – “Liceu Nacional Pe. Jerónimo Emiliano plona Nunes. da Silveira, Dr. José Louro, Pe. José de Francisco Convent at court, Dr. J.M.Mendes (school ÌÐĊÌīÌÐȶȘAĊďăÐĴðĉÌÐÆÉÃď'ÌķÆĴðŒÌď'ĊĮðĊďOðÆÐășĊȘ Lima, Dr. A. Machado Bettencourt, Pe. Dr. the time of Liceu de doctor), Rui Loureiro, Tenente ǣǨșOðĮÅďĊșLĊķīřǠǨǣǥȘ Caetano Tomás, Dr. Cândido Pamplona Angra, 1913 – 1930. Tavares and Pe. H. Ávila”. Forjaz, Dr. Heliodoro Lopes and (?). THE MUSEUM 1942 - 2000 Dr. Manuel Coelho Baptista ÌÐ Oðĉ ĊÌ 'ĉĊķÐă 9ÑăðŘș Visit to the collections of Museu Regional de Angra do Heroísmo, conducted by its Inauguration of the Arquivo and Museu Regional de with a group of students director and the president of Junta Geral, Dr. Manuel de Sousa Meneses, in the 1950’s. Visit of the Presidente do Conselho, Dr. Marcelo Caetano, to the Museu de Angra do Angra do Heroísmo, by the Presidente da República, from Magistério Primário, in Heroísmo, in the Decorative Arts Room, still installed in the Bettencourt Palace and in Bettencourt Palace, under restoration and adapta- General Craveiro Lopes, on the 28th of July 1957. the inner courtyard of Palace Visit of Dr. António Garrett, during the Comemorações Garreteanas, in 1954. the Transports Room, already mounted in the S. Francisco building, in 1970. tion works for Archive and Regional Museum, c. 1951 Bettencourt, in the 1960’s. 'ŘìðÅðĴðďĊĮďåĴìÐwÆìĊÐðÌÐīȭĊĊÐĴ campaign battery, in the west side, the Infantry Vehicles, in the former conventual kitchen, the Navigation Section, in the former refectory, the Transports, in the Capítulo Room and the Saddle Harnesses, in a north side room. Frederico Augusto Lopes da Silva Jr., military, Dr. Manuel Coelho Baptista de Dr. Luís da Silva Ribeiro, jurist, politic Visit of the Ministro das Obras ethnographer and chronicler; he was a founding Lima (c. 1954), historian and a and intelectual; he was a founding Públicas, Eng.º Eduardo Arantes member of Instituto Histórico da Ilha Terceira (Angra, well known collector, was the Miss Tulare, escorted by the Museum member of Instituto Histórico da Ilha e Oliveira, at the time of the 1896 – 1979) director of Angra do Heroísmo director, in the Ethnography Room, ZĨÐĊðĊæďåĴìÐÐŘìðÅðĴðďĊīďďĉĮðĊĴìÐwȘ9īĊÆðĮÆď Terceira (Angra, 1882 – 1955) inauguration of the hydroeletric Dry pastel drawing over paper Museum, from 1948 to 1984 at Bettencourt Palace, in 1968. building, on the 27th of June, 1970. Maduro Dias, 20th century (c. 1956). station of Jardim, in 1955. Manuel Machado Ávila, 20th century (1950 – 1975). (Angra, 1921 – Lisbon, 1996). Prominent members of Terceira Under the guardian- The Arquivo Distrital ȵďĊĮðÌÐīðĊæĴìĴșðĊĴìÐÌðĮĴīðÆĴ The installation of the Both institutions are inaugurated for occasion Left empty the wide space On the 27th of June, The sections of Fine Arts, It closes the Ceramics O elite, gathered around the Instituto ship of Junta Geral, the de Angra do Heroísmo ďåĊæīÌď>ÐīďòĮĉďșĴìÐīÐðĮ Arquivo Regional de of the Republic President, General Craveiro at S. Francisco, the persis- eight exhibition rooms Ornamental Arts, Numis- exhibition, whose t Histórico da Ilha Terceira (IHIT), ĨīďþÐÆĴĮ åďī ĴìÐ ÆīÐ- is founded and, in the large number of objects with of Angra do Heroísmo and Lopes, visit to the Azores. tent director of the Angra around the claustrum matic and Medals reopen assets had been largely w founded with the mission of keep- tion of the archive and following year it is the īĴðĮĴðÆșìðĮĴďīðÆășÐĴìĊďæīĨìð- the Museu Regional de However, the exhibition rooms of Museu do Heroísmo Museum that, are inaugurated – west to the public, in eight offered by the Calouste d ing, studying and disclosing the museum are presented time of the Museu de Æă ĊÌ ĊķĉðĮĉĴðÆ ŒăķÐș ĴìĴ Angra do Heroísmo Regional de Angra do Heroísmo will not open to for two decades had saved side room, former small īďďĉĮďåĴìÐĊďÅăÐŦďďīȘ Gulbenkian Foundation. q history and local assets and deci- to the Republic Gov- Angra do Heroísmo, are under serious threat of starts with the restora- the public before the Summer of 1960. and kept a wide and diver- refectory room or De d sion makers in the administrative ernment and National with Dr. Manuel Coelho ÌðĮĨĨÐīðĊæďåÅÐðĊæÌĉæÐÌț tion works in Betten- ĮðťÐÌ ĮĮÐĴș ĮĴďīÐÌ ðĊ ĮÐŒ- Profundis, former large o policy of the Junta Geral do Distri- Parliament. Baptista de Lima as (…) court Palace eral places in the town, refectory room, former t Ĵďș œďīā ĴďæÐĴìÐī ðĊ ĴìÐ ĨīďþÐÆĴ ďå director of both insti- ďĊĮðÌÐīðĊæ ĴìÐ ĉķăĴðĨăÐ keeps requesting S. Fran- conventual kitchen, two creating in this island an archive tutions. requests of the Junta Geral do 'ŘìðÅðĴðďĊ īďďĉĮ ďå ĴìÐ TķĮÐķ tÐæðďĊă ÌÐ Ċæī Ìď cisco for the Museum and small rooms in the north and a museum. Distrito Autónomo de Angra do Heroísmo 1957 – 1969 achieves that goal in this side and Sala do Capítu- Heroísmo and the Instituto year. lo – featuring collections Margarida Tamegão and TðĮĮ OðĊÌ qťŦÐș ĴìÐ w >ðĮĴĐīðÆďÌAăì}ÐīÆÐðīț of Military History, local authorities at the consul at Azores, with Ema- Luís da Silva Ribeiro and Frederico (…) it is created at Angra do Weapons and Military ðĊķæķīĴðďĊďåìÐīÐŘìðÅð- ĊķÐă 9ÑăðŘ Ĵ ĴìÐ ðĊķæķīĴðďĊ Lopes commit themselves in a spe- Heroísmo a regional museum Gear, Nautical, Trans- tion, in 1970. ďåĊÐŘìðÅðĴðďĊåīďĉÆďĊĴÐĉ- cial way, collecting pieces and doc- (…)” ports and Harnesses. porary north american artists at Sala do Capítulo, in this uments that could form the initial #ÐÆīÐÐĊīȘǢǦȘǢǤǧďåTīÆìǢǟĴìșǠǨǣǨ Museum, in 1976. assets of a museum and make it to the point of establishing its organi- zation model and vocation. Study visit to the temporary ÐŘìðÅðĴðďĊĮ īďďĉș ðĊ ĴìÐ 1970’s São Francisco Building The Memories The S. Francisco building stands at this hilltop, overlooking the town of Angra, that, in the past, since the 17th century, was con- nected to the town’s main square through an enclosure of gar- dens, orchards and vegetable gardens. The S. Francisco Convent in the 16th Century From this conventual building and from the ones before, the Fran- ciscan religious developed a spiritual and assistance action that was decisive for the installation project of these island communi- ties, initiated by the Azores islands settlers in the second half of the 15th century. With the extinction of the religious orders and the departure of the Franciscan monks in the middle of the 19th century, somehow, this role, was moved to the teaching institutions that came later, particularly the “Liceu de Angra”, whose memory stays alive among his students. In 1969, the installation of the Angra do Heroísmo Museum in this space made of it a privileged center for the town, the island and the archipelago memories.
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