„Importance of athletes physical self preparation during the exceptionally long „off season” period and extremely difficult training conditions”. Part 3 „Endurance training at home” Strength and Conditioning Coach „ licenced by Australian Strength & Conditioning Association and Polish Academy of Physical Education My name is Łukasz Orzechowski and I am former basketball player, and presently I am strength and conditioning coach licenced by Australian Strength & Conditioning Association and Polish Academy of Physical Education. I am also sports nutritionist. In the years of my coaching career, I was working with professional athletes at the highets international level, including Polish national team and international champion and medalist. Years of my sportsman, coaching career and real passion for weights training, allowed me develop a certain point of view for better understanding training process, which I try to implement to sportsmen I working with. In the Part 1 of the article I focused on mobility and stability of athetes body as a basic for further trainings in our whole macrocycle. Part 2 was dedicated for development strength. In Part 3 I will introduce You more about enurance. Endurance: Endurance is next, but very important and necessary to traing component of the athletes physical preparation. Can not compete at high level in every team sport, as a basketball, football, rugby ect, when Your endurance is poor. This would effectively limit Your possiblities to stand up Your opponent. At the begining, a few words of introduction to distinguish kind of endurance. We can distinguish the aerobic and anaerobic systems of physical conditioning. Simpliest way to define and divide them, is the different energy substrates they use for most. Aerobic system use oxygen as a basic energy system and anaerobic system use mostly ATP, creatine phosphate and the nonaerobic breakdown of carbohydrate to lactic acid through glycolysis. Aerobic systems is used during the low intensity efforts and can be continued for long time wihout losing results. Anaerobic system is used during the short, but high or very high intensity efforts (sprints, jumps, accelerations, changing directions, power or max strength) and middle time and intensity incresing or changeable efforts (series of sprints pr jumps, combination of high intensitie efforts and higher strength sets). In team the sports as a basketball or football, when We have lots of sprints, changing running directions, defensive play, jumps and combination of it, intensity is changed by mostly is high, so used are anaerobic systems. Traings of the aerobic system is based on lower or middle intensity efforts with a longer time duration, while the anaerobic system are developed in short and very high, high intensity (ATP, PCr) or changeable and high intensities (nonoxygen glycolysis) for examples series of sprints or intervals. I think, that’s would be enough all for doubtly interesting introduction about this part, let’s move on to practical examples which You can do at Your homes. To train Your aerobic abilitie, of course You can jog or just do below examples with less intensity, but I would like concrate more on higher intensities workouts. You can contorl Your workouts intensity, if You know Your max heart rate and Your individual heart rates zone for energy system. Then You can use every sport testers which show Your heart rate. Tip 1) Choose exercises which involves most muscles groups as squats, deadlifts, push upps, jumps ect, biceps curls or calfs rises would not be good idea. The more muscle You involve during single and each exercise, the more oxygen will be used by the body and You heart rate will increase faster. Effort will be more similar to this originally appears during the game. Tip 2) You can modify and control intensity by duration of the each exercise, restitution time between sets, pace of performing exercises, load adding. Tip 3) Remember about progression when planing You cycles. I mention about that in each part of articule, but this is main rule of training process and can’t be ignored. To work on endurance at home, You can use variuos kinds od trainings. I will give You two of my favourite. Tabata: is a high-intensity interval training that consists few sets of fast-paced exercises each performed for 20 seconds interspersed with a brief rest of 10 seconds. That is standard protocol for tabata training, but You can modify it by many ways to Your capabilities and goals. To modify tabata establish 4 to 6 exercises and perfomed it for 10 to 30 secounds each with short, or no break at all between them. So 4-6 exercises perfomed one by one. This will be ONE sets. Now, rest duration beetween sets is 1-2 min. Plan to 4 to 8 sets. Like I mentioned at the tip 1 „choose exercises which involves most muscles groups as squats, deadlifts, push upps, jumps ect…) My proposition for tabata in two options with 5 exercises: Tabata 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Tabata 2: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) My second favorite typer of endurance training is usually named as „barbell complex exercises”. We will not use barbell so lets name it „banded complex erecises”. Rules of taining are basically same one as the tabata, but different : are - use additional load (resistance bands) - exercises are performed by numebers of reps no time - no rest between exercises For example: 5 exersises, each performed one by one in 6-8 reps, total number of sets 5-8. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) all right reserved
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